MAGX # 10 June 2006

Page 1

ramsey Publisher



jes Contributing Editor

on their 2006 Summer Tour

also featuring Man Kind Is Obsolete Beyond Hope Gravity Euphoric and Driving The Nails

frank x

Contributing Editor


METROPOLIS INTERESTED IN ADVERTISING IN MAG X? WANT TO SUBMIT A STORY OR ARTWORK? CONTACT US AT MAG X • 601 W Pecan Suite 2, McAllen TX 78501 956.661.9595 or 956.648.4464 Read it every month @ Distributed by South Texas Circulation 956.566.1157



Contributing Writer

July 4th, 2005 Call 956.661.9595 For Info Tickets: $10 at the Door



MySpace Guru and Writer

Black Mantis Komotaka Letters Page

That’s all for this month!



God of Grammer

Love me long time!!

Email your answers to CONTESTS@MAGXONLINE.COM

I hate to sound like a broken record, but all the guesses were WRONG!! This month is so easy, It’s like your momma, yeah that easy. For those of you who don’t know what this contest is about, We take random Trivia from Movies. You have to guess the movie and/or character. Here goes... PRIZE: A new release DVD of your choice and a Mag X Mysteriously Mysterious Goodie Back with...Goodies inside!

1. Who is Vernon Beasley? HINT: He is missing.

2. He goes by the name of Barry Allen, but what is this fugitives’ real name? HINT: Barry Allen is Wally West’s uncle.

3. Who works at action 4 news? Name 2. HINT: He makes Sinatra look like a hobo.

4. Name 2 members of “MAGGOT DEATH?” HINT: they are a rock band.

LAST MONTH: 1. Michael Clark Duncan/ “Starkweather”The Island 2. Babe Bennet a.k.a. Pam Dawson catches “Freddy”- Mr.Deeds 3. Watch Memento.

Send your answers to:

Hello there! We get alot of letters/email here at MagX but haven’t had time to respond to them. Luckily, Our buddy Black Mantis Komatoko the “Devourer or Souls” was laid off from his job at El Pato last week, so we hired him as our Letter answerer. Have a question that’s nagging the hell out of you? ASK HIM! On to the letters! MagX had such a great response on Komotaka page that we have decided to make it permanent! let’s not waste any time, on with the letters!

Dear Komotaka Why is the sky blue? -Marc

Worry not about sky, ask yourself why is your face black, blue & red after i give you the Chimichanga Chingazo! Also please give directions to your house for I Lord Komotaka plan to slap your mother as well for giving birth to you!

Dear Komotaka,

I’m graduating this may from high school and would like to work there @ magX. got any intern jobs for me? - Kim Are you trying to take Komotaka’s job?! just try it girlie, Komotaka will “hurricane tortilla slap” you back to the pre-K! and then steal all lunch money from your classmates! (Editors Note: Yes we are looking for interns, Call us at 956.661.9595)

Hey Komotaka!

hey bro is that you on myspace?! haha that’s a cool profi le you have but why don’t you have more hot chicks? c’mon bro, even i have more hot chicks. -dave If by “hot chicks” you mean your sister & mom on your

“friends” list go ahead and celebrate! freak. but he is right I Komotaka have a myspace page and command all hot women to add me as your friend, you know you want me.

Hey Komotaka!

You really don’t expect to be payed for this right? hahahahaha...... Ramz, Jes & Frank Run for the hills for Komotaka will unleash an ass tortilla whipping of biblical proportions on these 3 sad little men. I bid you all goodbye for now as next month will be Mag Komotaka!

the door and not get a percentage taken away. The main thing is to inspire and spawn musicians by giving them a place that feels right, just like home. MagX: What Makes Chapa’s Bar Shows different from any others? MagX: What can people expect when they go to Chapa’s Bar? Chapas: They can expect a good wholesom show featuring ORIGI-

NAL Talent. Honestly, every night is different but fun! MagX: What kind of bands have played at Chapa’s? Chapas: Chapas’ Bar has had acts like The Queers, Micheal Graves from The Misfits,

The Independents, (WHo are coming Back in September), The Atari’s, The Apers, Sloppy Seconds (Coming again this month) anf The Vibrators are

coming soon. MagX: Ha, Ha, you said The Vibrators are coming soon. Anyway... How Have things changed since you first started? Chapas: Things have changed in a good way. We are taken seri-

ous in the touring world as a stoping ground in Texas. MagX: How did Chapa’s Bar get started as a Rock Bar? Chapas: My partner and friend Adian CHapa (Owner) and I were desiring a place that offered good music as well as a playground for musicians but there were NONE in Brownsville. He had the place, so putting all bad talk and negative visions aside, we pressed on not looking back. I(Efrain: Booking/ Promotor) also being a musician with intentions to have a place for bands to make some money at

Chapas: Well, I would really want the people who visit us to answer this but, what can I say? We do our job right and get to business. MagX: What can people expect when they walk through your doors? Chapas: Slam Dancing, Diving, Crowd Surfing, Breasts hanging out and well I know there’s more to come. MagX: Favorite SHow?

Chapas: THE QUEERS... though I enjoy every show. MagX: What accomplishment are you most proud of? Chapas: That important people such as Managment, A&R, & Record Labels would dwell in our establishment and help bands get out of this hole called Brownsville. MagX: What do you want to say to the Mag X Readers who love live Music? Chapas: First of all SHOW UP. That helps the bands and us. Quench your thirst with our cold beverages. Tursdays is $1 off drink special with $1 cover & House Band (Reved Up) The style of Music? Well the name speaks for itself. So spread the word about us and remember, Don’t Drink & Drive!

You Have to check out this band, July 4th @ Metropolis in McAllen, On Tour with VAST! We interviewed Natasha, Front Goddess of MKIO over the phone

(No you can’t have her number!) After the ner-

vousness wore off, we were able to get a few questions out of mouth. Enjoy!

MagX: Ok, first off the

to pose that as a challenge to try to be the best human beings we can be, to treat each other, ourselves, and our environments with respect and kindness, because we are facing a lot of serious issues today that could lead to humans truly becoming obsolete. It’s our hope that the music behind the name encourages awareness.

MagX: We’ve noticed

name, What does it mean and why did you all choose it?

on your page you have various influences, anything other than music that inspires you.

MKIO: The name is meant to be a challenge to the listener. Inevitably when you hear a statement in a name, it makes you pause a moment to think about the meaning. We’d like

MKIO: Life is the biggest influence....all of the enriching experiences, whether they were painful or happy. I love all sorts of books as well...folk tales, comic books, anything

by Clive Barker, Neil Gaiman, Stephen King.

MagX: How did you

all come together and make this sound so unique? MKIO: Well, Jon and I originally met and decided to start writing together, since we had a lot of similar musical tastes. I came from a classical background in piano and Jon had grown up in the punk/ hardcore scene in the midwest. We met Mark who was influenced by a lot of punk bands and joined us soon after. Gordon and I had been in another band together, and he came from a very jazz and classical background, playing upright bass. Brian is the latest addition, and he comes

from a very electronic background, working with video game music as well. It’s great working with such a diverse group, because I feel that everyone has something interesting to offer, and we encourage everyone in the band to contribute and express freely.

MagX: Natasha, how

hard is it to be in a band on tour with nothing but men around? MKIO: So even if boys are a little gross, the guys are like brothers to me...very protective and supportive. I think I’m at my happiest on tour, because they always crack me up, and I find myself laughing a lot.

MagX: I see you all

have made music videos, how was that experience? MKIO: Incredible and fun! We’re really lucky to have so many talented, artistic friends. It’s really neat to see their visual interpretation of our music come to life. We’re hoping to put together some footage of live shows as well... that’ll be brewing after the tour, as I’m sure we’ll get plenty of great blips on the road.

MagX: You all have

been on the road for awhile have you had any crazy encounters or weird tour stories? MKIO: So there was this show we played in Oregon. The club we were supposed to play at got shut down the day we

came into town, and we ended up playing at a house party. The house was made out of recycled material and was so tiny that people had to stand outside and look in the windows to watch us. Plus, for some reason, a bunch of people decided to bring their dogs, so I remember all these dogs weaving in and out of my legs with this one drunk girl trying to get me to sing Guns and Roses songs the entire time we were playing. Pretty random.

MagX: Your

favorite show that you have played and why? MKIO: I’ve had a lot of favorites, our

shows in Arizona really stand out to me. They’ve been so supportive out there, and the shows always go off. It’s such an amazing moment when you play for people that know the lyrics and really feel the songs.

MagX: What

made you guys want to come down to play in South Texas? MKIO: Well, being a Texan myself (my family’s still in Lubbock), I will always feel that Texas is my home. It’s nice to come back... plus I have a lot of friends in south Texas that I’m looking forward to seeing.

MagX: If you

could ask some-

one famous one question, who would you ask and what? MKIO: I would ask Rob Halford how he’s kept his voice in such amazing shape after all these years of metal. I saw Judas Priest a few years ago at Ozzfest, and all I can say is there’s a reason that these guys are legends. He is one of the greatest vocalists I’ve had the privilege of seeing live.

MagX: We here

at Mag-X have a knack for movies, any favorites? MKIO: Here’s some of the favorites: Waking Life, Amelie, Fight Club, Frida, Jacob’s Ladder, The Crow,

What Dreams May Come, Ghost in the Shell, anything with Will Ferrell, Being John Malkovich, and Moulin Rouge (I’m a sucker for musicals).

MagX: Any words for aspiring musicians? MKIO: Express from your heart, be yourself, and try to not get too caught up in worrying about what other people think.

MagX: Anything to say for the Rio Grande Valley and McAllen?

MKIO: We’re looking forward to hanging out with everyone!

Catch Man Kind Is Obsolete on July 4th at



on their 2006 Summer Tour

also featuring Man Kind Is Obsolete Beyond Hope Gravity Euphoric and Driving The Nails At


Call 956.661.9595 For Info Tickets: $10 at the Door

Cruserweight is coming to the valley. When and where you ask? At Simon Sez, 2007 Orchid (Next to the McAllen Museum, see Back Cover) for Patrick’s B-Bay Bash, Friday, June 16th along with Sean Dynamite and more.

out what we could expect at their show.

We checked ‘em out at Myspace. com/cruiserweight and dug them so much, we tracked them down to find

MagX: Have you guys ever received heat for having a female in the band?

MagX: What can people expect from Cruiserweights live show? CW: If you’re drunk, it’s awesome! If we’re drunk, it’s Awesome!

CW: Yes, you’d think

that people would be over it by now. I don’t think people realize how backward it is. Some people try to write it off as a gimmick. In some ways it’s almost become as bad as being racist. MagX: In 5 words describe Cruiserweight. CW: Ha! This should be easy, I’m pretty good with haikus Give. Us. Free. Beer!

MagX: We love the mustache picture on your myspace. It’s hilarious, What made you come up with something like that? CW: That would be Yogi’s genius. I do think we’re a good looking band, but it’s hard for us to be serious in our pictures. So if we are able to throw a wrench in, like a mustache, it’s better for us. MagX: Any last

words? CW: Just wanted to let everyone know something really quickly. We’re in the process of getting rid of all of our equipment. Our idea is to change our trailer into a costume closet. This way, we’ll have plenty of sombreros when we come visit you.

Chris Daniel “I’m Chris Daniel. You might know me from the Rock band “Warryor”. I started off in music playing with the band “Vally Lemmons.” I love great music, I don’t favor any genres as long as the songs are great. With my solo music I create a variety of songs, from a powerful rock sound to some softer ballads. I’ve learned from watching the greats like Ac/Dc, the Beatles ,Iron Maiden, and even U2,they are my teachers. Great Songs can do great things. Great Songs and a Great Live show? The rest is history. That’s what I love about those artists. I guess you can say that’s what I am trying to accomplish. - Chris Daniel

“I create a variety of songs, from a powerful rock sound to some softer ballads.”

Musician Profile

Pop quiz time people! If someone asked you what colors you played would you know what they were talking about? What if I told you I played BLACK/ GREEN? No? What I’m talking about is a card game called “MAGIC THE GATHERING”. Think of it as a cross between chess, poker, and battle, But add creatures, dragons, spells, and artifacts. You’re main power source comes from a form of elemental magic called “MANA”, which has black, green, white, red, and blue colors. Spells, monsters, humans, elves, dragons can all be used against your opponent. The object of the game is to destroy your fellow players by a point system or if their cards run out. Any and every type of creature can be found in the game, from a small ant to a Shivan Dragon. If you’re a fan of “LORD OF THE RINGS,” this card game is for you. What if magic is not the sort of thing you want to play? Maybe you want something with a different style, YUGI-OH is your answer. Based on the popular Japanese anime series, the game plays similar to MTG, with a few different rules. Point system & running out of cards

will win the game but so can having two very important “FORBIDDEN’ cards in your hand. With tons of colorful characters, especially all you monster lovers out there, YUGI-OH is the game you want to check out. We sat down with dave from Dave and Alex’s Collectibles on the corner Pecan & 10th st in McAllen and asked him some questions about YUGI-OH! Thanks for the interview dave, how long has D&A been in buisiness? D: About 18 years, we started out on 10th street in front of Circle K. I’m actually looking into retiring! (laughter) MX: what exactly is YUGI-OH? D: A Japanese card game that has gotten really popular in the US. It is a pyramid style, elimination style game. MX: Do you think this is a safe hobby? Should parents worry about all this creature/ monster stuff? D: It’s just a card game, if they have any questions they can always come in on the weekends and see for themselves. MX: When are the tour-

naments? D: Wed & Fri - 4:30 pm -7:30 pm, Sat. 2pm-6pm & Sun 1pm - 6pm MX: Any plans to create a bigger con here in the valley? D: We did have one in the dodge Arena, and our best players go all the way to Regionals. The Texas Regionals are held in San Antonio, Houston and Austin. MX: Getting back to the tournaments, ever have to throw out any rowdy 8 year olds? D: We have kids in here with 200-300 dollar decks. Cards have gotten stolen and we’ve shut the store down and had to call the cops. MX: Any closing info you would like to tell the readers? What else do you carry? D: We carry all types of sports card, Spurs/ Dallas Cowboys stuff when the seasons get going. Marvel legends, Hot Wheels, Mcfarlane figures, Star Wars, Coins, Beanie babies, tons of stuff. MX: Thanks Dave, and we’ll take fifty packs of the Dallas Cowboy Cheerleader cards, just send the bill to Ramz at MagX!

We here @ magX love to watch movies, therefore we consider ourselves to be “the world’s best critics”. and we have listed some films you need to avoid,(there is a lot more , but we’ll add them later) trust us when we say that this is pure, 100% CRAP! On with the list! (except for Van Helsing! -Frank.) Swept Away what the hell, again what the hell was Guy Ritchie thinking? Yeah a 40 + yr old skank on a beach is worth watching.... oh stop hissing at us! Stealing Harvard a waste of time from the very first second it began. plus Tom Green was in it. nuff said. Barb Wire let us save you some time, just google “pam anderson naked” Howard the Duck executive producer George Lucas, it’s a good thing lucas never made anymore crappy movies... Lost in Space Damn the executive

that green lighted this abomination, w/out Jonathan Harris as the one and only Dr. Smith! Oh the pain, the pain! Van Helsing wow, where do i start, this one was bad, really bad.better yet let’s quote my friend ...”oh come on!?” just go watch Beckinsdale in “Underworld1&2” mmmmm....Kate. Clerks before you start throwings rocks at our office, and chasing us with torches, go back and watch the movie. Better yet, don’t. Charlie’s Angels 2 a wonderful crapfest by McG, wait wasn’t he the guy

that wanted Beyonce for Lois Lane in Superman?!?! Komotaka is on his way to slap him and his momma for having such a stupid ass son! Crow: city of angels (and the third crow film)- stop, look at the title, THE CROW rocked, but the second and third films were pure torture. Dungeons & Dragons hey instead of watching LOTR, let’s just watch this’s just as good. Go ahead, watch it, we dare ya! Brokeback Mountain GAY COWBOYS? oh please, get over it, You want gay movies? go watch

a porn. You want cowboys? Go rent Tombstone or Unforgiven....yeah! Doom not even “the most electrifying man in sports entertainment” could make this film watchable. go play your XBOX instead. Elektra She was cool in Daredevil, and then they had to make this. The kid is the chosen one? wow talk about fresh ideas. CRAP! Glitter/ Honey Hot chicks in crappy films, if you must watch this, just mute it and watch them jiggle. Kazaam Kazaam? more like

KACRAP! .....that little kid had some “effed up teeth!!” CATWOMAN I never saw this, so i really can’t ask for my 8 dollars back. BATMAN (1964) if the show wasn’t bad enough, they had to make a movie! C’mon, Shark Repellent?? and if that movie was bad, it compared nothing to..... BATMAN & ROBIN This is the anti-christ to the BATMAN mythos, i don’t even know where to start! Bat credit cards, Arnold as Mr. Freeze, Bat Skates, and BATNIPPLES?!?!!? DAMN YOU SCHUMAKER!

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