STRESS: Causes, Effects and Solutions

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& Effects

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Stress is omnipotent. The modern lifestyle paves way to numerous reasons to feel stressed. And every stress relief center aims to determine effective and novel ways of equipping individuals to handle stressful situations suitably. Although, stress is a very common phenomenon, it has the potential to create havoc in daily lives. It can impede your performance and stop you from handling even routine activities. It can cause sleeplessness, anxiety, panic, physical and emotional disorders and also lead to the more acute depression. Therefore, it is important for individuals to take control of stressful situations and handle them appropriately. Effective guidance can be taken from a stress relief center when an individual is not equipped to handle crisis on his or her own.

Causes of Stress

Situations or triggers causing stress are called stressors. A renowned stress relief center states that stressors need not just be negative. Any situation or element that exerts high demands or pressure making you find it difficult to adjust are equally stressful. For e.g. relocation, new phase of life, birth of a child, promotion, career change and marriage are some examples of such situations.

Sometimes stress may not just come from external factors. The individuals can generate stress from within. Assumptions, negative perceptions, unnecessary paranoia, frustration and fear, lack of confidence and uncertainties are usually user generated and can cause more stress than you think they can. Causes of stress are unique for every individual. What causes stress in one may not be the same reason of stress for another.

Effects of Stress

Often, it has been observed that the human body fails to differentiate between physical and emotional stress or threats. Regardless of the kind or nature of stress,

the body’s stress system will be activated and you may find it difficult to deal with it.

Any long term exposure to stress can create a wide variety of problems including pains, heart disease, digestive issues, sleeplessness, depression, weight loss or gain, auto-immune disorders and skin issues.

Available Treatment Options

Positive intervention of any kind saves individuals from falling prey to stress related disorders. There are several stress relief treatment options available in any typical stress relief center and can include ✔ psychotherapy ✔ biofeedback

✔ relaxation training ✔ pain management ✔ medication and ✔ counseling therapy

However, reputed stress relief centers have identified Cognitive behavior therapy as one







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