Local Government July 2012

Page 21


Historic wharf wins reprieve from wreckers The Tolaga Bay wharf, believed to be the longest of its kind in the Southern Hemisphere, was built in the late 1920s. However, the passing years and the wharf’s exposure to the elements had taken its toll and the structure was under threat of being demolished. However, the Save The Wharf Charitable Trust has put Tolaga Bay on the tourist map, attracted donations from all over the world and to date has raised a significant fighting fund. For years a popular fishing place, the wharf is now one of the most popular tourist attractions on the East Coast. With support from Gisborne District Council the wharf has been restored and the Solar Bright company was able to show its support by way of manufacturing and installing a double solar light at the end of the wharf, two single solar lights and three solar bollards in the nearby reserve area. The lights provide a safe environment for residents to enjoy the wharf and take in the wonderful bay.

Lighting consumes about 40% of the electricity in a typical commercial building. Are you wasting money lighting unoccupied spaces?

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Wall mount Occupancy Sensors

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Ceiling mount Occupancy Sensors



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