FAMILY Magazine March 2014

Page 34

FAMILY book review

The Baby Signing Bible By Laura Berg, Founder of My Smart Hands Reviewed by Katie Schlemmer, Children’s Library Assistant, Mishawaka-Penn-Harris Public Library Communication between a baby and an adult can be frustrating and seem non-existent at times. In The Baby Signing Bible, Laura Berg gives a solution to the language barrier between babies and adults through American Sign Language (ASL). Laura Berg is the founder of My Smart Hands, a company that teaches parents how to communicate with their babies before they start speaking using ASL. As a teacher, she would use the ASL alphabet to help students learn spelling words and began seeing the benefits of this visual learning style immediately. When Laura Berg had her first child, she began using the techniques she taught at home and posting videos online to help others wanting to do the same. She now teaches classes along with the videos and has created this book full of helpful tips for parents. Laura Berg show many valid reasons why this form of communication is not only helpful for your child but for you as well.

Laura Berg starts off with an introduction to the basics of sign language. After giving a short history, Laura Berg covers the benefits of this skill which include basic communication between baby and parent. Communication becomes less frustrating by taking away the guessing that may be used during the babies first year. This brings on mutual happiness and a strong bond between baby and parents, higher IQ, brain development and language skills and higher self-esteem and confidence. In addition to all of these wonderful benefits Berg stresses that signing should be fun for all parties. She includes a signing dictionary that contains 400 signs to learn and teach, along with a variety of ideas on how to teach them to your child in fun and exciting ways. This book is great for those wanting to begin signing with their child, regardless of the child’s age and skill set. The results of signing will be extremely evident once your child understands that he/she can communicate clearly by moving his/her hands.

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