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Fashion The faster they understand the necessity of transformation and adapting to the needs of the market the better for them, but according to the current atmosphere it seems as if there were no willing enthusiasts (visionaries) to put themselves in trouble. Until some time ago, some optimism in favour of such a trend brewed but as the things are moving, it is becoming certain that there is no will for such emancipation. There are some attempts to put an accent on fashion events. Which events are those and are they sufficient to ensure progress of the fashion in the country?

There was once a Modest (in pre-history) and it was a true fashion feast, at everyone's pleasure. Unfortunately, new time has not used the benefits of the created base, a little because of the lack of knowledge and much more because of greed and false motivation of new accidental players on the fashion scene. Fortunately for the Macedonian fashion, after long-year attempts, they have finally realised that it is not such an easy area for financial manipulation so they retreated. In the meantime, some enthusiast motivated players appeared, and they have managed to endure for a few season now. Currently, we can boast as many as two fashion events. SFW (Skopje Fashion Weekend) and Bitola Fashion Week. With modest beginning and many deficiencies that should be overcome, they have still managed to stir the fashion living and have slowly but steadily introduced fashion education in a direct manner. How long have you be writing about and exploring and supporting fashion and is it represented enough in the broadcast and printed media? At this very point, I am marking my jubilee 15 year continuing involvement in fashion. It is a respectable figure, not only as professional endurance, and I myself am even more astonished with the very fact that it is about uninterrupted continuity on television, especially that the whole story began as a modest desire to share some of my personally comprehended truth. However, it has turned out that over time, there is much more of those things one should share, and this is just because of curiosity and wish to learn more. Now, I am also realising the fact that the attribute – a fashion journalist is starting to be mentioned for the first time in Macedonia. Luckily, fashion is not only reduced to generating trends but is a complex and socially conditioned creation with a lot of sub-context, which makes it a serious topic for treatment. This may seem exaggerated and pretentious assertion, but the manner, the relation and approach of society, i.e. media as the proxies to this segment is also a clear indicator of the conditions. We now bear witness of a completely non-comprehended need for its treating in the true manner.

Si be{e edna{ eden Modest (vo praistorijata) i be{e vistinski moden praznik, na zadovolstvo na site. Za `al, novoto vreme malku poradi neukosta, mnogu pove}e poradi al~nosta i la`nite motivi na novokoponiranite slu~ajni akteri na modnata scena ne gi iskoristi pridobivkite i oformenata baza. Za sre}a na makedonskata moda, po dolgogodi{nite obidi kone~no sfatija deka toa ne e taka lesno pole za finansiska manipulacija, pa se povlekoa. Vo me|uvreme se pojavija nekoi entuzijasti~ki motivirani igra~i koi zasega so nekolku sezoni uspevaat nekako da se odr`at. Vo momentov mo`e da se pofalime duri so dve modni manifestacii. SFV (Skopje Fe{n Vikend) i Bitolskata modna nedela. So skromni po~etoci i mnogu nedostatoci koi treba da se nadminuvaat, tie sepak uspeaa da go razdvi`at modnoto `iveewe i poleka, no sigurno na neposreden na~in da podmetnuvaat modna edukacija. Kolku godini pi{uvate, istra`uvate i ja poddr`uvate modata i dali e taa dovolno zastapena vo elektronskite i pe~atenite mediumi? Tokmu vo ovoj moment go `iveam jubilejot od 15 godini kontinuiran ôd po modata. Respektibilna brojka ne i samo kako profesionalno opstojuvawe, a u{te pove}e i samiot fakt deka se raboti za televiziski neprekinat kontinuitet me stapisuva i mene samata, osobeno {to celata prikazna zapo~na samo kako skromna `elba da se podelat nekoi osoznaeni sopstveni vistini. No, se poka`a deka so vremetraeweto ona {to treba da se spodeluva namesto da se tro{i go ima s¢ pove}e tokmu blagodarenie na qubopitnosta i `elbata da se osoznae {to pove}e. Sega go osoznavam i faktot deka so toa za prvpat vo Makedonija i po~nuva da se spomenuva kvalikativot - moden novinar. Za sre}a, modata ne se sveduva samo na generirawe na trendovite, tuku e kopleksna i socijalno uslovena tvorba so mnogu potkonteksti {to ja pravi serozna tema za tretman. Mo`ebi se ~ini kako preterano i pretenciozno tvrdewe, no na~inot, odnosot i pristapot na op{testvoto, odnosno mediumite kako posrednici kon ovoj segment isto taka e jasen pokazatel na sostojbite. A, nie site sme svedoci za potpolno neosoznaena potreba za nejzino tretirawe na vistinski na~in.

Postoi li na~in da se motiviraat makedonskite tekstilci da sozdadat sopstveni brendovi spored koi }e bideme prepoznatlivi vo svetot? Kolku pobrzo ja razberat nu`nosta od preobrazba i adaptirawe na potrebite na pazarot tolku podobro za niv, no spored aktuelnata atmosfera se ~ini kako da nema podgotveni etuzijasti (vizioneri) koi bi si stavile “trn vo zdrava noga”. Do pred nekoe vreme tlee{e doza na optimizam za takva upatenost, no kako sega se dvi`at ne{tata s¢ pove}e stanuva izvesno deka ne postoi volja za takva emancipacija. Postojat obidi da se stavi akcent na modnite slu~uvawa. Koi se tie manifestcii i dali se dovolni za progres na modata vo dr`avava?


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