Katalog Ambient 2011

Page 11

Oddelek za oblikovanje vizualnih komunikacij (VK) • Usmerjevalna grafika v notranjem in zunanjem okolju Urbane strukture so na neki način skupek komunikacijskih vozlišč. Te tvorbe nastanejo s križanjem smeri gibanja prebivalcev z njihovimi potrebami in navadami. Urejenost teh vozlišč omogoča človeku prijazno bivanje. Prav tu se arhitektura in grafično oblikovanje nerazdružno dopolnjujeta. Grafični oblikovalec je interpret različnih situacij v okolju. Omogoča njihovo prepoznavnost in vsebinske predznake, o njih obvešča in vodi uporabnika. Enostavno rečeno: vizualno komunicira. Na Oddelku za oblikovanje vizualnih komunikacij ALUO smo v preteklem šolskem letu izpeljali nekaj projektnih nalog, ki generirajo majhen spekter urbane opreme. Peš Ljubljana je projekt označevanja poti in usmerjanja pešcev, pri katerem so študentje »seminarja 110« skozi analizo vsebin mestnih predelov določali identitetne zasnove. Ljubljano so razdelili na samostojne kvarte. Usmerjanje po stavbi ALUO na Dolenjski cesti 83 je izdelan načrt označevanja poti, ki upošteva razvejanost in večnamenskost prostorov in se postopno realizira. Usmerjevalni sistem študentskega doma je nastajal z namenom, da bi študentje drugega letnika grafičnega oblikovanja spoznavali specifike področja in na osnovi realnega primera izdelali zasnovo identitete skupnih prostorov. Oblikovalec vizualnih komunikacij večino svojih izdelkov realizira na tiskan ali elektronski medij. Le v primeru poseganja v okolje se mu medij spremeni. Tu postane del arhitekturnega procesa, postane tolmač prostora, skupaj z arhitekti, krajinskimi arhitekti in industrijskimi oblikovalci. Ti moramo pri nastajanju projekta, že od samega začetka intenzivno sodelovati, le tako lahko ustvarimo kakovosten, »bivalen« javni ambient. Doc. Boštjan Botas Kenda

Department of Visual Communications (VK) • Graphic design of signposts for internal and external environments Urban structures are in a way a sum of communication junctions. These formations are created by crossing directions of movement of inhabitants with their needs and requirements. The arrangement of these junctions enables human friendly existence. It is precisely at these points that architecture and graphic design inseparably complement each other. A graphic designer is the interpreter of various situations in the environment. He/she enables their recognition and content prefixes, he/she informs and guides the user through them. Simply said: he/she communicates visually. During the past academic year, we at ALUO Department of Visual Communications have completed a few projects, which generated a small range of urban furniture. Peš Ljubljana (Walk Ljubljana) is a project of marking paths and guiding of pedestrians, which required of the students tutored by docent Kenda to define conceptual identities based on content analysis of the areas of the city. Ljubljana was divided into independent districts. Signposts through the ALUO building at Dolenjska cesta 83 is a plan of paths taking into account the diversification and multi-functionality of spaces, which is gradually being realised. Student authors: Rihar and Mandič, tutored by professor Novak. Student halls of residence signpost system was created with the purpose of exposing 2nd year students of graphic design, tutored by docent Kenda, to the specifics of the field and to design a concept of identity of common spaces on the basis of a real-life example. The designer of visual communications produces most of his/her products in printed or electronic media. Only in case of spatial interventions is his/her medium different. Here he becomes part of the architectural process, becomes an interpreter of the space, working together with architects, landscape architects and industrial designers. All of the above must work together intensively from the start of a project; a high quality »living« public space may be created only from such cooperation. Doc. Boštjan Botas Kenda

Naja Simčič – Šiška / mentor: doc. Boštjan Botas Kenda

Študentski domovi - Teja Smrekar in Nejc Prah / mentor: doc. Boštjan Botas Kenda



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