MAGX #18 February 2007

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Welcome to another Action-Packed Issue

of the Valley’s favorite Rock and Roll Magazine. Yes. I have declared us the bestest of the best, The KING’s of the Rock and Roll Lifestyle! Killswitch Engage. A killer band on Roadrunner Records. Their Bassist Mike D took some time out of his busy touring schedule to chat with us. He’s a killer bassist and a Killer Graphic Designer and a Killer guy. Asia’s Back with some Valentine’s Day tips for our Romantically Handicapped readers out there. Heed her words....or else! Rage Against the Machine is getting back together. There’s gonna be a RIOT! Read more about it on page....10ish or 12ish, I’m too lazy to look it up but it’s in here somewhere. We also have some news on Vinnie Paul’s (Pantera, Damage Plan) new All-Star project! Big Brother is watching you. Your phones are tapped, The FBI and CIA are following you around. So What’s new? Well how about a new season of my favorite TV show...24! Mass Terror is the Topic of choice this season. We’re talking Massive Casualties (more than usual) A-Bombs, and Elisha Cuthbert! What more could you ask for? We’ll be back next month! Thanks for Reading -Ramsey

ramsey Publisher

frank x Editor


Contributing Editor

leo MySpace Guru and Writer

freddy freddy p

the vault master

The Vault Master

leo nadia

MySpace Guru and Writer Writer/ Resident Bookworm

INTERESTED IN ADVERTISING IN MAG X? WANT TO SUBMIT A STORY OR ARTWORK? CONTACT US AT MAG X • 601 W Pecan Suite 2, McAllen TX 78501 956.661.9595 or 956.648.4464 Distributed by South Texas Circulation • 956.566.1157


black mantis komotaka Letters Page

mickey proofreadin’ pooch

“x” lover of the month Myla from edinburg, tx writes: Hey, Magazine X is Awesome! -Myla Dear Myla, -Lord Komotaka This more like it...Komotaka like! No more fat, or ugly people writing Komotaka. Lookee here mumma, Komotaka can make you smile like that every night! And you will like “mini” Taka, The Thunderous Tornado Tallywhacker of Texas!!

If your letter makes it to print you will win a genuine limited edition Magazine-X, T-shirt that’ll make all your friends jealous and all the women flock to you.

Email your answers to CONTESTS@MAGXONLINE.COM






Can you guess the tats? We shall see. Guess ‘em right and the winner gets $100 gift certificate to SKIN DEEP TATTOOS in McAllen! It’s just that simple. Guess the tats, emails us the answers and POOF! The gift certificate appears in your hand...well not really. Email us to, One name will be drawn at random from all correct answers



Love me long time!!

Hello there! We get alot of letters/email here at MagX but haven’t had time to respond to them. Luckily, Our buddy Black Mantis Komatoka the “Devourer or Souls” was laid off from his job at El Pato last week, so we hired him as our Letter answerer. Have a question that’s nagging the hell out of you? ASK HIM! On to the letters!

Dear Lord Komotaka, I think you are a sexy bitch! I want a piece of that beefcake anyday!! any chance you will give little ol me a chance to hit that? Love, -James Dear James, Unlike your father, Komotaka don’t swing that way James! Perhaps you should ask your sisters and mother about the night they rode Komotaka Mountain! Dear Lord Komotaka, Why are you such a prick, you picked on a fat kid on the last article and now your probably going to pick on me, you need to turn that frown upside down! -TEX Dear Tex, you need to shut the hell up. the only thing Komotaka turn upside down is your mom! ooooh Komotaka on a roll. Dear Komotaka, You are the hottest weird thing I’ve ever laid my eyes upon. I remember when I was in the dark... I found you and I’d like to thank you for giving me a reason to live. I want to have your baby. What do you say? -Raven Doll Dear Raven Doll, Can you handle to sexual dynamo that is Lord Komotaka ?! The inventor of the

Navy Seal, Turbo Mastadon, and The Tornado Texas Tea Bag!?!?! Komotaka’s saying is “ if she can walk the next day, Komotaka not do Komotakas job!” Hey Lord Komotaka, LORD BLACK MANTIS KOMOTAKA! how do i gain the knowledge of “the sex”? and i beg of you MY LORD to teach me the ways of the long samurai sword for i too have a mini taka and would sacrifice my life to gain knowledge on how to make it kick out of a womans nether realm. untill NEXT we meet.. i am your humble servant and SLAVE.. Rock on!! my lord -Matt Dear Matthew, VIRGIN!!!! First you must practice the Hunan Hand Technique, just don’t become a “master”. Komotaka is hung like horse, not like horse fly!!! Find hooker and good luck!

cigarette burns: How to be Asia’s Sweetheart! Valentine’s Day. Romance. Passion. Effort. Do these words strike fear in you? Are you one of those guys who shops at the last minute, on the way home from work, at the corner convenience store, only to end up “surprising” your Sweetie with a bent up $.99 card and a bag of M&M’s? (“Hey, its chocolate.”) That’s right guys, Valentine’s Day is almost here again! Whether the thought of planning the perfect romantic evening with your special someone gets your red blood pumping, or if you’d like to just write the whole holiday off as corporate manipulation, your can bet that your girl wants something special! Don’t panic, I’m here to help! All you need is a little organization, and even you can plan a night to remember! But Reader, beware! Following these tips may cause serious relationships. She wont ever want to let her Romeo go! Choosing the right gift is very important. So here are some suggestions that are sure to win her heart! Romantic Dinner for two - Okay, I CANNOT stress this enough: You NEED to make reservations! Valentine’s Day is the busiest night of the year for fine dining restaurants. So unless


you want to end up at Denny’s, (and consequently The Dog House) getting a reservation early is a must! (As in: do it, right now!) Choose a restaurant with a flair for romance: Intimate lighting, soft music, white linen tablecloths, and a wine list. Check .. for your local restaurant guide. Of course, cooking her an intimate meal yourself , or ordering in, (NO pizza!) is also incredibly romantic. But you have to do dishes, too! Chocolates - Most of the classic heart shaped chocolate boxes for sale this time of


year contain chocolate of a low quality. Presentation is important, but if you want her to really enjoy the candies inside, shop for name brand instead of packaging. Godiva, while more costly, is always your best choice. But if you’re on a budget, Dove chocolates are a worthy alternative. Just promise me that if she gains a couple of pounds after consuming said token-of-youraffection, that you’ll pretend not to notice! Roses - Nothing says “Happy Valentine’s Day!” more than a dozen roses! And be-

lieve me, no one knows this better than the floral industry. For an affordable bouquet, look in the yellow pages for a wholesale dealer, or try the Farmer’s Market. Flowers are always freshest from these sources, too! Perfume - She knows her favorite scent, she has probably been wearing it for years now. So why not introduce her to something new? My favorite perfumery is Goth Rosary. (http://www.gothrosary. com/.) Anti Sally has created the most fabulous fragrances around, and with names like

“Wicked”, “Mayhem” and “Heathen”, you know that they’re sinfully delicious! Jewelry Box - If you were a good boy, and listened to me in the December issue, you showered your beloved with jewelry! Well, how about a lovely jewelry box to keep it in? Jewelry boxes come in an unlimited variety of styles, from cutesy to sophisticated, and everywhere in between. My suggestion for this special day is a silver jewelry box topped with a photo frame. (Try a bridal shop for a classy selection.) A picture of the two of you together will really melt her heart! Corset - My favorite gift! Skip the cheap novelty print lingerie this year, and thrill her with this dream item! Corsets are on the more expensive end of the spectrum, but if you shop at Versatile Fashions by Miss Antoinette ( just type “Asia DeVinyl sent me!” into the comments box of your check out form, and get free shipping! Looking for something insanely romantic, yet still practical? How about an iPod, filled with songs that remind you of her! The “mixed tape” of the new Millennium, this gift will send her over the moon, guaranteed! As an extra surprise, slip a giftcard for music downloads into the box, so she can choose some songs of her own! That will make a perfect gift for every holiday to come! But my all time favor-

ite Valentine’s celebration, is the Scavenger Hunt! Hide gifts around the house, along with notes to lead her to the next step, ending in the bedroom. (Or leave a trail of rose petals!) And waiting for her? Chilled champagne, candlelight, music, and a massage! If you haven’t discovered massage candles yet, this is the perfect opportunity! Unlike candles made of traditional candle wax, massage candles’ unique ingredients result in a candle that melts at just 101 degrees. The candle “wax” melts into a rich, warm lotion that’s the temperature of a luxurious bath - deliciously warm, but never too hot. (Available at most adult novelty stores.) After a sensual rub down, continue the pampering in the tub! Join her in the bubbles for a luscious lathering thats sure to please both of you! And after such a spectacular spoiling, dont forget to refuel! Have a variety of meats, cheeses and fresh fruits pre-prepared and waiting in the refrigerator, along with soft French bread and bottled water to re-hydrate. No need to get up, be decadent with a boudoir picnic in bed! With a little preparation, and the element of surprise, not only will your girl be totally blown away, but Im sure she will continue to show her appreciation for your creative efforts for many nights to come!


By: Leo Krayola

This month Leo, our crazy T.V. guru shines some light a bit on FOX’s 24 by playing investigative reporter and doing research that may just reveal that 24 is actually a way for the government to scare you!

Is “24” Government Sponsered Propaganda? Talking heads omit fact that U.S. government, Neo-Con ideologues met with cast members to run PR for war on terror To coincide with the start of a new season of Fox’s much vaunted 24 program, MSNBC featured a debate asking whether the lead character, Jack Bauer, was a right-wing propagandist. What the talking heads and others that defend the neutrality of the show consistently fail to omit is the fact that 24 cast and crew members met with U.S. government officials and Neo-Con ideologues to run PR for the war on terror last year. We can go back


and forth all day discussing the intricacies of the plot, instances where the oil cartels are sponsoring the terror or certain individuals within the government turn heel and become bad guys. The majority of the American population do not watch entire episodes back to back for a whole day like some unfortunate souls choose to waste their time doing. The important aspect to make a judgment on is the impression that the show leaves as a whole and certain contextual storylines that are repeated in almost every episode. This is what you come away with from catching a few minutes of 24,

be it channel surfing or watching trailers - terrorists are everywhere and terror attacks are inevitably going to increase in both number and severity in the United States. The only way to stop terrorists is to violate the U.S. Constitution in a plethora of different ways and torture people into making confessions. In the current season, concentration camps are built to detain suspects. No matter which way you slice it or dice it, that’s what the average American gets out of 24. Little surprise it is therefore that the U.S. government has chosen to attach itself to the show, a trend mimicked by Neo-Con ideologues. In June 2006, Secretary of Homeland Security Michael Chertoff joined a panel of 24 cast and crew members at a Heritage Foundation event that was moderated by none other than hillbilly heroin popping Neo-Con talk show walrus Rush Limbaugh. Limbaugh put the morning forum in jeopardy when he planted a kiss on the lips of 24 actress Mary Lynn

Rajskub, causing the media in attendance to almost projectile vomit their breakfast. Dick Cheney and Donald Rumsfeld have both publicly praised the show as one of their favorites, but to have Chertoff give the opening speech at an event that used the popularity of 24 as PR for the war on terror, provides no clearer conclusion than the fact that the Bush administration loves 24 because it feeds the fear. It’s a completely unjustified fear that can be ridiculed with the knowledge that peanuts and accident causing deer kill more Americans every single year on average than acts of terror and the fact that there’s a September 11 death

toll equivalent on U.S. roads every month. Whether by accident or design, 24 is indoctrinating a generation of Americans into believing that the future of the country will be characterized by paranoia, fear and mass terror, and that the only way to combat such chaos is to give the government unlimited power to “protect” us. Only the government itself can benefit from such brainwashing and that’s why the Bush administration and 24 are joined at the hip in a coordinated propaganda assault against the American people.

PaperBacks & Hardbounds Bastard Out of Carolina By: Dorothy Allison

Bastard Out of Carolina tells a painfully truthful and candid story of sexual abuse, violence, loyalty, and love. Within its pages, author Dorothy Allison explores the complex relationships that keep family members tied together and the boundaries that drive them apart. The semi-autobi-

Summer of My German Soldier is set during World War II and follows Patty Bergen, a daughter of the only Jewish family in a small Arkansas town. Despite her religion (or perhaps because of it), Patty puts herself in danger when she secretly provides refuge to an runaway German POW

ographical narrative draws inspiration from Allison’s real life experiences of abuse and is set in her hometown of Greenwich, South Carolina. The novel follows the tragic childhood of Ruth Ann “Bone” Boatwright, a girl born to an unwed teenage mother (Anney) from a family already considered by the rest of the community to be little more than a gang of worthless white trash. Bone is labeled no-good along with her relatives from the start when conflicting stories over the identity of her father leads an unsympathetic city hall to stamp “bastard” her birth certificate. Their situation seems to im-

from a nearby work camp. Anton is not a murderer but a sensitive student who despises the Nazi party. Knowing the risks of her actions, Patty continues to help Anton until the FBI is sent to investigate his disappearance, forcing the pair to plan an escape that, if a failure, could destroy both of

prove when her mother wins the love of a good man and gives birth to her second daughter (Reese), but hard times hit worse than ever after a freak accident takes the life of Bone’s first step-father and leaves Anney with two small children to raise. She falls willingly into the arms of her second husband, Glen, the outcast of a well-off family who is desperate to prove his manhood. Though the new man in the girls’ lives promises security and stability at first, his perverse and violent nature is revealed in the most horrifying of ways when he molests Bone in a hospital parking lot after Anney miscarries his son. Despite support from extended family members, life at home continues its downward spiral for Bone as Glen becomes increasingly unhinged. He is unable

their lives. In addition to creating a beautifully woven narrative, Bette Greene’s novel is a time capsule that gives readers a look into the fear and prejudices that were an everyday part people’s lives during the first part of the 1940s. Summer of My German Soldier was named

number 5 on the American Library Association’s Top Ten Most Frequently Challenged Books of 2001 and number 89 on the its list of The 100 Most Challenged Books of 19902000 for “racism, offensive language and being sexually explicit.”

By: Nadia Tamez

to hold a job for more than a few months at a time, earning the mistrust of the Boatwrights, and grows ever more jealous of Anney’s love for her daughters. Glen’s cruelty grows at an alarming pace, making it almost certain that he will eventually try to kill Bone, but Anney cannot bring herself to choose once and for all between her husband and her child. Her decision to remain shacked up with a pedophile is not purely to satisfy her own selfish needs for male companionship. Dorothy Allison is known for her writings on economic class and discrimination, and the characters she creates in this novel are not in a world sheltered from the hardships produced by social prejudice. Anney tries to leave the sadistic abuser, but as the money from her

paycheck as a waitress dries up all too fast, she is forced to return to Glen’s crocodile tears and sentences her child to his closed fist. As his brutality escalates, Bone suffers silently in order to keep the family together until - at last - the bruises come to light, bringing the tension between Glen and the Boatwrights to a bloody boil. Bastard Out of Carolina’s subject matter has made it the target of challenges to have it banned from libraries across the country, especially in high schools. The title is now one of many housed on the shelves of The Burning Book Library, a collection of books that have been the targeted throughout history for their controversial views or topics.

Read More, Be Less Stupid!

Summer of my german soldier By: bette Greene


It’s all about the music.

This album is a party on disc! Kicking it off right with the insanely catchy but oddly heavy song Thriller. And if hearing double bass on a Fall Out Boy CD wasn’t odd enough the opening track features Mr. H to tha izz O, V to tha izz A himself Jay-Z. With the blatantly pop track This Ain’t a Scene, It’s an Arms Race, the band channels their inner boy band while still maintaining their pop-punk style, this song is so catchy before the song is over you’ll find yourself singing it. The band also shed some light on there sensitive songwriting ability with such songs like Golden, and Thnks fr th Mmrs (Thanks for the Memories). While other tracks like Carpal Tunnel of Love, The After (LIfe) Party, and Fame < Infamy, maintain the classic Pop meets Punk sound the group has come to be known for. Bottom line is if you’re looking for a fun soundtrack to blast while driving down the beach, during spring break looking at all the fine trim you’ll never have, then look no futher you’ve found the perfect record for that.

Fall Out Boy Infinity on High (island) Available: Feb 6 2007 When you hear BLOC PARTY, you can’t help yell, YAY! What a fun and up beat record. A Weekend in the City is perfect for a BLOCK PARTY or for a mid-day summers drive. The album offers feverish dance beats with driving guitars and catchy hooks. With shades of The Cure and Depeche Mode, Bloc Party drafts out a style all their own. The opening track Song For Clay Disappear, catches the audience immediately with its night and day personality, slow whispering vocals leading into a bouncy up tempo melody. These chaps from England known as Bloc Party are definitely an artist to watch this year.


By: Fre-D

Band: death Album: leprosy 14

Bloc Party A Weekend in the City (vice/wichita) Available: Feb 6 2007 Put on your war face! This album is insane! The first track is named Leprosy so it’s got to be brutal. The drums on this album are massive. The kick leads me to imagine that I was standing in front of blasting speakers my

teeth would be loose by the end of the track. This entire album and everything about it is raw, like the contorting flesh of a leper. wha wha whaaa! Leprosy is filled with some of the best brutal metal gore that will make any

doer of mayhem grin. Being some of the fore fathers of Death Metal, this album definately sums up some of the pioneering days of Death Metal. This is a treasure in the vault. Fo’ Sho’!

Stab Notes Notes

Quick and painless music news By: Frank-X

It’s a reuinion, and we’re all invited!

It’s official they’re back! The original riot starters themselves. The very angry and politically conscious Rage Against the Machine are set to reunite after a 7 year absence to take on one of the biggest festivals in the U.S.! Alongside Bjork and the Red Hot Chili Peppers, Rage will co-headline the third day of the 3-Day Coachella Music and Arts Festival. Rage is vocalist Zack de la Rocha, guitarist Tom Morello, bassist Tim Commerford and drummer Brad Wilk. Their split came amid rumors of bad blood between De la Rocha and his mates, who went on to work with Chris Cornell in Audioslave. However, Morello and De la Rocha appeared together at a 2005 rally for the urban farmers of a South Los Angeles community garden. Giving fans hope of a reuinion soon.

Trent travels to Year Zero According to, NINE INCH NAILS is currently mixing its new album, Year Zero, for an April release. In a January 11, 2007 posting on on the official NIN fan club web site The Spiral, the band’s mastermind Trent Reznor wrote, “While mixing, I spend most of my time NOT in the control room to allow myself some objectivity when it comes time to listen to the progress of a track. During that time, I’m working on the new set list, tour production, thinking about tracks that aren’t being mixed yet, working on a few things NIN-related I can’t tell you about yet, and occasionally checking in with you people online. “As far as the sound and content of my new record, you’ll see and hear soon enough. I am certain some of you will HATE it. I am also certain some of you will find it the best thing I’ve ever done. “With this record I feel a lot less concerned about what people think about it, especially the dying record industry. I couldn’t care less” Reznor also revealed that the new effort is a concept album and “part of a bigger picture of a number of things I’m working on. Essentially I wrote the soundtrack to a movie that doesn’t exist.”

HELL YEAH! Vinnie Paul’s Back! Vinnie Paul is back and he’s PISSED! Vinnie along with Chad and Greg from Mudvayne, Tom Maxwell and Jerry Montano from Nothingface is HELL YEAH. The metal all star super group is set to release their self-titled debut album on April 10th through Epic records. Though not much has been disclosed about the content or the theme of the songs, judging by the clips up on the band’s my space ( I’m sure this album will satisfy the cravings of all the crazy metal heads, Pantera fanatics, and “Mudvayners” alike.


Artist Profile

MIKE D’ANTONIO OF Killswitch Engage / Darkicon MIke D: Maybe the Killswitch Engage DVD cover. It was fun because the deadline was very short Sometimes rushing isn’t such a bad thing. Mag-X: What inspires your works? MIke D: Horror movies, Skateboarding, Eroded metal buildings. Mag-X: Do you have anything you prefer listening to while you work? MIke D: Usually I will set the iPod to shuffle and listen to a whole day of just 1 band. The I listen to most like this are: SOILWORK, INFLAMES, CROWBAR, and THE CURE. Otherwise I download Howard Stern shows off the Internet and just stream him all day... it is fun to laugh at work. You may recognize Mike D’Antonio as the bassist from the mega popular metalcore act Killswitch Engage. But, did you all know that Mike D. has a compnay known as Darkicon Design and it is responsible for some of the most famous logos, album covers, and shirts you wear. Which one’s you’re asking? Anything from Killswitch Engage (Of course) Shadow’s Fall, All That Remains, Chimaira, and almost everything from the New England Hardcore and Metal Festival.


So read on and enjoy fans! Mag-X: How did you get into graphic design? MIke D: Through Skateboarding as a kid. I always loved board graphics and how killer the layouts were in skate mags. My first real design hero was David Carson, who did a lot of the crazy layouts for Transworld. Mag-X: Of all the works you’ve done which is your favorite?

Mag-X: If you could have your own cereal, what would it be called? and what would the catch phrase be? MIke D: Personally I hate cereal, so this is a tough question. Mag-X: What kind of art do you prefer? MIke D: I love doing TShirt designs the best Mag-X: Does touring interfere with your business?

MIke D: Yes, but it is a cool balance. It is a great way to forget how boring touring can be when you have a project deadline. Mag-X: How much do you charge for your services? MIke D: Millions Mag-X: I just read that you have a Ibanez signature model coming out... tell us a bit about it? MIke D: I am pretty stoked about it, Ibanez is amazing to me. The bass is pretty much an SRX 700 (the one I usually play), but it has a more shapely contour, it is matte black and I created a design that is screened on in gloss paint. Mag-X: How does it feel when your creations are seen all over the world? MIke D: It blows my mind. Mag-X: How are things over in the Killswitch & Overcast camps? MIke D: Everything is moving well. The Europe KsE tour is going well (minus Adam having back surgery).

KsE will be on tour till at least December of next year. Overcast is still figuring out which label our new record (Reborn To Kill Again) will be coming out on. It has been a slow process, but it is important to us that the label is right for the project. Mag-X: Anything you’d like to tell our readers? MIke D: Thanks for taking the time out to read about my life. Hopefully it was worth your time.


business Profile

Inkredible tattoos & Live Music!

Inkredibles is one hell of a tattoo studio, actually it’s much more than that. A state of the art tattoo parlor withe 2nd floor recreational facility featuring games, pool, and yes even live music. When you’re on the island this spring break, commemorate your week with a piece of permanent art for your body from INKREDIBLES! Where you buy

more thank just ink it’s a memory. Inkredibles features a variety of art as well as your choice of customized work. But I do believe the most amazing thing is the unbelieveably talented staff and their selection of guest artists from all over the nation. Steven Cancino is a full time artist and can do just about anything and not just good,

GREAT!. He has about 13 years experience. When he’s not working at the shop, he travels throughout the U.S. and Mexico. Eddie Sarrata. He’s best at greywash art and is the baby from the artists here but can defitnately compete with the best. He has about 4 years experience. “Cuchara” is only at

the shop from the 25th of Feb. through the whole month of March. He lives and works in Chicago, Ill. and has about 10 years of experience. He’s another overall artist. He can do it all. You might find him dancing most of the day... So much fun. Then there’s MadMax. from Pittsburg, PA he has over 20 years in this industry. He is an

amazing artist who is only here at the shop for the month of March. You can check out his webpage www.MADMAXPGH.COM . Jessica Morales is the piercing specialist. She can do it all. She can also do black Henna that lasts up to 2 - 3 weeks as well. SEE THEIR AD ON PAGE 11 FOR MORE INFO!

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