Europe´s abc of superfoods e book

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Europe´s ABC of Superfoods


The 8th flag

“Our Food Should Be Our Medicine And Our Medicine Should Be Our Food.� (Hippocrates 460 - 370 BC.)

Commuting, going to school, studying, exercising, socializing - our lives are busy and there simply isn't the time to sustain a super healthy lifestyle. We rarely wake up feeling energised and refreshed. Yet the answer is simple - SUPERFOODS. In this Ebook we would like to share useful information and recipes with you.


Acrostic of EUROPE’S ABC OF SUPERFOODS Etwinning in the world, United forever, Right or wrong, Only, it's a good project for Pupils. Examples of foods we have, Smell the foods like, Apples, Bananas, Chocolate...

Sending parcels in countries, Urgent and important it is, Placing foods into them. Energy, for the long way to the post office, Respect of the products we receive Fall or in winter, Old or young, we all work together Ok for everybody, Don’t be sad, this project is cool, because we do many things, so we conclude : Superfoods are the best things to eat !!! And to work !!!

Oh ! Just, these things are Fruits, vegetables and others.

This acrostic poem was written by Célia and Bénédicte, two French e-Twinners.

To see more acrostic poems of our project, HERE.

Content of the E-book


Ugli fruit









Poppy seed













Goat cheese










Iceberg lettuce




Dark chocolate


Olive oil



Wishing good luck to the project and all the partners.

Animation made by the Czech team.

Apple - content and benefits Apples are a powerful source of

Diets high in fiber reduce

antioxidants, including polyphenols,

the risk of developing heart disease. The

flavonoids, and vitamin C.

apple has also been linked to the

They are also full of fiber and potassium.

prevention of lung cancer and the

There are only 47 calories in an average

prevention of type II diabetes. They are

size apple. The apple contains more than

important to healthy bone development.

twenty mineral substance like iron,

Women who eat at least one apple a day

magnesium, potassium...

are 28 percent less likely to develop breast cancer.

HERE you can see the presentation (incl. resources) and quiz made by Katka and Linda from the Czech team.


Baked apples INGREDIENTS 4 large apples 3 tablespoons of raisins a glass of cider 2 tablespoons of softened butter 50 g of almonds 1 teaspoon of cinnamon 2 spoons of honey clove METHOD In a bowl, mix the raisins, cinnamon, honey, softened butter and almonds. Cut out apple cores. Use a teaspoon to fill the apples with honey and cinnamon filling and put them in a pyrex bowl. Pour in cider and add cloves. Preheat oven to 180 °C. Bake for 20-30 minutes. Serve hot with sour cream and juice from the baked apples. (Recipe by Tomáš from the Czech team)

To see more recipes visit our twinspace HERE.

Apple in cartoons This cartoon was created by students from the Greek team. You can see more cartoons HERE.

An apple a day keeps the doctor away!

Artichoke - content and benefits People love to eat artichokes. What’s not to love? From the leaves to the heart,artichokes are simply delicious. Artichokes are a versatile food, and although some would consider them a vegetable, they are actually an unusual variety of thistle!

HERE you can see the 3D presentation made by the Turkish team.


Artichoke with lamb

INGREDIENTS 6 artichokes 250 grammes of lamb, hashed 1 carrot, diced + 1 onion ,diced 2 small cloves of garlic,diced a small bowl of peas some olive oil 100 grams of grated kashar cheese a pinch of salt and black pepper

FOR BECHAMEL SAUCE : 1 tablespoon of flour 2 glasses of milk some butter

METHOD: First put the artichokes in a saucepan and add some olive oil, some water and a pinch of salt. Then cook it

at low heat until artichokes are softened. Don't forget to put the pan lid on the saucepan. Put the hashed lamb into another saucepan with some butter. Cook it for a few minutes. Then add onion, garlic, peas, carrot and cook them until they are softened.The next step is to put the softened mixture onto the artichokes in a baking sheet. Then mix flour and milk well and pour it into the baking sheet. Add some grated kashar cheese onto the mixture. Put it into the oven at 180 degrees until the cheese is crimsoned. To see Özge’s recipe visit our twinspace HERE. (Recipe by Özge from the Turkish team)

An artichoke dancing tango... The Greek team has translated in English a popular Greek children's song ‘Το χοντρό μπιζέλι’ written by Marianina Kriezi . Then, each member of our team created a drawing for each verse, visualising the image it describes. Finally, we










colourful drawings and the verses translated. THE CHUBBY LITTLE PEA The chubby little pea is dancing with much glee is dancing with much glee at the peas’ grand ball. And the little zucchini are cheering and applauding are cheering on the greenery and on the lawn. With my new green bow-tie on I am heading for the peas’ grand ball. It is high time that I, it is high time that I danced with passion and delight with an artichoke held tight my first tango.

You can see more drawings in our twinspace Here.

Bergamot - content and benefits Bergamots are truly a treasure for our health, rich in polyphenols, natural antioxidants, vitamin Bl e B2 e P in the juice, vitamin A and E, Vitamin C that helps to protect the cells from the oxidation process and contributes to maintaining vascular health and in the normal formation of collagen for the correct functioning of blood vessels.

The bergamot is good for the heart. It is excellent for keeping excess cholesterol under control, thereby contributing to the prevention of cardiovascular illnesses like strokes and heart attacks. Freshly squeezed bergamot juice for the patient suffering from high cholesterol may bring about a significant reduction of pharmacological remedies with bothersome side effects.

HERE you can see the whole presentation made by Martina from the Italian team.


Risotto with radicchio and scent of bergamot INGREDIENTS


Picture of the dish

160 g rice 250 g of radicchio 10 g olive oil one bergamot (the juice) 1 ½ l of vegetal salted broth 70 g of grated parmigiano cheese METHOD Wash,cut in small strips the radicchio, pour the olive oil into the pan ,put on fire the pan with the radicchio,add two spoons of broth and stir for 7 minutes,add the rice and stir adding some broth.After about 15 minutes add the bergamot juice,stirring ,add two spoons of parmigiano cheese and finally the risotto is ready . (Recipe by Modesta from the Italian team) To see more recipes visit our twinspace HERE.

Bergamot in the gallery Bergamots, Oranges, Citrons, Lemons and Lumie (1715) Bartolomeo Bimbi, Italian painter

You can see more pictures in our common gallery HERE., online 29/1/2016

Cabbage - content and benefits - It’s a good source of vitamin C and K about 20% of daily value of them. - It contains vitamin B6 and folate. - Cabbage is low in Saturated Fat and Cholesterol, but high in Dietary Fiber, Potassium, Manganese, Vitamin A, Thiamin, Calcium, Iron and Magnesium.


- If one is looking for ingredients of a low calorie diet, cabbage is at the top of the list. One cup of cabbage only holds about 15 calories. It is definitely a weight-loss food. - Cabbage contains quantities of fiber and iron, which help to keep the digestive tract and colon in a healthy condition. - Drinking juiced cabbage is known to assist in curing stomach and intestinal ulcers.

HERE you can see the presentation (incl. resources) made by David and Marek from the Czech team.



Red cabbage soup INGREDIENTS 2 spoons of lard, 100g of bacon, 2 onions, 2 spoons of flour, 2 teaspoons of red pepper, 500g of sauerkraut, 5-10 grains of whole black pepper , 510 grains of allspice, 2-3 bay leaves, a pinch of chilli, 1 teaspoon of salt, 2-3 potatoes, 200g of sour cream, 150g of pepperoni sausage, 2 litres of water, 3 cloves of garlic


Picture of the dish

METHOD Dice the bacon and roast it until golden brown. Chop the onion and add it into the pot. Stir and roast it for five minutes. Put the flour into the pot and stir well. Add the pepper and pour the water there. Cut the sauerkraut into small pieces and add it into the mixture together with spices and salt. Brew for 30-40 minutes. In the meantime, dice the potatoes and cook them in another pot. Finally, add the potatoes to the soup with 150g of sour cream, pepperoni sausage and crushed garlic. (Recipe by David from the Czech team)

To see more recipes visit our twinspace HERE.

Cabbage - proverbs Greece

Όμοιος ομοίω κι η κοπριά στα λάχανα.

Friends of similar kind and the dung is on the cabbage. (Meaning: Birds of a feather flock together.)


Καιρός φέρνει τα λάχανα, καιρός τα παραπούλια.

The weather brings the cabbages, the weather brings the spring greens. (Meaning:There is a time for everything, all in good time)


I cavoli riscaldati non hanno più sapore.

The cabbages heated twice are not good to eat (Meaning: We say about an old thing that we pass off as a new thing; it could also be a broken friendship, after renewed)

See more proverbs in our twinspace HERE.

Cauliflower - content and benefits


Cauliflower is an excellent source of vitamin C,

There are studies linking

vitamin K, folate, pantothenic acid, and vitamin

cauliflower-containing diets to cancer

B6. It is a very good source of choline, omega-3

prevention. This connection between cauliflower

fatty acids, manganese, phosphorus, and biotin.

and cancer prevention should not be surprising,

Additionally, it is a good source of vitamin B2,

since cauliflower provides special nutrient

vitamin B1, niacin, and magnesium. It is also a

support for three body systems that are closely

good source of Protein, Thiamin, Riboflavin,

connected with cancer development as well as

Niacin, Magnesium and Phosphorus, and a very

cancer prevention. These three systems are (1)

good source of Dietary Fiber. 100 grams of raw

the body's detox system, (2) its antioxidant

white cauliflower provides 25 calories and is low

system, and (3) its inflammatory / anti-

in fat and carbohydrates.

inflammatory system.

HERE you can see a youtube video found and chosen by the Czech team.



Fried cauliflower


INGREDIENTS some flour a little salt some olive oil a small cauliflower an egg

Picture of the dish

METHOD: First,cut the cauliflower into small or medium sized chunks and wash them.Second boil these florets with some water in a saucepan for 8-10 minutes. After slightly softening ,drain them. Then put some olive oil into a frying pan and heat it. Crack an egg into a bowl. Sprinkle some flour with a little salt onto the florets and dip the floured florets to the egg mixture. Finally, fry the florets. You can serve it warm or add some yogurt with garlic onto the florets. (Recipe by Emine from the Turkish team) To see all of this recipe visit our twinspace HERE.

Cauliflower - listening activity

This listening activity was created by the Czech team. You can see more of them HERE.

Chickpeas - content and benefits Folic acid:he chickpeas contain a high percentage of folic acid, folate is essential for women who are pregnant or are looking forward to it. Carbohydrates: the energy that we get through them stays longer in our body. This vegetable and pasta are the two best foods that an athlete can take before starting its activity.


Fiber: precisely its richness in fiber is another of the properties of the chickpeas. Taking them regularly achieves to regularize our transit, preventing cancers in this area and fight against constipation. Potassium: they appear linked to athletes thanks to the high content of potassium. This property also has other benefits, such as lowering high blood pressure levels or eliminating uric acid.

HERE you can see the presentation (incl. resources) made by Javier and Christian from the Spanish team.



Cocido (chickpeas)


INGREDIENTS Picture of the dish


To see more recipes visit our twinspace HERE.

Chickpeas and famous people You can see the whole e-book about SuperFoods and famous People created by the French team HERE.

Crocus - content and benefits The crocus, the gold of the Greek Earth as it is called, was considered as one of the most valuable spices in Ancient Greece due to its aroma, color, pharmaceutical and aphrodisiac properties. According to myth, Crocus was a close friend of the messenger god Hermes. Hermes accidentally killed his friend while he was practicing archery. Hermes was so sad that he decided to make Crocus immortal by transforming him to a beautiful purple flower and his blood in three red dots in the center of the flower.


The coloring substances, the favoring and the pharmaceutical substances of the crocus are due to its two basic ingredients the crocain and the bittercrocain. Saffron contains several plant-derived chemical compounds that are known to have been anti-oxidant, disease preventing, and health promoting properties. It is also a good source of minerals (like copper, potassium, calcium) and vitamins such as vitamin A, C and folic acid.

HERE you can see the presentation (incl. resources) made by B4 class from the Greek team.



Pasta with salmon and crocus

INGREDIENTS 1kg skin-on salmon fillets 1/3 bunch of minced dill 1 small onion, chopped 2 shots of ouzo 1 teaspoon salt 250 gr cream cheese

½ kilo of pasta ⅓ bunch chopped parsley 2 chopped tomatoes 5 tablespoons olive oil 1 teaspoon pepper 2 chopped cloves garlic


Picture of the dish

7 crocus threads steeped in ½ cup hot water for ½ an hour

METHOD: Put the salmon fillets in a baking tray, add salt, pepper and some oil and cook in the oven for 15 minutes. Heat 5 tablespoons of oil in a pan and add the onion and the garlic. Cook for 2 minutes, add the tomatoes and cook for another 2 minutes. Finally, add the ouzo and simmer for 10 minutes. Boil the pasta in a large pan of water with a pinch of salt. Finish the sauce by adding the cream cheese, the crocus, the dill, the parsley, some salt and pepper and finally, the salmon cut in chunks. Stir in the drained pasta and serve hot. Καλή όρεξη! A recipe by Sophia -Maria from the Greek team

To see more recipes visit our twinspace HERE.

Sending the Greek Crocus to Portugal ‌ On December the 1st, 2016 the Portuguese team received the Super Food parcel from the Greek team.

On the 15th December, 2016 at LousĂŁ school students and teachers prepared Cod rice with crocus from Greece, combining a Portuguese cod recipe and a typical Greek ingredient.The result was great!

See more in our twinspace HERE.

Sending the Greek Crocus to Turkey The following video shows the Turkish students receiving the Greek parcel.

The Turkish students opening the Greek parcel. See more on our blog here...

The Greek recipe of fish fillets with Crocus was successfully prepared by the Turkish Team.

Dark chocolate - content and benefits


Dark chocolate is very nutritious. A 100 gram bar of dark chocolate with 70-85% cocoa contains : 11g of fiber, 67% of the RDA for Iron, 58% of the RDA for Magnesium, 89% of the RDA for Copper, 98% of the RDA for Manganese and it has also plenty of potassium, phosphorus, zinc and selenium. So, it is a powerful source of antioxidants. It may improve blood flow and lower blood pressure. It may lower the risk of cardiovascular disease, protect your skin against the sun and improve brain function.

HERE you can see the presentation made by the French team.



Dark chocolate domes with strawberries


INGREDIENTS 200g dark chocolate 200g white chocolate whipped cream stabilizer 50 cl whipped cream strawberries 50 g icing sugar METHOD First, mix icing sugar, cream, stabilizer together in a bowl. Add the preheated white chocolate and mix. Then, mix the preheated dark chocolate in another bowl. After that, pour the dark chocolate into baking tins, add a strawberry on top and add the white chocolate/cream above and put them in the fridge (4 hours). Finally, it’s ready to be served! Enjoy! (Recipe by YaÍl from the French team) To see more recipes visit our twinspace HERE.

Dark chocolate - geometry and art

The Italian team produced a wonderful presentation about SUPERFOODS and GEOMETRY which you can see HERE.

Foiled Chocolate bar, a pastel painting, by Ria Hills. See more of our superfoods painting gallery HERE.

Egg - content and benefits


Eggs are a rich source of proteins and

- Egg has many

contain a lot of antioxidants that will help

vitamins and proteins and contain a lot of

in stocking up vitamins in the body when


you are suffering from anaemia. A large

- Eggs are the single best dietary source

egg is said to contain 1 mg of iron and

of the B vitamin choline, an essential

hence consumption of an egg everyday

nutrient used in the construction of all the

will help in fighting anaemia.

body’s cell membranes.

HERE you can see the presentation (incl. resources) made by Hanďa and Áďa from the Czech team.



Salty strudel with eggs


INGREDIENTS 5 eggs 150g ham 250g cheese 1 onion 1 butter spread 500g puff pastry a bit of flour for the board

METHOD Sprinkle the rolling board with some flour, put pastry onto it and roll it flat. Grease it with spread butter. Put on ham or salami. Chop the onion and grate cheese. Put some sliced hard-boiled eggs. Packed roll and brush whole strudel with egg. Sprinkle with caraway seeds and place in hot oven at 150째C. Bake for twenty minutes. (Recipe by Martina from the Czech team) To see more recipes visit our twinspace HERE.

Eggs - jokes matching activity This matching activity was created by the Czech team. You can see more of them HERE.

Fig - content and benefits Figs contain a wealth of beneficial nutrients, including vitamin A, vitamin B1, vitamin B2, calcium, iron, phosphorus, manganese and potassium. Fig extracts and dried figs contain ingredients that can protect the heart, regulate kidney and liver functions, lower blood pressure, and inhibit some cancers.

Fruit and vegetables are very important for an healthy diet. Start the day with fruit, it will give you energy and you will feel very well.

HERE you can see the presentation (incl. resources) made by the Portuguese team.


Fig and cheese salad INGREDIENTS 5 figs Lettuce, red cabbage, arugula or spinach Goat or mozzarella cheese Olive oil Lemon juice, sesame seeds Salt METHOD Wash the lettuce, cut the figs in 4 parts. Make a salad with lettuce, red cabbage, arugula or spinach, add goat or mozzarella cheese. Sprinkle with salt, lemon juice and olive oil, finally add sesame seeds.

To see more recipes visit our twinspace HERE.

Fig in the pictionary

Picture drawn by the Turkish team. See more words of the pictionary of superfoods made by the Turkish team HERE.

A basket of fruit made with recycled materials by the Portuguese team.

(Cod)fish - content and benefits For people suffering from atherosclerosis and diabetic heart disease, cod fish is probably one of the best sources of meat. It lowers the risks of heart attack. It contains vitamins B12 and B6. It’s a good source of omega-3 fatty acids, so it helps in improving the functioning of the human heart muscles, keeping cholesterol under control. It can contribute to reduce tumorous formations in the body. It also reduces the total caloric intake while keeping the overall body weight under control. Rich in many vitamins and minerals, it is a rich source of potassium, which is necessary for regulating blood pressure. It contains selenium, vitamin D and omega-3 fatty acids which reduce the effect of inflammation. HERE you can see the presentation (incl. resources) made by Maria Manuela from the Portuguese team.


“Bacalhau à Brás” (cod)fish INGREDIENTS 450 g of codfish (already soaked for some hours in water), olive oil, 1 onion, 3-4 eggs, salt, parsley and olives to decorate. METHOD Start by peeling 4/5 medium potatoes; Then cut them into thin slices. Lousã team suggestion is to roast the potatoes in the oven instead of frying them (according to the original recipe), because it is a healthier way to prepare this recipe. Peel and cut an onion into small pieces. you will also need at least 3 eggs and then add olive oil and fry the onion pieces slowly to caramelize, so that you can add the codfish slices, add some salt and cook the cod for a while. Use a saucepan and start with the potatoes, then add the cod fish add a pinch of salt and minced parsley, beat the eggs and add them to the potatoes and cod. Mix everything and let it cook. Serve and decorate with parsley and olives. (Recipe by Maria Simões, Ana Lobo and Rita Catorze from the Portuguese team) To see more recipes visit our twinspace HERE.

Fish - video and quiz The Greek team has created a wonderful quiz based on the hilarious Mr. Bean video - see it in the twinspace HERE. In our twinspace you can see a lot of other entertaining activities and games about SUPERFOODS.

Grapes - content and benefits aaaaaaaaaaa

Grapes contain powerful antioxidants known as polyphenols and they prevent many types of cancer. The flavonoid quercetin is a natural antiinflammatory and protects against the damage caused by cholesterol. The fiber and potassium in grapes also support heart health. Fiber is essential for minimizing constipation too.

HERE you can see more posters and presentations (incl. resources) made by the French team.



Crunchy grapes verrines


INGREDIENTS 1 jar of mascarpone, 2 eggs, 200g fromage blanc (cottage cheese), 2 tsp vanilla aroma, 2 tbsp vanilla sugar, Biscuits and some milk, white wine grapes

METHOD Separate the whites from the yolks and beat the eggs white. Add the different ingredients (mascarpone, yolks, vanilla sugar, cottage cheese, vanilla aroma and finally mix with the egg white. Crush biscuits (wet with milk) and put the powder at the bottom of a glass. Add the mixture and grapes. Do several layers. Cool in the fridge and it’s ready to be served! (Recipe by Anaïs, Alizée and Clara from the French team) To see more recipes visit our twinspace HERE.

Grapes - poems Grapes are sweet, juicy and jelly-like Raisins are healthy And delicious Purple,green,white and red Everyone should taste. (by Melisa, a Turkish eTwinner)

Grapes Round August Purple Eat Seed

Green or black crunching in my mouth like delicious seeds If only I could eat thousands of them (by Olivier and Lucas, 2 French e-Twinners)

(by GrĂŠgory, a French eTwinner). See more poems about our superfoods HERE.

Goat cheese - content and benefits


Goat cheese contains less lactose than

Goat cheese, like goat

cow's milk cheese, which facilitates

milk, is easier on the human digestive

digestion. It is also lower in sodium and

and lower in calories, cholesterol and fat.

cholesterol than the typical cheese of

Diets higher in calcium have been proven to

cow's milk. Goat cheese has a high

assist the body’s burning of fat after meals.

content of vitamins B and D, as well as

Calcium maintains the strength and density

potassium. Goat cheese contains high

of bones and helps to protect colon cells

amounts of protein and Calcium, which

from cancer-causing chemicals. Dairy plays

equals the number of cows' milk cheese.

an important role in the brain’s functioning.

HERE you can see the presentation (incl. resources) made by Martina and Zuzana from the Czech team.



Mushrooms with goat cheese INGREDIENTS 12 big field mushrooms 1 egg 150 g soft goat cheese 150 g ham (grated) 150 g semi-soft goat cheese (grated) 2 tablespoons of olive oil A few green haulms of onion Some salt flavoured with herbs A bit of black pepper


Picture of the dish

METHOD: Clean or peel the field mushrooms, cut off the stems and take off part of the inside of the cap with a bowl - be careful as you need nice “cups”. Cut the stems into small cubes and mix them in a bowl with all the other ingredients (goat cheese, ham, egg, chopped onion haulms, salt and pepper). Oil the baking dish and put the mushroom caps into it. Fill them with the mixture and bake in the pre-heated oven at 180 - 200 °C for about 15 minutes. Serve hot with some wholemeal bread and vegetables. (Recipe by Mirka from the Czech team)

To see more recipes visit our twinspace HERE.

Goat cheese - A Real gift

The Czech team wants to raise money to buy a goat so that poor children in Africa can have goat milk and goat cheese. Find more HERE.

A Real Gift

Honey - content and benefits IMAGE Thyme honey is considered the king of


honeys because of its excellent quality. It










has and qualities.

production come up to approximately 10%

It has important antimicrobic action and is recommended

of the total honey production in Greece. The

for the prevention of infectious, digestive and respiratory

best areas where thyme honey is produced

conditions. Medical studies have shown that even a

are the Greek islands such as Crete and

small quantity of it helps the human stomach to digest all

Kythira. It usually has a light amber color, it

kinds of food. It also acts preventively for cardiovascular

is quite thick and it retains small amounts of

disorders and has beneficial effects on the urinary


system. It is rich in mineral such as copper and iron.

HERE you can see the presentation (incl. resources) made by B4 class from the Greek team.



Cookies with tahini, honey and oat INGREDIENTS 100g tahini 120 g honey 120g oat flakes 2 tablespoons sesame seeds ½ teaspoon ground cinnamon ( optional)

Picture of the dish

METHOD Put the tahini, the oat flakes, the sesame seeds,the honey and the cinnamon, if you like it, in a bowl.Then, mix the ingredients with your hands.Take a plastic food bag and put the mixture into the bag.Put it in the fridge for about 10 minutes.Preheat the oven at 180 degrees C.Then, take the mixture out of the fridge and cut it in small pieces.Put the pieces on a baking tray lined with parchment paper.Bake the cookies for 10-15 minutes.When ready, take them out of the oven.Wait for about 10 minutes and ‌Buon appetito! A recipe by Olympia from the Greek team To see more recipes visit our twinspace HERE.

Honey in a photo and poem Honey Sweet and sticky Flowing endlessly Like a golden river If only I could swim in it. Written by Angela, a Greek e-twinner

You can see more in our twinspace HERE.

A photo taken by a Portuguese eTwinner

Iceberg lettuce - content and benefits

Lettuce is an annual herbaceous plant of rapid growth of the family of Bafa. It has been cultivated since the Roman times and its origin is Asia. It was mentioned by Herodotus,Theophrastus and Dioscorides and called ‘thridakini’ or ‘thridax’. Nutritional Facts of Iceberg Lettuce Iceberg lettuce is an excellent source of potassium and manganese, as well as a very good source of iron, calcium, magnesium, and phosphorous. It also contains traces of sodium, copper, and zinc. Iceberg lettuce is an excellent source of vitamin A, K, and C. It is also a good source of thiamin, vitamin B6, and folate (vitamin B). Iceberg lettuce is low in sodium and is also very low in saturated fat and cholesterol.

Iceberg lettuce has a high water content and is very low in calories. Therefore, it is good for weight loss efforts. However, it has relatively low amounts of nutrients. It is considered that, owing to the folate content, iceberg lettuce helps in fighting heart diseases and strokes, as well as protecting infants from neural tube defects, if it is consumed in appropriate amounts by pregnant women. With only 10 calories a portion, you can freely add it in sandwiches, tacos or even in your salad to make it tastier.

HERE you can see the presentation (incl. resources) made by B3 class from the Greek team.



Colourful salad with pomegranate and iceberg lettuce


INGREDIENTS ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ●

one iceberg lettuce, sliced a bunch of arugula 200g spinach leaves ½ cup coarsely ground walnuts ½ cup pine nuts 1 pomegranate, peels and seeds separated ½ cup parmesan flakes ● extra-virgin olive oil 6 sundried tomatoes ● salt balsamic vinegar

METHOD: Mix the iceberg lettuce with the spinach in a bowl.After that, add the arugula and mix well. Then,add the sundried tomatoes and the walnuts.Add the pine nuts, the parmesan, and last but not least, the pomegranate seeds.Finally, add olive oil, salt to taste and dress with balsamic vinegar. Καλή όρεξη! A recipe by Paul, from the Greek team To see more recipes visit our twinspace HERE.

Iceberg lettuce - jokes

Jokes picked by the Czech team. You can read and see more of them HERE.

Juice - content and benefits Every fruit juice is good for health! Here are 2 examples: - A pomegranate juice is an antioxidant bomb which is filled with vitamins E and C to help reduce wrinkles and protect against sun damage. - An orange juice is best for providing the body with tons of vitamin C. Drink it for a healthy immune system! It also helps to decrease blood pressure and it reduces the risk of heart disease.

HERE you can see the recipe of a pomegranate juice made by the Portuguese team.



A juice full of vitamins INGREDIENTS one greek yoghurt any red berries ( strawberries, raspberries, gooseberries) one banana one kiwi.

METHOD Mix the banana and the kiwi, mix the berries with the yoghurt, add it to the fruit mixture and mix with a spoon. It’s ready to be served! (Recipe by the French team)


Juice - cooking with our partners’ superfoods On the French eTwinning Superfoods Day, in March 2016, the French pupils prepared the Portuguese pomegranate juice. Look at the photo! The table looked very nice with the glasses of juice.

See more about the menu and our partners’ dishes cooked on our eTwinning day HERE.

Kiwi - content and benefits


People are attracted to kiwi fruit because of its brilliant green color and exotic taste. But, the real uniqueness of kiwi fruit comes from its health benefits. Many studies have shown that increased consumption of plant foods like kiwis

A kiwi fruit is rich in vitamin C. If you eat kiwi, you will have a beautiful skin, If you eat kiwi, you will sleep better, If you eat kiwi, it will support your heart health, If you eat kiwi, it will lower your blood pressure, If you eat kiwi, it will prevent constipation.

decreases the risk of obesity and overall mortality.


HERE you can see the presentation (incl. resources) made by the Turkish team



Kiwi cake INGREDIENTS 3 kiwis,4 apples,2 bananas, 2 packets of cocoa biscuits, 1 glass of crashed walnuts, 1 glass of cold milk , 2 packets of creme chantilly 1 packet of chocolate sauce and milk


Picture of the dish

METHOD First wash the apples and grate them. Second peel the kiwis and bananas and cut them into small pieces. Then crash the cocoa biscuits and walnuts after mixing creme chantily with milk and put them into creme chantilly. Mix all the ingredients and put in a glass plate. Boil the chocolate sauce with milk and pour on to the cake. Finally put it in the fridge for a night. (Recipe by the team members from the Turkish team)

To see more recipes visit our twinspace HERE.

Kiwi - logo draft

This wonderful logo with wheels made of KIWIs was drafted by the Greek team. You can see more logo drafts HERE. The wonderful and delicious KIWI Christmas tree (see above) was created by the Portuguese team. You can see more of their creations HERE.

Lemon - content and benefits The lemon is a species of a small evergreen tree belonging to the genus Citrus, native from Asia. The lemon, thanks to its many properties, is widely used for therapeutic purposes. The benefits of lemon are given mainly citric acid, limonene, pinene, vitamin C. The lemon contains other beneficial substances such as vitamin A , B, PP, phosphorus, calcium, copper, manganese and sugars. The high content of vitamin C in the lemon gives excellent antioxidant properties, providing an important action against free radicals responsible for cellular aging and degenerative diseases. Thanks to the high content of vitamin C has properties antiscorbutic


and it is an exceptional remedy in hemorrhagic due to avitaminosi. The lemon has purifying and detoxifying and rebalancing effects to the intestines. The acidity of the lemon also facilitates the formation of potassium carbonate, useful against gastric acidity. The lemon’s use helps against atherosclerosis, high cholesterol and lowers the level of uric acid. Interesting fact:The leaves of the lemon tree are used to make a tea and for preparing cooked meats and seafoods. In ancient Rome, the lemon was used as a medicinal plant especially against poisoning and for this reason it seems that Emperor Nero was a regular consumer. Flag

HERE you can see the presentation (incl. resources) made by from the Italian team.


The Limoncello liqueur (lemon)


INGREDIENTS ½ l. alcohol 95° the peel of 4 big organic lemons 500 gr. sugar ½ l. water METHOD Peel the skin of the lemons and keep only the yellow part; pay attention that there are no traces of white peel because it would make the limoncello bitter. Place the peel in a jar with alcohol and let brew in the dark for a week.Prepare a syrup with water and sugar and cook for a few minutes on the fire.When the syrup is cold add it to the alcohol - previously filtered and fill a 1 litre bottle. Let the liqueur rest for 2-3 weeks before drinking. (Recipe by Modesta from the Italian team)

To see more recipes visit our twinspace HERE.

Lemon - song and interactive exercise The Italian students found and proposed a song about a lemon tree and the Czech team created an interactive exercise in - it is one of the many examples of our transnational collaboration.

You can listen to more songs about superfoods HERE.

Legumes - content and benefits


Legumes are high in protein content.

As an excellent source

Legumes usually contain carbohydrates,

of complex carbohydrates, protein and

which, although indigestible by the human

fiber, legumes are a highly satiating food.

digestive tract are digested by bacteria

This means that for a relatively low amount

located along the large intestine, causing

of calories legumes make you feel fuller

bloating. Further, they contain significant

longer and, therefore, help prevent the

amounts of vitamins Group B. They lack

hunger that can lead to unhealthy snacking

vitamins A and C. Up to soybeans and

and unwanted pounds. Legumes are

peanuts are all low in fat.

sometimes called “poor people’s meat”.

HERE you can see the presentation (incl. resources) made by Ela and Eliška from the Czech team.



Lentil soup


INGREDIENTS 1 000 grams of lentil a handful of marjoram 5 cloves of garlic 2 teaspoons of mustard 2 tablespoons of butter 3 tablespoons of fine flour

a pinch of salt 1 piece of sausage 1 big onion lemon juice

Picture of the dish

METHOD Sort the lentils and soak them overnight. Leave it in the same water, add chopped sausage, chopped onion and chopped two cloves of garlic, a handful of marjoram and boil till the lentils are soft. Then add a pinch of salt (now, not earlier!) and taste it with a teaspoon of mustard, a tablespoon of butter and a few drops of lemon. (Recipe by Lenka from the Czech team)

To see more recipes visit our twinspace HERE.

Legumes in an animated film Animation by Eliška, Ela and Eliška from the Czech team. You can see more Czech animations HERE:

Mastic - content and benefits Mastic is called the aromatic natural resin extracted from the mastic tree which grows in Chios. The reason mastic is called mastic gum, is that it was historically used as chewing gum, and as a spice for at least 2,400 years. It continues to be used as a spice in Greece, Turkey and Lebanon to flavour liqueurs, cakes, pastries, and desserts. The gum is also used in medicine and industry.

Mastic has many useful qualities and uses: • it absorbs cholesterol, • it has antibacterial properties, • acts as an oral antiseptic, • aids digestion, tightens the gums, • heals wounds and • scientists recently discovered that when it is consumed even in small doses, it cures stomach ulcers.

HERE you can see the presentation (incl. resources) made by B1 class from the Greek team.





INGREDIENTS 2,5 kg flour 10 eggs 8 gr mastic 600 gr milk 300 gr butter

250 gr fresh yeast 10 gr mahlab 750 gr sugar 1,5 glass water

METHOD: Put the lukewarm water and the yeast in a bowl. Add flour until the mixture becomes a curdled batter. Cover tightly and set aside until it becomes bubbly. After that, put mastic, mahlab and a little sugar in a blender. Grind them. Put sugar, mastic and mahlab in a big bowl. Pour in the warm milk and mix until the sugar is dissolved. Beat the eggs and put them in the mixture. Add the yeast and the flour. Put the butter in a saucepan and place it over very low heat until it melts. Then, pour it in the mixture. Knead for about 15 minutes until the dough doesn’t stick on the sides of the bowl and it’s soft and sticky. Cover the bowl with plastic wrap and a towel and let it in a warm place for about 2 hours or until it doubles in size. Deflate the dough with your hands, take a piece of dough, roll it out into long cords and braid 3 cords together to form a braided loaf. Put the tsourekia on a baking tray lined with parchment paper. Brush their surface with beaten egg and sprinkle with almond slivers. Let them rest for an hour. Bake them in preheated oven at 180 degrees C for about 20 minutes. Καλή όρεξη. A recipe by Jim from the Greek team

To see more recipes visit our twinspace HERE.

Mastic - When mastic goes to France ... The Czech baked apples and the Greek kaimaki ice cream and sesame cookies cooked by the French team.

To see more recipes visit our twinspace HERE.

Mushrooms - content and benefits


They are rich in the non-starch

Countless studies

polysaccharides and contain two

have suggested that increasing

antioxidants, Selenium and Ergothioneine.

consumption of naturally-grown foods like

They have low in calories, are fat free,

mushrooms decreases the risk of obesity

cholesterol free, have very low levels of

and overall mortality, diabetes, heart

sugar and salt; they provide a valuable

disease and promotes a healthy

source of dietary fibre, as well as several

complexion and hair. One study found that

vitamins and minerals. They contain a lot

replacing red meat for white mushrooms

of vitamins and healthy substances.

may help enhance weight loss.

HERE you can see the presentation (incl. resources) made by Martina and Katka from the Czech team.



Mushrooms with pasta


INGREDIENTS 400 g of fresh mushrooms, handful of caraway seed a pinch of salt 2 tablespoons of butter or lard a packet of pasta

Picture of the dish

METHOD: Pick mushrooms in the forest. Clean the mushrooms and slice them. Then rinse them with water and drain them. Melt a bit of butter or lard in a pan and add the mushrooms (soaked with water), a bit of salt and a bit of caraway seed. The mushrooms will release the water so stir and stew them for a few minutes till the water steams out. After that, mix them into the hot boiled pasta. Serve warm with gherkins. (Recipe by Mirka from the Czech team)

To see more recipes visit our twinspace HERE.

Mushrooms in pictures

Pictures drawn / painted by the Czech team. See more drawings of mushrooms HERE.

Nuts - content and benefits


They have lots of nutrients for your body and mind.

They can help you to maintain your ideal weight over time.

Help controlling blood pressure and heart rate. Protect against cancers, heart disease,

They improve the metabolic parameters of diabetes.

degenerative nerve disease, Alzheimer's disease, and viral/fungal infections.

HERE you can see the presentation (incl. resources) made by Soraya and Eva from the Spanish team.



Nut Bread


INGREDIENTS 360 grams of sourdough (fermented white mass), 360 grams of bread flour, 90 grams flour whole rye, 8 grams of baker's yeast, 275-300 grams of water,10 grams of salt, 100 grams of green walnuts.


Picture of the dish

Dissolve the yeast in a little warm water. Mix all dough ingredients except nuts, which will be incorporated

when the mass starts to be formed. You'll get a slightly sticky dough. Make a ball with it. Flour the surface lightly and place in a large bowl and let rise until doubled in volume ( a couple of hours). After that, dump the dough on lightly floured work surface and divide it into portions. Place them on a baking tray and cover with cloth, let rise again until doubled in volume. Preheat oven to 250 째 C. Bake the muffins 15-20 minutes and or bread for 30-35 minutes.

(Recipe by Natalia from the Spanish team)

To see more recipes visit our twinspace HERE.

Nuts - collaborative cartoon

You can read the whole story HERE.

Orange - content and benefits

HERE you can see the presentation (incl. resources) made by the Italian team.



Soft Orange Cake (orange)


INGREDIENTS 3 organic oranges 280 g. flour 250 g. sugar 3 eggs 80 g. butter or oil 1 packet of baking powder and 1 of vanilla powder METHOD Whisk in a bowl the eggs and sugar with an electric mixer or by hand. Continue beating for 15 minutes , it's the only way the eggs will swell, becoming light and fluffy, and the cake will become spongy. Choose oranges untreated when you use zest, and add it to the eggs compound. Continue adding oil or melted butter and orange juice, while continuing to stir. Finally add the sifted flour with the baking powder and the grated rind of an orange. Mix well. Preheat oven to 180째. Grease and flour a cake pan of 24-26 cm in diameter. Pour in the mixture and bake in the oven for about 30-35 minutes. Recipe by Modesta from the Italian team)

To see more recipes visit our twinspace HERE.

Orange - cute orange bears ... ‌ and other fantastic animals made of fruit. How many do you recognize?

Olive oil


Olive oil is an edible oil extracted from olives. In type virgin is derived from the mechanical pressing of the olives. It contains modest amounts of Vitamins E and K and plenty of beneficial fatty acids. This is the nutrient content of 100 grams of olive oil: Saturated Fat: 13.8%. Monounsaturated Fat: 73% (most of it the 18 carbon long oleic acid). Omega-6: 9.7%. Omega-3: 0.76%. Vitamin E: 72% of the RDA. Vitamin K: 75% of the RDA. But where extra virgin olive oil really shines is in its content of antioxidants. These substances are biologically active and some of them can help fight serious diseases. Some of the main antioxidants are the anti-inflammatory oleocanthal, as well as oleuropein, a substance that protects LDL cholesterol from oxidation. According to the standards of the International Olive Council (IOC), the oil is classified as Extra-virgin olive oil - Virgin olive oil - Refined olive oil.

HERE you can see the presentation (incl. resources) made by Demetrio & Luca from the Italian team.



The Bruschetta (olive oil)


INGREDIENTS A clove of garlic Some slices of homemade bread Some extra virgin olive oil A pinch of oregano and salt “He who says oil, says bruschetta.” METHOD Cut the homemade bread in 3-4 thick slices. Toast on the grill in both sides. Rub the surface of the bread with a clove of garlic (if you like it). Season with the extra virgin olive oil and spread a pinch of oregano on each “bruschetta”. At the end put the bruschettas over a plate and serve immediately to enhance the flavour of warm bread. (Recipe by Andrei from the Italian team) To see more recipes visit our twinspace HERE.

Olive oil - interesting facts in Roman Mythology

The picture drawn by the Italian team as a Superfood Mascot. See more mascots HERE.

Pasta - content and benefits Pasta is the typical dish of the Mediterranean diet that, by 2010, thanks to UNESCO has become World Heritage Site: pasta with tomato sauce, basil, olive oil and all the feeding practices, that represent the Mediterranean diet are part of the heritage Intangible Cultural humanity. Does it exist any food more natural and simpler food than pasta? Only durum wheat semolina and water. No preservatives need, no colourings, only the drying; if you look backlit to a bundle of spaghetti you'll find the sunlight absorbed by the grain of wheat and returned by the semolina; no chemical additives and neither salt. Composition of the durum Wheat PASTA:

WATER:12.5% PROTEINS: 11.5% FATS:1.2%, CARBOIDRATOS:74% Here are some valid reasons why it is really worth eating pasta: Humor: the pasta really contributes to our good humor thanks to the complex carbohydrates present in it, which stimulate the production of serotonin in the brain, just the happiness hormone. Friend of the heart and not only! The pasta helps to keep lower the level of triglycerides in the blood and does not contain traces of cholesterol, besides being rich in B vitamins and iron. Help against Alzheimer's: eaten regularly, in the context of a Mediterranean diet, it has been shown by recent studies that the pasta offers help in the prevention of Alzheimer's. Flag

HERE you can see the presentation (incl. resources) made by Domenico from the Italian team.


Pasta alla Norma INGREDIENTS 400 gr. Penne some tomato sauce 2 aubergines 1 onion 2 tb spoons of olive oil salt, pepper


Picture of the dish

METHOD: Cut the eggplant into slices and lightly salt. Leave them to draw out excess water, Add the oil in a frying pan and sautè the onion, until brown. Add the tomato sauce, salt and pepper and cook for 15-20 minutes. Fry the aubergines in a frying pan. When they are cooked, cut in cubes. Add the aubergines to the tomato sauce, stir and cook for 5 minutes. Meanwhile, cook the penne in salted boiling water and when cooked, toss the penne with the sauce. Recipe by Modesta from the Italian team) To see more recipes visit our twinspace HERE.

Pasta in art and science

You can see more art and crafts by the French team HERE. The Italian team produced a wonderful presentation about SUPERFOODS and GEOMETRY which you can see HERE.

Pomegranate - content and benefits The pomegranate is a deciduous shrub or a small tree with large flowers that grows in warm areas and produces a red fruit. The fruit is at the top of the list of the most nutritious foods. The pomegranate is a fruit that contains hundreds of edible seeds called arils. They are rich in fiber, vitamins, minerals antioxidants. They also contain some sugar (one cup of arils contains 24 grams of sugar, and 144 calories). Punicalagins and punicic acid are two unique substances in pomegranates that are responsible for most of their health benefits. They are so powerful that pomegranate juice has been found to have three times the antioxidant activity of red wine and green tea.

Health benefits: - It has anti-inflammatory effects (chronic inflammation is among the leading drivers of many killer diseases like heart disease, cancer, type 2 diabetes, Alzheimer’s disease and even obesity). - It helps fight prostate cancer and breast cancer. - Lower the risk of heart disease. - Improves memory and helps fight Alzheimer’s disease.

HERE you can see the presentation (incl. resources) made by B1 class from the Greek team.



Colourful Greek salad with pomegranate


INGREDIENTS 1 lettuce 1 iceberg lettuce 1 lollo bionda 150 gr parmesan cheese 1 small pomegranate a handful of walnuts olive oil balsamic vinegar salt

Picture of the dish

METHOD First,remove the leaves of the lollo bionda, the iceberg lettuce and the lettuce and wash them thoroughly.Remove the arils of the pomegranate and cut the parmesan cheese into thin slices.Cut the iceberg lettuce and the lettuce and place them at the bottom of the salad bowl.Then, cut the lollo bionda and place it on top of the other two.We are done with the vegetables now.The next step is to put the pomegranate arils, the walnuts and the cheese on top.After that, mix some olive oil with balsamic vinegar and salt and pour the mixture on the salad.Now our salad is ready! Καλή όρεξη! A recipe by George from the Greek team

To see more recipes visit our twinspace HERE.

Pomegranate -custom

The Xmas card the Greek team made and sent to the Czech team

This is the presentation of the Greek customs and traditions connected with Superfoods.

To see more visit our twinspace HERE.

Poppy seed - content and benefits


Poppy seeds outer husk is a good source

Calcium promotes bone

of dietary fiber. 100 g raw seeds provide

and teeth, while Vitamin D enhances

19.5 g or 51% of recommended

calcium absorption and bone growth.

daily levels (RDA) of fiber. Poppy seeds

Adequate intake of both substances is

contain good levels of minerals like iron,

important throughout life, especially in

copper, calcium, potassium, manganese,

development, fifties and during pregnancy.

zinc and magnesium. Dried poppy seeds

When consumed in food, poppy seeds

contain very small levels of opium

have beneficial effects on the human body;

alkaloids such as morphine, thebaine,

soothe nervous irritability and act as

codeine, papaverine etc.


HERE you can see the presentation (incl. resources) made by Láďa and Jakub from the Czech team.



Poppy seed cake


INGREDIENTS 1 cup of poppy seed 3 cups of flour ¾ cup of sunflower oil 2 cup of milk

3 eggs 1 baking powder 1½ cup of sugar

Picture of the dish

METHOD First, We mix all ingredients. When the ingredients are well mixed. We must pour the mixture on a baking tray and put in the hot oven. After about ½ hour you can take out the cake from the oven. After that you must wait until the cake has cooled and the cake is finished. (Recipe by Matej from the Czech team)

To see more recipes visit our twinspace HERE.

Poppy seed and idioms / similes You can see more idioms, similes and proverbs HERE.

Quince - content and benefits


Quince is an ancient fruit, found in Roman

Stimulates and improves

cooking and grown across Turkey and

health of hair follicles. Protects skin against harmful

southeast Asia. It grows on small trees and is effects of UV radiation. Helps to prevent cardiovascular closely related to apples and pears, but it

disorders and cancer. Beneficial in maintaining optimal

lacks their immediate edibility and appeal.

blood pressure levels. Reduces appearance of wrinkles

The fruit is knobbly and ugly, with an

and improves health skin. Aids in reducing excess

irregular shape and often a gray fuzz-

weight by improving digestive health. Helps to prevent

especially when the fruit has been picked

inflammatory bowel disease and diverticulitis.


HERE you can see the 3D presentation (incl. resources) made by Baturalp from the Turkish team.



A quince dessert INGREDIENTS Two glasses of sugar Three glasses of water Three medium sized quinces A few cloves Walnuts Lemon for sherbet,cream (optional)


Picture of the dish

METHOD First mix sugar, water and start heating on the oven. Then peel the quinces and add them to boiling mixture. Boil them in sherbet with a few cloves until the quinces get red. After that,take the quinces out with a straining ladle and put into a glass plate. Sprinkle walnuts on it and if you like, you can add cream on the quinces. The quince dessert is ready to serve. (Recipe by Baturalp from the Turkish team) To see more recipes visit our twinspace HERE.

Quince in the Superfoods Painting Gallery You can see the whole Superfoods Painting Gallery HERE.

Still Life with Quinces by George Jacovides

Raisin - content and benefits Raisin is the dried grapes. There are three different types of dried grapes; currants, sultanas and raisins. Currants are dried, dark red, seedless grapes. All three are produced around the world but Corinthian raisins (or currants) are only produced in Greece. Raisins were the most important food for Ancient Greeks. They believed that raisins contained magical and highly beneficial properties.

• Instant energy booster (100g of raisins hold 249 calories). • Improves bone mass. • Treats anemia • Reduces bad cholesterol due to their fiber content (one cup of raisins contains a little over 6 grams of fiber). • Prevents cancer. Raisins are rich in antioxidants such as resveratrol (resveratrol has been found to have protective action against cancers like melanoma, colon and prostate). • Good for weight loss, for skin and hair. Flag

HERE you can see the presentation (incl. resources) made by Maria from the Greek team.




INGREDIENTS 1 packet of self-raising flour 1 cup water 1 cup brown sugar ½ cup vegetable oil 2 teaspoons baking powder the juice and zest of an orange 1/2 deep plate chopped walnuts and corinthian raisins ground cinnamon to sprinkle METHOD: Put all the ingredients (except for walnuts and raisins) in a bowl. Then, add the orange peel and the orange juice and mix well. Finally, stir in the walnuts and the raisins. Put the batter in a circular pan, sprinkle it with ground cinnamon and bake it at 150 degrees. We make the fanouropita on the eve of Saint Fanourios’s Name Day on August, 27. Saint Fanourios is believed to reveal lost things, people, animals or even solutions to different problems. So, in return to the Saint’s help, people bring to church their offering, the fanouropita which is traditionally made with 7 or 9 Lenten ingredients. After the priest blesses it during a special ceremony, it is cut into 40 pieces and everyone shares.It is a custom to say ‘May God forgive Saint Fanourios’s mother’ before eating it! Καλή όρεξη! A recipe by Sofianna from the Greek team

To see more recipes visit our twinspace HERE.

Raisin This is the presentation of the Greek team on the role Superfoods, including raisin, played in the Ancient Greek diet.

To see more visit our twinspace HERE.

Rice - content and benefits


It gives you fast and instant energy.

It has diuretic and digestive qualities.

Rice slows down the aging process.

Rich in vitamins.

It helps to cancer prevention. Good for people suffering from high blood pressure and hypertension.

It has antioxidant properties to help cardiovascular problems. Helps to prevent Alzheimer’s disease.

HERE you can see the presentation (incl. resources) made by Claudia and Laura from the Spanish team.



Chinese rice


INGREDIENTS 200 g of basmati rice 125 g of cooked ham 1 carrot 100 ml of sauce of soybean pepper

16 prawns, 4 eggs, 100 g of peas olive oil extra, parsley.

METHOD: Peel the carrots, cut them into small bits and set them to cook in a pan with boiling water and a pinch of salt. Add the peas and cooks everything during 6-8 minutes. Cook it during approximately 12 minutes. Refresh it with cold water and drain it. Warm some oil in the same frying pan. Beat the eggs in a bowl and spill the mixture to the frying pan. Cut the omelette in pieces. Peel the prawns and add the rice and cook it during a minute without stopping removing. Incorporates the rest of the ingredients and mix well. Add the soybean sauce and it decorates with parsley.

To see more recipes visit our twinspace HERE.

Rice and famous people You can see the whole e-book about SuperFoods and famous People created by the French team HERE.

Sardines - content and benefits Eating Sardines - reduces inflammation and risk of disease - sardines are one of the best natural sources in the world of essential omega 3 fatty acids; - protects bone health with high levels of Calcium and Vitamin D; - defends against mood disorders, including anxiety and depression; - helps to control blood sugar levels ; - helps with feeling full and promotes weight loss ; - one of most sustainable and least contaminated sources of Fish (sardines eat plankton, which means they do not carry toxins and heavy metals as much as many other fish). HERE you can see the presentation made by Afonso from the Portuguese team.


Grilled sardines INGREDIENTS 4-6 sardines per person; Sea Salt Coal or pieces of wood to grill the sardines.

METHOD Grilling sardines is quite easy, however you have to be patient so that they grill slowly. Prepare the barbecue fire previously (30 - 45 minutes before you start grilling the sardines and sprinkle them with sea salt).Cook them on one side using a grate for around 10 minutes and then flip them over and cook for more 10 minutes until they get a toasty brown. Serve them on a slice of bread, you can add olive oil if you want. Portuguese people usually serve them with boiled potatoes and tomato salad. (Recipe by Afonso from the Portuguese team) To see more recipes visit our twinspace HERE.

Sardines in poetry Sardines, Sardines, so good... grilled on wood. Olive oil, Lettuce, Onion and Tomatoes; and don't forget the Peppers and Potatoes! Yummy, Yummy! Superfoods, so delicious, For our health, so precious! A Poem by Afonso Bandeira and JosĂŠ Vicente, two Portuguese eTwinners

A photo taken on the nearest beach - Figueira da Foz by Carolina Francisco, when fishing boats arrive.

Tangerine - content and benefits Tangerines help to prevent Skin Diseases & Arthritis. They improve digestion and chronic diseases. Because of their fiber content, they ease bowel movement.


Tangerines delay signs of ageing. They help you to have a smooth skin. Very good for a healthy and strong hair. Try to prepare a facial mask with them!

HERE you can see the presentation (incl. resources) made by Eurgenia and Susana from the Spanish team.



Tangerine Sorbet


INGREDIENTS 1 liter of Tangerine ice-cream 1 handle 1 envelope lemon gelatin 500ml of water (optional) Ice Mint (for garnish)

Picture of the dish

METHOD: Heat 250 ml water in a saucepan, and when it starts to boil remove it from fire and add the contents of the envelope of gelatin. Stir well and when it has dissolved completely, add the other 250 ml of cold water. Peel the mango and add it into pieces to the gelatin, with help of a blender grind everything. We fill one-third of the cups with this jelly and leave to cool for one hour. In a bowl pour the ice cream. If you want to give a thicker texture you can crush ice and add it to the mixture.

(Recipe by Uriel and Luis from the Spanish team)

To see more recipes visit our twinspace HERE.

Tangerines - acrostic poem This poem was written by the Italian team. You can read more of our (acrostic) poems in our twinspace HERE.

Tomato - content and benefits The tomatoes are full of vitamins, including vitamins A, C and E; they also contain flavonoids (natural antiinflammatories), potassium, iron, zinc, selenium, phosphorus and calcium associated with citrate , tartrate and nitrates act in synergy to ensure remineralizing and anti-radical properties.. Tomatoes are rich in water , which constitutes more than 94 % ; carbohydrates represent almost 3 % , the proteins are calculated about 1.2 % , the fibers 1% and fat represents only 0.2 % . For this reason , one hundred grams of fresh tomato gives only 17 Kcal. Much of the interest in tomatoes has been due to the antioxidant lycopene – which helps to mop up damaging free radicals in the body that can harm our cells.


Lycopene may help to ward against different types of tumours,and it could boost the skin's ability to protect itself against UV rays. The Lycopene gives the red colour to the tomato.The tomatoes facilitate the digestion of foods rich in starch such as pasta, rice, potatoes, and help to remove excess protein resulting from a diet too rich in meat. Thanks to the sour taste, tomato stimulates secretions of the digestive system and promotes good assimilation of what has been eaten. The tomato contains Zeaxanthin, a substance with antioxidant properties that can be healthy for the eyes, especially in old people; it seems that this substance can filter out harmful ultraviolet rays.

Flag HERE you can see the presentation (incl. resources) made by Gaetano from the Italian team.


Caprese salad


INGREDIENTS 3 Tomatoes 3 Mozzarellas Salt, origan, olive oil, basil

Picture of the dish

METHOD Cut the mozzarella and the tomatoes into slices,Put them alternately in the dish, dress with salt, origan and olive oil ,Complete the dish with some basil leaves and enjoy your meal! (Recipe by Luca from the Italian team) To see the whole recipes visit our twinspace HERE.

Tomato - listening activity The Czech team created a series of quizzes based on youtube APPU SERIES videos so as to practise listening - they are available HERE.

Ugli fruit - content and benefits


One fruit contains about 90 calories and

This fruit is literally

about 140 percent of the daily recommended

bursting with antioxidants. As it contains

value of vitamin C. Ugli fruit contains no fat

a massive 70% of your RDA of vitamin C, it is

and no cholesterol. One fruit supplies 4

really good for your immune system. It helps to

grams of dietary fiber, 40 milligrams of

fight free radicals and inflammation. Helping to

calcium (for strong bones and teeth), 2

form collagen and strengthen your muscles. It’s

grams of protein (which enables your body to

the real anti-aging treatment. It’s also essential

repair and regenerate cells).

for collagen formation, so it helps everything from your gums to your skin and muscles.

HERE you can see the presentation (incl. resources) made by Ondra from the Czech team.



Salad with ugli fruit INGREDIENTS 2 pieces of ugli fruit (OR a tangerine and an orange) a packet of pasta 100 grams of white brined cheese 2 big cucumbers olive oil yogurt


Picture of the dish

METHOD: Boil a packet of good Italian pasta. Drain the pasta, put it in a bowl and mix in 2-3 tablespoons of olive oil so that the pieces don't stick together. Let it cool a bit. Peel and cut two big fresh cucumbers. Add about 100 grams of white brined cheese. Peel the orange and tangerines (or the UGLI FRUIT if you can buy it in your place :-) ), and cut into pieces. Then add them into the bowl with pasta and cheese. Add 2- 3 tablespoons of good creamy yoghurt. (Recipe by Mirka from the Czech team) To see more recipes visit our twinspace HERE.

Ugli fruit -quiz to the presentation

View the presentation HERE. Many of our presentations have also quizzes such as the presentation about ugli fruit.

Vinegar - content and benefits


Apple cider vinegar is made from cider or

Apple vinegar has got

apple must , and has a brownish-gold

so many health benefits, what is good for

color. It is often sold unfiltered and

you. First, it has very low calories, about 3

unpasteurized with the mother of vinegar

per one tablespoon. It contains a lot of

present, as a natural product. It is often

amino acids and antioxidants. What is

diluted with fruit juice or water, or

great, it can kill some types of bacterias. It

sweetened (usually with honey) for

also helps with weight loss. Studies says,

consumption as a health beverage.

that after 1 tablespoon (for obese person), you will lost more than 1 kilogram.

HERE you can see the presentation (incl. resources) made by Libor and Matěj from the Czech team.



Salad with vinegar INGREDIENTS 1 iceberg lettuce 2 orange bell peppers 1 cucumber 1 teaspoon of olive oil 1 teaspoon of salt 1 teaspoon of brown sugar 1 tablespoon of vinegar from apple juice


Picture of the dish

METHOD Take the lettuce to leaves and wash them. Tear them into small pieces. Peel the cucumber and chop it into cubes. Take the seeds out of the bell peppers and cut them. Mix all the vegetables in a bowl, add a teaspoon of salt, a teaspoon of brown sugar and squeeze a bit with your fingers so that the vegetables let out some juice. In the end add a tablespoon of vinegar from apple juice and a tablespoon of olive oil. (Recipe by Mirka from the Czech team)

To see the whole recipe visit our twinspace HERE.

Vinegar in science experiments The Greek team has made a great video of the science experiments with superfoods. Enjoy watching it. You can see more of “Superfoods in science” HERE.

Walnut - content and benefits Walnuts are a nutrient-dense food: 100 grams of walnuts contain 15.2 grams of protein, 65.2 grams of fat, and 6.7 grams of dietary fiber (table). In a 100 gram serving, walnuts provide 654 calories and rich content (more than 19% of the Daily Value or DV) of several dietary minerals, particularly manganese at 163% DV, and B vitamins (table).


Research on the antioxidant and anti-inflammatory benefits of walnuts has moved this food further and further up the ladder of foods that are protective against metabolic syndrome, cardiovascular problems, and type 2 diabetes. Some phytonutrients found in walnuts are found in virtually no other commonly-eaten foods.

HERE you can see the presentation (incl. resources) made by Jan and Jรกchym from the Czech team.



WALNUT BUTTONS INGREDIENTS 180 g butter 350 g fine flour 50 g icing sugar 2 spoons of cold water 3 egg yolks 1-2 tablespoons of milk

Filling: 3 egg whipped whites 200 g ground walnuts 200 g sugar


Picture of the dish

METHOD We mix all the ingredients, make a dough and let it mature for 1-2 days in the fridge. Then we roll it flat (about 3 mm) on the rolling board, cut out small wheels, put some filling in the middle and top it with a half of walnut. Bake them in the oven to be slightly pink. (Recipe by Mirka from the Czech team)

To see more recipes visit our twinspace HERE.

Walnuts - look like the brain Walnut

See more SuperFoods that resemble organs of human body HERE.

Xigua - content and benefits



HERE you can see the presentation (incl. resources) made by Soraya and Eva from the Spanish team.



Xigua Slushy INGREDIENTS 4 cups cubed seedless watermelon 10 ice cubes 1/3 cup fresh lime juice 1/4 cup white sugar 1/8 teaspoon salt


Picture of the dish

METHOD Place watermelon and ice into a blender. Pour in lime juice, sugar, and salt. Blend until smooth. (Recipe by Eva from the Spanish team)

To see more recipes visit our twinspace HERE.

Xigua - watermelon

The picture painted by a student from the Czech team. You can see more pictures in our twinspace HERE.

Yoghurt - content and benefits

HERE you can see the presentations (hand-made posters) made by the French team.



Yoghurt and fruit verrines


INGREDIENTS 3 glasses (verrines) 1 banana 2 tangerines of sugar

2 kiwis 2 pears 2 yoghurt pots 1tbsp 4 bowls

METHOD Mix the yoghurt with sugar. Cut fruits and put them into different bowls. Alternatively, put a layer of yoghurt and a layer of fruit etc… in the glasses. Next, refrigerate 30 minutes. Finally, serve and enjoy! (Recipe by Stella, Léa and Salomé from the French team) To see more recipes visit our twinspace HERE.

Yoghurt - a proverb and an idiom Greece

Όποιος καεί με το χυλό, φυσάει και το γιαούρτι.

If you get burned with the porridge, you blow on the yoghurt as well. (Meaning: Once bitten, twice shy)


Chanter en yaourt

Singing in yoghurt (meaning : pretend to be singing in English)

See more superfoods proverbs, idioms and similes in our languages HERE.

Zucchini - content and benefits


HERE you can see the hand-made posters and a prezi presentation made by the French team.



Zucchini gratin INGREDIENTS 4 courgettes (zucchinis) 2 tbsp of “crème fraîche” 3 onions 100g of grated cheese


2 eggs some butter salt and pepper

METHOD Slice the onions and melt the butter. Cut the zucchinis with the skin and the onions. Mix cheese, eggs, cream, salt and pepper together. Put the slices of zucchini in a greased baking dish, pour the sauce over it and cook for 15 minutes at 180°. Enjoy your meal! (Recipe by Tony from the French team)

To see more recipes visit our twinspace HERE.

Zucchini - a drawing

The picture drawn by some French eTwinners.

Our Common Menu After working together for a few months and exchanging a lot of recipes and as well as some superfoods, we have decided to write a COMMON MENU collaboratively and to cook the dishes. We worked in transnational teams, had a long but fruitful discussion in the twinspace, exchanged opinions, got informed about the local traditions and in the end wrote “new� recipes for a starter, main dish, salad and dessert. Find them all on the following slides.

Starter: Nádivka with tomato salad INGREDIENTS: Czech Nádivka : 400 g ham, 8 rolls or 1 big baguette, 8 eggs, 250 ml milk, salt and pepper, nutmeg, several handfuls of herbs – young nettles, parsley, chives, …lard and bread crumbs for the casserole French Tomato salad : mesclun or any mixed salad green, about 1 cup per person, 4 large tomatoes, washed and sliced, 8 ounces fresh goat cheese, salt and freshly ground pepper, 4 tablespoons parsley, chopped at the last minute (or basil) METHOD: Cut ham in cubes. Dice the rolls or baguette and put them in a larger bowl. Whisk egg yolks in the milk, season with salt and pepper and add a bit of nutmeg. Pour over the dices of rolls (or baguette) and let soak. Add ham. Chop the herbs, add in the bowl and mix together. Finally, add egg whites foam. Lard the casserole, sprinkle with bread crumbs and pour in the mixture. Bake in preheated oven at 200°C for about 35‑40 minutes until golden brown. Cover each plate with a layer of mesclun or mixed greens. Place sliced tomatoes on top. Salt generously. Mix the dressing ingredients into an emulsion. Crumble the goat cheese onto the tomato slices. Season with salt and pepper to taste. Pour dressing on top lightly and add the chopped parsley or basil. Serve with a slice of Nádivka.

Main Course:Grilled Sardines (in a creative way) The Spanish and Portuguese team has chosen a common ingredient which is considered very special and important in both countries and decided to cook it in a different and creative way: Method: season the sardines with salt and light the fire.Then drive the nails in the wood, hang the sardines and let them grill slowly. Be patient... this way grilled sardines will have an amazing wood flavour....and be careful so that the sardines won't get burnt. Serve the sardines with salad and boiled potatoes.In Portugal people also like to serve the sardines on a slice of bread... it's delicious.We hope you enjoy this delicious and healthy meal as much as Portuguese and Spanish people usually do! We have found out that this way of grilling sardines according to a suggestion from Spain takes some time but it is worthwhile ! It's creative and delicious!

Salad: Vegetables and fruit cocktail INGREDIENTS (4 servings) 1 head of Iceberg lettuce 2 Tomatoes 1 orange 1 apple 1 kiwi 1 grilled zucchini 1 boiled egg salt & pepper olive oil 1 lemon METHOD Wash all the ingredients, cut the lettuce, slice the tomatoes, the apple, the kiwi,the orange, the boiled egg and arrange them into a salad bowl adding the grilled zucchini too. Dress with the salt, the pepper the oil and the lemon juice, mix together by a fork. The salad is ready.

Dessert : ASURE Ingredients ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ●

250gr oat flakes raisins, goji berries, raspberries ½ cup almond slivers cinnamon ½ cup brown sugar A spoonful of orange peel 2 spoonfuls of corn flour a tea glass of milk

METHOD Boil the oat flakes with water and the milk.When ready, add the orange peel and then, the corn flour.Add the sugar and the raisins.While the sugar melts and mixture thickens, prepare the decoration.Put in bowls and decorate with apple pieces,cinnamon and goji berries.Our Asure is ready! A recipe modified and executed by the Greek and the Turkish team

BONUS 1 The game is a result of our collaboration. From the twinspace:


BONUS 3 : OUR MINDMAP Our mindmap is a great recap, step by step, of everything which has been done collaboratively throughout our project. Click on this link to look at the ebook of our mindmap: http://issuu. com/mathildebertaso/docs/europe_s_abc_of_ superfoods?e=7157075/34372001


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