Module Submission Form

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Module Title


Doc. Code




RATIONALE Obediah ( OTTO ) – Collaborative Clothing Label I am going to explore branding, editorial & layout through retail to create a new clothing label because I wish to further develop my typography skill set.

Make Churchill Famous ( YCN ) I am going to explore the competition brief of making Winston Churchill famous again, to do this I also will collaborate with Niall Cruickshank. This brief interested me as its different to how my other briefs were written and offered the opportunity to create a campaign which could be a different and interesting addition to my portfolio.

Self Branding I am going to explore different styles of branding so I am able to promote myself in a professional manner. To achieve this I will use a print based investigation that will focus on networking and creating my range of letterheads, business cards, compliment slips and also a logo . This will allow me to be prepared for entering the creative industry and have a professional branding to start under.

Reveal 2 I am going to create an editorial publication, which leads on from the previous Reveal magazine at the end of level five. This magazine shows the work of other designers (which allows me to network) whilst also creating and publishing my own designs. This will allow me to focus on bookbinding, pagination & printing.

Grand Opening I am going to create a range of menus that explore visual communication through the use of colour & symbols to replace and work alongside typography. This will allow build up more concept-developed work that both interests me and pushes me to find a conceptual outcome whilst still proving my professional design skills.

Staff Use BLOG.

All work must be clearly presented and labelled with your name, module code, brief title and any other appropriate information. Please separate the work appropriately and include a printed version of each brief. All blog posts relevant to this module should be ‘tagged’ with the module code OUGD301 and follow the naming conventions outlined on E-studio Submitted Brief 1

Obediah the trend Original ( OTTO )

Brief 2

Reveal 2

Brief 3

Dare Branding

Brief 4

Make Churchill Famous ( YCN )

Brief 5

Self Branding

Module Proposal Project File Evaluation

Your 500word End of Module Self-evaluation should be posted to your blog. Design Practice Blog.

Title and Brief Summary – include a short rationale for each brief identifying why you chose it, what was the focus of the brief and how long you spent on it.


Obediah is a clothing company that would include producing and distributing the products to potential buyers. This brief was proposed to me by Charlie Crosby, this was something he was wanted to do but he needed a collaborator who is type based to complete the editorial side of project. This would give me the chance to work on my editorial, type setting and screen-printing skill set. Whilst working on Obediah we also collaborated with a photographer called Thierry Sewell, he did the professional photo-shoot for us that allowed me to then create the look book, which would be handed out to our customers. Overall we spent the full 10 weeks producing the design work, as it is an on going project that will run into the FMP.


Reveal 2 was created so that I would be able to work with the editorial and layout again as I did in OUGD203. This would allow me to focus on making my type setting, layout and preparing for print skills, these are fundamental elements of my design practice which I will need to focus on as my career aim is to be an editorial designer. To complete this brief it took me around 6 weeks as the sourcing of the content took longer than anticipated getting emails back from the designers. The emails were to ask permission for me to be able to use their work in case they had any problem with me doing so.


Grand opening started as a brief, which was supposed to be the creation of a new restaurant, however I had numerous issues, which slowed my productivity down, and everything I was creating didn’t have the professional finish I was hoping to achieve. I then changed to do a re-brand that was for an already existing company in Headingly called ‘Dare’. This allowed me to work on my branding skills and create a much more sleek and appealing menu and logo for the café which branding did not represent the style of establishment they wanted to be. This brief took me around 5 weeks to complete, the content was already created but type setting took the majority of the time as each section had to have the kerning and leading changed to make sure that readability and legibility were perfect.


Make Churchill Famous was a competition brief which Niall and myself collaborated on, this was a campaign which was to alert 11 – 18 year olds about Winston Churchill as they relate Churchill with the car insurance dog. This was a very different style to the work that I had been doing through this module and allowed me to be more creative instead of the heavy type set style of design. We aimed to challenge ourselves by only having a limited period of time to complete this brief, this forced us to not procrastinate as much as we usually would and get an idea down on paper and start to develop and produce it instantly.


Self branding was something which I wanted to complete along the side of my projects, this was so that when visiting professionals came to visit, studio visits or contacted other designers, I was then able to come across as a professional freelance designer instead of a student with only a blog to show. I created a range for this brief, this included a logo, letterhead, business card, compliment slip and invoice, these are just the start of what I would potentially need for when I enter the creative industry, but this allows me to feel more confident that I now have branding which I am pleased with.

Additional Comments Reveal 2 – Unfortunately according to my budget I was unable to print the whole magazine, so it will be all on the blog under the correct tag, I printed what was needed to give you a visual of what it would look like if printed, this is on my boards Obediah – As we have so much print collateral for this project Charlie and myself have submitted a box that will be labelled and contains a small sample of clothing.

Student Signature:

Date: 11 / 12 / 2012

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