Oct 11

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THE CAMPUS October 11, 2017 – Volume 111 Issue 7

President Henry addresses racial profiling accusation Miguel Rios


President Robert Henry is addressing racial prejudice on campus. Broderick McQuarters, flute performance sophomore, accused campus police of racial profiling after he was awakened at 2 a.m. Sept. 27 by two officers accusing him of a crime. Students and alumni later shared negative experiences they had with campus police in response to the incident. Henry responded to the allegations in an Oct. 4 email to the campus community. “These are matters that I take very seriously. The Oklahoma City University family should expect a fair, just, and safe environment. Our campus must be an inclusive place that encourages diversity and turns away racism,” he wrote. McQuarters said the officers were looking for a black man and a woman who were seen on surveillance breaking the Methodist Hall parking garage sensor. They questioned him because his truck was the last vehicle to pull into the Methodist Hall parking garage that night. There is no report of officers going into McQuarters’s room. The police report about the broken sensor only mentions one suspect—a white woman who later admitted it was her. McQuarters said he had a meeting with Bradd Brown,

chief of police, and Lesley Black, associate dean of students, to discuss the report’s discrepancies. He said he didn’t want the officer fired, but wanted more than just a “slap on the hand.” “They shouldn’t get away with it and walk away like nothing happened,” he said Oct. 2. McQuarters said he met with President Henry later, who showed concern about the situation. “I appreciated the concern he showed throughout the entire time that I met with him, and also the fact that he took the initiative to bring this matter to light instead of just letting it pass over. He actually did something about it and took action,” he said. McQuarters received a formal apology from Henry but said he received no apology from campus police in any form. Henry met with the Black Student Association and other campus community members Monday for a Q&A session involving the incident, the circumstances around it and other racial issues. Henry said at the meeting that he was unable to recall any other incidents of racial profiling or discrimination during his presidency. He also said he views the university as a place that “celebrates diversity.” McQuarters said he feels like his concerns were properly addressed at the meeting. He also said the handling of his

experience will set a precedent for similar incidents in the future. “We are humans, and people do make mistakes. However, the way it was handled this time was kind of a gray area in the sense that this has never really happened before, and there wasn’t a clear-cut understanding,” he said. “Now that something like this has happened, it sucks that I had to be the guinea pig for the situation, but there’s going to be an accurate representation, there’s going to be documentation of what happened, and people are going to understand what’s allowed and what’s not.” BSA President Leondre Lattimore, studio art sophomore, said that he will meet with Chief Brown to address all of the concerns raised at the meeting. An investigation into McQuarters’s allegations against campus police revealed that the “actions of the officers involved fell short of our standards,” Henry wrote in the Oct. 4 email. “The police department will ensure compliance with proper policy on entering university housing and will also continue requiring diversity training for all officers. The officers who were the subjects of the allegations have been placed on restricted duty pending the completion of additional training. Restricted duty allows those officers to work in the campus police station, but removes them from field duty,” he wrote.

In a different email to Student Publications, Henry wrote that OCUPD works hard, often in “trying circumstances.” “Whether helping students with car problems, or dealing with potentially dangerous campus intruders, our police help us every day, 24/7,” he wrote. Henry also wrote that the responsibility to have an open and diverse campus rests on everybody. “Although I believe that the early morning entry into a student’s room based on a property crime was not in line with our standards, the investigation found no evidence of racial profiling or racial bias,” he wrote. “I would ask everyone to take a deep breath and have a respectable dialogue about the kind of campus we have, and how to build on its strengths and correct its weaknesses.” Henr y encourages students to contact university staff to discuss concerns about racial prejudice or any sort of discrimination. For confidential discussion, students should use OCU Counseling Services. To contact their office, call 405-208-7901. To report instances of discrimination, contact Joey Croslin, chief human resources officer, at jcroslin@okcu.edu or 405-208-5075.

Resources for campus community members concerned about discrimination: Amy Ayres


student affairs vice president dean of students aayres@okcu.edu 405-208-6290

Kanika Brown


career services coordinator Black Student Association adviser kbrown2@okcu.edu 405-208-5501

Michael Burns





director of housing and residence life mpburns@okcu.edu 405-208-6365

LaVetra Ray assistant director of student activities ljray@okcu.edu 405-208-6289

Russ Tallchief director of student engagement, inclusion and multicultural programming trtallchief@okcu.edu 405-208-6288

Mindy Windholz



director of counseling services mbwindholz@okcu.edu 405-208-7902

Joey Croslin chief human resources officer jcroslin@okcu.edu 405-208-5075

Retention committee focuses on first-year experience McAlyn Forbes




The student retention committee is making first-year experience their priority. The committee consists of 18 members, 13 of whom are voting members. The committee meets two to three times a semester to discuss solutions to student retention problems. Tiffany Warford, associate dance professor and committee chairwoman, said the committee is focusing on the retention of students from fall to spring. “The mindset with that is that we would start with that first freshman year, and, if we can get a lot of issues done then,

Retention surveys were sent to first-year students in July and in September. The graph


shows the difference in perceptions new students had


for housing, safety and technology. The July surveys show students had overwhelmingly positive percep-

Sept. July

tions. The September surveys show more students giving some “terrible” and “poor” ratings.

hopefully they just retain all the way through their time here,” Warford said. The committee sent out a survey to new students in July that asked them to rate how they felt about things like housing, safety and dining. The survey was sent again in September to see if the results changed. “We are trying to see if any indicators shifted,” Warford said. “Like roommates. It was a zero, and now all of a sudden it’s a five, and we know that we need to send housing over there and to step in a little bit quicker.” Colbi Beam, coordinator of first-year experience, said she wants to help the students with their problems. “When I see negative respons-

es, when they’re having a problem with something, I reach out to them personally,” Beam said. This is the first time the committee has done the surveys. Kira Konrad-Risteau, psychology senior and German exchange student, said she wishes she had participated in surveys her first year. “I had to look for everything for myself,” Konrad-Risteau said. Warford said the committee may consider hosting an open forum for students to voice their concerns. For more information, email Warford at twarford@okcu.edu.

Students to compete in 45th annual Miss OCU pageant Sage Tokach


Ten women will compete for the 45th annual Miss OCU title. Miss OCU 2017 Camryn Sanders will pass on her crown to the next winner at the 2018 Miss OCU and OCU’s Outstanding Teen Pageant at 6 p.m. Oct. 21 in Kirkpatrick Auditorium in Kirkpatrick Fine Arts Center. The winner will receive a full year of tuition, a crown and sash, a wardrobe budget, a personal trainer, a photo shoot, and entry into the Miss Oklahoma pageant in June. The winner additionally must mentor Miss Teen OCU and Rising Star, the winners of two pageants done through the university for prospective students. The runner-up receives half tuition for two semesters. The contestants are - Maggie Bond, vocal performance/economics senior; - Cerena Chaney, dance education sophomore; - Chandler Hardy, economics senior; - Ashtyn Lehman, theater and performance freshman; - Maddie Louder, dance sophomore;


- Kaiden Maines, acting sophomore; - Kenzie McIntyre, music theater sophomore; - Sydney Nelson, second-year law; - Ashleigh Robinson, music theater junior, and - Taylor Towers, music theater senior. Sanders said she loved being Miss OCU 2017 and competing for Miss Oklahoma, where she was a community service finalist. “I got more interview experience, scholarship money and connections for my platform, The Storybook Exchange, which allows me to give away 30,000 books this year,” she said. At this year’s pageant, Sanders will ask the onstage questions, show her farewell video and sing “I Put a Spell on You,” which she performed for her Miss Oklahoma pageant talent. Bond will compete for the Miss OCU title for the third time this year. The pageant is on her birthday, and she said she is excited to use the knowledge she gained in previous years. “I adore the Miss America organization,” she said. “I love what it stands for and how it challenges me to consistently be the best version of myself. I will be returning next year to finish my business degree, and it would be really helpful to win that scholarship to help offset those costs. Plus, it would be an honor to represent my school, my home

away from home, at Miss Oklahoma.” Hardy has competed in pageants since she was 13, but will compete for the Miss OCU title for the first time this year. “In previous years, I won a local title before Miss OCU, so I was ineligible to compete,” she said. “This year, I wanted to wait and see if it was in the cards for me to compete and win.” Hardy’s late grandfather, Roy Chandler, graduated from OCU and served the university as a trustee and benefactor. “My grandfather was my role model, and he left a legacy here,” Hardy said. “It would be an honor to win the title and leave a little piece of myself behind as well.” Both Bond and Hardy said they are preparing for the pageant by practicing their talents, working out, maintaining a healthy lifestyle, and keeping up-to-date with recent news. Tickets can only be purchased at the door or from pageant contestants directly. Admission costs $15 for students and $20 for everyone else at the door. Tickets purchased directly from pageant competitors cost $10.

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Subtle racial prejudice still affects students Recent events on campus inspired conversations of racial prejudice from university officials. President Robert Henry sent an email last week to the campus community addressing claims of racial profiling. See Page 1 for more on the story. An investigation on the claims of racial profiling from a black student against campus police was completed within a week. “Based on the outcome of the investigation, I believe the actions of the officers involved fell short of our standards,” Henry wrote. The officers were placed on restricted duty. They will work in the campus police station until they receive more training and are allowed to return to field duty. Despite addressing the claims of racial prejudice,

Henry wrote in a different email to Student Publications that there was “no evidence of racial profiling or racial bias.” Racial profiling and racial bias can be obvious in certain places like airports, but are subtle most of the time. People don’t notice or think about it, especially if it doesn’t happen to you. When someone points out moments of racial bias, people often try to explain it away, justify themselves or become defensive. This is not okay. Rarely will there be any substantial evidence of racial profiling or bias because of how subtle they can be. This doesn’t mean it didn’t happen. Despite not finding evidence of racial profiling, Henry still is reaching out to students of color. He attended the Black Student Association meeting Monday to have a group discussion about the

Talk Back “If you competed at the Miss OCU pageant, what would be your talent?”

issue. This is a step in the right direction. Everyone should be more willing to openly talk about these issues, rather than just brush them off. Despite the “lack of evidence” of racial profiling, the student was still awoken at 2 a.m. by two officers looking for another black man. He still felt like his color was the reason for their accusations, which does nothing for the trust between campus police and students of color. It doesn’t matter how subtle racial bias is, it matters how it affects people—especially students on a college campus. Pay attention to your surroundings, stand up for what’s right and don’t let people justify any level of racial bias.

“If you fill the stage with water, I could surf.”

“Sing Sweet Dreams because that's what my Mom won with in 1991 for Miss Texas.”

Brooke Cassar human performance senior

Gareth Forsberg acting sophomore

“I can do a mean cover of Josh Turner, Your Man.”

“I'd simultaneously play the cello while crying.”

Chris Ebert exercise sport science junior

Ashley Kinard film production senior


“Play guitar”

Mackenzie Wahpepah-Harris marketing senior

Tyler Wade business administration junior

Columnist discourages the assignment of group projects Students all have pet peeves regarding teachers and vice versa, but one of the biggest problems I face is group projects. Group projects in a college environment are difficult. Often, for students, they end up being problematic, stressful and just annoying. OCU is a diverse school. In our core classes, at any given time, there are students studying in many different majors. This means everyone has a different set of skills, which could be useful for group projects, but it also means that everyone has a different schedule. Some students have rehearsals and practices, while others have massive tests to study for, and these priorities could easily conflict. Also, as is the cliché in group projects, you may get that one

slacker in the class who doesn’t contribute to the project whatsoever. This is rare in college, yet it seems that some students will still contribute more to the final project than others. In a group project, you’re likely to get a range of different personalities, especially in a school that’s as well-rounded as OCU. The problem with this is that you are likely to get a controlling person, the type of person who tends to take on all the stress and leads the group through the project. This leads others to feel as though they are not contributing enough and might lead to an awkward tension or anxiety during group meet ups. Rarely will a group mesh together well. I’m doing a group project for a class. I’m fortunate that my group gets along as

Harrison Langford is an acting junior from Las Vegas, Nevada, who loves golden retrievers and the New York Giants.

well as it does, and even more fortunate that we all equally contribute and are getting our work done. That being said, I’ve had multiple bad experiences with group projects at OCU in years prior. College today is an interesting concept. This is where we grow into adults, and we’re all taught how to be self-sufficient and responsible. Our grades shouldn’t rely on the effort of others, but rather they should rely on our own work and will to receive a good grade. This is my

problem with group projects. The projects force me to mix with others’ schedules, and, rather than doing homework in the peaceful environment of my own room, I’m forced to go to a public space. Yes, this might be lazy, but there’s something special about having a designated spot for thinking and homework. Teachers always mean well, and I’m thankful for how well they teach me, and how fair and loving they can be at OCU. But it’s time to start doing away with

group projects in college. Why not assign individual projects regarding fragments of the subject at hand instead? That way, each person in the class can be an expert in an area of the subject, while getting to learn about everyone else’s subject through presentations. This presents a suitable alternative to group projects and helps with all

the problems they entail. Life at OCU is busy, no matter what your major is. Teachers and students should work together to find suitable ways to engage each other in the classroom. Group projects have the right idea, but more can be done to make learning a little less stressful and more enjoyable.

The Homecoming theme was incorrectly reported in the Oct. 4 issue of The Campus. The theme is "Then, Now, and Forever."

Newest Witherspoon film lacks suspense, complexity Straight American women flooded movie theaters everywhere to see Reese Witherspoon surrounded by handsome young white men this September. The film Home Again tells the story of a mother and her daughters in the aftermath of a marital separation. This emotionally tumultuous time becomes even more complicated when a group of three well-dressed filmmakers played by Pico Alexander, Nat Wolff and

Jon Rudnitsky, find themselves living in Witherspoon’s home. Home Again exists to make viewers feel good about themselves. Movies often do this by telling stories of horrible people so audiences can feel superior. Home Again simply follows a beautiful woman as she makes bad decisions that magically have no consequences, telling the audience that their worst instincts are probably fine. In the movie, Wither-

Mary McLain is a film production junior from Baton Rouge, Louisiana, who loves sandwiches and social media.

spoon’s character lets three complete strangers live in her house, and they do not destroy, steal or disrespect her stuff in any way. This is unrealistic. In fact, the three men set aside their own lives and careers to cook for

her, make their beds and, at times, raise her children. This gentle rom-com is the most promising contender in the race for most predictable story ever told. When the handsome men schedule a meeting for the

same time as the little girl’s play, you know that they will triumphantly choose to walk out on the meeting to support their new weird family unit, risking their careers for love. The movie fails in one specific area, the length of the reaction shots. At many different points in this movie, I caught myself feeling uncomfortable with how long I was being force to stare at Michael Sheen smiling endearingly. I predict that at least 15 minutes could be

shaven off of this movie if some of these reactions were made more bearable. Overall, Home Again is not a menace to society. It will not ruin anyone’s life or destroy anyone’s will to live, but it has little to contribute to the Earth. If you are willing to sacrifice plot, complex characters and interesting dialogue for the chance to see Witherspoon kiss a young dude named “Pico,” by all means, buy yourself a ticket just like I did.

OCT. 18 Out of the Box's drag show fall fundraiser at 9:30 p.m. in the Great Hall in Tom and Brenda McDaniel University Center

p.m. in Abe Lemons Arena in Henry J. Freede Wellness and Activity Center

Campus Calendar Calendar items must be received in the Newsroom or stupub@okcu.edu by noon Friday for inclusion in the following Wednesday issue.

TODAY FIJI's Pastries for Patriots from 5-7 p.m. outside the caf in Tom and Brenda McDaniel University Center Brass Chamber recital at 8 p.m. in Petree Recital Hall in Kirkpatrick Fine Arts Center THURSDAY Chapel from 1-2 p.m. in Bishop W. Angie Smith Chapel

Women's soccer vs. St. Gregory's at 5 p.m. at Stars Field FIJI's Phi Gamma Melta from 6-11 p.m. in Watson Lounge in Bishop W. Angie Smith Chapel Men's soccer vs. St. Gregory's at 7 p.m. at Stars Field Fall choir concert at 8 p.m. in Petree Recital Hall in Kirkpatrick Fine Arts Center

Weekly Play Club meeting from 10:30 p.m. to midnight in the Honor's Lounge in Gold Star Memorial Building


FRIDAY Deadline for December 2017 graduates to apply for diploma

TUESDAY Fall Break - No classes

Steal the Show! 2017 student choreography show at 6:30 p.m. and 8:15 p.m. in Kirkpatrick Auditorium in Kirkpatrick Fine Arts

MONDAY Fall Break - No classes

Women's soccer vs. Mid-America Christian at 5 p.m. at Stars Field Men's soccer vs. Mid-America Christian at 7 p.m. at Stars Field

October 11, 2017, Volume 111, Number 7


Web Editor: Nicole Waltman Staff Writers: McAlyn Forbes, Harrison Langford, Emily Wollenberg, Sophia Babb, Grace Babb, Rodney Smith Photographer: Maridith Grimsley Columnist: Caroline Hawthorne Film Critic: Mary McLain

Volleyball vs. St. Gregory's at 7

Student Philanthropy Committee meeting at 1 p.m. in Tom and Brenda McDaniel University Center

The Campus has served the Oklahoma City University community since 1907. It is published Wednesday during the academic year, with the exception of holidays and exam periods.

THE CAMPUS Editor-in-chief: Miguel Rios Associate Editor: Sage Tokach Copy Editor: Chandler White News Editor: Zoe Travers Photo Editor: Elina Moon Community Manager: Lauren Berlingeri

OCT. 19 Wilson Lectures: Nadia BolzWeber at 1 p.m., 2:30 p.m. and 7 p.m. in Bishop W. Angie Smith Chapel

OCT. 20 OCU Improv show at 10:30 p.m. in Room 405 in Clara E. Jones Administration Building

The Student Publications staff welcomes unsolicited material and let-

Videographer: Emily Haan Ad/Marketing Director: Madison Clark Circulation Director: Brianna Demuth Faculty Adviser: Kenna Griffin

ters to the editor. All letters must be signed and include the writer’s phone number, address, major, and classification. The staff reserves the right to edit all letters. The staff also reserves the right to refuse letters without explanation. Letters can be sent online at mediaocu.com, emailed to stupub@ okcu.edu or dropped off at the Newsroom in Walker Center for Arts and Sciences. Submitted items may appear on MediaOCU and in the print edition.

The first issue of The Campus is free. Each additional issue costs 25 cents. Contents copyright, 2017. All rights reserved.

October 11, 2017

“ “


Making a difference:

Students create group to benefit homeless community Grace Babb


A group of students united to help Oklahoma City’s homeless population. The group, Give Back OKC, aims to benefit the homeless community in Oklahoma City by giving care packages. Abby Bryan, acting sophomore, said the idea came to her while she was driving downtown with a friend and discussing the issue of homelessness. “We were talking about how big of a problem it is and how people not only tend to ignore it, but they make fun of it. We wanted to do something to change that, to help them out. We thought that putting

together packages is something that would be beneficial and helpful,” Bryan said. Bryan talked with Sydney Epstein, acting sophomore, to expand the idea together. “We’re going to collect donation items and make gift baskets that we’re going to hand out,” Epstein said. “The baskets will include essential items they’ll need: gloves, hats, scarves, toiletries, feminine products, and some things to eat as well.” The group plans to distribute the packages directly to the homeless on the street and to the Homeless Alliance sometime around Thanksgiving. “Homeless shelters tend to get overpacked on holidays and actually aren’t able to serve everyone, which makes it first-

Our community is so powerful that, when we’re passionate about things, we get things done.

come, first-serve, so we really want to try and get all those left behind this holiday season,” Epstein said. Epstein said distributing packages is a way to make the homeless community feel supported. “There’s so many that are homeless in Oklahoma City, and, though people notice,

Abby Bryan acting sophomore

they don’t take action,” Epstein said. “It’s so important that we do something to help. I would never want to feel like no one cared about me.” There is an estimated 5,5007,000 people who experience homelessness in Oklahoma City every year, according to homelessalliance.org. The Oklahoma City Public School District

alone had 5,474 children experiencing homelessness enrolled in the 2016-17 academic year. “I want to put together as many packages as possible. It would be incredible if we had enough people helping out and donating that we could have 50 to 100, or even beyond that,” Bryan said. “I don’t know if that’s too ambitious, but our community is so powerful that, when we’re passionate about things, we get things done.” A list of items needed is on the group’s Facebook page “Give Back OKC,” including toiletries, socks, underwear, and feminine products. “We also want to include an individual piece of art or a poem or letter in each care package. Everyone at this school knows

the importance of art and how it can change people’s lives, so we want to give them something to hold onto that goes beyond just helping people survive,” Bryan said. Members of Give Back OKC will collect donations and recruit volunteers from Oct. 18-27 outside the caf. Students who are interested in getting involved, donating items or contributing art can keep up to date with the organization through their Facebook page. The group also may be contacted at givebackokc@gmail.com.

Dance student collects tap shoes for Ugandan children Zoe Travers


Christine Caulk, dance management sophomore, is collecting tap shoes for children in Uganda. “If I can give back to what tap has given to me, I’ll do everything I can,” Caulk said. Caulk began collecting the shoes to help Pamela Vlach, a mentor of hers who runs a nonprofit organization called Tap Uganda, which was started at the beginning of 2017 after Vlach traveled to Uganda to teach children tap. Since then, Vlach has taught classes virtually and sent the children tap shoes through donations. Vlach also spent August in Uganda teaching the class again. Caulk said she felt motivated to give back because she wants to help her mentor bring tap to children in need. She also said she hopes to travel to Uganda herself one day. “Tap has changed my life,” Caulk said. “It’s the reason I wake up in the morning. It’s the reason I’m here, and it’s the reason I’m

I know what tap means to me and how it makes me feel every time I put on my tap shoes. There’s no reason for these kids not to feel the same way... Christine Caulk dance management sophomore

pursuing what I’m pursuing.” Caulk said tap helps children in Uganda find ways to make an income. “Anything they can do, they can make money off of, in order to provide for their family and their community,” she said. “Putting on a tap show is a start of an income and a skill.” This is Caulk’s first time collecting the shoes. She said she’s

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hoping to send out 40 pairs. There is no time limit, but Caulk said she hopes students can send in their shoes before winter break. “I know what tap means to me and how it makes me feel every time I put on my tap shoes,” she said. “There’s no reason for these kids not to feel the same way just because of where they are and their situation.” Caulk said she accepts tap shoes of any size or quality. Darcy Tipps, cell and molecular biology sophomore, said she is planning to donate her tap shoes to Tap Uganda. “I took up tap in middle school and really enjoyed it, and it was a nice escape for me from the world,” Tipps said. “The fact that she wants to be able to give that to other kids is really awesome.” Students may donate by contacting Caulk at cmcaulk@ my.okcu.edu.


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Acting student offering exercise classes to peers Emily Wollenberg


Amanda Kronhaus, acting junior, is offering exercise classes for students. Kronhaus said she started the classes because she wanted to use her knowledge to help other people live healthier lifestyles. After struggling with obesity as a child, Kronhaus said she committed herself to losing weight in a healthy way. She said she worked with a personal trainer and spent a lot of the time in the gym. “I found a passion for fitness and health, and I want to share that with others. Getting healthy and enjoying going to the gym completely changed my life,” Kronhaus said. Kronhaus said her interest in fitness started when she began training in the Miss Florida local pageant. Kathryn Sugianto, business administration sophomore, said Kronhaus posted about the classes on the Phi Mu sorority Facebook page, and Sugianto decided to give it a try. “I knew she did pageants, so she has to get that strict regime of keeping her body in shape,” Sugianto said. Sugianto said she took the class to learn more about health and fitness. “I wasn’t sure if I was doing the proper things that

I found a passion for fitness and health, and I want to share that with others. Getting healthy and enjoying going to the gym completely changed my life. Amanda Kronhaus acting junior

I needed to get where I wanted to get,” she said. Kronhaus said her workouts are a good introduction for students with less experience in weightifting and intense cardio. “I do a lot of strength training and high intensity interval training cardio. My training sessions basically help teach people how to get into strength training and proper form,” Kronhaus said. Sugianto said, during the session, they used different weights and exercise machines in ways that were different from how they normally would be used. Kronhaus taught her how to incorporate different movements that would stimulate exercise in certain muscles. “She explained what each exercise worked out and what part of my body was supposed to be burning. She was super good at explaining how it all ties in together,” she said. The first class is free, but subsequent classes cost $10 for an hour or $5 for 30 minutes. “One of my clients does two

half-hour sessions a week‒one on arms, one on legs. It’s about the cheapest training you’ll ever get. Once I get certified, I will have to charge more, but, for now, I am happy to teach all I know about fitness for just $10 an hour,” Kronhaus said. Kronhaus said her schedule is busy, so she is unable to take many new clients, but, later in the semester, she will be able to work with more students. She said her clients have been supportive, and she loves helping people reach their goals. “Girls lift too, and there is this whole stigma about it, but strength training is the best way to lose weight and get strong, which should always be the goal,” Kronhaus said. Interested students may email Kronhaus at akkron h a u s @ m y. o k c u . e d u o r follow her fitness Instagram @ amandakayefitness.

Elina Moon Student Publications

I want to fall in love Alec Espinosa, acting sophomore, hugs Andrew Tompkins, acting freshman, in TheatreOCU’s Stage II production of Dark Play or Stories for Boys. Espinosa played “Nick,” a teen who creates an online personality to trick the gullible “Adam,” played by Tompkins. Throughout the show, the two grow more obsessed with each other, though Adam thinks Nick is a teenage girl. Productions were Oct. 5-8 in the Black Box Theatre in Wanda L. Bass Music Center. TheatreOCU's next show is Lord of the Flies on Oct. 26-28 in Burg Theatre in Kirkpatrick Fine Arts Center.

English fraternity to host poetry slam event Caroline Hawthorne


Sigma Tau Delta, the English fraternity, will host a Poetry Slam this month. The slam is 6-8 p.m. on Oct. 20 in the Great Hall in Tom and Brenda McDaniel University Center. The slam will start with two featured poets from the organization before opening the mic to attendees. The

rest of the event will consist of an open mic session for people who want to share their own poetry. No registration is required for the event. “You just show up,” said Ma d e l y n Pa rk e r, En g l i s h junior and vice president of Sigma Tau Delta. “Even if you just have some poem on your phone or something like that, it’s not a big deal where you have to submit anything to us. You

You just show up. Even if you just have some poem on your phone or something like that, it's not a big deal where you have to submit anything to us. Madelyn Parker English junior

dont have to submit anything ahead of time. Just bring a poem, and write your name

down and jam out.” Parker said she knows that there are writers on campus

who are not English majors, but she wants to highlight their work. Erik Hamilton, acting sophomore, said he is excited to attend the slam. “I am totally interested,” Hamilton said. “I love poetry, and I’ve actually been writing for years. I really like the idea of slam because it combines m y l ov e s o f p o e t r y a n d performance.” Parker said she hopes if

enough people come, this can become a monthly or bimonthly event. “If no one knows about it, it probably won’t be a big thing, but that would be amazing if we could make it monthly,” Parker said. The event is free and open to all students and faculty.

Art Club to decorate Norick Center hallway with murals McAlyn Forbes


Elina Moon Student Publications

Getting sugar high Erin McDermitt, dance senior, converses with Jonathan May, acting senior, at Alpha Chi Omega's fundraiser, Sugar High with Alpha Chi on Saturday. The event, an all-you-can-eat dessert bar with live music, was part of the sorority's domestic violence awareness philanthropy week. Money raised at the event went to the YWCA.

A hallway in the Norick Art Center will be painted with student-designed murals. Shakurah Maynard, studio art sophomore and Art Club president, is organizing the project. Maynard said Holly Moye, director of the school of visual arts, frequently complained about the blank walls. Moye reached out to Maynard to paint the walls. Maynard became president of Art Club this semester and opened up mural ideas to members. Five to six artists’ murals will be painted by about 10 painters after being approved by Moye.

“We have to get our designs officially approved from Holly, and, after that, we can start right away,” Maynard said. “Because it’s gonna be here for, not forever, but until they get sick of it, so it has to look legit.” The hallway being painted is on the west side of the building and leads to restrooms and an exit. Possible designs include a dragon, miniature people and poop emojis on the bathroom doors. Maynard said she wants to paint the doors black so they won’t distract from the murals. “I was thinking about doing a pattern on the floor, like not a real mural like a painting, but maybe stripes

or something, and then put a clear lacquer on the floor,” she said. “But I’ve also never painted on a floor, so I have no idea how that’ll work out.” Maynard said Art Club students will be able to start painting once the designs are approved, but she is unaware of how soon that will happen. Katelyn Jassoy, music junior, said she likes the idea of painting the walls. “I think it’s a good idea to bring art into the building and have a creative outlet for students,” Jassoy said.

Student creates video series with business school dean Nicole Waltman


A business student recently started a video series called “Coffee with the Dean.” Students sit down for coffee with Dr. Steven Agee, dean of Meinders School of Business, and ask him questions regarding his educational journey, business experience and advice. “It’s basically to make the dean more accessible and to bridge that gap between the dean’s office and the students,” said Joe Wathika, economics/finance junior and creator of the series. “It’s to make it where the students can feel more comfortable October 11, 2017

going up to the dean and talking with the dean and asking him whatever questions they might have.” There have been two coffees with Agee so far, and Wathika said he hopes eventually to have a waiting list of students willing to participate. “We want Meinders to feel like home to students, not just a place where students go to class,” Wathika said. The video interviews are posted to the Meinders School of Business Facebook, Instagram and Twitter pages. “As a senior, getting to know Dean Agee more helps me feel comfortable asking him for future career advice,” said Chandler Hardy, economics senior and guest on “Coffee with the Dean.” Wathika said he hopes to make the series a weekly occurrence

in the future and sees it as an opportunity for students to learn from Agee’s personal experience. “I hope people ask him more about his own college experience because he’s such a good resource in Meinders School of Business,” Hardy said. “Students who interview him can view him as more of a real person, not just a dean.” For more information, students can contact Wathika at jmwathika@my.okcu.edu or Maranda Kitchingham, director of outreach and special projects, at mjkitchingham@okcu.edu.


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