Pure design: What a difference a subhead makes

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mario garcia

What a difference a subhead makes Some stories need to run long. It is then that the designer works with the writer or editor to guarantee that the text will be easy to read. This is done with subheads, those lines that provide a pause in the midst of the article, allowing the writer to push the content and anticipating what is to come. The effectiveness of subheads is unquestionable. Not only do they provide a visual break, but they also divide or outline the story for readers who scan texts. Sometimes the subheads make the difference in a long article being read or not. How do you use them effectively? 

Do not use mathematical formulas. Instead, place subheads in strategic points of the text, where they advance the story. Use a size at least one point bigger than that used for the text of the story. A 9 point text would carry 10 point subheads. Allow some white space over the subhead to make them noticeable and to bring the reader’s eye and finger to them. Nothing is worse than a “squeezed” subhead.

Both serif and sans-serif fonts work well.

Lowercase letters work better than all caps.  68

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