FAMILY Magazine June 2015

Page 14



By: Meagan Church

wo near geniuses with wisdom beyond their years once said, “There's 104 days of summer vacation and school comes along just to end it, so the annual problem for our generation is finding a good way to spend it.” Okay, so maybe Phineas and Ferb are not the Einstein’s of their generation (especially since they are cartoon characters), but they do speak for every child when they talk about finding a good way to spend that summer vacation they so eagerly anticipated. Kids aren’t the only ones trying to find ways to fill those 100-plus days of summer. Parents can find themselves in a panic, wondering how to schedule their kids’ time off, carefully planning out a bucket list for the Best. Summer. Ever. But if there’s one thing that Phineas and Ferb teaches it’s that bucket lists aren’t necessary. Only a bit of time, a sprinkling of boredom and a healthy dose of imagination are all that is required. Perhaps they are on to something.

“Given the logistical rigor of the school year, I recommend trying to build in as many lazy days of summer as possible!” said Christine Koh, editor of the award-winning parenting/lifestyle portal and co-author of Minimalist Parenting: Enjoy Modern Family Life More By Doing Less. “Obviously, flexibility will depend on your work situation and the age of your kids, but the key is freeing yourself of the pressure to create the Best Summer Ever and remembering that it’s perfectly fine (and healthy!) for your kids to have unstructured time.”

This summer, instead of turning to a checklist and attempting to plan a perfectly executed summer with no room for boredom, kick the bucket list to the curb and opt for a more unstructured approach. To achieve a minimalist approach to summer, try these tips from Christine, an expert in the art of minimalist parenting: 14



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