Office of Technology, Assessment, and Compliance

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Dr. Michele Brewer

Mrs. Miranda Prego

Ms. Paige Minutola

Director/Full Time Faculty Data Analyst

Mrs. Kelly Bench Administra�ve Coordinator Praxis Coordinator



- Watermark/Student Learning & Licensure

- Banner and Canvas Integration

- Smartsheet

- ETS Data Manager

- DE DOE Data Warehouse

- SmartCatalog

- WilmU COE Website

- Praxis Database

- Manage efolio Courses



- Manage Outcomes Assessment Blueprints

- Na�onal, SPA, and State Standards Alignment

- Rubric Review for CAEP Sufficiency

- Create and maintain SL&L Activities

- Aligning Key SPA Assessments

- Update and Maintain Program Maps

- Conduct Reliability and Validity on all Assessments

- Track Graduate Performance for 5 years and Impact on Student learning

- Customized Repor�ng for all Programs

- Support Chairs with Curriculum Review for Standards Alignment, SPA Assessments Process, Scope and Sequence

- Council for Accredita�on of Educator Prepara�on (CAEP) Annual Report: Compiling Evidence and Wri�ng

- Specialized Professional Associa�ons (SPA): Collaborate with Chairs; Provide Data for Key Assessments; Manage Timeline

- Delaware Professional Standards Commission Program Approval Reports: Guiding Program Chair in process

- United States Department of Educa�on Title II Ins�tu�on and Program Report Card (IPRC): Perform Match Verifica�on and Cer�fy Report

- Delaware Educator Prepara�on Reports (Scorecards): Compile and Upload Entry and Exit Data; Monitor Metrics and Repor�ng of All Licensure Programs

- Facilitate Educational Leadership Perception Surveys TECHNOLOGY

- COE Liaison to WilmU Systems and IT

- Collaborate with Chairs on Purposeful Integra�on of Technology into Learning

- Maintain Delaware Educator Effec�veness website for all DE EPPs and LEAs

- Maintain Delaware Associa�on of Colleges for Teacher Educa�on website

- Facilitate Data Scrums/Retreats

- Annual Program Reports (Survey Data; Outcome Measures; Progressions and Transi�ons)

- EPP Surveys as Requested and for Compliance

- CAEP Annual Repor�ng Measures

- Analysis of program data for all state and na�onal repor�ng requirements

- Maintain Praxis Database

- Manage Multiple Measures

- Coordina�on of Praxis Prepara�on/Analysis of test taker reports

- Monitor and Update State Policy and Regula�ons

- COE Liaison to DE DOE L&C Office

- Data Valida�on for ARTC program

- Maintain Clinical Clearance Structure (MEC, Tchr Prep, MEDSL, Reading, EDL


- Higher Educa�on representa�ve for:

- Delaware Digital Learning Cadre (19 districts; DE DOE; and Higher Ed.)

- Licensure and Certification Criteria Committee (LCCC)


- Member of the Delaware Educator Prepara�on Workgroup

- Member of Delaware CAEP Working Group

- Na�onal Lead Reviewer for CAEP

- CAEP Reviewer of Annual Reports

- National Chair, AACTE All Things Accredita�on

- Report on State Board Mee�ngs (DEDOE)

- Monitor Na�onal Policy and Ini�a�ves (AACTE)

- President of the Delaware Associa�on of Colleges for Teacher Prepara�on (DACTE)

- Delaware representative on the Advisory Council of State Representatives (ACSR) to AACTE Board of Directors

There is an annual college-wide review of all programs. The review looks at mul�ple sources of data to make determina�ons about candidate performance, faculty effec�veness, and program quality. CECRAM and SPA assessment data are reviewed on a regular basis with each Program Chair and as an EPP during summer retreats to evaluate candidate performance as it reflects upon program performance. Many other sources of data are reviewed throughout the academic year during College faculty mee�ngs. These sources of data include, but are not limited to (1) candidate seat counts, (2) candidate GPAs, (3) candidate grades, (4) IDEA and prac�cum/student teaching evalua�on results, (5) the results of student evalua�ons from the ten extra IDEA ques�ons that assess the Program Atributes of the Conceptual Framework, (6) alumni and employer survey results, (7) mul�ple data sources related to CAEP’s Annual Repor�ng measures, (9) ins�tu�onal and division-wide demographic data, and (10) results from various surveys of candidates and mentors completed periodically. The compila�on of all of these assessments and other sources of data allow College faculty to regularly evaluate candidate and program performance. 11. A comprehensive review and analysis of Praxis II data allows to plan assistance and support to candidates to remove barriers to licensure.

The assessment system, using internal and external assessment, aligns with professional, state, na�onal, and ins�tu�onal standards and spans both ini�al and advanced programs. Since its incep�on, the basic design of the assessment system has been modified, streamlined, and improved to provide the data necessary for program improvement. The assessment system con�nues to afford the EPP a structure around which effec�ve programs can be built, maintained, and assessed. In 2018, the first Assessment Manual was writen clarifying and organizing the required processes, procedures, and assessments used to assure program quality and candidate excellence. Since then, the Assessment Manual has been updated yearly to keep pace with the substan�ve changes and requirements in teacher prepara�on locally, state-wide, and na�onally.

This system has four broad themes:

1. Data collec�on to support assessment of competence for cer�fica�on of candidates.

2. Data collec�on to assess the quality and effec�veness of programs.

3. Data collec�on to assess the effec�veness of the Educator Prepara�on Program including field experiences, clinical prepara�on, and partnerships.

4. Data collec�on to track the performance of graduates in their field of specializa�on.


To ensure that data are collected and posted in a �mely manner, the Director of the Office of Technology, Assessment, and Compliance has developed key assessment blueprints for administrators, faculty, staff, and candidates that assure pos�ngs by clearly delineated deadlines, typically set up on a semester basis.

The Dean of the College of Educa�on and Liberal Arts in conjunc�on with the Faculty is responsible for final decision making on proposed changes to EPP policies and procedures, response to changes in state/na�onal standards requirements, EPP opera�ng procedures and policies, and other related decisions. Program Chairs are responsible for using posted data to evaluate programs and to propose any program or course changes that must be submited, assessed, and approved through the COELA and the university’s curriculum review process.

The Office of Technology, Assessment and Compliance (TAC) is charged with the responsibility of collec�ng, maintaining, analyzing and repor�ng data to support all ini�a�ves within the College of Educa�on and Liberal Arts. The primary responsibility is to ensure that the programs offered within the College of Educa�on are compliant with federal and state requirements. At the state level, this includes providing and valida�ng a graduate profile of our Teacher Prepara�on Candidates related to their comple�on of state regula�on and requirements. This also involves collec�ng and sharing data related to their ini�al and con�nued work in schools. Data sources include informa�on related to gender, race, ethnicity, test scores, placement informa�on and contact informa�on. Na�onally, TAC ensures compliance to Title II and CAEP accredita�on. Each year, the federal government through Title II requires Educator Prepara�on Programs (EPP) to report candidate standings related to entry, all but clinical, and comple�on. This allows for matching and tracking of the EPP compliance for Praxis II. Licensure programs within the College of Educa�on are required to submit for program approval through CAEP. This submission includes collec�on, analysis and repor�ng of program data for mul�ple years. Addi�onally, the Director tracks current and future regula�ons within the state of Delaware which impact licensure. Such changes in regula�ons o�en require review, analysis and revision to courses and programs.

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