CCDN271: Course Outline

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Design as Inquiry GENERAL: Core; Trimester One; 20 points ASSESSMENT: 100% internal by assignment CLASS TIMES / LOCATIONS: LECTURES:


11:30pm – 1:10pm

Room: LT 1


Fri. Fri. Fri. Fri. Fri. Fri.

10:30am – 11:20am 11:30am – 12:20pm 12:40pm – 13:30pm 13:40pm – 14:30pm 14:40pm – 15.30pm 15:40pm – 16.30pm

Room: Room: Room: Room: Room: Room:

VS204 VS204 VS308 VS308 VS308 VS308

stream A stream B stream C stream D stream E stream F

―Bait Ball,‖ simulation by Robert Hogden;

COURSE COORDINATOR Margaret Maile Petty Room: Wigan 4.10 Office Hours: Mon. 10:00 am – 11:30 am Email: Course website: Twitter: @designasinquiry TUTORS Kath Foster [] Nan O‘Sullivan [] Jason Petty [] Office hours by appointment COURSE SYNOPSIS As the twenty-first century unfolds we find ourselves in a world characterised by rapid innovations, expanding technologies, and a voracious culture of social media and consumerism—all situated within unstable economic, political, social, and ecological conditions. Considering this context, it is more important than ever that design as a profession and designers as individuals integrate reflection and criticism into the practice of design. This course asks students to approach the study and practice of design critically and provocatively from a multi- disciplinary perspective. CCDN271 explores a diversity of approaches and themes integral to the framing of design as a social, cultural, political, and economic agent and artifact, process and product. AIMS OF THE COURSE CCDN 271: Design as Inquiry will build upon the knowledge and skills that students acquired in DSDN 171. Expanding this intellectual framework, students will apply new ideas to the examination and critique of design across a variety of historical and contemporary processes and practices, situations and cultures, objects and environments. Principle aims of this course are increased proficiency in critical thinking and analysis, and the development of lucid and convincing academic writing.


COURSE LEARNING OBJECTIVES Knowledge By the end of the course, students will have learned to: ● utilize a critical methodology in the analysis and practice of design thinking; ● demonstrate understanding of the broader social, cultural, political, economic, and ecological implications and interactions of design historically, today, and in the future; ● and hone discursive techniques to explore and express original ideas and arguments. Creative & Critical Thinking By the end of the course, students will have learned to: ● differentiate between primary and secondary sources, and academic and popular research materials and the place of each in constructing an analytical research paper; ● utilize the university library system and databases to conduct proper research; ● recognize the importance of research and critical thinking and writing to the future of design; ● and engage with key concepts and methodologies to develop original perspectives and arguments about the role of design today. Communication By the end of the course, students will have learned to: Verbal Communication ● clearly present independent and original analysis and critique in a group setting; ● articulate critical perspectives on lecture themes, concepts, and assigned readings; ● and confidently contribute and respond within a dynamic group discussion. Written Communication ● proficiently articulate an original written argument (thesis statement); ● develop, structure and compose a cohesive analytical research paper to support the principle argument; ● and express design objectives and methodologies in precise written language. Leadership By the end of the course, students will have learned to: ● take responsibility for individual thought and analysis and to share this with a group of peers; ● engage and respond thoughtfully to discussion of his or her own work; ● and respect the ideas, arguments, and work of other students and faculty and to engage in thoughtful debate and discuss COURSE CONTENT This course will employ a variety of critical approaches and themes through which we can examine design as a social, cultural, political, and economic agent, as well as an object, process and act. This exploration of design will be framed by a number of scales, including: individual+personal; social+political; surface+ symbolic; and collective+swarm. These scales serve to situate and foreground such key concepts as the everyday, aura and authenticity, critical visualization, emergence, and generative design processes to name a few. Through lecture and seminar discussion, structured analysis, and written and research assignments, students will be asked to consider how design may question or engage social values, suggest alternatives to dominant cultural practices, and assist in a deeper, more thoughtful appreciation of the role of design as a mediator between ourselves and the world. COURSE DELIVERY CCDN 271 is comprised of three primary learning modules—lecture, tutorial seminar, and independent reading and research. The weekly lecture will introduce key themes, ideas, and arguments that will form the core of that week‗s study and provide suggestions for potential research areas. The weekly tutorial seminar will provide a forum for exploration and discussion of the week‗s assigned readings and lecture topics. The close relationship between the lecture, readings, and seminar discussion requires that students complete weekly assigned readings before lecture sessions and be prepared to participate in active discussion in tutorials. The information and knowledge acquired in lecture and seminar will provide the platform from which students will be able to develop their own personal research interests and strategies. The skills and knowledge honed through this synthesis of lecture, seminars, and independent study will be further developed and reinforced through research and writing assessments. There will be four research and/or writing assignments (outlined below) that will lead to and culminate in the final assignment, a wellresearched, well-argued paper. Weekly readings, instructions for tutorials, assignments briefs and other important resources and course updates will be posted on the CCDN 271 blog, and it is expected that all students regularly check the course blog for as well as their preferred email for updates and detailed course instructions: Twitter users may also follow updates @designasinquiry.


ASSIGNMENTS / PROJECTS There are five principle assessments for CCDN 271. Full descriptions and instructions for each of these assessments will be posted on the course website and individually distributed via email during the term. A brief description of each assessment is provided below. Assignment one: annotated bibliography Deliverables: annotated bibliography of 5 sources [properly cited following APA style**] Submission format: word document or word compatible Assessment: 15% of final grade Due: Friday 18 March 2011 Description: Students will produce an annotated bibliography describing 5 sources, 4 of which must be scholarly sources. This bibliography will serve three principle aims: firstly, to help students narrow and define their research topic area, and secondly, to help students refine (or gain) research skills, and lastly, to assist students in developing an individual methodology of critical design. Assignment two: abstract Deliverables: 300 word abstract, thesis statement [APA style] Submission format: word document or word compatible Assessment: 20% of final grade Due: Friday 1 April 2011 Description: The second assignment is intended to help students solidify their research interests and to articulate a position [argument] with which to address this topic. Students will be asked to determine the scope of their inquiry and to formulate a compelling and convincing research question. This project will also allow tutors to work closely with students to refine their supposition and research strategy, as well as to further develop their writing skills. Assignment three: case study Deliverables: 350 - 500 words [APA style] Submission format: word document or word compatible Assessment: 20% of the final grade Due: Friday 15 April 2011 Description: With the aim of advancing toward the final research paper, assignment three continues the research developed in assignments one and two. For assignment three, students will identify one case study that provides ―evidence‖ for his/her thesis statement. The student will then formally analyze and develop the case study into a short written essay. Visual, physical, and textual analysis may be used in the analysis. The quality of the analysis and the relevance of the case study to the larger research project will be the primary criteria in assessing this project. Assignment four: draft research paper Deliverables: research paper of 2000 words [APA style] Submission format: word document or word compatible Assessment: 25% of the final grade Due: Friday 6 May 2011 Description: An essential component of this course is the development of independent critical thinking and research skills, both of which will be necessary for the production of a successful final research paper. Students will be asked to build upon the skills and knowledge they have gained in assignments one, two, and three, in developing an academic research paper. Assignment four asks students to synthesize the research and materials developed thus far in the course in the composition of a convincing and substantiated essay. This first draft will be closely reviewed by tutors and the course coordinator and students will be asked to revise the draft paper for the final submission. Assignment five: final [revised] research paper Deliverables: research paper of 2000 words [APA style] Submission format: word document or word compatible Assessment: 15% of the final grade Due: Friday 3 June 2011 Description: The final research paper should incorporate and address all issues flagged in the draft paper submitted for project four. The time allotted for critique, reflection and revision is a critical part of the writing process and a necessary step in the development of excellent writing habits. The final paper submission should reflect the breadth of the skills and knowledge acquired during this course and illustrate the student‘s ability critically approach design through a well-resolved, clearly argued, and thoroughly researched paper. Seminar attendance and participation


Deliverables: attendance and active participation in weekly discussion Assessment: 5% of final grade Description: The seminar tutorials are an essential component of this course, providing a vital opportunity to engage in critical discourse with fellow students and academic faculty. Participation in seminar discussion is mandatory and will contribute to the student‗s final grade. If extraordinary circumstances arise that require you to be absent from one or more class sessions, you must contact the Course Coordinator as soon as possible **Please note that all written assignments must follow the APA citation style (6th edition). Review APA guidelines at: and be sure download the APA Style Sheet provided on the course website. ASSESSMENT REQUIREMENTS CCDN 271 is internally assessed by course work in the form of five research and/or writing assignments, as well as an individual assessment for attendance and participation. Each is assessed and graded A+, A, A-, B+, B, B-, C+, C, D, E, (where C is a PASS). Grades only are issued to students. The final grade for the course is based on the aggregation of the percentage marks for each of the assignment, and a final grade of C or better is required to pass the course. The assessments for CCDN 271 collectively contribute towards the final course grade as follows: Assignment one: Fri. 18 March Assignment two: Fri. 1 April Assignment three: Fri. 15 April Assignment four: Fri. 6 May Assignment five: Fri. 3 June Attendance and participation cumulative assessment Total:

15% 20% 20% 25% 15% 5% 100%

Assessment Criteria specific for each assignments will be distributed through the course blog: Overall Assessment Criteria for this course are: ● regular participation in seminar discussion demonstrating independent analysis and synthesis of concepts presented in the course; ● ability to articulate an independent point of view regarding the broader social, cultural, political, economic, and ecological implications of design; ● ability to independently identify and pursue research interests, using appropriate research resources available through the University; ● and the development of a well-researched, convincingly argued, well-written research paper. Student will be reviewed on the basis of the degree to which they meet the assessment criteria. The assessment of the course is carried out by the Course Coordinator in consultation with the tutors. Assessment: May take place at a stage in a project or on final submission (or both). Its purpose is to value the work in terms of the objectives stated in the handout and to express this as a grade. Moderation of all assessment in design is undertaken at the end of the Trimester involving a wider group of staff than the immediate lecturers in the course. This process ensures fairness. All grades posted during this course are only provisional results until confirmed by the School Examiners Committee which meets after the examination period. All work submitted for assessment must be accompanied by an Assessment Declaration Form unless advised otherwise by the Course Co-ordinator. ATTTENDANCE AND PARTICIPATION Attendance and participation is an important aspect of the learning process, and you are required to attend all the lectures and tutorials. Participation in seminar discussion is mandatory and represents 5% of the final grade for the course. EXPECTED WORKLOAD Students should expect to spend a total of around 200 hours on this course, including both scheduled class time and independent study. Typically this involves around 12-14 hours per week during the twelve teaching weeks, with the balance during the mid-trimester break, study week and examination period. This means that in addition to scheduled class sessions you are expected to spend approximately 7-9 hours per week reading, writing and generally pursuing independent research and study for this course.


READING AND REFERENCE MATERIALS Please refer to the course website for an up-to-date list of assigned and suggested readings as well as other useful online resources and research guidelines. MATERIALS AND EQUIPMENT REQUIRED Students will need to provide all materials and equipment as necessary for the completion of required work. RECORDING OF WORK AND PORTFOLIO You are strongly encouraged to respect and care for your work, making a copy of each project in this course. This may be in digital and/or hard copy. The principal purpose of this is to maintain a record of your work. n of work EXTENSIONS Each student is responsible for ensuring their work is submitted to their course tutor on time and in the required format. Late submissions will be penalised as set out below, unless an extension is approved by the Course Coordinator. In the event of illness or other extraordinary circumstances that prevent you from submitting a piece of work on time, or that you feel adversely affect the quality of the work you submit, it is important that you discuss your circumstances with the Course Coordinator as soon as possible so that appropriate arrangements may be made. You should complete an Application for Extension form (available from the Faculty Office) for the Course Coordinator to approve. You will also need to provide suitable evidence of your illness or other circumstances. In an emergency, or if you are unable to contact the Course Coordinator, you should advise the Faculty Office of your situation. Work submitted late must be submitted to the Course Coordinator. PENALTIES ● Students are required to personally present their work on time and in the location and specified format as set out in assignment outlines. Failure to submit work at the scheduled time/date will result in an automatic failing grade of E for the work being reviewed, unless an extension has been approved in writing in advance by the Course Coordinator. Late submissions will not be penalised in the event of illness or other extraordinary circumstances provided students have submitted a request for an extension in advance of the hand-in and it has been approved in writing by the Course Coordinator (see the Student Administration Office for an Application for Extension form). Work submitted late without the prior agreement of the Course Coordinator will be penalised by a failing grade of E. Furthermore if work is not handed in within 5 working days of the review without the prior agreement of the Course Co-ordinator it will be recorded as a non submission. ● Work submitted late must be submitted directly to the relevant tutor or Course Coordinator. Any project work left on the project shelves or elsewhere will be entered on the grade sheet as a no-submission MANDATORY COURSE REQUIREMENTS In addition to achieving an average of at least ‗C‘ across all assessments, in order to pass the course you must also satisfy the following mandatory course requirements: ● Attend at least 70% of the seminar tutorial sessions ● and submit a completed final research paper fulfilling bibliographic and word count requirements as stated in assignment brief. CLASS REPRESENTATIVEST The Faculty of Architecture and Design operates a system of Class Representatives in 100-level courses, and Year Representatives in each of the professional disciplines. Representatives are elected during a class session in the first week of teaching. All Representatives will be listed on the STUDiO notice board in the Atrium, and the relevant Representatives are also listed on studio notice boards. Representatives have a role in liaising between staff and students to represent the interests of students to academic staff, and also in providing students with a communication channel to STUDiO and VUWSA. ACADEMIC INTEGRITY AND PLAGIARISM Academic integrity means that University staff and students, in their teaching and learning are expected to treat others honestly, fairly and with respect at all times. It is not acceptable to mistreat academic, intellectual or creative work that has been done by other people by representing it as your own original work. Academic integrity is important because it is the core value in which the University‘s learning, teaching and research activities are based. Victoria University‘s reputation for academic integrity adds value to your qualification. The University defines plagiarism as presenting someone else‘s work as if it were your own, whether you mean to or not. ‗Someone else‘s work‘ means anything that is not your own idea. Even if it is presented in your own style, you must acknowledge your sources fully and appropriately. This includes:


● Material from books, journals or any other printed source ● The work of other students or students or staff ● Information from the internet ● Software programs and other electronic material ● Designs and ideas ● The organisation or structuring of any such material Find out more about plagiarism, how to avoid it and penalties, on the University‘s website: USE OF TURNITIN Student work provided for assessment in this course may be checked for academic integrity by the electronic search engine Turnitin is an online plagiarism prevention tool which compares submitted work with a very large database of existing material. At the discretion of the Head of School, handwritten work may be copy-typed by the School and subject to checking by Turnitin. Turnitin will retain a copy of submitted material on behalf of the University for detection of future plagiarism, but access to the full text of submissions is not made available to any other party. COMMUNICATION OF ADDITIONAL INFORMATION Any changes or additions to this Course Outline will be discussed with the class, and conveyed in writing Through the course blog. In order to assure that you receive such course announcements, please be sure to advise the Course Coordinator of your current contact details and be certain to check the course blog regularly. WHERE TO FIND MORE DETAILED INFORMATION Find key University dates, explanations of grades and other useful information at Find out about academic progress requirements and restricted enrolment at The University‘s statutes and policies are available at, except qualification statutes, which are available via the Calendar webpage at (See Section C). Further information about the University‘s academic processes can be found on the website of the Assistant Vice-Chancellor (Academic) at Students with Impairments Refer to the Meeting the Needs of Students with Impairments Policy, available on the University’s policy website If you have a disability and require advice/information/support, please visit the Faculty Student Administration Office on the first floor. Student Support Staff at Victoria want students to have positive learning experiences at the University. There are a number of support services available to help you directly if your academic progress is causing concern or if there are elements in your life that are affecting your ability to study. These include: Your course coordinator or programme director; Staff in your Faculty Student Administration Office; Student Dedicated learning support through Student Learning Support Service; Te Ropu Awhina; Kaiwawao Māori ;Maanaki Pihiphipinga; Disability Support Services and Victoria International; Wider holistic support through the Health Service; Counselling Service; Financial Support and Advice; Accommodation Service and Career Development and Employment. Find out more at or email; VUWSA employs a Student Advocate who deals with academic problems and provides support, advice and advocacy services, as well as training and supporting class representatives and faculty delegates. The Education Office is located on the ground floor, Student Union Building. Email or tel. 463-6716 or 463-6984.


Students on the Te Aro Campus are required to comply with the Faculty Guidelines relating to the safe use, access and care of the Architecture and Design technical resources and building facilities. These are available on the School website, and in the following documents available from the student R drive: R:\Student Health and Safety Information FAD (Faculty Architecture & Design) Health & Safety info – available to all students at R:\Student Health and Safety Information, covering: ● Workshop and campus safety ● Safety training and safety precautions for the workshops ● FAD (Faculty Architecture & Design) Hazard Register ● Te Aro Campus floor plans


FAD (Faculty Architecture & Design) Technical Services and Facilities Handbook – issued to all staff and available to all students on the student R drive, covering various local practices, including information on: ● Information for new staff and students ● Access and booking of teaching / studio spaces, and technical resources ● Studio etiquette and rules pertaining to exhibitions, critiques and storage of models/drawings ● Housekeeping/cleaning within the studios and workshops ● Information on Te Aro IT systems and support ● Te Aro campus floor plans General information on Faculty/School Technical Facilities including technical staff and their associated areas WHERE TO GET HELP Vivian Street – Faculty of Architecture and Design Student Administration Office The Faculty‘s Student Administration Office is located on the first floor. The first floor counter is the first point of contact for general enquiries and Faculty of Architecture and Design forms. Student Administration Advisors are available to discuss course status and give further advice about Faculty of Architecture and Design qualifications. Opening hours of the Faculty Student Administration Office are posted at the reception on the first floor. HEALTH AND SAFETY Students are reminded that they must comply with any health and safety instructions given by staff members in charge of work places and instructions and signs posted around the campus. All students should familiarise themselves with the FAD (Faculty Architecture & Design) Health & Safety Manual and Notices around the Workshops and Laboratories. Students are advised to refer to the Student R drive for safety and other relevant information. R:\Student Health and Safety Information WITHDRAWAL DATESHDRAWAL dates Information on withdrawals and refunds can be found at:


SCHEDULE OF SESSIONS & ASSESSMENTS Students must be seated in class no later than 5 minutes prior to the start of lectures. Mobile phones must be turned off. February 21 Mon orientation week 28 Mon trimester 1 begins March 2 Wed. week 1: design as inquiry no tutorials 9 Wed. week 2: tools of investigation 11 Fri. tutorials 16 Wed. week 3: the everyday 18 Fri. tutorials; ASSIGN. 1 DUE 23 Wed. week 4: manufacturing aura 25 Fri. tutorials 30 Wed. week 5: information as ideology April 1 Fri. tutorials; ASSIGN. 2 DUE 6 Wed. week 6: research paper 101 8 Fri tutorials

April (cont.) 13 Wed. week 7: emergence no tutorials 15 Fri. ASSIGN. 3 DUE 18 Mon. Mid-trimester break begins May 2 Mon. Mid-trimester break over 4 Wed. week 10: morphogenesis 6 Fri. tutorials; ASSIGN. 4 DUE 11 Wed. week 11: critical mass 13 Fri. tutorials 18 Wed. week 12: audio-visual culture 20 Fri. tutorials 25 Wed. week 13: massive change 27 Fri. tutorials June 1 Wed. week 14: design4theOther90% no tutorials 3 Fri. FINAL PAPER DUE

Colour key for thematic scales: individual / personal surface / symbolic collective / swarm social / ethical / political


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