Dnyaneshwari - Part 1

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The Genius of Dnyaneshwar

Marathi. It puts forth with conviction and confidence the view that Marathi is quite capable of matching Sanskrit in elucidating profound philosophy. This is revolutionary for its time and will involve the lay people in the understanding of philosophy. Sanskrit (like Latin and Greek) is not being demeaned but Marathi is to get her due. Verses 723 to 724 are about the sensorium21 and their ability to conceive only the ordinary. Dnyaneshwar’s words are to be of such quality that the sense organs will vie for their substance (the ear will grow tongues). The mind will, however, be the ultimate recipient. Verse 725 is about the Geeta, which will enlighten equally (in relation to the sense organs) like the sun does all parts of the earth. Verses 726 to 733 are about transcending the sense organs in order to be able to reach the very core of the sublime meaning of this work. This is not possible for all. Only some unfettered22 souls will fathom this philosophy. On this background, the images of the crow (which according to the Indian lore cannot see at night and therefore cannot by any chance see the moon) and the partridge (which according to the Greek tradition feeds on the moonbeams and is therefore the opposite of a crow) are evoked. Verse 734 also stresses that only some are suitable for this philosophy. Verse 734 therefore is about a technical problem. What to say to those who already know and to those who will never know. But Dnyaneshwar makes amends and suggests that now that everyone has assembled, he might as well go through with this exercise. This is modesty in contrast to his earlier pride in his mastery over words. And how is Dnyaneshwar going to achieve this? By the inspiration that he derives from his guru (Nivrutti) (Verses 735 to 738). The mention of alchemy referred to in an earlier chapter (18) wherein a chemical process can extract or alter an element from another is interesting. This has reference to a single basic source from which the rest of the things come out (reductionism)23. Truth or that single substance is the ‘be all’. The magician who only switches one thing for the other is downgraded. This alchemy is possible because of the guru’s technique or teaching. Verse 739 is the final denouement24. The guru has now equipped

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