Summer ebook 1 (made by the French team)

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The recipes




from Europe Sweet Tooth’s twinspace

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Jam cake( Azerbaijan) Blueperry pie (Finland) Bakeries (Finland) Chocolat et biscuit rose de Reims ( France) Chou à la crème ( France) Profiteroles ( France) Quatre Quart (France)

Azerbaijan jam

JAM "apricot" Apricots - 1 kg, sugar - 1.2 kg

Small apricots cooked whole, large cut in half, and remove seeds. Apricots prick 8-10 places blanch 1 minute in boiling water. Then pour hot syrup apricots and kept therein 8-10 hours. 3 times separately boiled syrup, pour them apricots and only 4 times boil until tender.

JAM "quince" Sliced ​quince fruits - 1 kg, sugar - 1.2 kg

The purified quince fruit cut lengthwise into slices 2 cm thick and blanch in boiling water for 10-15 minutes. Then, quince pour hot syrup made from sugar and water, wherein the blanched quince. It is necessary to make jam 3-4 times 8-10 min with an 8-hour break between the cooking process.

JAM "Nuts Processed nuts - 1 kg Sugar - 1.5 kg citric acid - 3 g carnation - 3 g or cardamom - 3 g (nuts 50 units . Sugar - 1 kg) Take the fruit for jam young stage of maturity , without numb shell on the greatest transverse diameter of at least 24 mm . Peeled nuts with cold water for 3 days, with 2-3 times per day, change the water. Then nuts incubated for 2-3 days in lime water , with 4-5 times per day mixed. Further nuts washed prick in several places , and again soaked in cold water for 3 days , while changing the water 2-3 times . Prepared in this manner nuts are blanched for 20-25 minutes in boiling water. Pour hot syrup and cook for 2-3 times with 4-6 hour intervals. At the end of cooking, add citric acid , clove and cardamom . Jam for the maturation held for at least 20 days. For the preparation of the lime water 500 g of pure lime quenching in 3 liters of water and let stand for 3-4 hours.

JAM "OF ROSES" Rose Petals - 100 g sugar 900 g, tartaric acid - 2 g

Better get out of the jam Kazanlak rose petals. Separated from the lower lobe white parts are then cleaned, blanched for 5 minutes in boiling water. In the water left after cooking, prepare the syrup is 40% alcohol, pour petals and cook until ready. After Add citric acid. Jams are also trained from the petals of rose hips.

JAM ‘’Cornelian cherry’’ dogwood - 1 kg, sugar - 1.2 kg

Cornelian cherry jam is cooked with bone and boneless. In the sugar add 2 cups of water and cook the syrup. Pour half the syrup by boiling before the first dogwood, and the rest of the syrup - before the second boiling and boil in two stages with 5-8 hour intervals. Sometimes dogwood immediately pour over the syrup, bring to a boil, cool for 10-15 minutes. The process is repeated 4-5 times.

JAM "From watermelon peels" 1 kg of cooked watermelon peel 1.2 kg of sugar, 0.5 g vanillin, 1-2 g citric acid

For cooking preserves take Tolstokorov varieties of watermelons. First of all, cut the outside, the green part of the rind, cut into rectangular pieces and rombovoy (1.5-2 cm) form or cubes (2-3 cm). Soak 0.8-1 hour in lime water. Then thoroughly washed, pour hot syrup and cook 3 admission with an 8-hour break between the cooking process. After Add citric acid and vanillin.

JAM "cherry" Cherry pitted - 1 kg, sugar 1.2 kg, citric acid - 2 g, 1 g of vanilla or cardamom - 3 g

A jam taking mostly cherries with a crisp flesh. By removing the cherry pits, sprinkle with sugar and allowed to stand 3-5 hours. Cook jam over low heat for 3 times in 6-8 minutes with 5-6 hour break between the cooking process. At the end of cooking, add the citric acid, vanilla or cardamom.

JAM “cucumber’’ A jam take 3-4-day ovary small eggplant. I cut the ends of the eggplants, peel and clean stand 56 hours a soda solution (1 tablespoon teaspoon baking soda in 1 liter of water). Then washed with eggplants, prick in several places in sherbet and held 8-10 hours. On the second day, drain the syrup, boil again and pour over the eggplant. On the third day, all repeat and eggplant, along with syrup cook 6-8 minutes. On the fourth day until ready to make jam. At the end of cooking, add citric acid and vanillin.

JAM "OF MULBERRY (BLACK)" Large berries plucked Khartut (black mulberry), pour sugar and has withstood the 8-10 hours, cook on low heat for 2-3 times, 8hour breaks between brew. You can fill them with syrup and cook the same way as the white mulberry jam. 1 kg of berries black mulberry consumed 1.3-1.5 kg of sugar.

Blueberry Pie FINLAND

You need: 250g margarine or butter 2 tumbler sugar 4 tumbler wheat flour 1 tumbler buttermilk 1 teaspoon baking soda 1 egg

Wash your hands

The first step: Pluck margarine or butter with wheat flour and sugar. Stir.

The second step: Take a cup of flour mixture for later use.

The third step: Whisk lightly buttermilk, egg and baking soda.

The fourth step: Combine already mixed ingredients together.

The fifth step: Spread the baking paper on a baking tray.

The sixth step: Spread the pastry on the baking paper.

The seventh step: Sprinkle blueberries on top of the pastry.

The eighth step: Sprinkle seperated flour mixture on top of the blueberries.

The ninth step: Put baking tray in the oven. Bake the pie in the oven in 225 celsius for about 20-30 minutes.

The tenth step: Cut the pie in pieces and serve. Good tasting moments!

Bakeries from Finland

Put 100 g margarine and 30g sugar in the bowl

Whip margarine and sugar with the mixer

Stage2 Mix 180g wheatflour and 5 g baking powder together

Add one egg to the dough(sugar and margarine) and whip it carefully

Stage 3 The dough after you have added the egg

Add the flour to the dough

Stage 4 Mix the wheatflour to the dough with your hand

The dough is ready and put it in the fridge for 30 minutes

Put some margarine and wheatflour to the muffinplate

Stage 5 Roll the dough with the rolling pin

Take round pieces from the dough

Stage 6 Put the dough in the muffinplate

Bake them in the oven for 10-12 minutes (200C)

Stage 7 Let the bakeries get cool

Take 200g cream

Stage 8 Add sugar and vanillin sugar

Whip the cream

Stage 9 Put the whipped cream on the bakeries

Add some strawberries and raspberries on the cream

The bakeries are ready

Pink biscuit of Reims and white chocolate. FRANCE

100g Pink biscuit of Reims

100g White chocolate.

40g Butter.

3 Gelatin sheets.

30g Sugar.

100g Creme fraiche.

Recipe 1) Preheat your oven in 180 째. Put cakes in a bag, close well by having removing the air inside then crush them with the rolling pin to make a powder. Put this powder in a bowl and mix with the soft butter. Take a ball and put it down onto a baking tray. Furnish the bottom of the circle with the dough with biscuits on a good centimeter in thickness. Then put in the oven 8 mn. Let cool. 2) Put gelatin sheets in a container of cold water and let soften. 3) Beat egg yolks until the mixture gets clear. Boil 200g of cream, overturn delicately while stirring, add the sugar. Put back the whole in a pan to average fire until thickening.

Turn out and decorate with shavings, with balls of sugar and with chocolate chips and chocolate cream, delicately by raising the mass with the spatula. The mixture must be very homogeneous. 5) Hide your circle of a movie rhodo誰d (the turning out will be easier. Then pour the cream into the mold on the cake. And to finish let set at least 5 hours in the refrigerator. 6) Turn out and decorate with shavings, with balls of sugar and with chocolate chips.


'Choux à la crème' recipe Garance and Juliette

The dough preparation

Preparation Time : 20 minutes Ingredients : 2 dl water 50 g butter 1 tps salt 125 g flour 4 eggs

Pour the water in a saucepan, add the butter and the salt.

Boil and mix with a wooden spoon until the butter is melt.

Reduce heat and add the flour while stirring.

Mix with a wooden spoon until the dough forms a dry ball.

Pour into a bowl.

Then add eggs one by one .

Mix until the eggs are well incorporated in the dough.

The dough is ready when it forms a ribbon when you raise it up with a wooden spoon.

Fill the pastry bag with the dough.

Next, take a small portion onto the baking tray.

Take the last egg.

Use a fork to remove the small peaks over the small portion.

Preheat the oven at 210째C.

Bake them between 15 and 20 minutes.

Remove from the oven and cool them.

'Crème patissière' preparation

Preparation time : 20 minutes Ingredients : 0,5 l milk Vanilla 100 g sugar 3 or 4 eggs 50 g butter 50 g flour

Heat the milk in the saucepan.

Add the vanilla.

In the bowl, mix eggs yolks and sugar.

Mix until the mixture turns white.

Next add the flour little by little.

Pour the hot milk slowly while mixing.

Pour back the mixture into the saucepan. Them heat it softly for 10 minutes.

Pour the mixture into the bowl, add the butter and mix.

Fill the pastry bag with the mixture.

Fill up the choux by using the star tube.

With unused eggs whites, you can make meringues !!


How To Make Profiteroles FRANCE For ~20 'Cabbages' Preparation time: 10 minutes Cooking time: ~10 minutes Total time: 35 minutes Oven temperature: 200째C

You will need - 150 grs flour - Âź L water - 4 eggs -100 grs butter - a pinch of salt - Ice cream - chocolate

- wax paper - baking tray - 2 spoons - saucepan -rounded scoop

weigh the ingredients

THE FIRST STEP Preheat the oven in 200째c .

THE SECOND STEP Put the butter, the salt, the water in a pan.

THE THIRD STEP Leave foam.

THE FOURTH STEP Add the flour then mix it

THE FIFTH STEP Incorporate eggs one by one , mix until the mixture is very homogeneous.

THE SIXTH STEP Make balls of cabbages with 2 spoons, Put balls on a baking tray and cover them with a parchment paper.

THE SEVENTH STEP Put in oven .

THE EIGHTH STEP Press with one knife to check if it is baked.

THE NINTH STEP then let cool then cut them in two, add the ice cream and put the chocolate which you cook in a pan.

Recipe of four quarter.


1. Preheat the oven.

2. In the salad bowl, mix all flour, sugar, butter just melted, eggs, baking powder, 1 pinch of salt, until pastry is well smooth .

3. Butter a cake tin, pour the pastry into the cake tin. Cook thermostat 5 / 6 , around 45 minutes. Turn out the cake on plate when it is very hot. Serve it when it is cooled down just like that or with marmelade.

Your four quarter is ready to be served to tour family and your friends ! Enjoy !!! By Camille Q 4eC

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