Midtown Magazine

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have their braces off before their next dental cleaning.” The brackets and wires are tooth-colored, making them much less noticeable than metal ones. Treatment is typically less expensive than traditional braces, aligner therapy or veneers. Discomfort is minimal, due to the minor low force movements being performed, but the results can be life-changing.

Many patients are nervous about dental x-rays because of the radiation. “Digital radiography, however, exposes the patient to much less radiation – in fact, some radiographs require only .08 seconds of radiation, which is equal to less than one hour in the sun,” says Baker. Today’s digital x-rays require up to 90 percent less radiation than conventional film x-rays and can easily be

Before & After: Six Month Smiles treatment focuses on the six teeth visible when you grin.

Safer, Better Quality X-Rays “Digital radiography, in my opinion, has been the greatest advance to the world of dentistry,” says Dr. J. Steven Baker of Baker Cosmetic Dentistry in Raleigh. “It allows the dentist to see many more structures (teeth, bones and soft tissue) that would otherwise be overlooked with conventional radiography.” The detail with digital radiography is much greater, and dentists can make teeth look like they are a foot tall, allowing a very accurate diagnosis.

manipulated by enlarging, highlighting, magnifying or contrasting the films. “Newer special imaging systems allow dentists to take 3D panoramic radiographs, which give you a picture of the entire face and are very useful for tumor detection, third molar removal and implant placement,” says Baker. Practitioners can also create 3D volumetric x-ray images to help identify oral diseases, locate pathology and help to place dental implants in just the right location

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