Café Cultura

Page 82


The sky seemed so much clearer and

hatred fester in my heart like an open wound for

closer here, maybe due to the elevation. I felt as

the rest of my life.

if I were to reach out my hands, I would be able

to touch the clouds. The colors so vivid, I was

It was about three years before, on a Sunday

dumbfounded. The soil was rich; it was visibly

night while running errands. My mother sud-

obvious that it could nurture any plant. Was I

denly broke down like a child in the car. The

not in the ghetto here? Amidst all the mud and

muffled sounds she made as she sobbed remind-

tin houses, there were colors that I had never

ed me of when I used to cry. I tried to swallow

seen in America. This foreign place was the land

hard to avoid looking at her in this vulnerable

of my parents. Tearing eyes from my surround-

state. I tried to make my heart turn to stone,

ings, I focused on the matter at hand.

my stupid attempt to be strong for her. How I

swore to hate her for inflicting such wounds in

The old lady was sitting on a wooden

I tried to recall when this hatred began.

rocking chair six feet in front of me. I tried to

my mother’s heart. I would never forgive her. My

breathe and hoped the generous burst of fresh

exact words were, “Mom, not even a bitch leaves

winds would not stop. I did not want to be here.

her pups! What right did she have to give you

I felt like a coward for coming, when I promised

away? A damn animal has more common sense

myself that I would never see this woman. I had

than she did!” It’s incredible how fragile and

already accepted the fact that I would let my

fickle a heart is, yet strong at the same time.


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