NAS October 2009

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Local Marine Honored at Military Funeral

NAS JRB Marine Struck and Killed While Rendering Aid pg 23

NAS News Columnist Lt. Col Rita Schell pg 11 Begins Second Tour of Iraq

photo by Bill Hollingsworth taken at Pauls Porterhouse Rest. CC Friends and Marine Officeers Lucheon featured pages 6 & 7. Pictured above Major General Dick Mulberry, USMCR (Ret) WWII, Korean War, Vietnam War; LtCol Wayne Harrison, I & I , 2nd Bn 14th Marines; & Lieutenent General Dick Carey; USMC (Ret), WWII, Korean War; & Vietnam War

photo by John Gilliland 2009 Navy Ball 10/17/09. See page 15 for further information and ticket sales. Pictured Capt. Smyers shakes hands with reinactors (2008 Ball)

photo by John Gilliland Honor Guard Carries casket containing remains of Red River 44, Chinook Helicopter crew. The graveside ceremony centered on a single gray coffin and a headstone with seven names pg 9

★ MILITARY EVENTS TO REMEMBER ★ Submitted by John M. Elkins, BG TMF and CMSgt., USAF, (Retired) Oct 1, 1947 Oct 3, 1952 Oct. 7, 1949

NUMBER XXVIII, ISSUE 10 Editorial Board

Oct 7, 2001

Bill Hollingsworth Editor/Publisher

Oct. 8, 1940 Oct. 12, 2000

Tommy Franks Four Star General General, United States Army (Ret.)

Richard Carey

Oct. 14, 1944 Oct. 14, 1943

Lt. General, United States Marine Corps (Ret.)

Kathy Frost Major General United States Army (Ret.) posthumous

Michael Bevill Master Chief Petty Officer, U.S. Navy (Ret.)

Oct. 17, 1944

Charles R. Bond, Jr. Maj. General, United States Air Force (Ret.); Former Commander of the Flying Tigers

Andy Birdsong President Tarrant County Veterans Council

William “Bill” Lawson Brigadier General USAF (Ret.)

Herbert Foster Commander American Legion Post 14

William H. Gossell Maj. General, United States Marine Corps (Ret.)

Robert Smith Rear Admiral, United States Navy (Ret.)

Nathan Vail Brigadier General, United States Army (Ret.)

John Elkins Brigadier General Texas Guard (Ret.)

Phil T. Vaughn Captain Texas State Guard

Our Staff June Spadachene Managing Editor

Chuck Owen V.P. Marketing

Kathryn Marshall V.P. Marketing

Phillip Strand Special Features Manager

Willard Thomas, Mjr. USM (retired) Senior Military Editor

Jack Caldwell Chief Photographer

John Gilliland Photographer

Phil Hampton Photographer Military Veterans

Jack Dempsey, MSGT USAF (retired) Contributing Illustrator

Allen R. Fintzel News Editor

Naval Air Station News and Senior Life Magazine are the Voice of Veterans, the only publications that cover in full color all aspects of the armed forces in the Fort Worth/Dallas Metroplex; as well as activities and stories from the Senior Citizens of this area. We go from the NAS JRB FW, VFW, American Legion and Amvets to the veterans councils, and anywhere else we need to be to cover the issues that affect the active military, veterans and seniors lives. We give voice to news and pictures from local meetings to events that affect our readers on a national level. We invite the business and professional people of the Metroplex to share their message in the pages of the Naval Air Station News and Senior Life Magazine.

Oct. 18, 1977 Oct. 22, 1962 Oct. 23, 1951

Oct. 27, 2005 Oct. 31, 1952

First flight of the North American XP-86 Sabrejet. Britain tests its first atomic bomb. Communist-ruled German Democratic Republic (East Germany) established Operation Enduring Freedom begins with air strikes against terrorist’s targets in Afghanistan. RAF forms Eagle Squadron, consisting of volunteer US pilots. Terrorists in a port in Yemen attacked USS Cole. Seventeen American sailors were killed in action. U. S. Naval attack on the island of Formosa lasted three days. Eighth Air Force “Black Thursday” mission against Schweinfurt 600 airmen lost over enemy territory. 60 B-17s shot down; five crashed en route home. On the Philippines the Leyte Campaign cost 3,593 Americans killed in Action and 11,991 wounded in actions. The CVN-69 USS Dwight D. Eisenhower was commissioned. Cuban Crisis where President John F. Kennedy ordered the United States Armed Forces into highest DEFCON condition. Deadliest single day for the USAF in the Korean War. Over MiG Alley. Eight of nine B-29 Superfort bombers were lost to com bat with 28 airmen aboard. One B-29 managed to return to Kadena Air Base, Okinawa with more than 500 holes. Iran launches its first satellite…built by Iran and Russia. The United States tests its first thermo-nuclear device.

★ ★ ★ ★ ★ © Copyright 2009 by Southwest Life Magazine. Naval Air Station News (NAS News) is a trademark of Southwest Life Magazine, 933 Sequoia, Lancaster, Texas 75146. Senior Life Magazine and Naval Air Station News are independent publications supported by advertising and are not affiliated with any United States Government Agency. Senior Life Magazine and Naval Air Station News are published for all military veterans, Reserves, National and State Guard, active duty military and everyone that has served the United States of America.

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Nuggets of Faith By Tony “T-Bar” Barnes, SMSgt (ret) Martyrs! Those are the Christians that were fed to the lions, right? Or those guys that were burned at the stake a few hundred years ago for their beliefs. But, surely in these modern times there aren’t any martyrs. This is the age of tolerance and people are allowed to believe what they want. If that were only true, it would be a different world. It almost sounds like it would be paradise allowing each person to believe as they wanted. Recently I was listening to a podcast from the chapel service at Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary. President Paige Patterson related the story of David McDonald. David and his wife were called by God to go to an area near Mosul, Iraq. They were engaged in helping the Iraqi’s to have fresh water and more importantly they were sharing the love of Jesus Christ. Upon returning to the city after a day’s work, they got caught up in an apparent traffic jam. Within moments all hell broke loose. The sound of AK-47 gunfire rang out and David, his wife and the others in the party were badly wounded. Although

David’s wife survived the onslaught, the wounds proved to be fatal for David and the others. A few days later, David was buried in Colorado near the Sangre de Cristo mountain range. After the funeral, an old crusty rancher cowboy approached Dr. Patterson. Looking in the preacher’s eyes, he asked why David’s death had to happen. Noticing the beautiful red hues of the mountains, Patterson nodded towards the mountains and said, “Because of that.” The cowboy asked him what he meant. “What is the name of those mountains?” asked Dr. Patterson. The cowboy responded with the Sangre de Cristo moniker. Patterson asked him what that name means in English. After responding with the anticipated answer that the name was Spanish for “the blood of Christ’’, the seminary president related how David McDonald had paid the ultimate sacrifice for the gospel and given his blood for the one who had shed His blood for David 2,000 years ago. The cowboy nodded and said, “I think I understand now.”

David McDonald had a passion to share Jesus Christ and to be a witness. As mentioned before, he paid the ultimate sacrifice. When taking the gospel to the world, he was gunned down by extremists who oppose Christianity. If it were possible for Dave to come back to life, I believe he would do it all over again. David’s presence in Iraq wasn’t a miscalculation. David was there because the God who created Him had laid it upon his heart to be a witness in Iraq. Many people over the centuries have been martyred for their faith. They weren’t extraordinary people. They were obedient people. Certainly, the way they died was extraordinary. But, they were merely being faithful to share Christ with a lost and dying world. David McDonald through his death has been an evangelist. There are people that have heard the story of that

evil day in Mosul who will remember the story forever. The blood of David McDonald that soaked into the hot desert sand of Iraq will serve as a seed of faith for many that will encounter his story for years to come. David’s death will be a witness that though a person may perish, the gospel message we proclaim is worth the sacrifice. The world around us needs to know that the gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ is life changing. Our community needs to know that we are willing to die if need be for our faith. It should be evident to our realm of influence that we serve a risen Christ. Tony “T-Bar” Barnes is the founder and president of The Master’s Torch Ministries. He can be reached at tbarnugget@yahoo .com and is available for faith-based speaking engagements.

Social Security Advice By Public Affairs Specialist, Social Security Admin. These days, everyone is taking a new look at their finances — and no one is looking more closely than the millions of baby boomers who are nearing retirement age. While some boomers expected to retire at one of the traditional milestones, such as age 62, the current economy is forcing many of them to re-evaluate their plans. Many are wondering if they should work longer, or how their Social Security benefit – or their spouse’s benefit – would be affected if they continued working. To help them find answers, Social Security has published a fact sheet called When To Start Receiving Retirement Benefits. You can read it online at As most workers know, your choice of a retirement age — from 62 to 70 — can dramatically affect your monthly Social Security benefit amount. If you choose to start receiving benefits early, the monthly

payments will be reduced based on the number of months you receive benefits before you reach your full retirement age. The rate of reduction will depend on the year you were born. The maximum reduction at age 62 will be: • 25 percent for people born between 1947 and 1958. • 30 percent for people born after 1959. If you wait until your full retirement age, your benefits will not be reduced. And if you should choose to delay retirement, your benefit will increase up to eight percent a year from your full retirement age until age 70. However, there is no additional benefit increase after you reach age 70. Social Security also has created several retirement planners to help you make an informed decision. Social Security has an online calculator that can provide immediate retirement benefit estimates to help you plan for your retirement. To use the retirement estimator look online at

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Country Club Friends an Amalgamation of Americans by Don Woodard Every Tuesday morning at 9 a.m. a group of unlike minded authors and letter writers called Country Club Friends meets for coffee in the Terrace Room of beautiful Colonial Country Club. The event is an olla podrida of Meet the Press, Fox, ABC Stephanopolis, Face the Nation and Saturday Night Live. Attendees are Democrats, Republicans and Independents. Muslims, Sikhs, Jews, Mormons, Christians (both varieties), a few agnostics who don’t admit it and an Ingersoll athiest who proudly proclaims it. Blacks and Whites. Anglos, Hispanics and Asians. Americans all! Even some politicians! No election passes without a politico or two showing up, eager to have the Friends shake a hand or ask questions. The session always opens with the theme song, “You Are My Sunshine” played by pianist Wanda Woodard. Then there follows a poem by Poet Laureate Dr. John O’Rear. Later poems are recited by Professor Elisabeth (Tad) Sanders and Rudyard

Kipling devotee Nat Fralia. Following the poems, liberal Attorney Henry Simon gives a 3 minute oration followed by Columnist Don Erler’s conservative take. After this point and counterpoint, every one gets three minutes to air his or her views on topics of the day. Landslide Clyde Picht always steps up to the plate and points to right center field. Don Woodard, the Supreme Pacificator, assisted by “Take no prisoners” Chief of Staff Sergeant Mike Pixler, seeks to soothe the savage breast with these pacifiying precepts: “Come now and let us meet and confer and reason together. You get mighty lonesome being right all the time. Like Oliver Cromwell, I beseech you, in the bowels of Christ, think it possible you might be mistaken. And always remember Thomas Jefferson’s golden guide of life: “I never consider a difference of opinion in politics, religion or philosophy as cause for withdrawing from a friend.” And always there is a Burma Shave quote

from black Judge Wannabe John White AKA the Great White Hope. And what would a session be without the legerdemain of Magician Bob Utter? Anchors Aweigh! From the Halls of Montezuma! Off We Go Into The Wild Blue Yonder! Duty! Honor! Country! The group is especially proud of its military contingent, active and veterans – Navy, Marines, Army, Air Force and Merchant Marines from America’s wars -- Afghanistan, Iraq, Desert Storm, Viet Nam, Korea and World War II. Eagles, Stars and Stripes! There’s always Army and Marine Sergeants, Navy Yeomen, Admirals, Colonels and Generals. Happy Jeopardy Birthday! Once a month those having birthdays in that month celebrate by their buying “Kool Aid” for the entire group. O what a beautiful day! Jessica Ditson, VMFA-112 Family Don’t ever let it be forgot that once Readiness Officer; & Al McCluney, there was a spot for one brief shining USMC, Korean War. moment known as Colonial Camelot!

taken at Paul’s Porterhouse Rest.

Mike McCollum, Colonel, USMCR (Ret), Vietnam War; LtCol Keith Jescavage, USMCR, OIF (Iraq); & Bob Schaeffers, USMC Vietnam War photos by Bill Hollingsworth Tracey Smith, Dorothy Day, Speaker Jim Wright

Dorothy Scherr, Speaker Jim Wright, Phillip Morphis, Dr. Syed Shah photo coverage continues on page 7 Page 6

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All photos by Bill Hollingsworth

taken at Paul’s Porterhouse Rest. taken at Paul’s Porterhouse Rest.

Al (A J) McCluney, USMC,Korean War; Major Dan Burton, XO, VMGR-234 & LtCol Chris Scharf, XO,MAG-41

Major General Dick Mulberry, USMCR (Ret) WWII, Korean War, Vietnam War; LtCol Wayne Harrison, I & I , 2nd Bn 14th Marines; & Lieutenent General Dick Carey; USMC (Ret), WWII, Korean War; & Vietnam War

Marine Officers Enjoy Lunch and Conversation

Col. Kevin Iiams, Jeanette Berkley, Zim Zimmerman, City Councilman # 3

Brig. Gen. Bill Lawson, Col. Kevin Iiams

Hubert Foster, Lt. Gen. Richard Carey (ret), Brig. Gen. Nate Vail (ret), Jim Buell Senior Life Magazine

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The Crew Of Red River 44, U.S. Army ~ They are Home at Last by June Spadachene The remains of the crew, Red River 44, CH-47 Chinook Helicopter who were lost in Iraq on September 17, 2008, were buried in a single casket at the Dallas-Fort Worth National Cemetery, Sunday, Sept 12, 2009. Individual burials were held in the weeks following their deaths when the Chinook helicopter went down as it ferried from Kuwait to Iraq. The catastrophic crash meant some remains could not be separated. These remains were buried in a single casket. They lived as brothers and were buried as brothers.

photos by John Gilliland

It was a somber morning with no sun and rain fell throughout the ceremony joining the tears shed by family, friends and fellow soldiers. Perhaps the rain was heaven showing it’s own grief for the loss of these seven American heroes. More than five hundred people attended the ceremony. The single casket, covered with the American flag, was carried to the bier by its honor guard. This flag was presented to the 2nd battalion, 149th Aviation Regiment., (based in Grand Prairie). One soldier remained with the casket as words of condolence were spoken and prayers were

Honor Guard Carries Casket to burial site.

Lone soldier remains with casket as service commences.

Lt. Col. Joanne Macgregor, battalion commander

recited. Eighteen folded flags were carried to the casket as the name of each fallen warrior was spoken–one flag for each child who had lost their father was touched to the casket. It was then returned to the soldier who held it close to his chest with crossed arm The grave side ceremony centered on a single gray coffin and a headstone with seven names. The seven National Guardsman, from Texas and Oklahoma, were: Staff Sergeant Anthony Luke Mason of Springtown, Texas; Captain Robert Vallejo II of North Richland Hills, Texas; Chief Warrant Officer Corry Edwards of Kennedale, Texas; Sergeant Major Julio Ordonez of San Antonio, Texas; Chief Warrant Officer Brady J. Rudolf of Oklahoma City, Okla.; Sergeant Daniel Eshbaugh of Norman, Okla.

The Unit Ten weeks after their tour formally ended, the 2nd Battalion, 149th Aviation Regiment were there to honor their fallen comrades and to be recognized for their service. Capt. J. Craig Combs said, “we stand here in this pouring, drenching rain, appropri-

ately, to say our farewells”. Except for two short prayers, the service had few words. The raindrops on canvas tents, the sharp crack of rifles offering a salute, the bugler playing taps, and the bagpiper offering, “Amazing Grace”, offered the backdrop. Maj. Gen. Eddy Spurgin praised the fallen soldiers and their families as “courageous, committed, honorable, devoted, to duty and willing to sacrifice.” Spurgin lauded their accomplishments–transporting over 77 thousand personnel and air evacuations of 1900. U.S. Congressman Michael Burgess, 26th district of Texas, told the soldiers that they represent the best of what our Country offers. He recognized their sacrifice and thanked them for “a job well done”. Dallas Mayor Tom Leppert presented two official proclamations. Lt. Col. Joanne MacGregor, the battalion commander, dedicated a memorial park honoring the Red River crew, her voice breaking as she struggled to finish her remarks. MacGregor said, “they served with distinction and mattered so much to so many”

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NAS NEWS Columnist Begins Second Tour of Iraq by Lt. Col. Rita Schell Our writer from Iraq has returned for a second tour and begins her column again in this issue. Lt. Col Rita Schell starts with details of her harrowing trip from the U.S. to Iraq.

On the Road Again Montgomery, Alabama the morning of August 20 was the same it had been since summer had started: hot and humid. I woke up looking for a cat to pet and found Karl—a 1 year old Ragdoll—lying next to me. He stretched out while I rubbed his belly. Karl belongs to my friend Helene who was letting me stay with her. Now, why was I, a "mature" woman living with a roommate? Because here I was again, for the second time in my Air Force career, on the move headed back to Baghdad and had rented my house out since I was going to be gone for another year. I was scheduled to start my trip later that morning, leaving from Montgomery and hopefully ending up in Iraq within 3 or 4 days; it took me 3 days the last time I left in May of 2006. Now that I look back, that was just wishful thinking. Saying my goodbyes to Karl and Karin (the sweet 3-legged cat Helene adopted), we hauled my luggage out to the car. We’re required to bring our own weapon with us, so I took the precaution of packing my Beretta 9mm as a separate piece of luggage so it would be easier for me and the airlines to track. All told, I had 2 personal bags, a modified A-bag with my military gear and the weapon case. Simple enough. Arriving at the airport, I checked my luggage got my boarding passes and went to spend my last hour with Helene, Beth, Wanda, Jeff and Dave. They were all my best friends in Alabama and I was so touched to have such a great sendoff. I was tearing up when I had to leave them….that part never gets easy, no matter how long you’re in the Air Force.

The Other Side of Security On the other side of the security gate, I sat

by myself, thinking about where I was headed and the various challenges I’d have getting there: extreme heat, sleeping in tents, riding in a C-130 and hauling my luggage over rocks and sand. From my last trip over here, this is what I dreaded the most. Most of areas we have military personnel isn’t paved, but covered with large rocks that make walking a challenge, let alone trying to carry heavy bags on them. If it’s not covered with rocks, sand is the next most obvious option with sidewalks coming in last. While all this was going on in my nugget, I had no idea that would be the least of my worries.

The Delays Begin After several hours of delayed flight announcements, I realized I wasn’t going to make my connection out of BaltimoreWashington International (BWI). My itinerary was Montgomery to Atlanta to BWI all on commercial airlines. Once I got to BWI, I would transfer to military air and the route was to go to Germany, Italy then Qatar. From there was the dreaded C-130 flight into Baghdad International Airport (BIAP). Trying to avoid any unnecessary hassles, I called my unit to inform them of my flight delays. Somehow, the travel people at my base decided the best way to get me "caught up" with my rotator (the flight that takes all of us to and from BWI to Qatar) was to send me from Atlanta to Italy on a commercial flight. When I write this, it all makes sense, but keep in mind, they sent me to Venice. That will be an important part of this story. I show up at the Venice gate in Atlanta. Of course, Delta doesn’t make my life any easier by first telling me I’m not booked on the flight (when I actually am) or insisting I need a passport to travel (which I don’t since I was on military orders) and then by "verifying" at my request that my luggage had been transferred to this flight and wasn’t on its way to BWI (of course, they "checked" and said it had been transferred, but I think you

know where this is going…it was still on the way to BWI). Finally boarding the plane, I feel fairly secure that all is well.

Lost Luggage

We have an uneventful flight, land in Venice and that’s where the next part of my adventure begins. Having traveled enough, I’m not too concerned about finding my way to luggage, customs, etc. What I’ve never grown accustomed to is waiting at the luggage carousel for bags that never show up. It happened…pretty soon all the other passengers were gone and my next thought was "where is lost luggage and how am I going to explain this in Italian?" Eventually I find my way to the Delta lost luggage counter and get in line behind numerous Italian travelers who are Lt. Col. Rita Schell, USAF in the same boat as I. After about Again, let me put this in perspective. I’m in an hour, I make it to the counter and try to a foreign country, don’t speak the lanexplain what flight I was on, what my lugguage, have no euros, have no one to meet gage looked like and so on. me, have no idea how to get to Aviano or Now, while I may pretend to speak Italian where it is in relation to Venice, have no to my cat, Zucca, I actually don’t know luggage, have no where to stay…AND I many words. "Zucca, ha fame?" is about as just brought a weapon in Italy which is good as I get with her at dinnertime. illegal. Didn’t know that at the time, but I (Pumpkin, are you hungry?) During the do now. Fortunately, the soldier was able to course of our talk, I realize that bringing a use his cell phone to call his post and find weapon into Italy isn’t a good thing. a number for the lodging office (hotel) at Fortunately, about that time, I saw an Aviano Air Force Base. I used it to call the American Army soldier in uniform and office and came on another wonderful and asked for some help. He knew some Italian caring person. and managed to help me file the report. TSgt Stoffle was working at the moment And then the adventure continued. and that proved to be a Godsend for me. Oh yeah, it gets worse. She asked one of her Airmen to make the Now, keep in mind, when an airline loses 5-hour round trip to the Venice airport your luggage they want an address to deliv- and this young man was very gracious er it to when (if) it’s found and a phone about doing it and helping me get to the number to call to tell you it’s on the way. I air terminal to book a flight to try to get didn’t have any of this info: all I knew was to Qatar. I wish that’s where the advenI was supposed to get to Aviano to catch ture ends, but not so. Just another parathe mil-air flight. So, I ask the soldier if graph or two… Aviano is close by…and it’s not. It is more than a 2-hour drive to Aviano from Venice. Watch for Part II next issue,

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Healthy Aging/ Mental Wellness by June Spadachene Want to be happier? Then be more grateful. When we are grateful, we sleep better, have lower blood pressure, and are heathier. You experience higher levels of such positive emotions as joy, optimism and enthusiasm. You may even show increased resilience when faced with trauma-induced–as well- as everyday stress. Gratitude has to have some kind of a base under it, according to family counselors. You need a way to deal with life so you can feel grateful. It’s something you work through to get to. Many experts recommend keeping a gratitude journal. Make yourself find one or five or ten things every day for which you are thankful, it becomes a habit and gets easier as time goes by.

HOLIDAYS COMING Thanksgiving and Christmas are coming up, with family gatherings, and you”re thinking, “my family drives me crazy”. The theory is that “we”re worst to our family members–more judgmental, and sometimes rude”. Counselors offer the following steps:

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Holidays are Here, Let Us Be Grateful

(1) Recognize our family members are just human beings, they don’t fit into a mode, in order to be more grateful, get to a place where they’re not driving you out of your mind”. (2) Set your purpose for Thanksgiving dinner: to enjoy your family and help them feel comfortable, it’s not to be right; it’s not to defend yourself. (3) Realize in this very moment, this is where that annoying person is. It doesn’t mean they can’t grow and change. But for right now, let go of judging, controlling and being right–for everyone’s sake. (That is really hard when I know I’m always right).

THE FOOD Julie Bender, a licensed and registered dietitian with Baylor University Medical Center at Dallas, offers the following: “We need to view food differently than we now do. It’s nourishment for the body and can extend to the mind and to the soul. It provides energy, stamina, strength, it can bring people together; it brings a sense of celebration.” (1) Be aware of what you’re eating. “Sometimes we hardly take a moment to even acknowledge it, to look at what we

are eating”. (2) Ask questions: “How will this benefit me? Where did it come from? Appreciate it because somebody took the time to make it for me”. (3) Slow down, chew food well, savor flavor and texture. The light bulb goes off in some people, “I’m actually tasting food; I thought I liked this, but when I slow down, I don’t really like this fried chicken”. Ms. Bender says that promotes gratitude. (O.K. I’m not buying all this–who doesn’t like fried chicken?) The result, says Ms. Bender is, “that people understand they’re eating to nourish their bodies, to prevent disease and promote wellness, they take ownership and control of their health, and they appreciate food more.”

GRATITUDE A HAPPY PLACE TO BE A director of the Alcoholics Anonymous central office in Dallas says, “after you’ve been sober awhile, there’s very little you’re not grateful for, whether it’s a sunset or your car starting or your ability to pay bills”. You might think,” I can’t stop at one drink, one brownie, one cigarette”. The AA

Theory is: “Fake it till you make it.” (1) Realize you aren’t alone. Lots of people face the challenge of overindulgence, especially this time of year. Seek a higher power. (2) Stay away from people who may tempt you! Stay around those who have been through similar circumstances and have come through them. (3) Remember the power of laughter. “The first thing many people are grateful for is that they can laugh.” Director Janice says, “After a few weeks or days, you’re just grateful you’re still breathing in and out and the disease (alcoholism) didn’t kill you”. Robert Emmons from his book,”Thanks, How the New Science of Gratitude Can Make You Happier”: When asked if we all are capable of having gratitude change our lives said, “Yes. Wherever you are, you can start right now to make the decision to be grateful. There is always something that a person might be grateful for. Lastly, gratitude follows behavior, so we can behave gratefully by saying thanks; we begin to feel the gratitude that we live. I am very grateful that some folks take the time to read this stuff I write.

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Upcoming Events/Meetings To Have Your Event Included Call (817) 516-0662 or Email AARP CHAPTER 4116 Arborlawn United Methodist Church Fellowship Hall. 5001 Briarhaven Rd., Ft. Worth, TX 76109 817-294-2111 Call for next meeting and aditional information ARTS & CRAFTS MARKETPLACE Senior Citizens Fair, offering handcrafted wares 10/15-10/17; 10am-8pm; Amon G. Carter Exhibit Hall, Ft. Worth 2ND INF. (INDIANHEAD) DIVISION ASSOC. & AUXILIARY meets the 2nd Sunday of the month at 2pm. For further information call (972) 276-0221. 301ST FIGHTER WING Regular meetings the 2nd Wednesday of each month at Ryan's Steak house on Cherry Lane in White Settlement. For more information please contact Chief Master Sergeant (Ret.) Jack Thetford or wife Barbara at (817) 444-6685 or email 3RD MARINE DIVISION ASSOC., Lonestar Chapter, 2nd Sat., 1pm social, 2pm meeting at the DAV Building, 8630 Thurgood Ln, Dallas, Tx. Call (972) 2257012 for info. USAF SECURITY POLICE ASSN., Billie Renfro Chapter, 2nd Sat., 1030 Hrs, Sports Bar, Base Bowling Alley, NASJRB. For more information, call Rick Maitland 817-379-6133. AIR FORCE SERGEANTS ASSOC., Chapter 1073, Dallas. Meets last Sunday of each month at 1400 Hrs., at the Frontiers of Flight Museum, 6911 Lemmon Ave. Dallas, Tx. 75209 Contact: Kennard Bowen, 214-371-9614. AIR FORCE SERGEANTS,Chapter 1055, 3rd Thursday, 1900 Hrs., Bldg. 1654, NAS Fort Worth JRB, Carswell Field. For

more information call Travis Claridge. (817) 737-9100. AMERICAN EX-PRISONER OF WAR, Dallas Metroplex Chapter, 3rd Tuesday, 6:30. VFW Post 8796. AMERICAN LEGION DISTRICT 12, 1st Thursday, 7pm, 1245 North Industrial, Fort Worth. AMERICAN LEGION POST 111, meets 1st Wednesday of the mo., 952 N. Hwy 67, Cedar Hill, TX @ 7pm. For additional information call 972-291-8111 AMERICAN LEGION POST 135, Bob/Doc Kutzner, Vice Commander (817) 4224008 AMERICAN LEGION POST 321, Post/unit/Squadron meets 3rd Thursday each month,7pm-Post; Auxiliary meets 4th Thursday each month; 1236 J Ave., Plano, 75074. AMERICAN LEGION POST 368 940 E. Beltline Rd. in Richardson. AMERICAN LEGION POST 569 400 W. Felix Street in Fort Worth. AMERICAN LEGION LADIES AUX. JACKSON-HUGHES UNIT #368, Richardson, meets the 2nd Wednesday of each month at 7:30pm. Also, a home cooked meal is offered the 2nd Friday of each month at affordable prices. 940 E. Beltline, Road, Suite 136, Richardson, Texas (972) 479-1505. AMERICAN LEGION POST 297 8201 Old Benbrook Road, Benbrook 76126. Active Military members dues paid by Post if stationed at NASJRB. Post & Auxiliary meetings 2nd Tuesday 7:00 PM, Sons meeting 1st Monday 7:00 PM. Steak night is the last Saturday of

the month from 6 - 8 PM. Call (817) 2492791 for information. AMERICAN LEGION POST 379meets 3rd Thursday at 1245 North Industrial Blvd, Bedford. Exec. Board meets 3rd Thursday. Call (817) 571-9319 for information AMERICAN LEGION POST 491 meets at 7pm, 1st Tuesday at 2409 Davis Road, Granbury. Call (817) 326-5145 for information AMERICAN LEGION POST 516 6801 Manhattan Blvd. Fort Worth 76120 (on East 820 service road, Mapsco 66P).Restaurant open for breakfast and lunch Tues. – Sat. Post open 7 days.Call or visit us at (817) 451-7222 or for Legion, SAL, Auxiliary and Legion Riders information. AMERICAN LEGION POST 597 meets at 7pm, 2nd Monday at 1010 Elm St in Carrollton. Call (972) 242-5650 for information. AMERICAN LEGION POST 838 & AUXILARY meets at 11am, 1st & 3rd Sat., 1250 Mansfield, Ft. Worth. Call 817-3380034 for information. BATTLE OF THE BULGE CHAPTER #50 meets 3rd Sunday, at 2pm at 8630 Thurgood Lane, Dallas, 75238 Mapsco 27 for information call (972) 285-0488 or (214) 343-8643. BENBROOK SENIOR CENTER is having a Craft Show on Friday, November 9 & Saturday, November 10, from 8am-3pm. Vendors spaces available. 1010 Mercedes Street, Benbrook, Texas 76126. Marcy Fletcher 817-249-6300 BLUEBONNET DET MARINE CORPS LEAGUE meets 2nd Thursday, 1930

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Two Area Locations Marlene - 817-605-1053 2905 Brown Trail, Ste Q, Bedford Frankie - 817-870-2500 5800 Camp Bowie, Ste 126, Ft. Worth *Note - Good only at participating Sonus locations. See store for details. " Hearing aids cannot restore natural hearing. Success with hearing aids depends on a number of factors, including hearing loss severity and ability to adapt to amplification."

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hours at VFW Post 8235, 5333 White Settlement Road at Roberts Cutoff, Fort Worth. For more information contact Jason McManus (817)-649-8006 ext 202. CAREGIVERS SUPPORT GROUP, 2nd Tuesday, 7:30-9:30pm at the Lewisville Senior Activities Center, 1950 S. Valley Parkway, Lewisville. Free program. For more information, contact Sylvia Mychnya at (972) 436-8076. CARSWELL RETIRED OFFICER WIVES CLUB meets the 2nd Tuesday of every month at 1100. Call for location. Usually, Green Oaks Inn, Desert Storm Club or the base bowling alley. Wives invited. For information or reservations for a luncheon or membership call Lois DiBartiomeo (817)-346-8931 or Aimee Krause (817)-236-8669. DALLAS COUNCIL of the NAVY LEAGUE, 4th Friday, 11:30am, Park City Club, 5956 Sherry Lane, Dallas. DALLAS COUNTY VETERANS SERVICE BOARD, 1st Monday, 7:30, 2377 North Stemmons. DEDALLIANS, 3rd Thursday at 6:30, Holiday Inn, 360 & Brown Blvd., Arlington. DAV BLUEBONNET CHAPTER 20 & AUXILIARY meet 4th Monday at 6:30pm, 431 Fulton, Fort Worth, Texas 76104. For information call 336-1881. DAV BUDDIES CHAPTER #11 HAS MERGED WITH DAV CHAPTER 42 GRAND PRAIRIE, For more information about DAV Grand Prairie call 972-262-8600 DISABLED AMERICAN VETERANS ARLINGTON CHAPTER 157 meets third Sunday of every month at 3pm in the Senior Citizens Center at 1815 New York Ave. Arlington, for information call (817)561-6462 DISABLED AMERICAN VETERANS BIG “D” CHAPTER #57 meets 1st Saturday, 1pm at 8630 Thurgood Lane, Dallas 75238. For information call (214) 3438643. DISABLED AMERICAN VETERANS & AUXILIARY GRAND PRAIRIE #42 Meets 4th Tuesday of the month, 4:30pm at Senior Citizens Center, 925 Conover, Grand Prairie. For more information please call 972-262-8600. DISABLED AMERICAN VETERANS GARLAND CHAPTER # 137 meets the 1st monday of every month at 6:00 PM at the Garland Activities Center, 600 W. Avenue A, Garland, Texas. For more information call Gene Allen at (972) 635-9293. DOWNTOWN SINGLES Sunday School meets 10:45am each Sunday at First United Methodist Church, 800 W. Fifth St., Fort Worth. Non-denominational fellowship offers various activities and a monthly calendar of events. For information call (817) 588-1841 or visit EX-POWS DALLAS, 3rd Tuesday at 6:30pm VFW Post 6796, on north side of Garland Rd, 1/3 mile west of Buckner Blvd. (Loop 12). FIRST MARINE DIVISION ASSOC., DALLAS CHAPTER, 3rd Sat. each month, VFW Post 8627, 1010 Hampshire Lane, Richardson. FLEET RESERVE ASSOCIATION (FRA), First Wednesday of each month at 1900, VFW Post 8561, 3221 Howell Street, Arlington, TX. Two blocks south of East Abram Street between Highway 360 and Great Southwest. (MAPSCO 84L). For more information, contact Howard Poole, 972-285-1865, Fax 972-289-9809 or email: FLEET RESERVE ASSOCIATION (FRA) BRANCH AND (LAFRA) UNIT 96 meet

on the Fourth Sunday of every month at “old Dallas Naval Air Station. In bldg. 8003, 43rd Engineering Group ‘A” Company 980th. For more information contact Walt & Juanita Wagener, 972264-4946. FLEET RESERVE ASSOCIATION (FRA) LONE STAR BRANCH 11 AND LADIES AUXILARY, Fort Worth, meet on the third Saturday of every month at 1000, VFW POST 8235, 5333 White Settlement RD., Fort Worth, TX 76114 817-731-8231. For more informatioin contact Arthur McAvoy, 817-782-5701 email, FW CHAPTER OF THE NAVY LEAGUE For more information contact Kirk Kirkpatrick 972-603-23990 or email: FORT WORTH QUILT GUILD meets the third Tuesday of each month at the White Settlement Senior Center from 79pm, 8211 White Settlement Rd., White Settlement, TX 76108. GREAT SOUTHWEST VIETNAM VETERANS, 3rd Thursday at 7pm VFW Post 8561, 3221 Howell St., Arlington. For information call Mike Comer, (817) 277-9093. GREATER DALLAS VETERANS COUNCIL, meets 4th Monday 7:30pm even months at Dallas Veterans Hospital Community Building, odd months at Dallas County Veterans Service Bldg, 6th Floor Auditorium, 2377 North Stemmons Freeway Dallas. KOREAN WAR VETERANS ASSOC., GENERAL WALTON H. WALKER CHAPTER 215 meets at 1pm every third Saturday of the month at the Martin Sprocket and Gear Building, 3100 Sprocket Drive in Arlington. DMZ Veterans are encouraged to join. Anyone Interested may attend. For information call Jack Cooper at (972) 641-2642 or Dick Predmore at (817) 3990103 or e-mail KOREAN WAR VETERAN ASSOC. SAM JOHNSON CHAPTER 270 invites all veterans that served in the Korean War and DMZ Veterans after the war to join us each month, the second Saturday of the month at the Richardson Senior Citizens Center, 820 Arapaho Rd, Richardson. For information call Tilford Jones (972) 233-7263, email or J.D. Randolph (972) 359-2936, e-mail LONE STAR CHAPTER OF THE NATIONAL DEFENSE INDUSTRIAL ASSOCIATION See website for upcoming events and additional contact info. LONE STAR WAVES #43, 3rd Wednesday every month, 11am, American Legion Post #453, 2755 Bachman Drive, Dallas. Call (214) 368-0542 for info. All retired military women welcome MARINE CORPS LEAGUE BIG D DETACHMENT, meeting 4th Tues-day,6pm social, 7pm meeting at the Elks Lodge, 4201 Gus Thomasson Rd, Mesquite, TX 75150. For information contact Ken Watterson,972-524-7026. MARINE CORPS LEAGUE BLUEBONNET DETACHMENT, meeting 2nd Thursday, 1930 hrs, VFW Post 8235, 5333 White Settlement Road,Fort Worth, TX, 76114 For more information call 817 649 8006 ext 202 MARINE WOMEN, National Order of Purple Heart, 3rd Monday at 6:30pm VA Post 6796. MARTIN HOCHSTER MEMORIAL POST 755 For more information visit the website: MILITARY OFFICERS ASSOC. OF AMERICA GREATER DALLAS CHAPTER Meets 4th Tuesday of even numbered months at Park City Club, Dallas. Contact LCDR Glenn

Wamble for meeting and membership info. 972-437-2345 MILITARY OFFICERS ASSOC. OF AMERICA, LONE STAR OFFICERS CLUB CHAPTER, Monthly Dinner Meeting, 3rd Wednesday. Social Hour at 6, dinner at 7, Ridglea Country Club, 3700 Bernie Anderson Avenue, Ft. Worth, TX. Info & reservations 817-560-0632 MILITARY OFFICERS ASSOC. OF AMERICA NORTH DALLAS CHAPTER Dinner meeting at the DFW Airport Marriott Hotel, 8440 Freeport Parkway in Irving. Cost is $28.00 per person. Cash bar. Social hr 6:30, dinner at 7:00. For info & reservations call Steve Purdy 817-545-7888, or MILITARY ORDER OF THE PURPLE HEART, Chapter 1849 meets the third Saturday of each month at 11:00, Luby’s Cafeteria, 251 University Dr, in Ft. Worth. All Purple Heart recipients, spouses, and family are invited to attend. For information call the MOPH at (817) 831-2005 or Commander Waymon P. Faulkner at (817) 834-4181. MILITARY ORDER OF WORLD WARS, DALLAS CHAPTER Meets the first Tuesday each month at Park City Club, 5956 Sherry Lane, 17th Floor, Dallas, TX, 75209. Meetings begins at 11:30am. MILITARY ORDER OF THE WORLD WARS, Pinson Memorial Chapter, 2nd Tuesday, 11:00, New Panda Cafe, 2535 W. Airport Frwy, Irving. For information contact Capt. Reggie Robinson, 972717-9299. MILITARY ORDER OF THE WORLD WARS, Fort Worth Chapter, meets at 7 p.m. on the second Thursday of every month at the Woodhaveb Country Club. For reservations or information contact Adjutant Cinda Thomas 817-705-5895 or enmail at NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF RETIRED AND CURREBT FEDERAL EMPLOYEES Chapter 30 of Fort Worth, Texas meets the 2nd Thursday of each month at 10AM in the Fellowship Hall at Broadway Baptist Church, 305 W. Broadway. Membership is available to all current or retired Federal Employees. For more information contact Peter Wersal, President. 817-457-0995 NATIONAL ACTIVE AND RETIRED FEDERAL EMPLOYEES ASSOC. (NARFE) CHAPTER 2329 of Burkburnett, Texas meets the 2nd Monday of each month at the Secord home, 1432 Cherokee Circle, Burkburnett, Texas at 12:00 noon. Pot luck lunch. Membership is available for any current or retired federal employee. All visitors are welcome. For more information call Foster T. Secord, President at (940) 569-2585. NATIONAL ASSOC. OF RETIRED AND CURRENT FEDERAL EMPLOYEES Chapter 1454 Garland, Texas meets the 2nd Wednesday each month at 1000 hours at Furr’s Cafeteria, 1404 Northwest Highway & Saturn Road, Garland, Texas 75041. Membership available for any current or retired Federal Employees. All visitors welcome! For more information contact Bruce A. May, President, at (972) 4957835 or visit or the local website NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF UNIFORMED SERVICES (NAUS), Fort Worth Metroplex Chapter meets 1st Saturday of every month at 11:00AM in the Bowling Alley NAS-JRB Fort Worth. All services welcome. Stay on top of issues effecting our benefits. Contact: Pres. John Urbank (817)731-3170 or Sec Ms. Hildegard Sharp (972) 206-1188.

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Events/Meetings Continued For Additions or Changes Call (817) 516-0662 or Email NAVY LEAGUE, DALLAS COUNCIL meets at 11:30 a.m. on the last Friday of the month at the Park Cities Club. For information and reservations contact Nick Ricco at 214-293-3606 or email NORTH DFW MILITARY OFFICERS ASSOCIATION, is associated with the Military Officers Association of America (MOAA) and meets bimonthly in the south Denton county/NE Tarrant county area. The MOAA is an organization of active duty, retired and former officers of the seven U.S. uniformed services. Membership is open to active duty, retired, National Guard, Reserve, former commissioned officers, and warrant officers. For more information and reservations, contact Rose Marie Vickery at 972355-8359 or email NORTH TEXAS CHAPTER MILITARY ORDER OF THE WORLD WARS (MOWW) Lunch meeting 3rd Tuesday of the month. Swan Court Restaurant, 2435 Central Expwy, Richardson, TX. For information call Dick Belmore 972-208-4744 or Juan Lopez 972-690-3485 NORTH TEXAS OLD GUARD BUNCH FORT WORTH For informatin, call John at (817) 446-5877 or Joe at (817) 460505, email OFFICERS WIVES CLUB, Desert Storm Club at NAS JRB Fort Worth. For more information, please contact Pam 292-6842. ORDER OF DAEDALIANS 23rd Flight of military pilots meets at 6:30pm on the third Thursday of every month at Rolling Hills Country Club in Arlington, I-30 and Cooper Street. A military aviation speaker/program is held during every meet-

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ing. Reservations for the dinner meeting can be made by calling (817) 421-4617 or (817) 868-1872. PARALYZED VETS OF AMERICA, Board Meeting 3rd Wed., 11am 3925 Forrest Ln., Garland, (972) 276-5252. PROFESSIONAL ARMED FORCES RODEO ASSN. (PAFRA) Every Friday and Saturday night. For more info see website or contact Ray 817-233-3373 RETIRED MILITARY WIVES CLUB meets on the second Thursday (11:30 am), at the Fort Worth Elks Club, located at 3233 White Settlement Road. For more information, please call Dorothy (817) 737-7408, or Judy (817) 266-0167. We cordially invite all wives/widows of career military men with a valid I.D. card to attend. SOCIETY OF MILITARY WIDOWS, BLUEBONNET CHAPTER 32, Meetings are held the 4th Wed. of each month. SMW is affiliated with the National Assoc. for Uniformed Services. NAUS is working to protect our benefits such as healthcare, commissary privileges, etc. Widows of Career Military men with valid I.D. card are welcome. For reservations or information call Jo at 817 283-0416. SUB VETS INC. If you qualified to wear the Submarine Dolphins, you are Qualified for membership in the United States Submarine Veterans Inc. (SubVets). For information on the local chapter, the Forth Worth Cowtown Base, call Rich Nelson (817-715-9287) or Jim Fox (817-709-7379). For the Dallas Base, call Wayne Standerfer (972-2988139). TARRANT COUNTY DETACHMENT MARINE CORPS LEAGUE meets every 4th

Tuesday, 7:30p.m. at 6801 Manhattan Blvd., Fort Worth. Commandant Walter Barber; Al McCluney, Judge Advocate TARRANT COUNTY VETERANS COUNCIL meets 1st Wednesday at Coors Brewery, I-35 North. (T.R.E.A) THE RETIRED ENLISTED ASSOC. Chapter 87 and Auxiliary, 2nd Saturday, 1000 Hrs., VFW Post 8235, 5333 White Settlement Rd., Fort Worth. For more information call Jack Dempsey, (817) 275-7047. T.R.E.A THE RETIRED ENLISTED ASSOCIATION, BIG D/CHAPTER 97 located in Dallas, Texas. Meets 6:30 pm, 2nd Thursday each month, at CharcoBroiler Steak House, 413 W. Jefferson Blvd., Dallas. Contact: Don Witherspoon, 972-617-8951 or Email: TEXAS ASSOCIATION OF VIETNAM VETERANS (T.A.V.V.) Dallas Chapter. Monthly meeting 3rd Saturday, 6:309:30pm at VA Medical Center (Dallas), 4500 S. Lancaster Rd., 8th floor Conference Room, Bldg. 2. Contact line, (972) 285-9257. TIN CAN SAILORS OF TEXAS Meetings every 2nd Tuesday of the month at Coors Hospitality Room, 2550 McMillan Parkway, Fort Worth, Texas at 1900 hours. For more information call 817237-9401. TRI-COUNTY VETERANS HONOR GUARD, Royse, Texas. Meets the 3rd. Tuesday of every month at 6:00 P.M., Royse City Senior Nutrition Center at 234 E. Main St. Royse City, Texas. For more information contact Gene Allen at (972) 6359293. TRINITY VALLEY QUILTERS' GUILD meets the third Friday of each month

beginning at 10am (9:30am for social time) at Central Christian Church, 3205 Hamilton (at Bailey), in Fort Worth. Visitors and new members welcome. Website is U.S. COAST GUARD AUXILLIARY, Flottilla 51 meets 3rd Saturday, 0900 hours, at High Point Children’s Academy, 711 West Arbrook Blvd, Arlington. Seeking new members. Retired Military welcome. For more information call Fred Hoffman, Flottilla Commander, at (972) 237-9978. U.S. NAVAL ACADEMY ALUMNI ASSOC., Fort Worth Chapter meets 3rd Tuesday for Lunch at Old Country Buffet at Ridgmar Meadow, 1130-1245, (817) 7316350. VETERAN VOTING LINE For more information, contact Andy Fontenot at 817978-2177 or (817) 737-4402. VVL usually meets 2nd Thursday each month. VFW BENBROOK MEMORIAL POST 10429, meets 2nd Thursday at 7pm, 1000 Stevens Road, Benbrook, TX 76126, Steak Dinner first Saturday 6-8pm. (817)249-6470. VFW POST 2494, 3375No. Beltline Road Irving, TX Contact: Marge Hoeing, Pres.972-790-8440----VFW Commander, Lester Gamble :POST Meets the first Thursday of every month Auxiliary meetings are held on the 1st and 3rd Wed. Call for Times and further info. 972-7901611 VFW POST 2544 & AUXILIARY meets 1st Thursday of the month at 1900 hrs, 2313 Handley Drive, Fort Worth, 76112. Members night 3rd Thursday at 1900 hrs. For more information contact Bill Higgins, Commander VFW Post 2544,

817-446-4160. E-mail VFW Post 2494 meets the first Thursday of every month. The Ladies Auxiliary to VFW 2494 meets the 1st and 3rd Wednesday of every month. 3375 North Beltline Road in Irving - just south of Shady Grove. Post telephone number is 972-790-1611. VFW POST 4477 & AUXILIARY, 1st & 3rd Thurs. at 300 S. Smith St., Dallas at 8pm. Call (214) 339-5800 for more information. VFW POST 576, 2nd & 4th Tues., Ladies Auxiliary 1st Tues. at 1906 E. Miller Rd., Garland. VFW POST 5074 meets 2nd Tuesday of the month @ 7pm, lunch every Wednesday 11 am-1pm. 705 N. Oak - PO Box 1250, Roanoke, TX 76262. 817-491-9081, VFW POST 6111 meets 3rd Wednesday of the month at 7:30pm on. 1200 Harris Road, Arlington, 76010. For more information contact (817) 465-1124. VFW POST 8923 meets 1st Tues. at, American Legion Post 597, 1010 Elm St., in Carrollton at 7:00 PM. Call (972) 2425650 for more information. VFW POST 6796 meets 2nd & 4th Thursdays, 7pm at 9179 Garland Rd., Dallas. Fridays dinner and dance 5:45-midnight. For Information call Cecil Griffen at (972) 285-0488. VFW POST 6796 LADIES AUXILIARY meets 1st Thursday. For information call Cecil Griffen at (972) 285-0488. VFW POST 6796 MENS AUXILIARY meets 3rd Thursday @ 7pm VFW POST 8235 ARLINGTON HEIGHTS meets 2nd Tuesday. 5333 White Settlement Rd., Ft. Worth. Very active

post. For infor. call (817) 731-8231. VFW POST 9299 meets 2nd and 4th Saturday, infomation, contact 817-7838787. VFW Post 9299 Ladies Auxiliary meets 2nd Saturday, 10:30AM at 6372 East Hwy 67, Alvarado. VFW Post 9299 Men's Auxiliary meets 2nd & Saturday, 3PM at our Post Home in Alvarado. VIETNAM VETERAN OF AMERICA NEW CHAPTER Meets 2nd Tuesday, 7:00 at Inglewood Methodist Church, 1737 S.W. 3rd St., Grand Prairie, TX. For information contact Bill DeLeon 972-2379042 or 214-202-8301 VIETNAM VETERAN OF AMERICA CHAPTER 330 Meets 2nd Thursday, 7:30 at American Legion 516, 6801 Manhattan Blvd., Fort Worth. For information call (817) 817-536-8994, Fax (817) 5352792. VIETNAM VETERANS OF AMERICA #137, 3rd Tuesday at 7pm, at DAV Building, 8630 Thurgood Ln, Dallas. Call (972) 262-0610 for info. WIDOWED PERSONS SERVICES (WPS) All widowed men and women are invited to attend. We meet at Brookhaven CC, 3333 Golfing Green Dr. in Dallas. For date of next meetig call Beth at 972462-0092 or the WPS office at 214-3584155. (WAC) VETERANS ASSOCIATION #61 (OVETA CULP HOBBY CHAPTER) Regular meetings every 3rd Saturday each month. Held at 10:30am at the DAV Big “D” #57, 8630 Thurgood, Dallas. All former and present military women of all branches of service are welcome.

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Nell Coleman’s Annual Charity Ball THURSDAY---DECEMBER 31, 11:30am—3:00pm


Price: $44 [advanced tickets only] Tables for 10 available early only–singles or couples Luncheon---Cash bar—Silent Auction 20 DANCE HOSTS AVAILABLE Deadline for reservations–DEC 26- [get paid tickets @ Will Call] Make checks payable to “New Year’s Dance” Mail to Nell Coleman 5940 Charlestown, Dallas, TX 75230 Coordinator: Nell Coleman 972-239-3342 Co-Chair: Jan Jolly 214-927-6928 or Betty Oliver 972-248-0315

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Net proceeds to go to “The Children’s Advocacy of Plano” and “Komen Breast Cancer Center”

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You’ve Lived Your Life, Tell Your Story, Write Your Own Obituary & Guarantee Memories Do you want someone else to write your obituary, or do you want to write it yourself? You've lived your life - You have a story to tell! You should tell the story yourself and we will help you do it! We illuminate, recap, and make your life fascinating and meaningful for your family and friends. You want your grandkids to remember the real you! Your family will love reading about the absorbing, genuine facts of your life! Do them that favor! Leave them with that memory of you! It's not maudlin or unusual to want to do it yourself - you know you better than anybody else does! We are two very experienced professionals with years of experience - we offer warm, caring, empathetic assistance to help you capture memories, preserve traditions, leave an unforgettable legacy - and rather than a third-party saying the old staid, tried, and true about you - we will help you leave a life to celebrate! If you want to tell your whole life story in a "personal biography" fashion, we do that too. This is a perfect gift-giving idea for your family. Your family will cherish it for years to come! We customize to your needs - and do it in the way that works for you: audio recording, video recording, memoir writing, photography, photo collages, mixed media long or short, detailed or uncomplicated, simple or flamboyant. Our fees are varied

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and very affordable. Co-owners Rosalyn Royal and Diane Oliver bring 25+ years of experience as an award winning professional journalist andwriter with many published works, and a decorated marketing/advertising professional with a proven track record. Our company brings top, current professional and personal references and recommendations to the table.

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Safe Harbor Sailors Honored at Bass Fishing Tournament by MC1(AW/SW) Michelle Smith Many of the Navy sported smiles from earto-ear, but several others were overwhelmed with emotion and choked back tears because they were part of something bigger than themselves. Fourteen Sailors, half of those Navy Safe Harbor enrollees, were honored in Dallas at the 2nd annual Tournament of Heroes invitational bass tournament held on Lake Lewisville recently. The active duty and recently retired Sailors were part of a group of about 40 recovering wounded service members invited to relax and enjoy two days of activities planned by presenters of the 2009 Dallas Summer Boat Show and North Texas Marine. The event kicked off on Friday, when the military, all novice fishermen, were paired with pro anglers who would serve as their partner and mentor on the lake early the next morning. Participants and event organizers then enjoyed a multimedia presentation about the Wounded Warrior Program and dined on Texas barbecue with families and guests. Around 6 a.m. on Saturday, nearly 40 teams made their way to Lake Lewisville to eat a light breakfast before heading out onto the lake. Pre-tournament festivities included a recreational boat flotilla, the national anthem and an aircraft fly-over. While the service members tried their hand

at fishing, their families and guests were entertained at Hawaiian Falls, a local outdoor waterpark. One of the lucky Navy Safe Harbor fishermen was Brian Alaniz of Austin, Texas. Alaniz was a Hospital Corpsman 3rd Class assigned at he National Naval Medical Center in Bethesda, Maryland before his medical retirement in 2004. Alaniz said while he had only caught about four or five fish in his lifetime he was looking forward to the experience of fishing with professional angler, Alan Perrin. Later in the day when he and Perrin returned to the dock, Alaniz passed along this comment, “We had a lot of fun, the bass weren’t really bitin’, but that’s not what we really came out here for, we came out here to have a good. time Alaniz said he has benefited from being a part of the Safe Harbor program. “It has helped me out a lot, when I have needed help financially they come through to help me and my family out.” “It’s a great organization,” he continued. Besides providing financial help Alaniz said, “It’s good to know that there is someone there to help you.”

Navy Safe Harbor Program Began The Navy’s Safe Harbor Program began in 2005 with three staff members and today has a staff of 17 non-medical care managers located at seven major Navy treatment facilities, four polytrama centers, Brooke Army

Medical Center, and the U.S. Special O p e r a t i o n s Command Care Coalition. The goal of these non-medical care managers is to allow Navy service members and Coast Guardsmen to focus on recovery from a serious illness or injury, while Safe Harbor’s non-medical care managers work to meet each service member’s needs such as pay and personnel issues, lodging and housing adaptation, child and youth care, transportation needs, legal and guardianship issues, education and training benefits. Hospital Corpsman 3rd class Brian Alaniz, seated center, Brian Enrollment in the Fullbright of Weatherford, Texas, left, and professional angler Safe Harbor program is voluntary and is Alan Perrin. not limited to combat related wounds or United States. According to the Summer injuries. Service members injured during Dallas Boat Show and North Texas Marine liberty or through shipboard accidents as event organizers, their goal was to show well as those having incurred a serious ill- appreciation for the Wounded Warriors in ness, whether physical or psychological are all branches of the military by using their all welcomed into the program. Sporting relationships and partnerships to give a activities, such as the fishing event, are hands-on fishing and boating experience to sponsored by the Wounded Warrior Program these worthy veterans as well as provide a and are held at various locations across the fun-filled outing for their families.

Marines & Friends of the Marine Corps 2nd Battalion, 14th Marines Celebrate USMC Birthday with Ball At: Sheraton Arlington (next to Ranger Stadium) Nov. 14, cocktails begin at 1800 Come to celebrate and also reflect on fallen comrades

Contact Sgt Maj Wilson for tickets at 972-606-6683 or 504-235-1754 Room Reservation needed? Link below id=0909026699&key=97753 Senior Life Magazine

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Michael Arnett Named NAS School Liason

School Liason Michael Arnett The NAS Fort Worth JRB is proud to announce the selection of Michael Arnett, a former Fort Worth ISD administrator as its new School Liaison Officer. As the School Liaison Officer (SLO), Arnett will serve as the primary point of contact between the military installation, the local school administration, parents, and the community at large. In doing so, he will help the installation commander work with local school districts to ensure school personnel are aware of the stressors on military families brought about by frequent transitions and extended deployments. Arnett is a retired school teacher, coach and administrator from the Fort Worth ISD who earned his bachelors and masters degrees from the University of Texas at

Arlington. While attending college, Arnett was employed at the Eastside YMCA in Fort Worth as a youth league coach. He found his calling in becoming a teacher –coach, and adopted the YMCA motto, “The kid first and the sport second!” That dedication and philosophy carries on with him today. The NAS Fort Worth JRB School Liaison Officer will serve military families by providing the following services: - Supporting families with inbound/outbound school transfers; - Providing information on local schools and boundaries; - Assisting with school choice; - Helping families understand the special education process; - Providing information about graduation requirements; - Making military and community agency referrals; - Supporting families with the home schooling process; and - Assisting with post-secondary prep. Arnett considers it an honor and a privilege to serve those whose sacrifice at the altar of freedom cannot be measured or matched. Arnett is making himself available to speak to churches and civic groups about his new role as the School Liaison Officer for the Naval Air Station. For more information, or to contact Mr. Arnett: or cell phone number-817.825.64218.

American Public Supporting AAFES Program In just five short years, contributions to “Help Our Troops Call Home” have surpassed the $8 million mark. Since its inception in April, 2004 as a way the American public could provide an avenue for deployed Soldiers, Airmen, Sailors and Marines to stay connected to loved ones back home, the Army & Air Force Exchange Service (AAFES) program has generated $8,143,555 in telecommunication support. All totaled, more than 17,000 individual orders have been placed

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to send 355,612 phone cards to deployed troops and their Families back home. By simply logging on to or calling 800-527-2345, friends, family members and even civic groups can take part in the “Help Our Troops Call Home” effort by sending any one of three Military Exchange Global Prepaid Phone cards, including a $27.50 card capable of providing more than two hours of call time from any of 69 phone centers in Iraq, Afghanistan and Kuwait to the U.S.

It took four years before Vietnam veteran William Callahan Taylor, received a specially trained Labrador retriever

Service Dogs Program Nothing But Frustration Over the last 2 -3 years my restaurant partner, Roger Pock, (served in US Army early 60’s) and I have been more than willing to both fund and give a service dog to a severely wounded /disabled USMC Vet. The service dog program that we have investigated thoroughly and have wanted to use is Patriot Paws, out of Rockwall TX. These people not only supply hearing and seeing eye dogs, but service dogs for those severely wounded (missing limbs, double or quadruple amputees, wheelchair bound, etc.). We have been frustrated though our efforts and contacts at the highest to lowest levels (command influence)and all points in between with our VA system, Wounded Warrior Regiment, and the Pentagon, Washington as well, to connect up a severely wounded deserving Marine, (man or woman preferably from Iraq or

Afghanistan conflicts) with a service dog. All to no avail, both embarrassing as Army types seem to be the main recipients, and much consternation because we know there is a need out there!!! In speaking with Lori Stevens, CEO and Founder of Patriot Paws, she informs me that a there is no longer a fee for these dogs. (Was $1500) and there is a current waiting list of 18 to 23 wounded warriors. The dogs are trained for 9-months for specific wounded warriors needs. All the wounded warriors needs to do is apply online, 2-page questionnaire and then when notified, needs to spend 10 days in Rockwall TX with their respected service dog so they can bond! The dog becomes both close friend and service trained, establishing the strongest bond “love”, and is the wounded warriors for their lives together.

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NAS JRB Marine Reservist Lance Cpl. Alvaro Rios Killed While Rendering Aid At 7:30 Sunday morning, the Marines of to do something others wouldn’t think Aerial Refueler Transport Squadron 234 were supposed to gather for muster. Instead, Lt. Col. Javier Garcia had them gather in a circle, take a knee and hear bad news: Lance Cpl. Alvaro Rios had died that morning while trying to help motorists involved in a multi-vehicle wreck on Interstate 20 in Arlington. "We just lost one of our brothers," he told them. Rios, 23, a Marine reservist who lived in southeast Dallas County, and a fellow Marine were driving west toward Naval Air Station Fort Worth for their drill weekend when they stopped at a wreck shortly after 6 a.m., before daylight. Both men were helping divert traffic around the crash site when Rios was struck by another car and killed, police said. Charges are not expected against the driver who hit him, police said. "We’re going to let his son know that his father had a big heart who gave his life

about doing," said Jessica Rios, Alvaro Rios’ younger sister. "He’ll know that his dad was a true hero." Shortly after Garcia received the telephone call about Rios’ death, he and a chaplain visited Rios’ family in Dallas to deliver the news. "This nation has been at war for eight years," Garcia said. "Any young soldier, airman, Marine who enlists at this time does it with the understanding that he will go into harm’s way. So from the moment he signed the paperwork in the recruiter’s office, he was a hero to me." Rios, a graduate of Seagoville High School, had a 12-month-old son, Nathaniel, and was preparing to marry his fiancee, Maria Zuleta, next year. He had recently bought a house and hadn’t even had time to fully furnish it. Instead, his family lit candles at a makeshift memorial inside, placing a desert

Text & Photos by Sgt Lisa Rosborough, MAG-41 Public Affairs Office

Maj. Anthony Taylor, aviation maintenance officer of VMGR-234, passes the American flag to the parents and 13-month old son of Lance Cpl. Alvaro Rios during the memorial ceremony at Laurel Oaks cemetery in Dallas.

camouflage uniform alongside flowers and photographs. Rios was mature for someone his age, said Dennis Zuleta, Maria Zuleta’s brother. "He really enjoyed being a family man," Dennis Zuleta said. "Everything he did was about his family." Rios joined the Marine Corps five years ago and worked as an aircraft mechanic in the C-130 squadron. In October, he would have been promoted to corporal. He had not deployed overseas, because he joined the unit shortly after it had spent much of 2003 and 2004 on active duty and was unavailable for recall. Rios was an eager learner and never Reserve Marine, Lance Cpl. Alvaro Rios of Marine Aerial Refueler Transport Squadron 234 (VMGR-234) aboard Naval Air Station Joint Reserve Base Fort required the same command twice, said

Garcia, who has led the squadron for 18 months. Garcia said he understands why Rios stopped to help, calling him a "selfless" young man who would not have driven by when other people needed help. "The cost was far too high, but he did the right thing," Garcia said. Rios had risked his life to save another person’s before, relatives said. Several years ago, while at a charity car wash, Rios pulled a toddler from a burning car, they said. "He ran over and reached in the back seat and pulled the toddler out," Jessica Rios said. "For weeks, he was concerned for this family he didn’t know."

Worth, was recognized as a hero during his funeral service for his actions in assisting victims of a car cash on Interstate 20 in Arlington.

Marines of VMGR-234 prepare for the folding of the American flag above the Maj. Anthony Taylor (left) salutes the American flag as Cpl. Pervis Green (right) presents during the funeral ceremony for Lance Cpl. Alvaro Rios casket of Lance Cpl. Alvaro Rios. Senior Life Magazine

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Tarrant County Veterans Council By Andy Birdsong, TCVC President I recently assisted with the Veterans Benefit Fair that was held at the Amon Carter Exhibit Hall but we couldn't find any veteran's organization that could send out a color guard to post our National Flag. Finally, Mr. A.L. McCluney of the Marine Corps League, Tarrant County Detachment, gave me the number to contact Sgt. Luther Hogan (retired Air Force) who is the director of the Tarrant County Young Marines stationed at the Naval Air Station Joint Reserve Base here in Fort Worth. Mr. Hogan sent out two fine young men in uniform to present our National Flag to an audience of several hundred in true military ceremonial order. On behalf of the Texas Veterans Land Board, The Texas Veterans Commission, and the Tarrant County Veterans Council, I proudly salute Sgt. James C. Driver and Pvt. Jacob Holzschuh for their excellent presentation of our National Flag. Thank you for a job well executed. THINK ABOUT THIS; The other day, I got a call from a young man that told me that his family had just buried his dad at the DFW National Cemetery and he was wanting to

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know if I knew of an agency that would assist with the expenses on his dad's funeral. He told me that his family still owed the funeral home $5,500. I asked him about that and he told me that the funeral home had sold his mom an expensive casket. I then referred him to an agency that would possibly provide some assistance but my question is this: "Why would you spend all of that money when the DFW National Cemetery provides the plot, the vault, the headstone and our National Flag absolutely free. We can get the body preparation service, furnish a beautiful casket and have your loved one delivered to the DFW National Cemetery at a cost that would be substantially less than that family was charged. NOW A NOTE TO THE FUNERAL DIRECTORS I am not trying to deprive you of an opportunity to maximize your sales profits, but you need to realize that our veterans have served this country well and it is all that most families can do to get their loved one a descent burial. Offer these families your services at the lowest possible price, and you will actually come out better. Remember “Good measure, shaken down, pressed together and runneth over?”

L to R: Anita Cordero, Texas Veterans Commission Counselor, FT Worth office; Andy Birdsong, TCVC President; Curtis Spann, Texas Veterans Commission Counselor, FT Worth office; and Ken Hillje, TCVC Officer

L to R: Andy Birdsong, TCVC President; Cindy Norcross, Sec. of TCVC; and Roland Paquette, an officer of the Bluebonnet Chapter 20 Fort Worth, Disabled American Veterans. Presenting a $500 check to help with Veterans Day Parade 11/11/2009. Roland challanges all Tarrant County veterans organizations to do the same.

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Page 26


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Emerald Run • • • • •

Two side by side cemetery lots for sale at Greenwood Memorial Park, located in the garden of Restful Oaks section. $3600 for both lots. Call 817-821-3760 for more info.

Mr. Sweeps full service chimney serv. Dryer vent cleaning and inspections. Sale - chimney caps and repairs. Bird and animal removal. Serving North TX since 1982. 817-692-5624 1010 Gospel Gathering Fellowship Church, 1245 Stewart St., Azle, TX 76020. (817)444-7620. Come as you are and join us for an old fashioned Gospel Meeting. 0810


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