Spain 2013 Law for Property Communities

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What building works are allowed? Every owner can just do building works in his flat or premise, modifying its architectural elements, installations and services, provided: o

The safety of the building, its general framework and its outer configuration and condition is not altered.


None of the other owners’ rights is damaged.


Those building works are previously communicated to the Community.


Owners can do no alterations in the rest of the building. If urgent repairs are needed, it will have to be communicated to the administrator.

They are mandatory and do not require the authorization of owners, those arrangement works imposed by the Administration or requested by the owners in the following cases: -Maintenance, conservation and those necessary to meet basic safety, habitability, accessibility requirements as well as conditions of ornament. -Works related to general conservation obligation when they are being imposed by the Administration. -Necessary works to ensure reasonable accessibility and, in any case, those works required by owners or users with disabilities or owners who are older than seventy years, in order to assure the proper use of the common elements and the installation of ramps, elevators or mechanical and electronic devices that favor the communication with the outside provided that the cost does not exceed twelve months of community fees. As a novelty, these works can be requested either by homeowners or local owners. There is no further reference to economic family unit. -No prior agreement of community of owners is also necessary for material division acts, acts of aggregation, construction of new plants and otherwise altering the structure or fabric of the building or common things as well as the establishment of a real estate complex if they are made as a result of the Property being included in the scope of an urban rehabilitation, regeneration or renewal project.

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