But God You Promised - Sampler

Page 23

Challenge – The greatest hindrance to empowerment is the status quo of man’s religious traditions. These beliefs surrender the commandments of God into captivity: this renders the commandments of God powerless in an individual’s life (Mt 15:6, Mk 7:9) (The Barrier to Apostolic). Reimage – This reveals a church structured with the operation of the giftings of the five fold ministry, equipping the priesthood of believers: Which are then sent to manifest Jesus Christ and his kingdom. For further clarification on the necessity of the correct structure see our article: Church Is Like A Sandwich. Results - The manifestation of the mission: an empowered body of born again believers, expressing their unique spiritual DNA (gifting) in a connected, missional context. Join The Mission To find out how you can schedule a meeting or join the mission contact Martin by one of the following means: Email: martinschmaltz@gmail.com http://www.martinschmaltz.com on twitter: www.twitter.com/martinschmaltz


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