Massachusetts College of Art and Design Graduate Programs

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PROV I N C E TOWN H AS I N SPI R E D A RTI STS FOR H U N D R E DS OF Y EA R S ; T HE FI N E A RTS WOR K C E N TE R H AS PROV I D E D A SA N CTUA RY FO R A RT I STS SI N C E 1968 . I N 20 0 5 MASSA RT L AU N C H E D A LOW-R ESI D E NCY 2 D/ M FA PROGRA M AT TH E FI N E A RTS WOR K C E N TE R TO SH A R E TH I S EX P ER I ENC E WI TH A RTI STS WH O WA N T TO PU R SU E A N MFA WI TH OU T S U S P END I NG TH E I R PE R SON A L A N D PROFESSI ON A L COMMI TME N TS. MassArt’s 2D/MFA in Provincetown is a unique opportunity for self-directed artists to develop their work in an environment of natural beauty, through a graduate program that combines the intensity of on-site community and peer-based learning with the freedom and flexibility of distance education. The program encourages both traditional and non-traditional two-dimensional practice; the line is often blurred between two dimensional practice and other fields. Artists who are nominally painters draw, paint, print, photograph, and create installations and constructions in and outside their studios. The intensity of the residency sessions and off-site periods in this 60 credit two-year program requires a high degree of discipline and commitment to one’s work. Over 2 years students spend four three-and-a-half week residencies in Provincetown during September and May. Students work intensively in their studios, which are open 24 hours a day, and participate in the Major Studio and Graduate Seminar. Emphasis is placed on studio production and structuring interactions where artists can create work and receive critical feedback. Between residencies students return home to work under the guidance of artist/mentors through monthly studio visits and critiques. On-line art history and critical studies courses support an understanding of the context of contemporary work. At the conclusion of the program, candidates return to the Work Center for a final one-week residency in September to exhibit their thesis show, participate in thesis reviews, and submit their written theses. The Fine Arts Work Center was founded by Alan Dugan, Stanley Kunitz, Robert Motherwell, and Hudson Walker (among others) to support emerging artists and writers by providing uninterrupted time to live and work in Provincetown. Participants in the MFA Program have access to a wealth of FAWC resources including large studios, printmaking facilities, a darkroom, a gallery, and a computer lab. Housing is available in local guest houses and inns and Provincetown is a walkable city—a car is not needed.


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