High Notes #11 - 11th August 2014

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Vol. 50

Issue #11

11th August 2014

Ministry Week 2014

FROM THE HEADMASTER Dear Parents, Students and Friends, REFLECTION The Gospel this week is of Jesus walking on the water. This incident takes place while the disciples are struggling to maintain their boat battling a heavy sea and a headwind. St Peter, the man of action and great faith, steps out of the boat and begins walking toward Jesus. The story says that as soon as he feels the wind on his face he takes fright and begins to sink.

GOOD WEEKS AT MARIST NORTH SHORE The last couple of weeks have seen the students fully engaged in worthwhile activity. Our Year 11 students undertook their outreach in Ministry Week activities. We also received some very positive feedback from employers about the Year 10 students on work experience.

Fr Michael Goonan SSP says that people with genuine faith always have high expectations of God – not expectations that God will always do what they ask but that God is ever faithful and loving. Such expectations enabled Peter to step out of the boat and walk on the water to Jesus. Such expectations can help us also to stub away from old securities and walk bravely in the ways of justice and peace. STRATEGIC PLAN 2015 – 2017 Last Tuesday evening we met with a strong and passionately Marist group of parents and friends to consult them as to their hopes for our College over the next three years. The College has engaged the services of a consultant, Mr Chris Barrett, to help us draft our next Strategic Plan. I was very pleased with the input from the parents. Today, the teachers had their say in the development of this plan. They also brought forward a rich and hopeful sense of the next steps for the College. Much of their energy surrounds the provision of high quality teaching and learning. The next stage in this process will be to survey a group representing the students and also the support staff. We are hoping to have a draft of the Strategic Plan available for comment by early next term.

Ministry Week students attended various community schools and care centres

The Year 12 students today completed their Trial HSCs. Their teachers have been very impressed with the determination and hard work that has been demonstrated by these students. This group of young men have been working together to bring about their improved results. We are seeing some very good leadership from these young men who have taken real ownership of their learning. Tony Duncan Headmaster


FROM THE DEPUTY HEADMASTER WELLBEING/MENTAL HEALTH The wellbeing of our students is paramount in our Pastoral Care of all students. Being fully engaged in an education means that a student’s wellbeing must be in balance. Mental health can be difficult to understand and a real issue for young men is that it can be seen as a weakness. The result is an undiagnosed and poorly treated condition that creates emotional instability. Below are some readings and findings that will hopefully inform and support our Marist community. The following are the statistics from the Australian Scholarships Group’s Social and Emotional Health Report. Mental health problems and depression affect 1 in 4 people between 16-24 years of age. From this, 15% experience anxiety, 13% used substances and 6% are diagnosed as bipolar. Furthermore, research shows that such issues can occur from early childhood through to schooling and teachers and parents must be alert to reading signs when our children may be suffering. Some signs and symptoms can include: • • • • • • • • •

Increase in irritability Missing school, dropping in performance Withdrawal from friends or activities Talking about fear of the unknown Repeated obsessive behaviours Suicidal thoughts Trouble sleeping Excessive worrying, procrastinating Inflexible thinking

Parents are encouraged to inform the child’s school and ask for assistance from teachers or in particular school counsellors. Marist College North Shore has three outstanding and highly qualified counsellors who have supported many students and their families. Furthermore there are other avenues of support that include: Kids Helpline 1800 551 800 Beyond Blue 1300 224 636 Parent Line NSW 1300 130 052 Resilience is a key word that needs to be fostered within our children in order for them to learn the art of bouncing back when we inevitably hit hurdles in our life. Here is a list from Andrew Fuller, a leading expert in resilience, on how parents can build resilience through deepening the importance of children developing a deep sense of belonging.


Being Still: With the numerous activities children can be a part of, it is important they learn to be still at home and not be craving for the next activity.


Finding Family Rituals: Sunday Roasts, Family walks, Pizza Nights. Positive and affirming memories.


Foster Spontaneity & Curiosity: Building blocks for good mental health. Show that success is worth having through modelling such behaviours.


Love Kids For Their Differences: Children who are individuals, are unique and have a strong sense of identity.


Make It Clear Who Is In Charge: Do not fear that you will lose a child’s friendship if you take control.


Be Consistent: Agree on consistent rules and standards and stand by them.


Teach Self Esteem: Praise and compliments exist in families that work well.


Know How To Argue: It is within families we learn to resolve disputes. Difference of opinions should be allowed, but children must learn they can not win at all costs.

David Forrester Deputy Headmaster REMINDER: RESEARCH ON INTEREST IN SCIENCE All students between the ages of 13 and 16 years are invited to participate in a research project being undertaken by Dawn Russell as part of a Master of Psychology (Clinical) at Charles Sturt University. It will involve a survey administered during school hours. All students should have brought home a copy of the consent form. If not, please check your email. Please take the time to read the information sent home and reply through your son’s tutor group or the front office. Please contact me for any further information. Dawn Russell College Counsellor 3

IMMERSION Going to a place like Cambodia on Immersion never really becomes real until you actually arrive and see the country not as a tourist, but as an Immersion participant and a pilgrim. From the moment the nine students and three teachers arrived at Phnom Penh Airport on the 2nd July, we found ourselves in the midst of how Cambodia appears when one arrives for the first time; the tropical heat, the tuk-tuks, motorbikes and cars all moving constantly like a flooding river down the road in a heavily congested way.


You will see the poverty of people ever present on the side of the road, Buddhist monks walking, people cooking food along the way. The Immersion staff and students had been meeting and preparing for the journey well before it started but the stark reality of what Cambodia is like strikingly appears when one arrives. It is in this context the Cambodian Immersion began where students and teachers alike immersed themselves in the culture, lifestyle, and experiences of what it is to be Khmer. It was about getting amongst the Khmer people to see how they live and to understand life in this country. More particular the hardships, difficulties and setbacks that often occur but also the strength, resilience, and determination that are part of everyday living. Once settled into Phnom Penh, it was then a case of meeting the students from Sala LaValla on a day long harbour cruise that went along the main river to the Mekong. Only then did we realise the enormity of what an incredible place the school represents. Marist students and staff met Sala LaValla students at the ferry dock and it was here that the journey of working with the school started. The daily routine of getting up at 5:30am and driving by tuk-tuk to Sala LaValla school began in earnest where students worked on projects to help the school such as working on the farm, helping with the landscaping and gardening of the school, painting classrooms and teaching their students English in the afternoons. Then after this, back to lodgings and usually ending late in evening with a reflection about the day’s experiences. It was through the school experiences that the Marist students bonded strongly and got to know many of the Sala LaValla students. These were further strengthened throughout the week of working and teaching and culminated in quite meaningful connections that were at times quite emotional, exhilarating and satisfying. There was some time to reflect, when at the end of the journey, students went to Siem Reap to experience the great past of the Khmer Empire at Angkor Wat, but even here in an area where tourists abound, the reality of Khmer life encroached and very much influenced this part of the trip as well. The Marist North Shore students and staff certainly gave all they could of themselves on this Immersion and really made the most of the experience and truly expressed and conveyed the ethos of Marcellin Champagnat of simplicity, family, love of work and in the Way of Mary. It is with great pride that I write about the great things that were done by students and staff on this Cambodian Immersion. I am sure the memories of this experience will be lifelong and strongly cherished by everyone. Zachary Pedicini 4

2014 Women’s Night of Spirituality

MC Caroline Jones

Presenter ABC TV Australian Story

Guest Speaker Dr Dorothy Hoddinott AO Principal Holroyd High School, Fellow of the University of Sydney Senate

Guest Speaker Lanneke Jones

Musician, Teacher, Musical Director

FAITH FORMATION YEAR 11 MINISTRY WEEK From 28th June until 1st August, Year 11 students participated in Ministry Week. The Year 11 Ministry Week Program aims to allow students to engage in ministry experiences in the community and to critically reflect upon their experience of ministry through their Reflection Day which followed. It is hoped that they became familiar with the spiritual dimension and dignity of ministry, and recognised the concept of servant leadership.

Guest Speaker Rabbi Jacqueline Ninio Rabbi at Emanuel Synagogue, Sydney

Music Josie and the Emeralds

Tuesday 9th September 7.30pm - 9.30pm St Mary’s Church North Sydney, followed by supper in RDC

Limited parking in Church grounds and under the Ron Dyer Centre

The Parishes of Our Lady of the Way incorporating

St. Mary’s - North Sydney St. Francis Xavier - Lavender Bay Our Lady, Star of the Sea - Kirribilli


As you are aware, our College theme for 2014 is Service, and as reports come in from the various Ministry Week placements, it has become clear about just how well our students gave of themselves to the service of others. Ministry Week is one of the most important events in the Faith Formation calendar and I would like to thank all parents for their support in allowing their sons to participate so effectively.

As the College looks to our Year 11 students to take on leadership of the College at the end of this term, it so pleasing to see such great leadership qualities through the service of others in this fine group of young men. Anthony Munro Director of Faith Formation 5


Hugo Weaving’s Finely Woven Performance

On Wednesday 6th August, Year 10 had the privilege of going to the Sydney Theatre Company to experience their version of Macbeth.

Theatre is not a medium I have ever been a fan of - usually too static for my liking. However, the Sydney Theatre Company’s adaptation of Macbeth has ignited my interest in it. A remarkable achievement of entertainment, Macbeth managed to keep my interest peaked for the entire two-hour running time.

It was a performance enjoyed by all and made even more special due to the stellar and commanding performance of Hugo Weaving. He was the quintessential Macbeth; strong, powerful, dominant, and sometimes soft. We saw the ‘vaulting ambition’ that is the trademark of one of Shakespeare’s most popular tragic heros. Here are two reviews from Year 10. Janette Durand Leader of Learning - English

Macbeth Review Our visit to the Sydney Theatre company proved to be a rich and enjoyable experience. At first, I almost didn’t notice the actors until they took their initial places on the stage. The relaxed mufti clothing, paired with the minimalist stage direction, complemented the actors style and atmosphere of the production, helping the characters being portrayed to be more believeable. Multiple actors doubled up on roles and were free to roam around, making full use of the stage, as well as the bleachers and auditorium behind them. This innovative style of stage direction helped to emphasis the effects on stage, the smoke, prop snow and use of light, although used in abundance, helped to make lasting impacts on the dynamics of certain scenes. The smoke used in the scene of King Duncan’s death helped to represent the vagueness and confusion of the castle at the time. It also set the tone for a foggy backdrop to a Scottish morning. The play was inspiring and original in multiple aspects, I would highly recommend seeing it if you get the chance. It might even make you want to take up Drama next year! Nathan Niguidula 10 Kelly 6

Hugo Weaving performed a masterclass act as Macbeth, expressing more than just the necessary anger, ambition and regret with words and facial expressions; the way he used his body, looming yet fearful, transcended the limitations of the stage. The supporting cast was strong as well, of particular note Eden Falk, who played Duncan’s presumptive heir Malcolm and Fleance, Banquo’s son. Melita Jurisic as Lady Macbeth seemed miscast however -- she wasn’t this strong, commanding figure but a broken mess for the entire play. This isn’t to say she played it poorly, but the disconnect between the script and performance was rather jarring. The production is mostly barebones. Beginning with just two tables and a few chairs, the play slowly seems to grow in budget size, ending with a cascade of glitter representing snow, reflecting off of the light in something that is hypnotisingly beautiful. The choice of making the witches’ cauldron a flower pot from the banquet was an inspired choice. The decision to make the witches smash the nearest malleable object or liquid over their face to signify their arrival, however, had the unintended effect of causing me to break out in a chuckle. I have no idea if this was the director’s intention, but despite being weird, it didn’t unnerve me to the degree I felt necessary for such a group of malevolent, supernatural creatures. Although the play isn’t perfect, it is still a great way to spend two hours. Hugo Weaving’s performance is honestly strong enough to overcome the flaws of the play; the sheer charisma of his presence on stage makes this an imperative viewing for all theatre or Shakespeare enthusiasts. And if you aren’t one of those? Watch it anyway! Like me, it may just change your mind about the theatre. Jacob Rizk 10 Kelly


The students’ comments sum it up: Great idea! The professional Chef was an awesome choice and the whole festival was planned perfectly!

“Physiological studies have found that speaking two or more languages is a great asset to the cognitive process. The brains of bilingual people operate differently than single language speakers, and these differences offer several mental benefits”.

www.telegraph.co.uk/education/educationopinion/10126883/ Why-learn-a-foreign-language-Benefits-of-bilingualism.htm

For two days in Week 3, Marist College North Shore was transformed by our French Festival! All of Year 8 and the Year 9 French elective students received a passport in which they collected stamps as they sampled each of the six activities over two days: le foot (soccer); le théâtre with M. Vafeas; les jeux (card games); making les crêpes with Chef Luca; le voyage to France with Mme. Turner; and le cinéma. The atmosphere was palpably French with both staff and students enjoying pain au chocolat (chocolate croissants), an item exclusively sold at the canteen during the festival. Many staff members showed their support for the growing French program by wearing berets and using French phrases throughout the days. With great spirit, students embraced the activities. Outside their normal classrooms, they actively practiced their knowledge of French language and culture throughout the Festival. We congratulate all participants for their enthusiasm and commitment to learning and exploring all things French. Special thanks to Mlle. McGovern for her assistance in planning, M. Vafeas and Mme. Turner for running their own sessions, and to all staff that assisted in running sessions.

It was fun and we were able to use stuff we had learnt in class time out of the classroom. The French Days were really fun and I loved all of the activities, it would be really good if we could do it again for the years to come. I enjoyed and learned a lot during the two days of the French Festival. It was fun and unique. I have learned a lot from all the things we have done. Vive la France! Merci à tous!

Madame Jensen & Mademoiselle Bucknole French P.S. Click here to see 10 Benefits of Learning another language: www.spring.org.uk/2013/09/10-superb-psychological-advantages-of-learning-another-language.php




Dr Dan White, Executive Director of Catholic schools , Archdiocese of Sydney invites parents to a Regional Parent Forum. He will share some reflections on current developments in Catholic have Parents will education. nity the opportu EASTERN REG s, n o ION ti s e u q e to rais Thursday 14 August issues and 7pm–9pm facing Eastern Regio challenges nal Office . 3 ls 3 o B o a n h k c s Avenue Catholic s DACEYVILLE T 8344 3000

To RSVP, please email

pcs@syd.catholic.edu.au 8


Game enthusiasts and coders were brimming with excitement when students from the Year 9 and 10 IST and 11 IPT classes attended the Game Training Roadshow Workshop. Game Training Pty Ltd offers training sessions which teach students how to develop and build computer games using Unity, coding and resources downloadable from their website.

For the budding entrepreneurs and coders, they were told of different ways students can sell their completed games. Every challenge a student completes and submits to the Game Training Website, further resources are unlocked and supplied to the student in addition to the daily downloadable resources.

The Game Training Roadshow program starts with the two-hour session with the learning experience continuing with students receiving online accounts through their College email and a year’s subscription to Game Training website, resources and support services to work through a series of game development challenges. Students were able to ask questions throughout the presentation when learning how to develop 3D worlds and vehicles for their custom games receiving coding shortcuts. The challenge was given to the students with the prizes of an iPad and an EB Games voucher for the best Challenge 1 Games which are due back to Game Training in two weeks. Further incentives were discussed and linked to popular game apps such as Temple Run, which were originally built using the free download of Unity.

All classes will be using the skills and resources gained from Game Training Roadshow within class activities and assessments, starting with Year 10 IST with their Programming and Artificial Intelligence Assessment. Rochelle Eggins & Michael Dela Cruz IST & IPT


CAREERS @ Marist OPEN DAY SEASON HAS ARRIVED Open days at Tertiary institutions allow students to talk to the academic faculties, engage with current students and to explore campus options. I would encourage all Year 12 students to attend the Open Days of Universities, private colleges and TAFE.



University of Wollongong Saturday 16th August

2015 Undergraduate

Applications Open Wednesday 6th August 2014

International College of Management Sunday 17th August

Students are recommended to apply by Tuesday 30th September 2014, before the processing charge starts to increase. Students will have until Wednesday 7th January 2015 to finalise preferences for the Main Round of offers. More Info: www.uac.edu.au/undergraduate/apply/

UTS, City campus Saturday 30th August 9am - 4pm

TAFE & APPRENTICESHIPS BENGALLA MINE APPRENTICE INTAKE 2015 Applications close Wed 20th August www.migas.com.au/news/ bengalla-mine-apprenticeintake-2015/ AUSTRALIAN APPRENTICESHIPS AND TRAINEESHIPS INFORMATION SERVICE DRILLING OPERATIONS APTITUDE QUIZ aatinfo.com.au/ getattachment/11e0de4a39c2-408e-9a44c304106d2628/Resources-Extraction---Processing-Industries. aspx APPRENTICEPOWER Apprenticepower places people looking for an apprenticeship with employers looking for apprentices. Contact: 13 72 77 or mailto: info@apprenticepower.com.au www.apprenticepower.com. au/apprentices/apply/


University of Sydney Saturday 30th August 9am - 4pm Notre Dame University Saturday 30th August 9am - 3pm ANU Saturday 30th August ACU, Canberra campus Saturday 30th August ACU, North Sydney campus Saturday 6th September 8:30am – 2:30pm UNSW Saturday 6th September 9am – 4pm UTS, Kuring-gai campus Saturday 6th September 11am - 1pm ACU, Strathfield Campus Saturday 13th September 8:30am – 4pm UWS, all campuses Newcastle University TBA

CAREERS @ Marist EARLY OFFER NOTRE DAME YOUNG ACHIEVERS EARLY OFFER PROGRAM 2015 Sydney Campus Information Booklet & Application: www.nd.edu.au/__data/assets/ pdf_file/0003/123690/ND0226_ Early_Offer_Program_WEB.pdf UNIVERSITY OF SYDNEY EARLY OFFER Applications open Wed 6th Aug sydney.edu.au/future-students/ domestic/undergraduate/e12/ students/index.shtml ACU EARLY ACHIEVERS’ PROGRAM Applications open Mon 11th August. Applications close Mon 20th October. www.acu.edu.au/study_at_acu/ alternate_entry/early_entry CHARLES STURT UNIVERSITY PRINCIPAL’S REPORT ENTRY PROGRAM www.csu.edu.au/oncampus/ getting-to-uni/prep JMC ACADEMY 2015 SCHOLARSHIP Applications close Fri 5th December www.jmcacademy.edu.au/ Admissions/UndergraduateScholarships.cfm

SCHOLARSHIPS UTS BACHELOR OF INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY COOPERATIVE SCHOLARSHIP PROGRAM Round 2 Applications Open: Fri 1st August Close: Tue 30th Sept UNIVERSITY OF SYDNEY ST. ANDREW SCHOLARSHIP www.standrewscollege.edu.au/ st-andrews-scholars/


PRIVATE INSTITUTION COCO REPUBLIC DESIGN SCHOOL INFORMATION EVENING Tue 12th August, 6pm – 7.30pm, Coco Republic Design Centre 24 O’Riordan Street, Alexandria APM COLLEGE OF BUSINESS & COMMUNICATION OPEN DAY Sat 16th August enquiries@apm.edu.au www.apm.edu.au/about-apm/ upcoming-events AUSTRALIAN INSTITUTE OF MUSIC OPEN DAY Sat 16th August, 10am – 3pm 1-55 Foveaux St, Sydney www.aim.edu.au/events/2014/ open-day BILLY BLUE COLLEGE OF DESIGN CAREER DISCOVERY WORKSHOP Sat 16th August 171 Pacific Hwy, North Sydney Email: info@billyblue.edu.au Phone: 02 9492 3242 JANSEN NEWMAN INSTITUTE CAREER DISCOVERY DAY Sat 16th August 235 Pyrmont Street, Pyrmont www.jni.edu.au/about-us/jnicareer-discovery-day

INFORMATION EVENINGS / EXPOS UWS PARENT INFORMATION EVENING - CAMPBELLTOWN & PENRITH Wed 13th August Parramatta Leagues Club APPRENTICESHIP & TRAINEESHIP EXPO Wed 13th August, 4pm – 7pm Hornsby War Memorial 2 High Street, Hornsby Contact: Rachelle Elphick 0439 041 020

CATC DESIGN SCHOOL CAREER DISCOVERY WORKSHOP Sat 16th August, 11am – 2pm 1-5 Hickson Road, The Rocks www.catc.edu.au/events/careerdiscovery-days-and-nights/ sydney-events/saturday-16thaugust-2014-catc-open-day ACADEMY OF INTERACTIVE ENTERTAINMENT OPEN DAY Sun 17th August, 10am – 3pm www.aie.edu.au/ announcements/open-daysunday-17th-august-2014 INTERNATIONAL COLLEGE OF MANAGEMENT SYDNEY OPEN DAY Sun 17 August, 10.00am, 151 Darley Rd Manly www.icms.edu.au/event/icmsopen-day-2014 SYDNEY DESIGN SCHOOL INFORMATION EVENING Thurs 28th August, 6pm To register and for more information go to sydneydesignschool.com.au/ info-sessions/

GAP YEAR PROJECTS ABROAD INFO EVENING Wed 20th August, 6.30 – 7.30pm Sydney Central YHA 11 Rawson Place, Sydney www.projects-abroad.com.au/ about-us/meet-us/informationevenings/ O.C. TOURS VOLUNTEER IN CAMBODIA January/ February 2015. Info sessions: Wed 13th August, 6pm - 7pm Sat 16th August, 2pm - 3pm Level 7, 71 Macquarie Street Sydney www.octours.com.au







The annual Cultural “Arts” Week is rapidly approaching and the Creative and Performing Arts teachers are devising activities to highlight and celebrate the Arts at Marist College North Shore.

As you may know, the College Walkathon will be held on Friday 22nd August. Boys have already been issued with their sponsor cards and should be eagerly seeking out family, friends and neighbours for sponsorship. This year the College aims to raise $35,000 to put towards College improvements. That amount equates to around $55 per student.

Activities during Cultural “Arts” Week: Monday 25th August 1. Draw Off Competition (All day) 2. Film Competition (Period 1 workshop) 3. Photography Display La Valla Foyer 4. Surprise Shakespeare – Year 11 Drama Tuesday 26th August 1. Musical Performances Lunch La Valla Steps Wednesday 27th August 1. Cultural Assembly Period 2 2. Pictionary House Competition: Lunch Hall 3. Spring Performing Arts Festival 6.00 – 8.30pm La Valla Hall and Balcony featuring Year 11 Drama Performance & Music Performances 4. HSC Visual Arts Body of Work Soiree: 6.00 – 7.30pm Conference Room Friday 29th August 1. Morning Assembly: Film Competition Announcement of Winners 2. Film Competition Showcase: Lunch Hall

Carolyn O’Brien Leader of Learning - Creative & Performing Arts

As always there will be a variety of incentive prizes for raising significant amounts of money. These will be advertised to the students in the coming weeks. All prizes will be awarded at the conclusion of the money collection process. There will be prizes for the top money earners and also draws for boys who raise above $55 and above $100. To add excitement and energy to this great College community event, this year we have announced a ‘MY GENERATION’ theme for the day. Students are to get thinking as to what they think best illustrates the generation into which they were born and dress up on the day. Every year more and more boys are getting involved in the novelty aspect of the day so creativity is required to be competitive. It is going to be quite a sight as 830 boys traverse through the streets of North Sydney in an array of colourful costumes. After the Walkathon, students will be served with a sausage sizzle and a drink. The day is shaping up to be one of the highlights of the year. So all boys are encouraged to show their ‘Marist Spirit’ and take up the challenge to seek out sponsorship. If any parent or friend has access to goods or vouchers that could be used as incentive prizes, please contact me at the College via email at: christopher.maoudis@syd.catholic.edu.au Donations are much appreciated.

OMISSION - ACADEMIC AWARDS In the last High Notes, we omitted Dominic West (9 Kelly) from the Academic Award roll call. He received two Excellence Awards for Semester One in addition to his Commitment Award. The Excellence Awards were in: • English = 1st place • French

Chris Maoudis General Coordinator

Congratulations Dominic!




This year’s Fathers Day Breakfast will be held on Friday 5th September at the La Valla Hall at Marist College North Shore. Fathers, Grandfathers & Students are all encouraged to attend this event. Doors will be open from 6.40am and guests are asked to be seated by 7.00am.

The P&F Trivia Night was held on Saturday 21st June and was another successful and fun evening. The P&F would like to sincerely thank the following families and businesses for their generous support. Your help and donations are always much appreciated.

We are very fortunate to have Mr Shane Richardson, CEO of South Sydney Rabbitohs as our guest speaker this year. Shane joined the Rabbitohs in 2004 when the club was in severe financial difficulties. Shane and his team over the years have rebuilt the Club’s financial viability and the Club now boasts the largest membership in the NRL. Shane is often referred to as the NRL’s most colourful and outspoken figure. The P&F would also like to thank Andy Hills (Year 7 parent) for organizing Shane to speak.

4 Pines Brewing Co. Bibb Family Blanckensee Family Bradford Family Brayshaw Family Byrne Family Buchanan Family Carol Gibbons Photography Catanzarti Family Cordell Jigsaw Zapruder Coyle Family Chance Family Deo Design Dixon Advisory Downes Family F45 Training Crows Nest Fitzgerald Family Flat Rock Brew Café Naremburn Fraser Family Garratt Family Grenot Family Geeves Family Hills Family HIP Media Hoare Family Holly Sahlman HQ Style Kenny Family Jo Oldfield Joanne Adams Johns Family Julia Heaton Karim Family Kinsella Family Konopka Family Legends Under Glass Manning Family Mark Brooks McQueen Family MTA Travel Northbridge School O’Hagan Family of Visual Arts Pilates Connection Raymond’s Framing Naremburn Signorelli Restaurant Darling Harbour Stacey Family Steve Netting Swinney Family The Wine Vault, Artarmon Tracey Robinson Turner Family Utz Family Vahldieck Family Whitehead Family

All attendees must purchase a ticket – students as well. Tickets are $17.50 per person and can be purchased from the link below. http://www.trybooking.com/96638 Please note ticket numbers are capped at 500. This is always an extremely popular event so please purchase early to avoid disappointment. We also need many volunteers for the following shifts as this is such as big event: Shift 1 – 5.30am - 7.00am (food preparation) Shift 2 – 6.45am - 9.00am (service) Shift 3 – 9.00am - 11.00am (clean up) Please email the P&F with details of your preferred shift if you can help at: pnf@maristns.catholic.edu.au Thank you.






Sebastian de Luca (9 Salta) is ran the City2Surf on Sunday, raising money for the Humpty Dumpty Foundation, which funds the purchase of hospital equipment for sick, young children. He has a goal $700 and has so far raised $350. An amazing effort! Sebastian de Luca

To donate towards Sebastian’s efforts, please go to the link: city2surf2014.everydayhero.com/au/ Sebastian

SNOWSPORTS Further to Will Neuhaus (9 Chanel) successes featured in the last High Notes, Will has continued his good run with the following results across the month of July. Congratulations Will! William Neuhaus

1st - U/16 Australian Cross Country Skiing Junior Championship (Class Sprint Race) 2nd - U/19 Victorian Biathlon Championship (Individual Race) 2nd - U/19 Victorian Biathlon Championship (Mass Start Race)

Dominque Ratcliffe (right) presented his runner-up medallion at the Bathurst Junior Squash Tournamenttournament

Across the weekend of 26th and 27th July, Dominique Ratcliffe (12 Moore) went to Bathurst to compete in the Bathurst Junior Squash Championships. Dom had a great tournament and came runner up to the #2 Australian and #1 NSW player, Rohan Toole. A fantastic result with a nail biting finish with Gordon the last match going to tie breakers in Juniors all but theCricket last game which was 11 - 9. Club

REGISTER NOW Dominique has been picked

to represent NSW in the Australian Junior Championships in Perth commencing 26th September where Collegeindividually North Shoreand cricketers he All willMarist compete for NSW.

are invited to play with Congratulations all the very best GordonDominique Juniors in and 2014/15 for National Championships!

www.gordonjuniorcricket.com Season starts September

Teams from U13s through to U16s/U17s Email: gordonjuniors@hotmail.com

Gordon Juniors Cricket Club

REGISTER NOW All Marist College North Shore cricketers are invited to play with Gordon Juniors in 2014/15 www.gordonjuniorcricket.com Season starts September Teams from U13s through to U16s/U17s

Gordon Juniors is your friendly, community-based club on the lower North Shore. We believe in equal opportunity for all players. Our simple philosophy is: we love cricket!

Email: gordonjuniors@hotmail.com 15

VOLUNTEER ROSTERS CANTEEN 11 Aug: PUPIL FREE DAY 12 Aug: Louise Frith, Kendra McKenzie, Nina Stowers-Kahui, Nola Xenakis 13 Aug: Joyce Aimond, Dianne Pastuszak, Janet Pereira, Cindy Van Kampen 14 Aug: Lynda Challenger, Sally Engeman, Marg Mitchell, Margaret Weller, Karen Whitehead 15 Aug: Paulette Bendixen-Brown, Brid Bowers, Sue Rennie, Vicki Robinson, Teresa Ukrainetz, Anne Young 18 Aug: Louise Burton, Cathy Kinsella, Jennifer Sheldon, Leonie Siutz, Tara Smith, Christina Young 19 Aug: Katherine Borkowski, Sandra Fitzgerald, Kirsty Hudson, Melanie Sanchez 20 Aug: Amanda Gallen, Meg Neuhaus, Sarah Panozzo, Ruth Scholes, Sue Van Twest 21 Aug: Rosina Aloe, Barbara Doll, Catherine Dovgan, Liz Parr 22 Aug: France Booth, Selena French, Fiona Lucas, Jane O’Shea UNIFORM SHOP 13 Aug: Megan Sturrock, Cheree Fullwood, Natalie Chanelian, Lizzy Chant 20 Aug: Maureen McKee, Julie Gaidzkar, Dimi Hills, Jenny Winter

LOOKING AHEAD 11 Aug: PUPIL FREE DAY (Staff Day) Solidarity - Night Patrol (Chanel) 12 Aug: Year 12 return to classes ICAS Mathematics Competition 15 Aug: Solidarity - Surry Hills (Moore) 20 Aug: Marist Oratory Competition 21 Aug: MCC Athletics Carnival 22 Aug: WALKATHON 25>29 Aug: CULTURAL WEEK 25 Aug: Solidarity - Night Patrol (Kelly) 28 Aug: Winter Sports Photos 29 Aug: Solidarity - Surry Hills (Salta) 2 Sep: College Chess Championship 4 Sep: MCC Volleyball 5 Sep: Fathers Day Breakfast 8>17 Sep: YEAR 11 ASSESSMENT WEEK 18 Sep: P&F Mini Book Sale La Valla Foyer, 8am - 9am 19 Sep: LAST DAY OF TERM 3 YEAR 12 GRADUATION 20 Sep>6 Oct: SCHOOL HOLIDAYS 22 Sep: Solidarity - Night Patrol (Salta) 26 Sep: Solidarity - Surry Hills (Kelly) 6 Oct: Solidarity - Night Patrol (Chanel) 7 Oct: TERM 4 COMMENCES 8 Oct: Year 8 RE Test 10 Oct: Solidarity - Surry Hills (Moore) 13 Oct>13 Nov: HSC EXAMS 15 Oct: Year 7, 2015 Information Evening La Valla Hall 6pm 17 Oct: Chanel Pink Cupcake Day 20 Oct: Solidarity - Night Patrol (Kelly) 21 Oct: Year 7 & 9 Vaccinations (HPV & Chicken Pox)





Parents, please be advsed that the third and final major Fee Statement will be emailed and posted out in the week ending 8th August.

Currently in lost property are the following items, all without names:

If you have any queries, please contact us at the College on 9957 5000 or at: accounts@maristns.catholic.edu.au Mark Brooks Business Manager

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When items come to lost property with a name I endeavour to return it to the student. I ask that parents please name all items of clothing so that they can be returned easily. June Mitchell Uniform Shop Manager


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