Earthon - Keep cleaning greener

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Laundry Powder bucket

Keep Cleaning Green - In Your Laundry You’ll find no phosphates, ammonia or nitrates in earthon. New Zealanders are only too well aware of the harm phosphates cause our waterways, starving them of oxygen and producing choking algal growth. Ammonia and nitrates do similar damage, and in high concentrations can be toxic to animals, amphibians and fish.

Did you know that in the United States, more than 32 million pounds of household cleaning products are poured down the drain each day? Many of these products contain toxic substances that cannot be treated adequately by sewage treatment plants or septic systems. In New Zealand it’s a similar story. Our rivers and lakes are under attack from commercial and domestic waste which has contributed to algal blooms and polluted waterways, hardly in keeping with our “clean green” image.

You’ll also find no artificial fragrances, dyes or enzymes in earthon. Usually, these are made from petroleum solvents and do not degrade, while some have toxic effects on aquatic life. This also makes it suitable for use by people with sensitive skin.

Our environment is under siege as never before. It’s estimated that at current consumption levels, we would need three planet Earths to maintain the standard of living we enjoy today. Of course, we only have ONE planet Earth; therefore, we have to adapt and change our behaviour.

The anionic surfactants used in earthon are readily Biodegradable according to Australian Standard 4351. In fact, you can use the water from your rinse cycle to irrigate your garden quite safely. earthon is grey water and septic tank friendly.

Well, Kiwis have the opportunity now with a brand new laundry powder that also fits our image as an environmentally conscious country.

earthon is convenient too. It’s been formulated for hot or cold water, designed for eco or fast wash cycles, and can be used in both front or top loader washing machines.

earthon Laundry Powder from JohnsonDiversey has

been specially formulated right here in New Zealand to have a minimal impact on our environment, taking the performance of plant-based cleaning agents to a new level.

earthon’s “Flip It” bucket is made from at least 15% recycled Poly Propylene. It’s recyclable of course, and reusable too. Think of all those useful applications around the home, like watering the veggies, or feeding scraps to the chickens or pigs. It’s also great for storing and carrying.

Unlike other products, there is no trade off with earthon. It’s right-on. It cleans without compromising the welfare of the environment or the quality of your wash. Guilt-free laundry, you could say. Of course, all manufacturing processes have some impact on the environment. The challenge with earthon was to make it as environmentally benign as possible without sacrificing performance, a traditional problem for similar laundry detergents. Clean really is just the beginning - earthon is our commitment, and yours, towards sustainable living solutions for our planet. Pretty good for your clothes too!



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