Total Barre Manual (Sample)

Page 4

The Essences

Segment Warm Up Spinal Mobility – Flexion, Extension, Rotation & Side Bending

Spinal Extension Spinal Extension 4x (4 counts) in: press down on Barre, extend spine, reaching chest to ceiling

As the start of the workout, Segment 1 begins with a focus on the connection between breath and physical movement. Breathing well is integral to any workout and can help to establish an inner focus and relief of stress and anxiety. Effective breathing can contribute to efficient movement patterns necessary for increased strength and mobility, and allows the body to move more freely. Without efficient breath, muscular rigidity can occur, leading to tension. Breathing can also establish an internal rhythm – particularly when moving to music – enhancing movement quality and developing a deeper connection.

ex: return to neutral

Biomechanical Movement Essences Breathing

Spinal Mobility

w focus

w warm

on the breath and its effect on the rib cage, spine and rhythm of movement

w bring

awareness of the physical effects of inhalation and exhalation

w bring

awareness of inhalation and exhalation and the effect on rhythm of movement

up the spine in all planes of movement

w use

a slower pace to breathe deeply while mobilizing the spine

Shoulder Girdle Mobility w use

the breath to allow for freer movement of the scapulae to avoid rigidity


When extending the thoracic spine, there should be a sense of muscular support of the rib cage and the pelvis on the femurs. Avoid pushing the ribs forward and extending the lower back. The first time through this section of the workout, an inhalation is suggested allowing extension of the thoracic spine continuing into the cervical spine.

As the spine extends, encourage a natural rhythm of scapular mobility with stability as the shoulder blades gently retract and depress. Avoid excessive muscular tension. The second time through, an exhalation is suggested during the Spinal Extension to encourage a deeper engagement of the abdominal muscles and greater support down to the pelvis.


be aware

approx. 102 approx. 4 minutes

beats per minute track length

Start Position facing the Barre, legs parallel, hip-distance apart, pelvis and spine neutral, hands on the Barre

8-count music introduction Perform all exercises on one side, then repeat entire sequence on the other side

Supporting the spine in a neutral alignment creates optimal shock absorption for the entire spine, preserving the natural curves and preventing injury.

Begin by establishing awareness of a neutral position of the spine in order to work all systems (neuro-muscular, skeletal and fascial) of the body effectively and efficiently.

Loss of abdominal support. Losing muscular support of the spine and the pelvis on the femurs can result in over‑extension of the lumbar spine creating tension in the lower back.

Over-extending the cervical spine. Awareness of the eye focus contributes to good cervical alignment during movements of the spine. Allowing the chin to lift too high can cause the cervical spine to over-extend and may cause tension in the neck.

Eyeline is important. Misalignment of the cervical spine and neck tension can occur if the eyeline doesn’t shift in unison with the movement. The eyes should lift as the spine extends rather than having them stay focused forward.

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