Who is a Counselor and What is Counseling?

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Who is a Therapist It is 100% normal and common to face problems and challenges in life. It is also not uncommon to feel that some problems are beyond your control. Some losses and tensions are difficult to handle by oneself, where external assistance can do a world of good. Licensed practitioners have been helping millions of people seek respite from their stress and troubles. These practitioners are referred to as counselors or therapists who have helped millions resume life positively and productively.

Their counseling comprises of diverse areas of human behavior and thought patterns including assessment of emotional health, determining behavior changes, diagnosis and treatment and facilitating self-help strategies. Counselors work directly with patients to bring a change in their feelings, attitudes and thought processes for creating healthier and productive behavioral patterns in them. The application of scientifically validated procedures and a supportive environment for free discussion ensuring confidentiality are

what therapists offer to individuals suffering from emotional health disorders. The efficacy of counseling and psychological services is attained only when there is a right match between therapists and clients.

What you should look for in a Therapist There are some factors to consider to choose a counselor to work with. •

Credentials and competence of the Counselor/therapist

Level of personal comfort with the therapist; The most comfortable with is important •

Licensed counselor or not? How long has he or she been practicing?

If his or her area of expertise is relevant to your problem area For e.g. drug rehabilitation, woman and child welfare etc.

Kinds and mediums of treatment used for handling a problem

Counseling Emergency

You go through an overwhelming feeling of helplessness and depression.

When efforts put in by your support system that can include family and friends do not make you feel better.

You find it debilitating to even handle everyday tasks. Difficulty to focus or concentrate and constant challenges in completing routine tasks are examples of troubles.

You worry constantly, have turned pessimistic, always think of failures and feel there is nothing more to life.

Your actions cause a lot of harm to yourself or others around you. Excessive drinking, drugs or other substances, unnecessary aggression and being unreasonably argumentative are some of the examples.

Counseling and psychological services are an important need if and when you observe radical changes like these.


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