Maktub 2

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The scheme of the building is to combine the spirit of the city FEZ and the spirit of the writer, through his language, in the same house. Due to the first one, the house is a compact building from the outside while a porous object in the inside, with diagonal linking courtyards. It also presents a landscape and labyrinthine go round as the texts of the city suggested that generate "vertical words only surrounded by walls"

The plot is located in the heart of Fez's Medina, on the occidental shore of the river. It is an irregular plot with two dividing walls and two free facades: one facing PLACE LALLA YEDDOUNA and the other confronting the narrow street of CHOUARA.

The spirit of the writer is given expression through the use of the KUFI, a form of arabic language as a drawing that is tried to be used as a drawing language as well as building concept. This contributes to the labyrinthine feeling even when the plan is organized with a perimetrical band of services that orders the space. It also enlarges the outside wall benefiting the thermal inertia of the building that protects the house from the aggressive climat.

The spirit of the writer is given expression through the use of the KUFI, a form of arabic language as a drawing that is tried to be used as a drawing language as well as building concept. This contributes to the labyrinthine feeling even when the plan is organized with a perimetrical band of services that orders the space. It also enlarges the outside wall benefiting the thermal inertia of the building that protects the house from the aggressive climat.

Pavimento de hormigón poroso. (pavimento de pistas de tenis) Capa de gravilla Capa de drenaje 10mm Aislamiento térmico 30mm Lámina de impermeabilización Capa de nivelación Hormigón pobre en pendiente 3% (espesor mínimo 15cm) Losa de hormigón armado, según cálculo e=18cm Acero inoxidable Pefil L 40/ 40 /5 mm Sellado Chapa metálica doblada Pintura armada pigmentada e=0.5cm Poliestireno espandiso e=3cm Argamasa Hidrófugada Acabado interior. Panel KNAUF blanco Reboco estucado e=2cm Afinado de piso 3=3cm, sello vitrificado mate. Librería madera de haya. ancho= 90cm Muro de Hormigón armado e=20cm Contrachapado e=15mm Perfilería de aluminio Protección solar toldo texti Vidrio doble de seguridad 6+8 Tela asfáltica Hormigón armado Argamasa de asentamiento Autonivelante tipo "sikafloor"

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