Ins and Outs of Barbados 2011

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Health & Beauty Healing Holidays in Barbados by Sarah Venable Well-being. Such an elemental and essential thing it is—a healthy body, mind, and spirit, working holistically in harmonious balance. Life in Barbados is already conducive to well-being. Even so, we who live here sometimes need a bit of repair, or a tune-up from time to time. We are fortunate: somewhere between the doctor and the spa, there’s a world of healing modalities that assuage our aches and soothe our spirits. How perfect, too, for visitors! If holidays are for rest, recreation, and renewal, then just think of the added boost that a bit of healing therapy can provide. The array Barbados offers is astounding, ranging from known and accepted treatments such as acupuncture, massage, and osteopathy to alternative practices that many might consider exotic or improbable. Here are some you might like to try. Yoga’s benefits are well-known—health, fitness, de-stressing, pain relief, etc.—but it is perhaps the post-class experience that accounts for yoga’s increasing global popularity. People leave feeling energized, uplifted, more likely to move through the day with joy. Barbados has several well qualified yoga teachers. Could this be the cherry on top of your holiday sundae? Acupuncture and acupressure are based on an ancient Chinese theory of energy flowing through pathways, or meridians, of the body. By stimulating specific points on these meridians, practitioners seek to rebalance that energy, and to stimulate nerves, muscles, and connective tissue. Measurable results include an increase in blood flow and a boost in the body’s natural painkillers. In acupuncture, the stimulation is done through the insertion of very fine needles, while acupressure applies physical pressure. Coaching: When you face change or seek growth in your personal or business life, it helps to have a confidential partner who knows behavioural patterns, and who is perceptive, supportive, and solution-oriented. A good coach helps you to really see yourself, then define and achieve your goals. Follow ups can take place via phone and email. Yoga massage awakens and stimulates your innate ability to heal and flourish. Assisted yoga stretches are blended with Thai and Swedish massage techniques, along with chiropractic and osteopathic interventions. Can you say “Ahhh?” An ancient Eastern healing art, Reiki uses the concept that humans are infused with subtle forms of energy. Reiki practitioners seek to transmit universal energy to a person, in order to balance her whole physical, mental, emotional and spiritual dynamic. Akin to “laying on of hands,” but without necessarily touching, Reiki has been found to relieve pain, promote healing, and bring tranquillity. Reflexology’s premise is that all of the organs and body parts are reflected in the hands and feet, and that stimulating them sends signals through the nervous system to the areas under focus. This is done to help the blood flow properly, expel toxins, improve lymphatic circulation, and restore homeostasis. Experiencing this intensive foot massage brings immense release from tension. Iridology: Whereas an opthamologist’s examination of the whole eye can reveal the presence of other bodily problems, iridology purports to detect conditions in every part and organ of the body by examining the iris.

Raw food: For a number of reasons, raw foodists believe that the greater the percentage of raw food in the diet, the greater the health benefits. Our main local raw food chef has created some delicious concoctions to supply this market. Feng Shui: Ancient Chinese viewed the land as alive and filled with energy, and oriented structures accordingly. Now, the concept also applies to arranging interiors in ways that promote harmony, prosperity and good health. Whether or not you see it as a metaphor for life, de-cluttering is a pragmatic aspect of Feng Shui that even a sceptic can love. The aesthetics work too. Oxygen holds electrical energy, and ozone—the gas that makes you feel good at the seashore or when rain breaks—is a form of oxygen with an extra atom. Ozone therapy is very popular in Europe, where they cite a number of effects: Detoxification, stress relief, rejuvenation, improved delivery of oxygen and nutrients within the body, and more. Sound and breath healing is based on the idea that each emotion, organ, gland and system of the human body has its own frequency that resonates to particular nutrients, minerals and vibrations required for their function. After diagnosing weaknesses, the practitioner uses specifically calibrated sound as a tool to help restore health and balance. If you sing, you’ve already glimpsed the joy. Imagine it targeted. This is but a fraction of what’s offered on this magical island. Add aromatherapy, Ayurveda, herbalists, energy workers, shamanic healers, colour therapy and more, and you could even construct a healing-themed holiday that sends you home both glowing and with experiences to dine out on for months.

The Ins & Outs of Barbados


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