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Celebrating 10 years with the community.

To celebrate 10 years of Mates4Mates, family-friendly birthday events were held within local Defence and veteran communities across Australia – and of course there was cake involved!

As the birthday celebrations continue throughout the year, Mates4Mates staff have had the opportunity to mark this important milestone with the veterans and family members who have accessed our support services over the last 10 years.

Picnics in the park, BBQ lunches, coffee (and cake!) catch ups, and more were held across each Mates4Mates location, including outreach regions and online.

Before North Queensland Regional Manager, Marcia Morgan joined the Mates4Mates team, she was a Mate herself, and she shares how important this year’s birthday milestone is to her as both a veteran and a staff member.

“We held birthday events across Townsville, Mackay and Cairns and it was wonderful to celebrate, reflect and look towards the future,” Marcia says.

“Having been a Mate since the very beginning, Mates4Mates has been beneficial for me both physically and mentally.”

With the Brisbane Family Recovery Centre being the first Mates4Mates location to open in 2013, the Mates community has grown over that time to serve almost 10,000 veterans and family members throughout South East Queensland, North Queensland, Tasmania, the Northern Territory and online.

South East Queensland Regional Manager, Laura Duckworth says it has been a privilege to be part of the growth of Mates4Mates, not only within the Brisbane centre but across Australia.

“To look back over the last 10 years, to see where we started and look at where we are now, it’s magnificent,” Laura says.

“The growth and transformation of Mates4Mates over the years is exceptional and we have achieved so much in our 10 years of providing services to veterans and their families.” take celebrate our

To those who have been part of the Mates4Mates journey since 2013, thank you. Without your commitment, engagement and support, Mates4Mates wouldn’t be able to help provide a way forward for those impacted by service.