Asian e-Marketing January 2012

Page 1

January 2012 Digital Marketing Trends 2012

There is Strength in Numbers, so what’s all the Fuss about SOPA and PIPA?, Page 43

Google to Overtake Yahoo in Display Advertising this Year, Page 24

Digital Marketing Trends for 2012, Page 4





Dear Reader, Asian e-Marketing is quite enthusiastic about the progress expected in digital marketing this Year of the Dragon, which is predicting that companies will adapt more quickly to new trends and use data more efficiently in order to survive and thrive. At the same time, businesses will build up their concepts on infrastructure and partnerships that will enable them to evolve and innovate at greater speed. New innovations in technology and new concepts considering consumer behaviours will play an important role as well, as already seen in Mobile Marketing that finally had its breakthrough in 2011. In general, the future of mobile seems to look bright right now, which is the reason why I will dedicate the next two issues of Asian e-Marketing (February & March) to the mobile industry and its achievements from various perspectives. But now let me wish you happy reading on the Digital Marketing Trends of the Year! All the best for the Year of the Dragon - Gong Xi Fa Cai!

Daniela La Marca Editor-in-Chief Asian e-Marketing


Daniela La Marca Editor-in-Chief Asian eMarketing

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Know How the Land lies in ‘Social Search’


Digital Marketing Trends for 2012


ISACA’s Recommendations for Managing Three of the Trends that will dominate the IT Landscape in 2012




Akamai Technologies’ New Solutions for the Online Entertainment Industry


TomTom App for iPhone and iPad goes Social




Growing Demand for SAS Customer Intelligence Solutions




There is Strength in Numbers, so what’s all the Fuss about SOPA and PIPA?




Digital Rights Management (DRM)






Top Five Technology Trends for Advertisers to Watch MEF’s Top Prediction: NFC will fail to have a Significant Commercial Impact in 2012 despite increased Investment and Spectacular Trials



Exploding Growth in Mobile Data Demand will Challenge Mobile Networks’ Capacity in 2012


Worldcom PR Group’s Emerging Trends to watch in 2012


Banks Expect New Digital Media to Engage, Educate and Inform in Real-time


The Extreme Dynamics of the Mobile App Development Services Market


De-duplication and Virtualization will be the Major Growth Catalysts for APEJ Storage Software Market


ISACA’s Shopping on the Job Survey


Sevenfold Increase in Mobile Healthcare Applications


Two out of Three Organizations inSingapore and Australia frequently experience Data Loss from a Virtual Environment


Experian Hitwise Reports Increasing Use of Social Media during SMRT Disruptions


Google to Overtake Yahoo in Display Advertising this Year




Jump on the Facebook Marketing Bandwagon 27 Boosting Brand Engagement with User-generated Content


ADVERTISE WITH US! Take a look at our rates!


Video Google +

Digital Marketing Trends for 2012


The world of digital marketing continues to change in 2012 - that‟s for sure - since speed, location, and the way people communicate is in general differing in some way year after year. Today, social networks and real-time communications are part of our daily lives and mobile devices allow us to be online anytime and anywhere and this development will continue to increase this year. Marketers have to prepare to meet the challenges of change that also fortunately hold unprecedented new opportunities. Just look back at 2011, the year showed the dynamics the market holds, such as the fact that anti-spam filters are becoming behavior-based or that segmentation and targeting became more significant, not to mention that mobile marketing and geo-targeting have finally become reality and email campaigns are now set up to fit on the smaller screen, all signs are pointing to an exciting year ahead for advertisers. Video integration is again relevant It‟s nothing new, but video integration will regain more importance in 2012 simply due to the fact that solutions to deliver and present videos have become smarter. New technologies support the display of appropriate content directly via an email program or stream video via certification programs of certain internet service providers (ISP) when it wasn't possible before. A pleasant development, since video streams are highly suitable for brand awareness and simple to use since it can be forwarded via an email that brings the effects of a viral spot particularly well into play. It is nevertheless recommended that inclusions of videos should be wellselected otherwise any positive effect could quickly disappear. In addition, the video should be short according to the consumer's attention which is usually quite limited. Don‟t forget to integrate the possibility of forwarding and registering for the newsletter when making use of viral videos and remember that under no circumstances should advertising blocks be installed. In addition, providing different versions for different internet bandwidths is an advantage and don‟t miss to check on how the videos are displayed on mobile devices. Customer Experience Management (CEM) Marketing communications should be geared to the benefit of consumers, who today have more opportunities than ever, as they can buy anywhere at any time. They can even interact easily with specific information resources before making or confirming their final purchase decision.


Usually, they have specific preferences regarding the way they wish to receive such information, which makes it increasingly important to address customers through their most comfortable channel, ISPs will therefore play a more crucial role in the future. Social Marketing on the Rise In addition to Facebook and Twitter, Google also started its Google+ social network for businesses in November 2011, which widens the possibilities of targeted communication with the consumer. These networks are well suited for service or for integrated shops, but they are still scarce. Of course, the daily growing numbers of users in social networks make it interesting for marketers as it could become an important channel, but time will tell. LifeCycle Email Marketing and Real-Time Messaging (RTM) will expand further The concepts of LifeCycle Email marketing and RTM are already an indispensable tool for advertisers, the more pleasing it is to see that marketers start to implement them more often into their daily business routine. All in all the world of online marketing is evolving rapidly and it is becoming more and more crucial to send the right message at the right time via the right channel. Whether social media, data quality, or email marketing, all signs are pointing to growing dialogues in sales and marketing. If you are looking to mix it up, continue reading Asian e-Marketing and stay informed on the hottest digital trends you may want to consider adding to your online plan this year. ♦ By Daniela La Marca


Top Five Technology Trends for Advertisers to Watch The IPG Media Lab released recently a list of five technology trends that will change the way advertisers approach marketing in 2012, including the following: 1. The Seamless Interface Although keyboards and mice have by no means disappeared, the ability to interact directly with your device has become a standard for the most popular consumer technologies. Research firm Displaybank estimates that close to 900 million touch screen units of all types will be shipped in 2012, while Microsoft‟s Kinect - the fastest selling consumer electronics device in history - has eliminated the need for touch altogether. Kinect for Windows is slated to become available in early 2012. In much the same way interaction with our devices is changing, the way they interact with one another is also becoming more seamless. Video is no longer the exclusive domain of the television display or even the PC. Your smartphone can power your entire entertainment experience while in the car and respond to spoken commands. 2012 will bring new meaning to the phrase “hands-free”. 2. De-Ownership Whether or not they fully understand how the cloud works, consumers have already embraced the streaming paradigm, whether it‟s through their PC, in their car, or in the living room via their game console.

For music, it began when CDs started to fade in favor of digital downloads and has now progressed to customizable streaming services like Pandora and Spotify, which eliminates the need for any type of storage - hard drive or otherwise. Video has begun traveling a similar path thanks to streaming services like Netflix and Hulu Plus, which can deliver video through game consoles, stand-alone devices like Roku, or directly through apps installed on connected TVs. Although we see the “over-the-top” phenomenon increasing in the next few years (MAGNAGLOBAL‟s estimate is 9% of households by 2015), it‟s still not a death knell for traditional TV (remember DVRs?). The biggest obstacle for adoption will be the availability and pricing of appropriate bandwidth. 3. Rise of the CDO (Chief Data Officer) The increasing volume of information captured by enterprise, multimedia, social media, location-based platforms, and the „Internet of Things‟ has created an ocean of data on consumer behavior. The ability to analyze this deluge of information and turn it into actionable ideas will become a serious competitive advantage in the marketplace. A recent Corporate Executive Board survey revealed that Big Data is one of the three top issues keeping CMOs up at night - with the danger of „analysis paralysis‟ looming large.



If the key to big data success is to identify and organize the information of greatest value, companies will need to increasingly rely on the right person for that job. The Chief Data Officer, a position which a decade ago existed at relatively few companies, now seems poised to be indispensable to corporations in a wide variety of fields. They will not only be tasked with staffing a team of skilled analysts, but will also help their CMO counterparts sleep better at night. 4. Brick and Mortar Strikes Back As brick and mortar retailers continue to feel the pain of online competitors cutting into their profits, they will need to step up their digital game to stay competitive. 2012 will see brick and mortar retailers fighting back with a new set of digital weapons to enhance the in-store experience: a) Cookies for The Real World: Until recently, the digital space has offered a host of measurement capabilities and tracking that couldn't exist in the physical world. However, audience measurement tools like facial recognition, eye-tracking, and Wi-Fi sensors are helping to level the playing field. It is now possible to track how many people are in or near the store, or the gender and age range of customers looking at their digital signage. The metrics gathered from these tools will help companies better understand their consumers and make decisions that increase revenue. b) Digital Shopping Assistants: While 52% of 2011 holiday shoppers with smartphones used their device to help with their purchases, only 19% of retailers have special shopping assistance apps. Developing great apps to enhance the instore experience will become essential to building customer loyalty and beating the online retailer competition.


c) Indoor Mapping: Google's recent commitment to indoor mapping indicates a growing opportunity for retailers to deliver customized offers and loyalty rewards based on proximity in-store. Consumers can create shopping lists at home on a retailer's app and then easily find products and related offers on site. 5. Toddler Tastemakers The young children of today are part of the „Internet generation‟, having never known a world without the World Wide Web. They are also becoming well-versed in the latest consumer technologies - a survey by PBS in May 2011 found that 70% of parents with iPads let their kids use them regularly and there are a growing number of apps designed specifically for 6-12 year olds. More recently, Microsoft added Kinect-enabled episodes of Sesame Street to its Xbox Live marketplace, allowing children to interact directly with the characters onscreen. Since today‟s kids are the consumers of tomorrow, the technologies they become comfort-able with are likely to be the ones that make it to the next generation. As an addition to the Top Five list, the IPG Lab also debunks three popular trend predictions: 1. 2012 Will Be The Year of NFC Although near field communications has a lot of potential, there are a number of barriers preventing it from breaking through to the mainstream in 2012. A limited number of handsets support the technology, and until all major manufacturers endorse NFC over competitive platforms like Bluetooth 4.0, there is potential for a fragmented market to develop. It will also take time for users to shift gears and adopt the mobile wallet model; loyalty programs and convenient information delivery are more likely to dominate the first wave of NFC successes.

2. Cord Cutting Is a Fad In 2011, we saw a handful of high profile executives declaring cord cutting a fad, while others sounded alarms that cable television is headed for a major crash. The truth lies somewhere between these extremes; cord cutting (or „over-thetop‟) is real and streaming services continue to gain steam, but the number of people eschewing traditional cable is far from a mass exodus. 3. You Need To Customize Your QR Codes While QR code adoption continues to make modest gains, inability to quickly scan a code remains one of the format's biggest challenges. A recent study by Belgian innovation center VIGC discovered that a surprising number of codes are actually unreadable by older smartphones. For the time being, sellers would be better served keeping their codes simple and scanable, rather than giving them a branded look. ♦ By Chad Stoller and David Rosenberg, IPG Lab Managing Partners


2012 MEF’s Top Prediction: NFC will fail to have a Significant Commercial Impact in 2012 despite increased Investment and Spectacular Trials Mobile Entertainment Forum (MEF), the global community for mobile content and commerce, has released its ten predictions for 2012 and put on top of its list Near Field Communication (NFC), saying that there will be increased investment with some spectacular trials in this technology, but that they don‟t expect to see it having a significant commercial impact, yet. Andrew Bud, MEF Global Chair, explained: “This is partly due to the relatively limited number of handsets out there with NFC technology, but also that the consumer benefits haven't been demonstrated.” He said that although everyone understands the capabilities, NFC is still a solution waiting for a problem: “There will be a lot of good ideas put into practice in 2012, and there will be some spectacular failures, but in order for it to work there have to be failures. Before it will catch on someone has to find a use that works for consumers.” Also in the list of predictions are the twin concerns of security and privacy. Bud said the industry, based on consumers paying for items on their mobiles, is already worth $35 billion a year, so there is no doubt that people are willing to pay, on mobile if the correct product and payment method are available.

"The industry needs to find a way of providing a simple and safe payment method, but as you make things safer they inevitably become more complicated. We need to work to find the right balance," he said. The final prediction on the list is that location-based social commerce will replace social networking as the focus for mobile innovation for brands and retailers. According to MEF, they received feedback from their members that social media worked fine for them, but they feel it is a bit of yesterday. Location-based services and social commerce are more important as it is about closing the deal, whereas social networks are more about advertising. MEF‟s global chair admitted that there are some consumer concerns around targeted advertising which still have to be overcome, but he believes that in the end people value not being pestered with irrelevant content and also value good service, claiming: "If you can use location data to provide a good and relevant service it will overcome these issues." Have a look now at MEF‟s full list of predictions: 1. NFC: 2012 will be the year that the industry „gets‟ NFC and there will be increased investment with some spectacular trials, but it will fail to have a significant commercial impact.



2. Security: Regulators worldwide will be brought faceto-face with the security challenges of in-app billing, and new regulations will emerge. 3. Privacy: As smartphones and mobile connected devices continue to become more widespread, increasingly complex and diverse attitudes towards privacy will cause chaos in the industry. 4. Nokia/Microsoft Alliance: The smartphone landscape will evolve into a three horse race, accelerated by local focus in high growth markets. 5. HTML5: Operators will face yet more capacity challenges arising from the surge in the use of HTML5 and the consequent stimulus to audio visual content. 6. SMS: Brands, content owners and retailers will retain

SMS in their mobile toolkit to further engage consumers in content and commerce. 7. Games: 2012 will see mobile connected devices challenge consoles as the platform of choice for high -end gaming. 8. Mobile Payments: Carrier wallets and screen based payments will start to supersede PSMS (Premium Short Message Service) in Atlantic markets. 9. Apps and multi-screen: The maturing mobile apps ecosystem will extend to infotainment in cars and the living room in 2012. 10.Geo-social: Location-based social commerce will replace social networking as the focus for mobile innovation by retailers and brands. (Source: MEF) By MediaBUZZ



Exploding Growth in Mobile Data Demand will Challenge Mobile Networks’ Capacity in 2012 According to Arieso‟s report Recent Smartphone Trends & the Extreme Data User, apps and services consumer demand for mobile data is accelerating beyond expectations, mainly fuelled by new smartphones. The study compared data usage across a variety of smartphones and connected devices that revealed that so-called “extreme” users are becoming even more extreme, with 1% of subscribers now consuming 50% of all downloaded data. The study reveals further, that users of the iPhone 4S demand three times as much data as iPhone 3G users and twice as much as iPhone 4 users, who were identified as the most demanding in Arieso‟s 2010 study. It also shows that Google Nexus One users make twice as many data calls as iPhone 3G users which is consistent with Arieso‟s 2010 results. What‟s really crucial is the fact that the capacity issues plaguing mobile operators around the world will most probably worsen in 2012. “The introduction of increasingly sophisticated devices, coupled with growing consumer demand, is creating unrelenting pressure on mobile networks. The capacity crunch is still a very real threat for mobile operators, and it seems to only get harder in 2012,” commented Dr. Michael Flanagan, CTO, Arieso and study author.

“The mobile industry needs new investment and new approaches to boost network performance and manage the customer experience”, he added. Top Line Results The Arieso analysis compared user data consumption of the latest smartphones against the iPhone3G as a „normalized benchmark‟ and found that different users and different devices exhibit very different demands on the network. The most significant change in consumer behavior between 2010 and 2011 data has been catalysed by the introduction of the iPhone 4S as its users download according to Arieso‟s findings 2.76 times as much data as users of the iPhone 3G. While an Android-powered device maintains last year‟s position at the top of the table for uplink data volumes, with HTC Desire S users typically uploading 3.23 times as much data as iPhone 3G users, the iPhone 4S falls just behind in this category with a typical 3.20 times as much data uploaded. There are some very hungry handset users when compared to the iPhone 3G benchmark (iPhone 3G = 100%):



Data calls per subscriber:

 

HTC Google Nexus One: 221% Sony Ericsson Xperia X10i: 157%  HTC Desire: 156% Uplink data volumes:  3G Modems (various): 2,654%  HTC Desire S: 323%  iPhone 4S: 320% Downlink data volumes:  3G Modems (various): 2,432%  iPhone 4S: 276%  Samsung Galaxy S: 199% “While the report provides general trends, the studies on which they‟re based demonstrate the importance to operators of understanding the


increased consumption each type of smartphone brings. Despite stark industry warnings, mobile operators are still playing „Guess Who?‟ with their subscribers,” continued Flanagan, affirming that without adequately preparing networks to support the new generation of smart devices, operators risk spiralling, misplaced operational expenditure while delivering a sub-par quality of experience to customers. “It‟s critical that operators redouble their efforts to limit the impact of this inevitable squeeze.” Flanagan warns, his company has become one the of world‟s leading providers of customer centric network management software solutions in less than a decade.

Arieso enables operators to accurately direct investment to meet the increasing demand for rapidly growing data services and delivers with ariesoGEO technology location -aware subscriber information to quickly and precisely boost network performance and enrich user experience. The company has published the detailed findings of its latest studies, conducted using ariesoGEO, together with in-depth analysis in its report Recent Smartphone Trends & the Extreme Data User which is available upon request by sending an email to [ ] By MediaBUZZ



Worldcom PR Group’s Emerging Trends to watch in 2012 Worldcom Public Relations Group, a global group of independently owned public relations counselling firms, shared five noteworthy insights on social-media trends, revealing that the role of social media as a consumer engagement tool will continue to evolve in 2012 and listed trends that, according to them, will potentially change the way in which social media is incorporated into consumer-outreach campaigns. Social media has dramatically altered the way that agencies and their clients approach consumer engagement campaigns and in most cases changed the way in which businesses can connect with their target audiences. “Consumer PR, like all forms of public relations and marketing, is fundamentally changing as a direct result of social media and other disruptive onlinecommunications channels,” said Will Ostedt, Chair of the Worldcom Consumer Practice Group and Vice President at The Pollack PR Marketing Group in Los Angeles. “Consumers are expecting to receive and acknowledge communication that is only relevant to them - anything else is ignored or disregarded. The future of consumer PR is to find ways to make messages relevant to consumers and to reach them using the right channels.” he added. In general, the group predicted five emerging trends for this year, expected to dramatically affect all consumer engagement campaigns, including localized social media programs, consumer‟s tendency to filter the noise, the fact that depth is becoming more important than breadth in consumer networks, the disruptive rise of mobile device usage, and the Twitter surge.

The five assumed trends this year that have to be taken into consideration: 1. Location, Location, Location: Worldcom‟s Consumer Practice Group is seeing a shift to more localized social media programs that are better able to target consumers and their unique values and cultural circumstances. These programs are not only aimed at engaging consumers and encouraging them to share their “brand love” with others, but also to animate them into spending money at their local retailer. 2. Filtering the Noise: Consumers are learning how to maximize social media tools to fit their personal needs, first and foremost, by eliminating noise. A fundamental need to filter information, combined with emerging filtration systems such as Google+ in which the information one sees is increasingly determined by past behavior and/or personal desire, means organizations will have to continually find new ways to pervade permission-based news streams in order to be seen and heard. More importantly, organizations will need to make themselves and their content relevant to a more defined audience. 3. Depth over Breadth: The onset of social media has sent most consumers scrambling to widen their social networks in an effort to secure the most friends and followers - with complete disregard of boundaries, privacy and relevancy to their interests and belief systems. In 2011, a noticeable shift occurred where the depth of consumer networks became more important than their breadth. As consumers increasingly try to satisfy their thirst for information that is relevant to their interests and lifestyle first, the



Worldcom Consumer Practice Group sees consumers limiting their engagement to the people and brands that best connect with their personal lifestyle in the confines of niche social networks, customized specifically for their interests. 4. Mobile is the New PC: The dramatic and disruptive rise of smartphones, tablets, eReaders and computerized mobile devices over the past two years has fundamentally changed how consumers interact. The result of this disruption is that modern consumers are always connected, interacting in real time, and vetting the relevance of bitesized information on an on-going basis. Having said that, the group identified that due to this dramatically upward trend of mobile computing, brands and products will need to be connected at all times to be able to deliver real-time response and interaction to their consumers. 5. Twitter Surge: The launch of Apple‟s iOS 5 in 2011 was met


with much fanfare as the new operating system‟s “bells and whistles” delighted current Apple mobile users and served as the impetus for others to make the switch to devices running iOS 5. Buried in all of the “Cloud” talk, is the fact that iOS 5 provides consumers with direct Twitter integration. Having the social network woven into the fabric of mobile OS's should lead to a broadened acceptance of Twitter, as a part of everyday functionality, and increase users' activity on the service. “As social media continues to evolve in 2012, communication pros have the best opportunity and the most relevant skill-set to guide organizations to build meaningful consumer engagement versus being purely content pushers,” added Dawn Doty, Co-chair of the Worldcom Consumer Practice Group and Vice President/Partner with Denver -based Linhart Public Relations. “At the beginning of the new year, we encourage all communication pros to continue muscling in on the

discussions that matter within their organizations to maximize the channels that now allow this authentic consumer engagement.” With more than 2,100 employees, and revenue of more than US$260 million, Worldcom partners collectively serve national, international and multinational clients seamlessly, whilst retaining the flexibility and client-service focus inherent in independent local agencies. Since 1988, Worldcom has been offering on-demand access to indepth communications expertise from within its 107 partner agencies in 91 markets and 46 countries, all professionals who understand the language, culture and customs of the geographic arenas in which they do business. (Source: Worldcom Public Relations Group) By MediaBUZZ


Banks Expect New Digital Media to Engage, Educate and Inform in Real-time For banks, new social media projects are high on the agenda and the industry plans to develop such projects on Facebook, Twitter, Xing, LinkedIn or YouTube this year as well as expanding recruitment and HR applications to online communities or for getting insights into their customers‟ mind. The Chief Marketing Officer (CMO) Council‟s year-end survey of 120 bank marketers evaluated the banking industry‟s communication effectiveness during the year of global financial turmoil. The resulting report Delivering Positive Impressions During Market Depressions reveals that 87% of those surveyed in the last quarter claim the current financial market turmoil is creating a difficult environment that is challenging them to reassure and more effectively communicate with their customers. Top contributors to complexity and pressure include: stepped up regulatory and legal scrutiny and attention; less public trust and more skepticism; as well as, greater customer demand for information and contact. Thus, many are re-evaluating and re-assessing the best way to communicate in order to maintain customer confidence and to quickly respond to anxiety or fear by using new digital media to engage, educate and inform in real-time. “Bank marketers, while highly sensitized to risk and regulatory considerations, are looking to improve their game when it comes to personalized, real-time interaction with critical audiences,” notes Donovan Neale-May,

Executive Director of the CMO Council. “However, this needs to be during uncertain times, as well as part of a continuity communications program that maximizes the lifetime value and profitability of customer relationships,” he adds. Only 19% of bank marketers believe they are doing a good job of leveraging the timeliness and value of digital media in their customer engagement programs. However, 82% expect to increase the adoption and use of new channels of content delivery, community, conversation and interaction. In this regard, they view digital media as offering:

    

Lower production costs; Quicker turnaround; Better measurements and tracking; Greater adaptability and versatility; More engaging and compelling content delivery.

Surprisingly, less than half of bank marketers have formal strategies and contingency programs for handling customer concerns and increased information demands during times of financial market disruption and uncertainty. Some 49% either don‟t have a program, or are scrambling to put this in place. In most cases, bank marketers are either allocating additional resources or adding new capabilities to deal with stepped up communications demands.



Some 32% say they have already done so, while 20% expect they will. Human interaction still remains the preferred choice for bank customers when they have inquiries or concerns. Marketers say account relationship managers (54%), call centers (52%), and branch office visits (48%) are the most common way for bank customers to field requests or handle queries. Websites (29%) and email (22%) are growing sources of inquiry and interaction, while mobile messaging (2%) is still in its infancy - at least in the US market. Looking ahead, bank marketers are seeing a big shift from print to digital media channels.


Custom magazines, once a fundamental of customer relationship marketing, are over-shadowed by more cost-effective, sustainable and inter-active rich media options. Thus, preferred ways of delivering brand marketing content nowadays include:

 Internet web sites (76%)  Social media network pages and   

postings (47%) Online or mobile video segments (41%) Print magazines (39%) Online communities and affinity groups (31%)

Factors influencing the selection of digital media channels by bank marketers include:

internet research and fact-finding; growth of social networking; business and customer engage-ment; website analysis and registrations; as well as, market forecasts and pre-dictions. When it comes to measuring the performance of branded content, bank marketers rely the most on the following metrics:

 Customer acquisition (66%)  Reaction and response levels (62%)

 Loyalty and retention rates (55%)  Circulation and readership (42%)  Branch and field force feedback (41%) (Source: By MediaBUZZ


The Extreme Dynamics of the Mobile App Development Services Market In 2011 publishers created $6.8 billion in application download revenues, while app development revenues reached $20.5 billion, according to German based research2guidance.

research2guidance‟s report The Market for Mobile Application Development Services (2010-2015) Selling The Spades To The App Gold Diggers covers this dynamic market in 98 pages and is written

for app developers as a planning and benchmarking tool as well as for app publishers who wants to develop their sourcing strategy.♦

The mobile research specialist also claims that the development service became a mass market almost three times the size of the application download market today, since most app project revenue is generated from “classical” app creation services (concept creation, design and coding). New service types like app libraries, white label solutions and multi-platform app development tools have become more and more popular, but have not yet taken a major share of the market. Prices for application development services vary significantly between regions - for instance, UK developers charge $626 per day, whereas competitors from India charge, on average, $138 per working day. Thus, app development partners using price as the main criteria for selection will not be leading to an optimal solution as most of the price differences are offset by the additional time needed by offshore app developers.



De-duplication and Virtualization will be the Major Growth Catalysts for APEJ Storage Software Market The Storage Software market in the Asia Pacific excluding Japan (APEJ) region grew by 17% year-onyear to reach US$478 million in the first half of 2011, according to the latest IDC Asia/Pacific Semiannual Storage Software Tracker. The global market intelligence firm asserts in addition that Australia, China and Korea were the key contributors and made up 65 % of the total revenue for Storage Software in the region. “Massive growth of data and the needs to leverage data for strategy planning are the driving factors for the Storage Software market in the region. IDC foresees this trend to continue as data growth is fueled by the emergence of new applications, the proliferation of virtualization, the creation of electronic document stores, the increasing need to share documents, and the retention or preservation of digital records. Data Protection and Recovery continues to take the largest share of the Storage Software market because of revenue growth opportunities coming from virtualization, de-duplication, data growth, cloud services, more robust disaster recovery, and new applications”, says Ridhi Sawhney, Senior Market Analyst for IDC's Asia/Pacific Storage Software Research. The analyst adds: “IT organizations have increasingly focused on curbing storage budgets while optimizing performance and capacity.


As a result, there is an increased interest on technology products that can help improve efficiency, such as automated ranking, de-duplication, compression, thin provisioning, and space-efficient snapshots.” 2010-2015 APEJ Storage Software Market Sizing and Forecast (US$M)

Notes: The data refers to software license, maintenance, and subscription/other software revenue only. Source: IDC Asia/Pacific Semiannual Storage Software Tracker, 1H 2011


In addition, IDCâ€&#x;s research revealed that the public sector took the largest share of 24% of the total revenue of the storage software market in APEJ in the first half of 2011, followed by banking as well as the communication and media sector. Across almost all verticals, storage initiatives have traditionally been motivated by the need to manage

large amounts of information in a cost-effective manner and regulatory retention mandates or compliance audits. Organizations are making investments in technologies that allow them to make better use of existing structured and unstructured information (e.g. images, videos, machine logs) to generate business value.

All in all, IDC foresees that growth in the storage software market in APEJ will remain positive and expects the market to reach US$1,637 million by 2015, with countries like India, Indonesia and China expecting to contribute strongly to the growth during the forecast period. (Source: IDC) By MediaBUZZ



ISACA’s Shopping on the Job Survey ISACA‟s fourth annual "Shopping on the Job" survey examines employees‟ risky online activities while using work-issued computers. Their survey also examines the growing “bring your own device” (BYOD) trend that is blurring the lines between personal and corporate devices, revealing:

During the holiday season (November and December), how much total time do you think an average employee at your enterprise spends shopping online using: A work-supplied A personal comcomputer or smartputer or smartphone, at work or phone during work elsewhere? hours

 The number of employees who plan to use a worksupplied device to shop online - and how much time they‟ll spend shopping

0 hours



1 - 2 hours



3-5 hours



6-8 hours



9-12 hours



 Whether companies tend to ban, limit or freely allow

13-16 hours



employees to shop online and visit social networking sites

17-20 hours



21-29 hours



30-39 hours



40-49 hours



50 hours or more



 The risky activities employees say they do online  Cost of lost productivity that business and IT professionals expect their enterprises to experience

 Whether companies permit BYOD - and if the risk outweighs the benefits

The study is based on an October 2011 online poll of 4,740 ISACA members from 84 countries, and the following results came from questions for the Asian region: one third of the respondents work in India (34%), 10% in Japan, Singapore and the United Arab Emirates make up 7% each followed by Hong Kong and the Philippines with 5% each, Malaysia and China with 4% each, Indonesia, Thailand, Pakistan and Saudi Arabia with 3% each, Sri Lanka with 2% and Bahrain, Bangladesh, Lebanon, Macau, Oman 1%, and Taiwan with around 1% each.


Compared to last year, do you think your employees will do more, less or about the same amount of holiday shopping online during work hours? (n=961) More




About the same



How much money (in US dollars) in terms of productivity do you think your enterprise loses in November and December as a result of an employee shopping online during work hours? (n=960)

Approximately what percentage of your enterprise’s information security incidents do you think are the result of employees’ use of: (n=893) Work devices

Personal devices

(e.g. PC, laptop, netbook, smartphone, tablet) for personal activities?

(e.g. PC, laptop, netbook, smartphone, tablet) for work activities?























$15,000 or more




























Which of the following statements is most accurate about your enterprise? (n=961)

My enterprise allows employees‟ use of IT assets and time for personal purposes to promote work-life balance


My enterprise restricts employees‟ use of IT assets and time for personal purposes due to productivity concerns


My enterprise restricts employees‟ use of IT assets and time for personal purposes due to security concerns




My enterprise does the following when it comes to: (n=898) What security measures, if any, has your enterprise Allows


Prohibits Unsure

The use of worksupplied mobile devices for personal use


The use of personal mobile devices for work purposes


Online shopping using a work-supplied device





Accessing social networking or daily deal sites from a worksupplied device





Use of work email addresses for personal online shopping or non -work-related activities











put in place to limit or prevent employees from shopping online using a work computer or smartphone? (n=886) Has a policy in place that addresses online shopping


Communicates the policy


Provides security awareness training


Educates employees on the risk of online shopping


Has technology in place to protect against web 61% -based attacks Blocks retail web sites


Monitors employees‟ internet usage


Provides a “guest” or segregated network and computing resources for employees to use for shopping and personal online activities


Which of the following do you believe is the most accurate statement about employees using personal mobile devices for work activities? (n=894) The benefits outweigh the risk


The risk outweighs the benefits


The risk and benefits are appropriately balanced




Does your enterprise provide guidance on security issues regarding the use of geo-location services on smartphones and other devices? (n=897) Yes






More ISACA members in Europe, North America and Oceania say that their enterprises allow employees‟ use of IT assets and time for personal purposes to promote work-life balance, while those in Asia, Latin America and Africa say that their enterprises generally restrict this practice due to security concerns. Almost all of them agree that the BYOD trend needs attention, with five of six regions saying the risk outweighs the benefits.

In what industry do you work? (n=889) Finance/banking/insurance


Technology services/consulting




Public accounting












Health care/medical/pharmaceutical






Legal/law/real estate






As many IT professionals know, personally owned PCs or mobile devices that are also used for work are usually more difficult to secure than work-issued devices and are often used for higher-risk online activities, like clicking on links in social network sites or downloading music files. Ultimately, this means that sensitive corporate information may be compromised if the employee‟s device is lost, stolen or attacked by malware. The solution is not as obvious as banning personal devices at work or forbidding the use of work IT assets outside of the office.

Which of the following is closest to your job title? (n=883)


The majority of respondents in the six regions (Africa, Asia, Europe, Latin America, North America and Oceania) believe that online shopping among employees will either remain at the same levels or increase this year, according to Ken Vander Wal, CISA, CPA, International President, ISACA and the IT Governance Institute. Further, the approach to allowing employees to use IT assets for non-work purposes would be mixed.

External consultant












Vice President




The BYOD trend is a perfect illustration of the balance that is continually needed between trust and value, and between risk and benefit. For many employees, one aspect of the perceived value in their enterprise‟s information systems is the ability to access these systems anywhere, any time and from any device. Establishing and demonstrating that these systems can be trusted means finding ways to secure them without imposing impractical restrictions that many employees will ignore or work around. ISACA believes that with the right governance frameworks, business unit support and employee communication, “restrict or limit” could be replaced with “embrace and educate”. It is important to keep pace with the rapidly changing technology environment. If you would like to learn more about this year‟s Shopping on the Job Survey and tips on how employees can manage their BYOD devices, please visit ♦


Sevenfold Increase in Mobile Healthcare Applications According to the mobile research expert research2guidance, 2011 was the first year of substantial business in the market for mobile health services delivered via smartphone applications. The smartphone application market for mobile health care increased by a factor of seven to reach $718 million in 2011, nevertheless, the mHealth market is still in an embryonic state. Theoretically the market potential is enormous given the overall worldwide health care market size of $6 trillion (WHO estimate) and the potential use cases and benefits for mobile patient health care support.

These findings are part of research2guidanceâ€&#x;s new Mobile Health Market Report 2011-2016. A majority of the big health care companies have discovered mHealth applications as an innovative way to promote and deliver health care services and products.

A testament to this is that a number of these large players published mHealth apps in 2011 that go far beyond a simple allergy tracker or pill reminder, e.g. Sanofi Aventisâ€&#x; sensor-based iBGStar Diabetis monitoring app. (Source: The Mobile Health Market Report, 2011 – 2016)

Within the last year, the growth in the mobile health care market has greatly accelerated. The main drivers for this growth have been the increase in the smartphone user base on the demand side, and the doubling of the number of mHealth applications on the supply side.



Two out of Three Organizations in Singapore and Australia frequently experience Data Loss from a Virtual Environment Kroll Ontrack Singapore, a technology services division of the global risk consulting company Kroll Inc., released its latest virtualization data loss findings from a series of surveys conducted at the VMware Forum events in Singapore and Australia in October/ November 2011 that included 107 face-to-face interviews with IT professionals.

A virtualization data loss can be catastrophic for an organization. Common causes of data loss from virtualized environments include file system corruption, deleted virtual machines, internal virtual disk corruption, RAID and other storage/server hardware failures and deleted or corrupt files contained within virtualized storage systems.

Their survey uncovered that 67% of organizations in Singapore and Australia frequently experience data loss from a virtual environment, placing them between Europe (73%) and the US (65%).

Determining the financial impact of a business disruption is difficult because there are both tangible factors, including productivity loss, missed sales opportunities and staff‟s hourly time, but also less tangible factors such as potential non-compliance penalties, damage to corporate image and weakened customer confidence. A Forrester survey noted, for instance, that 15% of respondents knew the cost of their business‟ downtime at an average nearly $145,000 per hour.

Key findings of the study include:

   

52% of participants in Singapore experienced a data loss in the past year 22% of those surveyed experienced more than five virtual data loss incidents in the past year 54% of those experiencing data loss were not able to recover 100% of the data 74% of participants from Australia experienced a data loss in the past year

“Successful organizations realize that any disruption within the virtual infrastructure, regardless of how small, will have an amplified impact on the business as a whole” said CK Lee, Country Manager, Kroll Ontrack Singapore. “Virtualization contracts often claim no liability for data corruption, deletion, destruction or loss. As a result, it is critical for IT leaders and business continuity planners to proactively include a data recovery service provider in their contingency plans.” ♦ By MediaBUZZ



Experian Hitwise Reports Increasing Use of Social Media during SMRT Disruptions Experian Hitwise, a part of Experian Marketing Services, recently announced data from Singapore internet users following the recent SMRT disruptions in December 2011. Many Singaporeans flocked to online sites to share and keep updated with news following three major disruptions of SMRT train service. Experian Hitwise found that top search variations used by Singaporeans include SMRT breakdown, SMRT twitter, SMRT CEO, SMRT CEO Saw Phaik Hwa, SMRT news, SMRT Facebook and SMRT disruption (see Figure 1).

and community forums including Facebook (17.98%) and Singapore HardwareZone Community (10.11%) (see Figure 2). SMRT‟s corporate site remained the top website receiving traffic from the search terms during and after the incident despite a 20% decline of search clicks share over the course. Traffic figures on social media and news websites, however, increased the most over the course. (see Figure 3) Figure 2: Websites receiving traffic from SMRT CEO related terms over 24 rolling weeks ending 24 December

Figure 1: Top search terms zcontaining SMRT

Figure 3: Top websites receiving traffic from terms in SMRT

Variations for the word "SMRT" on all search engines in Singapore saw an increase of 38% in related search clicks on the week ending 24 December, the week after the disruption of train services. “SMRT” remained the key search term used by Singaporeans within the two weeks. Figure 1 reflects the fast moving event-related search terms from the two periods that include specific person searches, SMRT CEO and SMRT CEO Saw Phaik Hwa. Ex-SMRT CEO, Saw Phaik Hwa, was widely discussed during the crisis. Search terms around her name generated high online traffic in several social media websites

Source: Experian® Hitwise® Disruption Period

By MediaBUZZ



Google to Overtake Yahoo in Display Advertising this Year The specialist search and social marketing agency, Greenlight, expects search giant Google to overtake Yahoo and become king of display advertising by the end of the year. The agency further predicts that 2012 will be the year of social link building and that social media sites will take on a multi-faceted identity. Paid Search – Google will overtake Yahoo to become king of display 2011 was a busy year for the search industry with Google acquiring Invite Media and Teracent. In early December, Google officially launched its DoubleClick Search V3 platform (DS3), a bid management program which combines Yahoo and MSN into an AdWords type interface, and made a substantial investment in the DoubleClick platform, specifically DoubleClick for Advertisers (DFA) and the Exchange, which raises the question, if online advertisers really need to invest elsewhere when Google is pretty much geared up to be the one-stop-shop. “Google‟s noteworthy acquisitions and investments in 2011 combined with the mighty AdWords suggest that by the end of 2012, not only will 90 percent of advertisers‟ Search budgets be in AdWords, but also that this trend is set for display,” says Hannah Kimuyu, Paid Media Director, Greenlight.


2012 – The year of Social Link building Adam Bunn, SEO Director at Greenlight, believes that the confluence of user signals influencing search engines‟ perception of brand strength, and that in general everyone who is active on social media, helps building links, which will make 2012 The Year of Social Link Building. What users search for can tell search engines about the strength of a brand, because the strength of the brand directly influences those searches. As such, Bunn argues that social media is now the best means of influencing brand perception online. At the same time, more and more marketers are cottoning on to the fact that social media can dramatically catalyze search engine optimization (SEO) campaigns, by increasing the speed of accrual and the volume of natural links pointing to a site. “It is time to stop thinking of SEO as a bubble”, says Bunn, adding: “It is SEO = Digital PR; SEO = your brand. This year, marketers who think like that when planning their campaigns will win, and those who do not, will be also-rans.”


2012 – The year social media starts taking on a multi-faceted identity According to Anna O‟Brien, Social Media Director, Greenlight, social media, as it currently stands, does not support myriad different relationships and personalities. While sites like Reddit and 4chan appeal to the user who wishes to share information, cloaked in anonymity, Facebook provides a mass audience live feed.

However, while these sites thrive, they live at opposite ends of the spectrum and both only currently provide a single use view. “Somehow these mainstream sites will evolve to allow you to become more multi-faceted. This is more than Google Circles or Facebook groups. Those cater to organization of content rather than the accurate portrayal of multi-dimensional identities.” ♦ By MediaBUZZ


“As social media continues to evolve in 2012, communication pros have the best opportunity and the most relevant skill-set to guide organizations to build meaningful consumer engagement versus being purely content pushers� ~Dawn Doty, Co-chair of the Worldcom Consumer Practice Group


Jump on the Facebook Marketing Bandwagon The marketing phenomenon Facebook will continue to be the talk of town this year, and even more since the company is considering an initial public offering (IPO) in the second quarter of 2012. With about 800 million users worldwide Facebook is highly anticipated as a public company and the offering could raise $10 billion at a $100 billion valuation, outshining all other recent social media IPOs like those of LinkedIn or Groupon. Be that as it may, the fact is that whoever cavorts in the retail business and is looking for a direct dialogue with his audience can't get around the social network of Mark Zuckerberg. The temptation of revenue opportunities within Facebook are motivating business owners to explore Fcommerce, which means shopping via Facebook stores. This relatively-new sales channel is still in its infancy, but is definitely one to watch in 2012. This totally new and emerging sales channel allows businesses to be where their customers are and the opportunity to make money, but expectations should be realistic for now or used more as an experimentation lab for testing certain kinds of products to see how customers react. While using Facebook as a sales channel (FCommerce) is still in its infancy, studies from a dealer's point of view already show a lot of potential. A research on behalf of Facebook has revealed that fans like to recommend a brand, and supposedly one third of Americans surveyed like to talk about brands, among the under 30-year-olds it is even as high as 56%, and 78% generally saying they "like" no more than ten different brands. Their reasons to opt for a company are the hope to get special offers or discounts (57%), after all 41% intend to express their solidarity to the brand, whereas 58% of the fans are already customers. Regarding communication, however, most are just reading posts (77%) and only a few are writing comments. For 56% being a fan has an impact on their recommendations: 56% say that they recommend generally only brands they "like" and for 51% of them the likelihood to buy that product increases, too. Consumers still critical of Facebook are mainly concerned with data safety and privacy issues. Consequently, they are also skeptical when it comes to the use of the network as a sales channel.

Therefore, distributors would have to offer very high safety standards that should be set as high as those in established online shops. Many users are still worried by giving out their user data, since they know Facebook so far only as a communication media. Their concern to receive a flood of additional sales messages is understandable and could destroy trust, thus, retention and data protection have to have the highest priority. F-commerce offers both users and dealers new advantages compared to e-commerce. Currently, Fcommerce serves more as an additional channel in which companies can offer their customers a unique shopping experience but it cannot replace a Web shop only support it. Since the development of F-commerce depends directly on Facebook, the emphasis should be on e-commerce to keep the greatest possible freedom of action. A Facebook Store has to meet the communicative aspect of the medium. Exchange and networking should therefore play an important role here as well. Sale offers should be perceived as enriching and not as disturbing. Unique products that do not require research efforts are therefore particularly well received. We know by now that customers on Facebook expect a unique shopping experience. As fans, they want to benefit from generous exclusive offers, discounts and distinctive products. The purchase should provide an immediate reward, triggering buyers to share their purchase experience with others. Through group purchases, companies have an additional chance to reach new consumers. For an introduction to F-commerce, intangible things such as vouchers, discount codes or coupons are suitable. Recent studies showed that users would like to buy tickets on Facebook. In general, products that are suited to give away and generate word of mouth are the best choice since it gives companies an opportunity to gain experience and find out, what products or services get particular attention. However, as said, please avoid making the F-Store a replica of the E-Store. Create awareness and relevance with unusual concepts, or experiment with unique communication concepts.



Time-and volume-dependent offers, as well as fan-firstand fan-only items, create desire and word of mouth. Observe users' behavior well. Facebook insights provide a set of standard criteria that companies can track, like the number of fans, interactions between the fans and churn rates. The analysis of these figures will tell you whether the Facebook site provides relevant content and with what kind of incentives you can offer to turn fans into customers. Facebook users have specific expectations regarding communications on products and services. They have learned that their status as a fan gives them access to special information and offers, which companies have to consider when developing campaigns or providing information and offers.


Facebook isn't suitable as a platform for product search, yet. Users come across interesting products either via news feeds or recommendations from friends; therefore the Facebook Wall should act as a shopping window that provides inspiration, ideas and information on exclusive promotions. It could be that Facebook-enhanced retail will become the shiny new object for industry players and investors in 2012. Small business owners, however, should be aware that the legal standards that exist in brick and mortar stores and through traditional online retailing also translate to F-commerce. ♌ By Daniela La Marca


Boosting Brand Engagement with User-generated Content As the use of smartphones has been growing rapidly over the years, many brands are paying more attention to mobile marketing alongside traditional marketing. Mobile content is the key to success in developing a mobile marketing strategy. Consumers are now more interested in obtaining clear information about brands, prices, products, and other details before making purchases. Moreover, the emergence of social media enables consumers to share their purchase decisions and brand loyalty with their friends and family. Marketers have started developing innovative as well as creative strategies that let users participate through usergenerated content. Todayâ€&#x;s marketing is about information sharing, brand communities, and interactions with the brand. Mobile applications (apps) let users access brand information in more compelling ways. Nielsen reported that 63% of consumers constantly search using new mobile apps and rely on product recommendations. Users are likely to be more engaged with their smartphones and social networks. The ideal mobile apps to be developed are easy to navigate with user-generated tools and consumer touch points. The emergence of user-generated content has brought brands to the next level. User-generated content allows users to personalize and share content. More and more consumers are identifying with their preferred brands,

forming relationships with the brand above and beyond simply fulfilling customersâ€&#x; needs. This higher level of brand engagement can take many forms - interaction on Facebook Pages, for example - but more often than not, it involves some element of user-generated content. Consumers are willing to take video or photos of themselves enjoying products, and submitting them to websites and so on, sometimes in exchange for incentives, but sometimes also just for five minutes of internet fame. A changing approach in allowing consumers to personalize content gives an opportunity for marketers to encourage users to explore what the brands stand for in the market at an emotional level. Brands encourage users to go deeper into brand meaning and interact with the brand more closely, in the process also broadening the brand identity and letting consumers demonstrate what the brand means to them. Many brands have created opportunities to leverage consumer touch points across the mobile channel. Mobile devices give users accessible content creation tools while at the same time, mobile apps that are linked to social media allow users to immediately share their personalized mobile experience (sponsored or otherwise) with friends and other groups across digital platforms anytime and anywhere.



This is a level of mobile marketing that is less driven directly by the brands and agencies, but one that is in fact propelled by consumer sentiment. Nowadays users are able to enrich the content of brand campaigns by uploading their pictures with the products and spreading their thoughts and opinions about the brand. This content creation is the reflection of the consumersâ€&#x; voice. The challenge for marketers is to be more proactive by monitoring and responding to negative consumer perceptions toward the brand that could happen unpredictably, while remaining open to new and perhaps different interpretations of extant brand messages. In addition to content creation, geo-


location is another dimension of user-generated content that is popular. Geo-tagging lets mobile apps associate location information with photos taken by consumers, and in turn, can be used as the basis for the brands to provide more information, relevant deals, and so on. Consumer contributed content can also be tagged in different locations, letting campaigns run not just locally, but across the world. Consumers will be able to discover must-have products and new trends that brands offer. More importantly, customers are now being social influencers to drive consumer behavior and help marketers communicate the brand meaning in more enjoyable ways.

Marketing has evolved to be more of a dialogue than simply passive information sharing. More and more consumers are now excited to be part of the brand. With the support of mobile apps, marketers can offer consumers a chance to be a part of the brand story - and this is an opportunity that people gladly take up, especially if the result is something that they themselves can share with friends and family. Usergenerated content is changing the way marketers depict brands, making campaigns more engaging and powerful with the participation of consumers. ♌ By Rohit Dadwal, Managing Director, Mobile Marketing Association Asia Pacific


Know How the Land lies in ‘Social Search’ Experian Hitwise reported in September 2011 on Google+ popularity in key Asia Pacific markets, stating that Singapore captured the highest ranking and share of visits to the new platform, most probably due to the dominance of the Google search engine, followed by India with the second highest rank for using Google+ and Hong Kong with the lowest, slightly behind Australia and New Zealand. Google has revealed it will imminently be integrating Google+ into its search results, to deliver search results that better reflect user preferences and also incorporate content shared by people in their respective Google+ Circles. “This is perhaps the biggest change to Google in the last five years and, as such, must not be overlooked by online players”, said Andreas Pouros, Chief Operating Officer of Greenlight, a leading specialist search and social marketing agency. He adds: “It is a huge opportunity for companies and businesses to increase their rankings in the search engine results pages (SERPS) and also extend their search presence into the realms of customer relationship management (CRM), public relations (PR) and more.” Social search is now here - but what will actually change? It is important to emphasize that the basics are not changing, but will simply be complemented by social elements. Thus, natural search results will remain and will be determined in the same way as they are now (relevant content + links + engagement signals) and paid search ads will still operate within the same model. That said, the changes are significant and will breathe life into something that can be called „Social Search‟.

1. Google+ content to be integrated into the SERPs For businesses with a Google+ Brand page, any content posted will appear within the organic search results of the user that has the respective firm in their circles, assuming it is deemed relevant to the users‟ search. This can be beneficial (Google+ content produced by the business gets wider exposure) or a threat (a negative review of the firm posted by someone with an extensive Circle membership will get increased exposure). 2. Relevant Google+ Brand pages to be showcased in the SERPs Google will be suggesting relevant Google+ profiles to follow in the search results when searches are made. For instance, if you searched for „music‟, Google would display options for you to add the Brand pages of „Britney Spears‟, „Snoop Dog‟, etc. to your circles. If you then did that, their content would appear regularly in your search results. This could be beneficial as this promotion of Google+ Brand pages to the general public will grow the number of people who add the respective brand to their Circles, giving brands a captive audience to market to and consolidate their presence in their future search results. There are also a number of threats to be faced - if brands do not have a Google+ page right now, they potentially leave themselves open to their branded search results being hijacked by people pretending to be their brand. In addition, the respective brand will not be amassing people who have added it to their Circles, whilst the brand‟s competitors might be. This will obviously result in reduced visibility and mindshare over time.

Greenlight summarizes the key changes we should expect as follows:



Recommendations 1Businesses and brands that want to take advantage of these changes - or not fall victim to them - would need to undertake several actions: 1. Create a Google+ Brand page immediately This would need to be carefully put together to ensure that it appears official, useful and worthy of people adding it to their Circles. It should also be optimized to ensure it ranks for relevant brand search terms. 2. Put a Google+ content strategy in place Once a Google+ Company/Brand page has been created, a content strategy has to be designed to deliver consistently high quality and engaging content to that audience (i.e. daily). Content that not only begs to be shared, but uses search

terms and themes the target audience might be searching for as well, will therefore consequently increase and broaden the rankings. For instance, if you are a company that sells computer games, you would want to have regular Google+ content showing the top 10 most purchased games. If consumers have you in their Circles, they will see this content in their search results when they conduct relevant searches. It will also encourage others to add you to their Circles too. Content essentially needs to be used to increase the Company/Brand exposure to those consumers that already have them in their Circle and also compel others to add them for the first time because there is an incentive to do so. This should be aligned to the list of search terms the Brand/ Company already targets in natural and paid search.

3. Benchmark your activity against the competition As with most things, it is important to ensure that close tabs are kept on how well competitors are doing particularly in terms of the number of people that have added them to their Circles over time. Interestingly, Forrester Research recently published a study that stated Americans and Europeans would take a more passive approach to social media than consumers in emerging markets, claiming that, for instance, more than two-thirds of online adults in metropolitan China and India create social content, while the majority of online Americans and Europeans are more “spectatorsâ€?. Who would have thought that? Considering the regionâ€&#x;s enormous size and huge as well as still growing population this newly gained fact about active social content creators in Asia seems to be very promising indeed! By MediaBUZZ



ISACA’s Recommendations for Managing Three of the Trends that will dominate the IT Landscape in 2012 The global, independent, non-profit IT association ISACA (Information Systems Audit and Control Association) was founded in 1969 and has since then provided knowledge, certifications, community, advocacy, and education on information systems. MediaBUZZ would like to present the following, recently shared recommendations from ISACA for managing three of the trends widely cited to dominate the IT landscape in 2012, namely big data, the consumerization of information technology and the growing dominance of mobile devices. Big Data - Coaxing Order Out of Chaos “Big Data” describes not only the extremely large volumes of data being collected by enterprises in an increasingly connected world, but also their diverse sources, including social networks, sensor networks, customer chat sessions and more. “Big Data is going to evolve out of its „shiny new object‟ status in 2012. IT leaders will need to figure out how to coax order out of the chaos from all those zeroes and ones, as well as optimize ROI and manage data privacy,” said Ken Vander Wal, CISA, CPA, International President of ISACA. According to the complimentary ISACA white paper Data Analytics - A Practical Approach, enterprises should aim for early success by using analytics across

many projects for greater insight, performing ad hoc analysis to support key areas of risk, and defining measures of success along the way. The Invasion of Consumer Devices The consumerization of IT, marked by the invasion of employee-owned smartphones and tablet devices into the workplace, is predicted to be another major trend in 2012. Employees who use their own devices for work gain flexibility and can be more productive, but those devices are typically more difficult for IT to secure and manage. “BYOD - or Bring Your Own Device - is a fast-moving train. IT departments have to jump on it or risk getting left at the station,” said Robert Stroud, CGEIT, CRISC, past International Vice President of ISACA and Vice President, Innovation and Strategy, CA Technologies. “Organizations that embrace the BYOD trend need to consider a two-pronged approach to security by focusing on both the device and the data it can access. In 2012, we should see an increased focus on the mobile device and its access to information. IT will need to answer questions such as, „Who is accessing corporate information, when and from what device? Is the device trustworthy?” said Stroud. IT professionals‟ acceptance of this trend is mixed. More ISACA members in Europe, North America and



Oceania say their enterprises allow employees to use corporate IT assets and time for personal purposes to promote work-life balance, while those in Asia, Latin America and Africa say their enterprises generally restrict this due to security concerns, according to the recent 2011 ISACA Shopping on the Job Survey: Online Holiday Shopping and BYOD Security. Growth in Mobile Equals Growth in Threats One of most prominent elements in the 2012 security landscape will be the growth of mobile devices, including everything from smartphones and tablet computers to laptops and Universal Serial Bus (USB) memory sticks. “2012 will see a sharp increase in attacks targeted at mobile devices, either to exploit them or use them as an access point to corporate networks,” said John Pironti, CISM, CRISC, CISSP, Security Advisor, ISACA, and President, IP Architects. ISACA advises that information security managers need to create an easily understood and executable policy that protects against the


data leakage and malware – and then communicate it. In ISACA‟s recent BYOD survey of 1,224 US consumers, 16% of respondents say their organization does not have a policy prohibiting or limiting personal activities on work devices, and another 20% do not know if one exists. Setting and communicating policies are central to effective governance of enterprise IT (GEIT), which is a priority with most enterprises, according to the fourth Global Status Report on the Governance of Enterprise IT (GEIT) published by ISACA‟s research affiliate, the IT Governance Institute (ITGI). Only 5% of business executives and heads of information technology surveyed indicated that they do not consider it important, and two-thirds of enterprises have some GEIT activities in place. The survey, however, uncovered opportunity for IT leaders to be more proactive, especially in striking a balance between innovation projects and “run the business” tasks. (Source: ISACA) ♦ By MediaBUZZ

The use of digital rights management is controversial. Content providers claim that DRM is necessary to fight copyright infringement online and that it can help the copyright holder maintain artistic control or ensure continued revenue streams.


Akamai Technologies’ New Solutions for the Online Entertainment Industry Akamai Technologies‟ is aware of the fact that today‟s hyper-connected world is radically changing the business of media and entertainment and has therefore recently introduced its technology advancements for the rapidly evolving online entertainment industry in the areas of security and delivery. Product innovation and rapid consumer adoption have created an environment where delivering a secure, high -performing consumer experience on any device is critical and very challenging, but also brings enormous benefits and opportunities as well. Building on its Intelligent Platform (Akamai HD Network), the company offers its clients advanced monetization capabilities, business model flexibility and simplified workflow to reach a growing device landscape. “Cloud computing, ubiquitous connectivity, and the increasing consumption of IP video are driving content providers to move more content to the cloud and users to expect access to content on multiple devices,” said Bill Wheaton, Senior Vice President of Digital Media at Akamai. He added: “Akamai is committed to reducing the complexities of the hyper-connected world by providing a platform that delivers the best user experience, securely, for any device type. By helping our customers solve the business challenges across security, multidevice delivery and analytics, we‟re continuing to enable them to focus on their core business strategies.” The acceptance of cloud computing, as well as advances in connected device and mobile technology,


has led to increased viewing of IP video, but also opened the door for piracy and unauthorized consumption of content. The number of connected devices has exploded, and industry predictions indicate that by 2015, 90 percent of video will be online and by 2015, the ratio of devices per internet user will be five to one. As a result, the entertainment industry faces increasing complexities around entitlement, access, monetization, quality and security. To help companies navigate the changing landscape and meet consumer expectations, Akamai is announcing: Standardized Delivery on the Akamai HD Network The plethora of device types used to consume HD media has added complexity to content distribution and the ability to ensure highperforming viewer experiences on the go. Akamai has addressed this by standardizing on HTTP as the primary delivery protocol, which includes HTTP Live Streaming (HLS) and Smooth HD Streaming for delivery across the Akamai HD Network. Akamai also recently made available Adobe® HTTP Dynamic Streaming (HDS) across its platform, and customers can leverage these new dynamic streaming capabilities without making changes to their existing Flash workflow. “One of the key business benefits that Adobe‟s HTTP Dynamic Streaming capability offers is meeting the


needs of broadcasters that are streaming an increasing volume of premium video content across a diverse set of devices,” said Pritham Shetty, Vice President of Video Solutions at Adobe. “The long-term strategic relationship between Akamai and Adobe has consistently produced new and cost-effective ways for content owners to scale to the next level with their online video offerings and initiatives. The general availability of HTTP Dynamic Streaming within the Akamai HD Network is yet another milestone that will benefit our mutual customers and the end users who expect the best quality video experience.” For more details on Akamai‟s HD Network and HTTP Streaming solutions, please go to: http:// Digital Asset Security As the entertainment industry expands its digital footprint, security threats have become more prominent, frequent and dangerous. Securing content in the cloud across multiple connected devices and geographies is critical and companies must achieve the fine balance between content accessibility and protection. Not all content is created equal and requires varying levels of security. To meet this challenge, Akamai developed Akamai SecureHD, a highly-scalable, cloud-based security solution that includes four protection capabilities: token authorization, player verification, media encryption and content targeting. Designed to protect consumers and businesses from misuse of digital assets, Akamai SecureHD is optimized for live and on-demand streamed content and offers a simplified process for content owners to protect assets across multiple delivery formats and devices. Akamai SecureHD also optimizes security features based on device capabilities and associates security policies to ensure optimum playback for any connected device. For more information on Akamai SecureHD, please download the SecureHD whitepaper.

UltraViolet is a groundbreaking ecosystem for delivering a new and compelling way to collect and enjoy home video entertainment. As an UltraViolet licensee, Akamai acts as an integration point between the players in the Digital Entertainment Content Ecosystem (DECE), the consortium of leading movie studios, technology providers, consumer device makers, entertainment retailers and video service providers powering UltraViolet. To assist content providers and entertainment retailers in meeting consumers‟ demands for accessing content on entitlement models through a simplified workflow, an intelligent cloudbased delivery platform, and broad security measures. The Akamai HD Network provides high quality video streaming of UltraViolet content using the latest adaptive bitrate technologies, and Akamai SecureHD manages content streamed to PCs, tablets and other internet connected devices. Akamai‟s solution also streamlines access code redemption, account management and stream management with the UltraViolet Coordinator. “B2B service providers like Akamai are utilizing UltraViolet's open-specs design ability to accelerate retailers‟ and other service providers‟ deployment, with premium quality enablement and delivery on a rapiddeployment and cost-efficient basis,” said Mark Teitell, General Manager of DECE. “Akamai is helping the deployment of UltraViolet move to the next phase as we continue to seek to provide consumers with access to their favorite movies and TV shows in ways never thought possible. Congratulations to Akamai for bringing this suite of solutions to market.” Akamai for UltraViolet is currently powering studioapproved UltraViolet solutions. Visit ultraviolet for more details on this solution. ♦ By MediaBUZZ

Support for Emerging Business Models Positioned at the heart of the digital media ecosystem, Akamai has the experience, scale and relationships to help bring new business models like TV Everywhere and UltraViolet™ to market. Meeting consumers‟ expectations for high quality content on multiple devices can be daunting. Coupled with security requirements, multiple content owners, retailers and distributors, as well as the introduction of digital lockers, the task becomes challenging.



TomTom App for iPhone and iPad goes Social TomTom, a global supplier of location and navigation products/services, just started to promote its latest version 1.10 of the TomTom App for iPhone and iPad that will be available within Q1 2012. The new version includes TomTom navigation with Facebook and Twitter, allowing users to navigate to friends, places and events more easily. Customers who already have the App will be able to download the new features for free. The TomTom App for iPhone and iPad will be the first to use social networks as a source for turn-by-turn navigation. It can automatically plan routes based on information from Facebook events, places and friends. Drivers can also use the App to share their destination and arrival time on Twitter, Facebook, by email and SMS. “According to studies, as the vast majority of iPhone users manage Facebook on their iPhone,” Corinne Vigreux, Managing Director Consumer at TomTom said, “it just became natural to integrate Facebook features into the TomTom App.” So far the TomTom App for iPhone/iPad offers drivers:


The latest, most accurate maps available – with no need for a mobile signal or data plan;

Free daily map changes from the TomTom community through Map Share;

Reliable arrival times at all times of the day with IQ Routes;

Real-time camera alerts via TomTom Speed Cameras;

 

A powerful search with Google and Facebook;

Seamless integration with contacts, photos, music, email and calendar.

Clear turn-by-turn guidance while on the phone thanks to iOS Multitasking support;

Now, TomTom has added:

Facebook places, events and friends as a source of turn-by-turn navigation;

Enabling drivers to share their destination and arrival time on Twitter, Facebook, by email and SMS text. By MediaBUZZ

"Marketers are awakening to the fact that successful integrated marketing necessitates a holistic view of the planning, operations, campaign execution, and analytic functions." ~ Wilson Raj, Global Product Marketing Principal for Customer Intelligence at SAS


Growing Demand for SAS Customer Intelligence Solutions Sales of SAS Customer Intelligence solutions went up by more than 25 percent worldwide last year, according to the business analytics software provider SAS, a leader in integrated marketing management. Growth was driven by demand from marketing organizations for analytic solutions that help them better understand and engage with customers to attain profitable outcomes. SAS is also seeing strong demand from CMO's for improvements in operational efficiency, and the adoption of integrated marketing management. "Marketers are awakening to the fact that successful integrated marketing necessitates a holistic view of the planning, operations, campaign execution, and analytic functions." said Wilson Raj, Global Product Marketing Principal for Customer Intelligence at SAS. "Smart organizations realize that they need to link, align, and synchronize both aspects of marketing - operational and campaign management functions - to not only create better customer experiences, but do so more efficiently and cost-effectively." The company confirms as well that the growth of social media presents an opportunity for organizations to add to the intelligence they already collect from structured data sources. Companies are turning to the recognized leader in analyzing structured data to bring the same rigor to unstructured data, and SASÂŽ Social Media Analytics can help organizations extract and interpret information from unstructured data sources.


Combining intelligence from structured and unstructured data helps build the most complete picture possible of the customer, marketplace, category as well as competitive environment and applying predictive analytics to this data helps organizations make more informed business decisions. The tough economic climate of the past few years has driven marketers to focus more attention on increasing operational efficiency, which will definitely continue even when the economy improves. In general, SAS is seeing increased demand for analytic capabilities that support marketing by driving better planning, optimizing outcomes and measuring performance and you can expect to have their solutions SASÂŽ Marketing Operations Management, SAS Marketing Mix Advisor, SAS Marketing Optimization, and SAS for Marketing Performance Management at hand in case you need them. So far, SAS Customer Intelligence has proven to be one of the most comprehensive suite of integrated enterprise marketing solutions available on the market including SAS for Customer Experience Analytics, SAS Digital Marketing, SAS Marketing Automation and SAS Real-Time Decision Manager. Well, itâ€&#x;s obvious that the transition to a customerfocused business strategy continues to gain momentum and Jim Davis, Senior Vice President and Chief Marketing Officer, SAS, has actually been the one guiding the company's focus to be customer-driven. Responsible for providing strategic direction for SAS prod-

COMPANIES & CAMPAIGNS ucts, solutions and services and presenting the SAS brand worldwide, he spearheaded the transformation of SAS from a tools provider to the software solutions provider it is today by building industry-specific expertise into SAS' product management and product marketing teams. So, who could be better to give you an overview of SASâ€&#x;s holistic approach to solving critical challenges across marketing .♌ By MediaBUZZ


If the key to big data success is to identify and organize the information of greatest value, companies will need to increasingly rely on the right person for that job. The Chief Data Officer, a position which a decade ago existed at relatively few companies, now seems poised to be indispensable to corporations in a wide variety of fields. They will not only be tasked with staffing a team of skilled analysts, but will also help their CMO counterparts sleep better at night. ~ Chad Stoller and David Rosenberg, IPG Lab Managing Partners


There is Strength in Numbers, so what’s all the Fuss about SOPA and PIPA? Drafting and implementing legislation that effectively polices today's online innovations and strategies, while remaining general enough to apply to new emerging technologies, is an almost impossible balancing act. Statutory provisions always seems to lag far behind the technology or the complexity of the issue, as seen with the current on-going protests of the Wikipedia community that is shutting down its English-language sites for 24 hours on 18 January – Internet Blackout Day - to express its discontentment over the proposed federal anti-privacy legislation Stop Online Piracy Act (SOPA) in the US House of Representatives and the PROTECT IP Act (PIPA) in the US Senate. The open-source encyclopaedia website, Wikipedia, regards it as a threat to free speech and a road block for public knowledge and know-how. SOPA supposedly seems to have support among both lawmakers, Hollywood studios and pharmaceutical companies, who claim that they apparently lose hundreds of billions of dollars due to pirated material. Meanwhile IT and Web companies, such as Wikipedia, Microsoft, Google, Yahoo, WordPress and others – including the White House - interpret SOPA and PIPA as acts of "Internet censorship” that jeopardizes their business and openness of the internet. Indeed - if passed - the bills could seriously damage the free and open Internet that has so brilliantly spun its success around a body of largely, freely acquired knowledge over the few short decades of its existence. Wikipedia is definitely one of the biggest creations and contributors to the Internet. Driven by the non-profit organization, Wikimedia, it welcomed and organized user-contributed knowledge and gave it back to the masses. Taking the credo “Knowledge is Power” the organization has worked hard to provide its service to the world by embracing the zeitgeist of our Web 2.0 era. The free encyclopaedia now has some 474 million unique visitors per month, making it the fifth-most popular web property in the world (comScore, November 2011), it is available in 282 languages, and it contains more than 20 million articles contributed by a global volunteer community of more than 100,000 people. I

think these figures speak for themselves and reflect the spirit of the Internet world perfectly. Wikipedia is a knowledge source created by the public to be used for the benefit of all and that‟s simply in line with Internet philosophy! Providing access to educational material on a wide range of subjects to those that can‟t afford paid content can‟t be wrong! There is and must be a “giveand-take” thinking that only a free and open Internet can guarantee. History has already proven, quite often, that when you regulate one area, another area of opportunity opens. In the case of Wikipedia, Digital Rights Management (DRM) technologies should actually provide a solution, tackling an old problem for businesses and their legal objections to copying technologies. There is no doubt that there are, as everywhere else, some bad guys in cyberspace - commercially motivated and only out to make money. “Still, that doesn‟t necessarily mean that Web companies in general don‟t have a desire to make the world a better place – many do!”, Founder of Wikipedia, Jimmy Wales believes, adding: “All around the world, we‟re seeing the development of legislation intended to fight online piracy, and regulate the Internet in other ways, that hurt online freedoms. Our concern extends beyond SOPA and PIPA: they are just part of the problem. We want the Internet to remain free and open, everywhere, for everyone.” His call has actually been hotly debated for quite some time and is not really new, besides the worries over Internet privacy. But are we not already at the point where the “power to the people” screams can‟t be overheard? The Internet world demands its right of free speech and knowledge and even accepts in return that supporting companies might monetize their efforts. Just look at the new Web code HTML5, for instance, that promises to usher in a new era of Internet browsing within the next few years.



It enables users to view multimedia content without downloading extra software, to check email offline, or support finding a favourite restaurant or shop on a smartphone. The reason why it was hotly debated was not because of the many benefits it definitely provides, but for the fact that HTML5 discloses privacy issues. Although its additional features are most probably extremely attractive for most of its users, like resolving the common doubt of “cookies with a very long memory”, others will be more cautious as the new Web language and its additional features present more tracking opportunities. Some companies in the US, for instance, have already been accused of violating users‟ privacy by tracking their


online activities even after they took steps to prevent it, which gives us another hint of what could come. Considering all the free content and services that consumers now enjoy because of advertising revenue, it is imperative that any possible new laws are carefully tailored or questioned whether they are needed at all. Are we not mature enough to know that we can‟t embrace freefor-all services and content and at the same time shield ourselves completely from the curiosity of others? Let‟s be honest, not all piracy is undesirable, considering that only valuable things get stolen. Therefore it is actually a complement - or as my sister recently described it:

“Pity you get for free - envy you have to earn”. So, we should let the future development of the Internet take it‟s own natural and free course and not hinder or hobble it with too many protective measures. We all know that rules and regulations can always be bypassed with new concepts, innovations and technologies – we just have to become progressively more sophisticated. Let‟s not close the door to the growing world of knowledge just to stand alone in our own light. There is strength in numbers and if we work together the light can shine on us and all we do if we work together now! ♦ By Daniela La Marca

Social media has dramatically altered the way that agencies and their clients approach consumer engagement campaigns and in most cases changed the way in which businesses can connect with their target audiences.


Digital Rights Management (DRM) Digital Rights Management (DRM) is a class of access control technologies that are used by hardware manufacturers, publishers, copyright holders and individuals with the intent to limit the use of digital content and devices after sale. DRM is any technology that inhibits uses of digital content that are not desired or intended by the content provider. Copy protection which can be circumvented without modifying the file or device, such as serial numbers or keyfiles are not generally considered to be DRM. DRM also includes specific instances of digital works or devices. Companies such as Amazon, AOL, Apple Inc., the BBC, Microsoft and Sony use digital rights management. In 1998 the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA) was passed in the US to impose criminal penalties on those who make available technologies whose primary purpose and function is to circumvent content protection technologies. DRM technologies attempt to give control to the seller of digital content or devices after it has been given to a consumer. For digital content this means preventing the consumer access, denying the user the ability to copy the content or converting it to other formats. For devices this means restricting the consumers on what hardware can be used with the device or what software can be run on it. Long before the arrival of digital or even electronic media, copyright holders, content producers, or other financially or artistically interested parties had business and legal objections to copying technologies. Examples include: player piano rolls early in the 20th century, audio tape recording, and video tape recording (e.g., the "Betamax case" in the US). Copying technology thus exemplifies a disruptive technology. The advent of digital media and analog/digital conversion technologies, especially those that are usable on mass-market general-purpose personal computers, has vastly increased the concerns of copyright-dependent individuals and organizations, especially within the music and movie industries, because these individuals and organizations are partly or wholly dependent on the revenue generated from such works.


While analog media inevitably loses quality with each copy generation and in some cases even during normal use, digital media files may be duplicated an unlimited number of times with no degradation in the quality of subsequent copies. The advent of personal computers as household appliances has made it convenient for consumers to convert media (which may or may not be copyrighted) originally in a physical/analog form or a broadcast form into a universal, digital form (this process is called ripping) for location- or timeshifting. This, combined with the internet and popular file sharing tools, has made unauthorized distribution of copies of copyrighted digital media (digital piracy) much easier. DRM technologies enable content publishers to enforce their own access policies on content, like restrictions on copying or viewing. In cases where copying or some other use of the content is prohibited, regardless of whether or not such copying or other use is legally considered a “fair use�, DRM technologies have come under fire. DRM is in common use by the entertainment industry (e.g., audio and video publishers). Many online music stores as well as many e-book publishers also use DRM, as do cable and satellite service operators to prevent unauthorized use of content or services. The use of digital rights management is controversial. Content providers claim that DRM is necessary to fight copyright infringement online and that it can help the copyright holder maintain artistic control or ensure continued revenue streams. Those opposed to DRM contend there is no evidence that DRM helps prevent copyright infringement, arguing instead that it serves only to inconvenience legitimate customers, and that DRM helps big business stifle innovation and competition. Further, works can become permanently inaccessible if the DRM scheme changes or if the service is discontinued. Proponents argue that digital locks should be considered necessary to prevent intellectual property from being "stolen", just as physical locks are needed to prevent personal property from being stolen. Digital locks placed in accordance with DRM policies can also restrict users from doing something perfectly

BUZZWORD legal, such as making backup copies of CDs or DVDs, lending materials out through a library, accessing works in the public domain, or using copyrighted materials for research and education under fair use laws. Some opponents, such as the Free Software Foundation (FSF) through its Defective By Design campaign, maintain that the use of the word "rights" is misleading and suggest that people instead use the term "digital restrictions management". Their position is that copyright holders are restricting the use of material in ways that are beyond the scope of existing copyright laws, and should not be covered by future laws. The Electronic Frontier Foundation and the FSF consider the use of DRM systems to be anti-competitive practice. Digital Rights Management Techniques Restrictive Licensing Agreements: The access to digital materials, copyright and public domain are controlled. Some restrictive licenses are imposed on consumers as a condition of entering a website or when downloading software. Encryption, scrambling of expressive material, and embedding of a tag: This technology is designed to control access and reproduction of online information. This includes backup copies for personal use. Impossible task?

"What the entertainment industry is trying to do is to use technology to contradict natural law. They want a practical way to make copying hard enough to save their existing business. But they are doomed to fail." He has also described trying to make digital files uncopyable as being like "trying to make water not wet". The Association for Computing Machinery and the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) both have historically opposed DRM, even going so far as to name Advanced Access Content System (one DRM standard) as a technology "most likely to fail" in an issue of the IEEE Spectrum magazine. Not all piracy is undesirable to digital rights holders! Microsoft has stated that if someone is going to steal software, they want it to be their software they steal. There can be real benefits to software makers to theft, since the unit cost of digital theft is zero, or near-zero, and their belief is that some software pirates will become trained in their software and eventually pay for it. A study of digital rights management for eBooks showed that relaxing some forms of DRM can be beneficial to digital rights holders because the losses from piracy are outweighed by the increases in value to legal buyers. ♌

An internationally renowned security technologist and author has written about the futility of digital copy prevention and says it's an impossible task. He writes




InMobi announced the appointment of Anita Swan as Regional Marketing Director, Asia Pacific. She will spearhead the company‟s marketing strategy for the region, including Southeast Asia, China, Korea, Australia, New Zealand and India, and work with the local marketing teams in these markets. She brings with her over nine years of experience in the Asia Pacific telecommunications space and a further seven years in the digital advertising space.

Anita Swan

Anita was previously Head of Marketing, Asia Pacific at Alcatel-Lucent where she led a multicultural central marketing team across product, campaign functions, digital, and events. Prior to Alcatel-Lucent, Anita led the marketing efforts of various telecommunications providers around the Asia Pacific region including Vodafone, Digicel, Telstra and Telecom NZ. ♦

IPG Mediabrands , the media innovation unit of Interpublic Group, appointed Arun Kumar to the new position of President Mediabrands Audience Platform (MAP) G14 . Reporting to Brendan Moorcroft, Global CEO of MAP, Arun will drive the IPG Mediabrands digital practices that include Cadreon, Spring Creek Group, Ansible and Reprise and help instill a fresh, new approach across the G14, evolving and developing the agencies and their exciting performance driven capabilities. Arun, who brings to the new role over ten years‟ experience in driving digital development globally, will further extend their reach into IPG Mediabrands‟ G14 markets, its 14 most strategic markets outside of North America, whilst developing their products and services to make them even more relevant and effective to clients. Arun Kumar Arun‟s passion for digital surfaced in his first role at UM India and later at Starcom as Planning Director and Digital Director working on P&G in China. Before joining IPG Mediabrands, Arun was Director of Digital Operations at Aegis Media, where he advised clients such as Sony, Nokia and P&G on their regional digital strategy and initiatives. He was also closely involved in developing Aegis‟ search offering, its standardized digital tools and processes across the region. Before that Arun was CEO of Carat Singapore. He has most recently been working as Head of Digital for IPG Mediabrands in Asia Pacific, overseeing its digital offering and working closely with clients to create integrated and value-driven digital strategies.♦

Creative agency iris is building on its vital growth in Asia with the launch of a new regional PR arm. In addition to focusing on the printed press and traditional media relations, the new department will also encompass all aspects of social strategy such as community management, social media and digital channel planning. The new PR division will be headed by iris‟ newly appointed Social Strategist, Allanjit Singh, who joins from Ogilvy Singapore. According to Craig Mapleston, Managing Director of iris Singapore “The PR professional of the future needs to be a hybrid of channel planner, community manager and brand guardian” and believes that Allanjit has all of those skills.

Allanjit Singh

A digital marketing and communications strategist, Allanjit previously worked for Ogilvy Singapore since September 2009 as a lead digital strategist and for some of Singapore‟s leading PR agencies such as LEWIS Public Relations and FleishmanHillard prior to that.

In his new role, Allanjit will lead the regional team out of iris‟ Singapore office, spanning iris‟ offices in Jakarta, Sydney, Delhi and Beijing. Projects in the pipeline will include digital planning and PR support for iris‟ diverse range of clients.♦



IPG Mediabrands, that controls a $34 billion global media buying portfolio, has announced that Prashant Kumar will assume the role of Regional President, World Markets Asia, overseeing Hong Kong, Taiwan, Singapore, Malaysia, Korea, Indonesia, Vietnam, Thailand and The Philippines. He was formerly CEO of IPG Mediabrands in Malaysia, and will continue to hold that role. In this newly expanded role, Prashant will report directly to Mauricio Sabogal, President World Markets, UM and Initiative. Prashant will be in charge of continuing the transition to the Mediabrands clusters structure that is driving consistency of talent, product enhancement for clients, and assistance with more efficient allocation of resources. Prashant will work closely with Mauricio Sabogal, President, World Markets and Andrea Suarez, COO, World Markets, UM and Initiative. Prashant Kumar

Under Prashant‟s leadership, UM Malaysia went from ninth in size to become the second largest media agency in the country. As a Google certified professional himself, he launched Reprise, IPG Mediabrands‟ search outfit, and Rally, the social marketing outfit which both became top players in the market. At the same time, IPG Mediabrands announced that Daniel Simon has resigned as Chief Operating Officer of both UM and Initiative Asia. Daniel will be taking time off to spend with his family. There is no current plan to appoint a G14 head in Asia and Jim Hytner will continue to oversee all G14 countries for UM and Eric Bader for Initiative.♦

QlikTech, a leader in Business Discovery user-driven Business Intelligence (BI), appointed Terry Smagh as Vice President of Sales for South East North Asia (SENA). Smagh will be in charge of the company‟s sales, Qonnect Partner Program as well as other key operational, strategy and marketing functions. Smagh has more than 10 years of experience in enterprise sales and channels strategies in the intelligence-on-demand technology sector, and has held senior executive positions with Actuate, Informatica and Oracle. In his previous role as Head of Channel Sales at Informatica, Smagh excelled at establishing and managing key partner footprints in the region for the company. He was also responsible for developing key go to market strategies for different markets in Southeast Asia and India during his tenure at Oracle/Hyperion.

Terry Smagh

Smagh first joined QlikTech in January 2010 when the company was launched in Singapore. In the crucial first six months, he helped built up QlikTech‟s channel marketing program, identified key system integrators, and drove business revenue up by 250% in key markets.♦

Celent, a division of Oliver Wyman, Inc., focused on advisory services and research for the global financial services market, announced that Craig Weber is replacing Mike Harding as Celent's CEO. Craig joined the firm in 2002 and has been a senior vice president, with global responsibility for Celent's Insurance division, since 2007. In recent years, he led the team's expansion in North America, Europe, Asia, and Latin America. Craig has a BA summa cum laude from Saint Michael‟s College, Vermont and a MA in communications from Emerson College, Massachusetts. ♦.

Craig Weber



Exedra Events Once Again Finalists in Three Categories The Asian Conference Awards 2012 will reward excellence and innovation in Singapore this March by celebrating and honoring individuals and teams in 14 disciplines. Exedra Events has been honored once again in three categories of the Asian Conference Awards: Best Marketing Team - Exedra Events team; Best Operations Team - Exedra Events team; and, Best Development of an existing conference in Singapore Hospital Management Asia. They are also awaiting the results of two more categories. Exedra Events, the Asian-based conference management company, specializes in conceptualizing and organizing regional conferences and awards programs in Asia. ♦

MOL Global Pte. Ltd., one of Southeast Asia‟s largest internet companies announce that its wholly owned subsidiary, MOL AccessPortal Sdn. Bhd. (MOL), has partnered with Electronic Arts Inc. to distribute prepaid game cards, available for purchase in more than 600,000 channels in six Asian countries, including India, Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore, Thailand and the Philippines. Players can use these prepaid game cards to purchase virtual goods in popular EA and Playfish™ social games, including The Sims Social™, Pet Society™, Restaurant City™ and EA SPORTS™ FIFA Superstars. MOL is one of Asia‟s leading electronic payment service providers for online games and social payments. MOL‟s flagship product, MOLPoints, is a virtual currency used by social gamers and online consumers in the Asian region to acquire in-game credits and digital goods. Gamers can easily purchase cards for EA and Playfish games via online systems and popular retail chains such as 7-Eleven stores in Singapore and Malaysia; MOL affiliated cybercafés such as India‟s Sify Cybercafés and Philippine‟s Netopia internet cafés; online banking services such as Maybank2u in Malaysia and telecommunication partners such as Singapore‟s SingTel GXCredits, Indonesia's Indosat I-Pay and Thailand's One-2Call. Playfish, an Electronic Arts Inc. studio and leading developer of social games, has engaged tens of millions of players worldwide with popular titles like Pet Society and Restaurant City.♦

The Third World Communication Forum in Davos: 8 – 10 February 2012. Private or public? This time you can choose from over 30 top speakers from 20 countries worldwide. The forum agenda is designed to gather the new digital elite and enable trend-makers to exchange their ideas and views on privacy/publicity in our upcoming transparent future, communicating scientific breakthroughs, machine-generated content as the possible prospect of communications and ways to sustain territorial reputation. World Communication Forum in Davos has been gathering communication influencers since 2010, to provide them with a platform for discussion on the future development of communications and their role in media, technology and business. For the full program please visit:, or check out the speakers‟ profiles at: ♦




MediaBUZZ Pte Ltd, launched in early 2004, is an independent online publisher in the Asia Pacific region, focusing on the business of digital media and marketing. It’s online publication Asian e-Marketing is a true pioneer in Asia Pacific’s digital marketing scene, empowering e-marketers in the vibrant and fast-paced electronic marketing environment. Key sections include e-marketing tips, best practices and trends/statistics, legislation affecting e-marketing, training the spotlight on companies and their e-marketing campaigns and e-marketing leadership profiles. Click here for the latest online edition

Editor-in-Chief: Daniela La Marca

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