The Maltby News Issue 36

Page 1

Your Wentworth Valley Community Newspaper April 2011

Big Bang

page 13

Maltby Manor Red Nose Day Page 12

Lillyhall Celebrations page 9

Shameful See Gabrielle Kinney’s full report on Well Side Cottage on page 3

Well Side Cottage in 1985 and above the current state of the Grade II listed building


April 2011

Events Calendar


Maltby Town Council Surgery Edward Dunn Memorial Hall Every Friday 14:00-15:30 Everyone welcome


Toddler Time

Maltby Social History Photographic Exhibition

Wickersley Library, 10:00-11:00 Brundish House Residential Home, (every Mon incl. school holidays) Fun & games for 2-5yr olds Braithwell Road, Maltby No need to book 13:00 - 16:00, Every welcome just come along



Active Always Gentle Exercise

Edward Dunn Dance & Social Club

Wickersley Community Centre, 14:00-15:00, Every Friday from 14th Jan, £2 per session, Call: 01709 822443

Edward Dunn Memorial Hall 14:00-16:30. Every Friday, Tea Dance £1.50 including refreshments

Supertots Carer & Toddler Group

Wickersley Operatics Society


St Marys Parish Room, Morell St 9:00-11:00. Tuesdays (Term time only) Everyone Welcome Tel Pauline: 07817 405255


Maltby Crags Women’s Group

Silver Dollar Line Dance Club

Wickersley Writers Workshop

Crags School Community Room 9:00 - 11:00. Every Wednesday Term Time. Speakers, Crafts etc. For info: 07817 405255

Tuesday nights improvers - advanced, Edward Dunn Memorial Hall 19:30 - 21:30, £2 per session Tel Tony: 07766088221

Wickersley Community Centre Every other Tues, 13:00 - 15:00 Tel Margaret: 01709 543991



Muglet Lane, Maltby 15:00

Last Saturday of every month,20:00 Call John: 01709 813530





Tea, coffee & biscuits




Wickersley Community Centre Tues 18:30 - 21:30 Thurs 19:30-21:30 Open to all over 16yrs


Concert of Hope Concert from the Watoto Children’s Choir Uganda Full Life Church, 19:00 Call for tickets on 01709 818213 or e-mail:


Wentworth Valley Area Assembly & PACT Meeting Wickersley Community Centre, Wickersley, 18:00 - 20:00 All Welcome


An Evening Engagement Free Cycle Maintenance Classes Every Tuesday, Maltby Lynx Youth & Community Centre, 16:00 - 20:00


Garden Party in Wickersley Library, 19:30 - 22:30, A Musical Performance, a Royal Riddle Quiz, Card Tricks, Buffet... all for £1 per ticket


Silver Dollar Line Dance Club

Maltby Environmental Group

Monday nights beginners, Edward Dunn Memorial Hall 19:30 - 21:30, £2 per session Tel Tony: 07766088221

Maltby Library Meeting Room, 14:00, Everyone welcome, For more info: 01709 812035



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April 2011

Community News

Local treasure in sad state of repair This month we would like to once again bring attention to the fate of 27 Blyth Road, Maltby, a source of continued concern for many of our readers. This 1710 construction, also known as Well Side Cottage for its historic location near the old well, still stands, though rather worse for the wear. Yet after 300 years its longevity seems in question if action isn’t taken soon to ensure its continued survival. As illustrated all too clearly by a 1985 photo provided by reader Alice Rodgers (see page 1), the decline of this address over the past 26 years has been rapid and painful to witness. It is for circumstances such as these that the society English Heritage was formed. The impetus for the creation of English Heritage came in the 1930’s with organisations such as the Georgian Group, an association concerned with the preservation of Britain’s Georgian architecture. Unlike in today’s environment, the original champions of history by way of architectural preservation were not well received. It was not until the Labour government of the 1950’s that buildings were first listed; now roughly 500,000 buildings fill the files of English Heritage, a truly astonishing figure. Charged with protecting those sites in the UK that are deemed historically important and thus worth saving, English Heritage is the body responsible for the preservation of living English history, keeping the past alive through the protection of past construction. It is the Secretary of State for Culture, Media and Sport that ultimately compiles this list, and it is this branch of the government that

individuals can contact to bring attention to a site. A little background on how the process works. When a building is listed, it is then protected from changes that are considered compromising to the historical integrity of the building, limiting refurbishments and alterations, both interior and exterior. Listing consists of three categories: Grade I (about two percent of listings), Grade II* (about four percent), and Grade II, the latter of which is the category under which 27 Blyth Road is listed. Generally buildings are listed only after they have been brought to the attention of English Heritage by unaffiliated individuals, so private interest is needed for the significance of a building to be noted by the society. In the case of Well Side Cottage, this was successfully accomplished on 1 April 1987, when it was itself listed. Buildings are chosen for reasons of architectural significance, construction, age, and other factors that mark it out as unique, such as a famous personage who has inhabited it, e.g. Jane Austen’s home in Bath, or, in the case of Well Side Cottage, being the last remaining home from the original village of Maltby. Any building built before 1700, if it remains in reasonable condition, is automatically listed, while anything built after 1945 is subject to scrutiny while under consideration. Being Grade II listed, Well Side Cottage is categorized as being of special interest; not ranking amongst the highest on the list in importance as valued by English Heritage, though this category does of course make up the majority. Of the

500,000 buildings currently listed, over 90% are categorized as Grade II. Grade II buildings are very rarely granted funds for repairs from English Heritage, thus falling much more under the care of councils and keen individuals than those listed as Grade II* and Grade I. Listing a building can at times be an inflammatory subject, as it can be felt that it inhibits the owner from doing what he/ she wishes with their private property, by limiting the alterations that can be performed. This is a just concern. While English Heritage claims that their aim is not to limit ownership rights- and in truth it probably really isn’t the intention- it can nevertheless still seem that way. Thus it is important to distinguish between violating the rights of ownership, and placing pressure to maintain a historical landmark in good condition. The role of listing is to maintain the historical integrity of a building through its architectural preservation, and that should be the aim in regard to 27 Blyth Road. With respect to this, one of the principle debates surrounding this home has been what should be required of its owner regarding its preservation, and this falls very much in the realm of the Rotherham Metropolitan Borough Council. The property has been owned by Tarmac since the 1970’s, and they are currently selling it as part of a plot that includes offices, several homes, and about five acres. Communications and Media Officer David Barker of the Council has helped to provide a better understanding of how the situation now stands. In response to continual outside pressure, (including a letter of warning),

Tarmac’s Regional Manager did hold a meeting regarding renovations, even having an architect draw up plans for improvement. But with hopes of selling the property, Tarmac has ceased operations to restore the cottage. This raises the question of the cottage’s fate after its sale, in addition to its current ownership under Tarmac, should the sale process take an extended period of time. There is some hope in the situation, as in January the estate agents contacted the Council for information regarding the restoration of the building, so that any prospective buyers could be made aware of what is both hoped for and expected of new owners regarding the future of 27 Blyth Road. Ultimately of course the outcome lies within the hands of the current and future owners and with the Council, a spokesman of whom has said that “should it be deemed prudent, [they] will consider exercising its statutory powers under the Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Act 1990” for the sake of the cottage. As a final thought to put a little perspective on the situation surrounding 27 Blyth Road, there is the following point. In a younger country like the US, the age alone of this home would be enough to distinguish it as a national treasure. In Britain there is an utterly astounding number of such historical jewels. It would be a shame to let Well Side Cottage fall into further disrepair precisely because of the remarkable abundance to be found here in Britain, a country that so values its history. by Gabrielle Kinney


April 2011

Community News

The couple that slims together...loses 8st 7.5lb A local couple has proved that doing it together is the secret to successful slimming after losing a combined weight of 8st 7.5lb. Research by Slimming World shows that slimmers who get support and involve their partner or family in a healthy eating campaign are more likely to reach their weight loss goal. And Heather and David Buxton, who were one of only 25 couples from around the UK to reach the national finals of Slimming World’s Couple of the Year 2011 competition, believe slimming together has certainly been key to their success. Heather says: “The support I got at my Slimming World group every week was invaluable – and still is. Hearing about other members’ success is the best motivation you could ask for and, more unbelievably, I found I was actually able to help and inspire them too! But what really worked for us was doing it together – it meant that we carried on when we might ordinarily have lost motivation. We supported each other and spurred each other on each week.” Heather has lost 5st 0.5lb and David has dropped 3st 7lb with Slimming World since January 2010. Last month the members at the Broom Slimming World group chose them as Rotherham’s Couple of the Year 2011 making them eligible for the national stages of the contest, which celebrates the success of couples all over the UK. They were invited to represent Rotherham at the finals of the competition at Slimming World’s head office in Derbyshire on Sunday, March 6. Heather, who dropped from 17st 5lb to 12st 4.5lb, says: “We were delighted to make it to Maltby the finals of the competition 426 OXC News family ad 16/6/10 and we had a great day meeting the other

couples who’ve all been through the same experience as us. “Like most people, we didn’t gain weight overnight. I think when you’re in a happy relationship it’s easy for your weight to creep up. We loved our evenings together and food was often at the heart of them,

You hear about so many diets, on TV and in newspapers and magazines, but how do you know which ones really work? Then a friend recommended Slimming World and we decided to give it a go – it was one of the best decisions we’ve ever made.” Heather says: “It’s easy to be apprehensive

whether we were having a cosy night on the sofa with a takeaway or a lovely romantic meal with a bottle of wine and chocolates. Before we knew it our clothes were too tight and our weight was getting us both down. “We knew we ought to do something about it, both for the sake of our health and because it was 09:27 Page 1 making us miserable, but didn’t really know how to go about it.

about joining a slimming club – especially for men – but it doesn’t take long before you feel at home in a Slimming World group. Discovering that I didn’t have to broadcast my weight to the whole group was a real plus for me. As I got to know people I enjoyed hearing how they’d done and picking up new ideas and recipes each week.”

The pair swapped fatty takeaways, convenience foods and sugary snacks for healthy meals made from scratch with lots of fruit and veg. David, who dropped from 14st 11lb to 11st 4lb, says: “It was a revelation that we could eat so much because I think we’d both thought that going hungry was a sacrifice you had to make to lose weight. But the plan is so flexible and just making small changes, like grilling instead of frying, made a huge difference.” With soaring energy levels the couple also enjoyed being more active together and started walking and cycling regularly. Jovita Langley, who runs the Broom Slimming World group, says: “I’m so proud of Heather and David. They’re living proof that slimmers are more successful when they lose weight with a loved one. It’s so hard to stay motivated when you’re going it alone and having someone there when the going gets tough is a great motivational boost – which is why our groups are so successful. We often joke that success is contagious because as well as motivating each other, so many of our members influence their family and friends to eat more healthily and be more active without even trying. So many people these days are desperate to lose weight. It’s great that people like Heather and David are passing on these healthy lifestyle changes to family, friends and fellow group members to inspire them to lose weight too.” Anyone who’s been inspired by Heather and David can pop along to Jovita’s group at PITCHES/STAG on Thursdays 9.30am 11.30am 5pm 7pm or call her on 07729 510703.

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April 2011

Community News

Modern Barber

New area at Winthrop Park Wendy Thompson designs “New Life” garden as restful retreat at the Wickersley based charity

Local girl Julia Davies has arrived at the Modern Barber salon in Maltby. Julia has 15 years experience in Barbering and Hair Styling. She has previously worked at well renowned salons at Wickersley and Woodlaithes in Rotherham. No appointment is necessary so just walk - in and you won’t have to wait long for a great hair cut. The Modern Barber has special rates for children and pensioners they also have a Tanning Room with a high powered vertical sun-shower. They will be opening another room soon offering more hair treatments for the ladies. THE MODERN BARBER, HIGH STREET, MALTBY (NEXT TO ELLIES-PIZZA) TEL NO: 01709 815870 or

When Wickersley based charity Winthrop Park began creating their new sensory area for a “New Life” garden they appealed for help from local businesses who rallied round to literally give them a lift. Despite an appalling winter of deep snow and severe cold work started in December to remove the old filter beds, a legacy of the former sewage treatment works on which Winthrop Park has been created. Materials and equipment have had to be removed and brought on site which required much more than man power alone. Joining a team of volunteers was donations of time and equipment by companies pledging support. Initially some 160 tons of concrete filter beds were removed and the site levelled, a 60 ton crane arrived to lift and move equipment, new landscaping materials were brought onto site, and waste materials totally recycled. “The help from businesses giving us support has been amazing”, said David Bowser, Trustee of Winthrop Park.

“Rotherham Mini Diggers came along with concrete breaking equipment and managed to dig out the old filter beds, then PP Engineering offered one of their 60 ton cranes to give us a lift, Milltol stepped in to help with recycling issues, and Breedon Aggregates kindly gave us landscaping materials.” The “New Life” garden is designed by New Zealand born landscape designer Wendy Thompson who has taken the ideas of creating a restful retreat away from the main Park and incorporates planting on a green and cool theme. During 2010 Winthrop Park helped over 9,800 from across South Yorkshire and North Derbyshire through their nature therapy facilities and outreach activities. The Park opens for the new season, which starts on 1st April, when visitors will be able to see the changes made and new facilities created over the winter to both gardens and facilities. KH

Julia ready for new customers

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April 2011

Community News

Local firm celebrates 25 years of improving homes across the region If you’re planning a refurbishment, look no further than DC Interiors - a small, family-run business with 25 year’s experience in the industry. Since forming in 1986, DC Interiors - which showrooms in Maltby and Edenthorpe - has garnered a strong reputation and loyal customer base, primarily through word of mouth. The many thank-you cards on display in their showrooms are testament to the hundreds of satisfied customers they have helped over the years. The company’s two owners, David Silkstone and William Powney, have been in the industry almost all their working lives and the majority of the staff have been with the firm since the beginning, making them a company you can trust. Unlike many other companies, DC Interiors manufacture their materials themselves at their Maltby factory, not only does this give you the freedom to design your room,it also ensures your new kitchen or bedroom is of exceptional quality.

All plumbing,gas,and electrical work is completed as part of the fitting, and most projects are completed in two to three days. The staff at DC Interiors pride themselves on their personal, friendly customer service, with no hard-selling or pressure. We spend a lot of our lives in our homes, especially the kitchen and bedroom - which today are far more than just ‘utility rooms’ - so it’s important that they reflect our lifestyles. Each kitchen and bedroom should be practical, safe, and designed in a way that fully utilises the space available. They must also look attractive and fit with the overall style of your home, complement your way of life and make your time there a pleasant experience. With over 400 styles of kitchens and bedrooms in a wide of colours, DC Interiors is certain to provide your perfect design. Whether your taste is classic or

contemporary, the friendly staff are on hand to help you choose. If you favour a traditonal, rustic look for your home, DC Interiors offers a stunning range of farmhouse and wooden kitchen doors, for a more striking contemporary look, ask about their high-gloss, vinyl,or laminate selections. A DC Interiors spokesperson said “People often find it difficult to know where to begin when selecting a new kitchen or bedroom, but DC Interiors will guide you gently through the whole process from the first measurements to the final installation. “You will initially be offered a free, no-obligation design service, where an experienced designer comes to measure your room and discuss ideas with you. “The information will then be used to draw up design that meets your exact specifications. Special requests or awkward room shapes are no problem - DC Interiors offers

a bespoke service that makes every kitchen or bedroom unique to your home. “When the design has been drawn up, you will be invited to

the warm, pleasant showroom to discuss it informally over a cup of coffee.” Give them a call today and turn your dream room into reality. 7

April 2011

Community News Charisse surprises mum on Mother’s Day Charisse Cruise from Maltby Manor Infants was the winner of this year’s maltby. news Mothering Sunday competition. Children were asked to design their own card to win a bouquet of flowers for their mother, generously provided by Art

Florist, Maltby. Charisse promised mum Amanda that on the day she would act out her card which showed her delivering flowers, breakfast and a card on a tray. “I am so surprised and so proud of her,” said Amanda.

Improving your image for 25 years JR’s Altered Images has been at the heart of the Maltby community for 25 years and as part of this month’s celebration they are holding an open day on the 29th April to help celebrate the Royal Wedding. The shop will be decorated in patriotic style and complementary wine and cakes will be on offer. “This was always my dream shop ,” says Jill who worked at the premises as a YTS for two years

when it was known as Mandy’s. “Building up the client base was hard work,” says Jill. “We worked hard seven days a week. But as the number of customers grew the salon became a friendly and homely place where everyone is welcome.” Louise Longthorne arrived as senior stylist eight years ago, and has been joined by junior Melanie Coffell. Last year JIll and husband John

decided to re-vamp the premises and build an extension. They have added two Flabelos machines and a pair of sunbeds. “We all work very well together, and have extended our hours to offer a more flexible service to our clients. We will be opening a beauty room in the summer where we will be hoping to have a variety of treatments available. “I would like to say a big thankyou to our customers who continue to support us and make all this possible,” Jill added.


April 2011

Letters & Comment Editorial Last month we urged readers to exercise their democratic rights at the upcoming local elections, and this month is our last opportunity to repeat that advice. In our area the May 5 poll is a triple bill. There are single ward elections to Rotherham MBC, Parish and Town Council elections, and the vote on possible reform of the election system through the Alternative Vote System, the latter discussed in last month’s In Hellaby voters will not only be able to elect a new Rotherham councillor, in what looks a straight fight between Labour and Conservative candidates, but also elect members of their newly-formed Parish Council, finally stepping out of the shadow of Bramley. The make up of the likely council is hard to predict, but expect local activists to figure prominently. Meanwhile few changes to the make-up of Bramley and Wickersley councils are anticipated. That is not the case in Maltby. Many members of the current council have decided not to seek re-election following the troubled four year administration of which they have been prominent members. A look at the candidates list suggests that the most likely result is a return to control for the Labour Party after their shock cull at the hands of Independent candidates at the last poll. The list is overwhelmingly made up of Labour candidates, with three standing in Maltby South Ward unopposed for the three seats available. Other Ward lists suggest a sprinkling of Independents likely to be added to an overwhelming Labour Council. A full list of candidates in the local council elections can be found on our website

• MALTBY DESERVES BETTER Dear Sir, Maltby Town Council Meeting On Thursday 24th March, I sat in the public gallery throughout all but the ‘in camera’ section of the Maltby Town Council Finance Meeting. Present were the new Chair and six Labour/Labour-leaning councillors but no members who would wish to call themselves ‘independent’. Amid tuttuts, the Chair expressed loud concern that so many councillors were absent but he gave no intimation that he felt it incumbent upon his rôle to discover why. A little later, an experienced member caused the business of the council to be disrupted because she had failed to follow proper procedure in order to ensure that a presentation, on a matter of public concern, was placed on the agenda. Another experienced member failed to give his immediate attention to the item considering tenders for works and, to the obvious irritation of his colleagues, began to speak at length against a resolution competently passed by a previous meeting. The councillors also sat through a report which provided quite unnecessary detail about changes to flight destinations from Robin Hood Airport whilst, on a different item, they showed themselves unaware of, and uninterested in, the likely implications of the removal of subsidy from some local bus routes. The people of Maltby deserve better.

Yours faithfully, Alice Rodgers (by email)

• THANKS TO TESCO Sir May we take this opportunity to thank staff members at Tesco, Maltby and their customers for their help, support and donations when we collected in aide of the National Autistic Society in their store on Friday the 8th of April. The sum of £101 was collected of which we are very grateful. Again. Many thanks.

Keith Stringer & Jenny Andrews The Maltby News 13 Blyth Road Maltby Rotherham S66 8HX tel: 01709 819566 email: website: Published by Joker Publications Ltd at their registered office: Unit 6, Acorn Business Park, Woodseats Close, Sheffield S8 0TB. Company No. 6504103. Printed by Sharman and Company Limited on recycled newsprint. Distributed by Snazzle tel: 0844 3511 077 or 07914 577 422 e-mail: website:

• RED NOSE DAY Dear Sir, As everyone knows its that time of year when everyone puts on there red noses and tries to do there little bit to help out

others. My youngest daughter Rosie had been wanting to do something but couldn’t think what to do, then on Wednesday when she came in from school Rosie and two of her friends Jade and Courtney had thought of a way they could help raise some money for Comic Relief. They all do a kids circuit class at Maltby Leisure Centre every Thursday night and decided they would try and get sponsors for doing it in their Pyjamas this week. With it only being two days until Comic Relief they couldn’t get any sponsor sheets so they set about making there own and off out they went in search of sponsors. I’m proud to say they raised £54.21, Rosie and Jade had already collected there £36.21 sponsor money so that was taken to the bank and sent to them today Friday 18th March, I would like to say WELL DONE to them their names are Rosie Thompson, Jade Blanchflower and Courtney Spurgeon and also tell them how proud I am of them all.

Emma Thompson, 6 Morrison Avenue, Maltby

Lilly Hall Junior school celebrated its 5 events culminating in a visit to the sch The children lined up in the number in. The pupils got a close-up view of the the pictures show Anna Wainwright go apart from other companies is its uniq teaching, genuine love for aviation, an by delivering a fun, real life experience The idea of flying helicopters into sch brainchild of Heli-Wise’s Managing Di

April 2011

50th anniversary last month with a series of hool from the Heli-Wise helicopter. 50 on the playground to guide the chopper

e twin-engined Squirrel built in France. As ot closer than most! What sets Heli-Wise que combination of skills – photographic, nd an ongoing passion for teaching children e. hools – as a learning experience - is the irector, Malcolm Morgan. 9

Letters & Comment

The is always happy to publish historic photographs of local scenes and events. Contact the editor on 01709 819566 or by e-mail: Letters to the editor may be e-mailed to the above address or posted to the, 13/15 Blyth Road, Maltby, Rotherham S66 8HX.

above: Anna at the controls below: The children preparing for the question and answer session


April 2011

Community News Loan scheme for cash-strapped Rotherham residents extended

“Maltby has been very good to us over the years, and we would like to thank everyone in the town who has helped us,” says Barry Foster, Depot Manager for the St Vincent’s de Paul Society. The St.Vincent’s de Paul Society is an international Christian voluntary organisation dedicated to tackling poverty and disadvantage by providing direct practical assistance to anyone in need. Active in England & Wales since 1844, today it continues to address social and material need in all its many forms. Barry was speaking at the Edlington depot, which serves local stores, including the one on the High Street in Maltby. “Our policy is donations by local people to help local people,” Barry added. The stores stock all manner of items, but items of furnishing are particularly welcome, and the charity operates a collection service. “This is by appointment only,” says Barry, “And we do operate a quality control element to this service.” The Maltby store is one of the most popular in the region. In the current financial climate many people find themselves falling into the poverty trap, and the work done by the charity is ever more important. The widespread service across the region involves partnerships with a number of agencies and charities. Among these are Doncaster MBC Tenancy Support, Sanctuary Housing, LIFE, M25 Doncaster Housing Support, Connect to Work as well as Thorne Children’s Centre, Together Women’s Refuge, and the network of CABs.

Ann Burgin was the lucky, and very excited, winner of our Westlife competition. The competition provoked a fantastic response, probably because we failed to give you the correct answer among the options to choose! Here is Ann collecting the tickets from Crags Community School pupils Megan Boham and Dani Marshall.

It was a successful day sat the Rotherham Partnership Gymnastics Final for St Mary’s Juniors, Maltby where William McCann won the vault. Meanwhile Y5/6 (above) were crowned S. Yorks Finals Champions, and Y3/4 came second in their championship.

Rotherham Borough Council has extended its credit crunch loan scheme to help those cashstrapped Rotherham residents faced with losing their homes because of the economic downturn. The authority has agreed to extend its loan scheme - operated through two local credit unions - for a third year after hearing that 123 families have been helped financially since the project began in February 2009. Since the scheme began 98 families have been given small loans to help them pay ‘rent-inadvance’ to they can move into rented accommodation after they lost their own properties. The loan scheme has also helped a further 25 residents experiencing other financial debts and bills, that if left unsettled, could have led to escalating actions being taken by creditors. The funding is available to those people across Rotherham who have experienced a change in their circumstances, which has resulted in a negative impact to their finances. This would include changes such as recent redundancy or a reduction in working hours, partnership breakdown, increased costs or unforeseen extra expenditure. Anyone wishing to apply for a loan under this scheme should contact Rothersave credit union on 01709 514263 for an application form. Terms and conditions will apply and all loans sanctioned will be repaid at an affordable rate. If you need financial help but may not fit these criteria, then individuals can also contact the credit union for other available loan schemes. The organisation also offers savings schemes at very competitive interest rates Coun. Ken Wyatt, Cabinet Member for Resources and Commissioning for Rotherham Borough Council, said the credit crunch loan scheme had proved to be invaluable in preventing homelessness across the Borough He added:“We believe the scheme has been a substantial success and has played a significant part of the Council’s support to residents during the economic downturn. It has not only saved many families a good credit crunch loan scheme had proved to be invaluable in preventing

homelessness across the Borough. He added: “We believe the scheme has been a substantial success and has played a significant part of the Council’s support to residents during the economic downturn. It has not only saved many families a good deal of heartache but has also saved the authority over half a million pounds in estimated homelessness costs. “The authority is very conscious that many people in Rotherham are or will become financially vulnerable to excessive interest charges in the coming months and so financial help is particularly vital at this time. Credit unions provide an invaluable service and we expect to see them taking on more customers particularly now both of them have recently moved into more visible premises within Rotherham Town Centre, which will make it easier for the general public to access their services.” Rothersave can now be found within the Rotherham Markets complex. Rothersave’s move has received £1,000 from the authority to help towards its moving costs to its new markets site. Pete Briggs, Operations and Development Manager for Rothersave Credit Union, said the credit union is keen to continue to work in partnership with Rotherham Borough Council to deliver the much needed credit crunch loan scheme to the residents of Rotherham. He added: “We are also delighted to have relocated from inside the R.A.I.N building to a shop frontage near the main entrance of the building. This move makes us more visible and even more accessible to the people of Rotherham and we have received a lot of positive comments from its members with regards to the increased privacy that the new premises offer them. “Rothersave specialises in providing payroll saving schemes and has provided this vital service since 1998 to Rotherham Borough Council staff. Other employers are encouraged to consider offering this facility to their staff as a way of improving their financial well being particularly as we have recently introduced Instant Loans to both new and existing members and is known as the financial service that cares.” 11

April 2011

Community News Local History Society Maltby Local History Society’s meeting took place, in the Library Meeting Room, on Thursday 17th March. The speaker was Society Chair, Alice Rodgers, who gave a lavishly illustrated talk entitled ‘Deer Park to Diving Pool: 900 Years of a Prime Development Site in Maltby’. This set out to trace the history of the wider Manor Field area from the early thirteenth century to modern times. The early part of the talk drew on the speaker’s wide-ranging study of original documents and secondary sources, of maps and plans, on the evidence of local place names and on extensive fieldwork. This had enabled the re-discovery of the boundaries of the previously unrecognised Maltby Deer Park which, along with parks at Kimberworth and Austerfield, had been held by the cadet branch of the Norman French de Busli family. The talk went on to look at what little is known about the seventeenth century Maltby Old Hall which was demolished to be replaced by the Maltby Civic Centre complex. This was also considered along with the, now historic, proposals for the Maltby Leisure and Services Centre which caused its demise. A warm vote of thanks to the speaker was proposed, on behalf of the Society, by Emily Pilton. The Society’s next meeting will take place at the library at 7pm on Thursday 21st April 2011 when the Annual General Meeting will be followed by an illustrated talk on the, recently acquired, Rockingham Pattern Book to be given by RMBC’s Department of Archives and Local Studies Librarian. Christine Evans. For further information please ring 812035.

Service of dedication marks opening of new premises Extension and refurbishment of Morrell Street offices on show at recent open day Maltby Independent Funeral Service held an open day last month to mark the opening of their redesigned and refurbished office and chapels of rest on Morrell Street, Maltby. Visitors were invited to inspect the new office, and see some of the vehicles which the company uses including the horse-drawn and the motorbike hearses as well as the traditional luxury motorised vehicles. A short service of dedication was lead by the Rev’d Peter Craig-Wild with the assistance of Rev’d Dhoe CraigWild and Captain Barbara Sabin of the Salvation Army, and was concluded with the release of two

pure white doves. Jeremy Neal Dip.f.d has over 30 years experience as a funeral director. He works alongside Lorraine Mickle MBIFD and is ably supported by his nephew Joseph and son Matthew all of whom are qualified in some form or other in the care of the bereaved. “Arranging the funeral of a loved one may often appear a daunting and complicated task. It is therefore our duty as funeral directors to assist and advise the families in every way possible, in the fulfillment of their wishes at what is a very difficult time,” says Jeremy. “I consider my job very

Wesley Centre goes green The installation of the 92 Photovoltaic Panels to generate 25% of The Wesley Centre’s power usage was completed by last month. This is the largest commercial scheme throughout the whole of RMBC. The scheme cost of over £76,000 had been achieved with 96% of grant funding from The Low Carbon Building Project and the Community Sustainable Energy programmes. Meanwhile Maltby Community Development Trust held its 2010 Annual General

Meeting at the Wesley Centre and the Directors reported that there is currently 85% Office occupancy with 30 people now working out of The Wesley Centre. The Centre is now being used by over 14,000 people per annum. The results (postal ballot and those on the night) for the election of four volunteer director positions resulted in Norma Gayton, Rodney King, Brian Morris and David Thorpe being successful. KH

much a vocation, a ministry. Sympathetically and honestly supporting the bereaved, to enable them to arrange a fitting tribute for their loved one. We care very much about what we do and how we do it. We believe that every

family is entitled to compassionate care, personalised planning, excellent service and affordable pricing. I truly consider it a privilege to be a funeral director caring for the community and those we serve.”


April 2011

Community News New youth service in Maltby An open day at the Lynx Centre, Maltby was held by careers and personal development agency igen earlier this month. Bernadette Hall, the local co-ordinator of the Get Ready for Work programme, explained that the aim of the programme was to help young people get qualifications and support their career aims. “Hopefully they will go on to college, an apprenticeship or further training,” she said. “There are qualifications for the young people at the end of this course which will run for as long as possible 12 weeks.” Trixie Cartwright (pictured below) who studied at Maltby Academy and Maltby Manor Juniors began attending the course in January. “I am studying Health and Safety, and recently volunteered at an event. I have made friends and have learnt a lot. The programme has improved my confidence,” she said. Trixie wants to complete her Maths and English entry level and then go onto a plumbing course. igen is a not for profit partnership company that started life in 1996 to provide the careers service for Leeds. It was formed by local partners including Leeds City Council, the Leeds TEC, Universities, Colleges and business representatives. The company was established to provide the statutory Careers Service for Leeds.

Membership of the company still comprises a mix of local partners from the public, education and business sectors. The company was originally set up as Leeds Careers Guidance, however as the company expanded and grew it underwent a re-branding in 2003 and igen was born. It now delivers public and private contracts to provide careers and personal development advice, information and guidance which is free to access. Their services include Connexions and Foundation Learning for young people and Next Step and Basic & Employability skills for adults. They also offer a paid for service - Careergen. igen aims to inspire, guide and enable individuals to achieve their potential through the provision of impartial, high quality career and personal development services.


Sunday15th 15thMarch May Sunday 10.00 - 4.30 Come and learn about the courses we offer and look around the magnificent grounds and gardens. Events on the day include: •

Ashes and Diamonds (A contemporary art exhibition)

Certificate awards (presented by Ian McMillan)

Craft stalls

Garden tours

Brass Band

Maltby Manor Infants and Juniors got into the spirit of Red Nose Day raising £1101.78p. In a series of sponsored events (above): Mad hair day class 2 Class 7 & 8. Pirate Boat Race Miss Cross (class 4 teacher) in the stocks

plus much more. For further details contact the Registry on 01226 776000 Northern College, Wentworth Castle, Stainborough, Barnsley, S. Yorks, S75 3ET ...BEGIN DISCOVER SUCCEED

April 2011 13

Big Bang Well Done to Leigh Roberts, Martha Gregory, Darcie Lacey and Casey Turner (top right) on their success at the Big Bang Fair 2011. Over 90 schools took part in this prestigious 2 day event which saw the students have a stand where they could promote their game. Throughout the process they were visited by judges who quizzed them on their game including Sir Alan Rudge CBE FREng FRS Chairman of The Royal Commission of the Exhibition 1851 who opened the Fair. The students handled the questions in a professional, confident manner. Once the judging had finished the Award Ceremony began and the Maltby Academy team won three prizes: • 1851 prize for best design. • The team were also runners up in the National Science & Engineering Technology Junior Category. •

The chairman of the Big Bang Fair also presented them with the award for Outstanding Achievement - Young Engineers Overall Winners Category 3 Junior Award.

Academy girls champions of Rotherham Well Done to the girl’s football team who beat Aston 3 - 2 to become champions of the Rotherham School Cup. All played well throughout the game but a special mention to goalkeeper Fran Kitching who made some outstanding saves to prevent Aston’s England international from scoring more than she did.

Students raise fantastic charity funds Maltby Academy students recently presented cheques to a number of charities following their latest fund raising efforts. Bluebell Woods Hospice, Help for Heroes and Cancer Research UK were among the beneficiaries. Help for Heroes was chosen by House and 6th form and so received the higher valued cheque totaling £1176.29. Cancer Research UK were given £602.13 and the children’s hospice £747.05 Including Children in Need the Academy raised in one term almost £5,000 for charity. Jan Maxwell Assistant Head said “It is a substantial amount even without our Christmas Fayre which was cancelled. A fantastic effort by the students.”

April 2011


Maltby Town Council News Page


Maltby Town Councillors Mr J Kirk - Chair 01709 816445

B Slade - Vice Chair 01709 814748

Mrs J M Andrews 07757287941

K F Stringer 01709 816582

EVENTS • Annual Christmas Lights • Annual Bonfire and Firework Celebration • Remembrance Day • Horticultural Show • Christmas Markets • Civic Service • Photographic Exhibition

ENVIRONMENT • Allotments • Clean and repaired the: • Edward Dunn Headstone • 1923 Pit Disaster Memorial • Crossley Memorial • Hanging Baskets and Floral Decorations Provision of skips for various community clean up’s and projects • Clearing of pathways and snickets • Tickhill Road Boundary Stone

COMMUNICATION • Monthly newsletter • Website • Town Council Notice Boards

COMMUNITY INVOLVEMENT • Maltby Town Council provides free benefit and general advice via Kiveton Park Independent Advice Centre – this service is available every Tuesday afternoon. • NHS Falls Team – If Maltby Town Council had not stepped in this service would

have been relocated to Rotherham Town Centre. • Maltby Think Tank – community evenings to help groups to work together to successfully gain funding for the area. • A Christmas Lunch and New Year lunch cooked by the Community Payback Service for local pensioners. • Support for local projects eg., the Limetrees Recreation Area

CO-ORDINATED WORKING WITH OTHER ORGANISATIONS Groundwork Dearne Valley, Rother Valley Area Assembly, Rotherham Metropolitan Borough Council, Streetpride, Rotherham Wardens, South Yorkshire Police, Neighbourhood Watch, South Yorkshire Fire Service

THE EDWARD DUNN MEMORIAL HALL • The Hall is regularly used by a range of local groups for a wide variety of activities and • Improvement of facilities and frontage. • A weekly council surgery is held on Friday afternoons.

GRANT FUNDING • Over the past four years Maltby Town Council has awarded 87 grants to groups ranging from schools, lunch clubs to the Police for the PS3 Club. • Maltby Town Council has successfully bid and been awarded grants from Sport England and

ABC funding for holiday clubs and weekly sports activities for young people.

PLANNING EVENTS AT THE EDWARD DUNN • Maltby Town Council forced a public enquiry in regard to the Rotherham Road office development. • Hargreaves - consultation on the extension of the spoil heap.

M V Ainsworth 01709 816903

Mrs J Anderson 01709 816734

M J Bradford 01709 813409 mathew_bradford_2000@yahoo.

Mrs J Bradford 01709 813409/07969 957871

D J Brennan 01709 790871

J Carratt 01709 815527

A D Foster 01709 790789

C McMahon 07824317415

Mrs A L Rushforth 01709 814894

P Scholey 01709 813630/07721 310174

Mrs C Stringer 01709 816582

K Duckmanton

01709 815044

Maltby Town Council Surgeries Every Friday at the Edward Dunn Memorial Hall 14:00 - 15:00. Everyone Welcome Please see Maltby Town Council website for date of next meeting and full meeting minutes Home/Maltby/maltbyHome.aspx

April 2011 15

Maltby Town Council News Page Official opening of the Crossley Memorial The newly restored Crossley Memorial was opened last month following the initiative by the Council. Kevin Barron MP cut the ribbon after a short speech about the life of Dr Crossley, in which he speculated about the difference the doctor might have made to the village had he lived, as the community sprang into life following the sinking of

Town Hall tackles For some time Maltby Town Council has been concerned about the condition of Maltby High Street. On Tuesday 29th March, at 10am Maltby Town Councillors and representatives from Hargreaves, Tarmac, Marshalls, Streetpride, RMBC Environment and Development Services and RMBC Planning and Regeneration undertook a walkabout on Maltby High Street to look first hand the deteriorating environmental condition of the area. After the walkabout, the group returned to the Edward Dunn Memorial Hall to discuss their findings and other issues in an attempt to find a way forward in bringing the High Street up to speed.

The Maltby Community Fund, sponsored by Hargreaves Services, still has monies available for local groups and organisations. Anyone interested should contact the fund on 07941671462. Please note that application forms may be requested but a stamped addressed envelope is required.

Town Council Meeting held at 6.30 pm on Thursday 10th March 2011 at the Edward Dunn Memorial Hall, Tickhill Road, Maltby • 30 minutes for questions from members of the public at the Chairman’s discretion. • Apologies for absence. • Declarations of personal or prejudicial interest. • Items for which a resolution may be passed to exclude the press and public. • Communications received by the Chairman.Minutes of the Maltby Town Council meeting held on Thursday 24th February 2011 • Minutes of the Maltby Town Council meeting held Thursday 3 March 2011 • A casual vacancy on the Town Council Service Level Agreement with Groundwork Dearne Valley for the Stewardship Scheme Security and maintenance on allotment sites. • Franchising out the bar facility. • Support for the campaign for a plaque in the Maltby Sports and Leisure Centre to recognise Fred Trueman and to coincide this with Yorkshire Day • Feedback from the Practitioners Conference. • Update from the Clerk and Responsible Financial Officer. • The general operation of the Edward Dunn Memorial Hall.

the mine. The Rev Peter Craig-Wild said a prayer in remembrance of the doctor and Maltby Town Council Chair Cllr John Kirk thanked everyone for attending, with special thanks to stonemason Steve Winks who restored the memorial and Tony Reeve who made the replacement replica lamp.

grimey streets Issues raised were: • Blocked gullies • The central traffic bollards – dirty and no lighting • Dog fouling – no signage and lack of bins • Lorries using the estates as rat runs during peak traffic times • Monitors to be placed along the length of the High Street to monitor the air quality • Lack of litter bins • Sweeping of the pavements? • Fly tipping • Extension of the spoil heap at Maltby Colliery

Why is it important that everyone votes in local elections? Did you know that your local councillors are consulted on nearly everything that happens in your area? They take an active part in influencing what services are and are not provided - and that affects you and your family! Local Councils are responsible for many things like: bus shelters, litter bins, local halls and community centres, parks, and footpaths to name but a few.. Local councils are delivering more services for residents than ever before and with changes proposed by the new coalition government, they will be in a position to do even more in the future. Everything we come into contact with on a daily basis affects how we feel and what we do - so how much effort do you actually make to

get your opinions known? Voting in local council elections takes so little time, but will have a daily impact on you for the next four years, because councillors remain in office for a four year term and their decisions affect the future for your whole community. If you leave voting to others your opinions and wishes will not be heard and simply by voting for a candidate you feel will reflect your view sends a clear message of your opinion to the decision makers. It is said ‘people get the local council they deserve’. Do you know who in your community is standing for election and what they hope to achieve? The names of your councillors should be on your parish notice boards, in local post offices or displayed around your community. If you

cannot find this information locally your District/ Borough Council may be able to advise you. Councillors live side by side with you in your community; they are the most local level of government, being easily contacted and directly answerable to the community every time they walk out of their front doors. They raise money primarily through your council tax to administer their decisions and you need to be sure that you have voted for the right people to look after your community. If you do not vote, others will and their views may change your life.

• Exchange information • Items from the National and Local County Associations: DIS- Issue No 753 - 25 February 2011 White Rose Update – February 2011 Clerks and Councils Direct – 74 - March 2011 All About Local Councils Planning Lists No’s: 7, 8, 9 and 10 • Routine correspondence: Maltby Wood Lee Common and Crags Meadow Steering Group Minutes • Routine RMBC matters: Information for Town & Parish Elections Polling Day – Thursday 5 May 2011

on Thursday 10th February 2011 • Presentations for the Christmas • Illuminations from Blacheres, Civic Pride and Lumalite • Budget and contract for the Christmas Illuminations • Payment schedules for January 2011 • Receipt schedules for January 2011 • Bank reconciliations for January 2011 • Budget and Management Accounts for January 2011 • The budget for year ended 31st March 2012 Report from the Clerk and Responsible Financial Officer • Exchange information.

Town Council Finance Meeting held on Thursday 24th February 2011 at the Edward Dunn Memorial Hall, Tickhill Road, Maltby

Town Council Meeting held at 6.30 pm on Thursday 10th February 2011 at the Edward Dunn Memorial Hall, Tickhill Road, Maltby

on Monday 17th January 2011 • Minutes of the Maltby Town Council meeting held on Thursday 27th January 2011 • Minutes of the Maltby Town Council, Review of the Effectiveness of Internal Audit meeting held on Wednesday 2nd February 2011 • Internal Control and Review of the • Effectiveness of Internal Audit • Update on the Crossley Memorial and to consider an official opening. • Review Maltby Town Council Standing Orders • New police crime maps • Update from the Clerk and Responsible Financial Officer. • General operation of the Edward Dunn Memorial Hall. • To exchange information • Items from the National and Local County Associations: DIS – 14 January 2011 – Issue No 750 DIS – 28 January 2011 – Issue No 751 YLCA – Branch Meeting – 19 February 2011 Rural Matters – January 2011 To consider Planning Lists No’s: 3 & 4 • To discuss routine correspondence: Submission of Bassetlaw Core Strategy & Development Management Policies • Community learning at Maltby Academy • Routine RMBC matters: Borough Wide Parish Network

• Up to 30 minutes for financially related questions from members of the public at the Chairman’s discretion. • Apologies for absence. • Declarations of personal or prejudicial interest. • Items for which a resolution may be passed to exclude the press and public. • Communications received by the Chairman. • Minutes of the Town Council meeting held

• 30 minutes for questions from members of the public at the Chairman’s discretion. • Apologies for absence. • Declarations of personal or prejudicial interest. • Items for which a resolution may be passed to exclude the press and public. • Communications received by the Chairman.Minutes of the Maltby Town • Council Emergency Planning meeting held

Have a voice - vote in the local elections on 5 May 2011


April 2011

Community News New Council homes open their doors

Nature World supporting you and your pets Our petshop is situated in Maltby, Rotherham just 1 mile from Junction 1 of the M18. We have over 4,000 sq feet to come and explore, with everything from Hamsters and Parrots to Kittens, Puppies, Reptiles & more. We stock all the accessories you could wish for. Our aquatic centre is full of Tropical & Cold water fish. We have over 40 aquariums & cabinets to choose from with discounts of 20% on a wide selection of stock. We stock a good selection of community fish and fancy coldwater fish, our staff are here to help & advise you through all the important stages of fish keeping, just ask. We have probably one of the best selection of aquariums & cabinets around from childrens tanks to the latest designer aquariums, if we havn’t got what you want we can probably get it. Discounts available on many aquariums please call in for details. Our main aim is to give you all the advice you need to set up a new aquarium properly and successfully, both for the benefit of the fish and your pocket!! Our Reptile room offers a wide selection of Reptiles, Frogs, Tortoises, Snakes,

Lizards, Bearded Dragons, Chameleons & Tarantulas and many more. We have a large stock of vivariums, accessories and medications for all your pet needs. Our friendly, helpful staff are always happy to help you and answer your questions and have many years experience in pet care and fish keeping. We stock Budgies, Canary´s, Finches, Love Birds, Quails & Cockatiels, Parakeets and Baby Hand Reared African Grey Parrots. We also have a variety of cages from Budgie cages starting at only £9.99, to cockatiel and parrot cages small & large, And if we don’t have what you’re looking for we will do our best to get it. With bird toys and accessories from boredom breakers to parrot swings and ladders and an assortment of concrete perches what more could you ask for. Come and see our Pedigree Puppies. We have recently started to stock Pedigree and Designer Puppies, normally of the Toy Size Breeds. These include Pugs, PomSpitz, Shih-Poo, Shih Tzus, Pugs, Lhasa Apsos and Cocker Spaniels. Please call to discuss current availabilty.

The first new Council houses built in Rotherham for 30 years welcomed their new residents this month. The tenants for the first eight completed houses on Newland Avenue, Maltby, were handed their new front door keys on Monday April 4, in what is being seen as a momentous occasion for housing in Rotherham. The build, which was started in September, includes eight houses and bungalows, built by construction company, Bramall. All the properties are built to Lifetime Homes and Building for Life silver standards in addition to achieving Level 4 of the Code for Sustainable Homes. These standards are above and beyond the typical open-market house building standards and will ensure a high-quality build, a safe environment and incorporate

high energy efficiency measures, making them more affordable for council tenants to live in. It was important to the Council that the schemes also gave opportunities to local labour and use apprentices and work experience students on the sites, giving them vital experience and a foot on the employment ladder. These first eight homes that are now completed received funding of £519,697 from the Homes and Communities Agency (HCA). In total 132 new houses are set to be built across the borough, by Rotherham Borough Council with funding support totaling £8.8 million from HCA. The investment has allowed the creation of much needed new, high-quality housing for Rotherham residents. The builds are expected to be fully completed by November 2011.

Gina Campbell receives the keys to her new home from Bramall’s Managing Director Neal Baxter.

Proud to be delivering sustainable homes and creating communities for the future.

LIVING REGENERATION For more information, call 01709 766000 / email

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