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Volume : 46 Issue: July 2010

Newsletter of the Manama Toastmasters Club. Club 2916, District 79

What’s Inside ...? Installation Ceremony Reading Corner Best Moments in Life Tomaster of the Month Of Fearless Death In humour, Try Rule of Three

!! exclusive !! Interview With

Mark Brown!

Communicate with Confidence, Convey with Conviction


“We learn best in Moments of Enjoyment” CC Claire Cosgrove MTM President July to December 2010 Our founding father, Dr Ralph C. Smedley said, “ We learn best in moments of enjoyment”. And to prove it, come see for yourself. Join us at one of our regular weekly meetings. You have an open invitation. Our MC teams are more than able to plan an evening of frivolity and enjoyment at our meetings. This is exactly what happened last month when our guest speaker, Chendil Kumar delivered his humourous workshop. Because people learn best when they are enjoying theselves, you will find that the learning is as high as the level of entertainment and enjoyment at our meetings. How do we reach these levels of proficiency whereby you as a speaker not only enlighten your audience but delight your audience? Through mentoring and coaching, through positive evaluation, and through active listening. I do not mean that these persons, the mentor, the evaluator, the listener only say positive things. No, there are times that our mentor will say things we would rather not hear. Our mentors may make us see what we do not want to see. But this is only so that you become the speaker whom you have always wanted to be. Who is this mentor? The role of the mentor is perhaps the most challenging; the least defined; and sometimes the most neglected of roles in Toastmasters. But it is the role in which a Toastmaster empowers and enables another fledgling TM to soar to great heights. This role can be one of the most rewarding, the most fulfilling, and the most beneficial experience. While one is mentoring, one is further developing one’s own communications and leadership skills while assisting a new TM to become a competent communicator and leader. Mentoring is not just a role or concept in Toastmasters International . The role of the mentor dates back to Ancient Greek mythology when Odysseus was about to embark on his epic voyage to fight in the Trojan Wars. He left his son, Telemachus , in the care of a wise , old friend and teacher who was called Mentor. And so a new word was introduce into our vocabulary. Mentor, the noun, is a wise and trusted guide. Mentoring, the verb, is the art of guiding wisely and based on trust. Therefore, I challenge each and every Toastmaster, who is a mentor to live up to their role and duty. Are you a wise and trusted guide? Do you strive to raise up a new member to embark on their journey to World Champion of Public Speaking? Let us act wisely and with trust. Let us all willingly guide and mentor another. Let us all communicate with confidence and convey with conviction. w w w.ma na matoa st ma ster s .org


Best Moments in Life “Every moment that we get of life should be lived to the fullest" There are moments in life when happiness occurs at a fraction of time that last throughout our lives. These moments bring joy and excitement in us. These moments are called Best Moments in Life which was our theme for meeting number 2284 which held on 29th of May 2010.

* TM Khalid Amin had many best moments in his life but the best are yet to come.

Here are some Best moments in Life: • University Graduation Ceremony • First Job-First Salary • Falling in love • Getting married • Having your First child • Birthday-Party-surprise • Having good laugh with your friends. Obviously, the list is not complete. You can make a list of things that make you happy. The longer the list, the happier you will be. Here are what fellow toastmasters shared with us regarding their best moments of life * For our president TM Claire Cosgrove every moment is momentous although not all moments are either pleasurable or fun they are never the less a point of learning, experiencing and Sharing.

* The best moment in DTM Khalid Alquod was when i knew the big family of TM.

* TM Fatima Saleh shared with us two of her best moments: 1. Winning the best group presentation at college. 2. When she was honored at Eid Al Elem

* The best moments in life for our Humorist Champion is when he met his wife TM Afaf.

* The best moments in TM Deepak Agrahari life is his wedding day.

* Each moment in TM Zahra Hubail life has a unique impression, a unique story.

* One of TM Safa Hasan best moments was when she held a real snake. Good times were not meant to be savored only at the present moment, but a wealth of joy which should be carefully bundled and saved for the tiring times ahead.

TM Thuraya Juma * For TM Osama Bahar, one of his best moments in life is when he won Bahrain eContent Award in 2009 for his website Wasmia. com which is a legal website contains everything needed by law students (in Arabic). * One of the best moment of life for TM Saeed Al Shahran was when he was in Scotland playing with his kids & his wife in the snow.

“ Good times were not meant to be savored only at the present moment, but a wealth of joy which should be carefully bundled and saved for the tiring times ahead.”

* For TM Melissa Almeida best moments is when she have fun with her sister.

Communicate with Confidence, Convey with Conviction


OF FEARLESS DEATH It was a normal day. I woke up in the morning and did all my routine work in the usual way. After having lunch with my friend, he said let us go to watch a movie. In order to see the movie, we had to go to a small city which is 8 km from the village on our bicycles. We enjoyed the movie very much. While returning home my friend said that he had some work so he asked me to wait. I said, “No, I have to go I have not told at home that we are going to see the movie”. I started my journey alone enjoying the ride, singing the songs of the movie. I was about 4 km away from the city. I was alone on the road, surrounded by agricultural field all around. It was a very good scene with a cool breeze blowing and a very nice smell coming from the soil. I was quite inspired with the environment. I started singing songs as loud as possible. Slowly the speed of the wind increased and I saw dark clouds rapidly gathering in the sky. It started raining heavily with lighting. I was quite scared by the sound and light of the lighting in the sky. I was alone and I could not find any shelter to protect myself .My grand father have given me advice that during lighting avoid trees as the trees attract the lighting. The speed of the rain and wind increased and the sound of lighting was terrifying. I saw trees that were knocked down by the strong winds. I started crying and praying to God to help me. I was asking God,” What wrong I have done in my life that you are giving me such a harsh punishment”. I said,” I have not

even cheated in the exams and I don’t even look at girls”. Even though it was heavy raining I could taste tears flowing from my eyes into my mouth. As I covered some distance I saw some dogs sitting in the side of the road. When the dogs saw me they started chasing me. I tried to ride my bicycle as fast as possible. The dogs chased me as if they where hungry for many days and they wanted to kill me. One of dog managed to catch my leg and I fell off my bicycle. I started running as fast as possible and in running for my life I may have broken all the running records. When I reached near our village I saw some people standing on the other side of the river. I thought I’d get some relief after crossing the bridge since the dogs will not follow me. But when I came near to the bridge I saw that the water was dangerously flowing over the bridge. I entered the water and looked back and saw the dogs sitting and waiting for me to come out of the water. I was helpless now I could neither hear the sound of lighting nor cry. I didn’t know which way to go. Suddenly I was thrown in the flow of water and got carried away by the speedy waters. I realized that this was end of my life there was no chance of survival. As I was not an expert in swimming in the flood waters I tried to keep myself afloat and was carried nearly a km away by the water. I saw one log of wood coming towards me; I caught the wood and tried myself to keep afloat. I realized that I was not alone, sailing in the river

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TM Bharat Patil on the wood. There where 2 big cobras that had tied themselves on the other side of the wood and they looked angrily towards me. I could even hear the sound of the snakes clearly in that stormy water. But I felt pity on them. When I reached near the shore, I left the wood and came out of the water. I started walking through the grass, barefoot. I don’t know how many snakes where there. Suddenly I heard the sound of some animals running towards me. I ran and hid myself behind the trees. It was group of wild pigs who passed from either side of me. Slowly I managed to reach home. When I reached home my body was paining a lot and I couldn’t complain at home. They thought that I was staying at my friend’s home. I told them that I already had my dinner. I fell asleep quickly despite the pain. The next morning as I woke up, I saw that I was sharing my bed with 2 poisonous snakes. They were so poisonous that if I were bitten, I would be dead in 10 minutes. I was not sacred at all. I called my father from my bed. When he saw the scene he shouted and asked me to run away from bed. I said, “what is the problem yesterday I met lot of snakes they will not do anything to me”. “Are you crazy?” he pulled me away from the bed. Suddenly I realized that I was in a dream. I looked at my body there were no wounds on my body. I was shocked. When I looked at the snakes I was so scared that I had no words.My father killed both the snakes. Really it was a fearless death. I thanked God for saving my life.


mtm quick news .

Congratulation for TM Zahra M. Hubail for finishing her Competent Communications manual. Wishing her all the best in her Toastmasters journey and looking forward for her upcoming speeches.

Criteria For


Points Earned

Master Of Ceremonies


Educational Speech


Project Speech


Any other Role in weekly meeting


Replacing Dropouts


Pay Dues in Advance


Pay Dues on Time




Contribution to Horizon


Participating in a Contest


Judging a Contest




Winning a Contest


Congratulations! & Mabrook!

Congratulations to TM Joel Indrupati for gaining his ACS after finishing two Advanced Communications manuals; Specialty Speeches and Interpretive Reading and also gaining his ALB.

Communicate with Confidence, Convey with Conviction

the inside story


Rival (n)

Shilly-Shally (v)

Definition: 1. friendship; peaceful harmony 2. mutual understanding and a peaceful relationship

Definition: 1. a person who is competing for the same object or goal as another, or who tries to equal or outdo another; competitor.

Definition: to show indecision or hesitation; be irresolute; vacillate

Use in a sentence:

Use in a sentence:

Use in a sentence:

1. Some countries have amity between other nations around the world.

It’s not a bad thing to engage in healthy rivary.

Please don’t shilly- shally, we need to make this decision quickly.

Other forms:

Other forms:

Rivalry (verb) Rival (adjective) rivalless (adjective) unrivalling (adjective)

Shillyshallier (noun)

3 July 2010

10 July 2010

17 July 2010

Luscious (adj)

31 July 2010 Definition: highly pleasing to the taste or smell: luscious peaches. Use in a sentence: Alexander’s wineyard is the best I’ve seen. Almost every tree has luscious grapes hanging from its vines. Other forms: lusciously (adverb), lusciousness (noun)


3 July 2010

10 July 2010

17 July 2010

31 July 2010

Meeting No. Theme

2289 Friendship and Fellowship


TM Clement Vinayak

2291 Funny moments TM Neleesh ManSingh

TM I. Joel


2292 The Fruity Party TM Alya Al Mahroos TM Zakaria Suleiman TM Sohail Niazi

Master of Ceremonies Best Speaker Best Evaluator Best Commentator

TM Isaac Mathew TM Melissa Almeida TM Guraz Wankadia TM Azaz

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TM Neelesh ManSingh TM Claire Cosgrove

TM Chendil Kumar

TM Azad

mtm quick news

Stand Up, Speak Up and Shut Up. Guest Speaker TM Chendil Kumar (a.k.a. C.K.) First, as Club President, I wish to extend yet again a very heart-felt thank you to our guest speaker, Chendil Kumar from Bangalore who graced our hall on the 17th July. His humble manner was beguiling as we were treated to a very competent communicator who generously shared his knowledge, expertise and experience with us in a very relaxed and humourous delivery style. The topic of our guest speaker was how to weave humour into our presentations. Public speaking is not about being a stand-up comedian but rather infusing humour into our presentations to give sparkle and life to our delivery. He engaged the audience from the ‘get-go’ by seeking input into what a speaker should aim to achieve through communication. Some suggestions included building rapport with the listeners at one end of the spectrum to breaking down hostility at the other end of the continuum. But as we all are very aware, public speaking can be one of the biggest fears in a person’s life. CK then went on to clarify that

public speakers and leaders are not born, only babies are born. All others need nurturing to develop and grow over time. He would interject humour into his message such as ‘it is better to keep your mouth shut and let the audience wonder if you are a fool rather than opening your mouth and removing all doubt’. But where do we find this humour? Is our humour appropriate? Ck shared with us his key to creating humour. Through the mnemonic, OWLL where ‘O’ stands for observe. We must observe, observe and then observe some more. Look around us and see what is happening. The ‘W’ stands for write. We need to write it down. “Remember that a shorter pencil is better than a long pen” We always need to remember that ‘opportunities come in time’ and ‘when the student is ready, the teacher will appear’. The ‘L’ stands for learn. We need to learn from our mistakes as well as the mistakes of others. And the final ‘L’ stands for laugh. We need to

identify what makes people laugh and also identify what does not make people laugh. Identifying humour, massaging humour, introducing humour into our presentations all takes time. It is a process that needs to be developed. We need to be patient. Other pointers that CK expressed were to keep it simple, avoid complexity and do not make it difficult. We need to see opportunities and seize these opportunities. His final word was not to tell the audience that you are going to tell them a joke. Simply, tell the joke and let the audience acknowledge whether it was a joke or not. You will know by their response.

Thank you CK for sharing the art of humour in presentations with us. Travel safely and return to us one day. CC Claire Cosgrove MTM President Communicate with Confidence, Convey with Conviction


How full your life may seem...

everything else was lost and only they remained, your life would still be full. The pebbles are the other things that matter like your job, house, and car. The sand is everything else --The small stuff.

I believe that being successful means having a balance of success stories across the many areas of your life. You can't truly be considered successful in your life if you know the art of managing you life time and challenges. When things in your life seem, almost too much to handle, and when 24 Hours in a day is not enough, we should remember that we should pay attention to our Toastmasters mentors and life successful and motivational stores like the mayonnaise jar and 2 cups of coffee. The story of the mayonnaise jar and 2 cups of coffee did change out overlook to life and I wanted to share it with you my dear Toastmasters. A professor stood before his philosophy class and had some items in front of him. When the class began, he picked up a very large and empty mayonnaise jar and proceeded to fill it with golf balls, he then asked the students, if the jar was full. They agreed that it was. The professor then picked up a box of pebbles and poured them into the jar. He shook the jar lightly, the pebbles rolled into the open Areas between the golf balls, he then asked the students again if the jar was full. They agreed it was. The professor next picked up a

‘If you put the sand into the jar first,’ He continued, there is no room for the pebbles or the golf balls. The same goes for life. If you spend all your time and energy on the small stuff, you will never have room for the things that are important to you.

Khalid AlQoud, DTM Lieutenant Governor Education and Training (LGET) District 79 Toastmasters international Contact No. : 00973 - 36006665 www.district79.org “Refining Quality, Defining Leadership and Re-defining Service” box of sand and poured it into the jar, of course, the sand filled up everything else, then he asked once more if the jar was full. The students responded with a unanimous ‘yes.’ The professor then produced two cups of coffee from under the table and poured the entire contents into the jar, effectively filling the empty space between the sand. The students laughed. ‘Now,’ said the professor, as the laughter subsided, I want you to recognize that this jar represents your life. The golf balls are the important things like family, children, health, Friends, and Favorite passions, things that if

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So my Dear Toastmasters family we should always pay attention to the things that are critical to your happiness. Play With your children. Take time to get medical checkups. Take your partner out to dinner enjoy a professional family atmosphere in your club. There will always be time to clean the house and fix the disposal and take care of the golf balls first and set your priorities. During the class, one of the students raised her hand and inquired what the coffee represented, and the professor smiled and said.. ‘I’m glad you asked’. It just goes to show you that no matter how full your life may seem, there’s always room for a couple of cups of coffee with a friend.

Congratulations!! DTM Khalid AlQuod for wining the Toastmasters International in Excellence in Marketing award for his contribution to help District 79 clubs achieving their goals and increasing membership.


mtm quick news

TM Family Day Out

Communicate with Confidence, Convey with Conviction

reading corner

Reading Corner with Neelesh Man Singh Pradhan

1. Do you like reading? Why/Why not? Yes, I do reading. Mostly I read news and business articles to keep myself updated and I do reading online most of the times. 2. When you are reading and come to a sentence / word which you don’t understand/know, what you do? I generally skip the word and try to understand overall sentence. 3. According to you what are the qualities of good reader? I think giving continuation to the reading is one of the good quali ties of a good reader. 4. What makes reading easy /difficult some times? Length of the book/article. :-) 5. Which book has motivated you most & why? I generally do not prefer to read books but like to read motivational/inspirational/ business articles and research. 6. What would you like to do better as a reader? Allocate and utilize free time for reading interesting articles and books. 7. Using a scale of 5 to 1, with 5 being a terrific reader, how would you rate yourself? 3 8. Describe yourself as a reader. I am not very fond of reading books. But I read articles, news, research papers and sometimes interesting books. Normally I do online reading.

Interview by TM Laxman Singh Rathore w w w.ma na matoa st ma ster s .org


IN HUMOUR , TRY THE RULE OF THREE J.A. Gamache There are many techniques for writing a good joke. The rule of three is one of most common. Before I explain why this technique is so effective, here's an example of a joke written using the rule of three. PART NO 1 A Canadian farmer receives a visit from a cousin from Texas, who is also a farmer. The Canadian farmer says, "You see, cousin, my land begins at this fence and ends at the row of trees way over there." PART NO 2 The Texan answers: "It's nice land, cousin, but you see, back home in Texas I drive from one end of my land at sunrise and the sun sets before I get to the other end." PART NO 3 The Canadian farmer replies, "I understand, cousin. I once had a car like that." HERE'S WHY I BELIEVE THIS TECHNIQUE IS SO EFFECTIVE:

MEMBERSHIP NEWS RESIGNATIONS DTM Elizabeth George TM Faheem Khan INACTIVE TM Hussain Sayed TM Jeevan Lobo TM Abdulla Zuwayed

I think the next best thing to solving a problem is finding some humor in it. --- Frank A. Clark

The first part sets the scene. The second part confirms that the second scene is similar to the first. This repetition is essential if you want the listener to anticipate a third part identical to the other two. So when the storyteller ends the third part on a completely different note, the audience is taken by surprise and laughs. The next time you include humour in a speech try the rule of three to build your text. This technique is really effective.

Above all else: go out with Happy writing! a sense of humor. It is needed armor. Joy in J.A. Gamache is the one's heart and some laughThird place Champion at the 2001 Toastmasters International World Championship of Public Speaking ter on one's lips is a sign that the person down deep “Through humor, has a pretty good grasp of you can soften some of the worst blows that life delivers. life. And once you find laughter, no matter how painful your ~Hugh Sidey situation might be, you can survive it.� Communicate with Confidence, Convey with Conviction






Mark Brown is highly acclaimed and recognized name in the Public Speaking arenas. In 1995, He clinched the title “ World Champion of Public Speaking” . This year we had a chance to meet him and listen to his talk “ PENPOINT TO PLATFORM”. Here is the interview he gave our fellow Toastmasters in Bahrain.

Please tell us about yourself and your family?



joined in May 1993. In 1994, I entered the International Speech Contest for the first time...as a replacement for a speaker who had to withdraw a few hours before the contest. Within a few months, I was a finalist in the World Championship of Public Speaking. Not having planned to enter the contest, and not having the trophy as a goal, the series of contests were a combination of fun and education. Although I didn’t earn a trophy that day, I had developed a love of public speaking, and decided to enter the contest in 1995. After 6 months of competition I emerged as the 1995 World Champion of Public Speaking when my speech ‘A Second Chance’ was declared the winning presentation.


I have been married to beautiful Andrea for 28 years and we have 3 children. Andrene (26) is an attorney, Joel (23) is a teacher, and David (15) is a musically gifted high school student.


What inspires you the most ?

My faith in God inspires me, as does my family, along with the knowledge that my words change lives.

Please tell us about your journey in Toastmasters? When it started and how you reached the pinnacle of public speaking?





In the late 1980s, I was introduced to the program by my late Uncle, Supreme Court Justice Courtenay Orr of Kingston, Jamaica. He was Jamaica’s FIRST Toastmaster. I didn’t think much about it for several years, but the program became available to me when I went to work for Reader’s Digest in December 1992. It took a few months, but I eventually

Please describe how you felt when you heard your name being announced as the World Champion of Public Speaking. This may sound arrogant, but I was very confident that on that day, I had delivered the best allround presentation. I vividly

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remember kneeling beside my wife Andrea as the announcements were being made. “Are you ready for this?” was the question that I kept repeating in her ear as Ross McKay and Phillip Khan-Panni were awarded third and second place respectively. When my name was called, I was not surprised. Rather, I was delighted that the judges had validated my hard work by awarding me the championship, and I was both humbled and honored by the priviledge and responsibility of being a World Champion. What did you gain from Toastmasters and why would you recommend Toastmasters to any person? I’m a living, breathing example of how the Toastmasters program can change your life. Beyond perfecting the art of public speaking, I was able to learn more about extemporaneous speaking, leadership, and networking. Anyone who wishes to build themselves, or to improve their

INTERVIEW WITH MARK BROWN or behavioural process of living entities. But it works for me!

communication and leadership skills SHOULD join Toastmasters! Please tell us about one important quality that helped you achieve success and also give one single most important suggestion for us to improve our speaking skills? Anyone who wishes to achieve success in any endeavour should be COMMITTED to their goal. To improve our speaking skills, we must SPEAK at every reasonable opportunity, with a goal towards learning and improvement.

Last but not the least, Please Tell us about your experience in Bahrain? Exhilarating, exhausting (in a good way!) and exciting! The hospitality of all my hosts was unparalleled, and the service I received at every turn was first-rate. EVERYONE was very accommodating and continually expressed respect for my accomplishments and appreciation for my visiting the Kingdom. Not only was I made to feel most welcome, but I was genuinely loved by all. That several people remembered things that I had said during my first visit 9 years earlier was a shock and surprise, and reinforced the respect and appreciation that became quickly obvious to me. While I fear that by singling out a few special individuals I may offend some, I would be remiss if I did not express special thanks to the visionary Joel Indrupati, his able committe chairman Guraz Wankadia, and the committee members who worked tirelessly to plan in six weeks what usually takes six months. My special thanks also go to Isaac Matthew who secured invaluable sponsorships, Meenakshi Sundaram who made himself available despite his responsibilities to his wife and four-year-old son, and Joyce Indrupati, Vijay & Barthi Boloor, as well as Swami & Gita Ponnuchamy who opened their homes to me. I must also thank Khalid AlQoud and Kevin Craig who gave of their time and substance to make my stay memorable. It was an unforgettable experience!




You have a very busy and hectic schedule. How do you de-stress or unwind yourself?


I spend time with my wife and children, watch movies, play football and relax in my swimming pool. When I am on the road (and this may sound REALLY odd) ironing is my ‘de-stressor’ of choice. To me there’s nothing like the hiss of an iron and the sight of a neatly pressed shirt with a perfect seam down the sleeve! There are stories that you have never faced jetlag even though you travel across the world. Even when you landed in Bahrain after 18 hours of travel, you were ready to deliver your speech without hassles. How do you manage this?





Before the plane takes off, I set my watch to the time at my destination. During the long flight I sleep for a few hours. When I awaken, I look at my watch and simply believe what my watch says! This may fly in the face of the Circadian Rhythm, which is the 24-hour cycle in the boichemical, physiological

As interviewed by TM Guraz Wankadia of Manama Toastmasters and TM Meenakshi Sundaram of ICAB Toastmasters

Communicate with Confidence, Convey with Conviction

installation ceremony

Thanks to Our Outgoing Excom ! DTM Khalid Al Quod Ougoing President

TM Shaikha Buti Outgoing V.P. Membership

Achievements TM Mona Ali Outgoing Librarian

TM Pamela Birungi Outgoing Secretary w w w.ma na matoa st ma ster s .org

* 10 out of 10 DCP points * 12 new members * published 6 newsletters * completed and published a club Performance survey * completed the club account report awaiting for auditing only * attended Club Officers Training. * submitted April Renewal fees to Toastmasters International on time. * 3 District Education Awards. * District 20+ year’s membership awards for 2 club members. * Improved the Club meeting attendance * completed an accurate library list * ompleted an accurate Membership list. * updating the club website * built quality educational meetings. * Two quality contests. * Appointed 8 club advisers to mentor, advise and suggest ideas to foster the club quality * introduced the meeting parliamentarian * 61 club membership strength * produced a club guide manual for the club members

installation ceremony

Good Luck to Our New Excom ! The Incoming Executive Committee during the Oath Taking Ceremony presided by DTM Sarah Habib

On 26 June 2010, Manama Toastmasters Club thanked the outgoing EXCOM for their achievements and welcomed the incoming EXCOM and wished all the success. The Chief Guest was Mr. John Scott, CEO of Bahrain Polytechnic University, who discussed the leadership terminology and presented the relationship between leadership and change, and its sequence on

our daily life and the glob. The ceremony included presenting the club’s achievements during the last term by the outgoing V.P.Education TM Shaikha Buti and conducting the upcoming EXCOM by Division C Governor, DTM Sarrah Habib. The ceremony ended with a motivational speech by another Chief Guest, TM Mustafa, whodrove all the way from Al-

Madinah Al-Munawarah to Bahrain join the club in those auspicious moments and share with members and guests his journey. It was a very inspirational speech that motivated all the attendees to face challenges. A special surprise was waiting for TM Mustafa at the end of his speech that was a wonderful cake celebrating his birthday.The event adjourned with a light dinner.

Communicate with Confidence, Convey With Conviction!

CC Claire Cosgrove receiving the President’s Pin.

CC Bharat Patil receiving the Vice President Education’s Pin

TM Thuraya Juma receiving the Vice President Membership’s Pin. Communicate with Confidence, Convey with Conviction

TM Zahra receiving the Secretary’s Pin.

MTM Quick News


Osama On TV


Area 59 Governor for winning the 1st place in the Triple crown list and being the top No.1 among all the winners with 5 Education and Leadership awards for the term 2009 - 2010. *

DTM Elizabeth George

Past Area 59 Governor for wining the Triple crown title with 3 Education and Leadership awards for the term 2009 - 2010.

TM Osama Bahar was hosted in the youth television program “Ta’s Al-Shabab” on Bahrain TV to present his review for the “The Secret” book by Rhonda Byrne. w w w.ma na matoa st ma ster s .org


We are With You Always...

Manama Toastmasters Club’s members express their sincere sorrow to DTM Mohd Iqbal Butt over the lost of his beloved wife and pray to God to rest her soul in peace and grant her family the strength to cope with it. * Manama Toastmaster Club members conveys our sincere condolences to TM Babu Mori on the passing of his father. Our thoughts and prayers are with you.

Editorial Dear Toastmasters, A humorous July 201O has come and gone and Manama Toastmasters has had a taste of Humour and just doesn't will not let it go!! :) So we've based Horizon - July 2010, on humour. Personally I've always found humour a little tricky as compared to a speech. You can give a speech but when you are talking about a humourous speech, your success solely lies on the peels of laughter at the end. As I see it no matter where you come from, or what you do for a living, or what your personal preferences are, you will always laugh at a good joke. Humour is the universal spice of life and like spices, we can't do without it. Good humour, regardless of how subtle, can eleviate sadness and worry. It lightens burdens, inspires hope and connects you to others.

Special Thanks to Toastmaster who have assisted in this Edition TM Alya Mahroos

Did you know that Humor and laughter also strengthen your immune system, boost your energy, diminish pain, and protect you from the damaging effects of stress. Best of all, this priceless medicine is fun, free, and easy to use. So let's all open our mouths and have a hearty laugh... HA!! HA!! HA!!! :D

TM Bharat Patil TM Laxman Singh Ratore

Happy Reading!

TM Melissa Almeida

V.P.Public Relations

Your valuable feedback and contributions are always welcomed. Please feel free to send them to Melissa Almeida at melissa.almeida@ymail.com

[Commenting on a brief speech]

“That’s the kind of speech I like:

one that’s long on wisdom and short on words. “

“ I’m not making a speech tonight, so I won’t put you to sleep. But after the other speakers are finished, I will wake you up.”

Communicate with Confidence, Convey with Conviction

mtm & toastmaster international Manama Toastmasters

EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE July to December 2010

Standing from left to Right : TM Laxman Singh, TM Zahra Hubail, TM Jeevan Lobo, TM Neelesh ManSingh, TM Thuraya Juma, TM Bharat Patil and TM Claire Cosgrove

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