Cheap insurance companies for 17 year olds?

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Cheap insurance companies for 17 year olds? cheap companies that offer cheap insurance for males Related

Anyone know any companies that provide really cheap insurance for uk drivers? Anyone know any companies that provide really cheap insurance for uk drivers? In case of an accident where someone in a motorcycle is badly hurt will liability insurance cover? Say there is an accident involving a motorcycle and a car. The person in the motorcycle is badly injured how much will liability insurance cover? The insurance would be from the person responsalbe for the accident this case the person in the car. Would there be a big difference if you have full cover isurance? Is it hard to learn how to file insurance as an admissions person? Is it hard to learn how to file insurance as an admissions person? How much is motorbike insurance for a 125cc bike roughly? I know it's had to predict, but im looking to buy a bike soon. Im 18 years old, live in south-west London, have a full driving license for 1 year now. (some factors they might consider) thanks." Van with low insurance? HELP? My car broke down, and i need a van pronto. I am a professional dog walker and need wheels all the time as cover a large radius. This is a perfect time to take the step into have a van. I only want something small. which i can split the back into two sections so can carry two dogs at a time. similar size as a renult kangoo, transit connect, vahxall combo - that sort of size van. It needs to be a low insurance group - as i have 4 years driving but no commerical No claims only car no claims - which ive been told doesnt count on a commercial policy. also needs to be diesel and a very small engine like 1.3 or something as i do so many miles and fuel costs atm. I have around 3000 to spend on a van. Any direction as to a suitable van, that fit my requirments would be fab! Ive been looking all night and cant find anything :( Thank you!!!!" "Planning on buying a newer car, wondering how much my insurance will go up or if it will at all?" Right now I have a Ford mustang, and i'm paying about $800 every 6 months, i'm planning on getting a 1006 Grand Prix so since it's not a sports cr but it's newer will my insurance rate stay the same? Will it go up? Or am I lucky and will it go down?"

Will a window Tint ticket effect my insurance rate? Also how much is a window tint ticket in California? If i get a ticket for window tint will my insurance rate increase? Also how much are the window tint tickets? I am aware that some officers give you a fix it ticket but if they dont how much money is the ticket? I am located in California and just want to check this out before I get my windows tinted. I'm 17 just got my driving licence (UK) How can I get my insurance cheaper? I'm 17 just got my driving licence (UK) How can I get my insurance cheaper? Auto Insurance? For the average person (young adult), what is the difference between the cost of auto insurance for a coupe and sedan? For example, a honda civic coupe and a 4 door sedan?" How old do you have to be to start driving lessons? How old do you have to be to start driving lessons? Showing proof of insurance after citation (in Texas)? Hello, i received a citation for driving uninsured a couple days ago (my court date is the 15th). I got a letter in the mail today saying i would have to pay a fine of $300.... more" What is life insurance quotes? what are the advantages of insurance quotes? Will obamacare lower health insurance premiums? how will forcing more people to purchase a finite resource (increasing demand) cause the price to go down? Homeowner's and Auto Insurance? We've been with Allstate for home and auto insurance for over 30 years, and they have recently starting screwing with us about renewing out Homeowner's insurance. We're pretty sure they are nitpicking about things because they are not writing new policies for Californians, but are keeping existing customers for now. Anyway, I went to the Auto Club this morning and got quotes from them for Home and Auto Insurance and their prices are much better than Allstate's. What I want to know is anyone's experience with AAA insurance. Are they a good company to insure with, any problems, etc? Thank you for any information you can provide."

I just got notice my insurance premiums jumped so I high I cannot pay them.? I just got notice at work this morning that my insurance is going from 79.00 every two weeks to 179.00 and with my family which I have on my insurance went from 345.00 to 750.00 every weeks. I cannot afford this! I have no idea what to do. I only make 1700.00 a month. What can I do? Smart roadster uk insurance.? Slight problem, was looking up TPFT insurance quotes for a smart roadster: 500 excess. 7000 yearly premium. 7500 annuall mileage. The car's only worth 8500 it has a 0.7L engine. How do they justify this price gouging?" What is the difference between ordinary life insurance and term insurance? I heard about term insurance whose meaning is not clear to me. Can anybody please explain what is the difference between ordinary life insurance (like those offered by LIC) and a term insurance? What are the advantages and disadvantages of the two? Does an expired MOT invalidate insurance when making a claim for my car stolen from a private driveway? I had no idea that my mot had ran out, when my car was stolen from a private driveway (not on public road) My insurance say i was in breach of the policy. But where do i stand legally with the car being off road when stolen? The insurance quoted no payout if there's no mot when one is required by law! Is there a loophole i can use" "I am 18 and can't find car insurance under 2000, does anyone know anywhere? its insurance for a toyota yaris 2003 Y reg 3 door hatch back for an 18 year old boy with a 1 month old full uk lisence. Can a 17 year old get medical insurance while pregnant? My friend just found out she is pregnant today. She has no idea where to get medical help for her and the baby. She is only 17 she doesn't turn 18 til march. Where can she go to get help? What is the price range for small business insurance packages? I have a question for my personal finance class that asks: Search the internet and name your sources for a small business insurance package. Identify basic areas of risk that they cover. How much would such a package cost? I've found the basic areas of risk covered, however i can't find price ranges anywhere and all the offices are closed when i call, except for one that said they can't do it over the phone..." Any experience of Swift Cover Car Insurance???

I am with Diamond at present and despite being with them for 6years and having 5years NCB their renewal quote is very high. I am potentially downgrading from a 2.8 TDX 4x4 to a 1.2 SXi Corsa and the reduction is only 30!! I looked on and Swift cover seemed to have a good rate (i know the really cheap ones on there are not so good- high excess etc). I looked on the website and it seems pretty good with only 100 excess compared to 150 with Diamond. Has anyone used Swiftcover for insurance before and would they recommend them or not??? Thanks : ) If I just got auto insurance? If I just got auto insurance for my car but my car was crash before hand, should I still let the auto insurance company know even if I wasn't the driver?" I need to know where i stand with insurance? basically a guy drove into the side of me and my car is in the garage awaiting assessment to see if its to be written off or fixed. of course the insurance wants whatever is cheapest and its looking like it would be cheaper to write it off. if this happens can i 1. offer to pay more on my excess to get it fixed? 2. get the car picked up and pay for it all myself to get fixed at my own mechanics? its not that the car isn't fixable its just that the insurance is looking at the cheapest option, which looks like writing it off, because my excess is so high, but if they do this i will never be able to afford the insurance, so would rather keep this policy and fix it, anyway is this possible and can anyone find a loophole?" Average costs of homeownership wisconsin? i really want to get a small single family house for me and my girlfriend and wanted some insight on average costs of home ownership such as morgage insurance utilitys and so on and whats the average. im looking to draw up a budget and see if it is even plausable for me to own a small house. thanks for all input Cheap insurance companies for 17 year olds? cheap companies that offer cheap insurance for males Statefarm locksmith coverages for auto insurance? how much StateFarm reimburses for locksmith charges. I had to pay $139 for a locksmith to come and open my car. his service charge is 39.99 and $75 for opening car (tax and 10% credit card charge) it totalled to $139. now any of you has any idea how much StateFarm will reimburse me. Do agents play tricks to reimbruse less money. Any suggestions will be highly appreciated. Thank you What is some cheap car insurance companies? hey so i'm 18 & i'm looking to insure my car again after letting my brother have ago and he crashed it without being insured, i've been to court & i got a 6 week ban & a fine but im starting to look for insurance 7 i was wondering if anyone knew of any cheap ones to try? cheers" How much would some general liability insurance cost for a start-up salsa company?

My wife and I are starting a small salsa company selling it at the farmers' market and hopefully some local grocers. We would have no employees and sales will be well below $50K for our first few years. How much would some general liability insurance cost for a this start-up? We are in Lancaster County PA if the area matters. Rough estimates would gladly be accepted! Car insurance? Who is covered? Who is responsible? Okay I had a question about car insurance... I am on my grandfather's car insurance plan- I live with my boyfriend. I believe I am the only one insured to drive the car....My boyfriend's mother and step-father don't have a car right now and often times ask to borrow my car- I've been letting them until it was brought to my attention that they may not be covered in that car? Does this mean I would be responsible for anything that happened? Or would they? If another car was at fault for the accident what would happen? Anyone know how this works? Will Hillary Clinton universal health care program force all Americans to pay for health insurance? How will those who are unemployed pay for health insurance under her plan? Someone explain this auto insurance info please!!? In Founders Insurance Company v. Munoz, decided on May 20, 2010, the Illinois Supreme Court considered the validity of an automobile insurance policy exclusion that precluded coverage for any person using the insured vehicle who did not have a reasonable belief that he or she was entitled to do so. The court concluded that the exclusion was not ambiguous, and that it was properly applied to exclude coverage for drivers who did not possess a valid drivers license, regardless of whether the driver was a named insured or a permissive user of the vehicle. The court reasoned that an average, ordinary, normal, reasonable person would understand that the exclusion applied to unlicensed drivers. The exclusion applied regardless of whether the driver had never obtained a license, or whether it had been suspended. The court held, as a matter of law, that an unlicensed driver could not have a reasonable belief that he or she was entitled to drive simply because he or she owned the vehicle or had been given the keys. can someone explain this in lamens terms please? ive had a similar situation happen to me and i would like to know how to go about handling this thank you!" About how much is car insurance in British Columbia? About how much is car insurance in British Columbia, particularly Vancouver or nearby? Perhaps if you could share how much it costs you or someone in your family with a good driving record. Perhaps give a hint of what car you have, liability limits, etc. In the U.S., you can get online quotes. For Canada, I've never seen anything like it." Where is the cheapest place to get car insurance for a 17 year old male? Where is the cheapest place to get car insurance for a 17 year old male?

I'm looking for cheapest car insurance possible (ICBC)? I'm looking for cheap used car insurance. More specifically I'm looking for a list of top 10-50 cheapest used vehicles to insure in BC (ICBC). I know that there are many factors involved in determining auto rates such as year/model/engine/etc.... Surely there must be a list available to the public without having to call an ICBC agent every-time. How come we can be forced to pay for car insurance or health instead? How come we can be forced to pay for car insurance or health instead of forcing people to have a savings account that can only be used when you have a car accident, health problems or retire?" Motorcycle insurance? Can anyone let me know where can I find good deals on motorcycle insurance in or around minneapolis. Its my first bike. Should i keep car insurance? Car lot required full coverage car insurance to drive car off the lot. I just want the bare minimum can i switch to just liability? Or do i have to keep it? "How much do you think car insurance would be, ballpark range?" I'm getting my first car in a few weeks, and we're going to *** it to my parents' insurance. They have a car and a van, and I wonder what the difference would be to add my volkswagon new beetle-to-be to their plan. My goal is to budget $400 to the car each month for payments and insurance. Do i have the right idea? (payment $150-200 hopefully) That'll leave me $400 give or take spending and saving. Thanks much." Will 1 Point on my drivers record increase my Insurance in California? Will 1 Point on my drivers record increase my Insurance in California? I got a speed ticket for driving 12+ miles over the speed limit and was told I received 1 point and a speeding ticket. What are the cheapest cars to insure? What are the cheapest cars to insure? Need car insurance for a nissan navara? please help hello, just wondering if anyone can give me some insurance companies for a nissan navara, im 22 have 3 years no claims yet my insurance says they cannot insure me on it? At the minute i drive a 1.9tdi vw passat and my insurance only costs 800, so why wont they insure me on 2005 nissan navara? Please help, thanks in advance x"

Is the new ford mustang a good 16 yr old car? I'm either preferring that or a Chevy Avalanche. Which would be safer/better performance? What would my annual insurance be on a 2007 Honda Cbr 125? I just turned 16, recieved my M1, Got a bike (125 cbr), going for my M2 in acouple days. Havent placed insurance on the bike yet. Im wondering what my annual cost will be with low coverage ect (lowest possible)" If a person has previous damage from nicks on a car door and try to say you did it will insurance pay? My next door neighbor is trying to say my car door nicked hers when I got out of the car. I saw nicks on her door before I even opened mine. Now she wants to turn this into the insurance and file a claim. This was on private property, so I am not sure about it. My insurance company says an adjuster will be able to tell how long she had damage. I do not have any paint transfer on my car at all. Just unsure if this will affect my rates." What kind of insurance do I need to purchase when renting a car? I will be in the midwestern USA. I have basic car insurance through AAA. I have an American Express card which I understand offers some insurance. I'm a good alert driver. All the info I've seen so far confuses me. What is a reasonable amount of insurance? What can I do without? Thank you. "Around wat do u think the cost of my insurance will be, im 17 years old with a jeep cherokee?" Around wat do u think the cost of my insurance will be, im 17 years old with a jeep cherokee?" Who are my insurance brokers? how will i know who are my insurance brokers? Current or prospective vehicle insurance? i was preapproved for financing a used vehicle; they want me to bring in proof of insurance when i close loan. does this mean my current insurance on the vehicle i wont be using anymore or for the new one that i dont own yet Where can I find private policy health insurance? great insurance at a low rate

How to do teens afford cars without going under their parents insurance? Hello, so my friends have their g2 and their parents pay for their insurance. My fathers cheap in ways and he doesn't want me under his insurance. I do have my own car it's a more" Cheap insurance companies for 17 year olds? cheap companies that offer cheap insurance for males Medical Health Insurance Florida: Affordable Options? Are there affordable choices for medical health insurance in Florida? I run a small business with just a few employees. I am having difficultly finding options I can afford. Whats a good health insurance that covers everything that a dermatologist does? but that isn't very expensive? something that can cover everything in a dermatologist like accutane and blood work . i dont make a lot of money so i need one that is afordable but is good and can cover everything Whats the cheapest car insurance for 17yr old girl? Whats the cheapest car insurance for 17yr old girl? What is the Average Car insurance cover for UK Provisional driver? I need one and looking at most covers, they are hell of a lot costy. But I have an eye of one which is about 2.81 per day. What do you think of that? Above/below average? Good/bad cover. Any suggestion will help. Cheers." Car insurance costs help? I am an 18 year old looking to buy a car, so i need car insurance.. I live in Indiana. I have never recieved any tickets or warnings. Last year someone hit me, but it was her fault. Both insurances involved in that and the police have said it wasn;t my fault. The lady passed out while driving and hit me. Will that have an impact on me? What would be the cheapest place for me to get car insurance? For basic coverage and full coverage?" Will i lose my health insurance? i am a full time college sudent, 17 years old. i have HIP health insurance derived from my mother. (i have it since im the child). if i change my mailing address to be different then hers, will the insurance still cover me? thanks." How to get auto insurance quote/ estimate without a car?

I am doing a research, and heard that ur insurance can be based on not just the model but the color of the car. I want to know how to get an estimate based on vehicle, model. So that I can make a diligent choice when purchasing my new car." What car has the lowest car insurance rate? I need the make and model of a car that has a pretty low monthly rate. And also im makes a difference in the price. sadan or coup. no suvs, trucks, van, or sports cars." Can I get affordable car insurance with a company if I currently hold a policy with them? I have a pretty ba driving record from about a year ago. I recently just bought a motorcycle and got insurance through them for $306 a year which is awesone. But it would also be nice to have a truck considering rain a cold weather. Now I've priced insurance through many different company's for my 1996 mitsubishi mirage 2 door, and I was quoted at $219 a month with liability and that was the lowest. Now I want to buy a truck and add it to my current policy, will it be remarkably cheaper to do so, or how long till it will be cheaper, or should I say very affordable. I live in the state of louisiana if that information helps at all. Answers are greatly appreciated. Thank you" Are online insurance quotes secure? they want us to submit a lot of info inclusing social sercurity number, i am afraid they can misuse the information , are my fears legitimate" False Auto Insurance Claim Against A Friend? A very close friend of mine received a call from his auto insurer yesterday regarding a 3rd party claim against him. According to the 3rd party, my friend hit their parked car (which was parked on the curb in front of their home), then parked his own car, went up to their house, rang their doorbell and exchanged insurance information. The 3rd party claims that this took place in a town that's more than 1 hour away from where we work and live. This allegedly happened 3 months ago. There are two major problems with this story: A- The alleged incident never happened. I carpool with my friend to and from work and was with him that night. B- The 3rd party has all of his insurance information. Could the insurance company have called the wrong person (i.e. gotten policy numbers mixed-up while processing the claim)? If not, how could a 3rd party have his insurance information? How common are fraudulent insurance claims (against another person)? And has anything similar happened to you or someone you know? My friend is a little worried because there is some minor damage to his rear bumper. We live in a major city and pretty much every 3rd car has nicks and scratches along the bumper from parking garage 'mysteries' and whatnot. Also, about 8 months ago, a young woman rear-ended us while we stationary, waiting to turn left at an intersection. Other than a scratch to his rear bumper caused by her license plate bolt, there was no cosmetic damage, and while we exchanged insurance information, my friend decided not to file a claim (she was very nice and didn't look as though she had a lot of money). I'd hate to think that it's her trying to commit fraud against him..." Health insurance?

personal Do you have to have car insurance to get a driver's license? In Arizona plus the car does have insurance but my name is not on the insurance so do i need to be on the insurance in order to get a driver's license? Car Insurance Renewal Why Did It Make That Much Of A Difference? My partner had his renewal quote through and we've been shopping around and haven't even come close to getting it cheaper elsewhere so he decided to ring them thinking by taking me off the policy it would make it cheaper still since I've only had my license just over a year and would think still be considered a high risk but it in fact increased the price by about 60 my partner got a speeding fine last year which gained him 3 points too so we knew that would have an impact on the price this time but the only explanation I can think of was that me being female and at 31 i'm not what is classed as a young driver either and a named driver on his policy helps to keep the cost down but aren't the insurance companies doing away with that criteria as it was discriminating? Can anyone shed some light on this as its all a bit confusing and am just curious to why I actually help to keep his insurance cheaper Insurance????? Help please ? I'm 18 thinking About insurance and just wondering if I get my mum to go under the insurance do I still get my no claims discount after a year? Cheers rob How much will my insurance go up in Georgia? ok so i recently got a ticket for going 45 in a 25 in georgia i am 19 years old and i am living with my parents and i am on my parents insurance. i am insured on 4 cars full coverage 2005 dodge ram 2010 lexus hs250 a 2005 ford expedition and a 2011 ford mustang v6 this is my first ticket i have ever gotten that has given me points any help would be great thanks Do I need health insurance? I am a healthy 20 year old male... I have a wife, who is also healthy, that really thinks we should get health insurance... My work offers a decent plan for $300 a month... I think this money could be put to better use... a savings account or something. The problem is of course, emergencies. I've seen plans that cover emergencies but only like 80% and they have a high deductible/monthly payment. Any suggestions/ideas??" "Mustang Insurance, Help!!!?" Hello, I have a quick question about insurance. I am 18 years old, living in Orange, CA and currently driving a 2003 nissan altima that I am going to trade for a 2002 ford mustang gt. Now i know that contacting an agent will be the best way to find out more realistic rates, but right now I want to hear from past mustang owners. I was also wondering if having good credit will give me a discount on my insurance? I know insurance will be high, so don't waste my time explaining it to me, If it helps, I always obey the speed limit, never gotten into any crashes nor have I gotten any tickets. All

Help is appreciated, thanks." Car Insurance Fraud - Please advice? I am trying to get a new car insurance with progressive. They asked me if I had any citations recently (last 3 yrs) and I said no which is not true becuase I just got a citation. My citation was for going 10 miles over the limit. They did ask me for all of my info such as ssn and driver lic #. I am assuming they checked out my records. They gave me a very low quote considering my driving history. Is it car insurance fraud if I didn't tell them about my citations? Could I be dropped? Please advice. Liability insurance price for honda civic 2006? how much is the average liability insurance cost for honda civic 2006 4 door and 32 year married driver with 100% clean driver's history? Car insurance help please!? What would the difference be in car insurance for a new Ford ka, Toyota Agyo and a Toyota Yaris. All of these costing about 8,000/9,000, with two drivers who have about 40 years of driving and one person who is learning to drive but it will be used mainly by them once they have passed their test. Car being kept on a street and being used for personal use not business. Also any opinions on the above cars, and figures if you can on what the cost of insurance would be will help a lot so thanks in advance! Many websites havent had the new ka listed on them so i cant compare." Do you have Life insurance? Just wondering if you had life insurance, we have insurance for everything else, such as car, home, health. Why do you have Life insurance, or why not?" My insurance adjuster wont give me enough money for my car repair? A guy hit my car and his insurance said my car is worth less that what it really is the damage for my car is worht $3000 but they will only give me $2200 for it also on the evaluation report they made they said my car was in a worser condition than it really is. What can I do to get what i deserve? i don't want to settle for less Cheapest car insurance in UK at this time? i have used all the price comparison sites and still not yet satisfied.. can anyone let me know their car insurance provider in UK? I will just phone them direct hoping i can have a great deal... Republican want to ensure that 45 MILLION Americans have NO Health Insurance part of their 'Family Values'? These are mothers, fathers, children, babies - who have no access to affordable health care - but who still get sick - and who subsequently (quite often) lose their homes to more"

Cheap insurance companies for 17 year olds? cheap companies that offer cheap insurance for males What are the advantages/disadvantages of Life Insurance? Just in general, what are the pro's and con's of investing in Life Insurance" Where should I go for medical and financial aid? I've lived w. my mother all my life and gradually she has gotten more and more unorganized leading to disgusting living conditions. I have always kept my room together and received good grades to move on and out of my mothers house. In 2008 during my first week of college , I was diagnosed with a disease called Lupus. I was removed from the Boston College campus and forced to take time off of school. Since this, my return to school has been an long and difficult process. I am now 20 cooping well with the disease and attending night school. I have very little income and I was denied SSI as well as state insurance. As I am in the process of reapplying I find it hard to remain in my mothers living conditions in that no matter how I keep my things separate I have still accumulated unsanitary conditions. I dont know where to go for help and I am afraid of the stress I am experiencing causing me another flare and long hospital visit. I live in Rhode Island and have tried the welfare and community health care route. The only success I receive is hospital health care and a few doctors who are willing to discount my mandatory visits. Sometimes I feel like the only thing that is keeping me health is my faith and religion. As my relationship with God grows stronger I also find my self stuck in my situation. I know I would do well living on my own and getting into a regular routine I would just need a small boost of medical and financial support through any means available in the area. Any suggestions will help :) God Bless." Are you required to pay insurance? Once you get your drivers liscence do you have to pay insurance ?? What would be my insurance cost if i got a 2010 Subaru RX STi in chicago? any idea? like a year? "How does this work, car insurance?" I'm thinking of getting a new car soon and have checked out how much insurance it will cost with my current insurer.If i sell my current car before my insurance runs out, will i get a refund on what is left or will i just pay the excess on whatever is left for the new one? There is 70.35 difference a year for the new car compared to what i'm paying just now for my current car.I've never done this before, so i dont know what i'm doing really." Car insurance rates/prices? This is my first time buying a used car, just about to get my license as I'm researching the difference insurance companies out there, I'm 22, living in Colorado Springs.

Which one is the best? What are the different prices/rates they charge so I'll know what to save up?" How much is it to insure a replica car ? Im looking to buy a replica lamborghini Aventador but was wondering if the insurance would be to high to handle. I live in Ontario, Canada Thanks" Is nationwide a good car insurance? im thinking of switching from geico to nationwide it would be way cheaper but i know cheaper isnt always better I have Kansas Progressive Auto insurance. Will my insurance drop when I turn 25? And if so approx how much? Any answers pertaining to age 25 &/or the state of KS is helpful. I can't find anything on Progressive relating to age & insurance rates. Thanks! What is the actual meaning of Insurance? A explaination of Insurance? Caught with no car insurance? i asked this question already, but don't think i was specific enough, i am fully insured on a golf, which my boyfriend drove, beleiving he was insured under his company insurance as third party,since he drives dozens of cars at work.(and at a similar company he worked for last year it did cover him) however when he asked for the insurance policy from work he was informed it only covered the work fleet cars. it was a stupid but honest mistake, will he lose his licence?" Auto insurance and baby seat replacement? I was in an accident a few months ago and I heard recently that the insurance company of the person at fault has to pay for new baby seats since the seats have served their purpose by protecting the children. Anyone else have experience with this? Can I get the insurance compant to pay for new seats? Trying to repeal the Healthcare law which is good for the American people the only thing republicans hope? Trying to repeal the Healthcare law which is good for the American people the only thing republicans hope will put them back into the White House? Wanted some unbiased opinion on car insurance? I'm getting a Lotus Elise transferred under my name sometime next week and it will be replacing my MINI Cooper as my daily driver. This car is typically insured as a

pleasure car, so most people who own them don't often drive them over 3k miles per year. I'll be doing nearly three times that, so I'm expecting my rates to be little higher than usual just because it'll be my daily driver. So here's my question, may I insure the car as a pleasure or weekend vehicle and still drive it above the mileage that is permitted by my insurance co. ? Also, I'm only 20. I've gotten a quote of $3200 per year to insure as a weekend car, and that's the lowest that I've found so far. I'm expecting something a bit higher to register it as a daily. Feel free to throw in what you would recommend for an insurance company, I'm still shopping for one with a decent rate." "With the on going crisis, is it still possible to get cheap auto insurance in california?" i know people who've gotten their fingers burnt, so ........." Does car insurance typically cover the car being totaled due to flooding? I live in the Midwest, where everything is flooding. My husband just called and said that his car was flooded, and is now not running. Does car insurance typically cover this? I know I'll need to check with our insurance company in the morning, but I'm just curious if that is considered an act of God, therefore covered under a comp. claim. We have full coverage." I'm about to be 19. Where should I look for health insurance? in California I work 2 part time jobs, neither give health insurance and my parents don't get health insurance from their jobs. It's currently Summer break but I will be going to school in the Fall. I asked for help from my bank (Wells Fargo) but my mom said I could find much better prices. Any advice would be appreciated, I need it by tomorrow." "By about how much will insurance increase, sedan vs. sports car?" I am 20 years old currently and drive a 2002 Chevy Cavalier. I was considering purchasing a 2000ish model Chevy Camaro Z28 (5.7L v8) and was curious perhaps by how much my insurance will go up. I know obviously that no one can give an accurate guess as to how much since there are numerous factors involved, but just based on my current insurance I thought perhaps someone might be able to guess what the price on the insurance might be. I am currently on my Uncle's insurance plan, and if I bought the vehicle, would transfer the deed to him so as to retain the benefit of his insurance. I pay about 50$ a month for liability for my car due to his insuring many cars currently. I know this is very cheap for one my age, so I thought the camaro insurance might not be bad still. Anyway based on 50$ a month for liability on my 2002 cavalier, any guesses as to what a 2000ish camaro might run me for insurance? (Both liability and comprehensive if you'd like.) I know I can find out for sure by having my uncle call his insurance, but I just wondered if I might get a ballpark estimate before I approach him about it." Does health insurance cover self-inflicted wounds? Do health insurance companies cover the hospital fees for self-inflicted wounds like cuts or burns?

I got pulled over with no car insurance how much will the fine be? im a california driver and i feel that the cop gave me a chance he let me drive away with my car even though my car was not insured and is unregistered and my licence/id was expired .my licence is still good but my id is expired so how much will the fine be for no insurance and did the cop really give me a break or what??? Car insurance for adult first time driver? Hi there! I am 29 and still don't have a car and car insurance of almost 4 yrs of living in states. I think my husband is scared of the cost since I have never driven before even in my country of origin since we don't really need cars there. I just want to ask how much does it cost for an insurance for first time adult driver, i mean any idea? thanks! I just want to take my child to the park or somewhere since we just stay almost all our time in our house." Next to oil and gas prices are car insurance prices too high anyone agree? Whats the deal the government wants everyone to participate in paying for auto insurance yet the prices are rediculous what happened to buying a car and registering it thats it? Does the government think about Americans servival aside from gas, food, children, mortgage blah blah blah............. or do people vote for laws blind folded????" Car insurance company in Michigan? What is the cheapest car insurance company in Mi? i would like to have the cheapest basic insurance for my car ,and it doest matter for me how good is the company. I only want a paper says i have insurance when police stops me." How much is car insurance in New Jersey? my sister lives in new jersey and she is wondering how much is the insurance going to cost. She doesn't have a car yet .. she is 17 .. what does she need in order to get a car. Like how much should she save up in order for her to be able to buy a car.. .. What is the best affordable Medicare supplement insurance for Indiana? What is the best affordable Medicare supplement insurance for Indiana? Cheap insurance companies for 17 year olds? cheap companies that offer cheap insurance for males

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