#18 - Course Conditions - Fall 2012

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. Michigan Golf Course Superintendents Association | WWW.MiGCSA.ORG


M e m be r s h i p D u es I n c r e a se P r o p o s a l The MiGCSA Board of Directors voted to propose a dues increase for all class A, SM and AFF members. This vote was passed by a majority on July 13th 2012. The proposal to be put to vote by the membership is to raise dues from $75 to $100 for Class A, SM and AFF members. All other classes will remain the same. This Dues Increase vote will be held at the MiGCSA Annual Meeting at the Michigan Turf Conference in January at The Kellogg Center and will go into effect for the 2013 to 2014 dues renewal year starting in the fall of 2013. This dues increase is to help solidify the financial future of the MiGCSA, currently the Association runs on a true nonprofit break even budget every year. The majority of the income, 57% comes from strong Industry Partner support which we greatly appreciate. But this income can be tenuous and can vary widely from year to year. As your budgets vary and change the amount of support the Industry Partners can provide has to change as well. With this small dues increase the MiGCSA will be able to continue to provide you with the Course Conditions magazine, a current and user friendly website, great events at a low cost to you, and an increasing role as leaders in the Michigan golf industry. Below you will see a breakdown of the current MiGCSA income and expenses. As you can see any small change in these can cause a dip into the reserves. At YE 2011 the Association had roughly $63,000 in reserve, and we are projecting a very similar amount in 2012. The hope is to keep those funds in reserve and invest them to form another source of revenue for the future once the board is confident in a profitable operating budget. If the future reserves reach a large surplus a dues decrease will be considered.

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