The secondary update june 20 2013

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The Secondary Update June 20 th , 2013 GRADE 10 MYP GRADUATION On Wednesday June 20th, JBS held its second Grade 10 Graduation. At this event, Ms. Elkady, Mr. Homden and Ms. Muhtaseb congratulated the Grade 10 students on their efforts and achievements. Students were reminded that to be successful, one needs to consistently work hard, as well as rise to the challenge. Abhinav Das spoke on behalf of the Grade 10 students and reflected on the year and expressed his gratitude to the JBS teachers very eloquently. On behalf of all JBS staff, we would like to thank all the parents for the support that they have given us this year.


GRADE 5 TRANSITION DAY Grade 7 welcomed the Grade 5 students into their lessons on Tuesday June 19th with open arms. Each G5 student was assigned to a ``buddy`` from G7. The buddy helped them find their classes for the day and answered questions about ``Life In Secondary School``. In science class, G5 students performed chemistry experiments that involved the production of a new substance. They looked for change in colour, presence of a precipitate, production of gas, release of heat and emission of light. They also worked with Ms. Muhtaseb on an activity that introduced them to the MYP Areas of Interaction—Approaches to Learning, Human Ingenuity, Community and Service, Health and Social Education and Environments. In mathematics class, they used their math skills to solve a “mock” JBS murder mystery. Secondary students and teachers look forward to having the G5s join us in the next school year.

GRADE 5 TRANSITION DAY There has been a murder… Grade 5 Detectives are on the Scene… Now it’s time to solve the crime… Who murdered the JBS Student?

And to the Top Detectives (Sherlock Spencer Group) who solved the crime and finished a number tarsia as well… Great Job! Great job Grade 5… Good things are on the horizon… See you next year when you come to the secondary side! Also thanks to Anna Nolan, who played the part of the dead JBS student.

SCIENCE ASSEMBLY On June 19th, a group of G9 students enthralled our G6 and G7 students with the wonders of science. The G9s presented various demonstrations and experiments, related to biology, chemistry and physics, to show our students how much “SCIENCE ROCKS”. Students learned that some solvents when added together to do not mix; hydrogen gas is a good source of fuel as shown with the “flying bottles”; and some chemical reactions are so intense that fire tends to be the expected outcome. Our G9s put in a lot of time and effort with Ms. Karpova and Ms. Abdelrahim to make this science assembly a big hit. A job well-done!

THE GRADE 6 TRIP TO THE DUBAI AQUARIUM The trip was exiting, and there were so many things to look at and examine. The buoyance control device on a scuba suit helps the diver sink or float under water by just clicking a button. They also have a big tank that keeps all the sick and injured fish. These fish are being studied and treated by experts who work in the research lab. This is the most important room because all of the tools and equipment for the aquarium are there. We also got to look at creepy crawlies! By Jud Gheriani - 6B

At the Dubai Aquarium I saw a lot of different fishes and sharks etc. At the beginning the guide showed us what the divers wear when they go diving. The diver out a mask, an air tanks, BCD (Buoyancy Control Device) and fins. Some interesting facts that I heard are that if the water is not at the right pH for the fishes they might get sick. Sharks can control their speed with their skin. The advantages of penguins being black and white are that they can find food easily. Their black side can protect them from being eaten by sharks by going deep and their white side can camouflage that against the sky. Plastic items, such as shopping bags that end up in the oceans cause the deaths of up to 1,000,000 sea creatures every year. By Elisa de Suyot - 6J


I really enjoyed the trip to Dubai Mall Aquarium and the underwater zoo because it was educational and informative. I have learned that chameleons can change their colors according to their surroundings, and that Ms. Crowe is afraid of crocodiles. I have also learned that there are machines at the aquarium that remove dirt from the water. They have special tanks for new or sick animals. They are quarantined tanks. I learnt that the water in the rain forest is fresh water because it comes from the rain. The most amazing fact was that a group of Piranhas also known as a serraslmus nattereri, can finish off a dead cow in 30 minutes. Overall I it was great trip and I really enjoyed the milkshake I bought during the break. By Xeynab Mouti - 6J


At Dubai Mall Aquarium we saw different fish and mammals. I learnt that Sand Tiger Shark babies eat their smaller brothers and sisters while insides their mothers. Many said that is was discussing, but I think it was for them and their mother to survive. And the shark had gills which is not covered, but the fish’s gills were hidden inside which is covered by something very hard. All the sharks and fish in a week eat 600 to 1000kg of food. That’s a lot of food. By Zhi Yi Wang - 6J

In this field trip, I learnt different things about the underwater zoo. I learnt that the same species swim together in groups called “schools”. Different kinds of fish have to live in specific environments. For example, the otter mostly lives at land, but they also swim too. I also found out that there are some water creatures that are herbivores and carnivores. For example, the water rat, is a herbivore. The red-bellied piranhas are carnivores. I learnt that there are specific filters that remove the bacteria from the water to prevent the fish from getting sick. My favorite part of the trip was going into the tunnel and seeing the sting ray. It was interesting to see the different creatures in the underwater world. By Nadin Nessim - 6J


Once we arrived to the ice-skating rink, we got in a line and the workers at the counter wrapped a little purple wrist band around our arm. The majority of the students did not know how to ice skate, so they needed some assistance with putting on the ice skates . For most students, it was their first time so most of them were hanging onto the rails. Eventually, about 20 minutes later of falling, everybody knew how to ice skate properly making few mistakes. There were also older people that were amazing at skating because they did flips and spun around in the air. Most people got inspired from their moves and started trying to do the same. Unfortunately, the students weren’t the best at those moves but soon got more used to ice skating and for me, and for the rest of the students, we had a fun day at Dubai Mall. By Bestjo Gregg- 7J

I think that the trip was really cool for me because it was my first time ice skating and for a first experience it was great. The only thing that I would have like to have is more time because it was quite annoying to leave the ring. I also learnt different ways to ice skate, so it was nice that it was easy to learn. At the end of this experience, I ended up with some great memories and 2 blisters on my feet . By Zachary Mason - 7B

THE GRADE 7 ICE SKATING TRIP We went to the Ice Rink in Dubai Mall as part of our PE unit on movement composition. Once we arrived to the rink, we got purple wrist bands. After that, we went to get our ice skates. Many people had trouble putting on their skates because the majority didn’t know how to skate, but we helped each other. To me the skates were easy to put on but others found it a challenge. And once they put them on, they found them to be uncomfortable. We skated for 2 hours. Because many people didn’t know how to skate, we all helped each other. After about 30 minutes, people were skating as fast as cheetahs! Everyone was having a lot of fun even though their were a lot of falls. Many got the hang of skating by watching others do it . They soon looked like professionals and were doing some tricks and stunts. This was a great experience for us to develop out skating skills and learn from each other. This trip reminded me that everyone has their strengths and weaknesses. After skating, we went to the food court to gain back the calories that we burnt on the ice. By Saasha Gulmani 7J

G6 DESIGN TECHNOLOGY Grade 6: Learnt about logo design and how to simplify pictures. They designed their own silhouette shape that reflected themselves then turned it into a piece of jewellery. They Cut the metal out by hand and smoothed the edges before drilling a hole and polishing the surface. Fun was had by all!

LOST PROPERTY Please come and check for lost items outside the clinic. Inside the clinic we will display lost watches, glasses and wallets/purses plus other valuables items. Anything not reclaimed will be disposed of. If you have any further questions, please contact Nurse Rachel at

THE JBS UNIFORM CONSIGNMENT STORE JBS Uniform Consignment Store huge success!!! We have received great feedback for our consignment store. The hope is that in the near future we will be able to also offer JBS memorabilia for purchase to display our school spirit. Currently WE NEED YOUR UNIFORM DONATIONS!!! As school nears the end, please go through your child's/children's uniforms and donate those gently used ones that are no longer needed. There are two tubs in the front office in the J-Building, marked for primary and secondary. Please drop them off between now and the first week after school ends so we can start preparing our inventory for next year. Thank you for your support and have a great summer.

WHAT CAN YOU DO THIS SUMMER? Rising 9th Graders:      

Need extra help?? Summer tutoring is a nice way to prepare for high school-level work. Use workbooks to keep your mind sharp. Get involved in your community. Volunteer at local community center, mosque, church, or charity. Develop your interests. Summer is a great time for personal exploration. Take trips with your family, even day trips. Go somewhere you’ve never been before, even locally. READ READ READ!! A good book is another way to “travel.”

Rising 10th Graders: Everything above, AND…     

Familiarize yourself with SAT/ACT/Subject Tests/TOEFL if going to US college Keep a journal and write in it every day. This can be just notes about your thoughts or observations. This exercises your ‘writing muscles.’ Read every day. Challenge yourself to read more or explore different topics or kinds of writing than the books you read when you were younger. Stay in touch with the world around you by reading newspapers, The Week, Time, etc. (You can read many of them online.) Keep your brain in gear by doing logic grams and puzzles online. Try You can also find good SAT preparation online.

Rising 11th Graders: Everything above, PLUS…  Find an internship in an area of interest. It will help you determine a future program of study plus will look good on a college application.  Explore career options online. Consider degrees needed, potential salary, etc.  Earn some money. It demonstrates your commitment and responsibility and can develop leadership qualities that are important to colleges.  Seek opportunities for community service. Ideally, you want to fill in each line of the college app. in the section of extracurriculars and volunteer service.  Visit a museum. Broaden your knowledge of history, culture, and art. You can tap into this for your application essay.  ASAP, look into summer programs at colleges. There are so many!  Start SAT prep  Prepare yourself. Strap on your helmet because junior year is when everything hits the fan. Work hard . Be

a leader, and have fun. Continued…

WHAT CAN YOU DO THIS SUMMER? Rising 12th Graders: Everything above, PLUS…         

Visit colleges Clean up your email address and Facebook page. Consider a summer residential program at a college. These can be really intense and fun experiences with the opportunity to “live” college life and meet new friends from all over the world. Seek out opportunities for cultural enrichment such as festivals, concerts, dance performances, food fairs. Look for local programs to expand your areas of interests such as sports, arts, languages, technology. Keep a journal about activities to help with essays. Keep reading, writing, and traveling. Create a resume with academic highlights/honors, extracurricular activities (arts, sports, etc), work, and volunteer service from 9th grade to present. Work on Common Application essay. Ideally, it should be in good shape by start of 12 th grade. Go on to see essay prompts. Starting August 1, you can create your user id/password and get started on the common application.

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