The Baltic - Spring 2012

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the Baltic


Finding finance

S P R ING 2 0 1 2

Baltic bomb - 20 years on Green legislation looms Maritime security - armed approach

T h e O f f i c i a l M a g a z i n e o f t h e B a lt i c E x c h a n g e

Spring 2012

COMMITTED TO QUALITY EVERY STEP OF THE WAY ROSNEFT MARINE UK SUPPLIES HIGH QUALITY 1% LOW SULPHUR FUEL IN RUSSIAN PORTS Arkhangelsk / Kozmino / Murmansk Nakhodka / St. Petersburg / Tuapse Vladivostok / Vostochny Address: One Kingdom Street / Paddington Central / London, W2 6BD Tel. +44 (0) 203 402 3633 Fax. +44 (0) 203 402 3501


BALTIC The Baltic is the official magazine of the Baltic Exchange Tel: +44 (0) 20 7623 5501 E-mail: Website: The Baltic is published for the Baltic Exchange by Maritime Media Ltd The Diary House, Rickett Street London SW6 1RU Tel: +44 (0) 20 7386 6100 Fax: +44 (0) 20 7381 8890 E-mail: The Baltic annual subscription rates £110 for UK, Europe or the world, sent airmail including P&P


W H Robinson editor

Sandra Speares Tel: +44 (0) 1483 527998 E-mail:

SALES manager

David Scott E-mail:


Justin Ives

ISSN 0967-0394 This publication is printed on PEFC certified paper. PEFC Council is an independent, non-profit, non-governmental organisation which promotes sustainable forest management through independent third party forest certification.

The Baltic is published on behalf of the Baltic Exchange and is supplied to members as part of their annual membership package. However, the views expressed in The Baltic are not those of the Baltic Exchange, its directors, its officers or the publishers unless expressly stated to be such. The Baltic Exchange is the world’s premier and oldest international shipping market. Most of the world’s open market bulk cargo chartering is negotiated at some stage by Baltic members who represent leading international companies. Other activities include the world’s most important market for buying and selling ships, specialist freight by air and commodity dealing. The Baltic Exchange operates a strict code of business ethics encapsulated in its motto ‘Our Word Our Bond’. The Baltic Exchange disclaims any responsibility for the advertisements contained in this magazine and has no legal responsibility to deal with them. The responsibility rests solely with the publisher.

theBaltic Spring 2012


Contents Chairman’s message 7 Mark Jackson Baltic briefing 8 Building Baltex growth  7


Opening China to FFA trading

10 Baltic/ASBA reception 11 Supporting the National Maritime Museum 12 Anthem for seafarers 13 Advance Australia fair?   10

14 Contacts Baltic bomb – 20 years on 16 Surviving the blast Logbook 18 Down memory lane


People, places, plcs 20 Troubled times Baltic comment 23 Michael Grey State of the market


24 Tankers 25 S&P 29 BIMCO 33 Dry Bulk 35 Heavylift and Offshore


40 Towage and salvage 44 Shipmanagement, crewing and education FFA 46 Steel challenges


Environment 51 Time pressure for owners as new green legislation looms theBaltic Spring 2012


Optimal solutions for freight clearing NOS Clearing is the specialised clearing house for the freight industry: • • • • • • •

The most complete product suite for Risk Management. Successfully launched FX clearing services to complement the freight product offering. Offering the most Competitive Clearing Fees and Volume Discount Schemes in the freight market. Providing the most Flexible Clearing Platform with prompt introduction of new routes according to market needs, first class back office and risk management applications. First to offer clearing of Iron Ore Options, cash settled contracts enthusiastically welcomed by the industry. Accessible through Direct Membership or General Clearing Members. A neutral clearing service open to all Approved Brokers (Now also included Baltex and Cleartrade Exchange).

Markets cleared by NOS: • Freight Derivatives (Dry and Tanker products) • Bunker Derivatives • Iron Ore Derivatives • FX Derivatives • El-certificates • Salmon Derivatives • Power and UK Gas Derivatives Contact us at: Tel: +47 23 25 93 01 Email:

Contents Oxford Analytica 56 WTO role in dispute settlement looks resilient Maritime security 59 Armed approach 57

Risk management 66 Understanding risk in order to manage it Ship finance 70 New credit lines 59

Ship registries 73 Ship registries must be proactive Marine software 78 Software revolution Breakbulk


81 Breakbulk bouncing back? US ports 83 Obama budget digs deep for ports Belgium 87 Strikes halted in Belgian ports


Canada 89 The good times are back for Canadian ports Maritime law 92 Swedish briefing


Insurance news 95 Insurance parlance 97 ITIC Legal news 99 Should the seas stay free?


108 Events theBaltic Spring 2012


Chairman’s message Mark Jackson

Chairman’s message O

n 10 April it will be 20 years since an IRA bomb exploded in a van parked outside the Baltic Exchange. Three people died,

including Baltic attendant Tom Casey and many more were injured as the bomb ripped through the Baltic destroying the offices of major companies in the building and rendering the trading floor unusable. Baltic member Jeffrey Blum was badly injured in the blast and you can read an account of what happened to him on that fateful night further on in this issue. We will be commemorating this sad anniversary with an evening service at St Botolph-without-Bishopsgate to which all Baltic Exchange members are invited. On 12 April the Felix Fund, a bomb disposal charity will be holding a fundraising evening on top of 30 St Mary Axe, the ‘Gherkin’ which stands on

the site of the old Baltic Exchange. Exactly six years after the Baltic Exchange bombing, the Good Friday Agreement was signed by most of Northern Ireland’s political Tradewinds

parties and the British and Irish governments. It led to power-sharing in the Province and an end to the bloodshed. Between 1968 and 2007 over 3,500 men, women and children lost their lives in the Northern Ireland conflict, but thanks to the brave decisions of politicians

Mark Jackson

and people to put their differences and past to one side and work together in the name of peace, life there has greatly improved.

However, like the people of Northern

The Baltic community still meets regularly,

Ireland, the Baltic Exchange has moved on

but more informally than before at sporting

The Baltic Exchange and its members

and reconciled itself to the past. Reconciliation

and social gatherings. Our indices, market

have also been able to move on from the dark

does not mean forgetting, but moving forward.

reports and FFA trading platform are used on

days of 1992. Of course, the attack on 30 St

The building may have been destroyed, but

a daily basis by our members in their work.

Mary Axe was more than just an attack on a

its community was not. At its heart, the

Our membership is more international than

beautiful building. For our members it was an

Baltic Exchange is an idea which enables

ever before and today we have an office in

attack on a way of life and our community.

international trade. It is an idea of co-operation

Singapore to support our growing Asia focus.

The trading floor was a place where business

which is encapsulated in our 300-year-old

The Baltic is not a place, but a shared set of

was done and lifetime friendships forged. It

motto “our word our bond”. Today the Baltic

values which keeps the market together.

was a community with an important place in

Exchange is still the focus of the shipbroking

the history of London and at the centre of the

world. It takes more than a bomb to destroy

international shipbroking market.

an idea.

theBaltic Spring 2012


Baltic briefing

Building Baltex growth T


most robust.” He adds that Baltex offers truly

behavioural change is never going to happen

trading facility for dry freight derivatives

anonymous trading and that while the freight

overnight and gaining the initial part of market

has been up and running for over six

market is still slow in coming to screens, it is a

share is hardest, but we are working hard to

months and has been making steady

“very easy way of trading.”

demonstrate to the market that this is a good




way to trade.”

progress. Launched in June 2011 and supported

Another regular Baltex user, Joe Radmore,

by a team of five, the Baltex system provides the

Morgan Stanley’s London-based vice president

He notes that at a recent meeting of FFA

FFA market with a regulated environment in

of iron ore and freight, notes that while the

traders in Geneva, one of a series undertaken

which to trade and now has 25 principals and

system is still gaining traction, “it’s simple to use

by the Baltic Exchange team, there was real

five brokers signed up and authorised to trade.

and a natural progressive step for the industry.”

support for the development of Baltex and an acknowledgement by many present that it was

But against a backdrop of depressed levels of

Charles Maltby, managing director of Pacific

overall FFA volumes and the inherent difficulties in

Basin UK, the world’s largest owner and

effecting change in the way in which a company

operator of handysize bulk carriers, says that

To arrange for a demonstration of Baltex

handles its trading activity, the centralised

Baltex offers him a “systemised and auditable

please contact Paul Stuart-Smith. E-mail:

screen has still yet to become the main way

way of trading derivatives.” He says that for a or see www.

in which the market trades freight. However, a

publicly listed company like Pacific Basin this is a for further details.

number of significant players including Toepfer,

far better way of trading than

Cargill, Morgan Stanley and Pacific Basin do

on the telephone. “I’d love

strongly believe in the importance of having a

it if all trades were handled

neutral screen which allows them to offer prices

on a screen,” he remarks.

anonymously, trade in a regulated environment

He believes that “any big

and have a good view of the market.

company should have a

According to Stefan Albertijn, head of risk

preference for using Baltex

management at Hamburg-based commodity

over any other method of

house Alfred C. Toepfer International, his shipping

FFA trading” and that to a

team is putting panamax prices onto the system

certain extent it is individual

on a daily basis and is very happy with the user-

traders’ preferences, rather

friendliness of the system, which gives users


the ability to nominate a broker and clearing

which are standing in the

house of choice. He believes that Baltex’s key

way of the marketplace’s

strength is the regulated environment it offers

rapid growth.


Baltex advert_Layout 1 05/08/2011 02:22 Page 1


his company to trade within, without forcing

There is a steep hill to

companies to ditch their brokers. “It’s critically

climb, a point which Baltex’s

important for this market to be on one platform




and still allow companies to preserve their




relationships with their value-adding partners,

acknowledges. “We’ve got a

the FFABA brokers.”

great system, great support

in all of their interests to help this market grow.

Cargill’s Geneva-based head of dry freight

from some key players in

derivatives, George Wells, confirms that his

the FFA market, but we still

team is putting prices on the screen and trading

have to encourage more of

regularly and that Baltex offers him another view

those 30 companies who’ve

of the market. “While we use other screens, this

signed up to put prices

one is the only one which is a true exchange

on the screen consistently

and from a regulatory point of view is the

and trade more. Effecting


theBaltic Spring 2012

Baltic briefing

Opening China to FFA trading W

ith Chinese companies dominating

Barry Rogliano Salles and Seamaster, launched

Kong based firms in particular have the biggest

the bulk trades, both as charterers

a project in the summer of 2010 to look at

potential to benefit from the arbitrage opportunities

and increasingly as the owners

developing an RMB-denominated FFA market. This

presented by the discrepancy between a local

and operators of vessels, the

has resulted in the SHCH developing a complete

RMB denominated market and the bigger dollar

absence of the Chinese in the freight derivatives

counterparty and risk management system which

denominated international market.

market is notable. This may, however, be about

meets international trading standards.

According to the management of the SHCH,

to change with the Baltic Exchange working

The Shanghai Clearing House (SHCH) was

the market will initially focus on a limited number

with the Shanghai Clearing House to develop

launched in 2009 under the authorisation of the

of routes. “We will choose the contracts that

renminbi (RMB) denominated Forward Freight

People’s Bank of China (PBC) and the Ministry of

enjoy large trading volumes in the international

Agreement (FFA) products. The project is still under

Finance. It provides centralised and standardised

market. These include the capesize, panamax and

development, but it is hoped that the market will

clearing services for a range of spot and derivatives

supramax timecharter average. Second, those

open later this year.

transactions in RMB and foreign currencies, as

routes that are related to China, such as C3 and

well as RMB cross-border transactions approved

C5, although they are not heavily traded in the

by PBC.

international FFA market.”

There are two reasons why Chinese companies are not active in the market: the serious losses incurred on derivatives markets by some in

Freight derivative trading is high on the agenda

The concept received a warm reception at

2008/9 and the difficulties of trading in a US dollar

of the Shanghai Municipal Government as the city

the Baltic’s recent Asia Freight Derivatives Forum

denominated market.

takes steps to develop as a leading maritime centre.

in Shanghai in November with a range of private

Prior to 2008 a number of Chinese companies,

While there are signs that Chinese currency

owners, operators, trading houses and investment

including the shipping conglomerate COSCO,

and regulatory control will be lifted at some point

were highly active in the FFA market. However,

in the not too distant future, many believe that

According to Baltic Exchange chief executive

in the wake of the financial market crash and

launching an RMB denominated FFA market

Jeremy Penn, the move will create business

the subsequent dramatic collapse of dry bulk

will develop a valuable trading habit amongst

opportunities for FFA brokers. “Although this

freight rates, a number of Chinese state-owned

Chinese companies and result eventually in a larger

market may take time to develop, the long term

enterprises found themselves nursing heavy

international FFA market.

prospects are bright, especially if state owned

funds showing a real interest.

enterprises are given clearance to trade.”

losses. This led to a government ban on derivatives

The fundamentals of the RMB will be broadly

trading, including FFAs, by all state-owned entities.

similar to the main US dollar denominated market

For further details on this project, please

While this ban is still in place, there are expectations

currently centred in London. It will be voice-

contact Sun Wei, business development manager.

that the market will open up in the not too distant

brokered with brokers bringing together trading

Tel: +44 (0)20 7369 1663 or e-mail wsun@

future and that controls will be loosened.

counterparties; products will be freight swaps

The currency control issue is one which

based on Baltic Exchange

has made Chinese participation in US dollar

indices and assessments;

denominated markets, including FFAs, near


impossible for many. Currently, privately held

denominated in RMB and

Chinese companies that wish to trade FFAs require

a daily exchange rate used

overseas offices and foreign currency accounts.

to reconcile prices with the

Only a limited number of companies have such

US dollar denominated Baltic

facilities and of those that do, many do not feel

data and products will be

comfortable giving their overseas arms free reign to

cleared by the SHCH, with

trade FFAs. This is understandable given the niche

qualified banks working as

nature of these products and the specialist skills

General Clearing Members.

required to trade them.

Initially the market will only




In a move designed to clear some of these

be open to China registered

hurdles and bring more Chinese companies into

organisations, but in the

the FFA market, the Baltic Exchange, Shanghai

longer term it is hoped that the

Clearing House (SHCH), Shanghai Pudong

market will be made available

Development Bank and Shanghai Shipbrokers’

to international players with an

Li Ruiyong, deputy general manager of the Shanghai

Association, along with two Baltic member firms

RMB currency account. Hong

Clearing House at last year’s Asia Freight Derivatives Forum

theBaltic Spring 2012


Baltic briefing

Scottish celebrations C T

South Pole

ongratulations to Baltic member Ben Boyne of EDF Trading who recently

wo hundred and fifty members of the Baltic

walked to the South Pole, braving average

Exchange Caledonian Society celebrated St

temperatures of minus 30 degrees and

Andrew’s Day in the traditional manner aboard

14-hour days. He was a member of a team

HMS President in London. Guest of honour

taking part in a 30-day trek raising money

and founding Caledonian Society member Peter

for the homeless charity Centrepoint and

“Jock” Wilson (below), who recently celebrated

one of only nine of 17 competitors who

his 90th birthday, addressed the haggis.

successfully made the full 900km journey.

For Society,

further please

details contact


Other competitors pulled out suffering from


frostbitten fingers, snow blindness, double

about Mike


pneumonia and severe malnutrition. The team raised £162,000.

Baltic/ASBA reception T

he Baltic and Association of Ship Brokers

Tickets are available for additional members

and Agents (ASBA) are once again teaming

and their guest for $85 per person.

up to host a reception during the annual

The Baltic will also be hosting a meeting for

Connecticut Maritime Association’s Shipping

ASBA members on 21 March at the Delamar

2012 conference and exhibition. The reception

Hotel in Greenwich, Connecticut.

takes place at Butterfield8 in Stamford on 19 March. Attendance is free for up to two

Contact Robin King for further details.

employees from each member company.


Founder of the Caledonian Society, Peter Wilson

Baltic Irish Society marks R 30th anniversary T

Cocktail party tickets now available eserve your place at the Baltic Chairman’s Cocktail Reception, which takes place on 23 May at Christ Church, Spitalfields, London. Tickets are priced at £37 + VAT and are available for purchase by calling

+44 (0)20 7369 1654 or e-mailing

his year sees the Baltic Irish Society celebrate

its 30th anniversary at the St Patrick’s Day

celebrations on 15 March. This evening of dinner and songs at the Brewery in London’s

Chiswell Street is a hugely popular event in the Baltic diary and has already sold out. Look out for photographs and a report in the next issue.

The Chairman’s Cocktail Reception is always a big draw for Baltic members


theBaltic Spring 2012

Baltic briefing

Supporting the National Maritime Museum


he 100 guests attending the Royal

Exchange members will be aware of the general

start at £2,500 and go up to £20,000. She

Museums Greenwich reception this

ignorance surrounding the workings of the

adds: “We have many individuals from the

February at London’s marble walled

modern shipping industry, and institutions like

shipping industry who support us too, and

Mandarin Oriental Hotel were able to

the National Maritime Museum, which sees

who very much enjoy their relationship with

admire a set of magnificent maritime oil paintings

over one and half million visits a year, help give

the museum – in addition the Patrons Events

from the National Maritime Museum’s archives.

the sector, its work and people a face. With

programme gives them great social and

Greenwich Park hosting the equestrian events at

networking opportunities.”

The paintings from the museum’s unique collection,





pieces, as well as 3,000 ship models, flags,

the London Olympics this summer, the museum

The support given by these individuals and organisations is not only financially significant, it

will be busier than ever before.

uniforms, figureheads and other artifacts, are

Companies in the shipping sector can help

also helps ensure that the contemporary role of

not just available on loan to large hotels, but

support the work of the museum by becoming

the UK shipping industry finds a voice within the

to companies large and small to display in


exhibitions and collections.

their offices and meeting areas. Indeed, Baltic

Clarksons, BP Shipping, General Maritime

member firm SSY boasts a number of paintings

Corporation, Evergreen, Lloyd’s Register and

on loan in its board room.

Shell Shipping already.





For further details contact Susannah Coster

The collection, largely assembled since 1930,

According to Susannah Coster, a fundraiser

is remarkable for both its artistic quality and the

at the museum, corporate support packages

on +44 (0)20 8312 8629 or e-mail Susannah Coster,

variety of subject matter. Its main elements include





paintings, British marine paintings, portraits, history and genre paintings, and ships portraits. Artists who are represented include, the elder and younger Willem van de Velde, Dominic Serres, Charles Brooking and Abraham Storck. With the collection otherwise languishing in a basement, the museum’s curators are keen that its contents are seen by as many as possible. According to the museum, provided a premises has appropriate security and environmental conditions for valuable historic works, loans can be arranged for as little as £3,000. Recently collectively rebranded as Royal Museums Greenwich, 2012 is an important year for the National Maritime Museum, Royal

A huge range of paintings from the National Maritime Museum are available on loan

Observatory and the Queen’s House. The National Maritime Museum celebrates its 75th anniversary and the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee with the opening of a new exhibition “Royal River: Power, Pageantry and the Thames” which explores the relationship between the monarch, the City and people. Featuring over 300 objects, the exhibition will be of interest to many Baltic Exchange members as the museum highlights the link between the Thames and the growth of London as a maritime trading centre. The National Maritime Museum plays an important role showcasing not only Britain’s great maritime past to the general public, but also explaining the relevance of the sea to our way of life today. All too many Baltic

Left to right: Ravi Mehrotra, Peter Cowling and Capt Peter Swift

theBaltic Spring 2012


Baltic briefing

Anthem for seafarers

New FFABA tanker chair N

ils Arnesen of Marex Spectron has been elected as the new chairman of the Tanker

FFA Brokers’ Association (FFABA). He succeeds Andrew Jamieson of ACM/GFI who chaired the association for the previous two years. The Baltic and FFABA will be running its next Tanker Derivatives Forum in Geneva on 17 November 2012.


he “Anthem for Seafarers”, commissioned

album will be completed in March and April for

by the Baltic Exchange in 2010, is to be

commercial release this autumn.

recorded. Following its use last year by

The Baltic hopes to address three main

the Shipwrights’ Company for the

purposes in this project. First, through the

admission of Prince Charles, as well as for

medium of music, it will introduce our name to

the Annual National Service for Seafarers at St

new communities associated with the business

Paul’s Cathedral, there have been many requests

of shipping, people whose knowledge of the

for a recording.

Baltic and its role is perhaps only a distant

This setting by Malcolm Archer, formerly

concept at present. Secondly it will benefit

the director of music at St Paul’s, is based on

the seafaring charities that the Baltic supports

the hymn “Eternal Father, strong to save” and

by providing copies of the recording to them

is to be recorded by Convivium Records. The

at no cost for onward sale in support of their

combined choirs of Portsmouth Cathedral and

respective missions. Finally, through engaging

the Convivium Singers will work together with

talented young musicians in choral schools and

input from choral directors Dr David Price,

colleges around the country, it will underline

Malcolm Archer and Alexander Norman.

England’s strong musical tradition which so

The project is being overseen by Michael Drayton and will include high quality recordings

often draws upon the sea for inspiration through Anglican texts and hymns.

of sea-themed music for choir, organ and instrumentation. As the “cathedral of the sea”

Portsmouth Cathedral is ideally suited to take

on this work and recording sessions for the

Sadly departed T

he Baltic Exchange regrets to announce the deaths of the following members:

Donald Blewett

David Demeza

Patrick Shovelton

Mr Blewett was first elected to the Baltic in 1956.

Mr Demeza was first elected to the Baltic in

Mr Shovelton was elected a member of the

During his membership he represented J E Hyde

1955, representing Galbraith’s from 1968 until

Baltic in 1978 through to 1982, representing

& Co, ICAP Shipping and Daiichi Chuo Shipping.

becoming a retired member in 1987.

the Chamber of Shipping.

In 1992 he became a retired member.

George Herdman

Christopher Wick

Roger Broome

Mr Herdman was first elected to the Baltic in

Mr Wick was first elected a member for Spillers Ltd

Mr Broome was elected a Baltic member in

1946. Until his retirement in 1982 he represented

in 1974. He went on to represent Alpha Cereals

1960 and represented Overseas Farmers

Denholm Coates.

Ltd and became a retired member in 2008.

Co-operative Federations Ltd.

David Shepherd Richard Crafter

Mr Shepherd was a long-term member of

Mr Crafter was first elected to the Baltic

Baltic Air Charter Association and its Honorary

Exchange in 1969. An active member of the

Executive for many years. Mr Shepherd was

Baltic Charitable Society, he continued to

elected a member of the Baltic in 1960.

represent R G Jones Price & Co Ltd until January 2011.


theBaltic Spring 2012

Baltic briefing

Advance Australia fair? Years of over-production, a world financial crisis plus a strong Australian dollar are causing many problems, but its winemakers’ optimism prevails, writes David Hughes


ustralia’s first vine cuttings were shipped

now?” was the question I put to Yvonne May,

By hook or by crook the resourcefulness of

from the Cape of Good Hope to the

director of Wine Australia for the UK and Europe

the Australian wine-maker will prevail. So when it

penal colony of New South Wales on

just before heading into a wine-tasting session

comes to the red varieties, Australia is the garden

the First Fleet in 1788. And in 1822,

on Australia Day.

of choice.

when Gregory Blaxland became the first person

“Change, or inspire the thought on the street

Shiraz, still the flagship, comes in many

to export wine from Australia, it seems he had

and educate the new wine generation” she said.

guises, notably McLaren Vale, the big boys from

started Australia’s slow but sure climb towards

Yvonne continued, “We still hold 20% of the UK

The Barossa, while the style changes in Clare

the pinnacles of the world of wine-making

market and the spend is gradually rising and in

Valley and again high up in Victoria’s King Valley.

and export.

time folks here will find that middle market – and

All offer stunning examples of the variety.

By the mid 1980s French and Italian bottles

be happily surprised.”

Cabernet-Sauvignon, though widely planted,

in supermarkets and wine shops gave way

And the flagship of that surprise – new wave

excels particularly in Coonawarra’s terra rossa

to Australian Chardonnays, Semillon-Sauvignon

Chardonnay, the famous variety that has been

(red soil) with ripe blackcurrants reminding one

blends, Cabernet-Sauvignons, Shiraz (Australia’s

over-run here by Kiwi Sauvignon and generally

of its native Bordeaux.

name for Syrah) and indeed the blending of the

indifferent Pinot Grigio.

A favourite of mine is Grenache, the grapes

latter two. And, at the top end with “wines of

And many will be surprised, for the tasting

spring from the branches of individual bush vines

greatness” in Penfold’s Grange and Hensche’s Hill

that unfolded indeed showed Chardonnays

in the Barossa Valley and give a powerful red

of Grace, the French, in particular, were looking

now made with the oak harmonising, rather

berry wine.

nervously over their shoulders. In the New Age of

than dominating, and mouth-filling flavours of

The alcohol volume can be hard to control

Wine, everything it seemed, had to be “Aussie”.

butterscotch, peaches, vanilla, figs and much,

and at best will be 14%, but it’s a wine that offers

much, more.

up something different.

Also at that time there were powerful wine storms in the making on both sides of the

So forget the £4.99 from the corner shop,

Australia, in the cool climate regions, is

South American Andes that were to blow winds

please, and head off to your local wine shop. Be

making some simply wonderful examples from

of competition not only to the European wine

prepared to go up to a tenner and seek out how

the difficult Pinot Noir variety. I defy anyone not

countries, but also to Australia.

great Chardonnay should taste from the cool-

to ooze at any of Sexton’s Giant Steps, four

It is from these heady days that Australia

climate regions of Adelaide Hills (South Australia),

different vineyard offerings in the Yarra Valley.

increased vine planting to match its global

Mornington Peninsular and the Yarra Valley (both

Simply Pinot Noir heaven!

popularity, but this has led to serious over-

Victoria), Margaret River (Western Australia) and

production. The early 2000s saw a worldwide

northern Tasmania.

Just some names of obtainable, reliable producers: Cape Mentelle and Moss Wood

downturn in Australian wine consumption thanks

Staying with white but really ‘changing the

(Margaret River), Peter Lehman (Barossa Valley),

to both increased competition domestically with

thought’, I beg you be brave and grab a bottle of

Brown Brothers (Victoria), Tyrrells (NSW). And

favourably priced wines from Chile, France and

Riesling from Clare or Eden Valleys; chill it down,

if you like a full-bodied rosé, hunt out Charles

the rest of Europe and the strong Australian dollar

pull the cork and get ready for some steely dry,

Melton’s Rose of Virginia (Barossa).

inhibiting its wines rushing out the other way.

lime infused nectar.

I have had the privilege to have been on two

Today the everyday UK wine drinker has

The Hunter Valley (New South Wales) is the

Australia Wine Flight tours around the country’s

the same thought: Australian wine equals oaky

true home to a white variety that wears two coats

vineyards and I was asked last week if I would

Chardonnays and blockbuster Shiraz; cheap

– Semillon. The ‘youngster’ will give a lovely dry

go again? You bet!

supermarket offers or very expensive reds from a

wine with vibrant citrus flavours, but as it ages it

Hang on in there Australia, advance Fair

place called Barossa with, in both cases, nothing

brings on wonderful complexities with nuances of

Lady for you are a nation of great joy – and you

in between. So, “what are the prospects right

honey, nuts and citrus.

bottle it!

theBaltic Spring 2012


Baltic briefing

Sporting contacts There are many sports clubs associated with the Exchange and, in most cases, they are open to both members and staff of member companies Baltic Association Football Club

Golfing Society

Sub-Aqua Club

Stephen Calafti

Chris Cox, c/o Frank Symons Ltd

Lorraine Burns

Anglo Greek Chartering, The Baltic Exchange

Devonshire House

The Baltic Exchange

38 St Mary Axe, London EC3A 8BH

146 Bishopsgate, London EC2 M4J

38 St Mary Axe, London EC3A 8BH

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theBaltic Spring 2012

Baltic bomb – 20 years on

Surviving the blast Next month marks the 20th anniversary of the Baltic bomb blast that killed three people. The Baltic talks to Jeffrey Blum, the most severely injured of the survivors


f luck is a contributing factor to survival in the

into the air and for sufficient time for the General

face of a terrorist incident, Jeffrey Blum can be

Council of British Shipping headquarters, which

considered to have had his fair share, although

was seven stories high, to collapse and for me

the luck in question is not necessarily of the

to land on its rubble.” As he was carrying a brief case at the time,

order that everyone would appreciate. Paul Butt aged 29, Baltic Exchange employee

the force of the blast exposed his inner arm,

Thomas Casey aged 49 and 15-year old Danielle

which eventually had to be rebuilt using muscle

Carter were killed when a white van carrying a

from his back. Hitting the ground head first, one

bomb made from Semtex and fertiliser exploded

of the more unlikely strokes of luck occurred.

late on Friday evening 10th April 1992.

Whilst his brain started to swell as a result of

At the time when the IRA bomb exploded

the impact, a flying brick cracked his skull open

outside the Baltic Exchange building that night,

wide, thereby allowing his brain to continue to

Jeffrey was working for Prochart Services, a

expand and not implode due to unsustainable

shipbroking company located on the second

internal pressure. However, a piece of glass

floor of the Baltic Exchange in St Mary Axe in

embedded in his brain had to be removed by

the City.


Prochart was instrumental in moving most of

The second bit of luck occurred because he

the UN peacekeeping forces’ equipment round

was found within 10 minutes by police officers

the world, so Jeffrey says it was an extremely

and an eye surgeon who happened to be in

busy time, not least because this time saw

the Underground at the time of the explosion

the beginnings of problems in Somalia and

and who went up to street level to provide

also the time when the UN was pulling out of

Jeffrey Blum

assistance. When Jeffrey was found, he was conscious

Cambodia. “We had a lot of administration and a lot of fixing of ships. It was a massive project

tube station but only reached what was then

and asked the surgeon to “stop this bloody

and I was therefore working late on that Friday

the General Council of British Shipping building

tickling in my ear”. Jeffrey says he doesn’t swear,

night.” He left the office at about 9.20 in the

adjacent to the former Baltic Exchange when the

although the doctor evidently did not know

evening and said goodnight to one of the two

bomb exploded a few feet behind him.

that. “In fact I was being accurate without even knowing it, because my ear drums had been

Baltic employees, Ron Brooks, who was on

Coded warnings had been issued by the

duty that night with Tom Casey , who died in

IRA but these were not specific enough to

the explosion.

identify the Baltic Exchange, as opposed to

Recognising that the brain injury was the

Ron Brooks let him out of the building. “Ron

any other exchange in London, as the target.

most severe, the eye surgeon recommended

and I have a particularly special relationship

The police had raced to the Stock Exchange.

taking Jeffrey to St Bartholomew’s Hospital

because, if I hadn’t left then, he would have

Road work outside the Baltic Exchange for the

where he was treated by Peter Hamlyn, a

been in the back room with Tom.” Ron was also

previous week had meant that the builders’ van

“brilliant neurosurgeon “.

severely injured in the blast. Having left the Baltic

which exploded did not attract prior notice.

building, Jeffrey walked towards Liverpool Street


“The force of the blast catapulted me high

theBaltic Spring 2012

perforated by the sound of the blast”.

Hamlyn intervened at a time when Jeffrey had lost a total of seven out of his eight pints

Baltic bomb – 20 years on of blood. Critical response in such situations is

whilst he had been unconscious, although those

Baltic Exchange (on the 4th floor of Lloyd’s) on

limited to the so-called “golden hour” following a

looking after him worried that the meeting would

8th September, which was a remarkably short

major accident. “You have to start work on the

be a strain both on him and also on the Queen,

time after the bomb, considering the extent of

brain within an hour or the patient dies”. More

because victims of major head injuries are apt

his injuries. He worked part time until his medical

important than repairing the head injury and

to become garrulous, a point which he says he

checks permitted him to return to full time

the brain was the need to infuse blood into him

proved during their meeting !

employment in January 1993.

before any surgery could be performed. With no

Jeffrey eventually left hospital on May 23rd,

He has also kept in contact with others who

knowledge of Jeffrey’s blood type, the hospital’s

exactly 6 weeks after the blast changed his life.

have been involved (as survivors or victims) with

specialists had to experiment with 27 pints of

The support of good friends and a strong

the violence in Northern Ireland and England

different groups of blood before they found the

family were crucial to his recovery ~ and he is

but also with more recent non-IRA terrorist

correct one.

acutely aware of the enormous debt he owes to

events like the 7/7 bombings in London as part

During the blood replacement process,

them all but most especially to his wife, who also

of the “LIVE” group: Let’s Involve the Victims’

Jeffrey had a massive seizure. He was given

had to take on the burden of full care for many

Experiences. Organisations like this not only

a sedative and an amnesic drug which wiped

months after he was released from hospital.

bring together survivors and victims of acts of

his immediate memory clean. “That, as far

He returned to the temporary home of the

violence but also their perpetrators.

as I was concerned, was very good, because I didn’t then and don’t now have nightmares.” Although he says he has been told what happened in detail, his last recollection is of leaving the Baltic building and his next is when he woke up after nine days. He counts this as a blessing. Establishing




initially a problem but his friend and colleague Jonathan Marks, having heard news of the bomb, paged him repeatedly and eventually left a phone number, which the police used. Mr Marks then broke the news to Jeffrey’s family. Twenty four hours after the operation on his head, reconstructive surgeon Dalia Nield rebuilt his arm with muscle from his back. His family were told to expect the worst. On the sixth day of his coma, he moved his right arm, which was considered to be a hopeful sign of recovery. As Jeffrey explains, the last part of the brain to shut down is hearing and the neurosurgeon had told his family to keep talking to him. On the seventh day of his nine days in a coma, his sister came to visit him. She told him a joke and he smiled. This was tremendously significant, he says, not only because he had heard her but also because it proved that his brain had worked out that what she had said was amusing. “Thirdly,” he explains, “it meant that the many facial muscles were also working and that the brain was able to send signals.” Jeffrey pays tribute to the incredible service provided by the hospital and the quality treatment provided by the National Health Service which included hiring a special and very expensive ripple bed for him in order to ensure that bed sores did not develop during his coma. The Queen visited the hospital 2 days before he left. He was keen to thank Her Majesty for her concerned telephone calls

Damage caused by the IRA’s one-ton bomb

theBaltic Spring 2012



Down memory lane Here in a photographic essay, Ambrose Greenway takes a nostalgic look at some of the tankers that passed in front of his lens during the 1960s and 1970s


large amount of tonnage visiting Southampton is bound for the Esso refinery at Fawley on the southern side of Southampton Water, most of

it entering via the deep water Nab Channel and Spithead before negotiating the sharp S-bend turn between Cowes and Calshot. Over the last 50 years, many different tanker types of all shapes and sizes have visited these enclosed waters so beloved of yachtsmen, but here large vessels take precedence over yachts due to restricted room for manoeuvre. Even so there have been a number of collisions over the years, the most recent during Cowes Week last August. Jacob Kjode’s 15,300 dwt Horn Clipper, seen following the Canberra out to sea, was one of the last examples of a typical ‘Skandywegian’ motor tanker design that could be traced back to the 1930s.

The 68,000 dwt Dutch-flag Sepia was one of three distinctive twin-funnelled turbine tankers completed for the Shell Group in three different British yards in 1961, sisters Solen and Serenia going to Shell Tankers (UK). When built they had attractive eau-de-nil painted hulls.


theBaltic Spring 2012


The 25,423 dwt Texaco Maryland, depicted overtaking Esso’s 86,100 dwt

Fred Olsen’s 87,700 dwt motor tanker Borgen, built at Sasebo in late 1966,

Esso Warwickshire as she pounds past the Spithead forts, was one of four

typified the owner’s predilection at the time for a stylised tower block

fast turbine tankers built for the US oil company by Bethlehem Steel at

combining bridge and funnel. Prominent also is the traditional Olsen

Sparrows Point between 1963 and 1965.


Surrounded by yachts, the 50,000 dwt George Georgiu-Dezhwas one of a

A meeting of Esso tankers at Spithead: Belgium’s outbound Esso Antwerp

class of more than 20 large turbine tankers built for Soviet Russia at the

(1967/ 75,600 dwt) passes the inbound German VLCC Esso Europa

Admiralty and Baltic shipyards in Leningrad between 1963 and 1969.

(1969/253,900 dwt).

The 90,150 dwt Carlo Cameli, built by CRDA Monfalcone in 1964, was

BP Shipping’s 253,840 dwt, turbine-driven VLCC British Patience drifts

Italy’s largest merchant ship and propelled by the world’s then largest

up Spithead ‘escorted’ by Esso coastal tanker Esso Lyndhurst. She was

diesel, a 12-cyl large bore Fiat with a testbed output of 32,500 bhp. Note

completed by Verolme Rozenburg in 1974, four months after

her unusual two column bridge structure, the result of the original bridge

sister British Promise, and was broken up at Ulsan, South Korea after

amidships design being changed during construction.

trading for a mere eight years.

theBaltic Spring 2012


People, places, plcs

Troubled times I

worse thing we need is fear about the future.”

nternational Chamber of Shipping chairman

any definitive comment on the incident. However,

Spyros Polemis, highlighted some of challenges

this disaster seems likely to have implications

While the shipping industry had to some

the industry faces at the FT World Shipping

for all types of ships, and not just the cruise

extent been cushioned against the economic

Congress recently, not least the effect that the

sector, and will almost certainly have a major

crisis by Chinese growth, “even this beacon

Costa Concordia tragedy is likely to have on

influence on the immediate regulatory agenda of

of light cannot be guaranteed,” he warned.

the IMO’s regulatory agenda.

the International Maritime Organization.”

“If, as seems likely, the Eurozone goes into a

“I believe everyone recognised that 2012

Other challenges facing the industry included

full recession – or, even worse, implodes – the

was going to be a very difficult year for shipping

the “unprecedented economic turmoil” of recent

implications will almost certainly be global, and

financially, and that we should always be

times, Mr Polemis said. “Much of the industry is

may well reduce demand for shipping services

prepared for the unexpected.

still struggling with the serious consequences of

from China, and the other BRIC nations too.”

“What we had not foreseen, however, was

a truly massive contraction in economic activity,

Many of the problems confronting shipping have

that the year would begin with the tragedy of

with global trade estimated to have declined by

undoubtedly been exacerbated by shipowners

the Costa Concordia and that the safety record

nearly 10%.”

placing orders for far too many ships, with far too few cargoes to carry.

of the industry would be put under the spotlight

Mr Polemis said it was his view that “the

in the most dramatic way imaginable,” Mr

emphasis given by Western governments to

He urged a moratorium on new orders for

Polemis told the conference in Athens.

austerity programmes without an accompanying

ships that have no economic purpose until

“It is still far too early to know what the detailed

aggressive strategy to promote economic

the crisis was over. “Current markets would

outcome of the accident investigation will be, and

growth will simply be self-defeating. What is

appear to be demonstrating just how seriously

Rightship CLIENT it is therefore not appropriate for me to provide

Apex needed is an injection of FONTS: serious optimism. The

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theBaltic Spring 2012

People, places, plcs shipowners’ revenues, with many now struggling

But the key for this potential rise in rates

According to Ms Bill, “The minister’s remarks

to meet operating costs. In the current climate

is the demand supply gap, which will work in

referred to HMRC’s reinterpretation of the rules

of massive uncertainly, rates are as volatile as

favour of owners to a considerable extent. The

relating to the requirement that strategic and

ever. Rates for all bulk carriers, for example, are

supply of MR tankers declined marginally by the

commercial management of the ships is located

a fraction of what they were a few months ago.”

end of 2011 to 23.5 million dwt. Further, with

in the UK. HMRC has published revised, interim

Overcapacity in shipyards, he suggested,

the MR orderbook equating to 8.5% of the fleet,

guidance which broadly reinstates HMRC’s pre-

Drewry forecasts a supply demand balance of

2009 position. Further consultation with the

“Even if some shipyards go bankrupt, it is

2.3 million dwt (or 9.8% of supply) for 2012.

shipping industry has been promised, although

almost certain that their governments will step

However, it is the reduction of this balance to 0.5

no additional information has been provided

in to support them so that they can continue to

million dwt (or 2.1% of supply) come 2016 that

regarding the scope and timing of the consultation.

produce ships which few people want – other

will push rates upwards.

was perhaps an even greater danger.

than speculators.”

“The minister’s comments are a very

This demand supply balance should be

encouraging development, but it is not yet the

And shipping banks may increasingly start to

looked on enviously by others in the shipping

end of the story. It is important that the consultation

lose their patience with any companies in breach

world, none more so than the container sector as

goes ahead, so that final guidance can be issued,

of their existing covenants, he said.

these figures showcase the positive affects a well-

in order to give further reassurance to the shipping

managed supply of tonnage can have on rates.

industry. The government should take the

“The debt crisis means that banks are

opportunity to simplify and improve the regime.

expected to tighten lending to the shipping

“In addition, HMRC needs to act in a

industry as they are required to improve their balance sheets and reduce their debt to capital

EU tonnage tax stability

reasonable and consistent manner with regard to

ratios. The majority of shipping banks are still

International accountant and shipping adviser

all matters relating to the UK tonnage tax regime,

European and are already being affected by the

Moore Stephens has called for stability for

not just the strategic and commercial management

Euro crisis.

European tonnage tax regimes now that the

test. As the UK government is required to act

European Commission has begun its review of

within the EU guidelines, the outcome of the EC

EU State Aid Guidelines to Maritime Transport.

review will also be important,” she adds.

“But all shipping banks will have to comply with the stricter capital requirements of the Basel III banking rules, which are due to be phased‐in

The start of the Commission’s review was

over the next few years. As banks are forced

announced on 14 February this year. The EC

to strengthen their balance sheets, this

says the objective of the consultation is to

Piracy centre

may further reduce the finance available to

invite member states, other institutions and

A new anti-piracy centre has been unveiled in

shipowners,” he concluded.

stakeholders to provide information on industry

Portsmouth. The centre, which was set up by

developments, feedback on the application of

analysts Dryad Maritime, will monitor and analyse

the 2004 Community Guidelines on State Aid

the movements, assaults and trends of pirate

Surplus tonnage

to Maritime Transport (due for review within

action groups around the world. To seafarers,

Surplus tonnage is placing a burden on crude

seven years of their date of application) and their

the centre is a lifeline. It tells them where the

tanker freight rates in the short and medium

effects, as well as any comments and proposals

pirates are, where they are headed and what

term, however, product tankers especially MR

regarding state aid for maritime transport.

they look like. When too close for comfort, the

tankers, are expected to perform better in the

The Commission will analyse the outcome of

centre warns ships and they are diverted to safer

coming years according to Drewry Maritime

the consultation before deciding to what extent

waters. It will be manned 24 hours a day, 365

Research’s latest Tanker Forecaster report.

changes to the current rules are necessary and,

days a year by a team of ex-Royal Navy warfare

“Freight rates for MR product carriers

if appropriate, come forward with a proposal for

specialists and intelligence experts.

improved in the last quarter of 2011 owing to

revised guidelines. At this stage, the Commission

“Our new Operations Centre is a great asset

an increase in chartering activity across major

has not taken a position concerning a possible

to Dryad and to our clients in the shipping, super

trade routes in this segment. Overall, reported

modification of the existing guidelines.

yacht and energy industries. Not only does the

spot chartering activity increased by 18% in

Moore Stephens tax partner Sue Bill

new technology help with the scalability of our

4Q11. Considerable improvement was observed

says, “We hope the EC will bear in mind the

operations, but it gives the Centre a true futuristic

in the Mediterranean region where the activity

importance of stability to European tonnage

feel, something that people always associate

increased by 49% over the quarter, followed by

tax regimes. This is particularly important given

with intelligence,” says Graeme Gibbon Brooks,

North West Europe (26%) and Singapore (17%).”

the current difficult economic climate, and the

managing director of Dryad Maritime.

MR tankers stand out as having the greatest

fact that EU tonnage tax regimes are competing

earnings potential in the long term. Drewry

with other jurisdictions, such as Singapore,

Maritime Research expects that the fleet

which offer very attractive tax breaks to the


growth is likely to be restricted on account

shipping sector. It will be important for all

Sovcomflot has agreed a further joint project

of low ordering in this segment. In the short

interested parties in the EU to ensure that

with Glencore International to own, operate and

term, a marginal improvement in the Atlantic

they are involved as much as possible in the

manage four coated LR1 type product tankers

trade is anticipated, although downside risks

consultation process.”

(74,000 tonnes dwt/42,400 grt). The vessels

include the closure of several refineries in the

Shipowners in the UK tonnage tax regime

SCF Plymouth, SCF Pacifica and SCF Pearl built

US Gulf due to a lack of cash flow and the

were recently encouraged by positive remarks

in 2010 at Hyundai Mipo Dockyard Co, in South

Eurozone debt crisis. However, the demand

made at the UK Chamber of Shipping’s annual

Korea, will immediately be managed by the joint

for MR tankers is likely to grow steadily in Asia

dinner by Shipping Minister Mike Penning, who

venture. The fourth vessel, SCF Prudencia will

and Middle East regions with upcoming refinery

said the UK government had no intention of

be delivered from the same shipyard at the end

capacity additions.

touching the UK tonnage tax regime.

of February this year.

theBaltic Spring 2012


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Comment – Michael Grey

Confidence in cruising those trying to establish the truth; regulating in

If you wish to carry oil around the world in

haste, and regulating wrongly?

large quantities, you must use a tanker. Similarly a dry bulker, in whatever might be the appropriate

There are clearly a number of important

size, will be necessary if quantities of ore, or coal

elements to this particular casualty. Firstly it

need to be shipped, and if containers are your

would seem necessary to closely investigate the

business, then specialist ships are designed for

navigational procedures and bridge management

this very purpose.

of the ship herself, and the compliance with

This may appear to be stating the obvious,

company safety management systems. Big cruise

but the point is that there is no choice for

ships frequently sail close to the land to provide

the shipper but to use the specialist transport

the travelling experience their customers wish,

shipowners helpfully provide for the carriage of

but these ships are getting bigger and bigger

their cargo. But on the other hand, if you are in

and while they are amazingly manoeuvrable, the

the business of offering holidays afloat in cruise

places they squeeze into appear more constricted

ships, the usage of your vessels is entirely at the

than ever.

discretion of the potential customers. They have

There are questions about evacuation

all the choice in the world over the holiday they

in emergency, which need to be answered.

are planning.

Emergency drills need to leave no-one in any

Nobody is forced to take a cruising holiday,

doubt about their course of action when alarms

as we see from the astounding number of travel

sound. We might think of the difficulties imposed

supplements and brochures that crash onto

by the multi-lingual situation on so many cruise

our doormats. It may well be that the events of

ships and the famous advice that “everyone

the night of Friday 13th January off the coast of

panics in their own language”! It is all very well

Tuscany, and the astonishing pictures of the Costa

Michael Grey

modelling evacuation plans and even rehearsing them aboard actual ships, but how can we

Concordia lying on her side the following morning, could in some way influence the spending of

The ship grounded and sank, and people lost

really verify their effectiveness without subjecting

those discretionary holiday budgets. And while

their lives, even if somehow more than 4,000

elderly, handicapped or bewildered people to

it could be that seasoned cruise aficionados will

were saved, and we will not easily banish those

real risks. And 100 years after the Titanic, should

shrug their shoulders and note with sangfroid

astonishing scenes transmitted by the “citizen

we once again start having debates about the

and maturity that such an accident is unlikely to

journalists” who were obviously too close to the

effectiveness of lifeboats as opposed to other

happen again, those perhaps considering dipping

action for comfort. It is not easy to dispel even the

means of evacuation? But maybe we need to try.

their toes in the world of holidays afloat for the first

more fanciful suggestions from the tabloid press

And is this attractive concept of “safe return to

time, may find their attention deflected elsewhere.

about what was going on in the wheelhouse of

port” still valid? These are the sort of questions

The world is a dangerous enough place, people

the huge ship as she cruised up the Italian coast

that need a positive answer.

of a nervous disposition may conclude, without

and the sequence of events after she came so

There are clearly issues to be addressed

risking one’s life on the high seas when enjoying

violently to grief. But if confidence in cruising is to

about floodability and damaged subdivision, with

a vacation.

be quickly re-established, efforts must be made.

the problems stemming from the vessel’s listing

It is neither tasteless nor irrelevant to recall the

An expert, independent and prompt inquiry,

condition. There has been a great deal of time

mid-80s and terrorist attacks on cruise ships in the

focusing fiercely on causation and what can

and effort spent by regulators and naval architects

Middle East, which did considerable harm to the

be learned from the loss of this huge ship,

on the problems of damaged stability. But have

Mediterranean cruise trades, with US passengers

rather than apportioning blame, would do more

they all come to the right conclusions, with

electing to spend their money elsewhere for a

than anything else to provide the information

these huge hulls and their towering multi-decked

number of years. So it is thus important that every

needed for reassurance. How often have we

superstructure? Worried potential customers

effort is made to quickly restore any confidence in

seen important inquiries bogged down in legal

merely look at the pictures of the Italian ship on

cruising which may have been dented badly by

nonsense, or deflected by criminal prosecutions,

her beam ends, count the huge number of decks

the alarming pictures from the largest peacetime

while the world waits for some sort of authoritative

on ships in their cruise brochures and ask the

loss of a passenger ship since the ill-fated last

statement that will enable it to take the necessary

obvious questions. They need reassurance, but

plunge of the Titanic, a century ago.

action? How often do regulators move faster than

in plain and comprehensible language.

theBaltic Spring 2012



Getting a result Mixed fortunes for the tanker market as many of the major tanker companies announced their results in February


s some companies struggle to deal

Eastern oil, has diversified its supplies of energy

with demanding conditions, others

with important effects for the VLCC market.

suggest that there may be a small ray of hope in the tanker market.

China, meanwhile, has become the world’s

In presenting its results, Eitzen Chemical said it “expects a continued challenging chemical tanker market, however, the


second largest consumer of oil and, with

outlook for 2012 is more optimistic than for 2011 due to easing supply growth”.

Ole Hjertaker, chief executive of Ship

an extensive refinery building programme

Finance Management commented recently

underway, is in line to match US oil consumption

The company suggests that: “Only a

that: “In 2011 we experienced the weakest

within this decade, Braemar Seascope suggests.

moderate increase in demand is required for

tanker market for 12 years, but there was still a

“Consequently, the VLCC spot market has

a recovery” however the “uncertain macro

positive profit share generated by the Frontline

swung eastwards; in 2005, 20% of VLCC spot

outlook is a concern for demand growth”. It

vessels for the year. With the recent adjustment

fixtures discharged in China; in January 2012,

predicted first quarter 2012 figures to be up

in the chartering agreements, Frontline is in a

that had increased to 40%. Chinese oil refiners

on the previous quarter, albeit on a moderate

position to withstand a prolonged downturn

have swept into leading positions in the VLCC

basis, but said that the company was looking

in the tanker market and Ship Finance will

charter market. Discharges east of Suez now

to ensure its longer term financial strength

be more than compensated if the market

account for 85% of VLCC voyages out of the

in the face of the “continued slow rate of

continues at the 2011-level or above.”

AG compared to 71% in 2005.”

improvement in the chemical tanker market”. Meanwhile,






Braemar Seascope research director Mark

Clarksons, average VLCC earnings year-to-

Williams believes this swing to the East is

dividends would be paid during the first quarter

date have been well in excess of this level.

now firmly entrenched. He says, “As Chinese

of 2012, with chief executive Morten Arntzen

Our fleet is diversified across four main market

refiners will probably add over 6m bpd of

saying: “The downturn in our international

segments, of which offshore is the largest. We

domestic refinery capacity in the next five years,

flag markets has been deeper and has lasted

currently have 65 vessels in operation which are

their presence in the VLCC spot market is likely

longer than we anticipated, as evidenced by

chartered to 13 customers, and all are current

to increase further as China makes efforts to

a fairly tepid winter market. At the same time,

with their charter payments to us.”

secure its energy supplies.”

economic uncertainty in the world persists





Braemar Seascope research points to a

Meanwhile, Torm and its bank group have

and the banking markets have become more

changing face for the VLCC spot market.

extended the deferral of instalments and the

challenging. Therefore, to preserve liquidity

According to the shipbroker, since 2005 there

covenant standstill announced on 17 January

and maintain financial flexibility, the board

has been a 25% reduction in reported AG/

2012. The agreement is, after the extension,

suspended the quarterly dividend until further

West spot VLCC voyages from 291 in 2005 to

valid until 1 March 2012 when the company

notice. The board will reassess the dividend as

216 in 2011. Some 11 AG/West fixtures were

publishes its annual report.

our markets improve.”

recorded in January 2012; if annualised the

“I am satisfied to have agreed a new

Mr Arntzen added that the company has

total would be 180, only 62% of the number

extension with the bank group. The negotiations

made a concerted effort to reduce costs, which

recorded just seven years earlier.

continue towards a comprehensive financing

included eliminating cash bonuses and salary

The US, the world’s largest oil consumer

solution,” Torm’s chief financial officer Roland

increases for the senior management team.

and traditionally the major customer for Middle

Andersen said at the time of the announcement.


theBaltic Spring 2012


Financial squeeze One question facing those seeking to buy ships is where to get funding


able to sell for scrap and reinvest.

ccording to Quentin Soanes, Braemar Shipping Services executive director,

Going forward Mr Soanes predicts “quite a

the major issue as far as the sale and

thin market” for the next 12 months, dominated

purchase market at the moment is one

by cash players who are in charge of their own

of financing. “I think there is a body of thinking

destiny and can buy ships and borrow the

that the lack of finance out there may squeeze

money back afterwards. “If an owner is trying to

the values further down.”

buy a vessel subject to financing, it can get very

However he says that values haven’t come

complicated. As far as loan to value agreements

off significantly and the market was in the zone

are concerned banks will tend to look at the

where “for most ship types it is an interesting

quality of their clients rather than the agreement,

time to look and to buy”. Whether or not the

while loan to value clauses, Mr Soanes says, do

position will change over the next year as so

not seem to take the employment of the vessel

the precise timing of a good buy, Mr Soanes

into consideration. When, for example the ship

says there are a “some very serious names

has a profitable charter to an oil major one ought

out there that are beginning to buy ships, and

to be taking that cash flow into account”. According to Simon Hobbs, MD London,

their historical track record shows that they are

S&P at brokers and analysts SSY, “I think

normally good at getting their timing right”. While there have been suggestions that

that like many things, it depends a little bit on

those planning on investing in the shipping

one’s view in life, the glass is either half full or

industry might look for alternative sources of

Quentin Soanes

half empty. Obviously prices have come down but with the freight market where it is there is

finance, Mr Soanes says it is a “slightly harder sell nowadays as the freight market does not

Values are coming down to levels which

still little incentive for buyers to jump in, and

lend any support to the values”. Everyone

probably reflect the medium to long term

finance is also very, very difficult. However if you

knows that the chances are they will be

earnings of the vessel but at the same time the

are a buyer who requires to buy a number of

paying a price while having to subsidise that

price that owners are required to pay will reflect

quality ships there are not so many candidates

purchase for a period of time until the freight

a modest freight market. In a boom time the

available. No one wants to sell at what they

markets recover. The long established shipping

strength of the market justifies the values but

consider today’s lower prices, so all in all that

companies understand that process. “It could

clearly this does not hold true in the downturn.

makes for quite a thin market. However there are people who are still interested to move on

be more difficult to sell to the new investor on

As far as shipping scrapping ahead of the

the basis of a purchase that would not produce

life of the vessel is concerned, Mr Soanes says

a reward in the short term.”

this is driven less by technical factors than by

Recent comment from Fearnleys suggests

Although there may be players like this in

financial ones. There are some serious surveys

the S&P market is still slow for most ship types.

the market Mr Soanes says the main players

coming up for 20 year old tankers, he says. “If

“The price for steel plates and main engines

will be the normal ones that have been active

the market dictates that they pass that survey

is still on a declining trend leading to a further

in the marketplace. Much will be down to

then they will, if they don’t they get scrapped.” It

weakening of newbuilding prices. We currently

reputation and status as long term players in

is not a question that the ship is falling apart, but

see a major focus on fuel efficiency for tankers,

the shipping market.

with steel prices holding up some owners are

bulkers and container carries, however, the price

theBaltic Spring 2012


specific vessels.”

Filtration – Efficient stacked-disk technology. Modular design. Reliable automatic backwashing. UV Treatment – High-intensity, medium pressure UV Treatment. No Chemicals – Safe and environmentally friendly. No increased corrosion risk. Easy Service – Simple, automatic operation. Low operating cost.




+1.724.218.7001 I I

S&P gap between a newbuilding and modern second

MR product tanker at Hyundai Mipo’s yard in

delivered in May 2012. The agreement includes

hand vessel is still in favour of used tonnage,”

South Korea. It also announced the sale of three

three consecutive options to extend the charter,

the analyst said last month.

of its handymax vessels, and said it was time

each for an additional year.






chartering in two further MR product tankers.


programmes and where it will come from was also

Scorpio’s contract with HMD is worth $36

a major feature of international law firm Norton

million, its seventh 52,000 dwt MR product


Rose’s most recent transport survey with partner

tanker newbuilding with HMD. The vessel is

commissioned the construction of a further

Mauro Mattiuzzo commenting that, “In 2011,

scheduled to be delivered to the company in

heavy-lift jack-up vessel from the Crist shipyard

we saw a continuation of the trend for financial

April 2013.

in Poland for the installation of offshore wind




investors, including those new to the shipping

Vessel sales include: the STI Conqueror for

farms. The vessel, Vidar, is to start operating

industry, to team with established and financially

$21 million, the STI Gladiator for $16.2 million,

in 2013 to meet the huge demand for special-

secure shipping operators to take advantage of

and the STI Matador for $16.2 million, with all

purpose equipment in this booming market. The

the upturn in the shipping market when it comes

three sales expected to close in April 2012.

Vidar will be HOCHTIEF’s fourth heavy-duty craft,

and/or to provide those operators with access

The two chartered-in MR product tankers:

following its sister vessel, the Innovation, and the

to capital which was no longer available from

include the Pacific Duchess, a 2009 built MR

Odin and Thor jack-up platforms. It will be used

traditional ship-finance banks. We predict that this

product tanker of 46,697 dwt, which will be

for the company’s own offshore construction

type of activity will continue in 2012.”

chartered-in for one year and is expected to be

contracts and will also be chartered out. Rainer

delivered in early March 2012. The agreement

Eichholz, a member of the HOCHTIEF Solutions

Scorpio Tankers

includes an option to extend the charter for

Executive Board, says, “We are banking on



an additional year. The Targale, is a 2007 built

the move to alternative energy sources and

announcement by Monaco-based Scorpio

MR product tanker of 49,999 dwt, and will be

accommodating market players’ huge demand

Tankers that it planned to build a 52,000 dwt

chartered in for two years and is expected to be

with our special-purpose vessel.”





Ship scrapping © IMO

theBaltic Spring 2012


S&P RFA order to Daewoo


STX will build six 50,000 dwt tankers for

equipment, the new special-purpose jack-

approximately $35m each with an option on

A new generation of 37,000-tonne tankers

up vessel will also speed up installation and

another four vessels.

is to be ordered for the Royal Fleet Auxiliary




servicing times for the latest generation of

(RFA) to support future Royal Navy operations

offshore power plants. The Vidar’s main


around the globe, the MOD has announced.

features will be a 1,200-metric-ton crane, a

In Japan’s Imabari Shipbuilding has won an

Minister for Defence Equipment, Support and

loading capacity of up to 6,500 metric tons, a

order for two new energy-efficient kamsarmax

Technology, Peter Luff, announced that Daewoo

powerful engine allowing speeds of up to 12

bulkers which are due for delivery from 2014

Shipbuilding and Marine Engineering (DSME) is

knots, and the ability to work in water depths


the Government’s preferred bidder for the deal.

of up to 50 meters. These properties make the

The yard said that “In spite of increased

This represents the best value for taxpayers’

Vidar one of the most powerful lifting vessels in

size and deadweight, the vessel has achieved

money, with £452m to be spent on the four new

Northern Europe.

superior performance in fuel oil consumption,

vessels to support the Royal Navy on operations

The financing of the vessel is by means of

namely about 28 ton/day at 14.5 knots service

around the world.

an operate-lease structure with a subsidiary of

speed. Various sort of energy saving technologies

“A number of British companies took part in

Santander acting as the lessor, and with the

have been applied including ‘Highbrid Fin’ which

the competition, but none submitted a final bid

involvement of KfW IPEX Bank, Norddeutsche

is our own technology enabling better propulsion

for the build contract. In light of this, the best

Landesbank, the Spanish CaixaBank, and


option for Defence, and value for money for

Bankhaus Lampe.

“The vessel is highly environmentaly friendly design. The effect of such energy saving in

Navios Acquisition

terms of CO2 emission is equivalent to about

In January Navios Acquisition concluded the

a 1,800 ton reduction per year (about

acquisition of three newbuild MR2 product


tankers scheduled to be delivered from a South

conventional panamax bulk carrier. The

Korean shipyard in the second, third and fourth

vessel’s EEDI is about 25% below the

quarter of 2014, respectively. The acquisition

reference line, satisfying the phase II

price is $106.5 million and will be partially

reference figure which is to be applied

financed with two new credit facilities totalling

to the vessels to be delivered from the

$84.4 million.

year 2020.” No details were given of

Navios Acquisition also took delivery of the




taxpayers, is for the tankers to be constructed in South Korea by DSME.”


the orderer’s identity or the price paid.

Nave Estella, a 75,000 dwt LR1 product tanker, from a South Korean shipyard. The vessel was


immediately chartered-out to an oil-major at

DryShips meanwhile announced last

a net rate of $11,850 per day for a period of

month that it had signed a $87.7

three years plus two one year options. The

million firm offer letter from HSH

charter also provides for 90% profit sharing up

Nordbank to partially finance the

to $15,000 plus 50/50% profit sharing above

construction costs of three dry bulk

$15,000. The profit sharing formula is calculated

vessels. The agreement is subject to

monthly and incorporates a $2,000 premium

documentation. The company also

above the relevant index.

has a $122.6 million credit facility with China Development Bank to partially


finance the construction costs related

With a reorganisation of Frontline’s activities

to three VLOC’s.

in recent months, John Fredriksen revealed

It also announced that it had agreed

plans to invest in new fuel efficient VLCCs for

the sale of the vessels Avoca and Padre

Frontline 2012.

for a sales price of $80.5 million. It has

The restructuring included the sale of five VLCC newbuilding contracts, six modern

also sold the 73,288 dwt Positano for an undisclosed sum.

VLCCs, including one on time charter, and four

George Economou, chairman and

modern Suezmax tankers to Frontline 2012

chief executive officer of the company

Ltd. at fair market value of $1,120.7 million.


In addition, Frontline 2012 assumed $666.3

Peter Luff

“On the shipping side, we continue

million in bank debt attached to the vessels

to execute our defensive strategy by renewing

Precious Shipping

and newbuilding contracts and $325.5 million

our fleet as evidenced by our recent decision

Precious Shipping, meanwhile has purchased

in remaining newbuilding commitments. The

to built four high-spec ice class bulkers as

a second handysize bulker from Goodearth

sale of these assets resulted in a loss of $307.0

replacements for the sale of older vessels such


million, which was recorded in the fourth quarter.

as the Avoca and the Padre. We believe we are

The 30,100 dwt Good Princess is understood

STX Offshore and Shipbuilding has confirmed

well positioned to weather the current market

to have cost $16.7m amd follows the purchase

that Mr Fredriksen has placed orders to for

downturn with 56% of our 2012 operating days

of the Good Pilgrims in January. Cash funding for

Won235.5bn worth of medium range product

in the drybulk segment under fixed rate charters

the purchase was supplemented by an existing


at an average rate of about $34,720 per day.

loan facility, reports say.


theBaltic Spring 2012


BIMCO prioritises security guard contract Grant Hunter looks at work in progress to provide insurance cover for security firms protecting ships transiting piracy danger zones, plus other developments


GUARDCON is designed to ensure that

on the vessel is concerned, GUARDCON is


adequate insurance cover is in place and that

careful to address this important issue through

approval for the carriage of

permits and licences are obtained as required.

emphasising that any force used has to be


The contract can be used for single transits or

graduated and proportionate. The Master retains

as a framework agreement for multiple transits.

authority at all times while the security guards

ithin a very short space of time of




states on


ships, a proliferation of private maritime security companies has entered the market, offering

BIMCO has been working on this project with

are on board and retains the right to call for the

their services to shipowners. At the last count

a team of top lawyers, insurance underwriters,

guards to cease firing if he believes that their

there were nearly 200 such companies open for

P&I Clubs and shipowners, with input provided

continued action may in fact place the crew and

business; some highly professional with many

by some major maritime security firms. Many

the vessel at even greater risk of harm.

years’ experience in the security business, some

shipowners and their P&I Clubs (who review

The Rules for the Use of Force (RUF) that

very much less so.

and approve their security contracts) are eager

regulate the conduct of the security guards in

Many shipowners are now using armed

for the publication of GUARDCON as it will

response to a threat or actual attack are a matter

guards to protect their ships and crew when

bring a much needed harmonisation and

to be agreed between the owners and the

passing through areas at high risk from piracy

standardisation to security guard contracts.

security contracts. In many cases the vessel’s

attack. The concept of placing armed civilians on

While owners and security contractors are free

flag state may also wish to approve the RUF.

board otherwise unarmed merchant ships brings

to vary the commercial terms of the contract,

While BIMCO cannot draft a “standard”

with it a number of complex legal and insurance

such as the payment provisions, care should

RUF because it is a matter of national law,

issues. At present there is no internationally

be taken to avoid amending the key provisions

it is offering to assist owners in this task by

recognised formal accreditation system for

relating to insurances, liabilities and indemnities,

producing a guidance note on RUF, separate

maritime security firms, which makes it doubly

and Master’s authority. As far as the use of force

from GUARDCON. The note will be published

important that owners carefully vet any security company and carry out a thorough due diligence before agreeing to any contract for services. The sheer number of different security companies operating in the market, each offering its own in-house contract, has prompted BIMCO to develop a standard contract for engaging security services. At the heart of the new contract, which has been given the code name GUARDCON, are the insurance and licensing requirements. It is absolutely fundamental that security companies should be adequately insured to cover their risks and liabilities in performing security services. Equally important are the licensing and permit requirements – security firms need to have the appropriate licences and permits in place to allow them and their individual employees to lawfully transport weapons and ammunitions to and from the vessel and to carry those weapons on board during the agreed transit.

Grant Hunter

theBaltic Spring 2012


BIMCO clause to deal with the removal of marine growth caused by vessels lying idle over a prolonged period of time. The clause addresses hull fouling issues under a time charter party, in particular who arranges and pays for inspection of the vessel’s underwater parts and subsequent cleaning, if necessary. The drafting group is also considering potential responsibilities if the vessel’s anti-fouling system is damaged as a result of the bottom being cleaned on charterers’ instructions; and appropriate damages/compensation to owners if the vessel is redelivered without being cleaned. The new clause will be presented to BIMCO’s Documentary Committee when they meet in April in Singapore.


Slow steaming clauses In December 2011, BIMCO published the Slow

along with explanatory notes for GUARDCON

Sub-committee of owners, brokers, charterers

Steaming Clause for Time Charter Parties. The

when the contract is published in March.

and club representatives from around the world

object of this highly topical project has been to

BIMCO believes that GUARDCON will be

to revise this important time charter party. The

develop a suitable charter party provision for

warmly welcomed by the industry and hopefully,

revision process is due to start in March and

general industry use.

with the full backing of P&I Clubs and insurance

a preliminary draft will be put before BIMCO’s

underwriters, could quickly become a new

Documentary Committee in April for its review.

Many owners and operators faced with high bunker prices are considering implementing slow steaming regimes to save fuel and to assist

standard in the maritime security sector.

with capacity planning. In the scheduled liner trade, slow steaming and “super” slow steaming

SALEFORM 2012 launch

Shippers join volume contract project

February saw the launch of the much anticipated

BIMCO’s efforts to develop a standard service

Other sectors of the industry are now looking

revised SALEFORM 93. A set of explanatory

contract for use in the liner industry for carriers

at the possibility of slow steaming as well, but

notes showing the differences between the 93

and shippers to agree volume shipments has

are aware of the need for a special provision to

edition and the 2012 edition accompanies the

been given a boost with the agreement of

incorporate into their charter parties to deal with

new agreement. The revision, although modest

the Global Shippers’ Forum to join the Sub-

the legal and technical aspects of this practice. It

in nature, brings SALEFORM up to date through

committee. The original Sub-committee of

was in response to this demand that the project

the incorporation of a number of commonly

major liner operators was very keen from the

of developing two charter party provisions, one

made amendments. The wording of a number of

outset that this contract should be an open

for time charter parties and one for voyage

clauses has also been reviewed and updated to

development between shippers and carriers and

charter parties, was initiated.

bring greater clarity to the agreement. The

that it would only be through such co-operation

The Specialist Working Group consists

resulting amended SALEFORM builds upon the

that the agreement will achieve the success it

of representatives from some of the largest

international and long-standing success of the

deserves in harmonising volume contracts used


current edition.

by small to medium-sized shippers.

slow steaming, and valuable input has been

has been a common practice for several years.





To accompany the release of SALEFORM

provided by brokers, lawyers and P&I Club

2012 a number of one-day seminars have

representatives. BIMCO has also consulted with

been planned. Oslo and Hamburg have already

New hull fouling clause

major engine designers to ensure that the

hosted very well attended seminars even before

Over the past years vessels have been prone

technicalities of slow steaming are properly

the official launch of the forms. Further seminars

to encounter longer periods of inactivity, partly

reflected in the provisions.

are planned during the year to introduce

as a consequence of a decrease in goods to

The Slow Steaming Working Group has

SALEFORM 2012 to the market and explain

be transported, as well as the current over-

now turned its attention towards drafting a slow

what’s new.

supply of trading vessels. These circumstances

steaming clause for the use in voyage charter



parties and also a “virtual arrival clause”. A

relating to underperformance of the vessel

final draft of the voyage charter party clause

NYPE time charter gets an update

and overconsumption of bunkers caused by

will be presented to the Documentary Committee

the vessel’s bottom being fouled – disputes

in April along with a first draft of the virtual

Hot on the heels of the revision of SALEFORM

that could have been avoided if owners and

arrival clause.

is an update of another internationally used and

charterers had agreed beforehand on how to

well-known standard form – NYPE 93. Working

deal with bottom fouling and cleaning following

Grant Hunter

together with ASBA, who are the copyright

prolonged idling on charterers’ orders. BIMCO

Chief officer legal and contractual affairs

holders of NYPE 93, BIMCO has formed a

has recently started work on a new standard






theBaltic Spring 2012


Dry bulk

Challenging times continue Over-tonnaging still dogs the dry cargo market as disputes continue to reach the courts, although scrapping is good business


yundai Merchant Marine has filed a

year the BIFFEX bottomed out at 554 points on

subsequent fixing volumes”. Newbuildings are

claim against Grand China Shipping

31 July. Last year was not a record-breaking

continuing to pour out of yards, which “combined

(Hong Kong) in the US district court in

year for tanker recycling despite the poor freight

with a high number of units drifting or anchored

Alabama over a time charter contract

markets. For four years from 1982 to 1985 over

off Singapore, South African or major Continent

20m dwt of tankers were recycled while 14m

ports, keep major routes at rock-bottom rates

The company alleges that GCS had failed to

dwt was sold for demolition in 2010. Last year

far from sufficient to cover operating expenses.”

pay charter hire totalling $16.9m although the

saw 8.4m dwt of tankers recycled, with the

figure now claimed is closer to $20m.

figure for January 2012 maintaining the trend.

for the bulk carrier Global Commander.

In announcing its results Golden Ocean predicted another challenging year for owners

Claims under the charterparty are subject to

Scrapping of all types reached 41m dwt

of dry bulk tonnage in 2012. “It is expected

arbitration proceedings in London, but Hyundai

in 2011, making it the third biggest year for

that net supply growth could almost reach the

is seeking to freeze assets of GCS in the hands

demolition ever. The second biggest was

same levels as in 2011, while demand growth is

of agents Norton Lilly International, which is

1986 when 43m dwt were scrapped, and

expected to be slightly lower resulting in lower

based in Mobile, Alabama.

the biggest ever was 1985 with 44m dwt

spot earnings and further downward pressure

According to Braemar Seascope, with the

sent to the beaches. Mark Williams, Braemar

on asset values. Further out on the curve,

Baltic Dry Index plumbing the depths, “steel

Seascope research director in London, says: “If

analysts are giving good reasons for a potential

traders can look forward to a bumper year

macro-economic conditions in 2012 continue

positive fundamental trend shift. In 2013 the

of supply of vessels for recycling this year, if

to underwhelm and if scrap prices stay at their

order book is considerably smaller and in spite

previous experience offers a guide for the 2012

recent high levels, this year could easily surpass

of a bleak outlook for the European economies

outlook. Bets are now being taken about how

1985 as a peak year for demolition.”

in particular, demand growth is expected to remain robust.

many vessels will be forced by the weak freight

Dry cargo shipping company Paragon

markets into the arms of recyclers,” the broker

announced its results for the year to 31 December

and analyst says.

2011, last month in what chief executive Micahel

mentioning in this context:

Bodouroglou said had been a “challenging” year

• A combination of poorer quality in the

“Scrap prices for ships of around $500 per light displacement tonne remain, suggesting that demand for the steel content in ships remains strong.

“There are a couple of reasons worth

Chinese iron ore production and a substantial

for the shipping industry. “For 2011, our EBITDA was negative $242m,

new capacity of international iron ore entering

while we report a net loss of $283.3m. The main

the market will most likely give a positive arbitrage for Chinese steel producers.

“Meanwhile, ship recycling capacity could

item that impacted our results was a non-cash

grow further in coming years. The China State

impairment loss of $277.3m related to the write

• It is expected that Indian ore exports will

Shipbuilding Corporation president said recently

down to market value of the carrying amounts

continue to diminish, which in turn will

that half of China’s shipyards could go bust

of seven of the company’s vessels,” he said.

result in longer sailing distances for iron ore

in the next two to three years. Many of these

The company reported adjusted EBITDA for the

yards could switch to recycling as, theoretically,

fiscal year of $54.1m.

in general. • Imported coal to China is only accounting for


Mr Bodouroglou said that despite the

6% of the total Chinese coal consumption

economics of recycling in Europe are currently

continued decline in the chartering market,

and, similarly with iron ore, it is expected that

not encouraging.”

the company had successfully re-chartered





positive arbitrage will stimulate imports.


• India will continue its strong growth in coal

24.2m dwt of bulk carriers were sold for scrap,

is sufficiently protected from any further

imports and could potentially be forced to

surpassing the 12m dwt scrapped in 2009

deterioration in the market.

import iron ore as well if analysts are right

Braemar Seascope estimates that, in 2011,






during the credit crunch, and the 11.5m dwt

“The misery continues” in the capesize

when they forecast Indian steel production

scrapped in 1998 after the Asian financial crisis,

segment according to Fearnleys, “despite

in the years to come,” the Golden Ocean

as well as the 15m dwt scrapped in 1986, the


statement concludes.





theBaltic Spring 2012


Heavy lift & Offshore

Semi-submersibles shine A round-up of some recent heavylift activity


airstar Heavy Transport has been awarded

“The Forte and the Finesse tick all of these

“This is an innovative arrangement which

two contracts by Saipem to provide

boxes as well as having important redundancy

brings distinct benefits for both COOEC and

marine transportation services for the

features in the propulsion and ballast systems

Dockwise. COOEC will engage the world’s

Golden Eagle Project in the North Sea.

which are highly valued by our clients. The

leading heavy marine transport firm to secure

The first voyage is scheduled in early

current global fleet of marine heavy transport

profitable cargoes for their vessel and Dockwise

2013 with the Finesse. The second voyage is

vessels is largely made up of single screw,

gains access to further, premium, new-build

scheduled in early 2014 and will involve the

converted oil tankers, over 20 years old and

resource for our own clients, as demand in

Fjord. The total contract value is €11.99 million.

incapable of open stern loading operations.

the sector moves into rapid growth. COOEC’s

Fairstar has announced that it will take

Forte and Finesse will consolidate Fairstar’s

vessel will complement our own fleet capacity

delivery of the 50,000 dwt semi-submersible

competitive fleet advantage and position Fairstar

during a phase of accelerated offshore project

vessel Forte, currently under construction by

to win a series of multi-voyage contracts that are

installation and development.”

Guangzhou Shipbuilding International (GSI) in

expected to be awarded in the coming months.

China, in May this year.

Our investment decision to build these vessels

According to Willem Out, chief operating officer of Fairstar, who visited the Forte just before

will reward our shareholders with consistent and

Jumbo delivery

predictable returns for many years to come.”

Jumbo Shipping has recently transported two

the Chinese New Year holiday commented: “GSI

huge ship-to-shore Kalmar cranes, combined

has done an exceptional job. We have agreed

with a total of seven knocked down RTGs from

to take delivery of the Forte on 23 May. The

Dockwise developments

Taicang, China to Cartagena, Colombia for its

quality of the construction and the performance

Dockwise has announced an agreement with

client Cargotec. Since the STS cranes were too

features of this ship have impressed us from the

Offshore Oil Engineering Co Ltd (COOEC) to

big to handle in their fully assembled shape,

beginning of our collaboration with GSI. Forte will

act as manager of COOEC’s new build type 1

both cranes were shipped in (still respectable)

sail straight away to a module fabrication yard in

marine transportation vessel for all third party

parts to fit Jumbo Javelin’s deck and cargo

North Asia to load her first cargo for the Gorgon


hold. Because of the enormous width, height

LNG Project and is under contract for as long as

The new vessel, a semi-submersible, that is

and weight of the cranes and in order to

currently under construction at China Merchants

remain within all safety margins during the long


Yard in Shenzhen, is due for delivery by the end

sea voyage, special support and sea fastening

infrastructure projects are the focus of our future

of March 2012. At 222 metres in length and with

structures were engineered by Jumbo, together

strategy. Energy majors and the engineering

a deadweight of 53,500 tonnes, the vessel will

with the client.

companies managing the construction of multi-

be capable of carrying loads of up to 50,000

billion dollar energy projects are becoming


twenty six months. “High



The crane structures, weighing up to 1,000 tonnes per piece, reached 80 metres above deck

increasingly selective in the vessels qualified to

Dockwise will operate the vessel under a

and protruded 30 metres on the starboard side

provide marine transportation services of large

management contract in close cooperation with

of the vessel. Smart engineering and precision

modules. Most of the tender pre-qualification

COOEC as part of the total Dockwise fleet of

planning made it possible for Jumbo to transport

documentation we have seen in the last year

semi submersible vessels. Dockwise will be

the two STS cranes for Cargotec in one voyage

requires vessels to be less than fifteen years old

responsible for marketing the vessel and will be

from China to Colombia. The lower portal and

and asbestos free, as well as having an open

training the permanent crew.

upper structure of the first crane were lifted and

stern capable of accommodating modules 43

Speaking at the signing ceremony, at

placed on deck separately. The complete middle

meters wide, 80 meters long and weighing up

the Marintec convention in Shanghai, Andre

piece of the second crane was lifted on deck at

to 12,000 tonnes.

Goedee, chief executive of Dockwise, said:

once in a tandem lift.

theBaltic Spring 2012



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At the mercy of the weather Alex Blomfield and Guy Leonard, lawyers with Wikborg Rein in Oslo, look at how weather-related risk in offshore wind project constructions can be dealt with contractually






the appropriate project participants at the various


stages of the project.

involved in delivering offshore wind projects on time and on budget is

A contractor who has not adequately

managing the risk of adverse weather

protected itself contractually may suffer the

and coping with the transportation, logistical and

consequences of adverse weather in the form

other difficulties which adverse weather can bring.

of a reduction in its profit margin or, worse still,

Severe weather conditions, wave heights,

through the payment of liquidated damages,

sea currents and extreme wind have the

increased labour and other costs arising from the

potential to significantly disrupt the construction

disruption to its works.

and installation of offshore wind projects. In terms of construction, the challenge of shipping massive components to the quayside for storage,

The contractual regime

assembly and then deployment to site, is often

No single standard-form contract exists for the

dwarfed by the task of actually installing these

offshore wind sector. To date, BIMCO, LOGIC

same components within a limited weather

and FIDIC contract forms have proved popular in

window, particularly where this takes place at

the UK offshore wind market.

long distances from the shore. Adverse weather may also have a knock-on

Under Alex Blomfield





payment of hire continues irrespective of delays

effect on other parties and will commonly have a

or stoppages caused by adverse weather

significant impact on the project schedule. Thus,

conditions. However, if weather conditions are

for example, if a vessel has been reserved for a

unexpected and exceptionally bad, then the

particular time slot, and bad weather prevents

company may be able to claim relief under the

work from being carried out during that period,

force majeure provisions in the charter. Under

it may be some time before another slot for that

the Supplytime, neither party is liable for any

vessel can be reserved. Additionally, variations

loss, damage or delay if the party invoking force

in the weather tolerances of different vessels

majeure is hindered from performing any of its

and the windows of good weather required

obligations under the charter. However, the party

for different scopes of work can create major

relying on an event of force majeure is expected

challenges for the scheduling of multi-vessel

to make all reasonable efforts to minimise or

installation contracts.

avoid the effect of a force majeure event. Further,

On a project basis, the multiple contracts

a force majeure event may result in termination if

in place with various stakeholders, such as

it prevents the performance of the charter for an

equipment suppliers and vessel operators, make

extended period.

the likelihood very real that one party’s delay will

The FIDIC Conditions of Contract (Red and

cause serious delay to other parties. Weather

Yellow Books) deal with the matter differently

risks need to be quantified at the time when the contract is negotiated and the risk allocated to

and allow for an extension of time for completion Guy Leonard

theBaltic Spring 2012

of construction if there is a delay caused by


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Alternative strategies

Another consideration is how adverse weather

However, the contractor has no entitlement to

None of the three contractual regimes provides

delay should be reflected in the remuneration of

compensation for such conditions, and may

a satisfactory solution as to how to deal with the

a contractor, in cases where the contractor

even suffer the cost of any acceleration methods

risk of delay and disruption caused by adverse

does not assume the weather risk. This issue is

designed to mitigate the effects of such delay.

weather. So parties who use these forms as the

straightforward in the case of day-rate contracts

The FIDIC conditions do not define what

basis for their agreements will need to negotiate

such as the Supplytime, where each day of

weather events fall within ‘exceptionally adverse

specific provisions to deal with weather risks and

adverse weather is compensated at the day rate

climatic conditions’, nor is there a universally

with the impact that these risks may have on

(or perhaps a reduced rate), as a further day of

accepted definition of this term. Parties when

time and cost incurred during a project. These

hire. For lump sum contracts where instalments

negotiating a contract based on the FIDIC

provisions will need to be tailored to the specific

of a lump sum contract are paid against specified

conditions are therefore advised to define what

project and may need to be quite creative to

milestones, the picture is more complicated. In

constitutes adverse weather conditions as well

mitigate the potential impact of adverse weather

such cases, the contractor may risk liquidity issues

as the location where the applicable weather

to the project as a whole.

where completion of the relevant milestones is

When entering into negotiations, due diligence

delayed due to adverse weather. It is possible to


should be carried out as to the weather conditions

solve this issue by including an ‘adverse weather

actual weather conditions experienced during

at the relevant site so that parties can negotiate

day’ payment milestone.

construction with historical weather data for the

an approach tailored to those conditions. This

Another way might be to maintain a minimum

site in question. Whether or not this is feasible

would facilitate a better understanding of the

monthly payment under the contract in addition to

depends on the availability of historical data.

potential impact of adverse weather risk at the

the milestone payments. In the former case, if the

Given that the first offshore wind project in

outset of the project and reduce the risk of

period of adverse weather exceeds the stipulated

Europe dates back to the early 1990s, the data

significant schedule and/or costs adjustments

allowance, the contractor will be reimbursed

available to permit a comparison of current and

being introduced further down the line.

on the basis of the additional ‘adverse weather

measurements are to be taken. One





day’ milestone.

historical weather information is limited and may

An allowance for adverse weather conditions

not be conclusive. For instance, metmasts, which

can also be built into a construction schedule.

Contractors will need to be careful to observe

are used to collect wind data, have only been

Calculating a realistic allowance can however be

any notice or other formal requirements relating

installed in recent years, thereby limiting the

extremely challenging. Weather data may provide

to claiming an extension of time due to adverse

empirical value of such data.

predictions of likely conditions over the course of

weather. Daily weather logs should be kept as

The FIDIC conditions also contain force majeure

a fixed period of time. However, each operation

well as records of the work which has been

provisions, the definition of which includes natural

may require specific windows of ‘good’ weather,

affected by weather, the nature and cost of the

catastrophes such as earthquakes, hurricanes,

for example a specified number of hours to

delay and the steps taken to minimise such delay.

typhoons and volcanic activity. Although force

relocate from one location to another, or to install

These records should be as detailed as possible

majeure events do not affect the obligation to

one or more blades on a turbine. At times or

so as to ensure there is sufficient evidence of the

make payments to the contractor, the challenge

locations where weather is typically changeable,

severity of the weather conditions.

lies in establishing that the adverse weather

such weather windows may take substantially

Developing a market standard approach

conditions being experienced are sufficiently

longer to appear than can be deduced from the

to the issue of adverse weather risk in the

serious to constitute natural catastrophes.

mean weather readings.

construction of offshore wind projects should

The LOGIC General Conditions of Contract

The potential margins of error in building

be a priority for the offshore wind sector. It

2003 also deal with adverse weather as part

contingency into a project schedule are enormous.

is likely that some degree of tailoring would

of the force majeure clause. However, in these

Where there are multiple vessels working on an

remain necessary to reflect the peculiarities of

conditions force majeure only extends to

integrated schedule, errors in these calculations

the individual projects. Nevertheless, all parties

physical disasters and excludes all other weather

are likely to prove costly. Where a contractor is

would benefit from the reduced negotiation time

conditions regardless of severity. In contrast to

contracting on the basis of a lump sum, fixed

and increased certainty that this would bring, not

the FIDIC conditions, the LOGIC form does not

schedule contract, it would be prudent to include

least given the complexity of multi-contracting

have a general extension of time clause. Instead,

significant contingency in terms of time and cost

structures for offshore wind projects.

the contractor will be held responsible for the

to reflect this risk. If the weather is favourable, the

timely completion of all work done and will have

contractor may receive a considerable windfall

to notify the company of any proposed or actual

and the employer may face substantial wasted

An interesting development

stoppages of work and any other matter likely

costs in terms of the rest of the spread.

BIMCO has announced that its drafting

to affect its completion. The LOGIC contract






committee is working on a new standard

does favour the contractor in so far as it has the

carve out adverse weather in general, or some

contract for offshore wind farm maintenance

unilateral right to suspend works in the event

excess of adverse weather, from the lump-sum

service vessels. Although this will not be tailored

that such suspension is necessary for the proper

contract price and include it as a reimbursable

to the larger vessels that need to be used for

execution or safety of the work in question.

element. This enables the project schedule to

the installation of turbines, foundations, cables

Unless work is suspended due to contractor

be calculated against the most realistic projected

and substations, it will be interesting to see if

default, the LOGIC contract stipulates that the

weather patterns, thereby minimising the risk

this form provides any progress on a market-

contract price shall be adjusted in accordance with

of wasted spread costs where the weather

standard approach to dealing with weather

the relevant provisions relating to remuneration.

follows the projections. This will not cut out

risk. However, no amount of clever contractual

Parties will need to take this into consideration

all of the fat, however, as the employer will still

drafting will eliminate the dramatic impact that

and allow for appropriate rates in the event of

need to ensure the availability of the spread

adverse weather can have on the timely and

suspension due to weather-related conditions.

in case the projections are wrong.

on-budget completion of offshore wind projects.

theBaltic Spring 2012


Towage and salvage

Salvage industry must prepare for new challenges In tough market conditions, salvors face tackling the new generation of mega container and cruise ships


ecent, widely publicised casualties

to unload the containers, and where to store

as best it can. Proper planning and research,



any boxes which are salvaged. And how would

and a commitment to invest in new initiatives,

containership Rena off the coast of

you go about unloading boxes from some of

will help. But it may be the case that the wider

New Zealand, and of the cruise ship

the current stacks, which are extremely high?

shipping industry will have to fully consider the

Costa Concordia in Italy, have focused public

Do we even have the cranes to handle this sort

implications of how we respond to casualties

attention once more on the dangers inherent in

of situation?

involving ever larger merchant vessels.”




operating ships.

“One thing we do know is that it will take

The fact is that, whether employed as

a significant level of investment to equip the

workhorses in the international transportation

salvage industry to the level which is likely to

Deepwater Horizon moment

of goods, or as floating hotels for the leisure

be required to respond to such a situation.

Andrew Chamberlain, a partner at law firm

industry, ships – and those on board them –

Multraship continually invests in the maintenance

Holman Fenwick Willan told Maritime London

are never far removed from potential danger.

and improvement of its fleet, its equipment and

delegates in January that “We are going to have

The shipping industry is highly regulated, and

its personnel. Other operators do the same.

a shipping case that is our Deepwater Horizon

has an excellent safety record, but – like any

This is despite the fact that the salvage industry

and the only surprising thing is that it hasn’t

other industry – it is vulnerable to operational

is hurting as badly in the current economic

happened yet”.

disasters. It is the job of the international salvage

downturn as is the wider shipping industry which

Sadly the event took place only two days

industry to respond when things go wrong in

it serves. Even so, new investment alone may

before the Costa Concordia tragedy. Salvors

shipping, but it could be argued that the nature

not be enough.

have repeated raised concerns about salvage

of the challenge faced by the salvage sector

“The salvage industry is putting a great deal

operations involving large cruise ships as well as

has now changed, to the extent that a rethink

of thought into this issue, and trying to prepare

mega containerships, the subject for discussion

is required.

at the Maritime London event.

Leendert Muller, managing director of

In discussing whether the industry was ready

Netherlands-headquartered towage and salvage

for a casualty involving the new generation of

specialist Multraship, says, “The Rena was by

mega containerships, Mr Chamberlain, like Mr

no means one of the larger containerships.

Muller, pointed to the fact that casualties such

There are ships with five times that capacity

as the MSC Napoli, the MSC Chitra and most

in operation today, and if one of those were

recently the Rena, did not involve very large

to suffer a similar fate to the Rena then we

container vessels. At 4,688 teu, the Napoli was

really might be testing the boundaries of the

the largest containership in the world when she

salvage industry’s resources. The same, or

was built and now ships are being built which

similar arguments, could be advanced in terms

can carry three times as many containers.

of the increasing capacity and size of today’s

Compared to the past, when a major casualty

cruise ships.

would have had 10-15 bidders from the salvage

“The salvage industry is assessing the

industry, there were now only a handful of global

challenges posed by the development of mega-

players and the salvage industry was “in the

sized containerships, but it is not necessarily the

eye of the perfect storm,” Mr Chamberlain said.

size of such ships which might be the problem.

He described the salvage industry as being “in

There are already some very large tugs out

crisis” with not only revenues, but the number of

there, and arguably sufficient numbers of them

cases down on previous figures.

available to respond to a major casualty. More

Not only was the industry facing a global

to the point, perhaps, is the issue of where

recession but the dynamics of salvage cases


Leendert Muller

theBaltic Spring 2012

Towage and salvage had changed dramatically because, while in the

New appointment

past most of the value was in the ship, 80-90%

The International Salvage Union last month

of value now centred on the cargo. Added to

announced that it has appointed Mark Hoddinott

this, the environmental lobby was becoming

to succeed its secretary general, Mike Lacey, on

increasingly vocal and political pressures had

his planned retirement at the end of 2012. He

also increased.

will start with ISU in April 2012 and he will work

In considering which salvage contract is

closely with Mike Lacey for the rest of the year

appropriate, Lloyd’s Open Form (LOF) is more

to ensure a smooth transition of responsibilities

relevant than ever, Mr Chamberlain said, as

between them before he takes up the position

it was the only contract that could be agreed

formally in October.

instantly, and best endeavours obligations on

Mark Hoddinott will be general manager

salvors were very tough. These mean that

and will combine the role of secretary general

the salvor has an obligation to “throw all his

with that of general manager which will be

resources at the problem”.

vacated this spring on John Noble’s planned

The introduction of the Special Compensation

retirement. He is well-known in the shipping

P&I Club (Scopic) clause has given LOF a

sector and has extensive experience of the

“rejuvenatory boost,” he added. However

salvage industry. He started his career at sea

claims were rising, as were clean-up costs, and

and holds a Master Mariner’s Certificate. He

disposal and recycling of wrecks was practically

joined the UK’s United Towing as a salvage

impossible under the terms of the London

Mark Hoddinott

Dumping Convention protocol and the Ospar Convention. Another challenge was managing to get general average and salvage security in

officer in 1982 and subsequently served as salvage master, performing a number of notable

allowed into the River Scheldt.

salvage operations. He later moved into senior

Salvors, Mr Chamberlain told Maritime delegates,




management with Howard Smith, then Adsteam,

cases where hundreds of cargo claims might



before joining US-owned Titan Salvage as its

be involved.

challenges, not least because of the “fashion”

managing director for Europe. Mark Hoddinott

With 140 mega container vessels at sea, Mr

for accusing them of negligence which made it

has also served on the ISU’s Lloyd’s Open Form

Chamberlain expressed surprise that a major

“hardly surprising” if they did not rush to assist

Sub-Committee since its inception in 2006 and

casualty had not yet occurred. Last year’s

a casualty. The issue of whether big players will

has been the chairman of that committee for the

grounding of the 11,660 teu MSC Luciana

be averse to taking risks, and the difficulties of

past three years.

fortunately resulted in a successful salvage

recruiting and training new salvage masters are

The president of the ISU, Andreas Tsavliris,

operation within hours, however the vessel was

just two problems. Investment in equipment

said: “Mark is just the right person to take

in real danger of breaking her back, and has

is also necessary as equipment may not be

over from Mike. He knows the salvage industry

sparked a “vigorous debate” in Holland and

available to deal with offloading cargo during an


Belgium as to whether big vessels should be

incident where all the value is in the cargo.

operations as a salvage master and he also has





impressive experience in senior management roles. It is with great pleasure that I welcome him aboard. “I should also like to thank Mike Lacey for the huge contribution he has made to the ISU over many years. His achievements are immense – too many to list – suffice it to say he has been at the forefront of our work and his legacy lies in the numerous documents, contracts,


and many other aspects of




business in which he has been involved, as well as the




general he


organised since 2006 for ISU. He will leave the ISU in very good shape and on very good terms.” MSC Luciana

theBaltic Spring 2012


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Participants study the material in between sessions and write an assignment for each module. These assignments, as far as possible, will be focused on a problem related to the candidate’s own firm. For the final integrating strategy project, topics should be chosen for their strategic purpose and integrating function, giving participating companies a valuable and practical analysis.

Each module presents theories and gives a thorough introduction to reading material and motivates participants for their independent studies.

Pre-MBA (optional) Module 00

Accounting and international economics

18-20 Sept. 2013

Copenhagen Denmark

23-28 Sept. 2013

Copenhagen Denmark

02-06 Dec. 2013

Copenhagen Denmark Copenhagen Denmark

Shipping as a Business and a Market Module 01

Shipping as a business and a market + Leadership

Understanding the Global Environment Module 02 Module 03

Supply-chain management – new logistical challenges International economics and market analysis + Leadership

10-15 Feb. 2014

Focus on Maritime Issues Module 04 Module 05

Ship design 07-11 April 2014 The maritime legal framework Operational management and information technology 23-28 June 2014 + Leadership

Hamburg Germany Copenhagen Denmark

Core Management Issues Module 06

Investment analysis, risk management and finance

01-05 Sept. 2014

Module 07

International marketing and organization Introduction to ISP Process Managing strategy and change Introduction to Industry Analysis + Leadership

03-07 Nov. 2014

Module 08

12-17 Jan. 2015

London UK Copenhagen Denmark Copenhagen Denmark

Integrating Strategy Project (ISP/Thesis) Presentation of Industry Analysis Introduction to Company and Issue Analysis Presentation of Company and Issue Analysis Introduction to Implementation Plan Presentation of the ISP with Implementation Plan (oral defence)

18-20 March 2015


08 August 2015

20-22 May 2015 05-07 August 2015

Copenhagen Denmark Copenhagen Denmark Copenhagen Denmark Copenhagen Denmark

Shipmanagement, crewing and education

Slow-steam ahead as ship manager defends claim Liability for engine damage or cargo shortages are just two areas which ship managers and operators have to tackle


hip managers face exposure to liability

engine was not caused fundamentally by the

completion of discharge are always based on

on a number of different fronts. By way

slow-steaming and that the late replacement of

the difference between the net bill of lading and

of example, International Transport

the piston-ring had a negligible impact.

outturn quantities in the first instance.

Intermediaries Club (ITIC), the specialist

This analysis was the basis for a strong

Even if both terminals carry out their

mutual which provides professional indemnity

defence and settlement was agreed for a

measurements diligently, each will, quite legally,

insurance in the transportation sector, cites a

nominal amount.

round off temperature and ullage readings in

case involving main engine damage suffered by

its favour, so differences are only to be expected.

a gas carrier managed by one of its members.

The bill of lading quantity may be overstated

Tanker cargo shortages

and the outturn quantity may be understated. In

engine and found that the piston ring had been

One of the major sources of cargo-related

the absence of a like for like comparison, the

subject to excessive use and caused damage to

claims in the tanker sector is the focus of a new

ship is the only common factor and therefore

the main engine. The manufacturer of the piston

publication from the UK P&I Club entitled ‘How

the measurements that are taken on board are

ring recommended a working life of 8,000 hours

to prevent tanker cargo shortage claims’.

extremely important.

The owners conducted a survey of the main

but the manager allowed it to be used for slightly

The new publication explores the causes of

The checklist also points out that cargo

longer. The owners claimed that the ship manager’s

claims and how to avoid them during pre-loading,

inspectors are, like all of us, human and therefore

negligence caused the engine damage.

loading and unloading. It identifies the main

do from time to time make errors. Causes of

The ship was slow-steamed during the

causes of cargo loss, the discrepancy between

errors and how to avoid them are detailed.

member’s management and it was suggested

what was loaded and what was discharged,

When unloading, again a good relationship

that this had also added to the damage. When

arising from both on board and shoreside failings

with the cargo inspector at the discharge port

the damage to the main engine came to light, the

and compiles the key points to consider in

is essential.

manager replaced the piston ring but, to save

several distinct sections, running from the pre-

fuel, the ship continued at 50% speed.

loading phase through to discharge.

ITIC obtained technical analysis of the claim,

The checklist begins by considering whether

which confirmed that slow-speeding over

the ship is suitable for the nominated cargo or

extended periods is widely known to risk

cargoes to be loaded to ensure, as far as is

damaging the engine. The decision to slow-steam

practical, whether charterers have provided

was taken by the owner, with whom rested


ultimate responsibility. In addition, the owner’s

and maintaining records during loading and

representative on board, the chief engineer,

on passage.

would have seen the damage as it developed and should have reported it to the owner.




The checklist, was produced with the assistance of Captain David Payne of Associated Petroleum Consultants Ltd.


Any meeting with terminal staff should not be limited to filling out cargo and safety checklists,

It also came to light that the ship had been

the club says. It’s in the ship’s interest for the

slow-steamed under a previous manager for a

chief officer to take these opportunities to build a

longer period. In view of the fact that the ship

strong working relationship with shore personnel.

was slow-steamed for a longer period before the

Likewise, a good relationship should be

member took over its management, most of

developed with the cargo inspector.

the damage would already have occurred. There

Establishing the amount of cargo loaded is of

was no conclusive proof that the damage to the

course critical. Claims for alleged shortages after


theBaltic Spring 2012

UKP&I tanker shortages

Shipmanagement, crewing and education New InterManager members

were put in prison for environmental incidents


over which they had little control.





InterManager is expanding with new members





including ship management companies Histria

increasingly alarmed that new entrants will be

and Green Wave, international law firm Hill

put off by fears of becoming embroiled in court

Dickinson and crew communications provider

cases relating to pollution incidents, or face


gaol sentences. At a time when retention of key

InterManager has also appointed Captain

shipping personnel is vital, the industry is also

Paddy McKnight as its International Maritime

concerned that experienced crew members will


decide to find alternative sources of employment



rather than face the risk of prosecution.

InterManager was previously represented at the

INTERTANKO will be working with the World

IMO by Svein Sorlie of Wilh. Wilhelmsen Holding

Maritime University and with the individual

ASA, who has now retired from shipping.

student chosen to undertake the new study.

Captain William (Paddy) McKnight spent 37 years in the Royal Navy, during which time he

The association has identified criminalisation

Commanded three warships – HMS Shetland

as a high priority item for its work plan. In

and frigates HMS Leander and HMS Brave –

addressing this issue, INTERTANKO’s insurance

and was second-in-command of The Royal

and legal committee has sought to study

Yacht Britannia.

emerging cases, case law and national, regional and international law which supports this ‘blame

On leaving the Royal Navy he spent 15 years as the UK representative at the Japanese

Joe Angelo

culture’ trend. “It is this blame culture that has led to

Shipowners’ Association and was a member of the shipowners’ delegation throughout the

Oil spill software

the criminalisation of our seafarers simply for

genesis and development of the Maritime Labour

The Great Lakes International Marine Training

doing their job,” says Ken Marshall, chairman of

Convention at the ILO in Geneva.

and Research Centre has recently launched its

INTERTANKO’s insurance and legal committee.

PISCES II oil spill software.

“We believe that this work will be a tangible





benefit to our members and indeed to seafarers

InterManager secretary general Kuba Szymanski

The simulation equipment is an addition

said: “We are delighted to welcome Paddy

to the TRANSAS bridge simulation equipment

to InterManager’s team and look forward to

already in service and means that oil, fuel and

It is to assist this study that the association

working with him. He is an industry veteran

almost any other type of spill can be modelled

is establishing from January 2012 a PhD

with the characteristics we believe this position

and trained through this software.

Fellowship in Marine Pollution Law at the World

and the whole shipping industry worldwide.”

Maritime University in Malmo, Sweden.

demands and his presence at the IMO will

“This new equipment and software uses

enable us to ensure our organisation is fully

very realistic current and other meteorological

“INTERTANKO has taken every opportunity

appraised of key industry matters and that our

information so that companies and their teams

to highlight the unfair treatment that is frequently

members views are suitably represented.”

can participate in highly accurate exercises and

meted out to seafarers after an unfortunate

test plans to a level not previously possible,”

accident,” says Joe Angelo, managing director.

says Captain Peter Buell, director of the centre.

“The association is keen to bring to an end

“Features include the same high level of charted

the common infringement of seafarers’ basic

accuracy as the TRANSAS bridge system. Real-

human rights.”

time reactions are used and exercises can be

The fellowship programme will research into

time-lapsed to move from event to event quickly,

the growing trend of criminalising seafarers

but with realistic results, and consequences to

in marine pollution incidents. By conducting

decisions made.”

a comprehensive analysis of existing judicial

Management training also has the same high

decisions relating to marine pollution incidents,

level of realism. The six-day course covers all

it will look at whether such criminal proceedings

elements needed to manage a spill event and

are in compliance with existing international

culminates in a full-day exercise putting into

law. In particular it will examine the notion of

practice what has been learned.

criminal liability in marine pollution law, and the implementation of international conventions (UNCLOS, MARPOL) under domestic laws and

Criminal liability organisation

“Seafarer welfare has always been a

INTERTANKO is to fund a three-year PhD study

matter of prime concern in the development

into the emerging law and policy on criminal

and delivery of the WMU curriculum” says

liability for marine pollution and the effects of this

Proshanto Mukherjee, professor of maritime

on seafarers.

law and policy “WMU therefore welcomes this


Kuba Szymanski

EU law.



The issue of criminalisation of seafarers has

fellowship opportunity generously provided by

become of increasing concern in recent years,

INTERTANKO in pursuit of intensive analysis of

with a number of high profile incidents like that

the criminalisation of seafarers through doctoral

of the Hebei Spirit or the Prestige when masters

research at this university.”

theBaltic Spring 2012



Steel challenges John Banaszkiewicz considers how utilising risk management software could benefit every player in the steel industry, from the producer to the end user


he global steel industry is facing the

freight and steel products, each tradable on

biggest challenge in its history and is

their own or linked to provide hedging along the

set for a period of radical change not

supply chain. We think the time is right for the Virtual

seen since the Iron Age.

Over the years, steel has been seen as

Steel Mill based on the changes we see going

traditional and conservative, particularly in

on in the steel industry. On the demand side,

procurement, favouring a combination of long-

there is a growing marketplace comprised of

term contracts and annual pricing to secure its

financial players (banks and funds), physical

supply chain.

players (mills and mines) and service providers

This system worked well when prices were

(shipowners and trading houses). Macro-

stable and demand certain, but the future will

economic uncertainty is creating interest to trade

not be like that. The future of steelmaking and

on both a speculative and hedging basis.

trading will require the use of risk management

In Asia in particular, there is increased interest

across all raw materials and finished products.

in trading freight and commodities together,

The drivers of this are a huge increase in spot

with dedicated teams of traders emerging. As

price visibility for iron ore, steel, coking coal and

John Banaszkiewicz of Freight Investor

noted above, volatility and volume is increasing,

freight and increased volatility in prices, not just


creating the conditions for improved risk management.

of raw materials but of finished products, too. For example, in 2011 iron ore delivered into

Steel mills are opposed to frequent changes

On the supply side are hybrid voice/screen

China has seen highs of $191.90 per tonne and

in pricing but will increasingly find themselves

brokers such as FIS, regulated electronic trading

lows of $116.90 per tonne, a difference of 39%.

dealing with suppliers whose prices are index-

platforms such as Cleartrade, clearing houses

Australian origin coking coal has seen highs of

linked to provide transparency.

with freight and commodity expertise such as

$336.25/t and lows of $246.15/t (27%). Chinese

This has created the conditions for increased

LCH.Clearnet and SGX AsiaClear. Don’t forget

reinforced bar steel has seen highs of $786.36/t

use of cash-settled iron ore swaps by producers,

that these are regulated markets (by the FSA in

and lows of $677.47/t (14%).

traders and mills alike. The growth in this market

the UK, MAS in Singapore) that are in step with

So for a 50,000-tonne iron ore cargo, the

has been phenomenal. More than $8.7bn or

changes taking place in financial regulations.

$75 difference between the high and the low of

56m tonnes of iron ore swaps, options and

After iron ore, coking coal is the second

2011 represents a potential loss (or saving)

futures contracts have been traded against the

‘new’ ingredient in the Virtual Steel Mill with an

of $3.75m. In 2009 some 80-85% of iron ore

TSI contract alone, with considerable additional

established physical market which is moving

was sold under annual, fixed price agreements,

volumes settled against the Metal Bulletin and

towards spot pricing and embracing risk

with just 15-20% sold spot. By 2011, just

Platts indices. In 2011, total liquidity in cleared iron

management. Global steel production is highly

15-20% was being sold on a spot basis and

ore swaps was some 47m tonnes with substantial

dependent on coking coal, with 70% of the

70-80% under index-linked pricing. Just a tiny

additional tonnage traded over the counter.

steel produced today using it as a raw material.

Steel success in future will derive from

World crude steel production was 1.4bn tonnes

The move to index pricing, driven by the iron

improved market intelligence and research

in 2010, accounting for around 721m tonnes of

ore producers, was made to reflect the volatility in

and the greater use of risk management

coking coal demand.

pricing caused first by increased demand then by

through access to derivatives markets. To help

Just like iron ore, a swaps market is emerging

price weakness. Major iron ore producers are

steelmakers, traders and importers come to

to help producers and consumers manage risk.

increasingly keen to move from quarterly pricing to

terms with the new reality, Freight Investor

The first coking coal swap was traded in August

index-linked sales as they seek to track the spot

Services (FIS) has developed the Virtual Steel Mill,

2011 and total volume of swaps traded so far is

price. The iron ore majors have made clear that

a concept that encompasses risk management

around 87,000 tonnes.

this move is a one-way process, with limited

from producer to end user, combining cash-

The liquidity of the physical market means

opportunities to revert to quarterly pricing in future.

settled swaps for iron ore, coking coal, scrap,

there are some 26 coking coal price indices


theBaltic Spring 2012

fraction is still sold under long term contract.

FFA produced daily by Argus and Platts. Alongside the OTC

TSI Iron Ore China Delivery 62% Fe

market, there are three contracts listed on CME for mid and


low vol products all basis FOB Australia. Coking coal swaps


participants include coal suppliers, steel mills, commodity


traders and financial institutions.

170 160 $/dmt

The less mature parts of the Virtual Steel Mill like coking


coal, scrap and finished steel can learn from the experience


of the freight market. The volume of cleared Forward Freight


High: $191.90/dmt Low: $116.90/dmt


Agreements in 2011 fell, but only slightly. FFA volume totalled


just over 1 million lots – Capesize FFA volumes were up

100 Jan‐11

by 12% and options climbed by 28%, meaning that the












Source: The Steel Index, Freight Investor Services

aggregate decline was just 0.19%. Key FFA players already include many of the same

Coking Coal Spot Prices ( fob Australia)

participants who are looking at the Virtual Steel Mill, spanning


the supply chain from mine to mill. FIS believes that steel industry players need new ways of


working. Volatility means price risk and the chance that your producing finished steel.


High: $336.25/dmt Low: $230.09/dmt


margins will be wiped out between buying raw materials and


The physical and derivatives markets are closely linked, so that the forward curve, which shows prices at a range of


future dates provides not just a view on price direction but 225

a real competitive advantage in the physical market. Using













Source: Argus Media, Freight Investor Services

hedging means that users can shift the focus in physical negotiations away from purely price and onto an added value

Capesize Freight Tubarao ‐ Qingdao

relationship – physical relationships are not only maintained 31

but strengthened.


Hedging is accomplished by means of a cleared, over


the counter, cash-settled swap. The OTC swap is traded in swap is submitted for clearing to a clearing house meaning

High: $30.73/t Low: $16.56/t

25 $/tonne

conjunction with and not in place of a physical trade. The


that default risk is covered. The swap is cash-settled,


meaning there will be no physical delivery associated with


it. By trading OTC swaps in parallel to trading a physical


product, a buyer can lock in the future price they pay and

15 Jan‐11












Source: Bal;c Exchange, Freight Investor Services

a seller can lock in the future price at which they sell in the physical market.

Cape Freight W Aus ‐ Qingdao

Trading OTC swaps without a parallel physical position is 14

term, most experts agree that markets need a certain amount


of speculation to generate liquidity and volume. Speculators


are there to absorb the risk that hedgers offload.


Comparing freight and metals to other commodity


known as speculation. Despite the bad associations of that

High: $13.46/t Low: $6.34/t


markets, the first FFA trade was concluded in 1992 and it


took another 10 years for clearing to emerge. Today physical


and paper market volumes are close to 1:1 parity. The first


iron ore swap trade took place in 2008, with clearing added

6 Jan‐11







a year later. Physical to paper parity is around 1:0.16. In the






Source: Bal;c Exchange, Freight Investor Services

thermal coal market, the ratio is 1:4 and in crude oil 1:10.

Chinese Rebar

Taking steel as a single commodity market, it is second only to oil in size and therefore represents a huge opportunity


for increased risk management. We foresee a situation in the


not too distant future where steel industry participants are 750

products in the same way that other commodity producers


trading a ‘blast spread’ across raw materials and finished


and consumers trade ‘crack spread’ in the oil market, or


‘crush spread’ in agricultural products.


This new reality is still emerging but the direction is set. All


serious steel market participants need to embrace the Virtual

650 Jan‐11

High: $786.36/t Low: $677.47/t





Steel Mill and all the benefits it will bring.








Source: Cleartrade, Freight Investor Services

theBaltic Spring 2012


Corporate viewpoint Triple Point Technology

Staying afloat in rough waters: conquering mark-to-market valuation challenges By Javier Navarro, freight risk solutions manager, Triple Point Technology


ow confident are you that you know – really

to use complex formulas to “adjust” the indices to

Furthermore, many companies will limit

know – the true value of your business on

account for the proper vessel sizes and routes.

themselves to using the simplistic in-the-money/

any given day? Are you 100% certain that the

This is frequently done using antiquated

out-of-the-money calculation to drive valuations

methods and tools you’re using to calculate

spreadsheets, which is a very dangerous method

rather than other, more complex methods that

your fleet’s mark-to-market value are providing

for calculating freight rates. Spreadsheets are

are more accurate – purely because the more

accurate results?

prone to human and formula errors that cause

complex methods are difficult to manage in a

If you have to stop and think about your

inaccuracies, which in turn affect the MTM

spreadsheet. Companies using the in- and–

answers to either of these questions, then your

valuation of the entire portfolio. Overvalue the

out-of-the money calculation stand to lose a

company’s future may be at risk.

fleet and there will be a very rude awakening

significant amount of capital, especially when the

when an unexpected event requires funds

market is close to the level of the contracted hire

which, to the company’s surprise, don’t exist.

rate, because the formula is not sophisticated

In the turbulent seas of the shipping industry, understanding the true market value of your fleet

enough to effectively account for the frequent

is the difference between sinking and swimming.

Challenge 2: Calculating the value of multiple voyages

swings of the market.

cargoes and vessels, operating expenses such as bunker fuel costs, and other variables mean

Another component of MTM valuations is the

The solution

that a fleet’s value has the potential to swing

number of voyages that a vessel is expected to

The good news is that charterers and operators

wildly from one day to the next.

make. It’s often uncertain as to what a vessel’s

can maximise profitability and minimise exposure

Performing frequent mark-to-market (MTM)

activity will be. If there is only one trip, then

to risk with chartering and vessel operations

valuations is an integral part of doing business,

usually it’s clear what voyage will be undertaken.

solutions that are designed specifically to

and is critical to ensuring the financial health of

If there are multiple voyages, a valuation must

address these challenges.

a commercial shipping operation. However, due

be made using a best guess on what the

Softmar Chartering and VesselOps™ from

to the highly unpredictable nature of the industry,

subsequent voyages will be. This uncertainty,

Triple Point Technology® is the leading software

the complexity of calculating freight rates, and

compounded with the use of spreadsheets, can

solution for comprehensively managing freight

flaws inherent in popular valuation methods and

make producing an accurate MTM valuation

risk, chartering and vessel operations on one

tools, companies often end up with inaccurate

exceptionally difficult.

integrated platform. Error-prone spreadsheets

Volatility related to the number of available

numbers. This provides an erroneous picture

are eliminated, enabling companies to operate

of financial standing that can result in lost

Challenge 3: Maintaining objectivity

with a complete picture of enterprise position

profits, faulty decision-making, and ultimately the

Perhaps even worse than performing calculations

and exposure. The solution also empowers

demise of an entire business.

with antiquated spreadsheets is performing

charterers and shipowners to make more


calculations based on subjective information.

informed and proactive decisions, streamline

associated with calculating accurate MTM

Some companies perform MTM valuations using

day-to-day operations, and protect profits by

valuations and how to address them is critical to

numbers based on personal and often skewed

providing a global view of vessel movements,

staying afloat in the rough waters of the cutthroat

views of the market. It should go without saying

market cargo availability and existing cargo

shipping industry.

that this subjective input can result in very

commitments. With Chartering and VesselOps,

inaccurate numbers that obliterate all hope for a

the commercial maritime community can:

valid MTM valuation.

• Quickly and accurately determine freight




Challenge 1: Freight rate adjustments

rates: Optimised for dry cargo, gas, tanker

The value of commodities in most markets is

Challenge 4: Determining how long to keep a vessel

and parcel operations, Chartering and

time by looking at an index such as NYMEX. On the other hand, in the shipping industry, the

Unlike the previous challenges, this one is a

and accurately with just a few mouse clicks.

freight rates that play a large part in determining

result of having inaccurate MTM valuations.

“Non-standard” individual routes can be saved

a fleet’s MTM valuation are not so crystal clear.

Time charter contracts specify the minimum

in the system and used to drive valuations

The indices for freight rates, which are

and maximum time a charterer will use a vessel.

based on any combination of cargoes,

provided on the Baltic Exchange, only take into

The accurate market value of a vessel must be

vessels, load, and discharge operations on a

account certain “standard” vessel sizes and a

known in order to determine whether it should

limited number of “standard” routes. In reality,

be kept for the minimum contracted time, or

very few vessels are of a standard size or

longer. If the data driving the valuation is faulty,


perform standard voyages. This presents a

then the resulting decision is likely to be faulty

handles consecutive voyages and voyage/

challenge for operators and charterers, who, in

as well, and a charterer may end up hanging on

time charter combinations with ease. A

order to determine accurate freight rates, have

to a vessel that is losing money.

unique “next open voyage” feature uses


theBaltic Spring 2012

transparent – easily determined at any point in

VesselOps can calculate freight rates quickly

voyage and/or time charter relet basis. • Easily







Corporate viewpoint Triple Point Technology portfolios in real-time as daily prices and forward curves are published. The solution automatically recalculates the forward book value and provides an expected P/L based on forward expectations. Advanced technology automatically analyses the potential profit or loss before an agreement is made to transport cargo.

Protecting the bottom line Accurate MTM valuations are critical to protecting profits and remaining competitive in the maritime industry. However, many companies are unwittingly jeopardising their bottom lines and incurring significant enterprise risk by using inaccurate information to determine their fleets’ value and make important business decisions. Companies that don’t know their fleets’ true value operate in dangerous waters, risking lost profits that could ultimately cause their entire business to go into an irreversible decline. In order to minimise risks, maximise profits and remain competitive, commercial owners, charterers and operators must embrace technology solutions that ensure accurate MTM valuations and provide complete transparency across enterprise operations. Used daily by over 2,500 shipping industry personnel worldwide to control fleets of five to over 250 vessels in the tanker, gas and dry markets, Softmar Chartering and VesselOps from Triple Point Technology is the shipping industry’s leading solution for controlling costs and risk. operations

With Chartering and VesselOps, charterers

the MTM value of a voyage based on best

management: Chartering and VesselOps

and operators have fast and easy access to

available information.

effectively manages all post-fixture activities

accurate information for better decision-making,

• Quickly determine how long to keep

of a commercial operation and enables

increased operator productivity, and ultimately a

a vessel: Automatically and accurately

operators to keep track of day-to-day

bigger bottom line.

calculate whether you are in- or out-of-the-


money, or apply physical option intrinsic

discharging, bunkering and disbursement

valuation calculations with the click of a

accounting. Schedules can be maintained

button in order to determine whether to keep

manually or retrieved directly from the

a vessel or turn it in for another one. Intrinsic

vessel reporting system. A P/L summary

valuation calculations are performed by the

is automatically maintained, showing the

system as if they are call options, since there

variance between actual and estimated

is the right, but not the obligation, to extend

charges. A detailed breakdown of individual

the time charter duration for a certain price.

charges can be viewed with one click.

In addition, Chartering and VesselOps

Voyage results are updated in real-time as

sophisticated and unique logic to adjust

provides a wide range of other features and

• Extensive





new information is entered.

functions designed to provide fast access to

• Complete freight risk management:

actionable information that manages supply

Analyse position including vessels, Freight

chain margins and enterprise risk, including:


• Comprehensive chartering management:

Affreightment, cargo bookings, cargo relets

Manages all pre-fixture activities of a

and options. See where you stand with

commercial operation, including voyage

a consolidated view of total physical and

estimating, cargo management and vessel

paper freight risk exposure, MTM analysis,

management. Chartering and VesselOps

and long/short position. Calculate option

allows an unlimited number of ports and

premiums specifically aimed at the shipping

Tel: +1 203 291 7979

cargoes per voyage and displays all key

industry and perform MTM based on the


information on a single screen.

next open voyage. Traders can monitor




theBaltic Spring 2012



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Time pressure for owners as new green legislation looms As deadlines approach owners and operators have to decide which route to take, low-sulphur fuel, which could be limited in supply, or to install costly new technology


amworthy Krystallon, who signed

annum, an annual saving of over $800,000 is

a contract in January with Hyundai

possible, based on a fuel premium of $40 per tonne

Heavy Industries for a full scrubber

against low-sulphur fuel oil,” Mr Jenssen says.

system on a VLGC under construction

“From 2015, when ECAs in Europe and

for Solvang, delivered the first ever commercial

North America will require a sulphur limit of

scrubbing system to Ignazio Messina & Co. It is

0.1% the premium will be $330 per tonne, the

the first of four to be fitted on the Italian shipping

savings climb to $6.6 per annum. In other words

company’s ro-ros.

ferry operators fitting exhaust gas scrubbers in December 2012 will have recovered their whole

According to Sigurd Jenssen, managing

investment by 1 July 2015.

director of Hamworthy Krystallon: “There is real concern over the 2015 ECA regulations, and we

“For vessels with less engine power, such

are starting to see more owners and operators

as tankers, bulkers or container feeders, the

actively consider what solution they will employ

savings are lower, but so are the installation

to remain compliant, but time is running out.

costs. A tanker burning 10,000 tonnes of fuel

Shipowners and operators are increasingly

inside the ECA will have seen its investment paid

aware of the impending supply chain issue

back by 1 October 2015.” Wärtsilä completed its

facing the market, but many fail to consider

acquisition of Hamworthy at the end of January

that once a scrubber system is installed, it is

and it claims that the combined companies’

important to develop operational experience

strengths will improve the savings it can make

prior to using it on a daily basis.”

for its customers. operators

The growing emphasis on port-led corporate

operating in ECAs will have a simple choice –

social responsibility has prompted carbon

either pay the $300 to $400 price differential for

management consultancy Carbon Positive

costly distillate fuel or install a scrubber, which

to launch the first emissions management

typically has a payback of less than two years.”

programme specifically to help ports to adopt

There have been negative opinions voiced

a single, long-term strategy to manage their

about scrubbing technology and according to Mr

energy and natural resource requirements. This





Jenssen “it is perhaps a lack of detail that has

Helena Athoussaki

will enable them to reduce their carbon footprint and ultimately contribute to carbon emissions

caused consternation in the industry and created a misleading perception of scrubbers, and distorted

3.5% sulphur HFO 380cSt fuel, “more than 97%

reduction targets for the shipping industry as

the reality that they are the most cost-effective and

of SOx and 85% of particulates are removed.”

a whole.

So what are the benefits of using scrubbing

Environmental CSR is becoming increasingly

“There is no question of operational viability

technology? “For a ferry operating wholly within

significant for ports and stakeholders, including

of the technology in terms of reducing sulphur

an ECA where the compliance limit is currently

terminal operators, refineries and logistics

and particulate matter emissions.” By using a

1.0%, and burning just over 20,000 tonnes per

partners, as financial institutions consider this

theBaltic Spring 2012


efficient way to reduce sulphur emissions.”

3 Annual Asia rd

Held In Conjunction With:

greenshipping conference

23 – 26 April 2012 • Raffles Convention Centre, Singapore


Produced by

International Marketing Partner

Tabletop Sponsors

Official Media Partners

Lanyard Sponsor


Supporting Media Partners

Supporting Organisations

Environment an essential element of assessing maritime

carbon emissions will have a competitive

variety of ship sizes and types. Applications for

investments. In response, the climate change

advantage as further regulations come into force

the system include bulk carriers, oil tankers,

challenge is driving ports to explore sustainable

and fuel prices continue to fluctuate.

survey ships, passenger ferries and even

business development opportunities and take a

“Working with an expert to handle a

unmanned surface vessels,” the company says.

proactive approach towards energy efficiency



In addition to the Aquarius MRE System,

and innovatively greening the supply chain.

including live, on-board energy audits is an

a future Aquarius Eco Ship would also be


Commenting on changes taking place in the

investment in the competitive advantage of your

fitted with other fuel-saving measures such as

shipping industry as a whole Helena Athoussaki,

fleet and one that more shipowners are taking

an advanced electrical propulsion system, an

chief executive of Carbon Positive explains: “The

seriously at a time when ensuring compliance

optimised hull design and waste heat recovery

ongoing discussions of both global and regional

with new environmental regulations and keeping


regulatory developments is a contributing factor

a competitive edge are vital for success,”

to an industry-wide lack of understanding of

she adds.

The company claims that the combination of technologies could lead to fuel savings of 40% or more and also dramatically reduce the emission

emissions management, but this serves to

Eco Marine Power Co Ltd, based in

highlight the importance of getting ahead of

Fukuoka, Japan, which designs eco-friendly

of noxious gases

regulation. EEDI and SEEMP alone will not be

ship concepts that incorporate the latest green

“An Aquarius Eco Ship could include enough

the last carbon regulation shipping will face over

energy technology is currently working on a

solar panels for 1MWp solar system or larger

the next few years, with both UNFCCC and the

number of design projects including the solar-

and enough energy storage modules so that

European Union currently deliberating over market-

electric hybrid marine power (HMP) vessel Tonbo

the ship would not need to use auxiliary diesel

based measures. With this in mind, it is imperative

and eco-solar ferry Medaka.

generators whilst in port. These energy storage

including SOx and NOx.

The company has recently unveiled a

modules could be charged via the solar panels

concept ship design incorporating its Aquarius

or by the ship’s main generators. Importantly the

“Taking a holistic approach to emissions

Marine Renewable Energy (MRE) System. This

Aquarius Eco Ship and Aquarius MRE System

management is critical to ensuring that

concept design is called the Aquarius Eco Ship,

have been designed to take into account the

shipowners can maximise these commercial

which is the result of a comprehensive study

reality of operating rigid sails on ocean-going

benefits of fuel and cost savings that can result

project that focused on optimising the design of

ships and include a range of specially developed

from running more efficient vessels.

a large ocean-going ship, such as a bulk carrier

safety features.”

that shipowners plan ahead and take action to measure and reduce their carbon emissions.

“This approach ranges from understanding that carbon has a price, the importance of

or oil tanker, to harness the power of the wind and sun by using the Aquarius MRE System.

Eco Marine Power is now seeking to work with a shipyard or shipping company in order to

measuring your carbon footprint and monitoring

The system incorporates a variety of elements

develop the Aquarius Eco Ship concept further,

this on an ongoing basis, right through to

including solar panels, energy storage modules,

and, it is hoped, lead to new design concepts.

achieving emissions reductions. Investing in

a computer control system and an advanced

The company will also begin test activities

efficient vessels is the first step in a long-term

rigid sail design.

related to the Aquarius MRE System this year

programme of managing carbon emissions, and

“This green shipping focused solution

and is seeking to co-operate with additional

shipowners that plan ahead for a three-phase

has been designed to be highly flexible and

development partners and strategic investors in

programme of measuring, reducing and offsetting

configurable so that it can be installed on a

order to produce a commercial version.

Aquarius ECO-SHIP

theBaltic Spring 2012


Corporate viewpoint Biofriendly

“As a Biofriendly customer we have been monitoring our fleet since October 2008. In that time, monitored ships have shown an average improvement of 2% to 3% in fuel economy. We have seen the cost of IFO 380 rise significantly recently making the return on investment from Green Plus attractive.” What is Green Plus? Green Plus® liquid fuel catalyst is an increasingly adopted technology that is garnering attention from marine companies worldwide. Biofriendly Corporation is an environmental company that created Green Plus to help fuel users improve air quality.

How does Green Plus work? Green Plus is a product that improves the performance of fuel. This is a critical concept that Biofriendly Corporation addressed in developing Green Plus. When you improve the performance of fuel, it behaves in an engine as if it were a much higher quality fuel. Arafura emissions testing

What is meant by higher quality fuel? In the United States and Europe, motor vehicle fuel is generally refined to very high specifications;





Fuel Sulphur %













thus we see much lower harmful emissions







in those areas. However, that super fuel is

% Change






considerably more expensive than standard fuels

Baseline and Treated data measured in grams per kilowatt hour

and it is hard to find in less developed countries. The highest quality consumer fuel in the world can be found in California, where residents pay

earlier in the combustion cycle. At the same time

Emission Diesel (TxLED) programme. Here Green

a premium of up to $0.50 per gallon over what

it smoothes out the combustion. More complete

Plus showed that it significantly improved lower

fuel costs in the rest of the country.

combustion results in a reduction of CO2, NOx,

quality Texas diesel to match the performance

SOx and the telltale smoke associated with poor

of California diesel, which is the highest quality


consumer diesel in the world. The exhaustive

How does Green Plus make standard fuels perform like high quality fuels?






Rather than changing the available energy of

Can Green Plus prove that it does improve fuel?

inspectors and the results were reviewed

the fuel itself, as is done in the refining of higher

Absolutely – one example is that Green Plus is

Environmental Quality (TCEQ) after consultation

quality fuels, Green Plus changes the combustion

approved by the State Government of Texas

with the US Environmental Protection Agency.

characteristics to release more of the energy

for use in diesel fuel sold under its Texas Low

The result was that consumers in Texas now

and approved by the Texas Commission on

enjoy the same quality of diesel fuel that can be Results summary Baseline Ship Tromso

Treated with Green Plus

with other prod.

found in California for much less money. % Change

% Change

over other prod.

Total GP effect

















theBaltic Spring 2012

How does a government approval for diesel emission reductions apply to heavy fuel oil? Green Plus has been used in marine applications across the globe and the results have matched what has been proven in diesel applications.

Corporate viewpoint Biofriendly

Why are customers choosing Green Plus? Green Plus will consistently lower greenhouse gas emissions with reductions in CO2, CO, NOx, SOx, as

mile to 1.04 litres per prop mile, a decrease

Emissions Testing Consultants (ETC) of Victoria,

in oil consumption of 0.13 litre per prop mile

Australia and Scientifics in the UK have been

or 11.1%.





smoke and soot build-up. Green Plus is easy to implement as it is used at the rate of 1 litre treating 25 tons

on board ships using Green Plus to collect

“With the scavenge doors removed, I was

the data that confirms this. Furthermore, it

afforded an excellent close-up view, and was

Green Plus is easy to deliver. It can either

has been proven that using Green Plus in

able to confirm that the scavenge and under-

be added directly into the bunker tanks via

marine applications improves fuel economy and

piston spaces were in a comparatively clean

the sounding tubes or with a metering pump

reduces maintenance costs.

state with little combustion residue after almost

that treats the fuel as it’s transferred to the

400 running hours, certainly the best condition

day tank.

Are there examples of test results?

I have witnessed on this type of engine in normal service.

of fuel.

Green Plus has undergone extensive endurance






“The same was true of the finned tubes of the

maintenance, oil use and overhaul intervals.

Emissions example

exhaust gas boiler on which very little deposition

Wartsila and Man B&W have both written

Test data on the containership, Arafura, was

was observed, especially compared with

“Letters of No Objection” stating that Green

gathered by ETC (see table, opposite). This data

previous inspections. Attached to this message

Plus does not harm their engines.

came from its report:

are photographs supporting the above findings.”






See photographs below.


essentially the same yet the vessel was using fuel with sulphur 39.1% higher compared to

Green Plus has been used for billions of kilometres in on-road and on-ocean

Fuel economy

Efficiency improvements from using Green

the Baseline period without Green Plus. NOx

Green Plus has been tested for its effects on fuel

Plus tend to balance out the effects of hull

emissions were down substantially.”

economy in several shipping fleets. In those

fouling. This allows a significant increase in the

tests, Green Plus has shown a 2%-5%

intervals between dry docking.

Maintenance example

improvement. Some of the results that users

Green Plus is inexpensive to buy, offering

Man B&W conducted a 4,778-hour test on a

typically find with varying vessels can be seen in

users upwards of a 600% return on investment.

7S50MC Hitachi engine using Green Plus. Data

the results summary, opposite.

from its report says: “The piston No. 5 was overhauled in connection with end of test with the fuel additive Green Plus from the company Biofriendly. This piston was also overhauled at the start of the test and at that time as now the condition was good with low wear rates for all parts.” The following quote on Green Plus comes from a test report written by a technical superintendent: “Average exhaust cylinder temperature dropped 1.3% or 4.2 degrees Celsius from 332.3 to 328.1. Ratio of cylinder lubricating oil to prop miles fell from 1.17 litres per prop

theBaltic Spring 2012


Oxford Analytica

WTO role in dispute settlement looks resilient W

ith the WTO’s Doha Round







blocked, and possibly dead,

procedures – now as under the General

there is no immediate prospect

Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT), the


WTO’s predecessor – are that:



to liberalise world trade or overhaul trading

• every member stands ready to discuss

rules. This means that WTO rules that govern

(“consult on”) any rule-related issue that

world trade will stand unchanged, while trade

another member may raise with it; and

itself evolves and new issues and problems

• if the parties cannot reach agreement, the

arise. In this context, WTO arrangements for

membership as a whole will help achieve a

handling disputes between its members will be

settlement, normally through establishment

increasingly crucial to keeping trade growing

of an independent “panel” of (normally three)

and restraining protectionism.

trade experts, to review the complaint and make findings and recommendations. In their simple GATT form, these elements

What next

could produce satisfactory outcomes. However,

While lack of prospects for progress in the

if major interests were at stake, or the panel’s

medium term in multilateral trade negotiations

judgement was challenged, the losing party

has damaged the international reputation of the

could ignore panel recommendations and veto

WTO as a venue for rulemaking, the importance

any follow-up action.

of the organisation’s dispute settlement system

This changed with the new WTO dispute

• Countries will increasingly look to the WTO as a venue for dispute settlement rather than rule-making. • The WTO dispute settlement system will be under increasing pressure to become more flexible.

Historically, the United States and the EU are the most active users of the WTO dispute settlement mechanism Key players These






will not decline. Countries will continue to use it

rules, which:

considered the most effective feature of the

due to its efficiency in resolving most disputes

• added a standing professional Appellate

WTO. Nearly 430 disputes have been brought

within agreed norms. Furthermore, its existence

Body (AB) to review panel reports on request;

is key to preventing protectionist escalation in

• introduced time limits for each stage of the dispute process;

difficult economic times.

• removed the possibility of veto by the loser; and


to the WTO since January 1995:

1. United States and EU Almost half (211) of these have involved the United States, either as initiator (98 cases) or

• authorised retaliatory trade measures by the

target (113) of complaints. The EU has initiated

The immediate purpose of the WTO dispute

injured party if offending measures are not

85 WTO complaints, and been the target of 70

settlement system is to adjudicate cases in

removed or compensated.

– several more cases have involved individual


EU members. The prominence of the United

challenge other members’ trade practices that

States and EU reflects their importance in world




they believe breach the trade rules and thereby


trade, as markets or suppliers. Both economies

damage their trading interests. Its broader aim

• Even if there is an unlikely agreement at the

have also each been the other’s most frequent

is to reassure all members that the rules will

Doha Round, this will change little in the

remain effective.

WTO’s dispute settlement system.


theBaltic Spring 2012


Oxford Analytica 2. Other important players Canada, involved in 50 disputes, most often as complainant, is in third place, followed by Brazil and India (both 39) and, in descending order, Mexico, Argentina, China, Japan and South Korea.

3. Record since 2008 In the 50 disputes launched since mid-2008 (the beginning of both the Doha Round stalemate and the global economic crisis), the United States and EU have remained major players, involved in 23 and 15 cases respectively, though facing each other in only two. China (a member only since 2001), has been involved in 20 of the 50 cases, in 13 instances as defendant.

40% of disputes since mid-2008 have involved China either as a defendant or initiator

A container ship enters Europe’s largest port, Rotterdam

• Another 39 disputes concerned such traditional GATT issues as tariffs, national treatment, border restrictions, customs valuation and taxes and charges

4. Developing countries

• may discourage future efforts to negotiate multilateral solutions to trade problems. While






difficulties, overall trade issues raised in

• ‘New subjects’ – services, intellectual

disputes demonstrate that the system can

property and environmental measures –

help restrain protectionist pressures, even

prompted just eleven disputes.

when multilateral negotiations are blocked

Few disputes have been between developing


countries, and those have been mostly among

protectionism set to rise - September 21,



neighbours. Of the 100 complaints since

Success or failure?

2011). Furthermore, delays are generally

March 2005, only 19 have not involved the

The WTO dispute settlement system has critics.

shorter than in international commercial

EU, the United States, other developed WTO

Some complain of the long time it takes to

litigation (see INTERNATIONAL: Changes

members, or China. Of these, 13 were between

move from an initial complaint to an AB ruling

increase ICC court appeal - November 11,

Latin American countries, 2 between Asian

and final compliance by a government found

2011). The system has other advantages

countries, 3 between CIS countries, and just

at fault. Others go further, suggesting that

for countries:

one (between South Africa and Indonesia)

the system:

• As under the GATT system, many disputes

between regions.

• is too rigid (see INTERNATIONAL: WTO disputes to become more flexible - June

5. Trade flows and rules uses The trade flows covered by these disputes vary widely, though most concern goods (often agricultural products) rather than services or intellectual property. The trade rules principally

17, 2010). • substitutes legalism for diplomatic efforts to seek practical compromises; • cannot handle disputes in which losers refuse to comply with rulings; and

are resolved through consultation, or through acceptance of panel reports or AB rulings. • Since legal argument is given priority over economic clout, the WTO system can achieve results impossible under the old GATT rules – examples are the EU banana case (see INTERNATIONAL: Banana deal

involved are far fewer:

creates winners and losers - December 31,

• Of the 100 recent disputes, 44 have

2009) and the US administration’s recent

concerned dumping, subsidies or safeguard

decision to abandon the ‘zeroing’ principle that inflates estimates of dumping.

actions, the same measures most cited

• Even the most complex and commercially

in inventories of current protectionist

significant cases make progress – for


example, an arbitrator’s ruling next month

Disputes that reveal weakness in trade rules could lead to future multilateral negotiations

© Oxford Analytica 2012. All rights

in the Airbus subsidy case will decide the

reserved. No duplication or transmission

level of retaliatory measures that the United

of this document is permitted without the written consent of Oxford Analytica.

States may take against the EU. • Individual




Contact us:

weaknesses in trade rules, providing the

contacts/ or call +44 1865 261 600 or

basis for later multilateral negotiations.

in North America 1-800 952 7666

theBaltic Spring 2012


Maritime Protection

MAST is a leading maritime security company with a strong global presence and offices in Malta, UK, Djibouti, Oman, Sri Lanka, China and South Africa. We can deliver a cost effective security service in the Gulf of Aden and Indian Ocean and provide onboard protection teams who will sail with your ship through the areas of concern. The Company is also active in support of large maritime security projects including exploration, dredging and construction projects in difficult and dangerous environments. MAST is a member of the British Association of Private Security Companies, SAMI and a signatory to the International Code of Conduct for Private Security Companies. MAST has various divisions including an explosives ordnance and survey capability, a specialist security system design and installation department and a mega yacht department. For further information please contact MAST’s UK or Malta office. MAST Malta 12 Tigne Place Mezzanine Level M1 Tigne Street Sliema Malta Tel: +356 21 323 773/4



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Maritime security

Armed approach Maritime security may be a relatively new topic on the agenda, but it is generating plenty of headlines


aritime security continues to top

demonstrably operating within existing legal and

integrity and probity – basic stuff when running a

the agenda with concerns over

regulatory frameworks. Indeed, so far, few

company which most of these security providers

Somali piracy growing. However

companies seem to have even a rudimentary

don’t seem to understand. It is almost as if for

the use of armed guards on

understanding of the insurance and contractual

them it is enough to be able to shoot guns over

ships have been highlighted by the recent

issues that P&I Clubs, for example, have been

the side of ships at potential hostiles.”

shooting off the coast of India. A number of

highlighting. There are companies providing armed

Such outfits are “writing cheques for the

international and company initiatives to combat

maritime security services safely, lawfully and

shipowner that can’t be cashed” he believes.

the problem have been put forward; meanwhile,

professionally, but at present they are a notable

Security companies are not reading the guidance

the underlying political situation in Somalia

minority. This should be a concern to shipowners.”

that is out there, he maintains. While criminal and

shows no sign of being resolved any time soon.

Mr Wilkes says the company’s clients back

civil liability issues are important, if just the basic

Issues like the payment of ransoms and the

its dissatisfaction with the quality of security

standards of safety are adhered to that will start

abilities – or lack of them – of security firms being

personnel which are based on the body of

to mitigate the risk of an accidental discharge

employed to provide armed guards to ships

evidence provided by the vetting of a substantial

of weapons, he says. “If you don’t address the

continue to be of concern, not least as far as

number of them. “If it was just a question of

basics you will never get to grips with them. If

qualifications are concerned.

some grey areas in weapons’ licencing and

we work it up from first principles we shut out

According to Gray Page, which provides

accountability, I think we would be sharing the

90% of the risk. Someone once told me ‘never

specialist maritime intelligence, investigation

same view as many. Actually we are talking

let the perfect get in the way of the very good’.”

and crisis management services, regulations

about more rudimentary issues like corporate

The International Group of P&I Clubs, he

and guidelines are already there to assess the

structure, insurance provisions, contractual

says, must be very clear about the level of

suitability of armed maritime security providers (AMSPs) for use on ships transiting the piracy danger zones. The company has put together an Armed Maritime Security Provider Vetting Programme which incorporates not only UK and EU legislation on the issue of ownership, licensing and control of firearms and ammunition, but also those regulations laid down in IMO conventions, as well as flag state and insurers own rules. According to James Wilkes, managing director of Gray Page, “It is a misconception that there are currently no standards against which the legitimacy and competency of AMSPs operations can be measured. There is a plethora of criterion that can reasonably be applied in vetting the activities of an AMSP. We support the call for maritime-specific regulation, but on-going industry deliberations in that respect do not obviate the regulations and laws that already exist with which AMSPs should comply. “Our vetting programme is exposing the fact that a significant majority of AMSPs are not

Captured pirates © IMO

theBaltic Spring 2012


Maritime security insurance it expects security firms to carry. The IMO also needs to remind firms of their responsibilities which are not just a question of drawing up a “snazzy brochure” but should provide client references. “That is in the IMO guidelines, but we need to keep driving this home. It is like security for your house, you can have all sorts of fancy equipment like lasers, but the first thing you do is lock your doors and windows. That is the ethos Gray Page has.” John Thompson, a director at Ambrey Risk, comments: “As the number of companies in the armed maritime security market continues to grow, it is inevitable that there will be significant variances in the integrity of the services being offered. “At Ambrey we are keenly aware of our legal and regulatory obligations in providing armed guards and pride ourselves on raising standards in the maritime security industry. We have taken the time to deeply understand the environment in which we operate and we have a duty to our clients to do so. By virtue of helping shipowners

Mike Salthouse

with their background due diligence on prospective armed maritime security companies,

“Similarly, using double layers of standard

Claus Hyldager, group chief executive,

Gray Page’s Armed Maritime Security Provider

mesh fencing to counter the threat of an RPG

ISS, concluded: “Piracy is one of the greatest

Vetting Programme is actually setting high

attack will actually increase the chance of a lethal

challenges the industry faces. While the

benchmark standards in our rapidly expanding


legislative debate continues on how to best

“Products provided include a light armour

tackle the issue in relation to armed guards, it

system again shaped ordnance, which involves a

is vital that shipowners have access to the best

Mike Salthouse, director of the North of

high tensile steel mesh that short circuits an RPG

equipment and onboard vessel and crew armour

England P&I Association, which is a prominent

projectile rendering its explosive shape charge

that provides appropriate protection, right now.

supporter of Gray Page’s says: “Gray Page vets

inert. Ramor 500 is a specially designed light

Our VPS operation and our expertise in this area

armed maritime security providers on behalf of

weight armoured steel that offers comprehensive

is testament to our commitment to helping our

North and its members, and the results to date

protection to the bridge and vessel’s access

customers meet these challenges that serve to

demonstrate that a number of companies are

points. The armour is able to withstand multiple

impact the efficiency of their operations and the

not meeting the generally accepted standards

hits from high velocity rifle rounds including

wellbeing of their crews.”

required of an armed maritime security provider.

AK47, making it ideal for citadel construction.

Meanwhile the SaveOurSeafarers Campaign

“While it is a concern that standards in the

The system does not require class recertification

has been targeting business leaders in an

as it is lightweight and easily removable.”

attempt to get them to increase pressure on

industry. Ambrey welcome the Programme and the transparency it brings to the market.”

armed maritime security sector are not what they should be, our members can be assured that the

Other products include the composite

governments to take action against Somali

vetting programme will help them identify those

ArmourA range of ultimate lightweight armour

piracy. The campaign estimates that this is

companies that operate professionally, safely

protection that has been designed specifically

costing the world economy about $12bn a year.

and, crucially, within the law.”

for the maritime industry. Products include

Inchcape Shipping Services and Vessel

fully certified Lloyd’s approved ballistic doors,

SOS SaveOurSeafarers Campaign chairman Giles Heimann says:


weapon cabinets and removable ballistic panels.

“These criminal gangs are holding the world

announced the launch of a new anti-piracy

Graham Fee, project manager, Inchcape

economy to ransom. Hundreds of seafarers

partnership which they claim “will provide

Shipping Services commented: “While Best

have been held hostage and the physical and

the ultimate protection for vessels and

Management Practices provide useful guidelines

mental ill-treatment they are forced to suffer

their crews while operating in known piracy

and recommendations to combat pirate attacks,

makes horrifying reading. Sixty-five seafarers

regions” including providing customers with

when it comes to ballistic protection, shipowners

have died as a direct result of Somali piracy

“highly effective fully certified systems that are

need real counsel on the kind of solutions to

in the past five years, through torture, murder,

designed to combat RPG (Rocket Propelled

adopt. Budgets are tight given the current

suicide, malnutrition and disease. The potential

Grenade) and small arms fire.”

economic climate, however there’s no point in

economic impact of the crisis is hugely

“Time and again we see bulletproof vests

just going for the cheapest material that may

disturbing given the knife edge on which the

issued to crews without hard armour plates,

tick a compliance box but doesn’t work during

global economy is currently perched.

and vessels using 8mm mild steel to protect

an attack and invalidates insurance; ultimately

the bridge, internal doors and citadels, which

costing more in the long-term. Our focus is

conducts trade though the Suez Canal and

will do nothing against a round from an AK47,”

to provide solutions that save lives, are cost

across the Indian Ocean to the Indian sub-

said Edward Unwin, sales director for Vessel

efficient and are proven by both military and civil

continent and Asia and Australasia is at

Protection Solutions.


risk. That’s about one-fifth of global trade.


theBaltic Spring 2012









Maritime security The payment of ransoms has been one of the issues that has been raised in the UK following the publication of a government report which dealt with the impact of piracy. “Piracy off the coast of Somalia has escalated over the last four years and is a major concern for the UK. The threat is not primarily to UK ships as very few have been captured. Rather, the threat is to the UK’s economy and security. Piracy affects the UK’s banking, insurance and shipping industries, and threatens the large volume of goods which are transported to the UK by sea. In light of these concerns, and as a state whose strengths and vulnerabilities are distinctly maritime, the UK should play a leading role in the international response to piracy,” the report said. It concluded that “the Government should engage with the shipping industry to explore options for the industry to pay for vessel protection detachments of British naval or military personnel on board commercial shipping” and welcomes the Prime Minister’s recent announcement that the Government’s position would be reversed and that private armed guards will be permitted on UK-flagged vessels. “We agree that the evidence in support of using private armed security guards is compelling and, within legal limits and according to guidance, shipowners should be allowed to protect their ships and crew by employing private armed security guards if they wish to do so.”

Koji Sekimizu © IMO

Other recommendations in the report include We feel that businesses which rely on these

them of the threat to their businesses posed

the risk that private armed security guards and

routes remaining safe will be keen to offer

by severe restrictions to one fifth of the world’s

ships’ masters might face extradition to another

their support. They rely on the movement of

major sea trade routes.

state following an armed incident “particularly

manufactured goods, raw materials, food and fuel to operate. “We need help from the world’s business

“We hope that in turn, they will bring pressure

where that state may not be able to assure a fair

upon their respective governments to eliminate

trial. The Government should set out the steps it

the piracy threat.”

intends to take to minimise this risk.”

leaders who have the foresight to understand

IMO secretary-general Koji Sekimizu met the

Other conclusions included “guidance on

the future impact of this progressively escalating

UN secretary-general Ban Ki-moon in January to

the use of force, particularly lethal force, is

problem. In business parlance, the pirate gangs

discuss the piracy issue.

very limited and there is little to help a master

have discovered the meaning of scalability – their

Mr Ban agreed with the view of Mr

make a judgement on where force can be used

criminal ‘business model’ now extends across

Sekimizu that capacity-building in Somalia and

and the fact that the government “must provide

an area of ocean twice the size of Europe.

neighbouring countries should be enhanced

clearer direction on what is permissible and what

“If this situation continues, there is a real risk

through cooperation between the IMO and UN,

is not. It is vital to ensure that armed guards

that the Gulf of Aden, the Arabian Sea and the

UN specialised agencies and other relevant

are properly trained and deployed in sufficient

entire Indian Ocean could become restricted

international organisations.


zones for shipping; that seafarers could simply

This initiative will build on IMO’s existing

Banning the payment of ransoms to pirates

refuse to sail into war-like attacks, captivity

capacity-building activities under the Djibouti

has also been a topic much in the press in

and the nightmare of suffering that follows; or

Code of Conduct, funded by the Djibouti Code

recent times. While the practice may have been

that shipowners will not put ships and crews

Trust Fund.

criticised, and is frowned upon by governments,

at risk. Using alternative routes will play havoc

Mr Sekimizu further informed Mr Ban about

so far no other solution to the problem has been

with costs and there is no alternative to sailing

plans to organise a counter-piracy capacity-

put forward. Banning the payment of ransoms,

through the area for over 40% of all seaborne oil

building conference on 15 May at IMO’s London

as law firm Holman Fenwick Willan pointed

which originates from the Arabian Gulf region.”

headquarters, as well as a high-level policy

out, would put shipowners in the position of

“Part of the role of business leaders is to

debate on arms onboard to take place on the

being unable to extricate crews from a hostage

seek opportunities and identify threats, “says Mr

first day of the 90th session of the Maritime

situation. As the time crews spend in captivity

Heimann. “Shipping industry representatives are

Safety Committee on 16 May. Mr Sekimizu

has lengthened, this is a serious consideration

in a position to make direct contact with world

encouraged high-level participation to these

as an onshore solution to Somalia’s problems

business leaders. We see it as our duty to warn

events from the UN.

seems likely to take many years.

theBaltic Spring 2012


Corporate viewpoint


MARITIME INCIDENTS There have been two significant incidents that were covered by the media and the results al‐ though very different will influence the maritime industry. The tragic events of Costa Concordia illustrated that an incident can happen anywhere and at any time. An investigation is ongoing that will scruti‐ nize the companies, the actions of the crew, the lay out of the vessel and the processes. If failings and weaknesses are identified and depending on the severity of the outcome and how it is pre‐ sented by the media the results could have a devastating impact on the image and the reputa‐ tion of the companies. Those clients that have vessels operating in a High Risk Area (HRA) the likelihood of an incident is increased. In our experience of operating in any HRA, it is paramount that stakeholders have an effective and developing risk management system, sound security and safety policies and a rehearsed emergency incident management plan for potential emergency situations. The second incident was the audacious mission executed by the American Navy SEALs to rescue two foreign aid workers kidnapped in Somalia. At the time of the raid there were a total of eight vessels and one yacht under pirate control with more than one hundred seventy crew, a UK tour‐ ist and two Spanish medics being held for ran‐ som. Although the raid is viewed as a success by the political powers in Washington, the raid raises a number of issues. Will the behaviour and the attitude of the pirates change towards the crew? Is the safety of the crew at risk? Will the pirates orchestrate wider separation between the groups of crew? Could the ransom demands increase? Will the pirates increase their opera‐ tions at sea and attack ships in increasing num‐ bers? Or, could the effects of the attack initiate the pirates to be cautious and wary? Could other Governments consider similar rescue attempts in Somalia? Hadcon analyses all maritime incidents and we assess all eventualities assisting our clients. HADCON Is a leading international maritime risk consul‐ tancy. Our distinctive methodology, work ethics

Managing Maritime Risk & delivering bespoke security solutions and our portfolio of services have been de‐ signed to meet the changing operational chal‐ lenges and support clients in recognising and managing the risks to succeed when operating in intimidating theatres and adverse condi‐ tions.

OUR SERVICES The services are bespoke to help clients at each stage of the project focusing on the de‐ sign, management of the build, company op‐ erations and re‐evaluation. OUR PEOPLE Hadcon is supported by a dedicated profes‐ sional management team that is highly experi‐ enced with professionals and specialists from the United Kingdom Special Forces, military and the maritime industry. We have high val‐ ues and the team exhibits the essential skills that are necessary in delivering a quality ser‐ vice that exudes confidence and builds long lasting relationships with our clients. ACCREDITATION Hadcon holds professional certification and accreditation with the Department for Trans‐ port (DfT) and the Maritime and Coastguard Agency (MCA). We have represented the International Mari‐ time Organisation (IMO) on mission risk analy‐ sis of the major ports of contracting Govern‐ ments and delivered the train the trainer courses. We are a member of the Security Association for the Maritime Industry (SAMI) with repre‐ sentation on the board of Governance and also a signatory company with the International Code of Conduct (ICoC). We have ISO 9001‐2008 certification and our management team operates under the quality management system ensuring the control of our processes.

RISK MANAGEMENT We have the experience and expertise in mari‐ time operations to assist clients identify, evalu‐ ate, prioritise and mitigate the operational risks to a level that is acceptable to all stakeholders. In the event of an incident; our emergency response and incident management strategies effectively manages the initial impact and the potential escalation of the risks. We can assist clients with: • Creating and establishing operations in new theatres. • Production of a risk management plan and anticipating risks of the future. • Production of security policies, procure‐ ment and an incident management strat‐ egy. • Production of a training regime that sup‐ ports personnel in the effective manage‐

PROJECT CONSULTANCY To meet the challenges within the maritime industry physical assets are becoming sophisti‐ cated and have the integrated technical sys‐ tems that are increasingly intricate and auto‐ mated. Our management team has the knowl‐ edge and proficiency to review the projects design and technical specifications package and create projected security solutions that are tailored to the requirements of the client and incorporated into the build programme. We can assist clients with: • Review of the design, major systems and the technical specifications package. • Production of a security integration policy for the design and build stage of the project ensuring approval from the international and national agencies. • Propose a procurement plan that meets the technical specifications and coordination of maintenance and spares package. • Coordination of demonstrations, trials and commissioning package. • Production of a security training package for the effective operation of the integrated technical systems.


Corporate viewpoint

VESSEL ESCORT SERVICE (VES) Hadcon’s unparalleled know‐how and experience has developed and tailored the VES for all types of vessels including specialised heavy lift and towing operations transiting through the high risk sea areas and providing support to compa‐ nies that have projects operating in areas of high risk.

Our VES layered security program mitigates the risks that stands the ultimate chance of success. Our PCASPs have passed our selection criteria that meets the standards of the IMO MSC circu‐ lars. We have robust Standard Operating Proce‐ dures (SOPs) and Rules of Force (ROFs) that fo‐ cuses on continuous assessment and using force that is appropriate to the situation. We can as‐ sist clients with: • A thorough risk assessment. • The provision of armed or unarmed security teams with specialist weapon systems and security equipment. • On‐scene survey of the vessel including the vessel’s existing defences; the operational systems aboard and recommend a treatment plan utilising BMP4 as guidance. • Passage planning and coordination with MSCHOA and UKMTO and National convoys. • Intelligence reports and piracy updates. • 24/7 monitoring and operational support. • Delivery of an anti‐piracy training package and practical drills. SECURITY PLANS & AUDITS The physical assets within the maritime industry can be multifaceted with many agencies working

to a standardised framework within the secu‐ rity management system. Hadcon’s methodology is proven with all ves‐ sel and port facility security plans being ap‐ proved and verified by the Designated Authori‐ ties and Flag States. We can assist clients with: • Production of security and incident man‐ agement plans and management of inte‐ grated technical security systems. • Arrange and coordinate table‐top and an‐ nual exercises combining all agencies. • Coordinate management inspections and annual audits. TRAINING Prevention of a safety / security incident is paramount and it is the responsibility of the companies that a robust training regime is in place ensuring personnel have the relevant competencies to carry out their duties and responsibilities effectively and efficiently. Hadcon’s training delivery demonstrates the highest quality instruction utilising a variety of training techniques. The training courses en‐ sure the delegates meet the commercial and operational standards of the Maritime Indus‐

try. Training Courses include: Company Security Officer (CSO) Course. Ship Security Officer (SSO) Course. Incident Management Course. Recognition and Search Course. Anti‐Piracy Induction Course. Team Leaders Initiative Course MNTB Elementary First Aid Course. Technical Systems Training Course.

• • • • • • • •

PROCUREMENT Hadcon is able to evaluate the design and tech‐ nical specifications of the project and recom‐

mend appropriate equipment solutions. We will manage the warranties and tailor a comprehen‐ sive maintenance, spares and training package to the client and the manufacturer statutory requirements. We can assist clients with: • Integrated technical security systems. • Hardening & Protective equipment. • Communications and tracking systems. • Specialist lighting systems. • New or chartered vessels for specialist pro‐ jects. • Navigation, radar and small target detection systems. DRUG / ALCOHOL SCREENING As part of the quality management control and duty of care policies; companies are incorporat‐ ing random drug & alcohol screening pro‐ grammes ensuring personnel have no health or personal issues. We deliver a drug & alcohol screening pro‐ gramme including a male / female team that adheres to the human rights of personnel and medical ethics preventing cross contamination prior to, during and post the screening proce‐ dure. When required specific samples are taken and sent to an independent laboratory for fur‐ ther analysis. We can assist clients with: • Designing a drug and alcohol screening policy. • Conduct crew/staff random drug and alco‐ hol screening tests.

Hadcon Limited Arena Business Centre, Holyrood Close, Poole, Dorset, BH17 7FJ, UK

Corporate viewpoint MAST

Keeping safe with MAST M

offices in Malta, UK, Djibouti, Sri Lanka, Oman,

Piracy concerns and commercial maritime security capability

South Africa, Hong Kong and China.

“..Maritime piracy is costing the international

AST is a leading maritime security company with a strong international presence and

The company is a global supplier of specialist

economy between $7- $12 billion per year “

maritime security services, operating in difficult

One Earth Future Foundation, Working Paper,

and dangerous environments.

December 2010

Its underlying ethos is to deliver an exemplary security service to its clients while respecting

The concerns over Piracy continue and

the environment, local and international law and

it remains an intractable problem for the

Mauritius, Kenya, Tanzania and South Africa

human rights.

shipping community.

thus ensuring support throughout the region.

It is also clear that the problem is not only

MAST also has a track record of extricat-

key stakeholders in the following ways:

spreading further across the Indian Ocean and

ing ships and crews from arbitrary detentions

l Customers: to deliver a consistently reliable

as far south as the Madagascar channel, but

and deadlocked situations in many of the most

appropriate and effective security service.

also that the pirates’ tactics are changing, with

challenging places around the world. The com-

l Employees: to provide rewarding and chal-

pirated vessels now being used in an attempt to

pany has a dedicated response capability with

lenging work and development opportunities.

capture more ships.

on-scene advice and negotiation, dealing with

The company aims to fulfil the needs of its

l Partners: to develop trustworthy and valuable

relationships with key partners in support of MAST’s global services.

Comprehensive security support

All these facts provide a unique challenge for the shipping community.

Ship hijacks and arbitrary detentions present

at sea and the changing political environment,

a unique challenge to marine underwriters and

more ship owners and charterers are being directed to provide for their own security. Private security companies provide part of

security service for its clients within the maritime

the answer to the problem, when used in con-


junction with the support offered by the inter-

• Yacht security • Design and installation of security systems • Commercial shipping security

national community and the various naval task forces operating in the region. For over six years, MAST has been delivering a responsive, cost-effective security service. MAST is currently in support of in excess of

• Explosives Ordnance Survey and Disposal

70 shipping clients, ranging from specialist tug

• Intelligence support

and tow, dredging and towed array operations

• Training

to tanker and bulk carrier operations.

• Hijack/Kidnap and Ransom (K&R)Response Service • lnsurance / research and support

It provides on-board protection teams, which embark ships or yachts in areas of high risk. The teams are comprised of British ex-Royal Marines or of equivalent experience. Once onboard, they use their training and skills to train the crew and increase the defences of the ship. Depending on the threat, insurer approval, peculiarities of jurisdiction and flag state, armed protection is provided during a passage. The company has permission to operate with firearms from Djibouti, Oman, Sri Lanka,


with the vessels recovery and crew repatriation.

In response to the increasing threat to assets

MAST provides a comprehensive, integrated

Its key services areas include:

ransom delivery arrangements to assistance

theBaltic Spring 2012

Corporate viewpoint MAST shipowners as no two hijacks are quite the same. There is always a complex web of different local and commercial interests at play. MAST‘s negotiation department is led by a former P&I Club director and Somali specialist, who have conducted 11 negotiations on behalf of shipowners.

Explosives ordnance disposal in the marine environment MAST also provides unique explosives ordnance survey and disposal service in support of pipeline, dredging and port development work and has specialist teams capable of deploying around the world. There remains a latent threat of unexploded mines and ordnance in numerous areas of the world’s coastal and deep sea oceans. In certain parts of the world during any exploratory sea bed operation, pipeline construction or port development, there is often a need to ensure that the area is free from explosives before com-

force in these unique circumstances is an exten-

mencement of work.

sion of that principle. With careful research and clear operating procedures including Rules of

The solution

Engagement based on a proportionate and rea-

A systematic survey and clearance operation

sonable response to the threat, it is arguable that

is essential prior to the commencement of full

the carriage of firearms represents a pragmatic

operations in areas where contamination is likely.

decision that can sometimes be justified.

Detailed feasibility studies outlining the size

MAST is also a signatory to the International

and scope of the operation will be conducted to

Code of Conduct for Private Security Service

acquire ordnance data on land or underwater.

Providers signed on the 9th November 2010 in

MAST EOD has the necessary combina-

Geneva. This vital step will give confidence to

tion of experience and expertise in the use

the shipping community when deciding on the

of underwater survey equipment to ascertain,

selection of a security partner.

plan, recover and dispose of historic ordnance if revealed during the survey phase.

Providers (the “Code”) endorse the principles

The Signatory Companies to this International

of the Montreux Document and the aforemen-

Code of Conduct for Private Security Service

tioned “Respect, Protect, Remedy” framework as they apply to PSCs. In so doing, the Signatory

Consultancy and research

Companies commit to the responsible provision

Working in conjunction with our client’s

of Security Services so as to support the rule of

engineers and experts, MAST will ascertain

law, respect the human rights of all persons, and

the level of contamination and likelihood of

protect the interests of their clients.

the presence of ordnance. MAST has clear the search and classification of land and under-

An effective partnership and appropriate response

water ordnance.

It is becoming increasingly clear that private

expertise, understanding and awareness in

After a comprehensive review of each par-

security companies in partnership with the inter-

ticular threat scenario, survey and clearance

national coalition authorities and the shipping

plans will be formulated.

community can ameliorate the effect of the current scourge of Piracy. Solving the problem of

Private security companies and the use of firearms

Piracy, however, remains a political conundrum

There are many valid arguments for and against

medium term evidence of a solution.

for which there does not appear to be any

the carriage of firearms on ships and a number of key factors that must be addressed before a decision is taken, including the legalities and rules of engagement. MAST provides armed security where the law permits and if it is appropriate to the threat. The inherent right of self-defence exists as a principle in most jurisdictions and the use of

theBaltic Spring 2012


Risk management

Understanding risk in order to manage it As often as not risk management is about down-to-earth practicalities


hipping is currently in the grip of

viability of a shipyard and associated guarantor

become more sophisticated in recent years.

a prolonged downturn. Against the

when entering into a newbuilding contract?

Moore Stephens, for example, has developed

background of a struggling global

“These are all situations where a focused

new software, accessible via the internet for

economy, freight rates are tumbling

approach to risk management could have

multi-location application, to help clients embed

and many owners and operators are struggling

significant benefits. Risk management itself has

risk management procedures into their day-today

to keep their heads above water.


Parties to contracts signed in a healthier



market and a more buoyant economy are now



looking to renegotiate deals and restructure

risk management is

their finances. For some, it is likely to be too

about understanding

late, but for others there may still be room for

the business you are


in, and understanding

Michael Simms, a partner at shipping

the areas where your

accountants Moore Stephens, says, “We are

business is at risk. If

currently working with clients and, in a number

you understand the

cases, with banks on risk management-

risks, then you can








going-concern, cashflow, impairment and loan



covenant reviews. As finance is very tight in

some cases, avoid

today’s market, the ability to produce a sound

them altogether.” According

and realistic business plan going forward is still


likely to meet with an encouraging response.




managing director of

“There are lessons to be learned from the current downturn. Shipping is an industry which


can benefit greatly from reducing its exposure

company is not just



to risk, not least because it is a significant user

involved in maritime

of outsourced services. And risk management


has become an increasingly important part of


the industry. A mixture of prudence and

piracy issues. “We

optimism, together with close attention to risk

have a long history of

management, may prove to be invaluable.

working with clients

risk or

to mitigate all kinds

“Time spent at an early stage assessing the potential risk involved in long-term charterparty


agreements, for example, could well prove to


be money in the bank further down the line.

claims risks as well

Similarly, it is wise to evaluate other counter-

as physical risks.”

party risks. Does the counterparty owe money

While piracy work is

under a derivatives contract, for instance?


And have you assessed the ongoing financial

issue, much of the


Michael Simms

theBaltic Spring 2012



be risk

they or


Risk management Wilkes explains, “I would argue that had there not been Somali piracy maritime security would not have been on anybody’s radar.” Investigation and business intelligence work is very strong he says. However, he does not believe that detailed, investigative due diligence has ever been a strong feature of the shipping market. Credit reports and brief checks on charterparty counterparties have taken place “but in terms of getting stuck into counterparty due diligence, it is not what the shipping industry is known for. Just because the markets have plunged doesn’t mean people are taking their due diligence more seriously.” The claims area has got very busy again because there is a hostile claims environment and all the P&I Clubs and insurers recognise that, Mr Wilkes explains. The nature of Gray Page’s work has changed somewhat. At one time a lot of the company’s investigative work related to electronic transfer attachments by proving that companies were affiliated. Now that Rule B attachments are not so readily available, the traditional tracing of assets and arresting of ships has become more prevalent again. For example, in Gibraltar ship arrests get priority in the Supreme Court. A lot of Gray Page’s work is now more focused on ship arrests in arrest-friendly jurisdictions like South Africa. He suggests that there are junior lawyers coming through who have not had experience in ships arrests

James Wilkes

because of the concentration on Rule B company’s work involves due diligence and

right diplomatic channels. Other issues, he

attachments for the past five years or so, and

claims litigation on which it does not comment.

says, include the loan book for newbuildings.

are having to learn from scratch.

“We are a genuinely broad-based provider, the

Banks have been lending to individuals, who

With the advent of the Arrest Convention

only thing we are exclusive to is the maritime

have in turn promised part of the ownership

last year, arrests are taking place in more

industry. Our work is all maritime trade related.”

to third parties, with the result that if the bank

jurisdictions and if a club or a fixed premium

Mr Wilkes says that the firm continues to

decides to foreclose it will find that three or four

underwriter is not prepared to put up a letter

support maritime law firms, P&I Clubs, owners

different individuals might have a claim on the

of indemnity or guarantee, the ship could be

and insurers dealing with corporate malfeasance

vessel. Gray Page aims to assist clients to settle

detained for months. Developing countries are

issues. Gray Page does defence, plaintiff work

their claims preferably without having to take

flexing their muscles and, as they mature, have

and expert witness work – in the commodities

expensive legal action. “People don’t apply a

more leverage over the cargo going in and out

field among others, in many different jurisdictions.

lot of common sense to risk management, they

of the country. “How do you prove something

“I suppose you could say that the economic

just hammer away on the legal side, and have

didn’t happen, which is what you are left with

and security and political climate creates the

a massive legal bill at the end of the day for

in many cases?”

ideal market for risk management companies

something that could have been sorted out with

The Bribery Act introduced in the UK is an

like ours. When the markets were at their

a few hours of decent common-sense thinking

additional hurdle that companies have to get

highest, freights were huge and everyone was

and a settlement.”

over. Mr Wilkes says Gray Page reviews its

earning a lot of money, nobody was thinking

There are plenty of countries in the world

Bribery Act compliance on a monthly basis,

about the down side.” In the current climate

where assets have been taken over by the

which he believes gives clients the assurance

things have changed and it also has to be

state, for example. Mr Wilkes believes that when

that the company operates lawfully.

acknowledged that natural resources and new

everything is going wrong people will get into a

The market situation at the moment provides

market growth may be in places where it is

crisis mentality, and want the perfect outcome

for a “fascinating working environment” he

difficult to operate. “Our clients look to us to

rather than the best outcome possible.

adds. Gray Page is working all over the world on

help them operate there safely and limit the

Business is growing across the board and

all sorts of different issues.The interesting thing

amount of exposure they have to risk and also

the company’s corporate investigation side is

about the investigator’s role, he says, is being

to help extract them if needs be.”

bigger in revenue and activity than the maritime

in the shadows of big cases, although sadly this

This help could involve advising them on

security side. The latter has really only become

cannot be used for marketing purposes.

security personnel, or plugging them into the

such an issue because of Somali piracy, Mr

theBaltic Spring 2012


Corporate viewpoint Rightship

RightShip One area of concern is RightShip’s independence – can people have faith in your system when you are owned by three major dry bulk shippers?

industry know-how to maintain and apply it.

Originally RightShip was formed to pool the

advice, and get the same level of support and

vetting resources and expertise of BHP Billiton

information as high volume charterers who vet

and Rio Tinto. Soon other shippers asked us to

5,000+ vessels per annum.

By offering RightShip as a third party service, we give organisations of all sizes access to a very sophisticated system and group of experts. If you think about it, a one-person start up can search for any vessel in the system, or call for

vet ships for them as a third-party provider, and four years later Cargill became an equal one-third owner.

Warwick Norman


Is the star rating system a bit simplistic?

RightShip would not exist if we could not

The one to five star rating is a quick summary of a

operate independently to equally support the

huge amount of detailed data, across more than

competing interests of our owners. And our

50 risk factors, which has been analysed and

third party business has grown bigger and more

processed by a sophisticated risk algorithm. So

diverse every year. As large as our owners’

while the rating might look simple, it represents a

shipping operations are, they now represent

complex evaluation of risk. We also present the

less than 50% of our vetting activity. That says

data behind the rating, to encourage users to

to me that around 200 customer organisations

understand the risks.

are pleased with the benefits they get out

But the most important thing to say about

of subscribing and are comfortable with our

the rating system is that it is not the end of the


story. It’s a signpost along the way. We will look,

ightShip has been welcomed across

We see a common acknowledgement among

with our customer, at what has led to a ship

the industry for its comprehensive,

our shareholders and our customers that a

being rated perhaps two stars, and often with

easy-to-use online vessel evaluations,

market with higher standards, where fewer low

updated information we may decide the risk is

24/7 phone and e-mail vetting sup-

cost-high risk vessels are employed, is a healthier

manageable and the ship is suitable for the task.

port from experienced maritime professionals.

market for them all to operate in.

We have all worked in commercial shipping operations, at sea and onshore, and our

Its customer base has grown and widened

Is RightShip suitable for smaller organisations?

customers know the goal of our recommendation

has recently launched an environmental rating to complement its existing risk rating and bring

A system like this is expensive and difficult to

the end, the decision is in their hands.

sustainability to the forefront of the selection

create and maintain. We developed the online

It’s getting the right balance and being both


system and enhance it regularly, and we have

systematic and pragmatic. The human element

built a pool of people with the experience and

is vital in getting the best commercial result. But

every year in its decade of operations, and it

But the rise of RightShip has also been accompanied – at times, and in some quarters – by confusion and even suspicion. CEO Warwick Norman says the vetting agency takes that response seriously and works hard to be transparent about its operations, its motives and its plans.

RightShip continues to be a strong commercial success – do you need to worry about your critics? RightShip has always had the ultimate aim of raising shipping quality standards worldwide. Clearly that goal needs industry players working in the same direction, so we listen and respond openly, and tell anyone who is willing to listen how the system works.


theBaltic Spring 2012

is the best commercial outcome for them. And, in

Corporate viewpoint Rightship using a rigorous, independent vetting system means you should get the same decisions, whether it’s 10.00 on Monday morning or 16.30 Friday afternoon, whoever is using the system and whatever their personal level of expertise.

Isn’t your system tough on owners and operators? It’s fair to say some owners have had reservations, although most feel more comfortable when we explain the system. Our vetting is designed to target vessels – and by extension owners and operators who offer them – that carry high risk and do not perform safely and reliably. We do not apologise for that. The flipside is that our approach rewards and gives incentives to owners and operators who invest in their ships, demonstrate good PSC and safety performance, associate their vessels with better-performing flags and class societies and/or link with reputable organisations like AUSMEPA and Green Award. We are always ready to give owners and operators advice and information about how to use RightShip as an opportunity to achieve those commercial rewards. That offer is open, not just to owners and operators who are customers and use our system to benchmark their vessels’

‘approval’ because our system vets each ship

performance, but to all owners and operators.

from scratch each time it’s nominated. New

It just makes sense for organisations to set a

The FAQs on are a good

data is added every day so a ship’s rating may

common approach to marine risk management

place to start.

change from one nomination to another – which

across their business, not to scrutinise one type

of course is good news for owners, flags, class

of vessel more rigorously than another.

growing significantly over recent years.

How reliable is the data? And how can owners check and fix errors?

societies and others who are acting to remedy can apply their own vetting criteria to determine

How does the environmental rating work?

RightShip acquires reliable data from many

a ship’s suitability, which may have nothing to do

Similar to the risk rating, it analyses a range of

independent sources, including IHS Fairplay,

with the Rightship risk rating – for example, ports

detailed data to give users a rating and displays

casualty data, Port State Control and terminal

and terminals may set specific beam or draft limits

other information they can use in vessel selection

performance information. Owners who are

or receivers may have age or other restrictions.

and benchmarking. In this case the data is

deficiencies and minimise risks. Also, customers

customers can check the system any time,

The simplest answer is that owners make

based on environmental performance, so it helps

while other owners may have concerns raised

their ships more attractive to our customers by

customers meet their sustainability policies and

by charterers or other customers. We encourage

demonstrating good performance, associating

other targets.

owners, whether customers or not, to give us

with higher-performing flags and class societies

We’ve been asked if it is the same as

more data if they wish and tell us if they think

and attending thoroughly and quickly to any It uses the same EEDI

anything is incorrect.

identified deficiency. We’re happy to give owners

data – which of course is used by many third

more detailed advice any time.

parties, including the IMO – and the same MEPC

How do owners get their ships recommended or ‘approved’ by RightShip?

vessel types, but gives a much bigger picture of

Isn’t RightShip really designed just for dry bulk ships?

each ship’s total environmental footprint.

Remember that our rating is a signpost, not an

That was the original driver. When we started

vessels, we and many of our customers are

inflexible pass or fail mark. Our recommendation

there were systems for tanker vetting, but on

convinced of the value of using it for comparing

comes down to whether the user, with our

the dry side there was no easy way of collecting

the relative efficiency of existing vessels in the

advice, believes the identified risks have been

the disaggregated data that was all over the

fleet. And, of course, engine efficiency and

addressed or can be managed. A higher-rated

world. However, we’ve always vetted tankers

bunker costs have been a focus in vessel

ship is likely to be accepted more readily than a

as well, adding value to existing regimes for our

selection decisions and charterparty rates for

lower-rated one, but, as mentioned previously,

customers, and are pleased to provide vetting as

some time.

the lower-rated ship can be acceptable on further

a third party contractor under the most recent

Early days, but we’re very pleased with the

investigation, possibly including an inspection.

OCIMF guidelines. In fact, RightShip’s online

level of interest and see this as a growing area of

vets and inspections for tankers have both been

demand for data, advice and support.

It’s also more complicated than a one-off

theBaltic Spring 2012

While some people feel EEDI is just for new


Ship finance

New credit lines Owners are seeking new sources of ship finance according to law firm Norton Rose’s latest report on the transport industry


he shipping sector is looking to new

of fronts, from a reduction in the amount of

On the one hand, he said, shipping

sources of finance in place of bank

debt available to an oversupply of vessels

companies expected their finance to come from

funding. While 43% of respondents

within some areas of the market. Despite

banks, whereas on the other, the cost of that

said that they expect their primary

this, the sector is proactively putting plans

borrowing could potentially destabilise their

source of funding will continue to come from

in place to adapt to market conditions and

business. He thinks that this message from the

bank debt over the next two years, 31% said

a significant number are seeking opportunities

survey suggested a lack of ambition on the part

that they expect this would come from private

in new markets and planning joint ventures

of owners in looking more widely for finance.

equity and 18% from export credit agencies.

and mergers.”

One thing the survey did throw up is that most


Forty two per cent of respondents to the



Norton Rose Group survey believe that a lack of

‘The Way Ahead’ is the

available funding poses the greatest threat to


the stability of their business and 40% say that the

released by Norton Rose

cost of borrowing is their primary concern.

Group. It details the views

Other findings from the research were that






56% are planning joint ventures, mergers or

respondents from a range

pools over the coming year and 55% said that

of companies involved in

their key priority is to maintain cash reserves

transport, including owner/

and secure funding lines.

operators, manufacturers,

Commenting on the report, Harry Theochari,

government entities and

global head of transport, Norton Rose Group,

professional services firms.

says: “The past three years has seen a notable

Of the respondents, 263

decline in the availability of bank lending to the

are from the shipping sector.

shipping sector and this has had a considerable





Theochari, he found it

Shipping companies are now looking beyond

interesting that 42% of

traditional forms of finance and are readying

people said the biggest

their businesses to weather further economic

threat to their business was

uncertainty over the next 12 months.”

a lack of available finance,





“The key priority post-2008 has been to

whereas a similar number

ensure secure funding lines are in place. The

of respondents said that

sector is drawing on the experience of the past

their finance was to come

three years and preparing to attract new forms

from bank lending.

of finance by reducing operating costs further





more and more opportunities for new equity

moment. It is very difficult

investors to enter the market, particularly from

to find anything to borrow

private equity which is showing growing interest

from a bank. Even if you

in the sector.”

could find a bank, the cost

Simon Hartley, head of shipping adds:



and disposing of non core assets. We’re seeing



of borrowing is so high that

“Shipping is facing challenges on a number

most people turn away.”


theBaltic Spring 2012

Harry Theochari

Ship finance Mr Theochari says Norton Rose has something of the order of $3-4bn worth of deals involving private equity players. He says that with all the bankers leaving the shipping sector there are plenty of good quality people available to advise private equity concerns. “We are seeing ex-bankers coming in on the private equity side, and ex-bankers moving into investment advisor roles, particularly in New York. I suspect we will see much more private equity business coming into the shipping business.” However, he says he doesn’t believe that private equity finance can provide all that is needed to finance shipping, or at least fill the void created with shipping banks coming out of the game. While big players can afford to provide the cash backing necessary, this is obviously not a position that everyone can emulate as many will simply run out of money, or the banks will not provide support. “It will be very difficult for people who have over-expanded or overextended to try and keep going unless this market cycle turns pretty quickly,” Mr Theochari says. “I have a horrible suspicion we are going to see a lot more blood on the table.” He predicted


September last year that there would be at least four US publicly listed companies that would go to the wall or into Chapter 11 before the end of 2012. So far there have been three companies. There are a lot of shipowners whose cash returns are shrinking, while at the same time there has been no upturn in rates. “That’s just down to over supply. It is a very simple

Shipping trends (source Norton Rose)

dynamic, too many ships pushes the price down.”

people in shipping are looking to their

There have been a number of directed sales by

shareholders and equity for finance. “I think

banks, Mr Theochari says, but not big numbers

Up until recently there were very few arrests

they have realised they are going to need

of private equity players, or vulture funds picking

of vessels partly because banks were trying to

money from their shareholders. A lot of people

up assets in volume.

work their way out of the cycle and secondly

were thinking they could grow their business

“The other problem with the early private

because there was no point in arresting ships

through mergers, acquisitions and other

equity players is that they are not really long

which were only worth half of what they were

strategic alliances”. He says that this harks

term players and shipping is a very cyclical

when the bank financed the transaction. “We

back to the old style shipowning method,

business. It is not a question of buying and

have seen many more arrests and many more

where there were 64 shares in a ship “and you

selling assets at a fixed time. This meant that

foreclosures than we saw 12 months ago.

could buy your percentage of them.”

they had difficulty in keeping investors happy

Don’t be surprised if there is a glut of arrests

Another interesting point he highlights

because if you don’t have a beginning or end

in the next few months”. South Africa, Belgium

from the survey is the private equity element.

date it is very difficult to work out what your rate

and Singapore are perceived to be friendly

When the financial crisis first blew up, he says,

of return might be.”


there were a lot of so-called “vulture funds”

According to Mr Theochari, the approach

“We’ve all gone back to basics, you must

in evidence. These are concerns with money

now is more sophisticated. “We are seeing some

have cash available or credit lines available,” he

looking to buy assets cheaply and move them

more high quality players coming into the market

says. Credit terms are not what they were either

on relatively quickly to make a profit.

and it is really exciting as these people really

and cash or nothing may be the requirement.

“They didn’t do well in the shipping market

know what they are doing.” Admittedly some of

In terms of bunker supply “there are some

for 2008 and to the end of last year because we

the new players do not know shipping well but

companies that can’t get bunkers unless they

haven’t really seen any real distressed sales.”

“they learn fast.”

pay cash, that is really killing them.”

theBaltic Spring 2012


The Marshall Islands Registry

Photo courtesy of Eagle Shipping International (USA) LLC

service and quality are within your reach

We look forward to seeing you at CMA 2012 Visit us at booth #15 International Registries, Inc.

in affiliation with the Marshall Islands Maritime & Corporate Administrators

tel: +1 703 620 4880 |

Ship registries

Ship registries must be proactive Countries that flag ships need to deal with issues ranging from armed guards on their vessels to prevent pirate attacks through to complying with an increasingly complex regulatory environment


hipping is going through one of the

regulatory compliance. Our aim is to help

commitment to quality and to ensure the lives

toughest periods in its recent history.

shipowners comply, rather than to sit back

and conditions of seafarers on our ships are to

Low freight rates and the continuing

and react to non-compliance. For example,

the standards we expect. We have consulted

worldwide economic downturn are

we have been conducting training seminars

widely on our policies and expect to have the

conspiring to pile pressure upon owners and

for our global network of Maritime Labour

legislation ready for mid 2012. We are providing

operators, at a time when they are required to

Convention inspectors and have certified well

regular updates to our owners and operators on

comply with stringent regulations covering safety

over 100 individuals to date. Our global network

what to expect and have made these available

and the environment, and when piracy continues

of inspectors is available to shipowners and

on our website. We see this as the biggest

to pose a major threat to ships and their crews.

masters in every major and most minor ports of

shake-up in the industry for a number of years

Scott Bergeron, chief executive officer of the

the world in case vessels experience difficulties

and aim to ensure we have the necessary

Liberian International Ship & Corporate Registry

prior to or upon arrival. These investments by

framework for our owners to achieve compliance

(LISCR), the US-based manager of the Liberian

the registry have proven to increase compliance,

ahead of time.

Ship Registry, believes that, now more than ever,

which in turn prevents accidents and detentions.”

“We will continue to do what we do best and

owners and operators need a ship registry which

Liberia has more than doubled the size of

expect to continue the kind of steady managed

is capable of adopting a proactive approach to

its fleet over the last ten years. It now numbers

growth from quality owners and operators

the problems they face and, where possible,

over 3,800 ships aggregating in excess of

as well as the registration of some of the

identifying the problems before they occur. He

125m gross tons. Liberia features on the White

world’s most prestigious superyachts which are

says, “We regard ourselves as partners with

List of all Port State Control Memorandums of

operating commercially. We believe the Isle of

our clients and we work extra hard for them

Understanding, worldwide. It is rated as a low-

Man offers a low cost registry option whilst still

during difficult times. While it is our responsibility

risk flag by the Paris MoU, and features in the US

providing client-focused and pragmatic solutions

to ensure that regulatory standards are met,

Coast Guard’s Qualship 21 programme.

to owners and operators. The government is

we have also developed innovative concepts

2011 has not been without its challenges,

committed to the success of the register and

to help shipowners conserve money, yet still

says Dick Welsh, director of the Isle of Man

is prepared to run it on a not-for-profit basis

maintain high standards. These initiatives

Ship Registry. “The industry is facing difficult

providing it upholds the reputation of the Isle

include a progressive lay-up concept, drydock

economic times and there is the ever present

of Man and creates economic development

extensions, harmonised audit programmes and

threat of piracy in the Gulf of Aden and the

opportunities within the professional support

fleet consolidation opportunities.

Red Sea. To support our owners, we have

services on the Isle of Man.”

“The escalating incidence of piracy is a

continued to develop our low cost fee structure

According to Mr Welsh: “This year saw

troubling challenge. Liberia is determined to

to cover our operating costs, whilst maintaining

a continuation of the kind of growth (12%

help identify and implement a global solution to

our competitive advantage. We have worked

GRT over 2011) we experienced last year,

this growing epidemic. This includes our efforts

closely with the UK authorities and shipowners

adding some very significant vessels and new

at the IMO in the development of guidelines for

to facilitate the carriage of armed guards to

companies to our portfolio. The register is the

seafarers, shipowners, ports and security staff.

protect our ships and seafarers against the

second fastest growing register in Europe and

threat of piracy.

has increased its position in Clarksons’ Flag

“In terms of safety, pollution prevention and seafarers’ welfare, the Liberian Registry

“Work continues on the Maritime Labour

will continue with its proactive approach to

Convention which is a key element in our

theBaltic Spring 2012

State world rankings (by GRT) to 15th place amongst the world’s registers.


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Ship registries

Scott Bergeron

“As the register grows, it is ever more

Dick Welsh

event of a fire at sea.

Clay Maitland

technological marvel but on the other hand you are in an environment, namely the sea, where

important to maintain the levels of service

The RO Code, he says, is going to place

for which the register is renowned. We have

quite a large number of explicit responsibilities on

developed and introduced new systems to help

the flag state. While he says that the prevailing

He wonders whether this may be the

support this and are expanding our network of

mantra is that the ship is its own best lifeboat

beginning of a realisation by P&I Clubs and hull

appointed surveyors in key locations to support

“there are questions as to whether that in fact

underwriters that large passenger ships are

what we can achieve with our surveyors based

will prove to be the case” he says. Many naval

uninsurable. Some insurance companies have

in the Isle of Man. In addition, our representatives

architects say that it is the case “but I have heard

been quoted as saying that they are reconsidering

in Tokyo are working with Japanese owners and

from naval architects who say they disagree with

whether to provide cover for larger ships.

operators to provide registration services locally.”

that, I think we have to confront these issues

The liability on the Cost Concordia accident

The registry has retained its White List

and ask whether we are satisfied with a ship that

Mr Maitland estimates at $1bn and it is, he

positions on the world’s port state control lists

heels to a great extent in heavy winds or rough

believes “a harbinger of things to come”.

and accreditation by the USCG in its Qualship

seas as I have seen these ships do”.

Limitation of liability “does not exist in the US”

things can happen.”

21 programme. It also has ‘Low Risk’ recognition

Mr Maitland says he has seen and

he says. “I don’t care what any lawyer tells you

by the Paris MOU for ships visiting European

experienced the effect on “these high wedding

to the contrary, there is no limitation here at all.”

ports and shared top place in the industry’s Flag

cake-style structures that you see on modern

The big passenger ship disaster is yet to come,

State Performance table for 2011.

passenger ships”. Are these ships likely to

he says, “and I hope I never live to see it, but

While the Costa Concordia has focused

remain upright after a fire or a collision at sea,

what everyone needs to understand is we have

attention on issues like safety management practice

he asks? Flag states need to know what the

a sword of Damocles hanging over our head

and communications, there is another aspect of

expert opinion is on this and what a computer

which is liability generally, but most spectacularly

the accident that has concerned the Marshall

simulation will show in the event of a collision

visible with passenger shipping. I don’t think

Islands Registry, according to Clay Maitland,

or a fire.

the modern passenger ship business model,

managing partner of International Registries Inc.

The issue facing flag states, class societies

meaning these big cruise ships, is sustainable.”

A code for recognised organisations is in

shipbuilders and naval architects is how to get

“I think it is extremely unwise to go from

the process of being drawn up – the RO Code

4,000 people off a ship in an emergency. In the

casualty to casualty and from disaster to disaster

– which is coming through the auspices of

case of the Costa Concordia this was achieved

always taking that as the model for what is the

the IMO. “The RO Code is the section which

in the most part because the ship was close to

ultimate in marine safety. You see very clearly that

I think we should be looking at in connection

land and rescue was at hand, Mr Maitland adds.

the disaster that hasn’t happened yet, the one

with the Costa Concordia,” Mr Maitland says.

“What do you do in very bad weather in the

that is coming, is something we should prepare

Classification societies – which act as rec-

Pacific, the Atlantic or the Mediterranean?”

against and deal with and we are not doing

ognised organisations – have a considerable

There are issues of stability, Mr Maitland

that. We are not looking at the demographic of

impact on the design of passenger vessels

continues, “and that is where the rubber meets

four, five or six thousand passengers who think



the road because we have to certify these

they are in a gambling casino in Las Vegas and

and “evacuation egress” for thousands of

things.” He says he has always been a critic of

who have no idea how to get off the ship if the

passengers. Several issues arise, according to

passenger ships with anything up to eight

ship starts to heel, who have no idea what a life

Mr Maitland, the first being stability. The new

thousand people on board. He is concerned

saving appliance is, and who think the best thing

generation often have 15-16 decks and popular

about the fact that cruise ships are treated as

to do is to go to their cabin, if they can find their

design features include atriums, which could

floating hotels. “We have all lost sight of the fact

cabin, and wait for rescue. All of that is based on

themselves extend upward over many decks.

that this is a large piece of magnificent technology

a series of hypotheses which may not be valid in

Such features could prove hazardous in the

moving through the water. It is mechanical and

a given case.”




theBaltic Spring 2012


Corporate viewpoint ClassNK

More Than Just Shipping In his more than 30 year career in the Japanese government, Koichi Fujiwara worked his way up from Ship Inspector to Director-General of the Maritime Bureau ofJapan’s powerful Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport & Tourism (MLIT). After stepping down as the Japanese government’s top man in maritime in 2010, he joined ClassNK where as Executive Vice President he has helped the world’s largest classification society launch a new range of training and certification programs focused on the human side of the shipping industry.

Could you give us a brief overview of your educational background as well as your career?

organisations from any number of nationalities

I joined Japan’s Ministry of Transportation

to agree in order to move things forward. As

(now the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure,

the number of players increases, however,



it’s easy to lose sight of who is ultimately

Maritime training is an important issue that affects the entire maritime industry. How is ClassNK contributing to this, and what milestones in terms of certification do you hope to achieve?

graduating from the University of Tokyo with a

responsible, and the potential risk increases

With the rapid growth of the global commercial

Master’s degree in Naval Architecture in 1975.


fleet over past few years, as well as the




involved. With the debates over safety and the environment, a large number of players have

I then worked as a ship inspector, as well

Equally, with a large number of players,

technical revolution being brought out about

as assisting with the development of new

creating an agreement is a difficult and time-

by the introduction of ECDIS systems and

ship safety standards. After the oil crisis, I

consuming process. I’ve experienced this

other requirements, the difficulty in maintaining

helped to develop the stabilisation policy for

personally, but luckily in the maritime industry

highly competent crews is something that is

the Japanese shipbuilding industry, which had

we have an international quality assurance

being felt throughout the industry.

been devastated by the global recession. I

system unlike anything found in other industries

At NK, we now offer a maritime training

also took part in international negotiations at

in the form of classification societies. I think

programme certification to help address this

the OECD and the IMO.

these societies play an incredibly important

need. In order to carry this out, we brought

role in reducing risk in this industry.

together leading maritime training experts

Finally, as Director-General of the Maritime Bureau, I was responsible for Japan’s maritime

Japan has one of the world’s largest

who are active in Japan and overseas, and

industry, and I oversaw every aspect of policy,

maritime clusters and, in my long career in

created a new Maritime Training Committee to

from industrial development, to maritime

Japanese government, I have worked with

ensure that our maritime training certification

safety and environmental protection, as well

organisations and companies from every

programmes suit the realities of the industry.

as seafarer policies.

sector of the maritime industry. It is my hope

We also established the new ClassNK Maritime

After retiring from the government, I

that I can use these relationships, and, in

Training & Education Standard.

joined ClassNK, where as an executive vice

order to promote safety, protect the marine

president, I am directly involved in the Society’s

environment and promote the development of

management and day-to-day operations.

the maritime industry, strive to make NK play a

incredible support for our effort in this new

larger and more active role in this environment.

field, and we have already certified ECDIS

What key lessons or experiences from your previous career do you bring to NK? In your new role, what areas of ClassNK do you hope to contribute to?






training courses for NYK Shipmanagement

What sectors of NK’s activities are you currently in charge of?

Pte Ltd (NYKSM), a subsidiary of NYK based



Philippines Inc., a subsidiary of “K” Line based


in Philippines, among others. These approvals

As a government official, I was not only able to

certification like ISM, ISPS and MLC (which

certify that each company’s ECDIS training

observe the ongoing changes in the maritime

is nearing ratification), as well as ISO, OSHAS

courses comply with the IMO’s model course,

industry, but also to actively participate in

and other management system certification. As

as well as our own standards.

them. What I have gained from that experience

part of these activities, we have recently begun

We have also certified the ECDIS training

is an understanding of just how borderless the

certification for maritime training programmes,

courses provided by training centres of ECDIS

maritime industry has become.

and GHG emission certification as well.

manufacturers, such as Furuno Electric, Japan



oversee including

While the maritime industry was always

As the industry becomes increasingly multi-

one of the most global of industries, if you

national and diverse, there is more demand at

just look at a single ship operating today,

every level for managers to maintain quality,

from the operator, to the owner, the crew,

including within human resources. At ClassNK

and the financiers, you have individuals and

we want to help address that demand.


theBaltic Spring 2012

in Singapore, and “K” Line Maritime Academy

Marine Science and Tokyo Keiki.

Corporate viewpoint ClassNK DNV, with its Seaskill programme, and more recently Lloyd’s, have been very active in Seafarer training. Why has NK entered this area and what can it offer that others can’t? I have the utmost respect for what DNV has been able to do in the maritime training field up until now. At the same time, I think it’s only natural for other classification societies to be investing in this field as well. As crews become increasingly multi-national, finding ways to ensure quality in order to maintain safety will become increasingly important. We hope to provide a practical certification system that will help make high-quality training a reality. In order to do that, we send qualified and experienced auditors to training facilities to carry out audits of the actual training programmes and contents. Luckily, Japan has a long tradition of seafarer training and education, and the majority of seafarers are trained in Asian countries. Training and education are closely linked with culture,




viewpoints is beneficial to creating effective training programmes.

Where do you see ClassNK being in five years time, and what is your vision for ClassNK as a global organisation? It might not be possible to achieve this in five years, but I would like ClassNK to grow and adjust to the changing nature



Koichi Fujiwara


Age: 63

industry, and become an organisation creating


Current position:


Executive Vice President, ClassNK


solutions to ensure maritime

Education :

safety and environmental

MSc in Naval Architecture from the


University of Tokyo



Career History:

have the incredible ability

1 April 1975 – Technical Staff, Safety Planning

to create standards that go

Office, Inspection & Measurement Division,

beyond a nation’s borders. I think

Ministry of Transport (MOT)

we are entering a period where we

1 July 1998 – Director, Shipbuilding Division,

will be called upon to make even

Maritime Technology & Safety Bureau, MOT

greater use of that ability, to ensure the safety of life and property at sea and

1 July 2003 – Deputy Director-General for

protect the marine environment.

Engineering Affairs(Maritime Bureau), Minister’s Secretariat, MLIT 1 July 2007 – Director-General, Maritime Bureau, MLIT 1 July 2011 – Executive Vice President, ClassNK Hobbies: Golf

theBaltic Spring 2012


Marine software

Software revolution At a time when shipping companies desperately need to cut costs and mitigate risks, innovative software solutions are offering help


ne firm that recently expanded its

commodity supply chain. After a rigorous review

“Most of the world’s traded goods are

operation is Triple Point Technology,

of all the shipping solutions in the market, Triple

transported by sea, so the shipping industry


Point decided to purchase Softmar because

will definitely benefit, with the need for more


its Chartering and VesselOps™ solution clearly

commodities driving the need for more ships.

management software. In January 2010, it

possessed more comprehensive functionality

This in turn will drive the need for technology that

announced the acquisition of Softmar, which

than competitive solutions, in addition to its

can optimise profitability by providing full visibility

provides software for vessel operations.

superior architecture.

into all areas of chartering and vessel operations,




multi-market enterprise

and deliver the analytical tools to make better

“With roughly 90% of the world’s traded

“The acquisition has been a win-win for both

goods transported by sea, a critical component

companies. Softmar has been able to leverage



Triple Point’s extensive engineering, account

The most obvious challenge facing the

is the ability to manage vessel movements

management, sales and marketing resources.

shipping industry is market volatility due to

and operations and freight rate volatility. The

This has enabled implementation of mature


acquisition of Softmar singularly positions Triple

enterprise software processes and the delivery

availability, among many other factors, Mr Larsen

Point to immediately and comprehensively

of significant incremental value to clients. I see

says. “A fleet’s value can swing wildly from one

optimise freight management in its core markets,

many of our competitors still operating as “mom

day to the next. Another is a glut of vessels.

including crude oil and petroleum products,

and pop” shops, which creates a tremendous

New vessels that were ordered some time ago

chemicals, metals and mining, agriculture, and

amount of risk for their customers. Prior to being

when the market was better are just now being

food and beverage,” the company said when

acquired, Softmar had 45 customers and was

delivered. Because the number of available

announcing the acquisition.

very focused on EMEA. Two years later, we have

cargoes is much smaller than the number of

over 80 shipping customers across the world.”

available ships, many of these vessels are sitting




“Supply chain management has historically

business decisions.”





been about transparency, automation, efficiency

Commodity movements have been driven

idle and eroding profits by leaving their owners

and cost reduction; all of which are necessary,

by demand in centres such as China, India and

without the means to make back the significant

but not sufficient to optimise profitability,” said

South America, so how does Mr Larsen see

sums of money they paid for them.”

Peter Armstrong, president and ceo of Triple

those markets developing in the coming years?

Mr Larsen adds that there are also challenges

Point Technology. “With the need to manage

“There are two major trends that significantly

associated with accurately determining the

sharp commodity price volatility, supply chain

affect how these markets will develop. One is

mark-to-market (MTM) value of a fleet, including

solutions must be market-based and provide

population growth. The United Nations estimates

the use of spreadsheets that are prone to errors.

analysis and risk management tools to best

that the world population reached seven billion

“This can cause inaccurate MTM valuations

determine when to source, how to move,

at the end of 2011, and that it will surpass nine

that provide a false picture of financial standing.

whether to store, and when to hedge using

billion by 2050, with most of those additional

Triple Point’s Softmar Chartering and VesselOps

financial derivatives. Through the acquisition of

people coming from developing countries. The

solution helps address all of these challenges by

Softmar, Triple Point’s ability to provide market-

other trend involves the growing middle class

providing one integrated platform that eliminates

based supply chain solutions, including freight

within those countries. They have the desire for

spreadsheets and enables companies to operate

rate risk management, is unmatched.”

more consumer durables and more high protein

with a complete picture of enterprise position and

Commenting on the acquisition: Michael Lolk

foods. Because of these trends, there is and

exposure. The solution provides a global view of

Larsen, managing director of chartering and

will continue to be tremendous growth in the

vessel movements, market cargo availability and

vessel operations at Triple Point explained: “Triple

demand for raw materials and commodities.

existing cargo commitments. It comprehensively

Point’s goal is to deliver the deepest functionality

These are long term trends, so despite the fact

manages freight risk, chartering and vessel

across all commodity classes, so it was vital to

that the economy is in a downturn right now,

operations, providing powerful tools that enable

provide customers with a solution for shipping

this growth is still occurring and will continue to

more profitable decision-making and streamline

since it’s an extremely important part of the

occur over the coming years.

day-to-day operations.”


theBaltic Spring 2012

Marine software New technologies are being developed to

hectic schedules, and secondly that SEEMP

address specific issues related to the biggest

will not have any real-world impact on a vessel’s

challenges in the shipping industry – volatility

efficiency in day-to-day operation.”

and complexity – Mr Larsen adds. “Shipowners,

According to Mr Henttinen “These concerns

operators, and charterers are at the mercy of

might gather credence if you accept the central

hundreds of complex events that can impact

assumption that SEEMP will be a paper-based

the cost of sea transport, and they need to

report compiled by crew members recording the

have the ability to efficiently manage all of them

required measurements from across the ship.

in order to maintain profit margins. Take piracy.

However, if you instead consider that many

Charterers and operators must take extra care

owners and operators are already choosing a

to route around piracy zones, which can result

software solution to SEEMP, you begin to realise

in delays and increases in bunker fuel costs.

the tangible benefits that this initiative could deliver.

“Intelligent” software solutions that can run

“With a digital solution, data can be

multiple routing scenarios that take into account

monitored remotely and automatically compiled

piracy zones, as well as time zone and pilot-

into reports, which can then be uploaded online

point to port distances, will help quickly and

– everyone in the chain of responsibility has

accurately determine the optimal route, and

access to the same report as soon as it is

provide accurate estimates of voyage times,

compiled. Should the vessel show inefficiencies,

distances and bunker fuel costs.”

either viewed independently or compared against sister vessels, proactive management

Weather events are another big cause of market volatility, he continues, and as a result

Esa Henttinen

can take immediate effect.” Computer and web-based solutions are

new technologies are being developed that use historic and real-time weather information to

Esa Henttinen, vice president, development

becoming standard, if not indispensable, for a

estimate the impact of potential weather events

at NAPA comments that “the implementation

multitude of applications, across the majority of

on voyage time and costs. While the specifics of

of the Ship Energy Efficiency Management Plan

the worlds industries, he says. “Software has

new technologies are still up in the air, one thing

(SEEMP) is set to be an issue of increasing

consistently proven to be a timesaving, efficient

is certain: companies that don’t implement some

urgency during 2012. By 1 January 2013, it will

method of managing tasks from simple calendars

kind of technology platform to mitigate the risks

be mandatory for every ship within the global

to the complex realms of medical science – it is

associated with market volatility and complexity

fleet of 400 gross tonnage and above to have a

fundamentally suited to monitoring, recording,

will have a very difficult time staying in business.

SEEMP in place.

comparing and analysing data – and in ‘realon

time’. Indeed as world-renowned software

called Mobile Voyage Estimator, a mobile

establishing a mechanism for owners and

developer, Tom DeMarco famously stated: ‘You

application available to Chartering and VesselOps,

operators to measure, benchmark and plan

can’t manage what you can’t control, and you

which provides accurate quotes from anywhere.

for improving the efficiency of each vessel and

can’t control what you don’t measure’.”

Triple Point recently released an application






therefore the entire global shipping fleet. “However, there has been criticism from some within the industry that this concept –

NAPA developments

TracPhone V11


while admirable in principle – will not prove

Meanwhile, leading UK distributor of marine

solutions to deal with changing regulatory

effective in practice. Detractors see the problem

electronics C A Clase is set to announce a major

requirements is the NAPA Group, a world-

as twofold; firstly that the implementation will

upgrade to its mini-VSAT Broadband network,

leading software house supplying safe and eco-

have a significant negative impact on those

and launch the brand-new TracPhone V11.

efficient solutions for ship design and operation.

onboard by adding further duties to already




VSAT market leader KVH will upgrade its mini-VSAT Broadband network for 2012 with the addition of global C-band satellite coverage overlaying its industry-leading Ku-band footprint. This first-of-its-kind unified dual-band maritime satellite communications network will provide multi-megabit service covering 95% of the Earth’s surface, including all of the world’s major shipping routes, offshore oil fields and commercial fishing grounds. C A Clase says this development represents the creation of the first next-generation global VSAT network using a single, relatively small antenna to provide offshore connectivity to vessels almost anywhere they travel. It is set to be a welcome development to those needing to replace expensive legacy services. “The TracPhone V11 satellite communication system is a revolutionary onboard terminal which


theBaltic Spring 2012


Marine software It

uses a single stabilised antenna with a unique



dual-band transmit and receive capability,

below-deck equipment

allowing it to seamlessly switch between the

and provide operation

mini-VSAT Broadband network’s global C-band


and Ku-band satellite coverage. The 1m

seven-year subcontract

antenna delivers robust and seamless worldwide

to Ericsson Denmark.



broadband connectivity at all times and is 85%



smaller and lighter than other solutions available

provide its se@FLEX

on the market,” the company says.

VSAT service, including integration of shipboard

Unlike competing products, the V11 is one system and is much more reliable than multi


antenna systems. It also uses the same below-

Ku-band satellites as


deck modem for both the C-band and Ku-band

a part of Ericsson´s

for a unified solution, ensuring users are not

rollout, and will utilise

contending with trying to use different networks,

Globecomm’s Hosted

settings or protocols to run onboard applications.

Wireless Services. The

Andy Banting, responsible for commercial

global se@FLEX VSAT

marine sales at C A Clase, commented: “This is

platform will provide

a significant announcement for the industry and



highlights KVH’s technological capabilities in the



market. It also marks the creation of a truly next


generation service for commercial vessels. KVH

a global basis at a

has already seen significant interest for the new

flat rate. The global

global offering and we expect a full service to be


available for commercial use at the end of June.”

over 20 satellite beams





operating through 13 teleports and including

One Horizon accreditation

fibre backhaul to the

One Horizon Group, meanwhile has announced


that its wholly-owned subsidiary, Horizon

Centre in New York.

Globex, has been accredited by Thrane &

The Hosted Wireless

Thrane for its Horizon VoIP PBX solution to be


used with SAILOR FleetBroadband.

hosted BSC services,


BTS/BSC monitoring

To gain accreditation, the Horizon VoIP PBX was submitted to extensive testing to ensure




SAILOR FleetBroadband


management by using

seamless integration with Thrane & Thrane Ericsson equipment.

SAILOR 500/250/150 FleetBroadband terminals.

to offer our customers even greater bandwidth

It will enable maritime customers to

efficiency and reduced satellite call costs via

The Globecomm Maritime solution offers

significantly reduce the cost and improve the

the Horizon VoIP PBX,” says Casper Jensen,

Ku-band maritime service coverage which

performance of voice services. The Horizon

vice president of Thrane & Thrane’s maritime

reaches the global shipping lanes and a

VoIP PBX allows simultaneous calling for up to

business unit.

worldwide managed network of fibre-linked teleports for transmission and management of


Mark White, ceo of One Horizon Group,

FleetBroadband standard data link – more than

comments: “This is an important endorsement

any other system for the bandwidth available.

from the leading manufacturer of mobile satellite

Keith Hall, Globecomm president and coo,

Horizon also offers users the flexibility to choose

communications equipment. It further validates

commented in January: “This contract is a great

from three different call settings for optimal

Horizon’s quality and reliability, and brings

example of how far Globecomm has come as a

cost/quality control.

significant incremental benefits to the users of

global managed network services provider. We

SAILOR FleetBroadband.”

take great pride in becoming a major player in





Managing the cost of satellite communications

customer traffic.

has long been a concern for the maritime

the next generation maritime market and this

industry. A highly affordable solution like the

contract is a major stepping stone. We look

Horizon VoIP PBX is important for oil and gas,

Globecomm contract

forward to the opportunities that will arise from

shipping, coast guard and maritime patrols, to

Globecomm Systems announced in January

this contract and our partnership with Ericsson.”

manage ship operations more efficiently and

that it has been selected by Ericsson as a

Andy Silberstein, Globecomm senior vice

enhance crew welfare by reducing the cost of

subcontractor of the maritime GSM/VSAT

president and general manager, said: “Our

calls to friends and family.

managed operation for an Ericsson mobile

collaboration with Ericsson on this important

“Thrane & Thrane is committed to providing

communication network. The network will be

project enables us to utilise Globecomm’s global

shipping companies and offshore industries with

implemented on up to 400 container vessels

maritime VSAT network together with our hosted

maritime broadband solutions that enhance their

worldwide over the next two years, providing

wireless GSM services, bringing together two

existing investment in SAILOR FleetBroadband.

end-to-end 24/7 automated monitoring and

core Globecomm capabilities to provide a total

After extensive testing, we are happy to be able

real-time information control.

solution for our customer.”


theBaltic Spring 2012


Breakbulk bouncing back? Clive Woodbridge reports on developments


he past 12 months have remained

Marko Stampehl, marketing and sales

testing for the breakbulk and project

manager for Rickmers-Linie similarly reflects

cargo sectors. However there are some

on some positive indications that the market

encouraging signs that the demand for

is on the way back up. He says, “Generally

multi-purpose and heavy lift ships is once again

speaking we saw the first signs of recovery in

on the increase worldwide.

the breakbulk, project and heavy-lift shipping

As Raymond Fisch, senior vice president,

businesses in 2011, with power generation

BBC Chartering and Logistic, observes, “The

equipment and oil and gas related projects

recent economic struggles have had a severer

showing healthy activity. We expect further

impact in developed countries than in emerging

growth in cargo volumes in 2012 mainly driven

economies, such as Brazil, China, India and

by energy, oil and gas and infrastructure projects,

Russia. These economies are still very bullish,

continuing the trend on from the past year.”

especially in the oil and gas, mining and energy

It is perhaps, though, too soon to say

related sectors, and it is their development

that a full scale recovery is underway in the

programmes and investment projects that

breakbulk market segment, as the delivery of a significant number of new multi-purpose and

are driving demand for project and breakbulk shipping now, and for the foreseeable future.”

Raymond Fisch

heavy lift ships is clearly affecting the balance

BBC Fuji, part of BBC-Chartering’s newbuilding programme: eight 9,300 dwt vessels of this type will be in service by the end of the year

theBaltic Spring 2012



Rickmers Yokohama sailing through the English Channel

between supply and demand, putting downward

Mr Fisch says of the strategy behind the

vessels, with a similar lift capacity, have been

pressure on rates. Coupled with the fact that

newbuilding programme, “We believe in a healthy

deployed to strengthen sailings between the US

container and drybulk vessels are also seeking

mix of multipurpose and heavy lift tonnage. This

and West Africa. The naming ceremony for one

employment within this sector, it seems likely

gives us the flexibility to also deploy vessels

of the vessels, Safmarine Sahara, was held this

to remain very much a buyer’s market for some

with a higher lifting capacity for lower paying

February in the port of Savannah, Georgia.

time to come.

breakbulk cargoes, where this makes sense.”

Mr Flamant says, “We have improved our

Vincent Flamant, Safmarine’s multi-purpose

Rickmers is another operator that has been

breakbulk services by deploying more efficient

vessel trade manager accepts the injection of

investing in vessels with breakbulk capability.

new vessels designed to fit our market and West

breakbulk capacity into the market will remain

The 17,000 dwt Rickmers Yokohama and

African port limitations. They are all tween deck,

ahead of demand in 2012. However, he takes a

Rickmers Tianjin have recently been added to

box shaped, double skin-vessels with a strong

slightly different view on rate patterns and says

the company’s fleet and are now serving the

lift capacity.”

he expects that levels will actually increase over

trade between Europe and India

the coming months. “This upward trend will be

and the Middle East. Mr Stampehl

driven by the cost of operations that carriers

adds, “These have replaced short

cannot absorb any longer, such as bunker costs,

term chartered tonnage in this

and in our particular market, port delays in West


Africa,” he suggests.

long-term commitment to India

One of the biggest newbuilding programmes for vessels with breakbulk capability is being

and demonstrate our

and other areas catered for by this service.”

taken forward by BBC Chartering, the market

Rickmers has also established

leader with more than 140 vessels in its portfolio.

a joint venture with Maersk Line

The company continues to add to its fleet

to carry breakbulk and project

and in January this year took delivery of three

cargoes originating from the US

newbuildings as part of an ongoing fleet renewal

on a global basis. Maersk Line

and modernisation programme. The BBC

has acquired two multipurpose,

Amethyst is the second in a series of 14 14,360

US-flagged vessels, the 19,600

dwt vessels that the company has on order,

dwt Maersk Illinois and Maersk

and which have a combined lift capacity of 800

Texas, for the Maersk-Rickmers

tonnes; BBC Belem is the third of a series of eight

operation and both can lift up to

new 8,000 dwt multipurpose vessels with a total

480 tonnes.

lift capacity of 160 tonnes; and BBC Mont Blanc




is the fourth out of an eight-vessel programme for

upgrade its niche multi-purpose

9,300 dwt vessels that BBC Chartering describes

vessel services, which are geared

as ‘flexible workhorses’, offering a combined

largely around the requirements

lifting capacity of 700 tonnes.

of West African breakbulk and

Also in January, its Caytrans BBC joint venture

project shippers. The carrier now

added a sixth vessel to its fleet. The 4,820 dwt

has eight vessels of 12,300 dwt

BBC Anglia is now operating between the US

to 18,000 dwt with a combined lift

Gulf and the North Coast of South America,

capacity of 144 tonnes deployed

allowing Caytrans BBC to provide more regular

on two Europe-West Africa strings,

sailings to Colombia, Venezuela and Trinidad.

while two brand new 18,000 dwt


theBaltic Spring 2012

Safmarine Sahara loading in Savannah, Georgia

US ports

Obama budget digs deep for ports Clive Woodbridge looks at Federal funding


resident Obama has recently released

dredging needs that have gone unheeded.”

contributed to a 3.2% drop in container volumes

his fiscal 2013 budget and it contains

The fiscal 2013 budget also includes

to 6.1 million teu last year. However, adjusting

some positive news for the country’s

further provisions for transport infrastructure

the figures for CUT’s departure, the remaining

seaports. In particular there is increased

improvements, some of which will be spent

six container terminals in Long Beach saw a

funding for maintenance dredging which should

on seaport related projects. This follows on

container throughput gain of 8.1% last year.

allow ports to maintain their competitive position

from the announcement in December that four

The Port of Long Beach plans $4 billion in

and handle the increasingly large vessels calling

port projects have been awarded a total of

capital improvement projects over the next ten

at US ports safely and efficiently.

$62 million under the TIGER (Transportation

years including the building of the Middle Harbor

The budget includes a request for the US

Investment Generating Economic Recovery)

facility, which will combine two older container

Corps of Engineers, which handles all dredging

grants programme. This includes over $18

terminals into one that has double the capacity.

in US ports, to receive $848 million from the

million for South Jersey port rail improvements,

It has recently been announced that OOCL, and

Harbor Maintenance Trust Fund. This represents

as part of a larger effort to repair the rail network

its Long Beach Container Terminal subsidiary

an increase of around 12% compared with the

connecting the ports of Salem, Paulsboro and

will lease the Middle Habor terminal, investing

fiscal 2012 budget.

Camden, upgrading them to accommodate an

around $500 million in the process.

Kurt Nagle, president and chief executive

anticipated increased demand in both rail and

Long Beach is also evaluating plans to

of the American Association of Port Authorities

port traffic. Other projects involve spending to

build a new grain terminal at Pier T in the port.

(AAPA) welcomes the move. He says, “While still

improve rail facilities in the ports of Long Beach,

This would be operated by Total Terminals

not close to the $1.4 billion collected annually

New Orleans and Jacksonville.

International and would be designed to

from importers and domestic shippers in Harbor

The positive Federal funding news comes

transfer grain from rail cars into ocean shipping

Maintenance Tax for deep draft navigation

after US ports achieved a mixed set of results

containers, with a design capacity of 0.75 to 1.5

maintenance dredging, the Administration’s

for 2011. While there has been an underlying

million tonnes of grain a year.

fiscal 2013 request is a significant increase from

recovery from the effects of the global financial

On the Pacific North West, Tacoma port

prior years.”

crisis, many ports achieved limited, single-digit

handled 1.49 million teu, up 2% compared with

The AAPA argues that maintaining navigation

growth at best in container traffic, although

2010. Much like Los Angeles, this was due to a

channels to their required dimensions will help

breakbulk and automotive movements in many

marked improvement in the exports sector, with


cases were significantly higher.

increased shipments of agricultural products




competitive the

The port of Los Angeles recorded a container

Administration and Congress continue to seek

throughput of 7.94 million teu last year, up

ways to reduce spending it is imperative to focus

from 7.83 million teu in 2010, consolidating its

scarce federal dollars in those areas, such as

position as the US’s busiest container port, but

seaport-related infrastructure, that can have the

with a fairly modest rise of 1.46%. This was

greatest impact on economic growth, job

largely the result of record-breaking container


exports, which jumped by 14.5% over 2010.











competitiveness in the global economy.”

The Port of Los Angeles plans to invest $1.5

The budget represents something of a victory

billion in capital improvements over the next

for the AAPA which has long argued that money

five years. One of the key projects for the port

collected for the Harbor Maintenance Tax should

is a significant expansion of the APL terminal,

be used solely for its intended purpose of

including the construction of a 380 metre-long

dredging navigational channels in US ports. It

berth that will be equipped with 12 new ship-to-

plans to continue to press this home. Mr Nagle

shore container cranes.

points out that currently importers and shippers

Los Angeles’ main West Coast rival for

pay around double the amount drawn annually

container traffic, the Port of Long Beach, fared

from the fund, leaving a $6.3 billion surplus.

less well in 2011, but this was mainly due

“Because this surplus has been used for other

to a decision of one of its tenants, California

The Port of Los Angeles continues to be the

programmes,” says Mr Nagle, “there are serious

United Terminals (CUT), to leave the port. This

leading container port in the US

theBaltic Spring 2012


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US ports work to deepen the ports access channels to 48 feet (14.6 metres). The port authority says the project is necessary to prepare for larger container vessels which are expected to call at Savannah once the Panama Canal widening project is completed in 2014. Georgia’s nearest rival, the South Carolina Ports Authority (SCPA), closed its calendar year in 2011 with volume increases across most business segments. Container volume for calendar year 2011 was up 1.2% from 2010 at 1.38 million teu, while breakbulk tonnage in Charleston and Georgetown was up by a A computerised rendering of how Long Beach’s Middle Harbor project will look when completed

highly significant 54.9% in 2011 compared with 2010 figures.

helping lift the port’s containerised exports by

PANYNJ is also committed to a major

A key priority for SCPA in 2012 is to

around 11% last year. Most notably the export

infrastructure programme. Over $1 billion is

make progress on the planned 45 feet (13.7

of fresh or frozen potatoes through Tacoma

to be spent on raising the Bayonne Bridge, to

metres) harbour deepening project, which is

jumped by 106% compared with 2010 levels in

allow larger post-panamax ships to pass under

at the feasibility stage. The port authority has

response to growing international demand.

on the way to the port’s terminals; various

also recently approved $5.2 million in capital

Tacoma performed well in other trade

port road improvements and enhancements

improvements, including the construction of a

segments as well. Breakbulk cargoes were up

to ExpressRail, the port’s on-dock rail system.

new, $3.05 million warehouse at the Columbus

68%, automobile shipments rose 34% and log

Work also continues on a harbour deepening

Street Terminal to serve growing customer

exports jumped by 45% driven by demand

project which will be competed in Port Newark,

demand. This comes hard on the heels of major

in China. The total cargo tonnage moved via

Port Elizabeth and Port Jersey by the end of

investments totalling $23 million to improve the

Tacoma was up 5%, to 17.2 million tonnes, as

2012, facilitating access for larger container and

terminal, which serves the Port of Charleston’s

a result.

other vessel types.

non-container trades.

Over on the East Coast the dominant

Another US North East port, Baltimore,

Recent investment announcements for

gateway is the Port of New York/New Jersey

rebounded strongly from the recession by

Florida ports have also focused on non-container

(PANYNJ) which set an all-time record for cargo

handling a record numbers of containers and

shipping sectors. A 50-50 partnership between

volumes, surpassing the previous high set in

automobiles. The port moved 632,000 teu, up

the State of Florida and the Port of Tampa will

2007 before the start of the global economic

3%, and 446,400 automobiles, 12% higher than

enable the port to handle up to five million more

downturn. The 5.5 million teu handled in 2011

in 2010. The 515,400 tons of wood pulp imports

tons of petroleum products a year after the

represented a nearly 4% increase over 2010,

was also a record, while the 939,000 tonnes

completion of an expansion project in 2014.

strengthening the port’s position as the third

of ro-ro traffic was the second highest in the

largest box port in the country, behind Los

port’s history.

Angeles and Long Beach.

Further south the Georgia Ports Authority

term agreement whereby Stonerock will operate

(GPA) ports of Savannah and Brunswick also

the first large scale bulk metals export logistics

experienced a record-breaking year, handling

and shipping service out of the port. Stonerock

26.1 million tons of cargo, 4.3% higher than the

will receive the bulk metals by road, rail and

year before, and 2.95 million teu of container

sea and then store and load them onto its own

traffic, a 3.5% increase. Brunswick recorded

ships for carriage to major international steel

a 23% growth in automotive and machinery

companies in China, Malaysia, Turkey and other

shipments, another all-time record.

destinations. The operation, which will eventually

The GPA is pressing on with the Savannah Harbor Expansion Project, which will include

New York’s Port Elizabeth container terminal

Meanwhile, the Port of Palm Beach and Stonerock Shipping have entered into a long-

handle around 500,000 tonnes a year, is due to start later this year.

The federal budget for fiscal 2013 makes greater provision for harbour dredging works

theBaltic Spring 2012



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Strikes halted in Belgian ports In spite of recent industrial unrest figures for throughput were up last year


elgium’s ports went back to work

needed to establish LNG bunkering infrastructure

during the fourth quarter did not last. The recent

in February after strike action was

at the ports.

significant decline in the freight markets – and

called off at Antwerp and Zeebrugge,

“The Flemish ports authorities are optimistic

the capesize market in particular – is partly

although not before MSC was reported

about the potential for safe and efficient

due to the serious disruption in the export of

as saying that it might reconsider its investment

LNG bunkering operations and DNV’s multi-

Brazilian iron ore following local flooding and

in Antwerp.

disciplinary analysis will help them move forward

to the continuing growth of the world fleet. The

confidently,” says Mohamed Houari, DNV head

handysize markets, however, are much more

of solutions for Central Europe.

stable and are less prone to volatility.”

The dispute arose over pension grievances of port pilots, which are now being considered by a working group headed by minister Hilde Crevits.

“Shipowners are working hard to meet

In 2011 the Bocimar fleet was expanded

The port of Antwerp can ill afford disruption

the increasingly strict emissions requirements

with a total of 12 vessels: nine handysize, two

to its services. Estimates for 2011 said Antwerp

of the Baltic and North Seas and ports are

post panamax vessels in joint venture and one

handled 186.4 million tonnes of freight – an

now responding as the popularity of LNG is

capesize vessel.

increase of 4.6% compared with 2010, when the

becoming apparent,” says Torgeir Sterri, DNV

volume was 178.2 million tonnes. All-time records

regional manager Central Europe.

Bocimar says it expects the capesize markets to return to normal as soon as exports from Brazil reach their usual levels again.

were set this year for containers and liquid bulk,

Meanwhile, CMB announced its results in

with estimated volumes of 104,779,157 and

January with the consolidated result for 2011

“Taking into account the age profile of the

46,095,431 tonnes respectively.

estimated to be €96.3m compared to €120.9m

handysize world fleet, prospects for this type

for the previous year.

of market are more propitious and significantly




experienced growth: during the past year

Dry bulk operation Bocimar’s contribution to

more stable. Bocimar employs its handysize

12,772,956 tonnes of freight in this category

the 2011 consolidated result amounts to €76.1m

fleet mainly on the spot and short-term market.

was loaded and unloaded, 14.8% more than

compared to €94.8m for 2010.

Bocimar is endeavouring to protect itself from

the previous year. These growth figures show

Commenting on the results CMB said: “The

volatility in the markets by covering its fleet in

that the difficult situation in which this segment

strong recovery of the dry bulk markets seen

the medium term with blue chip counterparties.”

found itself has partially improved, the port says. “The Port Authority is therefore satisfied with the passage in the government agreement that states ‘the system of dock labour will be modified in consultation with the parties involved (the employers, union organisations, industrial relations mediators and port authorities) in order to modernise it’.” “This initiative should reinforce the competitive position of Antwerp, which is still the largest breakbulk port in Europe,” says port authority ceo Eddy Bruyninckx. Meanwhile, Norwegian classification society DNV has won a contract from the Flemish government for a feasibility study for the provision of bunkering facilities at Antwerp, Zeebrugge and Ghent. The work will consist of a market survey, a risk and safety analysis, and modelling of the logistics, legal and regulatory requirements

Zeebrugge port

theBaltic Spring 2012


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The good times are back for Canadian ports Most Canadian ports saw cargo throughput growth in 2011, with some recording very strong double-digit rates of increase


ast year was a very positive one for

There are further developments planned

volumes in 2011, handling close to 29 million

Canadian ports, as the country’s economy,

at the port of Nanaimo, on Vancouver Island.

tonnes of cargo in total, 18% higher than in 2010.

and in particular its export trades, staged a

Recently DP World Vancouver was selected by

According to Mario Girard, president and chief

strong recovery.

the Nanaimo Port Authority to operate its cargo

executive of the Quebec Port Authority (QPA),

On the West Coast, Canada’s largest and

terminals and plans include the development of

“This is an exceptional performance for the Port of

most diverse port, Metro Vancouver, has

short sea shipping services moving containers

Quebec. No less than four terminals – St Lawrence

released figures which show increases in

between the island and the mainland. The current

Stevedoring, IMTT-Quebec, Beton Provincial and

most key cargo sectors last year. Overall, Port

commodities handled at the three-berth Port of

Ultramar – all enjoyed an unprecedented year.

Metro Vancouver (PMV) handled 122.5 million

Nanaimo facilities include forest products along

This growth positions the Port of Quebec in first

tonnes of cargo last year, a 3.4% increase

with salt and kaolin. The facility also handles

position as far as tonnage handled in 2011 on the

compared with 2010. Its dry bulk business

cruise ship passengers at a newly built berth

St Lawrence is concerned.”

performed well, with new records set for coal

opened for the 2011 cruise season.

The versatility of the Port of Quebec’s

and potash, where volumes were up by 7.8%

Vancouver Island is one of the world’s highest

terminals, as well as the wide range of products

and 30% respectively. The forest products

population, non-road connected islands without

handled within the port, are considered by the

sector also produced record-breaking figures,

any lo-lo container terminal facilities, instead

port authority to be key strengths. QPA believes

with breakbulk lumber exports up 107% due to

relying on inefficient ro-ro services. The short sea

that traffic moving to and from the Great Lakes

strong demand in China.

shipping project will ensure greater connectivity

will present opportunities in years to come, as will

The port also reports growth in loaded

for trade to and from Vancouver Island. According

several mining projects in its hinterland. “The

export container volumes, as a result of stronger

to Bernie Dumas, president, Nanaimo Port

prospects for the future are very interesting for the

demand for Canadian products in Asian markets.

Authority, “The port wants to import and export a

Port of Quebec,” says Mr Girard. “We have every

Overall though, the port achieved a throughput

greater variety of commodities and our agreement

reason to believe that we will remain a hub in the

of 2.5 million teu last year, more or less the same

with DP World, with its extensive experience in

transshipment of liquid and dry bulk cargoes for

as in 2010.

both container and commodity handling allows

Eastern and Central Canada.”

According to Robin Silvester, PMV president and chief executive, “What we have seen in 2011

us to explore new business opportunities and to reduce our reliance on a single market.”

The QPA says it is committed to a significant programme of investment in new infrastructure to

is resiliency in the Canadian export market, and

While Vancouver is Canada’s dominant west

capitalise on these emerging opportunities, while

as international economies continue to face many

coast gateway, Prince Rupert Port in British

also improving and refurbishing existing facilities.

difficult challenges, Canada’s natural resources

Columbia is growing in regional importance. The

In total around CAN$40 million is expected to be

sectors stand as a cornerstone of the Canadian

Prince Rupert Container Terminal has proved a

invested in various projects during 2010. “From a

economy. Our natural geographical advantage

success story since it opened in 2007, offering

financial point of view this is probably the largest

as the closest major gateway to the Asia Pacific

direct intermodal rail connections to the Mid

series of investments related to harbour assets

regions presents continuing opportunities for

West. Last year the port’s container terminal,

since the construction of the Beauport area of the

growth in coming years.”

operated by Maher Terminals, handled 410,000

port in the 1960s,” suggests Mr Girard.

One of the biggest development projects

teu, up 20% compared to the year before. Plans

The Port of Montreal has also strengthened its

underway at present in Metro Vancouver is the

to expand the container terminal, and to increase

east coast market position, handling 28.5 million

so-called Gateway Infrastructure Programme.

capacity to around 2 million teu a year, are now at

tonnes of cargo in 2011, up 10% compared with

The port authority is collaborating with federal

the evaluation stage.

the 25.9 million recorded in 2010. Liquid bulk

and other industry partners to make a series of

Prince Rupert’s Radley bulk terminal, which

traffic was up by over 30% last year and container

infrastructure improvements designed to improve

mainly handles coal and coke, saw throughput

throughput was up 2.4%, to 1.36 million teu,

the supply chain, in the North Shore, South Shore

rise by 18% last year, to 19.3 million tones, while

consolidating Montreal’s position as Canada’s

and Roberts Bank areas of the port. Based on the

grain shipments were up 17% to 5 million tonnes.

second busiest box port after Vancouver. These

preliminary design of the projects, the total capital

Over on the East Coast, the leading multi-

positive trends were offset to some extent by

purpose port of Quebec achieved record cargo

a 7.5% dip in the volume of dry bulk goods

theBaltic Spring 2012


cost of the improvements is CAN$717 million.

Corporate viewpoint Canfornav

Canfornav W

hat do ducks and Canfornav’s bulk

worked with them to attempt to use this same

Sugar for placing its trust in us by awarding us

carriers have in common, apart from their

program to capture all the raw data needed to

a contract to carry sugar to Toronto for another

calculate and report our air emissions.

three years.

names? Both operate on the water with finesse


Our ships service the St Lawrence Seaway

Canfornav has taken a special conservation

Emissions Performance Reporting Module

from the opening of the season. The first ship

focus by naming its ships after breeds of ducks.

(CEPR). Every day a series of reports are

in Toronto, the MV Tundra, made its maiden

This association with water and nature has

generated by each of our vessels. Masters

voyage to the lakes. The MV Whistler exited the

resulted in a strong determination to achieve

e-mail them to us, but at the same time the data

system on 27 December, 2011 just two days

greater sustainability and remain at the forefront

goes into the Ship Decision system, where it is

before the closing of the system for the winter

when it comes to environmental performance.

tabulated and analysed for subsequent reporting.

on 29 December, 2011.

As our vessels trade in the Great Lakes, it is only

On the business side, we were able to do

This year, we welcome to our fleet the MV

this without changing our internal structure. We

Scoter, which is being delivered from Yangfan

and refinement.

natural that the environment is our top priority.




As an active participant in the Green Marine

did not have to implement new software on our

shipyard, China, in March. One of two supramax

Initiative, Canfornav has to comply with its

vessels or even in the office. The new module

vessels joining us, its sister, the MV Pintail, is

emissions reporting requirements. This was

basically lets us monitor the heartbeat of each

already in service. Canfornav’s new building

initially done manually, but it soon became

vessel’s performance on a live day-to-day basis

program remains on schedule with 6 x 33,000

apparent that an automated system would be

and we can provide a carbon footprint to any of

dwt expected to deliver from mid-2012 to mid-

a huge benefit.

our customers who may require it.

2013 with another 4 x 36,000 dwt on order for

Stelvio had already provided us with the Ship

Canfornav is ready to face any new

Decision system, an off-line reporting system

challenges, trading the St Lawrence Seaway

that we use successfully across our fleet. So we

and Great Lakes, and wish to thank Redpath

delivery in 2013.

MANDARIN in the Welland Canal


theBaltic Spring 2012

Canada handled, which fell to just under 5.2 million tonnes, and also a 13.6% fall in non-containerised general cargo flows. Another Quebec port, Port of Sept-Isles, claims that 2011 was a ‘remarkable year’. Although the port registered modest growth of close to 4%, this took total volume to 26 million tonnes, a level not seen at the port since 1981. Increased iron ore shipments, totalling 22.8 million tonnes, accounted for most of the growth, with the Pointe-Noire terminal in particular boasting an impressive 49% increase in activity, handling a record 9.4 million tonnes. Significant infrastructure investment was also delivered last year to expand capacity at Sept-Iles. This included developments at the Relance and Point-Noire terminals, which involved combined capital spending in excess of CAN$60 million. A further significant increase in volume is expected as a result of these investments. “With a projected volume of 34 million tonnes in 2012,

Roberts Bank terminals, part of the Gateway Infrastructure Programme development plan

we expect to reclaim our position as Canada’s second largest port,” says Pierre Gagnon, its challenges await us again this year as we begin

Algoma partners with farmers

CSL bulk carrier order continues to grow

construction of a multi-user berth to meet the

Prairie farmers are to become owners of

Canada Steamship Lines (CSL) has extended

growing needs of current and future users.”

ships that move their wheat on the Great

its newbuilding programme by exercising

Last November the Port of Sept-Iles became

Lakes, under an agreement reached last year

an option on two new self-unloading bulk

the first in North America to get all terminals and

between the Canadian Wheat Board (CWB)

vessels, bringing to four the number of

users to sign on to the Green Marine environmental

and the Algoma Central Corporation.

ships on order. The Montreal-based Great

president and chief executive.” A number of

programme, while more recently the port has

The CWB is purchasing two new lake

Lakes-Seaway carrier has two self-unloading

become only the third in North America to

vessels that will be ready for service in 2013-

Lakers currently under construction at

join the international Green Award programme.

2014, as part of a larger purchase by Algoma,

Chengxi Shipyard in China, scheduled for

This seeks to recognise and encourage vessels

which is buying a total of two gearless

delivery in the autumn.



and four self-unloading bulk carriers of the

The newly announced vessels will enter

practices and environment-friendly technology by

same design. All eight Equinox class vessels

service in the spring of 2013. CSL has

offering discounts on harbour fees.



are being built in China at the Nantong

also indicated that it has options for four


Mingde Heavy Industries shipyard and will be

additional vessels for delivery during the

gateways, including both the port of Saint

faster, more fuel efficient and environmentally

2013 shipping season.

John and Halifax, fared less well than those

friendly than existing tonnage. The CWB and

The 35,500 dwt self-unloaders will

in Quebec. Saint John’s total cargo volume

Algoma ships will be operated by the Algoma

measure a Seaway maximum 225.6m by

edged up slightly, from 30.45 million tonnes to

division, Seaway Marine Transport.

23.8m, and will feature custom hull design





31.01 million tonnes, largely as a result of higher

According to Algoma president and

for increased cargo lift, EPA Tier II compliant

liquid bulk shipments. Dry bulk cargoes were,

chief executive, Greg Wright, “These are

main engines, automated cargo handling

however, down, from 1.08 million tonnes in 2010

truly important vessels as they will set new

equipment and advanced environmental and

to 0.93 million tonnes in 2011.

standards for environmentally sustainable

safety systems.

At the Port of Halifax, overall port tonnage

shipping on the Great Lakes.” It has recently

CSL sister company CSL International

was down by 0.3% compared with 2010, to 9.49

been announced that the six Algoma Equinox

(CSLI) also has three 71,900 dwt Panamax

million tonnes. Container throughput fell 5.7%, to

ships will be fitted with Wärtsilä scrubbers

vessels on order at Chengxi. All of the ships

410,649 teu, while breakbulk cargoes, including

that will remove 97% of the sulphur oxide

will share similar design and technology,

forest products, reduced by over 11% against

emissions generated by the vessels’ engines.

and collectively will be known as Trillium

2010 levels. More positively the port’s bulk traffic,

Last August Algoma brought into service

including oil and grains, was up by 3.1%.

Class vessels.

the 35,000 dwt Algoma Mariner, the first

CSL and CSLI are divisions of The CSL

The container traffic figures in particular are a

completely new Canadian flag bulk carrier to

Group of Montreal, the world’s largest owner

disappointment for Halifax, after a strong recovery

start trading on the Great Lakes in 25 years.

and operator of self-unloading vessels.

in 2010 when throughput was up by 26%.

The vessel, built by the Chengxi Shipyard

The Group delivers more than 80 million

The exposure of east coast ports to weak

in Jiangyin, China, carries dry bulk goods,

tonnes of cargo annually for its customers in

demand in Europe appears to have undermined

including iron ore, coal, salt, aggregates and

the construction, steel, energy and agri-

containerised export levels, and this will probably

grain on the Great Lakes-Seaway system.

food sectors.

continue to be the case for 2012 as well.

theBaltic Spring 2012


Maritime law

Swedish briefing Mixed fortunes for insurers, plus changes at the top of Sweden’s law firms


ne case that is likely to attract the

The Rena has been the subject of ongoing

attention of lawyers from some time

salvage operations, not least to remove

to come is that of the containership

containers from the ship.

Rena, which is entered with the

Announcing The Swedish Club’s results before Christmas, managing director Lars

Swedish Club. Costamare Shipping, owners of the Rena,

Rhodin pointed to a year of mixed fortunes.

like other clubs, an upturn in claims. “The Swedish Club continued to grow throughout 2011 and, certainly, the attainment of the 50 million gt mark is a significant achievement. “At the same time, on a broader front, all International Group Clubs have seen a

In his report to the club’s board, Mr Rhodin

recent upturn in claims severity as well as

13 members of the International Group of

gave his overview of progress, with the club

frequency. Additionally, claims inflation is also

Protection and Indemnity Clubs, responsible for

reaching the 50m gt mark for registered

gaining ground. While it is too early to draw

shipowners’ third party liability risks worldwide.

tonnage, but on the other hand experiencing,

conclusions from these emerging trends, the

A team of English and German qualified lawyers, dedicated to serving the international maritime industry.

FLEET HAMBURG LLP, WiLLy-BRAndT-STR. 57, 20457 HAMBURG, GERMAny PHonE +49 (40) 5 700 700 FAx +49 (40) 5 700 70 200 WWW.FLEET-HAMBURG.coM


theBaltic Spring 2012

Image by thomasfuer /

are members of The Swedish Club, one of

Maritime law overall



require close monitoring. “Nevertheless,


Swedish Club is benefiting from a positive momentum with a continued positive feedback and






community,” he added. The club agreed a general increase of 5% for the 2012-2013 P&I policy year, in addition to




group reinsurance costs. Deductibles are to be increased



in respect of cargo and crew claims. In the case of FD&D, a general Increase of 5% will apply, together with




standard deductibles from $7,500 to $10,000. Mr




increases are much in line with claims inflation and do not contrast with other

© svitzer

leading members of the International Group of P&I

The Rena breaks up off the coast of New Zealand

Clubs. This is a prudent approach. The increases reflect the current

There has been a drive in recent times

for the continued development of the firm’s

realities in the market: an upsurge in claims

to generate interest from Danish businesses

dispute resolution practice. I feel inspired and

frequency and severity, together with claims

wishing to establish themselves in Sweden,

hope to contribute to the development of

inflation now in the 3-5% range.”

and this in turn has been providing legal

MAQS’ dispute resolution practice, while I

There have been a number of changes at

business for Swedish law firms. MAQS Law

shall primarily focus on work as arbitrator in

the top of Swedish law firms operating in the

Firm Advokatbyrå, which has offices in Malmo

international cases.”

maritime industry in recent months.

and Copenhagen, has been helping the Danish

Setterwalls is another local firm that is

authorities put together material targeting

strengthening its expertise in the dispute

business that want to set up in Sweden.

resolution field. The company hired Jesper

Advokatfirman Lindahl, one of Sweden’s largest law firms, appointed Mikael Smedeby

Grünbaum, formerly a partner at Wistrand,

from Lindahl’s Uppsala office as the firm’s new

MAQS has also been expanding its services

managing partner while Vinge announced that

in the Nordic region, and currently has offices in

Maria-Pia Hope has been appointed as the

Stockholm, Gothenburg, Malmö, Copenhagen,

Dispute resolution is one of Setterwalls’

new managing partner in Stockholm to replace

Tallinn, Riga and Vilnius. Dispute resolution

largest practice areas. The litigation group

Michael Wigge, who has been managing the

is one of the areas in which MAQS has

specialises in dispute resolution and conflict

firm since 2007.

strengthened its position in recent years and

management and has long experience and

Lindahl recently announced figures showing

Hans Bagner, one of the founding partners

solid competence in litigation, arbitration

that it continued to grow with a turnover for

of Swedish law firm Vinge, joined the firm at

and mediation.

2011 that amounted to SEK607 million. “This

the beginning of the year to strengthen its

implies that Lindahl now is twice as big as it

litigation department.

before Christmas.

Backed up by the legal know-how and industry expertise of the other practice groups,

was five years ago. At the same time our growth

“Hans will be an immense addition to our

the litigation team advises on everything from

strengthens my belief that it is competence

dispute resolution practice. He is a renowned

risk assessment and strategic planning to

paired with our no-nonsense approach in our

Swedish lawyer with a global network, and

managing the entire range of commercial law

communication that is appreciated by clients,”

with him we can develop and transform our

disputes. The aim is always to identify

Mr Smedeby said on his appointment.

international presence,’ said managing partner

commercially viable and well-prepared solutions.

The increase in turnover in 2011 was 7%

Torbjörn Lindmark.

compared to 2010. Lindahl currently employs

Mr Bagner commented, “MAQS has an

250 lawyers and a total of 370 employees at six

established presence in Sweden and the Nordic

offices in Sweden.

region, which should serve as a solid foundation

theBaltic Spring 2012

Amongst its clients are both Swedish and foreign companies, organisations, public authorities and municipal companies.


Insurance parlance

Reducing claims The UK Club introduces its bow tie approach while liquefaction continues to concern


fter much study and only after in-depth

“How can we reduce the frequency of these

trials with certain shipowners, the

‘accidents waiting to happen’? What ‘controls’

UK P&I Club is now launching an

should we be looking at to ensure the ’threat’

innovative risk management scheme

is contained and an ‘incident’ does not occur?” The

utilising a ‘BowTie’ approach to identifying





areas of risk and minimising the occurrence of

guidance to owners and operators on tackling

incidents. The Club’s loss prevention director,

the root cause of expensive claims. Using

Karl Lumbers, explains:

quantified real-life case examples, owners and operators are able to invest proportionately in

“Working with those members who wish

risk management and loss prevention activity.

to identify the various threats to the smooth (claim-free) running of their vessels, we conduct

The detailed reports and reviews enable

reviews on those areas which may cause

information to be shared across the fleet and

claims. Thomas Miller, the manager of the UK

operational departments, enhancing credibility,

P&I Club, has access to an incomparable

co-operation and effectiveness. The result will

amount of claims data resulting from extensive

be a consistent and inclusive approach that

analysis of previous incidents over a period of

encourages sustained and measured loss

23 years and it is this that has enabled the Club

prevention activity over the longer term.

to identify ‘threats’, ‘consequences’ and

Teamwork and focus assists with Port State

‘controls’, the foundations of developing

Control compliance, speeding up that process

BowTie reports on individual vessels.”

and reducing the delay to ships and the burden

As an example, on one vessel, a panamax

on masters and crew during port calls. The

bulk carrier, five ‘hazards’ were selected as

transparency of approach enables owners and

being the most frequent liability claim areas

operators to demonstrate good practice to their

seen by the Club. These were:

customers, contractors, maritime agencies and

• Crew hazardous activities – personal injury

other third parties. Mr Lumbers reports that several members

• Carriage of cargo by sea – cargo damage • Ship in transit – collision/grounding damage

Karl Lumbers

who have been briefed on this BowTie approach have been enthusiastic and have

• Ship/crew actions – third party property common threats, which if not contained could

requested surveys that they can consider and

cause an incident; and 450 controls which

discuss amongst their management teams and


need to be in place and effective if the threats

sea-going employees. He concludes:

Following an extensive on-board survey,

are to be contained. He states:

damage • Carriage of pollutants by sea – pollution

“With this system you can also look beyond

‘threats’ relating to all five hazards were

“Although 60% of UK Club claims are

its primary role (for the Club and owners),

assessed, ‘controls’ that needed attention were

caused by ‘human error’, human error is often

namely the reduction in claims levels, to the

identified and recommendations for changes in

only ‘the straw that breaks the camel’s back’ –

bigger picture. It should always be remembered

working practices were proposed to the master

the last event in a chain of causal events.

that behind so many claims are incidents

“These causal events can normally be

that lead to serious bodily injuries and loss of

According to Mr Lumbers, while analysing

traced back to failures in one or more areas of

life. For those affected, including families and

claims dating back many years, the UK Club

ship operation; we sometimes refer to them as

friends of the victims, anything that helps make

has identified seven primary risk hazards; 76

‘accidents waiting to happen’.

life safer at sea has to be welcome.”

and owner/manager.

theBaltic Spring 2012


Insurance parlance Cargo liquefaction The loss-prevention department of the North P&I Club has marked the start of 2012 with a renewed campaign to warn shipowners of the potentially lethal dangers of cargo liquefaction. The club’s latest issue of its loss-prevention newsletter Signals is accompanied by a new safety poster and information sheet on the topic. “The loss of the bulk carrier Vinalines Queen on Christmas Day and three bulk carriers a year earlier, with consequent loss of seafarers’ lives, is a stark reminder of the catastrophic consequences that can arise from loading liquefiable cargoes,” says North’s head of loss prevention, Tony Baker. “In reality there are very few ships that can safely carry a bulk cargo that can change from a solid to a liquid state. Until our knowledge of the behaviour of liquefied cargo and its impact on ship stability improves, shipowners and masters must take all proper precautions when presented with such a cargo for carriage.” The International Maritime Solid Bulk Cargoes Code, which became mandatory a year ago, identifies the steps that should be taken when carrying cargoes that can liquefy. North




comprehensive guidance and advice to its members on liquefaction risks. This includes a

Tony Baker

10-page loss-prevention briefing on the topic in March 2010, along with more specific briefings on carrying nickel ore and iron ore fines – the two cargoes apparently involved in the six liquefaction tragedies that have occurred during the last two years. Repeated warnings and recommendations have also appeared in Signals and its online Industry News pages. The latest initiatives include a new A3 colour poster – the first in a new series of ‘Cargo Wise’ posters designed for use on members’ ships – and an A4 ‘Hot-Spots’ quick-reference, illustrated information sheet for ships’ officers and shore-based managers. Both





the importance of not loading potentially liquefiable cargoes without a valid shipper’s declaration together with supporting certificates of transportable moisture limit and moisture content. ‘Can tests’ should be performed throughout loading along with simple visual checks for any signs of splattering. If masters are in any doubt, North says, they must stop loading and seek additional advice. “Masters need to remember that the risk of liquefaction is a fundamental ship safety issue. As such they are fully backed by the International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea part V regulation 34, which sanctions any decision necessary in their professional judgement for safe navigation,” says Mr Baker.


UK Club risk management: keeping the tiger caged

theBaltic Spring 2012


What’s in a name? Andrew Jamieson of the International Transport Intermediaries Club explains how legal issues created by inaccurate or erroneous names can often give rise to costly and protracted litigation


n the case of the Sibohelle, the brokers had

company as the ‘T/C owners’ and (iii) that

Sailor not sunk. The owners wanted to rectify

recorded the claimant’s parent company, and

the brokers did not have instructions or authority

the charter party to show the correct company

not the claimant, as the vessel’s ‘T/C Owners’.

to enter into a contract on behalf of the

while the charterers (presumably wanting a

The reason given for the error was that the

parent company.

contractual party with an asset) refused.

broker had consulted an industry website to

The first question considered by the High

In an industry in which the use of single-

obtain details of the Sibohelle. The website

Court was whether the naming of the parent

purpose companies is common, the identity of

erroneously named the parent company as the

company as the ‘T/C Owners’ meant that no

the people behind the venture is often regarded

vessel’s time-chartering owner. The error was

contract had come into existence at the time of

as commercially more important than its precise

repeated in the broker’s recaps, and was not

the recap as the brokers did not have authority to

legal style. In The Double Happiness the owners’

spotted and corrected. No formal charter party

act for the parent company. The court held that

brokers told the charterers’ brokers that the

was ever signed or drawn up.

no contract had been concluded at that stage.

vessel being fixed was controlled by a well-

The fixture was performed. The identity used

In the majority of cases dealt with by

known group but did not name any particular

in post-fixture matters was inconsistent. Notices

International Transport Intermediaries Club (ITIC),

company as the owner. While this approach may

of Readiness were accepted in the name of

the fixture will not have been performed. In the

reflect what is commercially important, getting

claimants, while statements of facts named the

Sibohelle, the court went on to consider whether

the correct style right is essential if disputes are

parent company as the time charterers. Finally,

a contract had been formed by conduct,

to be avoided.

the freight invoice was issued on the parent

because the voyage had been performed and

In the cases handled by ITIC, it is unlikely

company’s paper but specifically stated that the

freight paid to the claimants. The judge found

that anyone has set out to practice deception,

amount was due to the claimant whose bank

that such a contract had been concluded and

they are simply occasions on which no-one

account was identified. The freight was paid to

the matter was remitted to the arbitrator.

has really got to grips with the issue. Vague

In the Sibohelle, the origin of the misnaming

company names or the use of initials can make

The issue that gave rise to the proceedings

was the broker’s use of information obtained

it difficult to establish the legal party responsible

was a demurrage claim of over $320,000. The

from a website. Sometimes the mistake can be

for the fixture. As was the case in the Sibohelle,

claimant had commenced arbitration against the

a simple error. In The Rhodian River and The

a variety of descriptions may be used pre and

voyage charterers but the case had been struck

Rhodian Sailor, separate one-ship companies

post-fixture. Such inconsistencies will be seized

out by the arbitrator because the fixture had

owned the two vessels and the same brokers

upon by lawyers to try to extract their clients

been made between the parent company and

acted for both companies. After the fixture

from the fixture. ITIC has in the past dealt with

the voyage charterers. The claimant challenged

of The Rhodian Sailor (owned by ‘the Sailor

disputes involving the correct translation of

the arbitrator’s ruling.

company’) was agreed, the charterers’ brokers

Arabic and Chinese company names. In these

The application to the High Court was made

asked for the full name of the owners and

cases the charter party had not been performed

on the basis of three factual assumptions.

the owners’ brokers mistakenly gave them the

and the owners were alleging that the broker

These were (i) that the claimant had instructed

name of ‘the River company’, which owned The

had fixed the ship to non-existent companies. As

the brokers to fix the vessel (ii) that the brokers

Rhodian River. This would probably not have

in many fixture disputes, a little attention to detail

had made a mistake when naming the parent

been of much significance had the Rhodian

at the time of fixing would have paid dividends.

that account.

theBaltic Spring 2012


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Legal news

Should the seas stay free? Under the doctrine of mare liberum, environmentalist Eelco Leemans argues that building a coherent and enforceable legal framework to protect the environment is compromised, as Julian Macqueen reports


elco Leemans maintains that the

even though the accidental spillage of oil

management of the ship in their registries”. The

freedom of the seas doctrine is not

from their ship was not their fault. Marine

role of shipowners is key.

fit for purpose. Is it time, he says, for

litter, ships’ ballast tanks which can spread

“This status quo is maintained by the shipping

mare restrictum?

invasive species to other marine environments,

companies, which determine the tonnage a flag

underwater noise and ship-breaking are all the

state represents.” In this way shipowners “can

focus of the green lobby.

play an important role in accepting or preventing

The object of his concern – the world’s

oceans. Shared between all nations, marine life and the shipping industry, he believes they are not getting the protection they deserve.

But in contrast to the mounting sense of urgency surrounding marine pollution, action

the entry into force of regulation that is essential for the protection of the marine environment”.

A shipowner reading this might dismiss his

is being hampered by outdated legal notions

Legal instruments – such as Marpol – exist

argument, after all, isn’t the industry swamped

and the nature of the system for controlling the

to protect the marine environment. However,

with regulations and getting more so with each

ships themselves.

measures to combat pollution – the Marpol

passing year? True, regulations cover all manner

The stumbling block is down to another

of shipping operations – from the treatment of

Dutchman, jurist Hugo Grotius, who devised the

ballast water to watchkeeping. According to

17th century doctrine of mare liberum.

annexes – can be subject to interminable delay before they enter into force. “When Annex VI (on air pollution) entered into

Leemans, who heads the Clean Shipping

“Grotius considered the right of free passage

force in May 2005, the shipping companies that

Coalition at the IMO, the 1990 Oil Pollution Act in

a necessary precondition for international trade,”

dominate the flag states’ registries that control

the US that followed the Exxon Valdez spill, and

says Leemans. Therefore, Grotius reasoned, no

some 45% of the shipping tonnage worldwide

the measures put in place in Europe after the

country should be allowed to control the high

managed to hinder its entry into force for eight

1999 Erika oil disaster, are good as far as they

seas. Mare liberum remains a leading principle

years,” says Leemans.

go, but they do not go far enough.

of the international law of the sea.

“All these and other legislative measures have not been able to eradicate the negative

This has important implications when coastal states act to protect their seas and coastlines.

This is because annexes require two thirds of parties comprising not less than 50% of the merchant fleet gross tonnage to enter into force.

effects of the international maritime trade. Global

When Spain closed its ports to single-hull

Most pollution from ships takes place out-

regimes do not in themselves offer sufficient

oil tankers following the Prestige incident, it

of-sight on the high seas making enforcement

guarantees for safeguarding the oceans from

provoked a “barrage of criticism” on the grounds of

“problematic”. But even though that is the case,

ship-source pollution,” he believes.

inconsistency with the international law of the sea.

the principle of mare liberum doesn’t help.

The crack in what should be a solid wall

Coastal states can and do act to protect

This concept “still seriously limits effective

protecting the seas is, according to Leemans,

their marine environments but mare liberum is a

enforcement of the regulation of various, often

“lack of enforcement” and “the weak link between

constraint on that action.

untraceable, ways in which ships damage the

ownership of a vessel and its flag state”. A large proportion of the world’s tonnage is registered under non-EU flags. The trouble

“The application of the pollution standards of the coastal state must not have the practical effect of denying ships innocent passage,” he says.

with these registries, he says, is that standards

If a ship’s right of passage on the high seas

vary. This, makes “it easier – and cheaper – for

can come into conflict with a state’s right to

shipowners to register”.

protect its coastline, the system for registering

“Between flag-states, there are substantial

ships also leaves a lot to be desired.

oceans”, argues Leemans. Mare liberum, along with the system of open registers, needs to be evaluated, he says. Is shipping at the start of a new regulatory era, mare restrictum? This is a shortened version of the argument

differences in the control of ships,” notes

The way the open registries operate is “an

Leemans. He suggests that such a lax system

important reason for the slow progress in setting

might be of benefit to shipowners but it does the

strong international regulation of pollution and

Restrictum? Challenges for the Maritime Industry

environment no favours at all.

establishing the necessary enforcement of these

by Eelco Leemans and Thomas Rammelt, from

rules”, argues Leemans.

The World Ocean in Globalisation edited by Davor

The Erika oil spill signalled the start of a tougher attitude to pollution from coastal

Open registry states are unlikely to be

states. The officers of the tanker Hebei Spirit

counted among those “states with ambitious

in Korea were arrested by the authorities

goals in the field of environmentally-sound

theBaltic Spring 2012

presented in the essay, Mare Liberum or Mare

Vidas and Peter Johan Schei, (Leiden/Boston: Martinus Nijhoff Publishers/Brill, 2011).


Commercial profiles

Orient Project Shipping (Singapore) Pte Ltd A

fter 21 years of flying the Coli flag, the com-

is the perceived satiety, current and future, or

scurrying behind ( the two are inextricably linked

pany re-branded on 31 December 2011 and

where financial uncertainty raises the bar on

in a patron-client relationship).

is now Orient Project Shipping (S) Pte Ltd. This

required returns, making investment non-viable

The exciting prospect is Africa. It is

reflects an earlier adjustment to shareholdings

in the short term. In a non-command economy

geographically blessed, facing the developed

which were effected mid-year, and that now

capital investment is rarely undertaken evenly

economies of Europe and the Americas, as

sees the company fully-owned in Singapore by

and follows bell-curve peaks and troughs with

well as the tiger economies of south and south

the existing management.

demand ever-trailing installed capacity. On a

east Asia and Australia. Moreover, it straddles

However, this is the extent of the change;

global basis this may be expected to level out

the important north-south divide and it is where

the company continues to offer a boutique

– as one invests less the other more. However,

political, social and economic conditions –

project and heavy lift shipbroking platform,

increased globalisation means increased inter-

assisted by burgeoning mobile phone coverage

which includes the agency of the specialist

dependency and such investment decisions

and the world’s hunger to develop untapped

Carrier Biglift (, in Asean, ie

have a tendency to fall into step, meaning

resources – are changing the shape and


periods of plenty (2007-2010) permute into

expectations of a continent. Tigers may yet

periods of want (2011-?).

return to Africa and prove to be every bit as




Thailand, Philippines, Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos and Myanmar, although Project Orient’s reach

An equal influence on demand is technological

Project shipping is predicated on capital

substitution, both of commodity and source

expenditure, whether this is for the expansion of

of supply (one need only look at the impact of

existing facilities or the development of new. The

landlocked Mongolia in this respect). The energy

focus is largely directed at the extraction and

market, which is the building block of economic

refining of resources, within this category we

growth, is impacted by all. Power generation

include the harvesting of energy from fossil fuels

has historically been coal and oil-fired although

and the elements (sun, wind, and wave).

LNG is increasingly important. Hydro-electric

The current turmoil in financial and commercial

has geographical limitations (and increasingly

markets is impacting on all the shipping sectors

environmental concerns); nuclear – the current

and while the project market has held up far

environmental bad boy – has come and gone

better than the wet or bulk trades, there are

and is waiting in the wings to be re-introduced,

worrying signs of storms looming. Investment

while windpower is in the ascendant.

is predicated on financial stability and market

Much investment has gone into LNG

predictability and currently there is little evidence

processing and it has been an important

of either – currencies are under pressure, while

supporter of the project market. However, with

inter-bank lending and project financing are

the discovery of ubiquitous unconventional

becoming more selective.

sources (ie shale gas) this market stands at a

Developed economies are under strain

crossroads, although increasing environmental

with demand falling, and emerging economies

concerns about the recovery of shale gas may

are feeling some of that backlash while

mitigate in LNG’s favour. Equally, wind power,

simultaneously contending with the problems

which supplies a huge amount of seaborne

caused by their own rising wealth-inequality and

trade, relies heavily on subsidies and were it

asset inflation.

forced to compete on a financially even playing-



resilient as their Asian cousins.

advance combined with political whim and

and remit is global.




sentiment going forward and that is quite apart

field could well become a shadow of its current importance.

from the shipowning/operating community’s

Finally, it is worth noting the influence of

self-inflicted wounds caused by flotillas of

infrastructure companies (EPC/EPCM) domiciled

new tonnage streaming onto the market to

outside the traditional preserves of Europe, North

exacerbate supply side pressure.

America and Japan. New entrants from tiger

It is not that world trade is diminishing

economies, perhaps with different commercial

nor that the imperative of growth has been

imperatives and of a mildly protectionist nature,

removed – the global population continues to

are cutting swathes through market accessible

expand and human expectations are seemingly

project cargo.

limitless – rather that certain pressures have the

So from where may we expect deliverance?

capability to reshape demand and impact on

Certainly China will continue to be the dominant

Managing Director – Orient Project Shipping (S)

the project shipping sector. The principal culprit

driver in the project shipping scene, with Australia

Pte Ltd


theBaltic Spring 2012

Patrick Evans

Commercial profiles

Fednav Limited F

ednav Limited, headquartered in Montreal, is a privately-owned shipping company and the

largest international dry-bulk shipping group in Canada. Together with its associated companies, it engages in several areas of transportation: ship owning; ship chartering for short and longterm periods; marine transportation of bulk and breakbulk cargoes worldwide, including the Canadian Arctic; ice navigation services; stevedoring at terminals owned and operated by the Group; and provision of logistics services including warehousing and ground transportation. The Fednav Group directly employs 250 office staff worldwide, with about 145 in the Montreal headquarters and remainder in commercial offices located in Antwerp, Brisbane, Charlotte,

of Japan – two Ice-Class 1C Handy-size Lakers

on the US East and Gulf Coasts and in the

Hamburg, London, Rio de Janeiro, Singapore,

for delivery in 2012 and four Ice-Class 1C

Great Lakes, providing bulk and general cargo

and Tokyo. Another 1,200 personnel work under

Supramax bulk carriers for delivery in 2013-2014

handling and warehousing services to customers

contract on the Group’s owned vessels and in

– as well as six of a series of eight Ice-Class


its terminals.

1C Handy-size bulk carriers from the Ouhua

Fednav Group Business Units include Fednav

Fednav Direct offers comprehensive oncarriage transportation management solutions

Shipyard of China for delivery in 2012.

including warehousing and just-in-time delivery.

International Ltd (FIL), a wholly-owned subsidiary

Fednav has been active in the Arctic since

of Fednav Limited, responsible for the Group’s

the early 1950s when it carried components of

Fednav is aware that its activities impacts

international freight activities. Although FIL has

the DEW line system, and today it owns and

the environment and is therefore committed

significant experience trading in and out of the

operates the only ice-breaking bulk carriers

to conducting its business in an ethical and

St Lawrence River and the Great Lakes, where

in Canada. The Group transports about two

sustainable way. It is dedicated to continuously

it is the largest deep-sea operator, it services

million tonnes annually and offers year-round

improving operational performance in order

international trade routes with its fleet of about

service in northern waters. Offering support to

to reduce its environmental footprint. It is

75 Handysize, Supramax, and Panamax-size

the Group’s projects, Enfotec Technical Services

committed to conducting business thoughtfully

vessels. Transporting roughly 28 million tonnes

Inc, a subsidiary of Fednav Limited, specialises

and conscientiously with an aim to prevent

of cargo per year, the combination of long and

in providing ice analysis and vessel routing

pollution and safeguard the natural environment.

short-term charters, including 29 ships owned

services for ships operating in ice-covered

Fednav was the first shipping company

by the Group, and a great number of ice-class

waters. The Group is the leading carrier in the St

in Canada to make its environmental policy

ships, allows FIL to be able to ensure a reliable

Lawrence and other ice-covered regions through

accessible online and is a founding participant

service for its customers, while maintaining

winter months and is able to offer customised

of Green Marine, a voluntary, Canada-US

operational flexibility.

solutions developed with the mining industry and

environmental programme covering the Great

community partners in Northern regions.

Lakes-St Lawrence corridor

The Group currently has 12 vessels on order including six from the Oshima Shipyard

Federal Atlantic Lakes Line (FALLine), a

The Group’s objective is to continue to

division of Fednav

develop the niche markets in which it has built



significant expertise while diversifying in related

operates a steel

areas. It believes that the maintenance of strong,

and general cargo

long-term relationships with customers, partners

liner service from

and suppliers is critical to its success and that



the profitability of the Group is directly related

ports including the

to the challenge and satisfaction that employees

Baltic to ports in

derive from their work.

the St Lawrence

Fednav is committed to providing consistent,

River and the Great

high-quality service with an aim to be the carrier


of choice.

Federal Marine Terminals is




subsidiary Fednav



The Fednav Group 1,000 de La Gauchetière Street West Suite 3500 Montreal, QC H3B 4W5



Tel: +1 514.878.6500



theBaltic Spring 2012


Commercial profiles

Rosneft Marine poised for growth in 2012 and beyond I

n 2010, Rosneft Marine UK was established as the international trading office of Rosneft Oil

Company’s marine fuel division. Rosneft Marine UK has been tasked with expanding Rosneft’s marine fuel business and is in line with the company’s commitment to provide access and support to its customers throughout the world. The company focused on growing its fleet in 2011 and received two modern barges in Tuapse and Murmansk. It aims to continue this process by adding vessels in the ports of St Petersburg and Arkhangelsk in the months to come. This will boost the efficiency of its fuel deliveries at St Petersburg, which is the main shipping gateway between Russia and the Baltic Sea. In addition, Rosneft Marine is planning to introduce a 6,000 deadweight tonne (dwt) tanker to meet the growing demand for bunkers in ports in the Far East.

price than in any other major port in the region.

“2011 was an extremely successful year for

In 2012, Rosneft Marine will be positioning

Rosneft Marine as we implemented many of our

Vladimir Brezhnev, director of Rosneft Marine

itself to explore the Chinese market with supplies

strategic plans to grow Rosneft’s bunkering

UK, said: “Rosneft Marine has made a number

of DMA, which is in strong demand in the

division. We managed to both increase our

of investments in the last year to modernise

Chinese North-Eastern and Eastern provinces.

operational capacity as well as extend our global

our fleet and increase our operational capacity.

It is also examining plans to open an office in

network and grow our coverage for our

We intend to continue this trend and are

Beijing with Chinese-speaking staff to better

customers,” Mr Brezhnev said.

constantly seeking to improve our control of the

serve its Chinese clients.

supply chain.”

“This year we intend to focus on implementing

Rosneft Marine believes that there is strong

better standards throughout our supply chain. By

As part of its goal to form more strategic

demand for high quality low-sulphur fuel oil

continuing to build on our strengths and improve

alliances with global partners, Rosneft Marine

(LSFO) in the Mediterranean and is looking for

our operations, we believe that Rosneft’s success

signed an agreement with Sakhalin Energy

potential partners in the region.

in bunkering can only grow,” he concluded.

Investment Company (SEIC) in October 2011.

Since 2008, Rosneft has gone from strength

The agreement is for Rosneft Marine to supply

to strength and become a leading player in

SEIC’s fleet of three crude tankers and five

the Russian domestic bunkering market. The

LNG carriers in the Russian Far East port of

company has recorded steady growth since its

Nakhodka. To better service this agreement,

inception and signs suggest that it will continue

Rosneft Marine intends to add a 5,000-6,000

this successful trajectory in the years to come.

dwt ice-class barge that can supply fuel directly to the ports on Sakhalin Island. The agreement with SEIC marks Rosneft Marine’s first term formula contract and has been followed by term formula contracts being negotiated with other major players in the shipping industry. Term formula contracts are favourable to both the supplier and customer as they not only guarantee that volumes will be supplied but also that they are at a fair price for both parties. Rosneft is the only supplier in the Russian Far East that is able to guarantee volumes, as it controls the whole supply chain from the oil well to the barge. This has made it an attractive partner, as formula based contracts can guarantee clients that they are getting a better


theBaltic Spring 2012

Commercial profiles

‘Move to improve’ with BBC Chartering W

ith more than 140 vessels in its portfolio,

Along with the suitable vessel, the company

shipments, and on one of the regular liner


services the company offers around the world.

heavy lift and multipurpose tonnage segment,

develops stowage and lashing concepts, handles

Any tonnage can be assigned flexibly to any type

with vessels ranging from 3,500 to 37,300 dwt.

the cargo, and arranges required materials and

of service as may be required.

It operates the single largest fleet in the market


BBC Chartering is a global leader in the

with lifting capacities reaching up to 800 mt.





Founded in 1997, BBC Chartering could

Experienced teams at BBC Chartering deliver

be considered to be a young company. As a

The fleet can cater for project cargo, break

the expertise needed to ensure the transport

consequence of its attractive business concept,

bulk, bulk, or any other non-standardised cargo.

is managed to the client’s demands without

it has grown from operating 10 vessels to

The overall number of vessels, their shallow

compromising operational quality, environmental

over 140 ships today. This development has

drafts, large cargo holds, overall compact

aspects or occupational health and safety issues.

been supported by its team, who embrace the

vessel dimensions and high lifting capacities

With dedicated tender management and

company’s aim of becoming the leading supplier

are important fleet features that allow BBC





Chartering to offer flexibility and reliability for any

Chartering also seeks to support clients in the

assignment. The company can also respond to

offshore oil and gas industry.

of tonnage in the multipurpose and heavy lift market, people that ‘move to improve’. More than 300 people are available in 25

any project demand, ensuring that the required

The company also plays an important role as

offices around the world to assist charterers in

resources are aligned so the shipment is

a high quality carrier for the wind industry, where

planning and executing their transport projects.

delivered within time and budget.

it has helped numerous clients turn their projects

BBC Chartering representatives look forward to

into successes.

discuss project opportunities with you.

With ships averaging below five years of age, BBC Chartering employs one of the youngest

Typically, BBC Chartering offers its ships

and most efficient MPP/HL fleets in the world.

through three lines of service: clients can book

This policy ensures that ships with the most

cargoes on tramp services for full charters

up-to-date technical characteristics can be

or part cargoes, on affreightment contracts in

offered to charterers.

order to secure shipping capacity over multiple

More information can be found at



ibson Shipbrokers has an experienced

shipowners and charterers to banks, investment

international energy trades for tankers, dry cargo

Consultancy and Research team covering

groups, energy consultancies and government

and gas. We have offices in London, Oslo, Hong

crude and product tankers, dry bulk, LPG and

agencies. Services include the provision of

Kong, Shanghai and Singapore, and are part

LNG transportation sectors. We provide market

shipping data, analysis, market forecasts and

of the Hunting Group, a fully listed company

consultancy services to many of the world’s

tailor-made in-depth studies. We also act as an

on the London Stock Exchange and a leading

leading companies, and our knowledge and

external shipping research resource, providing

energy services company in the upstream oil

expertise make us ideal partners in delivering

various companies with access to our expertise

and gas industries.

industry analysis, forecasts and studies.

through an annual retainer arrangement.

Being an integral part of one of the world’s

In addition, Gibson consultants give high

leading shipbroking companies gives us direct

level presentations, seminars and training

access to market intelligence from experienced

sessions to individual companies, international

spot brokers, experts in period and projects,

conferences and universities, as well as industry

through to sale and purchase specialists. At

and government bodies.

Gibson, our combination of first-hand industrial

Gibson Consultancy and Research offers

knowledge together with the expertise on the

access to detailed shipping information on

research desk gives us a major competitive

supply, demand and rate assessments, as well

For further information about Gibson

edge in shipping consultancy. With more

as strong support, market expertise and a

Consultancy and Research please contact us:

regulation, shifts in commodity supply, demand

forward looking view of the industry. Visit our

by e-mail ( or call

and trade, together with recent huge investment

website ( for sample copies

(+44 (0) 20 7667 1233)

programmes in new tonnage, this understanding

of our Tanker Register, Gas Register and Weekly

Gibson Shipbrokers Ltd

is vital in today’s ever challenging and changing

Tanker Market Report.

16-20 Ely Place

shipping industries.

Our Consultancy and Research team draws

London EC1P 1HP

Our consultancy clients range from oil, gas,

on the strength of Gibson Shipbrokers Ltd, with

Tel: +44 (0) 20 7667 1000

coal and iron ore companies, traders, end-users,

a global presence, operating in all the main

theBaltic Spring 2012


Commercial profiles

Galleon Marine Insurance Agency G

alleon provides liability insurance for marine

even be made personally (outside the protection

Most importantly, we are there for you when

and offshore professionals such as (but not

of your company name). It is times such as these

it counts. Galleon also covers cargo and third

limited to) shipbrokers, agents, managers, marine

that you need protection, support and peace

party liability for logistic providers, freight

surveyors and consultants.

of mind.

forwarders and transport operators as well as cargo “all risks” insurance.

What is it?

Why Galleon?

This insurance is designed to protect firms and

Galleon’s extensive cover provides protection

individuals within the maritime industry from

from, (but is not limited to), responsibilities for

allegations and claims made by customers or

errors and omissions, fraud of employees, loss of

third parties arising from an error or omission

documents, libel, slander and breach of warranty

made whilst performing an insured service.

or authority. Extra extensions are also available depending on the service you provide.

Why do I need it?

Unlike a mutual insurance underwriter our

For those who have never had a professional

premiums are fixed at the start of the policy period.

negligence claim you will no doubt argue the risk

Our policies are supported 100% by underwriters

is low – but our experience would beg to differ.

at Lloyd’s of London and our Insureds benefit

It is often hard to imagine as professionals, a

from continuity credits.

Galleon Marine Insurance Agency is a trading name of Crispin Speers & Partners Ltd which is authorised and regulated by the Financial Services Authority (FSA). Our registration number is 311507.

claim being made against you, but unfortunately

We understand the unique and broad roles

as our culture becomes ever more litigious it

within the maritime industry and our wording is

James Munn (Deputy Underwriter)

seems to be an increasing trend.

tailored to cater in this respect. Every firm

Galleon Marine Insurance Agency,

Whether you are responsible or not, the cost

is different and we want to work with you to

10 Fenchurch Avenue, London, EC3M 5BN

of investigation and defence can rise very quickly

ensure that your insurance needs have been met

Tel: +44(0) 20 3178 8868

and even the best business relationships can

– our team is flexible and we can construct


experience claims. In some cases claims could

bespoke insurance schedules in response to this.


Contact: Chris Curran (Underwriter) or

Maximise profit and minimise risk with Triple Point


from physical contracts and bunker swaps.

n today’s volatile economy, enterprise-wide

an agreement is made to transport cargo. Any

transparency and fast access to actionable

combination of cargoes, vessels, load, and

information can make the difference between

discharge operations on a voyage and/or time

Mobile Voyage Estimator

sinking and swimming. Triple Point Technology®

charter relet basis may be evaluated. Extensive

Chartering and VesselOps customers can take

provides the leading software for owners,



advantage of Mobile Voyage Estimator, a powerful

operators and charterers to comprehensively

provides a full view of all upcoming cargo

mobile application that enables charterers to win

manage chartering, vessel operations and freight

commitments or open tonnage positions.

more business and stay ahead of the competition



risk on an integrated platform.

by quickly providing accurate quotes from

Vessel Operations

anywhere. This one-of-a-kind solution analyses

empowers the commercial shipping community

Chartering and VesselOps manages all post-fixture

any combination of cargoes, vessels, routes, load

to maximise profits and minimise risk by providing

activities. Operators can keep track of day-to-day

locations and discharge ports.

complete transparency into enterprise position

operations: arrival, departure, loading, discharging,

The Softmar Chartering and VesselOps

and exposure, eliminating the need for antiquated,

bunkering and disbursement accounting. Voyage

solution is used by over eighty companies and


results are updated in real-time as new information

more than 2,500 daily users worldwide, including

is entered.

Allied Maritime, Marubeni, Merit Chartering,







technology provides fast access to accurate, real-time information that drives better business

Navig8, Ocean Tankers, Ultrabulk and U-Sea

decisions, streamlines day-to-day operations and

Freight Risk Management

Bulk. Founded in 1993, Triple Point employs

protects cash flow performance.

Softmar Freight Risk Management analyses

over 700 staff in 17 offices across the globe.

position including vessels, Freight Forward


Agreements, Contracts of Affreightment, cargo a

bookings, cargo relets and options. The solution

comprehensive system for managing pre-fixture

displays a consolidated view of total physical

activities including voyage estimating, cargo

and paper freight risk exposure, mark-to-market

Tel: +1 203 291 7979

management and vessel management. Potential

analysis and long/short position. It also manages


profit or loss is automatically analysed before

bunker exposure by combining the exposure



theBaltic Spring 2012





Commercial profiles

International Registries, Inc. International Registries, Inc. and its affiliates (IRI)

Republic of the Marshall Islands is not only white

of engagement, and work closely with military

provide administrative and technical support to

listed with the Paris and Tokyo Memorandums of

forces operating in the area.

the Republic of the Marshall Islands maritime and

Understanding (MoUs) but also has maintained

IRI has a network of 25 worldwide offices

corporate registries. IRI has been administering

Qualship 21 status with the United States Coast

located in Baltimore, Dalian, Dubai, Fort

maritime and corporate registries since 1948.

Guard (USCG) for seven consecutive years. The

Lauderdale, Geneva, Hamburg, Hong Kong,

The Republic of the Marshall Islands registry (the

Registry supports increased PSC schemes such

Houston, Imabari, Istanbul, London, Long Beach,

“Registry”) is the world’s third largest registry,

as the Paris MoU’s New Inspection Regime (NIR)

Mumbai, New York (mid-town and downtown),

reaching nearly 78 million gross tons and 2,560

and is among the few flag States to be included

Piraeus, Rio de Janeiro, Roosendaal, Seoul,

vessels by the end of 2011 and consisting of

on the NIR’s Low Risk Ships list.

Shanghai, Singapore, Taipei, Tokyo, Washington

owners and operators primarily from Greece,

The Republic of the Marshall Islands is active

DC/Reston and Zurich that have the ability to

the United States, Germany, Norway, Japan and

in the United Nations (UN) Contact Group on

register a vessel or yacht, record a mortgage,

the Middle East, among others. In this sense, it

Piracy off the Coast of Somalia (CGPCS) and

process seafarer documentation and service

is truly an international registry.

its various working groups. It also works closely

clientele. The Registry is committed to the safety

with governmental, military, intelligence and

and security of personnel ashore and afloat, the


industry interests to combat piracy. The Registry

Registry’s vessels, and the marine environment.

philosophy and the quality of the fleet. It maintains

is working with international partners, both in

The most important asset to the Registry is its

a continuing commitment toward working

government and in the industry, to foster better

customers. IRI strives to provide them with full

through the International Maritime Organisation

programmes to protect vessels that transit high

service from any office, 24 hours a day.

(IMO) to develop sound international regulatory

risk areas. With the increase in the use of

instruments and seeks to develop a close

armed guards aboard ships, the Republic of the

working relationship with shipowners, operators

Marshall Islands seeks to ensure that guards

and other industry stakeholders.

working aboard ships and those aboard any

The Registry is highly regarded for its decentralised


Port State Control (PSC) is the key indicator

escort vessels are properly vetted and trained,

with respect to the quality of a registry. The

use agreed-upon codes of conduct and rules

St. Lawrence Seaway Management H

ighway H2O is a 3,700 kilometre marine

Highway H2O is an alliance of transportation

highway that offers shippers direct access

stakeholders in the Great Lakes/Seaway System

to the commercial, industrial and agricultural

region, working to develop business and deliver

heartland of North America.

greater awareness about the System, locally

Highway H2O is strategically positioned, with

and internationally. Working with its members

access to:

and partners in a stewardship capacity, Highway

• A market of over 150 million people

H2O leverages its collective knowledge about

• A vast network of over 40 ports with key

the System to offer innovative services and

intermodal connections • Incentive programs for new and existing

incentive programs to ensure the System remains a competitive gateway into the future.

cargo The Great Lakes St. Lawrence Seaway

St. Lawrence Seaway Management

System is serviced by a variety of international


and domestic vessels that contribute to the

Tel: 905-641-1932 Ext. 5438

efficiency of the System. These include multi-


purpose ocean vessels, tug and barge units,

and a specialised lake fleet, many of which are

Sponsor of:

equipped with self-unloading devices.

Twitter: @hwyh2o

A wide range of cargoes move on Highway H2O, including grain, iron ore, pig iron, coal aggregates, chemicals, semi-finished steel, heavy lift and project cargo. Short-sea shipping is gaining momentum and Highway H2O delivers new supply chain solutions.

theBaltic Spring 2012


Commercial profiles

The world needs risk P

opulations, technologies and data are

our opportunity: to unleash the world’s capacity

Facts and figures

growing faster than ever. Today’s emerging

to advance. To make our clients’ worlds go.

We focus our business on P&C (non-life)

market could be tomorrow’s super power. Today’s prototype could be tomorrow’s mainstream

insurance and reinsurance activities.


Our Insurance businesses participate in more

product. Needs change as the world moves

Businesses that are moving the world forward

than 1,600 global programmes and lead more

forward faster.

choose us as their partner.

than 70% of these.

Whether it’s properties, transport, energy, art,

Because we analyse the numbers but listen

We have about 4,000 employees worldwide.

manufacturing, aerospace, contracts, people,

to their dreams. Because we’re solid but fast.

About 600 underwriters, 400 claims experts,

or insurance, moving things forward is what our

Because we’re experts in our field, but always

more than 200 engineers. And growing.

clients do. And moving forward means risk.

open to new possibilities. And because we make top service and fast, fair claims handling

We do risk like no one else

We can serve clients in more than 100 countries. We have clear and focused corporate

our priority.

Change is changing. Problems are greater. The

It’s all thanks to the widely experienced

responsibility activities at XL. Focused on

stakes are ever higher and answers are harder

underwriters who are experts in the industries

community and philanthropy, environmental

to find.

they serve, engineers who work all across the

stewardship, ethics and governance.

We’ve got what it takes to find answers where others don’t dare to search. We have the

globe and support teams that help them do what they do best.

knowledge and experience. Global capabilities.

From large corporations to mid-sized

Local experts. Scale and financial strength. The

businesses, even some inspirational individuals,

people, the drive and the technology.

we cover clients in more than 100 countries.

What we do sets ideas free, changes

Our capacity means we can work across their

industries and turns plans into reality. What we do

Casualty, Property, Professional and Specialty

invents the new and fixes the broken. We see it as


Port of Zeebrugge A

s a major coastal port on the Belgian

to the Middle and Far East with 10 fixed weekly

Zeebrugge as their distribution hub and new

North sea coast, Zeebrugge offers a highly

services. With these frequencies, the port is well

agreements are constantly being realised.

productive hub for a wide range of shipping

geared to offer its customers daily shipment

Furthermore, in order to be able to face the

companies. It is one of the few ports that can

possibilities. Zeebrugge is grateful to serve all

expected traffic growth, new port areas are

easily handle the larger container vessels, due

the major shipping lines, and its container trade

continuously being developed.

to substantial water depth and the sophisticated

has more than doubled since 2003. It ranks No 1 on the world scale in car trade;

terminal equipment. With an array of both deep-sea and short-sea distribution capacities, a network of intermodal

in 2011, 1.7 million units were handled for the global automotive industry.

services to reach the markets, and distribution

Zeebrugge offers its network and expertise to

facilities within the port area, the site is a logistic

the emerging markets and is also an important

turntable that meets the demands of a very

platform for receiving liquefied gas from the

diverse customer base.

Middle East.

In the short-sea trade, Zeebrugge is the

The port is a major gateway into Europe.

prime continental port serving the UK and Irish

All types of goods, general cargo, reefer trade

markets in transshipment. Fourteen daily freight

and project cargoes amongst others, can be

services cover all major destinations along the

treated within the port area with the necessary

UK’s east coast, while Scandinavia and the

personalised value-added services. Moreover,

Baltic in the north, and Spain and Portugal in the

frequent competitive and reliable logistics deliver

south are also served with frequency.

and receive cargoes throughout Europe. The container

port is always looking to provide its unique and

transshipment hub; in 2011 it handled 47 million

specialised advantages and to offer its export

tonnes of cargo and 2.2 million teu. It serves

tools to the European market.





many deep-sea destinations and is connected






theBaltic Spring 2012

For more information, visit:

Commercial profiles

We understand water and wastewater treatment A

s the market leader in the design and

BALPURE system is designed with easy-to-

sludge and solids management system that




removes concentrated solids automatically

disinfection systems, Severn Trent De Nora

requirement for design changes to the ship’s

while in situ. Accommodating varying crew

brings over 35 years of marine equipment

engine room. BALPURE received IMO Type-

complements, the largest individual OMNIPURE

experience to the treatment of ballast water and

Approval in July 2011.

unit treats a peak flow of 65m3 per day of human






At Severn Trent De Nora we understand

wastewater. The systems have received BV

Ballast water is the most cited cause of the

the importance of providing safe and effective

Certification of Approval and USCG Certificate

introduction and transfer of non-indigenous

treatment of grey and black water. That’s why

of Approval to IMO Resolution MEPC.159(55).



we’ve designed the OMNIPURE™ Series 55

treatment systems, especially those based on

sewage treatment systems to provide wastewater

electrochlorination disinfection, are a proven

effluent quality well below MEPC.159(55)

approach to limiting their introduction and transfer.


marine sewage.








The patented BALPURE® system is an

to handle waste solids from raw, untreated

effective and economical electrolytic disinfection

influent. Electrolytic treatment of marine sewage

solution to meet the most stringent ballast

eliminates chemical storage issues, dosing

water discharge requirements. Environmentally

equipment and costs associated with the use

Severn Trent De Nora

safe and easy to maintain, BALPURE can offer

of hazardous chemicals since the disinfection

1110 Industrial Blvd

energy savings of more than 60% compared

solution is produced on site while the unit is

Sugar Land, TX 77478 USA

with competing technologies. Ideal for high

in operation

Tel: +1 (0) 281 2406770

ballast water flow rate applications, BALPURE

The OMNIPURE system boasts minimal

uses a slip stream treatment approach that

maintenance, a small equipment footprint and


offers process and design advantages. The

a lightweight package design, plus a unique


theBaltic Spring 2012

Fax: +1 (0) 281 2406772



What’s on where A round-up of conferences, exhibitions and events in the shipping world 6-7 March, London

14 May, Sorrento

4th Chemical and Product Tankers

8th Mare Forum Italy 2012

Annual gathering for owners covering commercial and operational issues.

World economy, trade and commodities outlook, geopolitics, shipping, shipping innovations, ship-finance and ship-investments.

14-16 March, Singapore

24-28 May, London

Asia Pacific Maritime

Freight Derivatives & Shipping Risk Management Advanced Freight Modelling & Trading

19-21 March, Stamford

Baltic Exchange courses looking at the use of derivatives in shipping.

CMA Shipping 2012 This is the Connecticut Maritime Association’s major international conference.

30-31 May, Jakarta 10th ASEAN Ports & Shipping Conference

26-27 March, Amsterdam Platts 3rd Annual European Bunker Fuel Conference

The biggest annual ports, shipping and logistics exhibition in the ASEAN region.

4-8 June, Athens

27-29 March, Copenhagen Greenship Technology Conference Challenges for sustainable shipping.

Posidonia 2012 The world’s largest maritime event taking place at the Metropolitan Expo Centre this year.

4-6 April, Mumbai

19-20 June, Antwerp

SMM India


Europe’s leading shortsea event covering liquid-bulk, dry-bulk, feeders, shortsea containers, vehicle and barge.

18-20 April, Tokyo

Sea Japan 2012

25-28 April, New York Freight Derivatives & Shipping Risk Management Advanced Freight Modelling & Trading Baltic Exchange courses looking at the use of derivatives in shipping.


theBaltic Spring 2012

E D I R P FEDNAV / Expert Partner We are committed to environmentally responsible business and operating practices. View our environmental policy at

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