MAGX #20

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We’re Almost Legal!!! This is our 20th Issue of MAGAZINE X. Looking back at our past issues, I am pleased at our progress and growth, Artwise, in the writing, the amount of content we bring you every month, as well as the quality of said content. This month we have a great interview with an Artist out of Austin, Texas. His name is CHANT, and will be making 2 stops in the Valley while on his US Tour. Chapas Bar in Brownsville and CIty Lights Bar & Grill in McAllen will host the Techno/Industrial Madman. You have to check out his show. You will not regret it! Oh, and read the interview. It’s one of the best interviews in Mag-X to Date. We also has a chance to talk to Ramon Ortiz of the Latin metal band Ankla on Beiler Bros. Records. THESE GUYS KICK ASS. Ramon was a former menber of the band Puya. Ankla will be performing at Ozzfest later this year.


frank x Editor


Contributing Editor


Wait, thats not all we have. Our good friend Walt wrote in to tell you about another cool music site called

MySpace Guru and Writer

This crazy (or enlightened depending how you look at it) character named ZOD wrote in too. Read his article but beware, It’s not for the faint of heart or women who are breast feeding or might be pregnant. Some readers reported side effects like diarrhea and vomiting. You have been warned...

freddy freddy p

Leo submitted another “What The F*ck Is On” article on one of my favorite TV shows, Entourage. Black Mantis Komotaka is back. He took a little time off for spring break and everyone bitched at us. “Where’s Komotaka.” “Where’s Komotaka.” You guys are suckers for abuse. Well, he is back to answer more letters from his adoring fans. Remember Kids...”KOMOTAKA HATES YOU!” Denis wrote in about a local hip hop Legend named Ethiks. This guy is awesome. Read the interview! Book Reviews, Vintage Cassette Reviews, Concert Pics and so much more await you inside these pages. Why are you wasting your time reading this? Turn the page! -Ramsey



MAG X • 601 W Pecan Suite 2, McAllen TX 78501 956.661.9595 or 956.648.4464 Distributed by South Texas Circulation • 956.566.1157

the vault master

The Vault Master

leo nadia

MySpace Guru and Writer Writer/ Resident Bookworm

black mantis komotaka Letters Page

mickey proofreadin’ pooch




T.V. Happenings by: Leo Krayola


HBO presents the 4th Season of Entourage, the hit comedy series executive produced by Mark Wahlberg that takes a look at the day-to-day life of Vincent (Vince) Chase, a hot young actor in modernday Hollywood, and his entourage. He’s brought with him from their hometown in Queens, NY: manager Eric, half-brother Drama, and friend Turtle. The series

draws on the experiences of industry insiders to illustrate both the heady excesses of today’s celebrity lifestyle, as well as the difficulty of finding love and success in the fast track of show biz. Now that the boys are getting used to the perks of stardom, Eric, along with superagent Ari, keep Vince’s star rising while making sound decisions for a longlasting career in a

world of fleeting fame. Adrian Grenier (“Drive Me Crazy,” “Hart’s War”) stars as Vince. Kevin Connolly (“Antwone Fisher,” “John Q”) plays Eric, Vince’s closest confidant who’s learning the rules of the business as he tries to help Vince make the right choices and keep his trajectory aimed

high. Kevin Dillon (“The Doors,” “Platoon”) plays Vince’s half-brother Drama, whose own acting aspirations have been eclipsed by Vince’s success. Jerry Ferrara (“Grounded for Life,” “Leap of Faith”) plays Turtle, the house manager, who’s always up for a good time. Jeremy Piven (“Old School,” “The Larry Sanders Show”) plays Ari, Vince’s aggressive, high-powered

agent, who clashes with Eric over his client’s decisions. Also appearing in ENTOURAGE are Debi Mazar (“Goodfellas,” “The Tuxedo”) as Vince’s publicist Shauna and Rex Lee as Lloyd, Ari Gold’s much-maligned assistant. New Season Starts Sunday April 8th @ 9pm on HBO

I have gathered a multitude of never ending thoughts threw the years. Some I will share with you, in hopes that you visualize people, events and human history to bring you closer to that big question WHY?... I have titled it, Thoughts from the Zod.

THOUGHTS FROM THE ZOD! Z: I think the bible should have started like this. “ Long ago in a Galaxy far far away...”

Enter ZOD

Z: I was always in trouble in bible class... being bombarded with prayer, worship, sin and burning in hell for all the things humans enjoy. THAT WAS IT! If there were a church I’d belong to, it wouldn’t be a church at all, but an awareness of REALITY. I think there is a Church of Reality on the Internet. except you get a paradox once again... church???


When I was a kid, about 5 years old, I was taking a bath... Yes with Mr. Bubble, it came in a box at the time. I remember my mind paused for a bit during my bath I was hearing running water from the faucet and suddenly my thoughts became focused. What if there was no moon, no sun, no planets, and no stars? What if the was no god or no

me? My eyes saw my thoughts looking deep into the universe like having X-Ray eyes that peered into that black nothingness when suddenly I did not exist. My world went everywhere and nowhere. In the blackness my hearing came back to me. I heard water. The blackness became light once again. I was back from an empty void. Looking back at this strange haunt-

If you have any deep thoughts on life or things around you, please e-mail me.

ing memory I wonder if the fumes from Mr Bubbles tripped me out, or my perception as child that could not grasp the concept of my own existence. What ever the case, it forged my inner awareness to look deeper at everything around me. In my life’s journeys, I’ve concluded that there is balance in this universe, in everything we say, hear, say and do. Thus,

Z: I’d like to thank The History and the Discovery channel for their

religious and evolutionary enlightenment. With evolution came progress, religion followed by hate and war and if you buy these lucky charms you will have life after death. Quote...”Religion is BUSINESS.“ Z: Looks like the the Middle East could use a new prophet... who should it be, Rip Taylor or Mr Spock? Z: Gods come and go. Do you see anyone worshiping Apollo or Zeus or yanking your heart on top of a pyramid so the world won’t end? Hmm, I see Stone Henge is popular again after what? 7000 BC. It could be a cycle. Z: There should be an 11th commandment “Thou shall not push my religion on any one.” Z: In 1984 Ronald Reagan gave a speech about the world banning together, to combat an Alien space invasion, he must have know something???... And we are put here on Earth for... THEIR FOOD!

Off the Rockin’ Chair

By: Walter G. Bartlick

Here is a site that can keep your music senses stimulated for hours, days or more. If you are looking for a plethora of musical medlies, is the place to be. Upon arrival, you have the ability to create your own radio station, or stations. You pick the artist, the songs and how often they are played. Pandora takes care of the rest. They tout themselves as the musical genome experiment for obvious reasons. There are very few artists or songs that are not archived in their colossal virtual library. Along with the specific artists you choose, they also mix in songs from artists that are classified in the same genre. You have the option to give the music a “thumbs up” or “thumbs down”. If you choose the latter, then they will not play it again. If you choose the first, they will continue to play songs from that artist and find others like it. Here is the kicker, once again, it is absolutely FREE. Can I get a hell yea! My kind of price. Crank it up and enjoy the hell out of it!


Email Walt: walt


er, drugs are not done with “Alice.” This book’s most engaging feature is that it realistically depicts the identity crisis that is the right of passage for every human who has ever been an adolescent. The narrator obsesses over her weight and decides to go on a strict diet (aka starvation). She makes acceptations to her limitations and standards in order to fit in with anyone who will accept her. She strains to exercise control over her life in what she feels is an inescapable cycle. She is in constant struggle to define what she believes is the right path for her. Though constantly at odds, he longs to remedy feelings of alienation and dissociation from her mother. She wants to be loved. Despite numerous attempts to cut drugs out of her life and start over, they

tragically become an inescapable phantom limb. Go Ask Alice has been in the center on controversy over the legitimacy of it as a true work on non-fiction. Beatrice Sparks, who has cited herself as the editor, has gained success with several similarly formulated real-life teen diaries. The book’s touchy subject matter (drugs, drug dealing, sex, rape, depression) have earned it a place as the American Library Association’s number 23 on The 100 Most Frequently Challenged books of 19902000, the number 6 most challenged book in 2003, and an ALA Best of the Best Books for Young Adults.


By: Nadia Tamez

Hardbounds & Paperbacks 10

is never given) returns to her home town to spend the summer with her grandparents. Feeling lonely, she eagerly accepts a party invitation from an old acquaintance and has her first drug trip when she unknowingly drinks a soda laced with LSD. She begins to embrace drugs as mind-expanding and a way to see the true beauty of the world. As her intake increase, she becomes ever more distant from her family and clings to fellow users. The downward spiral soon follows. Throughout the course of the story, the narrator runs away twice to indulge her new lifestyle without criticism or guilt. She falls victim to sexual predators while under the influence, picks up new habits, becomes a dealer, wanders the country, and takes birth control pills incase she has sex while strung out and can’t remember. Though she tearfully return home after being exposed to the disgusting underworld of junkies and dealers, a combination of addictions and threats from her ex-customers won’t let her go. During her second attempt to rebuild her life, she is poisoned with LSD while babysitting and is sentenced in court to undergo time at a mental institution when her enemies testify that she sold drugs to children. The narrator later leaves the asylum full of hope and determined to put the past behind her, feeling that with the love of her family she can move on. Howev-

Grimm’s Fairy Tales By: Jacob & Willhelm Grimm These classic folk tales were first published over two-hundred years ago, giving Walt Disney ample time to water them down into the idealize adaptations that fouryear-olds across the country sing along to when they get home from pre-school. The original versions as recorded by the Brothers Grimm are far less kind to treacherous step-mothers and other villains than modern retellings. The harsher content of the book includes the slow death of Snow White’s wicked queen, the mutilation of Cinderella’s stepsisters’ feet, the other wolf in Little Red Riding Hood, Rapunzel’s bastard children, and the death of the Little Mermaid. Despite the infamy of the more popular tales, there are fairly wholesome G-rated stories in between and newer editions of the text are

more child-friendly. The English translations are not a particularly easy or enjoyable read by today’s standards. They are devoid of romantic language and detailed descriptions, the focus being on particular morals or lessons rather than elaborate narratives. Though Grimm’s Fairy Tales may not become a staple at bedtime for you or your kids, they are worth the read for anyone interested in folklore and legends of any kind. And because, yeah, violence and gore are pretty cool no matter what century you’re in. Go Ask Alice was printed as the diary of a real-life teen who battled with drug addiction. After trying unsuccessfully to cope with her family’s move to a new city and her inability to adapt, the narrator (whose name

Go Ask Alice By; Anonymous

By: Dennis M. Zamarron, jr.

Ethiks: “The Next Epidemik”

I was looking through the user submitted links. At first, I was a bit put off. With all due respect, he reminded me of a certain Detroit native. And just for the record, forget that guy. “I ain’t even speakin’ your name.” But, I went around my first misgivings and gave a listen to the music. Which by the way, we should all do more often, I admit that I am guilty of seeing a band/artist before hearing the band/artist. But, sometimes you meet the band/ artist before you hear them. So; if that front man is a real prick or the drummer’s cool, you’ve still got a bias, and when you tune in, you will already have made some choices. Now, you’re in a bit of a paradox, an ethical dilemma, if you will. You’ve provoked the “Thought Process.” You’re privy to the pandemic that is Ethiks thenextepidemik. Born in Atlanta, Georgia, Ethiks calls home his mom’s homestead in South Padre Island and his dad’s place in Eerie, Pennsylvania. The stay in Georgia was brief and the family settled in Pennsylvania where most of the family still hails from Eerie and Pittsburgh. He arrived in the valley in 1994. The first ethos came to light with cypher sessions after school about ten years ago. After working his syl-

lables for a few years, he joined two friends to form Diamond Kutt. Pounding the pavement paid off, and in 2002, local label, Lockjaw Entertainment, hooked up with the act and “Seaside Stories” dropped in 2005. 2006 rolled in and Ethiks wanted to go his own way and “make the style of music I was living.” He started his own record label through ASCAP, and Ready Thy Sword Entertainment was born. He got to work on his solo effort and now, his personal opus, his “Thought Process” has manifested. Influences were many and varied when it came to developing the mindset for this lyricist. He went to female, Russian Federation M.C, BYATA citing her quote, “All my Russians off the boat workin’ 9 to 5.” He also adds, “She’s one of my peoples doin’ it in a major way.” Peruvian born, Immortal Technique is a godsend for Ethiks. “He’s a blessing to the industry.” Reaching into abstract, indie hip hop, he lauds MF DOOM for being “way before his time,” according to the nextepidemik, “Definite innovator with great wordplay.” He also enjoys Cky. It seems fitting that these Westchester natives influence their Northwestern neighbor. “Close yet far is one of my more

favored joints from them, great melody.” Rounding out this oddly square pegged list is Slayer. “I just like to jam Slayer when I’m completely hammered. Reign in Blood is a dope album.” He supports local acts like Big Tim and Piexi from Reel Deep Music. “Them dudes are originators, no carbon copy

of anything else out there. That’s nice to see these days.” He’s also “really feelin” Broken Poetz from McAllen and The Throwbacks who hail from Port Isabel. Literary influences stemmed from The Wu-Tang Manual and The Art of War. Also, “I read a lot of f*!kin’ comic books, I’m kind of addicted. I also

like all of Michael Moore’s books. I’m into that political science bullsh*t.” The instrumentals used for “Thought Process” revolved around the computer and programs like E-Jay and Acid. Ethiks uses keyboards to utilize the software.

Continued on PG 30

11 for more check out the nextepidemik

No More Robots!

Strange but True!

Some of this stuff is like WHAT THE HELL?!

Want to talk to a real person when you dial customer service? Before dialing, visit for shortcuts on how to bypass those automated operators and forever-on-hold telephone calls at various business calling centers. This website, staffed by volunteers and fueled by reports from more than 1 million consumers, offers specific phone numbers and instructions on how to reach li9ving, breathing customer support workers at scores of companies providing goods and services. It also allows you to report your own “on hold” time. The site is updated weekly, but be aware that company telephone information can change without warning.


KEITH KNOWS HOW TO PARTY! Keith Richards has acknowledged consuming a raft of illegal substances in his time, but this may top them all. In comments published Tuesday, the 63-year-old Rolling Stones guitarist said he had snorted his father’s ashes mixed with cocaine. “The strangest thing I’ve tried to snort? My father. I snorted my father,” Richards was quoted as saying by British music magazine NME. “He was cremated and I couldn’t resist grinding him up with a little bit of blow. My dad wouldn’t have cared,” he said. “... It went down pretty well, and I’m still alive.” Richards, one of rock’s legendary wild men, told the magazine that his survival was the result of luck, and advised young musicians against trying to emulate him. “I did it because that was the way I did it. Now people think it’s a way of life,” he was quoted as saying. “I’ve no pretensions about immortality,” he added. “I’m the same as everyone ... just kind of lucky. “I was No. 1 on the `who’s likely to die’ list for 10 years. I mean, I was really disappointed when I fell off the list,” Richards said. -reported by AP London



Michael Jackson is in discussions about creating a 50-foot robotic replica of himself to roam the Las Vegas desert, according to reports. The pop legend is currently understood to be living in the city, as he considers making a comeback after 2004’s turbulent child sex case. It has now been claimed that his plans include an elaborate show in Vegas, which would feature the giant Jacko striding around the desert, firing laser beams. If built, the metal monster would apparently be visible to aircraft as they come in to land in the casino capital. It is the centerpiece of an elaborate Jackson-inspired show in Vegas, according to Andre Van Pier, the robot’s designer. Luckman Van Pier, his partner at the company behind the proposal, claims blueprints have been drawn up for the show and seen by the star. “Michael’s looked at the sketches and likes them,” he told the New York Daily News. On the subject of the robot, he continued: “It would be in the desert sands. Laser beams would shoot out of it so it would be the first thing people flying in would see.” reported by Yahoo! music.


Steep Trails, the major label debut from Latin metallers Ankla is AWESOME! It’s got everything for every headbanger. Driving riffs reminiscent of early Coal Chamber, combined with Latin percussion a la Soulfly mixed with the some of the most brutal breakdowns this side of hardcore gives you Ankla. Bieler Bros really did a good job in signing this talent. The artwork and packaging is great. The sound quality is terrific. So if you’re lookin to bang your head and start moshpits in public then look no further than ANKLA.

“We chose it because it was a symbolic image of what the band is, HEAVY. Plus, people tend to remember one word bands.“ - Ramon Ortiz, Guitarist for Ankla

Nine Inch Nails Beside you in time • out now!

Have you seen Nine Inch Nails live? If not this DVD brings you pretty close. Special effects, great song selection, what more do you want? This DVD is “everything and just a little more.”

Good Charlotte has returned with Good Morning Revival, the follow up to their critically acclaimed Chronicles of Life & Death. The band shows much more maturity in this record mixing 80’s pop style with their modern pop-punk sound. The first single The River featuring M. Shadows and Synyster Gates of Avenged Sevenfold fame, is already receiving massive amounts of radio play. Other songs such as the ballad Broken Hearts Parade, show the band’s more sensitive side. Dance Floor Anthem is a synth-pop laced jam that is guaranteed to keep your bottom shakin all night long. If you’re lookin for a happy go lucky album then pick this title up.

Good Charlotte • Good Morning Revival Available now!

Band: Krokus Album: Alive And Screamin’


By: Frank-X

Type O Negative • Dead Again Available now!


The only live album ever recorded in 1986 during a tour of the States and Canada and the damn tape is warped. Everything is muffled to the max and I’m totally bummed FRIGGIN’ CRAP! Everyone “BOOOO” this tape....BOOOOOOO!


Static-X’s Cannibal is MADNESS!! Remember how crazy Wisconsin Death Trip was? Imagine that times 50! I love it. The title track cannibal is full of blast beats, metal guitar, evil disco beats, and a barrage of lyrics courtesy of Wayne Static. Yo may have heard No Submission off of the Saw III soundtrack. If you have then you know what I mean. For this song the band took some Slayer added some Nine Inch Nails sprinkle some Static in there and there you have it. If you are lookin for a soundtrack to your riot or something to grind to while skateboarding Cannibal is great!

Dead Again the highly anticipated album from legendary goth-rockers Type O Negative, is a return to the bands roots. The album opener and title track dead again is the familiar goth-punk sound that their fans have come to love. The unique sound of Pete Steele’s voice resonates all over the album which is in no way a bad thing. The song September Sun brings to light the bands slow, deep, and hard mentality. A mellow yet heavy and driving metal song is always something great to listen to. This album is a must for any Type O fan.

Static-X • Cannibal Available now!




Stab Notes

Quick and painless music news by: Frank-X







The Used Ozzy

Lamb of God


All Time Low Amber Pacific AnBerlin As Cities Burn Bad Religion Bayside Big D And The Kids Table Bleed The Dream Bless The Fall Boys Like Girls Circa Survive Cute Is What We Aim For Fabulous Rudies Funeral For A Friend Gallows Haste The Day Hot Rod Circuit I Am Ghost K-OS Meg & Dia My American Heart New Found Glory New Years Day

Paramore Parkway Drive Pennywise Pepper Pistolita PlayRadioPlay Scary Kids Scaring Kids Set Your Goals The Almost The Automatic The Briefs The Briggs The Dear & Departed The Human Abstract The Matches The Red Jumpsuit Apparatus The Spill Canvas The Starting Line The Unseen The Vincent Black Shadow Throw The Fight Tiger Army Yellowcard

Albums in progress



If you haven’t heard what’s been goin on with the whole Nine Inch Nails Year Zero Phenomenon; WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN? So for those of you who have been living under a rock this year, here’s a quick run down for ya. On February 12, 2007, fans found that a new NIN tour T-shirt contained highlighted letters that spell out the words “I am trying to believe.” It was discovered that was registered as a website, and soon several related websites were found in the IP range, all describing a dystopian vision of the world fifteen years in the future. Many events reported on these websites take place in the year “0000”. Digit Online later reported that 42 Entertainment had created these websites to promote Year Zero. Rolling Stone described the fan involvement in this promotion as the “marketing team’s dream.” Trent Reznor has however stated, “The term ‘marketing’ sure is a frustrating one for me at the moment. What you are now starting to experience is ‘year zero’. It’s not some kind of gimmick to get you to buy a record it is the art form...and we’re just getting started. Hope you enjoy the ride. Now isn’t that something VIRAL MARKETING they call it. Songs deliberatley leaked on USB drives. Cryptic messages on the back of tour shirts, billboards, and stickers. Mysterious website codes. Not to mention the image of “the presence” whenever you turn on a visualizer on your media player. All I can say is that it’s creepy as hell, but it works! Album is scheduled for US release April 17th.

NOTHINGFACE guitarist Tom Maxwell has issued the following update: “It’s been quite some time since I last checked in with apologies. So much going on between that I’m starting to lose my mind! All good rest for the wicked right?? Right! “Anyway, here’s the deal with NOTHINGFACE. Me and Matt [Holt, vocals] go into the studio next week to finish tracking vocals on two new songs. Let me just confirm what Sickles [drummer Tommy Sickles] had said that Matt is tearing it up. The shit he’s coming up with is beyond bad-ass! Twisted lyrics, incredible melodies and as expected... heavy, heavy, balls-out Matt Holt heaviness. “It’s been a long/slow journey getting here but we’re just about done. Thank you so much for your patience. I know it’s been like pulling teeth wondering what we’re doing over here in Maryland. But I promise you a great record! Both myself and Matt were digging through some of the cataloged music and found a track that could take the band to a different level. So when we go into the studio next week we’ll pull it up, do some edits, and let him do his thing. Soon people, soon!”

Mag X recently caught up with CHANT


while on his tour for an interview, Read the interview and be sure to catch him when he makes his two stops in the valley.

Our X-Clusive Interview with:


Upon the release of his independent CD/DVD, CHANT: Beginnings’ (Engineered by Jeffery D. Pinkus, Butthole Surfers), CHANT spent 2004 - 2006 avidly performing all over Texas landing supporting slots for Pigface, Attrition, The Genitortures, My Life With the Thrill Kill Kult and VAST to name a few! Bradley’s performance at the Pigface show in Texas led Martin Atkins (Pigface/Ministry/PIL) to offer up his recording talents to capture all of the live drumming on CHANT’s soon to be released full length debut. While recording in Chicago, Bradley laid down a few performances that will be included in the next Pigface release as well! Produced by Mark Dufour (Skrew/The Skatenigs), the end result is an infectious collection of heart pounding dance tracks, slamming tribal passages, with plenty of nods to past decades of Industrial / Electro mayhem wedged in between! The art and mastering should be rapped up in April and CHANT fans can look for a summer 07 release. A Track Listing and album title can be found on www.myspace. com/chant and Mag-X: First off, we’d like to welcome you to Mag-X Chant: Right on, well thanks for taking interest in what I do... this is very cool indeed!

Mag-X: The concept of a “one man band” is usually not something that crosses a musician’s mind, why did you decide to do it all yourself? Chant: CHANT is a solo project by default. I’ve been in several bands over the years and love collaborative efforts; however, as so many musicians can relate it seems I’ve always been plagued with developing a project with someone (or a group of someones) only to find they aren’t willing to cross the line and push it further, or they decide to call it quits. CHANT was originally intended to be multiple drummers. I wanted to write songs based around drum riffs instead of guitar riffs and see how far I could push it hoping the live shows would have a crazy Crash Worship, Pigface kind of vibe. In the end, I grew tired of waiting on others, embraced my Industrial roots, and taught myself how to program. To be self sufficient is empowering. Mag-X: What is Chant to you? Chant: Initially, I created CHANT for the purpose of getting to perform live and play the insane drum parts I hear in my head. Parts that didn’t fit with anything I’d ever participated in. Writing music and singing was certainly an afterthought! As this has progressed, I

suppose I now view CHANT as an important creative outlet that finally has the potential to maybe... just maybe begin expressing all of the overwhelming things inside of me, hopefully creating some inspiring art and music in the process. I find hope when thinking about what this could become. Mag-X: Is there a concept behind it? Chant: Not by intent. The name CHANT was chosen because of the meditation aspect of trance/tribal drumming and chanting. The term ‘Reaching for Something New’ continues to pop up in my mind and appears in some of the things I create. Mag-X: How would you describe your show to someone who’s never seen you before?


Chant: The ‘one man band’ image is unfortunately in your mind, but you go to the club anyway. Once there you see an oversized drum set onstage, with even MORE drums plus some metal welded cans and objects... and you notice only one guy is going to get up and play them. You think: “God - what an ego - who does this guy think he is?” haha...but, once my programming starts up begin bashing tribal rhythms to them - like STOMP meeting NIN... techno Industrial music pumping with TOOL inspired drumming... violent energetic one song after another. I don’t stop and neither do

you. You wonder why I would put myself through so much thrashing around... but you feel those beats and decide you want to LIVE right then and there, because that moment is all you have... all we have... you want to drink, drum, love, dance, and create and you won’t want to go to work the next day... When I’m done - I’m just thankful I got to play drums for you and then we have a drink at the bar and a laugh together! Mag-X: If you could invent anything what would it be?

The Creatures, Dr.Dre, Crash Worship, The Burden Brothers, Nine Inch Nails, and then Tool (with an extended double drum solo with Danny Carey) --- I guess that all-star line up would screw me though... CHANT would end up having to play the side stage... hahaha Mag-X: What’s the craziest thing you

have seen at a Chant show? Chant: There is a lot of sexual energy at packed shows, especially when the drumming really gets going. I played a fetish fashion show in Austin and people were packed against the stage. Some friends were right up front: a guy, his wife and another friend... the

wife got so amped up she started making out with the other guy - clothes coming off and everything... but what blew my mind was that her husband was so amped up he didn’t even care - he just started making out with another girl! Maybe I can’t take all the credit... maybe that’s just how they roll...

Story continued on pg.


Chant: A time creation machine. Not to go back in time. Just to create more of the NOW. Mag-X: Of all the bands you’ve played with which have been your favorite? Chant: Well, I had an especially good time opening for My Life With the Thrill Kill Kult and also Pigface they invited me onstage to play ‘Suck’ which was really cool. I’ve also become close friends with another Austin band, SubNatural. They will absolutely blow you away! We’ve become dear friends and do guest spots on each others shows always an awesome time! Mag-X:. In a dream tour who would you tour with? (live or dead) Chant: I’d give anything for an old school Lollapolloza type tour... like the orginal ones in the 90’s - with

“ Violent. Energetic. One song after another. I don’t stop and neither do you."

where the ‘Reaching for Something New’ comes back into play. I do make a conscience attempt to push an idea until I experience a certain emotional response, because I need it to stay sane... and I hope doing that creates a deeper soundtrack than just something that puts your brain on autopilot. Mag-X:. Which are your favorite drums to play? Chant: Well, as much as I’d love to say ONE brand (because I really need an endorsement right now, ha!) I definitely have a mix-match of things. My main kit is a Premiere Anniversary kit, made in 94 and I do love them very much. I have an old Rogers Floor Tom from my first kit (probably made in the 70’s) that I still use today. I challenge any drum Mag-X:. If Chant was a video game, what would your special move be? Chant: It’d be a game where you select the kind of underground band you’d be... goth / industrial / metal. etc; Then you’d pick your touring Van - you’d go around playing gigs and earning money to trick-out your Van with death ray lasers and travel around the US to all of the Major Record Label Headquarters blowing them up and restoring the


millions of dollars they wasted over the years to other cool underground bands... with RIAA drone agents chasing you all the while. Mag-X: Do you ever CHANT? Chant: Only in the shower. (haha) Mag-X: In a world influenced by the same cookie cutter crap that’s on the radio, what is it that keeps you going against the grain?

Chant: Well, I want to stay honest and admit that if what I do is going against the grain, much of it is what I do naturally and therefore a stroke of luck. I think staying open to all kinds of music and pouring every influence I can into CHANT probably helps though. I spend more attention refining my sounds and ideas so I’m not just ripping off my influences - otherwise, I’ll just be making cookie cutter underground music instead of cookie cutter radio music. I think that’s

" Even if you are not in a band, you are just as much a part of your local music scene as anyone else.


be afraid to question what they write, what I say, what bands do. Don’t be afraid to be vocal about the kinds of bands and clubs you like. Mag-X: Anything to the readers? This interview, as well as coming down to the valley to meet people and play has been a really positive experience - Cheers and Thanks!

company to make one that sounds like that one; It is amazing! I was lucky enough to get into summer NAMM in Austin and tried out a DDrum

kit and was really impressed. DW kits always seem to catch my ear, too. Mag-X: What message do you have for our

readers, and the valley? Chant: Even if you are not in a band - you are just as much a part of your local music

scene as anyone else. If you want it to grow, support it, write reviews, help coordinate shows, and not only read MagX, but respond to it...don’t

local shows APRIL 6, 2007 Solace Live @ City Lights in McAllen show starts @ 10p no cover!

APRIL 7, 2007 Solace LIve@ Last Pocket in McAllen show starts @10p no cover!

APRIL 13, 2007


CHANT, Methmare Motorcade, Driving the Nails

City Lights Bar & Grill 2022 W. Nolana McÅllen, TX

APRIL 14, 2007 CHANT, Avid Driving the Nails, Step-10, Make Our Beds Chapa’s Bar 3025 E. 14th St. Brownsville, TX The Giving End Structure Hurricanes 3254 Boca Chica Blvd.

Brownsville, Tx 18 & Over only

APRIL 20, 2007 4/20 Festival w/ Bentsen Groove & Fire for Effect plus More bands TBA. 6pm visit for directions & information. Solace Live @ City Lights McAllen show starts @10p no cover!

Be sure to check out CHANT on his 2 stops in the valley. April 13th @ City Lights McAllen, with Methmare Motorcade & Driving the Nails. And April 14th at Chapa’s Bar with EX! Productions.

Want your show to be listed? It’s Free! Send us an email to with all the important info!

May 1, 2007 M3 and Goodbar Productions Presents Girl in a Coma LIVE IN CONCERT. April 20th, 2007. With Special Guests: SilverLined Tragedy (San Antonio), COSMOGIRL, The Apple in the Tree, A Single Breath & Walk the Graves. Concert will also be a CD Listening Party for the new Girl in a Coma CD “Both Before I’m Gone” which will be

released on Joan Jett’s personal label, Blackheart Records, on May 1st. Tickets are $6. Doors Open at 7pm. Show starts at 8pm.

MAY 12, 2007 Structure Nothing More Faktion Hurricanes 3254 Boca Chica Blvd. Brownsville, Tx 18 & Over only

“I really try to interweave them all so a beat isn’t made with just one of them.” He’s yet to delve into live instruments, but he frowns upon using samples due to copyright laws. He was careful to avoid such issues on this record. Big Tim helped co-produce some tracks, but the majority of the work is his own. As far as his vocal stylings, Ethiks uses clever wordplay and unique deliveries. On his track “YO,” he proudly proclaims, “The real live hardcore, stance in a south paw, unorthodox, point 2 glocks at Rush Limbaugh… I’m the son of the bass wizard. I can spit a blizzard in a second, no prediction. I’m amazing.” When he goes live, he chooses to have full playback during his shows which means all vocals included along with the instrumental track. He prefers this because, “It’s always nice to have the vocals as a backup in case you run into that situation. Plus… I like to drink, so the vocals are always a crutch.” It appears money and a large audience would be his motivator to go all live with his vocals, “but if we rockin’ a large, more upscale venue… then we rock some live shit, no doubt. Money talks.” I couldn’t help but notice that Barack Obama was Ethiks’ “Number 2” Friend on the

‘space. Just for the record, the political views of Ethiks thenextepidemic only pertain to Ethiks and not Magazine X or me. So; I asked, “Why should I vote Obama in 2008?” He said, “Hahahahahahaha Why the heck not? The ethics and moral of this country has dwindled in the past 7 years with Bush at the helm. Big Tim said it best…Corporate Genocide. U.S. politics are turning into f!@#in’ scandals left and right. No one has the balls to be a leader if it’s not puttin’ paper in their pocket. Obama is a fresh, balanced middle man for a new generation. I hope Bush chokes on his $100 steak.” Ethiks and Ready Thy Sword are forging ahead quickly. Aside from his debut album, he has two upcoming shows in April at Chapa’s Bar in Brownsville, TX. One will be on April 6th where he’ll be doing a guest performance. The next is on April 20th, and he remains optimistic because, “looks like we might have Supa Phat come down from Sacramento, Ca. for that one... maybe.” Despite the fact that, “The radio stations are not really helpin’ out a dude like me.” He is content to play where he’s at now. “I really like doin’ the small bar scene. That shit is dope to me.”

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