The Maltby News Issue 40

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Your Wentworth Valley Community Newspaper August 2011

Social Housing page 6

Maltby Phoenix in Warwick page 10

Fun Day page 12

Local land under threat

Local residents have been taken aback by the consultation process for the Local Development Framework (LDF). Areas designated for potential housing or workspace are bound to prove controversial as the green belt and transport and social infrastructures come under pressure. The LDF will guide future development in the Borough until 2027 and will progressively replace Rotherham’s Unitary Development Plan by preparation, consultation, and then adoption of a number of documents. The two key parts of the Local Development Framework are the Core Strategy Development Plan Document and the Sites and Policies Development Plan Document and these, together with some underpinning work,

form the basis of the current consultation. Work began on the LDF documents in 2005 and there have already been a number of public consultations about them including major ones which took place in February-March 2007, MayAugust 2009 and the current one which began on Monday 4th July 2011 and which is due to end on Friday 16 September 2011. A consultation meeting, staffed by RMBC Planners, was held at Maltby from 2-6.30pm on Thursday 14 July and copies of documents are available via the Library and the Services Centre. They can also be accessed online via (Just key ‘Local Development Framework’ into the search box.) Amongst other things, the Local Development Framework is considering

the release of Green Belt land for housing and employment use and it has thus, at times, proved both alarming and controversial. The 2009 consultation, which was based on hefty regionallyimposed targets, was marked by much concern and by numbers of heated public meetings. The assumption being made in the latest documents is that housing targets will be lower, reducing from the 2009 suggested annual target of up to 1350 per annum to an average of about 850. (Over the past 12 financial years, the average annual completion rate for new housing in the Borough has been 708.) Achieving these targets and those for employment land will, of course, have a major impact on the Borough as a whole, with some areas likely to be harder hit than others.


August 2011

Events Calendar

aug sept Wickersley Writers Workshop


Maltby Town Council Surgery


Edward Dunn Memorial Hall, Every Wednesday, 19:45 - 21:15 Tel: 07584573521

Edward Dunn Memorial Hall Every Friday 14:00-15:30 Everyone welcome

Last Saturday of every month, 20:00 Call John: 01709 813530

Wickersley Operatics Society

Edward Dunn Dance & Social Club

Wickersley Community Centre Tues 18:30 - 21:30 Thurs 19:30-21:30 Open to all over 16yrs

Edward Dunn Memorial Hall 14:00-16:30. Every Friday, Tea Dance £1.50 including refreshments

Maltby Local History Society



Silver Dollar Line Dance Club Monday nights beginners, Edward Dunn Memorial Hall 19:30 - 21:30, £2 per session Tel Tony: 07766088221


Supertots Carer & Toddler Group





Rotherham Civic Theatre, 19:00, Charity night for Safe@LAST, Tickets £10, Conc. £9

St Marys Parish Room, Morell St 9:00-11:00. Tuesdays (Term time only) Everyone Welcome Tel Pauline: 07817 405255

Maltby Community Library 19:00, Illustrated Talk, ‘Maltby Crags Then and Now’

Maltby Crags Women’s Group

Eric Knowles Antiques Roadshow

Active Always Gentle Exercise

Mr Men Party Roadshow Live

Crags School Community Room 9:00 - 11:00. Every Wednesday Term Time. Speakers, Crafts etc. For info: 07817 405255

Wentworth Garden Centre, 19:00, Tickets £14.95, including wine and canapes, Tel: 01226 744842

Wickersley Community Centre, 14:00-15:00, Every Friday from 14th Jan, £2 per session, Call: 01709 822443

Rotherham Civic Theatre, 13:00 and 15:00, Tickets £13, Family tickets £44 Call: 01709 823621

Wickersley Community Centre Every other Tues, 13:00 - 15:00 Tel Margaret: 01709 543991 Tea, coffee & biscuits








Toddler Time Wickersley Library, 10:00-11:00 (every Mon incl. school holidays) Fun & games for 2-5yr olds No need to book just come along


Rotherham Show Sat 10th & Sun 11th Sept, 10:00-18:00. Clifton Park, Entertainment, Horticultural Show, Vintage Vehicles, Fun fair etc. FREE Entry


Silver Dollar Line Dance Club Tues nights improvers - advanced, Edward Dunn Memorial Hall, 19:30 - 21:30, £2 per session, Tel Tony: 07766 088221


Maltby Wood Lee Common & Crags Meadow Steering Group


Maltby Services Centre, 10:00


Advertise your local small business here for just

£35.00 Call: 01709 819566

8-seater minibus now available 3

August 2011

Community News

Preferred Housing and Employment Sites Borough-wide, the Local Development Framework has allocated housing and employment land targets for a number of local communities. For the purposes of the Local Development Framework, Maltby and Hellaby have been given the theoretical target to provide sites for 600 new homes and four hectares of employment land. The two settlements have been mapped as a single unit and a local leaflet with coloured map is available as hard copy and can be downloaded from the RMBC website. 43 sites have been considered for potential housing or employment use, which have then been graded according to suitability as ‘preferred’ or ‘non-preferred’ for housing, employment, mixed use or as needed for other uses. This exercise has produced only four preferred sites for housing and only one new preferred site for employment and thus falls short of the targets detailed above. (A diligent search of the LDF ‘downloads’ on the RMBC website should bring you to the ‘Settlement Survey Sheets’ for Maltby/Hellaby which look, in detail, at each site.) Preferred Housing Sites LDF1294 Braithwell Road/Chadwick Drive/Newland Avenue (This is the 2.48 hectare site of the former Tarran Estate, a small part of which has already been redeveloped.) LDF0271 Land South of Stainton Lane (This 15.45 hectare Green Belt site is bounded by the Sheppey and Autumn Drive estates and Stainton Lane. It extends over both sides of

Grange Lane and drops down to the watercourse. It is of good quality agricultural land (which our hungry world cannot afford to sacrifice) and its intended 463 dwellings would overwhelm Maltby’s existing local infrastructure.) LDF 0408 Site of Old Sports Centre off High Street (0.46 hectares with the potential to provide 5 dwellings backing on to those on Manor Road. This site would be more useful to us as car parking and/or ( if the Library were to be replaced) to create an off High Street retail complex like the new one near the bookshop at Wickersley.) LDF0410 Maltby Service Station and Adjacent Green Space, Beresford Road. (0.36 hectares could provide 11 dwellings subject to the sacrifice of the recently and expensively relandscaped area in front of Drake Road and opposite the new Crags School.) New Preferred Employment Site LDF0312 Land off Warwick Road (This could provide 2.46 hectares of Employment Land but has extremely bad access onto the busy A631 and is adjacent to both a Local Wildlife Site and to a Regionally Important Geological Site.) What about the Colliery Land? LDF0305 Land at Maltby Colliery (The 40.61 hectares of land now occupied by colliery buildings could become available at the end of the LDF plan period and could, potentially meet all our housing and employment land targets. At present, only its capacity to accommodate

a waste site is recognised by the planners.) Meanwhile the area formerly occupied by Maltby Leisure Centre is included in the Local Development Framework as a ‘preferred site’ for housing, but there are now renewed grounds to hope that it will, in fact, accommodate an extension to the Services Centre car park After viewing the Local Development Framework proposals, a concerned local resident submitted a written question to the 26 July Wentworth Valley Area Assembly meeting. This alluded to earlier advice received by that body, from former cabinet member Councillor St John, that there was a clear intention to extend the new Leisure and Services Centre car park onto the old Leisure Centre site. Works on this were due for completion months ago but, as local people are well aware, nothing has happened yet. The written response from RMBC advises that the Centre’s Travel Plan has been adopted and that this includes details of modified parking provision for the centre which is along the lines discussed at the July 2010 Area Assembly meeting. It adds that partners are now satisfied with proposals which will create approximately 30 additional spaces on the site. While the LDF may designate the land for housing it is not set in stone and if the car park is developed then the LDF designation will have to change. © Alice Rodgers 2011

Bank still set to close Despite an amazing response from the public to the maltby. news petition to halt the closure of the NatWest on Low Road, the sub-branch looks set to shut its doors next month. There were an amazing 500 plus responses to the petition, and countless customers called in the newspaper’s offices to complain. Although Tickhill boasts two other banks and is less than half

the size of Maltby the NatWest there will remain open along with a small branch in Bawtry. A last ditch attempt is to be made to persuade the Bank that the branch could survive if opened reduced hours closing one day a week. Above: Cars queue to use the cash machine and counter on a typical day


August 2011

Community News

429 OXC Maltby_News_Personal injury advertorial



Page 1

Millions still remain unclaimed in compensation Local firm of solicitors will help you through the personal injury claims minefield Millions of pounds worth of compensation remains unclaimed in this region, not just by people who have been involved in accidents that were not their fault, but also by employees and former employees of light engineering firms who have suffered from industrial injury or disease, according to local law firm, Oxley & Coward Solicitors LLP of Rotherham. Oxley & Coward has already recovered millions of pounds worth of compensation for thousands of local personal injury clients, yet many have yet to claim and may be totally unaware of their right to claim.

”There are however many other people in non-mining occupations that have developed an industrial disease and industrial deafness in particular, and these people are less aware of their right to claim.

Richard Sheppard, head of Oxley & Coward’s Industrial Disease unit, explains: “Medical conditions associated with the work of former miners, such as vibration white finger have been well publicised and generally people who can claim against this type of industrial disease have already done so.

”As a general rule, if you work or used to work for a light engineering company as a grinder, fabricator, fettler, or other manual profession where you were regularly exposed to loud noise, you may have suffered industrial deafness and you may be entitled to claim. Road workers and local authority workers may also have been affected, and it’s not just industrial deafness cases we can handle. “Over the years we have helped people involved in road traffic accidents, accidents at work and accidents in public places and from start to finish we aim to make the whole process as simple and easy as possible.”

413 OXC Industrial accident compensation v2



Sustaining a personal injury as a result of someone else’s negligence can be a traumatic and worrying experience, as people often don’t know who to approach or where to turn for advice and that’s where Oxley and Coward come in. Their team of experienced solicitors and quickly assess if you have a claim and advise you on the correct course of action and Page 1 next steps.

Industrial Disease?

“We have dealt successfully with hundreds of personal injury cases and have plenty of experience in putting people’s minds at rest,” explained Richard. “We understand that a personal injury can leave people feeling vulnerable and unsure of their rights and choosing Oxley and Coward will see you treated with compassion and professionalism. Depending on the severity of your condition and the nature of the accident, compensation payouts can run into thousands of pounds and while no amount of money can fully compensate for life changing injuries, it can go a long way to getting people back on their feet and making life easier.” If you believe you have been caused any personal injury, industrial disease or injury at work, call Oxley & Coward Solicitors LLP, free, on 0800 373612 to see if you may be entitled to claim. Details of the types of industrial disease case handled by Oxley & Coward are listed on their website, Call us on

01709 510999 or email 34/46 Moorgate Street, Rotherham, South Yorkshire, UK, S60 2HB Tel: 01709 510999


EST. 1791

Industrial Deafness

How can we help? Oxley & Coward has a specialist team of experienced lawyers dedicated to fighting for the rights of victims of industrial injury and disease including VWF, Industrial Deafness and Asbestos disease. Over the last 10 years we have recovered millions of pounds of compensation for people who have been so injured. We have membership of the special Law Society Personal Injury Panel and the Association of Personal Injury Lawyers.


Call Oxley & Coward FREE on:

Vibration White Finger (VWF)

0800 373612 for more information and friendly advice, with no obligation.

In appropriate cases we can also offer NO WIN NO FEE

You could be entitled to compensation


Do you suffer from whiteness of the fingers or tingling and numbness even when it is not cold? If so, have you ever worked with power tools such as grinders, jigger picks, chainsaws, stihl saws? Have you worked in an industry where you had to shout to make yourself heard? Do you now find that you cannot follow conversations when there is background noise? Have you been exposed to Asbestos during your working life and been diagnosed with either Asbestosis/Pleural Thickening/Lung Cancer or Mesothelioma? If so, you may be suffering from an injury caused as a result of the fault of your employer and may be able to make a claim for compensation.


EST. 1791

34/46 Moorgate Street Rotherham, South Yorkshire, UK S60 2HB Tel: 01709 510999

Oxley & Coward is proud to be supporting Deafness Research UK. Deafness Research UK provides free information, guidance and advice on deafness, tinnitus and other hearing conditions, based on the latest scientific evidence and informed by leading experts. Call Deafness Research UK, FREE on 0808 808 2222. 5

August 2011

Community News New Adult Leisure Classes at Thomas Rotherham College If you want to learn a new language or improve existing language skills, then Thomas Rotherham College has the right class for you. From complete beginners to advanced, TRC are launching a fantastic new range of adult leisure classes in French, Spanish, Italian* and Greek**. There are also two new classes for those individuals who want to learn how to use the internet (Internet Skills) to send an e-mail, purchase items, or just for a new hobby and also for those who want to learn the basics of Microsoft Office (Introduction to Computers and Microsoft Office), to write a letter or create a simple spreadsheet. All the classes are designed to be fun and take place in a friendly environment. There are no examinations to worry about. The classes are held on weekday evenings at our main college site on Moorgate Road. There is free on site parking and great transport links to the College.

All classes start week commencing 12 September. Enrolment is quick and easy and there is no interview. If you know which class is for you, enrol at our Sports Centre 9.00 – 7.00 (Mon – Fri) or 9.00 – 2.00 (Sat & Sun). If you need guidance to select the right class, come along to one of our enrolment evenings on 6th, 7th or 8th September between 5.00 – 7.00 pm and speak with a member of staff. For further information, prices and details of how to enrol please visit, call 01709 300700, or e-mail sports@ TRSports also provides a range of fitness classes, a fully equipped gym, sports hall and floodlit all weather pitch, see the website for details. All classes are subject to a minimum number of enrolments. * Italian Improvers


Crags group and Groundwork The group’s July meeting received a report on the successful Model Village Community Association Clean-up undertaken in association with Dearne Groundwork, and on the popular ‘Maltby Crags Then and Now’ Exhibition being staged in co-operation with Maltby Local History Society. Members had been made aware of a worrying incident which had occurred in the vicinity of the Crags Meadow and there was lengthy discussion regarding alcohol-related anti-social behaviour. The group recognised the need for continuing and robust enforcement of existing legislation and also considered issues around a potential Designated Public Place Order specifically for Maltby. The revised Crags Meadow mowing regime was recognised to be proving its worth and there was little doubt that this was making a positive contribution to the biodiversity of the wider area. The group formally adopted a set of

Interim management guidelines for Maltby Wood Lee Common on which it has been working for a number of months. Meanwhile from looking around the streets of Maltby and the open areas it is shocking to see so much litter around causing a blot to the landscape. Groundwork Dearne Valley are working in partnership with Maltby Town Council and the local Safer Neighbourhood Team to run a Maltby wide neighbourhood clean up in October, whereby we would like all residents in Maltby to clean away litter and weeds from their doorsteps. In return they will work with partners to provide bin bags, litter pickers and the collection of full bags. They are urging for individuals, community groups and streets to come together and support the project. Contact Lucy Cheetham, Groundwork Dearne Valley on 01226 740077 or email:lucy.


TELEPHONE 01709 378909

** Greek – Beginners

Parkgate Mobility Centre Effingham Street Rotherham Our showrooms boasts thousands of small items designed to make everyday living that much easier telephone for free colour catalogue

Scooters Stairlifts Specialised Powerchairs SALES, SEVICE & REPAIR • Rise and Recline Chairs • High Seat Chairs • Profiling Beds • Bathlifts & Bathroom Equipment • Walking Aids • Wheelchairs • Kitchen Equipment • Waterproof Clothing • Toileting Aids • Incontinence products • Pressure Care • Nebuliser’s

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  


August 2011

Community News New social housing development receives award The latest piece of social housing in Maltby has been completed at Stone Park Close by T H Michaels Construction Limited, and been awarded its Secure by Design certificate Paul Thompson of TH Michaels was present to receive the certificate on behalf of the company along with RMBC Ward Councillor Christine Beaumont. The four one bedroom apartments cost around ÂŁ250,000 to build and the project was completed in five months, excluding delays during the harsh winter months. John Shillito, South Yorkshire Police Architectural Liaison Officer explained that the building had been designed and built to high security standards as he handed over the certificates.

Pictured top right are John Shillito Christine Beaumont Paul Thompson Uzmor Satter(Programme Co-ordinator) and Nick

Charity Zumbathon How about getting fit in a fun way and raising money for deserving charities at the same time? Enjoying a popular Zumba session, which is the latest craze to sweep the country, can fulfill that desire. On the 24th September between 2-4pm at the Liquid and DIVA Nightclub in Rotherham you can take part in a Zumba session and raise funds for

the Cystic Fibrosis Trust and The National Autistic Society. The entry fee is just ÂŁ10 which will be split between the charities. There will be a raffle with great prizes and Zumba wear on sale on the day. For more information on how to join the party call Lisa on 07971739374 7

August 2011

Community News Maltby Fisheries is back in business and frying tonight!

Metal thefts threaten safety of all

New owner Claire Younger and her staff Bev and Tracey are looking forward to seeing customers old and new at their new place! There are a whole range of special offers on the menu for under £3.00 and a free delivery service is available on orders of over £6 within a three mile radius.

SHEFFIELD, Doncaster and Rotherham have been identified as theft hotspots by an electricity firm which suffered over a half a million pounds worth of losses in Yorkshire last year. CE Electric suffers an average of 25 metal thefts every week from its network. Geoff Earl, Head of Safety for CE Electric UK comments: “There have been over 800 metal theft incidents across our network so far this year. It is clear that reckless thieves will go to extreme lengths to steal metal, including risking not only their own lives, but also those of the general public by leaving sites in an unsafe condition. Sadly, we have already seen serious injuries and the tragic death of a young boy. “The thieves are causing nothing but misery and I would urge members of the public to be vigilant and to contact the police or CE Electric UK immediately with any information that may help catch these criminals.” These dangerous activities are of particular cause for concern during the school holidays as children could be exposed to serious threat. For information on the dangers see p11. If you have witnessed or have information on a metal theft incident, contact the police or CE Electric UK’s 24-hour helpline on 0800 375 675.

As well as the usual offerings on the fish range, burgers and kebabs are also on the menu. Jacket potatoes and Pukka pies are also there alongside budget conscious kids meals for £1.80 including a drink. See the ad on this page for a special offer for maltby. news readers.

Awards for inspirational police officers and staff A Maltby police officer was honoured for her efforts at a special ceremony this month The Cutlers’ Company has presented awards to police for the last 18 years. Its individual award this

year is to be presented to Sgt Suzanne Snowden, who leads Wentworth Valley Safer Neighbourhood Team, which works in and around Maltby. Her Police and Community Support Officers describe her as ‘inspirational’. She has overseen the establishment of two new Neighbourhood Watch schemes and has improved communications and trust between the police and the public. Master Cutler Professor Bill Spier, said: “We should never underestimate the importance of security and a safe environment in which to work and live. “I’m delighted that the Cutlers’ Company is once again able to honour South Yorkshire’s police force, although I know that selecting only one from the high-calibre applicants was a difficult task but we have chosen a very worthy winner.”


August 2011

Letters & Comment Editorial The Local Development Framework is the major story in this month’s issue, and is bound to cause controversy. As we report the consultation process ends next month, but many residents have complained that they were unable to attend, or simply did not know how crucial the LDF was. As usual Rotherham MBC make much of the fact that the entire process is accessible through their website, again we report that you would have to be trained as a forensic website analyst to find your way around the website and locate all the information contained in the plan. In Maltby and the surrounding areas there are a number of locations earmarked for potential development which are bound to raise a few eyebrows, not to mention hackles. Again areas of Green Belt are under threat and we will be looking at this in more detail in our next issue. Equally worrying is the proposed build on the area earmarked for more parking at the Leisure Centre. Local activists are collecting signatures on a petition, which is also available at the offices of whilst others are preparing submissions for the consultation. Once again it looks as if the people of Maltby and the environs will have to take matters into their own hands if contentious builds are to be resisted. We have provided a number of links to the website in this issue and indicated where copies of the report can be seen. A digested version of the LDF can be viewed at the offices of

The Maltby News 13 Blyth Road Maltby Rotherham S66 8HX tel: 01709 819566 email: website: Published by Joker Publications Ltd at their registered office: Unit 6, Acorn Business Park, Woodseats Close, Sheffield S8 0TB. Company No. 6504103. Printed by Sharman and Company Limited on recycled newsprint. Distributed by Snazzle tel: 0844 3511 077 or 07914 577 422 e-mail: website:

• CARS OR HOUSING Sir, Councillor Ian St John told the Wentworth Valley Area Assembly that, much needed, additional car parking spaces for the Maltby New Leisure and Services Centre were to be provided by extending the present car park onto the old Leisure Centre Site. Despite reminders, we have seen no sign of this yet. We now discover, from the Local Development Framework documentation (just released for consultation), that the Old Leisure Centre site has been declared a preferred option for housing development. Please will our local councillors tell us what they are doing to ensure that the planned car park goes ahead?

Yours faithfully,

But in the wider sense it will affect High street, Rotherham Road (both A631), Bawtry Road Hellaby and also Junction 1 M18. If you read the planning information regarding the survey by the Transportation team, it states: there may be a potential impact on the Queens Crossroads. There is no note whatsoever of the wider impact of cars travelling down the A631 or Junction 1 of the M18. If you read the comments from the transport team regarding other sites nearer the M18, they state that development will have an impact so keep as green space. Everyone who has seen these comments have more or less the same view - did the transport team decide that the development of 463 houses off Grange lane would have: a) have very little car ownership b) not work so have no need to travel

c) travel to Rotherham and the Junction 1 M18 via Braithwell? Both the A631 and the B6427 are incredibly busy not only with cars but with lorries travelling to and from the quarry and to Edlington via Braithwell . Drivers are also using Braithwell as a ‘quicker’ way out of Maltby, and this village and its roads is not suitable for this amount of traffic. The LDF also infers that no work will be brought to Maltby as a result of these homes so this then again leads to were do all these cars go to? No mention apart from potential impact on the Queens Crossroads.

Regards, Tom O’Donnell Maltby

Alice Rodgers

• THANKS TESCO Sir May I take this opportunity to thank staff members of the TESCO Supermarket here in Maltby for their recent fundraising ‘bag-packing’ exercise that raised £60 in aid of the National Autistic Society. Many many thanks also to all the people who donated to this cause. It is very much appreciated.

Regards, Maltby Town Councillor Keith. F. Stringer On behalf of the National Autistic Society.

• LDF CONSULTATION Sir As a concerned resident of Maltby I feel the following should be brought to the attention of Maltby residents. Firstly the consultation that took place at the Full Life church on 14th July 2011. I only found out by accident by reading an article in the Rotherham Advertiser which mentioned in a small paragraph that this was taking place. I did not known at the time of reading the article the significance of this meeting. I did notice a notice in the Maltby news regarding a Public consultation on Local Development Framework (LDF), this, to be honest. meant nothing to me. I attended the meeting and I was shocked to see the extent of the proposals and I was also concerned at how this would have a major impact on Maltby. I was also extremely surprised by the low attendance whilst I was there. A few of us have started a petition against the proposed building of 463 houses on land of Grange lane (Ref: LDF0271 Name: LAND TO THE SOUTH OF STAINTON LANE). At the moment, we have collected over 200 signatures and not one person knew about the LDF or indeed the meeting at the Full Life church on 14th July. Currently, we are taking the petition to people who will be impacted most, basically this means people living off the B6427, Grange Lane.

Maltby Tug of War does anyone recognise anyone in this picture? Contact the see contact details bottom left

Maltby Young Person/Young Carer of the Year 2011 Do you know someone you would like to nominate for this award? It could be a young person who has helped you, or cared for you, someone who has gone that extra mile, some someone who deserves recognition but never receives any. The Town Council is asking the community of Maltby to nominate who you think should become the Maltby Young Person/Young Carer of the year.

Person to be nominated: Name, Address and day time telephone number: .................................................................................................. .................................................................................................. .................................................................................................. .................................................................................................. Nominated by: Name, Address and day time telephone number .................................................................................................. .................................................................................................. .................................................................................................. .................................................................................................. In no more than 100 words please say why you are nominating this person for the Award Please use a separate sheet and return your recommendation to:

Maltby Town Council, The Edward Dunn Memorial Hall, Tickhill Road, Maltby S66 7NQ Last date for nominations 31st August 2011. The winning participant will be chosen by Maltby Town Council 9

August 2011

Community News • LOCAL MINER Sir I wonder if anyone recalls Clifford Dewick who was killed in a fall on Number Seven seam at Betteshanger Colliery, Kent in February 1935. I was recently in Kent and was handed a flyer about Yorkshire miners in Kent, which mentioned Mr Dewick and the fact that he is buried in Maltby.

Yours C A Beresford Maltby


We recently received a £600 from the Hargreaves Community Fund on behalf of Friends of Respite, to help towards the purchase of an

outdoor table, chairs and parasol set which we purchased from Argos. We would like to thank Ann Dickinson and her committee and thank them on behalf of the children. As you can see from the picture the set is getting lots of use and means the children can spend time outside during the summer months. Thanks also go the people of Maltby for their support at the

Garden Centre branches out Maltby Garden Centre on Braithwell Road has redeveloped the rear space which now houses all the larger plants on new display areas. The work has just been completed and has freed up space at the front of the centre for a more eye catching display of seasonal plants ready for the Autumn. The Autumn is a pivotal time in the garden as we seek to introduce some late colour to our plots, and get ready to plant for the spring. The Garden Centre offers a wide range of plants and shrubs, and expert advice is available. Meanwhile the green grocery section continues to offer a bewildering array of local seasonal produce mixed with the more exotic.

Maltby Festival where we raised a total of over £110, this will go towards the children’s outings fund. We would also like to thank Donna and Ben Slade who helped at the Maltby Festival.

Yours Dorothy and Carolyne Straw Friends of Respite


August 2011

Community News Maltby Phoenix Sword wows the Mayor of Warwick Local sword dance team Maltby Phoenix Sword of Maltby, Rotherham, South Yorkshire, were given two rare honours at this year’s Warwick Folk Festival (29th to 31st July). First, Maltby Phoenix Sword were asked to dance in the Mayor of Warwick’s Civic Service on Sunday morning in St Mary’s Church. Having given a short talk on the history of rapper sword dancing, the Maltby team danced to thunderous applause from the congregation of Warwick dignitaries. Then Maltby Phoenix was given the honour of leading the street procession to the Court House Gardens where the Mayor, Councilor

Trudy Offer, requested that they come back next year. High praise indeed. Sally Wearing, Dance Coordinator of Warwick Folk Festival said, “I’m especially pleased about the church service – I hadn’t programmed a rapper team there before but I was hoping Maltby Phoenix would get a good reception. Please pass on our thanks to all the team for all their hard work and for helping make the festival such a success” Maltby Phoenix on DVD in 2012? The people from www. produce traditional dance DVD’s. They say, “It was great to meet Maltby Phoenix at Warwick. I was

well impressed with the standard you have achieved. My vision is a Maltby Phoenix DVD showing all the sides performing with a dance tour as the main event. Extras to include interviews with yourselves and side members, with possible practice footage and a breakdown of the figures used in the dances.” The Maltby Phoenix Sword teams are certainly spreading the name of Maltby around the country and are well received wherever they go; their reputation is soaring. These young people are clearly a success story for Maltby and a fine example of what can be achieved. See them at www.

Adult learning courses in your area! Crags Community School, Strauss Crescent, Maltby

Would you like to improve your English Skills? Maybe you didn’t pass GCSE English or you feel your English skills need updating? This is your chance to take a FREE course to work on improving your reading, writing, spelling and grammar and an opportunity to take a nationally recognised qualification.

Award in IT user skills - Word Processing Starting: Monday 19 September 2011 at 9:30AM This course is suitable for beginners or those with little experience in word processing. You will be supported by an experienced tutor and you will gain a national award. Accreditation fee payable unless on a means tested benefit.

Parish Rooms, Mary Magdalene Church, 41 Morrell Street, Maltby, S66 7LH

Computer Workshop Starting: Monday 19 September 2011 at 12:45PM This course is suitable for both beginners and those who have some ICT skills. You can choose from Microsoft word, desktop publishing, spreadsheets, databases, Powerpoint and exploring graphics

Supertots - Family Learning Course Starting: Tuesday 20 September 2011 at 9:00AM A family learning course where parents and carers of pre school age children can learn together. The tutor will provide information, support and guidance to those who have responsibilities for the care of young children.

Brush up your Numeracy - FREE COURSE Starting: Tuesday 20 September 2011 at 9:30AM Do you wish you could help your children more with their homework or do your Maths skills need updating? This is your chance to take a FREE brush-up course to improve your number skills, percentages, area and fractions and an opportunity to take a nationally recognised qualification.

Yoga for All Starting: Friday 23 September 2011 at 9:30AM Yoga develops flexibility and muscular endurance and incorporates techniques to relieve stress and bring the mind and body into harmony. The course will also introduce you to colour therapy and is suitable for all ages and abilities, no prior experience is needed.

Women’s Group Starting: Wednesday 21 September 2011 at 9:00AM Learn new skills, meet new friends, increase your confidence and self esteem through a variety of activities, discussions and visits. Practical Parent Helpers - FREE COURSE Starting: Thursday 29 September from 9.15am to 12.15am for 4 weeks This course will give you background knowledge to become an effective parent helper. Whether you are already a helper or are just interested in finding out more, the course will give you up to date information on how schools work and the role of parent helpers. Learners can then progress onto a 70 hour accredited Helping in Schools course which will start on November 10th from 9.15am - 2.30am for 14 weeks. Brush up your Numeracy - FREE COURSE Starting: Thursday 22 September 2011 at 3.30PM Do you wish you could help your children more with their homework or do your Maths skills need updating? This is your chance to take a FREE brush-up course to improve your number skills, percentages, area and fractions and an opportunity to take a nationally recognised qualification. Brush up your Literacy - FREE COURSE Starting: Friday 23 September 2011 at 9:30AM

Ravenfield Parish Hall Yoga for All Starting: Monday 19 September 2011 at 9:15AM Yoga develops flexibility and muscular endurance and incorporates techniques to relieve stress and bring the mind and body into harmony. The course will also introduce you to colour therapy and is suitable for all ages and abilities, no prior experience is needed. Yoga for All Starting: Monday 19 September 2011 at 1.00PM Yoga develops flexibility and muscular endurance and incorporates techniques to relieve stress and bring the mind and body into harmony. The course will also introduce you to colour therapy and is suitable for all ages and abilities, no prior experience is needed.

Wickersley Community Library, Bawtry Road Computer Workshop Starting: Tuesday 20th September 2011 at 12:45PM Do you want to improve your ICT skills! Do you need to keep up with your children or grandchildren! Join this workshop and work on a subject and level of your own choice with the guidance of an experienced tutor Suitable for all ages and levels including beginner

All courses are for 10 weeks. Course fee is £60 full fee or £3 per course if claiming any of the following benefits: Job Seekers Allowance, Council Tax Benefit, Working Tax Credit, Income Support, Housing Benefit, Pension Guarantee Credit, Income Related Employment Support Allowance

Contact: Gill Lawrence on 01709 709208 or Cat Bell on 01709 838728

e-mail: or for further information and to reser ve a place


Left to right: Amy Rigby (aged 8) holding the sword lock, and musician Victoria Siddle. Behind, in view, are Lucy Williams, Jess Williams and Megan Rigby. 11

August 2011

Community News Revive celebrate anniversary Sarah Sullivan and her team are celebrating their fourth anniversary at the Queens Corner salon in September. During those years the salon has been a leader in innovative services and products. Meanwhile staff have been acquiring qualifications with all stylists now Level 3 qualified and Sarah recently qualifying as an Assessor. Sophie has also reached NVQ Level 2. The team is also taking part in on-going training with Matrix and World Host. The latest products to hit the shelves include Wonder Weave half head wigs, which can transform your look and provide instant glamour. This is an affordable alternative and is available in all colours for just £20. An alternative to bonded hair extensions is also available through Raccoon Micro Weft. This product is made from premium quality hair that is both root point correct and cuticle intact. The Raccoon Micro Weft is a revolutionary product that utilises the finest header and bonding tape to deliver a unique product that is comfortable to wear, blending seamlessly with your own hair, and it can be re-used to give outstanding value. Raccoon applies exacting quality standards to the sourcing and production of this revolutionary product, and also ensures that stylists are trained to apply, style and remove the extensions. Sarah herself has been trained in the bonded process over seven years, and all staff are fully trained. The salon is also offering a range of Matrix Total Results products from £4.95 “This is a prescriptive range designed for individual hair types, and we provide expert advice and guidance in-house. We are all creative stylists who are very passionate about what we do!” said Sarah. Bookings are already being taken for weddings and proms for next year, and the salon continues to support the Maltby Academy Prom Fair since it began!

Aged 16 - 19 and stuck at home with nothing to do? Want to develop your confidence, gain leadership and teamwork skills? Get qualifications and skills to boost your CV and help you start a career. Subject to acceptance, we are offering you practical onsite training in construction and landscaping, along with many opportunities to develop other skills to improve your chances of landing your dream job. You can even have a 2 week trial to see if it’s for you and if it isn’t we will help you find something more suited to you.

for more information visit or call us on 01226 740077


August 2011

Community News

DHL roll out TACS in Maltby and show their community spirit DHL held their annual party at the High Common Lane site earlier this month. The day-long event is a thank you to all staff and their families, and a great turnout enjoyed sideshows, appearances from the Army and Fire and Safety teams as well as a barbecue.

Pupils at St Mary’s school were recently treated to a road safety class by the DHL TACS (Trucks and Child Safety) team based at the HIgh Common Lane site outside Tickhill. There are seven fatalities a day in the 7 -11 year age group and one of the major dangers for children is the larger vehicle. The TACS Programme was introduced in 2006, and started by Pete Denton and colleagues. Since Autumn 2006 they have visited 40 schools which has brought their message to over 3,000 children. They are

hoping to roll out in Rotherham in the near future. They like to make their presentations fun and engaging to keep the children’s attention whilst making them aware of the danger of trucks. One of the key elements of the presentation is code named Big, Blind, Deaf. Big - Big Bright Lorries, Blind - Lots of blind spots, kids aren’t always seen, Deaf - Inside the vehicle/truck you cannot hear the shouts. This admirable scheme is funded by the DHL Foundation.

“Even if we can avoid one child being killed on the roads by giving these demonstrations then the whole thing is worth it.” Ned Woollard, TACS demonstrator and trainer

top left: Sarah Unwin from South Yorkshire Fire and Rescue with Josh Kerrigan above: Calum and Alex Davies with the Truck and Child Safety Truck left: William and Isabella Ogden at the water stocks below: Findley and Elliott Baxter with mum, Emma and Leah Gibson

Keep children safe around trucks Over 3000 children are killed or seriously injured on UK roads each year. Become a Trucks and Child Safety demonstrator and show children how to avoid being another casualty. You can deliver a better future. To find out more call the DHL UK Foundation helpline 01285 841 914 COIN: 13

August 2011

Community News Maltby Academy goes from strength to strength Principle David Sutton gives us an update on developments at the Academy In an exclusive interview with the Maltby Academy Principal Mr David Sutton updates the community on the latest developments at the school. Since the announcement of the capital building programme for Maltby Academy last December much has been going on behind the scenes to prepare for this £11.1 million investment. Mr Sutton confirmed that next term representatives from the local community will be invited to contribute to the planned building developments. “The consultation process will roll out from September. We have had a period of inactivity whilst the Department for Education has been carrying out its own spending review to determine which building projects should take priority over the next three years. They have now recognised that at Maltby Academy we are able to deliver in phase one of the building programme and instructed that the project should commence as soon as possible. We have had the initial ‘launch’ meeting with Partnership for Schools and have now been assigned our lead from the Government advisory group. We have recently appointed our Design Consultant and Technical Advisor and this team will take us through feasibility, early design stages and procurement of the contractor. Whilst this process is taking place we will be consulting

with the broader community. The plan is for work to begin on site in June next year with opening in September 2013.” “We seem to have been talking about this capital building programme for such a long time, and this appointment of a Technical Advisory Team indicates that it is actually happening. We look forward to even more exciting times ahead.” On examination results Mr Sutton had more to add: “I have recently been talking to the staff, students and governors about the year on year improvements at the school. We have improved dramatically over the last 6 years with the 5GCSEs with English and Maths headline figure rising from 30% in 2006 to predicted over 55% this year. The improvements are evident across a full range of measures and this year there is a real possibility of 100% of students coming out with five GCSEs and 98% coming out with five GCSEs including English, Maths and Science. This is an incredible achievement for learners across the Maltby learning community and a reflection of the commitment to the ‘raising attainment’ agenda over recent years.” “We recognise that in the current economic climate securing a positive progression route for our young people is key. Our NEETS figure (Young people not in employment, education or

training) over the last few years show that we are particularly successful in this area with less than four per cent of school leavers at Maltby failing to secure a positive destination last year. Our inclusive approach ensures that all students are directed onto the most appropriate pathway prior to KS4 to secure positive outcomes in Maths, English and Science alongside their specialist areas of learning. Working alongside our sponsor, U-explore, the Academy is committed to developing a programme of information, advice and guidance that will both bring a relevance and context to their work whilst allowing students to make informed decisions at all points of progression.” “Sixth Form numbers are looking to increase next year to 150. This is a key indicator of the improving standards at the end of KS4 and we are confident of securing 200 in the next few years.” “With a new building with specialist facilities on the horizon we appreciate how important it is to strengthen the partnerships with local community groups and look at what work we can do to encourage greater use of our facilities. We will continue to explore the possibilities through the consultation period.” “I am particularly pleased to be able to say that despite doubts from certain sections of the community when we first became an Academy we are developing a strong

Left to right: Fran Daniels, Megan Stacey and Jessa Charles received their AS results, all three students have been taking part in the extended thinking classes and recently visited Homerton College, Cambridge where they spent a week.

reputation for high standards and excellence across the school. In addition we are recruiting some very talented teachers and associate professionals to work with our young people across the school. Maltby Academy is recognized as an exciting place to work and learn and there is a vibrant atmosphere across the school. This positive climate is always commented upon by visitors to the school.” “Finally I would like to say that our partnership with the maltby. news goes from strength to strength and allows us to communicate directly with the wider community whilst supporting our local newspaper. I see the relationship

as mutually beneficial and really do see the newspaper as a strong communication tool and look forward to further developments working with We welcome the opportunity to provide updates to the local community and I am sure that the readers appreciate this when they receive the newspaper. We are ambitious for our young people and continue to set high professional standards in all we do. We are keen for all our young people to leave the Academy ‘qualified’ in the broadest sense, that is, armed with academic successes alongside the qualities, skills and attributes that will make them employable.”

August 2011


Maltby Town Council News Page SUMMER ACTIVITIES 2011 From the beginning of the school holidays Groundwork Dearne Valley and Maltby Town Council, funded by Cadbury’s Spots and Stripes have been running a summer activities programme.

Starting with a family fun in Coronation Park and again on Amory’s Holt on 3rd August, followed a week later with grass sledging in Cherry Tree Park - this proved to be very popular.

What events are planned for the rest of the holidays? Step Back In Time – Edward Dunn Memorial Hall Wednesday 24th August 1pm – 3pm (refreshments available) Something for the young at heart! The aim is to get millions of people across the nation playing games in the run up to London 2012 – leaving a lasting legacy of community spirit. Come and

play giant snakes and ladders, card bingo, ludo, tiddly winks – have fun and meet new friends. Intended for youngsters over 40, but all age groups are welcome!

THE BEDE CROSS I wonder how many people in Maltby are aware that the wooden ‘cross’ that once stood in the grounds of the Bede Church on Salisbury Road has now been removed. I recently had a conversation with Mr Howard Hargreaves of Bevan Crescent on this subject. Howard told me that the ‘cross’ was made by a number of school children (including himself) at the then Maltby Hall Secondary Modern School under the supervision of teachers Mr (Woodwork) Shaw and Mr W Smith. On completion, the ‘cross’ was transported (carried by the school children) from the school to the Bede Church where it was then

erected. According to Howard, this would have been in the late fifties. It is estimated that the ‘cross’ stood in the church grounds for over fifty years. With the recent closure of the Bede Church, many discussions (some heated) developed on what was to happen to the ‘cross’, (it was also discussed at a Maltby Town Council meeting). Some suggestions were that the ‘cross’ should be erected in the cemetery on Grange Lane whilst others suggested the ‘Peace Garden on the High Street both met with differences of opinion. The ‘cross’ is now in storage on Sandbeck Park and it has been suggested that in the not to distant future the ‘cross’ be erected in the grounds of our parish church, St Bartholomew’s. On a personal note, I hope this happens. By Keith Stringer

COUNCILLORS MAY 2011APRIL 2012 Councillor Mrs J Andrews Tel: 07757287941 e-mail: Councillor L Astbury Tel: 01709 819561 e-mail: Councillor Mrs K Astbury Tel: 819561/07714028584 e-mail: Councillor C Beaumont Tel: 01709 816960 e-mail: Councillor Mrs J Bradford Tel: 01709 813409 e-mail: Councillor J Carratt Tel: 01709 815527 e-mail: Councillor A Dickinson Tel: 790458/07941671462 No e-mail Councillor K Duckmanton Tel: 01709 815044 e-mail:

Come and Compete in the Maltby Games! Saturday 27th August 1-3pm (Manor Fields) An opportunity to see if you can beat your friends and family in different games including tug of war, fun races and many more. This event is the round up of

summer Spots V Stripes Activities in Maltby and an opportunity to see who can win overall in Maltby Spots or Stripes

We’re the Naughty Pixies and we provide positive space for creativity in the community. This is our mongolian yurt which we built ourselves using traditional green woodwork skills, coppicing, steam bending and sewing. We recently put it up in Coronation Park to share it with the local people during

the spots and stripes event. Our interests are to share skills and knowledge with others around the UK so that we can find ways to live more harmoniously with each other and our environment. If you would like to know more about us, check out or email

Councillor S Johnson Tel: 01709 815854, 07951237552 e-mail: Councillor J C Kirk Tel: 816445/07748860490 e-mail: Councillor D M Lilley e-mail: Councillor S Maxwell Tel: 817758 e-mail: Councillor S Platt Tel: 01709 210611 e-mail: Councillor Mrs A L Rushforth Tel: 814894 e-mail: Councillor P Scholey Tel: 01709 813630/07721310174 e-mail: Councillor A Searson e-mail:


A number of residents have contacted the Town Council to praise the standard of the flowers displayed, not only at the Queens Corner, but also on the hanging baskets along the High Street, Muglet Lane and Grange Lane. Being a busy main road, many people from all over the country pass through Maltby and these displays provide an aesthetically pleasing introduction to our town.

Councillor Mrs C Stringer Tel: 01709 816582 No e-mail Councillor Mr K Stringer Tel: 01709 816582 e-mail:

Maltby Town Council Surgeries Every Friday at the Edward Dunn Memorial Hall 14:00 - 15:00. Everyone Welcome

August 2011 15

Maltby Town Council News Page Cllr Keith Stringer My name is Keith Stringer and I have just embarked on my twelfth year as a Maltby Town Councillor. I would like to take this opportunity to thank the many people who voted for me in May and have allowed me this honour. I have been a ‘community activist’ for 20 years and still get much pleasure from helping, supporting and advising people in many ways. I have been married to my wife Carol for 48 years and we have two children and four grandchildren. Maltby Town Council now has nine new councillors which helps to make up the full council of eighteen. In my opinion, it is good to see a number of these new members already showing enthusiasm in working for the future of our council by attending training, attending council related meetings, asking questions and volunteering to help if or when this is required. Again, in my opinion, Maltby Town Council will face a number of challengers through the ‘Big Society’ and the forthcoming ‘Localism Bill’ but I do believe that this council has the potential

and the capacity to deliver to the people of Maltby, a service that will be delivered through partnership working with Rotherham Borough Council and other agencies in the years to come Maltby Town Council is here to help anyone who needs advice or who have concerns. We will not always have the answers you require but you can rest assured that we will gain answers for you. The future doesn’t look very bright for any of us at the moment, but I believe that if the people of Maltby get behind the council and show support, then Maltby will have a council to be proud of for everyone.

General Purposes Committee

held at 7.30 pm on Thursday 16th June 2011 in the Edward Dunn Memorial Hall, Tickhill Road, Maltby • Appointment of a Chairman for the ensuing Council year • Apologies • Appointment of a Vice-Chairman for the ensuing Council year. • Declarations of personal or prejudicial interest. • Items for which a resolution may be passed to exclude the press and public. • Communications received by the Chairman. • Items to be included in the Councils news

pages for July 2011. • Activities and requirements for Yorkshire Day. • Activities and requirements for the Civic Service • Date, activities and requirements for the Horticultural Show • Date, activities and requirements for the Garden Competition. • Update on the Digital Switchover Help Scheme

Maltby Town Council Meeting

held at 6.30pm on Thursday 9 June 2011 in the Edward Dunn Memorial Hall, Tickhill Road, Maltby • Up to 30 minutes for questions from members of the public at the Chairman’s discretion. • Apologies for absence. • Declarations of personal or prejudicial interest. • Items for which a resolution may be passed to exclude the press and public. • Communications received by the Chairman. • Confirmation of minutes of the Annual Town Council meeting held on Thursday 19th May 2011 • Proposal to work in partnership with Groundwork Dearne Valley to deliver new projects in Maltby: Cadbury’s Spots v Stripes activities. A Maltby wide clean up project working with all community groups and schools. • Bank signatories for the Bank Account. • Appointment of an Internal Auditor for the ensuing Council year. • Update on the number of lorries travelling through Maltby over the summer period. • Retake the vote for the running of a Garden Competition in order to seek clarity of the resolution of minute number F146/10 of 28th April 2011. • Report re the deterioration, position and potential risk implications in regard to an old beech tree on the boundary of the Milton Street allotment site. • To action a request under Standing Order No 36a – the Recession of a Previous Resolution –minute number F146/10 Civic Service • Information on the availability of grants for the refurbishment of the Edward Dunn Memorial Hall and to consider appointing a working party to look at the

requirements of the project. • Update on the Franchising of the Bar facility. • Update on the security measures in Maltby Schools. • The condition of the Cemetery Paths. • Consequences of the pending closure of the Bowling Greens and what support can the Council offer. • To continue with the Social History Exhibition by linking with Unravel for a film workshop with local children, on 19th June at the Edward Dunn. • Update on the timings of the Annual Return. • Update on a further communication from Keith Leyton Barnet, the paralegal who acts on behalf of the Zion Evangelical Church. • A representative required to attend the BSSN Training (Building Safer Stronger Neighbourhoods) • Update from the Clerk and Responsible Financial Officer. • Neeting dates for the ensuing Council year. • To consider items from the National and Local County Associations:

DIS- Issue No 759 – 20 May 2011 Communities In Action – Conference and Exhibition 19 July 2011 The Clerk Magazine – May 2011

• Planning Lists Nos: 21 • To discuss routine correspondence: Thank you letter for Grant from Maltby Widows Support Group. • To discuss routine RMBC matters: Masterchef Recipe Cards Parish Network Meeting - 7 July 2011

Annual Town Council Meeting

held on Thursday 19 May 2010 At the Edward Dunn Memorial Hall, Tickhill Road, Maltby • Appointment of a Chairman for the ensuing Council year. • The Chairman’s Declaration of Acceptance of Office • 30 minutes for questions from members of the public at the Chairman’s discretion. • Apologies for absence. • Appointment of a Vice-Chairman for the ensuing Council year. • Declarations of personal or prejudicial interest. • Items for which a resolution may be passed to exclude the press and public. • Communications received by the Chairman. • Confirmation of minutes of a meeting of the Town Council held on Thursday 28 April 2010 • Consider a report from the Clerk and Responsible Financial Officer regarding Council • Committees and the Terms of Reference. • Confirm Council Committees and their Terms of Reference. • Agree a meeting schedule for the Town Council and Committee Meetings for the ensuing Council year. • Agree membership of Council Committees for the ensuing Council year. • Confirm the post of the Council member serving on the Doncaster Sheffield Airport Committee. • Nominations for the South Yorkshire Branch of the Local Councils Association. • The decision of Rotherham County Court

• • • • • •

in regard to the Zion Evangelical Church Court Claim. A response from Maltby Academy re reducing pitch fees. Impact of the increase in lorries through Maltby due to a planning decision regarding the construction of the Rotherham Football Stadium and to agree a plan of action. To receive notification of Training available to Councillors: New Localism Training Sessions, Joining the Council – YLCA, Nalc – on line training for Councillors Write to Andy Wright, RMBC Youth Worker, Maltby Lynx to thank him for his achievements and hard work whilst working with the young people of Maltby How future Town Council Meetings will be reported to the Rotherham Advertiser To consider items from the National and Local County Associations: DIS Issues 756, 757 and 758 Rural Matters April 2011 Clerk & Councils Direct – May 2011 Country Air – Spring 2011 - White Rose Update – February 2011

• Planning Lists Nos: 19 • To discuss routine correspondence: • S41 Member Briefing Note • NHS Rotherham – Better Health, Better Lives • Maltby Woodlee Commons and Crags Meadow Steering Group.

Maltby Person of the Year 2011 Do you know someone you would like to nominate for this award? It could be a friend who has helped you, someone who has gone that extra mile, or someone who deserves recognition but never receives any. The Town Council is asking the community of Maltby to put nominations forward of who you think should become the Maltby Person of the Year for 2011.

Person to be nominated: Name, Address and day time telephone number: .................................................................................................. .................................................................................................. .................................................................................................. .................................................................................................. .................................................................................................. Nominated by: Name, Address and day time telephone number .................................................................................................. .................................................................................................. .................................................................................................. .................................................................................................. .................................................................................................. In no more than 100 words please say why you are nominating this person for the Award Please use a separate sheet and return your recommendation to:

Maltby Town Council, Edward Dunn Memorial Hall, Tickhill Road, Maltby S66 7NQ Last date for nominations 30th June 2011. The winning participant will be chosen by Maltby Town Council



August 2011

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