A Very Effective Depression Treatment Therapy

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a very effective

Depression Treatment Therapy

There are many kinds of therapeutic approaches that are used to treat mental disorders, but research has shown that results demonstrated by Cognitive behavioral therapy is more effective and permanent.

Depression has emerged as a very common stress related disorder that affects a large percentage of population every year. Most mild cases of depression can be treated holistically with Cognitive behavioral therapy centers. In more chronic cases, CBT combined with medications offer permanent solutions to the problem.

Origin of CBT Cognitive behavioral therapy was initially conceived in the 1960s by Dr. Aaron Beck. It is a very direct and goal oriented therapy that focuses to change unhealthy behavior patterns that can impact mental and physical health of an individual. Besides depression, CBT also helps to treat a wide variety





disorder, eating disorder, schizophrenia, anxiety and other mental conditions.

How CBT materializes The ultimate objective of CBT is to help depression




understand negative thought patterns, evaluate efficacy of the thoughts and replace them with positive ones.

In a cognitive behavioral therapy center, mental care professionals explain how fears are born of exhaustion and solitude. CBT helps these individuals understand the environment and interact with others in a positive and practical manner. Two specific tasks comprise the therapeutic approach. Cognitive restructuring where the therapist and patient work together to bring about changes in thought patterns. Behavioral activation where patients are educated on the techniques to overcome troubles and engage in routine activities.







approach, focuses on specific and measurable problems where patients are asked to define their goals sessionwise and also for the long term. The therapist chalks out a road map to recovery using a structured approach. The patients are educated how to review and capture negative thoughts and patterns. Studies show that roughly two-thirds of individuals suffering from depression are treated efficiently with the CBT approach. Spread across 20 weeks, the program conducted by a cognitive behavioral therapy center enables patients to acclimatize with recommended skills. Patients are educated on coping skills and their reinforcement. Thereafter, they are equipped to handle any issues that are likely to arise in the future. Thus, the science applied by a center for cognitive behavioral therapy determines the success of the treatment.

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