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Penguin quiz How much do you know?

What animal class do penguins belong to?




How do penguins keep warm in the Antarctic?

Oil in feathers and blubber

Thick fur


What do most penguins eat?

Grass, plants, and seeds Fish, squid, and krill Meat from other animals

Penguins can live up to ...

28 years 20 years 15 years

How much do penguins eat?

Between 5 and 10 fish a day.

Between 10 and 30 fish a day.

Between 50 and 75 fish a day.Â

What do Polar Bears think of Penguins?

They one of their favorite snacks

They live together in peace

They have never seen one

What is Penguin Poo called?

Dung Guano Poopy Hutcy

Why can penguins and fur seals live together on land?

Because fur seals move really slowly on land so theres not a


that the penguins will be eaten Fur seals are only asleep on land ecause fur seals only hunt in the sea, not land Because the penguins all climb trees and the fur seals can't get them

How long can an Emperor penguin go without food?

7 days 20 days 44 days 115 days

How do penguins drink water?

hey stand on one patch of ice and put their heat into it until the ice becomes slush. Then they put special spit on it that makes the ice warmer before drinking it. hey lick the ice hey open their beaks when its snows and the snow goes in hey don't drink. They get the water they need from the food they eat hey get the salt out by using a special gland at the base of their beaks

Who owns Antarctica?

United States The Antarticans It is the property of all

Antarctica has the world’s largest -

Mountain Desert Volcano

How big is the largest land animal in Antarctica?

About 13mm About 13cm About 13m

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