Maximum Yield Australia/New Zealand July/Aug 2011

Page 33

cases, Mycorrhiza acts as a pathogen, which exists only to feed itself at the expense of the plant. Mycorrhizae are grouped into several scientific categories owing to the types of plants and trees that they develop the strongest bonds and in the differences in growth and operation.

Let’s introduce some Mycorrhizae. Ectomycorrhizae

In order for organic gardens to function at optimal levels, healthy soil—abundant with living microorganisms—is required.This living soil is sustained by fertilizers and the natural processes that assist in breaking fertilizers down. Microscopic organisms develop into a self-sustaining ecosystem, which in turn transforms into an acceptable food source for plants. In order for this to happen, all of the elements must be able to unite and work together symbiotically. In nature, the same effect is achieved through years of growth and decay and natural, cyclic conditions of weather and soil movement. The result is the creation of the pathways and receptors for nature’s organic and inorganic elements to develop. Within this ecosystem are also certain types of fungi that serve to assist the natural processes of life and decay. These fungi, called Mycorrhizae, form working partnerships with plants and transform base materials into food. Mycorrhiza is a fungus that lives among and upon the roots of plants and trees. It exists to assist with the breakdown of complex nutrients—similar to enzymes—and has the ability to create optimal conditions for delivery of food directly to plants’ roots. In some rare

Woody shrubs and trees commonly form Ectomycorrhizae. Pines and other forest trees often grow poorly or cannot survive in the absence of the Mycorrhizae.This species of the fungi is recognized by its unique web-like form, known as a hartig net, named after botanist Robert Hartig. The network forms pathways between the roots, covering the whole surface area.This then extends into the roots and the cell structure creating a direct pathway from the inside out. Outwardly of the root web, Ectomycorrhizae form thinker tendrils that extend out into the soil.These pathways can travel miles into the soil to search for water and difficult to acquire minerals such as potassium, which they are then able to transport back to the rhizosphere of the plant or tree.

Arbuscular Mycorrhizae Arbuscular Mycorrhizae are recognized by their branching growth pattern not unlike the structure of a tree.They too live within the root system between cells.They are also able to fully penetrate and grow within a plant’s cell and extend from within. Analysis has shown that the host plant allows this to happen by changing its own physiological chemistry to adapt to the DNA profile of the Mycorrhizae. Arbuscular Mycorrhizae are particularly adept at obtaining hard to acquire phosphor from the soil and feeding it to the plants in a usable form. Fossil and molecular evidence indicates the earliest land plants had arbuscular Mycorrhizal

Maximum Yield  | July/August 2011


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