Jr. High Summer Mission Trip June 28 – July 4

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Jr. High Summer Mission Trip June 28 – July 4, 2009 Winchester, VA Mission Team Commitment Form I am so excited that you have shown an interest in serving God by participating in our summer mission project. God does great things through those who make themselves available to be used by Him. Let’s look at commitment for a moment. We all commit to various organizations, tasks, groups, etc. at different times. We all understand that practice is required to become better in a sport or playing a musical instrument. Commitment to a team is also crucial. This is true in sports, a drama production, or a concert band. And it is no different when committing to be part of a mission team. We feel your commitment to the mission team should be a priority. This may mean that you will have to give up something in order to be a part of God’s mission team. It is a privilege to serve God in this capacity and not everyone will want to make the necessary sacrifices in order to do so. Please read the following commitment. If you would like to prioritize your involvement with the mission team, please sign the commitment form and return it to the church office along with your deposit. If you are unable to commit at this time, I really appreciate your interest and hopefully another trip will work out in the future.

When you commit to the Junior High ’09 summer mission trip, you are committing to the following: 1. Prayer: This trip will not succeed without prayer. We need your prayer support – youth and parents. Part of going on this trip is a commitment to pray daily for each team member that is going, the directors and staff of Jeremiah Project, and the people you will serve in Winchester.

____ (initials - youth and parent) 2. The Cost: $100.00 Deposit due by January 4, 2009 (non-refundable) $100.00 YouthBucks (each junior high student is required to raise these funds on their own through babysitting, raking leaves, mowing lawns, etc). $300.00 raised by fundraising (see below). IMPORTANT! We never want a student to miss a mission trip due to financial reasons. Please contact Matt Baxter if you feel that finances are an issue, the church will help you!

____ (initials - youth and parent) 3. Mission Trip Fundraising: It is not the responsibility of your parents to pay for this mission trip. Do not expect mom and dad to write out a check for $500.00. We will not however, leave you to fend for yourself. There will be sufficient opportunities for fundraising and the sending out of mission support letters. It is the responsibility of the team to come together and make a plan in how they will raise the needed funds. You will work with each other as a team with fundraising and help everyone out.

____ (initials - youth and parent)

4. Involvement in Local Service Projects: Going on a weeklong mission trip is great, but we must serve God in our own community first. The youth ministry at New Town UMC makes its best effort to provide regularly occurring service opportunities for the youth. We expect all mission trip participants to attend 75% of the service projects offered. That’s 3 out of every 4.

____ (initials - youth and parent) 5. Involvement in the Youth Program: We expect that you will be involved on a regular basis in Sunday school, youth group, Bible studies, retreats, and Sunday worship. Participation in these will only serve to strengthen your relationship with God and your peers, and will equip you to be a more effective missionary. If you do not desire to participate in other areas of the youth program, you may want to reconsider your involvement in this mission trip.

____ (initials - youth and parent) 6. Monthly Mission Trip Preparation/Prayer Meetings: Prayer and Proper Preparation are so important to a successful mission trip. We expect you to attend as many of the mission trip preparation/prayer meetings as you are able. These will begin in early January and continue up until the trip.

____ (initials - youth and parent) 7. Preparation Retreat: In order for a mission trip to be successful, a time of study and group preparation is crucial. Group preparation sessions help build community within the mission team and help the group prepare mentally and spiritually for the mission. Youth are required to attend the preparation retreat. The Jr. High Mission Trip Preparation Retreat is scheduled for Friday, May 8th-9th, 2009. There are no additional costs for this retreat. Attendance is mandatory.

____ (initials - youth and parent) Please read and sign where indicated:

I understand the commitments required in order to participate in this mission trip. I understand that if I am unable to meet any of these requirements, I will voluntarily remove myself from the team and forfeit all monies paid. I understand that an illness or deaths in the family are valid excuses for missing scheduled events. If a conflict arises with sports, band, or in any other area, I will not attempt to ask for special treatment in order to be excused from any mission team event. _____________________________________ parent/guardian

________________________________________ youth participant

_________________________ date This form MUST be signed and returned with your $100 non-refundable deposit in order to be registered. Make checks payable to “New Town UMC” and return to the church office no later than January 4, 2009 Please make a copy of this entire commitment form after you have signed it and keep it for yourself.

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