Making Do, The Translation issue

Page 27

Another realm that Diplomacy in Reflex strives to commentate on is the urban which itself holds a long history of diplomac y, commerce, and mirroring. Cities, in terms of diplomacy and commerce are far more older 2 than empires and nation-states. So what to make of cities, diplomacy and translation; our answer is “mirro r-worlds”. 3 Borrowing from William Gibson, and trying to generate our own twisted reflection of the concept, by ‘mirro r-world’ we refer to city-worlds (or worlds in general) that are in fact mirrored versions that generate and constitute one another (and each other as each 4 others’ reflections) with the help of mirroring devices, which are usually mis-represented as mere modes of exchange, such as diplomacy and commerce. These are actually not dialogic in its pure sense, but rather more de-finitive, de-formative, and re-formative actions.

2 That said, we are also not one of those affiliated with a

5 to be desire to autonomize city governments, not misunderstood, we don ’t fancy governments much, but will wait until we develop our alternative before we tackle that topic.


5 Ta lking of which, government mentioned above is not necessarily the group of persons in office at a particular time but the governing body of a nation, state, or community .


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