Hole Notes September 2015

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In Bounds by Jack MacKenzie, CGCS

read this.

If you care about your water resource, you have got to

Hopefully I caught your attention with the previous statement. As serious as a heart attack, your access to water has just gotten closer to being in jeopardy. No, not an impending drought or sudden decline in groundwater table, this threat is in response to a request from the Minnesota Legislature to the Department of Natural Resources to review Minnesota Statutes, section 103G.287, which states that “groundwater appropriations that will have negative impacts to surface waters are subject to applicable provisions in section 103G.285.”

professional, club manager or course owner. This month you need to take action beyond a brief read and then blow off because you don’t think the message is relevant….”we live in the land of 10,000 lakes” you say!

Earlier this spring, Jake Schmitz, Roger Stewart and I had a meeting with our liaisons at the DNR to continue to discuss the Environmental Stewardship and BMP initiatives we were promoting along with our golf allied associations. At the time, the agency representatives softened our message as the state was not ‘reeling from a drought’ and we were assured that groundwater permits would likely never be in jeopardy of suspension. Furthermore, as there were already legitimate surface water regulations in place and a permit suspension program with precedence, the best course of action courses Sound familiar? It should, as this was the topic of my August using rivers, streams and lakes to pursue was/is to drill a well or find column. This month, however, I need to ramp up the message volume. other resources. The final message, “notify your surface water users This month you need to read and share the message with your golf to find alternative sources for

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