The 'Box - March 15

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welcome I LIIIIIEEDDDD!!!!!!!!! In last month’s edition (and, to be honest, in a bunch of PMs I sent out, I said that we’d be having a special anniversary edition in this month. Cue me being away for a week, Easter, tons of stress and as I sat down to finish it off today (Easter Monday), I realised. NEXT MONTH is actually the anniversary. Face. Palm. So... that gives me more time to work on it! I’ve already got the plans in place as I was fully expecting to do it over the next few days, and it pretty much covers everything from our lovely writers, has tons of competitions and a lovely design (hopefully!!) This month is a fairly normal month then, but I hope the writers who promised to work on bigger projects will join our lovely writing team next month! I would like to hire some more regular writers - so if you’re reading this and kinda want to get involved, just drop me a PM! I’d quite like someone to take over the furni spotlight on a regular basis (you can obviously change the topics!), maybe even collecting figures or doing Behind the Box! There isn’t really any limit to what you can do so if you have an idea, let me know - if you don’t have an idea, we can come to a conclusion together! Hope to hear from you soon :)

x r r wr a r law

Inside... You, Habbo and the Box... Rumour Mill 4

Who’s dating who? What’s in the works? Anon reveals all...

Quote Box

Find out what silly things you’ve all been saying!


Behind-the-scenes at Habbox Your month on Habbo


Managers’ Briefing


Fact Box


Can you spot yourself in our round-up?

Find out what managers have got planne d!

Stats, figures and interesting facts, from Expling to you!

Past, Present and Future


See what the past brought, the future has in store and what’s going on now!

Behind the Box


Your low-down on the staff changes

Spotlights Department spotlight


Expling finds out more about HabboxLive!

Member spotlight


Ever wanted to get to know Kyle more? Here’s the chance!

Furni spotlight


Are Habbo’s ranges getting better?

Wiki’d Fact


We’re talking about top contributors this month!....

Your Box 21

by Anon x

the rumour mill... sweet as sugar x

Hey there, handsome. Are you sitting comfortably? Good, now let’s dig right in to this month’s slice of life. Smoked out?! With the recent changes in management and more changes to happen as was revealed in the December issue of The ‘Box, sources suggest that the changeover wasn’t as smooth as intended and Shonly was pushed out of her position. An individual involved detailed their involvement of ousting the ex-AGM on the condition that their identity remained anonymous.

It was implied that it runs deeper than the surface and whilst expressing remorse, also suggests it was necessary. They refused to comment on anyone else involved, but other users have been seen to have potential involvement, telling her to “go away”.

Tickets for two? Rumours indicate that graphics manager Drew may

sometimes you don’t even need rumours when you guys come out with gold like this...

... and the quote box also resign. A senior source suggests that the rumour is certainly a possibility.

They followed up by their belief that both Drew and Shonly will be meeting half way in North Africa. More to follow in the next issue. Leaked information suggestions Samanfa isn’t as “innocent” as she lets on and is engaged in an affair with a senior Habbox staff member. She told the informant not to tell her boyfriend or anyone else about the “secret affair”, but soon retracted on not telling the boyfriend as “he’d be ok with it nvm”. Samanfa declined to comment. That’s all for now but do you have the latest gossip? Don’t forget to share with us your vast knowledge. Read on to find out how.

be careful what you say, or you could be here next month!

Samanfa* exposed!

the quote b



. . . o b b a h n o h t n o m

habboxlive par

new hxhd

ty ps - I left all my screenshots on my other computer so SMALL PAGE THIS WEEK! Send your screenies to lawrawrrr or Box on the forum for next month!

MANAGEMENT B Wow, another month gone already?! I have been so preoccupied with V7 recently, but I must say that the site coders have done a really nice job of finishing it off. Right now Laura and the Senior content team are finishing up getting content into place ready — as well as the coders finishing up fixing a few bugs and pages — for the closed beta which will hopefully be launched during this month. There are no special plans for the closed beta, but once we go to the open beta we will have some special events to celebrate! Throughout April, I intend to start organising a old/new feature for I have yet to discuss this with the others so I can’t yet mention what it is, but I think it is something that Habbox may benefit from if it is done correctly.

wispur - general manager Hi guys! It will be my first time in the Box as an Assistant General Manager – super exciting! Right now I’m still trying to settle into my new role and learn the ropes, with the help of Laura, Chris and Matt. My biggest priority at this time is that the Easter Eggstravaganza goes off without a hitch. I’ll be organising how this event will run and some nice prizes to be won! After the event finishes I’ll begin working on some bigger and better things that will hopefully work out for the best. I currently have a few ideas which need some ironing out and hopefully go to plan once the Easter event is out of the way.

absently - AGM (Community)

This month has got to be one of the quickest months I’ve ever experienced! It seems like only yesterday I was writing last month’s summary - I can’t believe it’s actually been a month since I gave up Rare Values and stuff! TBH, I haven’t been the best AGM this last month as I’ve been so focused on doing V7 content, we’ve been transferring, redesigning and proof reading pages which has taken a *lot* of time. Thanks to Expling, Samanfa and Drew especially for their help on that front! I’ll probably spend a bulk of next month going over it again though and adjusting things from problems people point out. There will always be things to edit as well! I do have to create some new guides for Content Designers and Articles Staff as well but I’m hoping they won’t take too long. Then it’s just working with the coders on the new RV system (hopefully!!)... and my new project which I’m hoping to at least draft for managers to start thinking about. PHEW.

lawrawrrr - agm (content)

BRIEFING This month the Articles department will be focusing on staff. We will be trying to get more writers to join our team (as well as training our new trialists and proofreader up) and focusing on setting up a reward system for staff. Community-wise, we’ll be looking on how to involve people more once V7 is out, and we will also be starting a weekly event.

Articles Over the next month, the department will return to releasing 2 competitions a day. We will also be releasing Easter competitions as part of the Easter Eggstravaganza, organising the subscriptions service again as it’s been a little neglected, developing a new forum event and recruiting new staff. If you’d like to join, head over to and apply!


With the recent promotion of my Senior Content Designer we are pushing for the rewards scheme we want to bring to the department. The staff do a lot behind the scenes and on the Wiki which many don’t see so we want to give that little bit back. We’re also getting guides published for the public and I plan on making the Wiki more presentable.


Hey everyone! So this is my first month in a very long time without an assistant! This month is Easter so I have some VIP and Icons! I will also have some new Limited Edition VIP in the shop for you after Easter so make sure to buy the current ones while you still can. I have a few things to update which you will here about throughout the month. Keep the suggestions coming in the Feedback forum! Phil x


MANAGEMENT B This month in the Events Department came under new management and we have some funky new stuff going on! We have had a lot of new and returning staff come to the department and things are getting back in to full swing! First of all we have just launched two new weekly events Avoid Management and Horse Racing with more in the planning stages. We also have some prize changes coming your way which will benefit both Habbo and Forum users, more information to follow on these. Coming up soon we will have the annual Easter Eggstravaganza and we hope it will be a fun filled week of events for you all to attend with all departments getting involved. There will be the regular events through the week and something to run over the whole week too!


Unfortunately, many things didn’t go to plan in March due to several staff members leaving, so we will be spending most of April ticking off things from our list last month. This includes revamping dated graphics templates, as well as introducing several initiatives to help staff improve their craft. However, we do have some exciting stuff planned for the community as well. Apart from the usual Graphics competitions, we will be running an event as part of the Easter Eggstravaganza, as well as collaborating with the new management team at Competitions to bring a fun event to the community by the end of the month.


Stay tuned!

BRIEFING Heya! So we’ve just finished our Team Wars event which was an attempt at bringing us closer as a team and teach us some Team Work skills. In the coming month to further this, I will be bringing back Team Bravo and completely cutting the divide between Internation and EU teams to integrate everyone with each other. I have no doubt that my Head DJs can handle the extra vigilance needed to run the department. I aim to really bring the senior+ team closer together to brush up the day-to-day running of the department; upping hours on air and ensuring that DJs work to their full potential.


First of all we’re going to be changing the Easter layout in April to a normal layout. We will be making a poll for it shortly on votes. We’re looking forward to putting in a new design. We will also be getting prepared for the Easter Eggstrvaganza that’s coming up which is so exciting, I won’t say too much for now! We have some great ideas though so I hope that everyone takes part. Also the weekly event is in it’s final stages which is good to know, it’s all up to the members to decide, maybe throw some ideas in then we will be implementing it. Very exciting stuff indeed. Will be nice to have a change up!


This month one thing that I am focusing on quite a lot is the creation and opening of a Habbo room. I don’t want to give too much away yet but it’s going to be one step towards bringing Rare Values and the community a bit closer. Still on the subject of bringing the community and the department together, I am hoping to be starting some sort of event in the upcoming month. I really want to make the department recognised again, not only by the Habbox community but also by the Habbo community. Staff numbers are getting better and I’m very happy with the amount of Values Staff that I have right now. Assets staff is something that is lacking and I’m hoping next month we’ll see more people applying to this part of the department. Even though the number of assets staff is low, I can happily say that the work is getting done and one thing that both the assets staff and myself will be working on is adding more descriptions to the ranges that are on the site and obviously adding new furni and ranges as soon as they are released.

rare values


want to know a fact? PM Expling today and I’ll do some digging!

with expling

We’re taking a look at your questions and requests for facts this month! Check out if yours is here, and submit more next month! Me, law ra and de wrrr and Sama signed over 23 nfa have read , forma ,000 wo tt rds for V7! >.< ed

out ne for 561 li n o s a w e luding HabboxLiv onth - inc m is th rs n air! of 730 hou 24 hours o t h ig a tr s a few There was a total of 19,700 posts made last month! -:Undertaker:- made an amazing 3 per cent of the total, by posting a whopping 598 posts! :O

132 new accoun on the t forum w s made in er March - e they’re and a keen b unc Almost 25 of th h! em were st aff at so me point in the mo n th, with 20 s until at taying on least 1 April!

were There ts iki edi 441 w nth o last m e of ang on a r dited ,e pages al of t by a to rent e 20 diff e! peopl

Habbox tweeted 98 times this month — the bu siest day was 30th March, with 13 tw eets! Spam much?

past, present and future 2005 - 8Freak8, JackHB and Jacko2kn3 are (Assistant) Site managers 2006 - -:Undertaker:- first joins the Rare Values department 2007 - A Comic Relief HxL show raised £59.20! :) 2008 - H0BJ0B becomes Competitions Manager 2009 - The stars for user ranks were first introduced 2010 - Sammeth. and MattGarner are now General Manager and Assistant General Manager (Staff). Nvrspk4 no longer General Manager 2011 - The first beta of Version 6 is published 2012 - Stacking guides were first made! 2013 - Cameron resigns as Graphics Manager, Garriet as HxHD manager and Shonly (then .Cymru.) beomces comps manager! 2014 - lawrawrrr publishes the Habbox Newsletter, which evolved into this! The HxEE has just kicked off (woooo!) so the next few days will be fairly absorbed with that! When you add the new (and rapidly progressing) developments with V7, right now is a very exciting time to be at Habbox...

It doesn’t stop there! Not only are the higer-ups hoping to get V7 out (or a lot closer to!) this month, but we’re teaming up with Habboshire for our monthly event we’re hosting something for Earth Day! That’s coming towards the end of the month :)

calum is on the case!

Behind the box Talk about staying consistent...

The table looks fairly balanced this month, not too much red and quite a few whites - as I was doing it I actually noticed about half the numbers are EXACTLY the same as what they were in January which is... odd! Despite the drop in normal staff, we’ve managed to improve in general!

Including Room Builders, we have 140 total staff roles :D

3 Co-owners= 1 General Manager = 2 Assistant GMs = 11 Departments + 10 Managers + 2 Assistants = 18 Senior Staff + 65 Ordinary Staff* (5 Guest staff) 41 Trialists +

we're soaaarin' flyyyin' there's not a staff record we cannot reach The really weird thing this month with staff changes is the HUGE drop in staff numbers (from 82 down to 65, plus a drop of 4 guest staff), but the number of managers, senior staff and trialists has skyrocketed (9, 15 and 26 last month).

We had a lot of senior+ changes which is probably helping with that (they tend to bring in new staff), plus the formation of the official site coders department... but such an unprecedented leap in trialists surely spells good things for Habbox! Keep it up....

p s t n e m depart

“Anyone ca n DJ and we meet lo ads of ne w friends wit hin the departmen t”

Our department is the one that keeps the radio online for as long as it is! We work to provide the best entertainment during both on-peak and off-peak times. We try hard to maintain listeners and gain Habbox the recognition that it deserves. We have three main aims right now: Increase listener counts, remove the staff divide between the EU and Intl timezones and shed a positive light towards the radio

quick facts

Partying in the HabboxLiv e Party Su ite! nd fun a ood s i g “DJin which is g d” hing bore somet en you’re wh to do

ite radio in 2013 • Voted best fans merged into the • The radio will be n 7! main site in versio ing manager was gn ei • The longest-r 3a row - plus a 50 for 1,047 days in so al e later! Sh day stretch a year er Assistant Manag as s th served 3 mon of e at ly an estim • There is current rs king staff membe or w around 25-30 ent! within the departm

t h g i l t o p

e v i l box



d w

Name: Kimberley (Kimmy) Habbo: Ripieno

Location: UK

HabboxLive manager Experience: Almost a year! Quick facts: • Favourite animal is a giraffe • Hobbies mainly include music • Took a year long course in Music Technology

ive boxl l b a or H overal f g n ki my “Wor oosted ce” b iden has conf

k, ndboo the ha gh I’ve p u d she nou I’ve bru e that’s not e follow So far s u t beca l it is o though how essentia it is, all the s d outline s. As blunt a artment are g le p in u e these r ight of the d n strengthen o e dead w I’ve worked to think that e nd t gone a r+ team. I lik d the amoun io e c n g the se workin lly redu ccessfu urs, and I’m e u s e v I’ th ho aming on bringing want of stre I d r r. a e h h ely get extrem ent closer to m depart to push everyone out of their shy-shells and into the community to at tempt to integr ate themselves. I’m going to be rem oving the internationa l and EU divisio n within the staff and re introduce Team Bravo; The Team numbe rs will be shorte ning to allow more sp ace for bonding purposes. I like to think that I off er both my friendship as well as my lead ership qualities. Somet imes I can be bl unt and curt, is a good though I think this t like anything n’ do I indicator that apart. I like the slacking or falling and oviding solidarity feeling that I’m pr ng tti pu e lik I rtment. firmness for a depa ive sit po ng d watchi things into place an ts. I love the sense ec eff outcomes and le t from other peop of achievement I ge s DJ e m so t enjoymen excelling, and the volved. get out of being in

member spotlight

kyle Each month, I’ll be randomising one member of the forum to get their own spotlight – and you can get to know them! We got number 127 this time... here’s Kyle!

Basic info Name: Kyle Age: 22

work experience

Member of Habbo since: 2003

Unless you count trolling in the helpdesk to toughen up new staff members I hadn’t really been involved in the staff side of habbox until late 2012 when I took the plunge and joined the Rare Values and Helpdesk departments.

Member of Habbox since: July 2006

Since then I’ve also been a member of the Graphics team, been promoted to Assistant Helpdesk Manager and rejoined Rare Values as a Values Advisor.

Departments Department I’d Least Like To Join: Probably content. It seems like a lot of work for very little payoff. Department I’d Most Like To Join: HabboxLive because I have a wonderful voice and great taste in music that everybody needs in their life.

Likes & dislikes • • • •

Likes... hiphop Debates Writing long feedback threads Baby carrots

• • • •

Dislikes Wispur Wispur Wispur Wispur

furni spotlight Habbo have, in recent years, come under fire for the (in my opinion) poor furni ranges, writes lawrawrrr.

I particularly love the wafer blocks as they’re just SO cute and the sugarscape walls - so colourful!

From Alhambra recolours to Executive recolours (NB: this doesn’t include my beloved Vanilla Exec <3) to HC recolours to plasto recolours, there hasn’t exactly been a ton of imagination.

The other thing I love with these recent ranges though are the clothes that come with them. We used to spend MONTHS on end waiting and begging for new clothes, and now we’re getting a bunch every month or so - and charging credits for them in the shop is actually a really clever move on Habbo’s part, I think.

HOWEVER I have to say, I’ve been so impressed over the last few years. We’ve had some fab new furni and re-releases, I am completely in love with some of the bundles and the lines - especially the Japanese and Neo stuff - is exactly what Habbo needs to round it out more! But literally nothing compares to this new CandyLand line. I have SUCH a sweet tooth IRL and now Habbo have made it possible to collect!!! I’m so happy, I really love the furni. Just waiting for my next paycheck so I can buy a bundle!! The furni is all really cute and quite inventive actually, so kudos Sulake.

Beth bought me the girls’ outfit bundle earlier this week (thank you!!) and I have to say I really love them. If I wasn’t so addicted to my normal look - I’ve had it for 3 years now - I’d definitely change! I’ll wear it for special occasions though :) I don’t know about you guys but I’m definitely looking forward to seeing what Habbo have got up their sleeves for new bundles...

WIKI-D FACt HabboxWiki has 1,395 pages and is still increasing daily! HabboxWiki is the largest Wiki out of all Habbo Wikis - HabboxWiki contains the most information & facts. This month saw the return of HabboxWiki’s Contributor of the Month award. The scheme was introduced a couple of years ago, but slowly faded away. The Content Design department is now reintroducing it, in a battle of increasing Wiki activity as a whole. Each month, the Content Staff will discuss possible winners for the ‘Top Contributor of the Month’ title; the Wiki editor with the most votes will bag themselves a prize!! There have been 11 winners of the award - DJ_Shadow, -:Undertaker:-, Intersocial, Alex3213, ,AAiden (twice), Paige, runeaddict99, FiftySix, Toilet and Suspective. Most of these have gone on to be successful Content staff in their own right! The plan is to get some more information and things you help you all edit, but in the mean time, just keep submitting and trying your best! <3 Thanks to the following for editing and updating the HabboxWiki page... • Kecio • Tom • Chippiewill • Alkaz • FiftySix If you would like your name adding to this list in the next issue, edit as many pages with big contributions towards the wiki! You could grab yourself VIP, credits and more!!

Your Box You can subscribe to the Box via PM! Choose the Writers’ list or the Readers’ list. Writers’ means you’ll get a PM with suggestions I have and Readers’ will give you a notification when a new issue is out! Any services or volunteers are appreciated greatly! To subscribe, just send me a PM or VM - I’m lawrawrrr on the forum! You can also just tell me what you’d like to see! We had tons of great responses on the poll, but it never stops! Like what you see here? Give the writers some encouragement and fill it out again! Don’t like something? Tell us and we’ll see if we need to keep doing it! Go to :) I’ll check it all the time for any new responses. I always love hearing what you want, as this magazine is for you! Hopefully you’ve noticed the new content and writers in this issue and you’re loving it as much as I am. There are also a few more tweaks I’ve added, to design and stuff - let me know if you like it and I’ll keep on doing it! Thanks especially need to go to Expling for his contributions to this issue, as well as Kyle, Ripieno, !!Undead!! and the managers for submitting things or answering questions! Couldn’t do it without you!

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