MAGX #73 • DECEMBER 2011

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HAPPY HOLIDAYS! It’s cold. As you can see by our winter themed “Ice Queen” cover shoot, Winter is finally here! I’d like to thank everyone who created this wonderful cover and calendar, Marla Vee for putting such a wonderful concept together and making it work, Michelle from Rock Star Tan for creating the wardrobe and for airbrushing of the models skin to make it look icy cold, Antonio Von Marrok for the Awesome Hair and make-up, Exclusive Images for the great photos and of course our Model Kayla. This month you may notice a few changes. We have started towards the next evolution of MAGX. We want to keep you abreast of as many events happening here in the RGV as we can and to do that we have added the Ultimate Event Guide in the back of the magazine. We slam packed this issue with tons of things to do this month, everything from city & community events, concerts, comedians to fairs and art exhibits. Don’t worry, we will still keep covering the best local and national bands and musicians. This is just one more step towards making this magazine the ULTIMATE source for all your entertainment needs. See you next month! - Ramsey FOLLOW US, STALK US, TWEET US










ADVERTISING INFO Advertisements in MAGX start as low as $49/month. If you would like your Business featured within our pages, please call Ramsey at 956-648-4464 or email CONTACT INFO MAGAZINE X • 801 Pecan SUite A McAllen TX 78501 956-648-4464 FREQUENCY MAGX is a FREE monthly publication delivered to over 450 restaurants, clubs, bars & businesses valleywide. REACH MAGX reaches approx. 55,000 70,000 via print & digitally people valleywide. | 5 | MAGX


© MagazineX and/or its Affiliates. All Rights Reserved. Reproduction of this publication in any form without prior written permission is forbidden. The information contained herein has been obtained from sources believed to be reliable. MagazineX disclaims all warranties as to the accuracy, completeness or adequacy of such information. Magazine X shall have no liability for errors, omissions or inadequacies in the information contained herein or for interpretations thereof. The reader assumes sole responsibility for the selection of these materials to achieve its intended results. The opinions expressed herein are subject to change without notice. Yes we are crazy. WE ARE NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY CLAIMS OR STATEMENTS MADE BY OUR ADVERTISERS. WE PRINT WHAT THEY ASK!

By: Ramsey Photo By: David Alanis

Five Guys Burgers & Fries 3701 W Expressway 83 McAllen, TX (956) 630-5554

Once upon a time there were five guys who made magically delicious burgers. They opened up a chain of burger joints featuring only burgers, fries and hot dogs. Now these weren’t just any burgers though, they were monster burgers with unlimited toppings of your choice for $5 to $6 a pop. Now we have one in McAllen and I have to say that these are some of MAGX’s favorite burgers. They are made fresh, and served with either regular or cajun fries (extra). One order of these tasty fries is enough to feed several people. At MAGX, we love burgers. We love them so much that we consume them daily and

when we tried these magical burgers from FIVE GUYS BURGERS AND FRIES, we had to go back for 2 days straight. Here’s what the MAGX team had to say about them: “The vegetables were crisp and fresh, the meat was juicy and seasoned just right. The fries were hot and delicious. I was very satisfied, and that’s no easy task considering how much I like to eat. Will be back for more.” - David, Photographer “Two hot, fresh patties, tons of bacon & mushrooms... this burger is damn good! I want another one, but I have no room left in my belly.” - Ramsey, Publisher So if you love burgers as much as we do, stop by Five Guys and give their burgers a try. You’ll thank us for it! :) | 6 | MAGX


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How the right app can make you healthier Mobile health technology continues to prove itself. The latest example comes in the form of on-the-go diabetes management. In a recent small trial, 30 patients with type 2 diabetes spent 12 months using a smartphone app that provided real-time feedback on their blood-sugar levels, prompted them when to eat or take other action, and sent digital logbooks of their readings back to their doctors. The surprising result: these patients had 58 percent fewer ER and hospital visits over the year of the study than they'd had the previous year. It's important not to overinterpret that result. Not only was the trial small, but it didn't compare folks who used the app--the Welldoc DiabetesManager--to those who didn't. Still, if the finding is even roughly indicative of the way mobile technology can spur people to take better care of themselves, there's potentially a lot of money to be saved-for patients, insurance companies, and taxpayers alike. "This project demonstrated that a mobile health diabetes self-management program can benefit a high-risk Medicaid population using their own cell phones ... and should support all 'links in the chain,' including patients, providers, educators, and nurses," study head Richard Katz, director of the cardiology division at George Washington University Hospital, said in in a news release. Katz presented the results this morning at the mHealth Summit in Washington, D.C. The American Diabetes Association estimates that diabetes care costs the U.S. $218 billion annually. In 2008 alone, diabetes-related hospital fees ran an $83 billion bill, a quarter of all hospital spending for the year, which comes out to $10,937 per visit, according to a report from the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality. The WellDoc study comes on the heels of another randomized control trial--published in the September 2011 issue of the journal Diabetes Care--which found that patients using WellDoc's diabetes manager in addition to their usual care had a drop in A1C levels (a test that measures one's average blood glucose control for the past two to three months) almost three times greater than those treated with just their usual care. by Elizabeth Armstrong Moore From

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By: Ramsey

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I met Cayetano “Cat” Garza in Art school in the mid 90’s. He was one of the few who shared a love for comic books and animation like I did, which is evident in his work. He’s published his own comic books and rubbed elbows with the Indie comic elite. His artwork has an old school animation vibe, but with a modern, sometimes ethnic twist. Whether he is painting “dia de los muertos” skulls or his trademark cat, Cayetano’s style always shines through. Cat’s current collection of artwork is on display at the Hop Shop in Harlingen this month. read the interview and then make your way there to check it out! MAGX: How long have you been painting/drawing/etc? CAT: Like most people, I've been making marks since I was old enough to hold a crayon. I was six when I first contemplated being a cartoonist. By the second grade I was pursuing cartooning in earnest. I've been drawing since then. I learned how to paint in the 9th grade. So, over 30 years?! MAGX: What types of art do you prefer and why? (digital, traditional, etc) CAT: Since I tend to work with both digital and traditional tools it's hard to choose one or the other. There's aspects of both that I enjoy and aspects that I find limiting, tedious or irritating. I tend to work traditionally first - drawing by hand, inking (with real ink and nibs), painting (watercolor lately, but sometimes acrylic) then

moving the images into digital (scanning) so that I can manipulate them or enhance them (not to mention share them with the world online). My most recent work has been printing my images on canvas then attaching those prints to stretchers as if they were real paintings. This involves going from traditional to digital and then back to traditional. I'm really enjoying that process. MAGX: What is the process of producing one of your pieces? CAT: I'll usually draw everything first. I've settled on using 2B or 4B pencils since they don't need a lot of pressure to create a dark line (I tend to press too hard when I'm doing my initial drawings). Once the underdrawing is done, I'll start to ink it with india ink. I use Zebra G-nibs to draw my images these days - Japanese manga nibs basically. Usually on some good

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heavy bristol board. Once the ink drawing is dry (this sometimes takes an hour) I'll erase my pencil lines. From there I'll usually scan it in (if I'm coloring digitally) or I'll watercolor the drawing by hand then scan it in once that's dry. Once the image is in the computer, the sky's the limit where it could go from there. Right now I'm experimenting with printed canvases but I'd also like to use banner material or fabric. I used to paint traditionally in acrylic on large hand-stretched canvases, but I'm currently limited in how I can work so I've started experimenting with printing and working digitally. Once I have proper studio space again I may try painting in acrylic again. Or maybe even combining painting with the digital prints! MAGX: What are your long term goals for this? CAT: Besides re-establishing myself in the

Rio Grande Valley art scene after 5 1/2 years of being away, I'm hoping this new process will yield affordable art that I can basically sell anywhere. Instead of selling an original work for thousands of dollars (which no one can afford) I can create prints at various sizes and price-points that make it possible for anyone that wants the work to get it. This also means that once I sell a piece it isn't gone forever. If someone else wants the same image they can also get their own copy. I'm also hoping this will allow me to start showing in several places at the same time and branch out beyond the Rio Grande Valley to other major Texas areas and maybe (hopefully)

some places out of state. MAGX: What inspires your works? CAT: Everything! I draw tons of inspiration from movies, music, literature, dreams, conversations, personal experiences as well as other people's art. MAGX: Which of your artwork pieces to date is your favorite? CAT: Well, it wasn't entirely my work because I didn't draw it but I'd have to say, to date, the work I'm most proud of is the cover for THE VERMONT MONSTER

GUIDE that I did with Steve Bissette, who used to draw Swamp Thing back in the 80's. I wound up not only coloring Steve's work but also designing the cover completely (with a lot of gentle nudges from Steve concerning what he wanted to see). I even got to design the spot varnish! This is the line where my professional work in comics, art and design meets up with my own "art". Coloring other cartoonists work and designing around their art weighs the same in my mind as making my own paintings or publishing my own comics in print or on the web. The same sort of gratification when it's all done and the same zen feeling while I'm in the middle of working on it. You can find the cover in the Portfolio section of the website. MAGX: Which artists do you relate to? CAT: The artists I seem to relate to the most are the ones that are bold in their approach to both life and art. Artists that buck the trends, challenge the norms and bet it all against the odds to make their vision show through in their work. On a surface level, I'm drawn toward artists that work in a cartoony style, but an artist's visual style isn't the only thing I think about or makes someone automatically a favorite. More often than not, I'm drawn to lesser known artists or forgotten artists. People who had magnificent talent, and relatively successful careers, but were never mega-popular. MAGX: Your artwork is reminiscent of early animation/ cartoons. How did you develop this style? CAT: I've always been drawn to the visual style of early animation. Especially the black and white Fleischer Studios stuff (Bettie Boop, Out of the Inkwell, Popeye), early Disney, etc. Very early in my childhood I was exposed to this kinda stuff through the nascent cable TV of the late 70's. It stuck with me. Even when I tried to draw super heroes in high school, my stuff always reverted to a very cartoony look (even if it was more of an 80's Disney look rather than an early animation look). It was when I was graduating from college in the late 90's and starting to publish my own comics that I reverted back to my first influences. The look made its way into

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paintings VISION QUEST. Returning to the Valley I imagined myself a shaman taking the sacramental peyote and venturing into the desert to embark on a quest through the spirit world. He seeks truth. The kind that brings redemption to the soul and purpose to the flesh. MAGX: How do you feel when people interpret your artwork differently? CAT: Doesn't bother me in the slightest. I learned a long time ago that other people's interpretations are usually based on their own set of experiences and conceptions. They read into it what they bring to it. Just the fact that they're contemplating what I make at all, much less trying to decipher it, is super rewarding. It makes me feel good to get any kind of reaction from someone looking at my stuff. MAGX: You have an art show at Hop & Shop in Haarlingen. Tell us about that. everything I did after that. MAGX: You’ve published your own comic book. Tell us about that. CAT: YEAR OF THE RAT was a book I published back in 2010 that collected in book format a comic that started as an online comic and became, over the course of a year, my attempt at American Manga. The comic won an Ignatz Award at the 2009 Small Press Expo for Outstanding Online Comic. In 2009 I put together THE MAGIC INKWELL READER which collects all the Magic Inkwell comics I published between 1997-2000 and have since gone out of print. Both of these comics are available for purchase on the website. You can actually read YEAR OF THE RAT in its entirety in the archive on the site as well! MAGX: What's the best thing about being an artist? CAT: Making art. Plain and simple. Just the ability to create things. It's so satisfying on a level that… I just wonder how other people find their joy and if it's anywhere near as much joy as the kind I get from my work. The process of making it is so fulfilling.

MAGX: What's the worst thing about being an artist? CAT: The worst thing about being an artist is having to live with other people's perceptions and/or expectations of what an "artist" is or how an artist should look, act or create. I've seen a lot of "artists" do the papel of being an artist. Dressing weird, acting weird… all the while producing work that is all surface… no meat on the bones, so to speak. This is more a reflection of what society expects an artist to be. The image they themselves have in their minds is a generalization. It's a false conception. True artists are usually out of step with the rest of society quite naturally. They don't have to go out of their way to be outsiders. They just are. Naturally. Usually they find themselves disrespected, distrusted and/or unappreciated by their own kind (other artists). MAGX: Is there a purpose to your artwork? CAT: I always like to tell myself I'm on a quest for truth. Like truth in all caps. TRUTH. The ultimate truth of existence, the truth of the Universe. Cosmic insight. That's why I named my latest series of

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CAT: Yes! I've got a show called EL SIGNO DE LA MUERTE up at THE HOP SHOP in Harlingen. There's 8 pieces up on the walls of the small VIP room in the back. The work will be up throughout the month of December. I'm also selling copies of the work to anyone interested. There's going to be a reception on the night of December 17th. Hopefully the folks reading this will make it out that night to help me celebrate! MAGX: What advice do you have for aspiring artists? CAT: If you take care of your tools, they will take care of you. Sometimes it's better if you don't press too hard or force the line. Always seek outside critique or advice. Sometimes starting from scratch will lead to better things. Don't be afraid to take your time to make your work the best you can produce. Always remember that your heroes put their pants on one leg at a time just like everybody else. Never stop making stuff. MAGX: Where can people get more info on you and your work? CAT: More info at my website

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Welcome to the MAGX events calendar. We want to be the ULTIMATE source for events & entertainment in South Texas

and have gathered events from every corner of the RGV. Make sure you check with the venue on all events listed here incase of cancellation, misprint, or any other change. We are not responsible for the accuracy of the information provided. Have fun & Be Safe! Want info on getting listed in our monthly event section? Email us at

City & Community Events

citizens for $15. For more information or to reserve tickets call 956-872-6478.

Friday, December 2 Mercedes Festival of Lights Rio Grande Valley Livestock Show Grounds 1000 N Texas / mailing: P. O. Box 867 Mercedes, TX 78570 Thursday, December 8 Mid-Valley Lighted Christmas Parade: A Red, White & Blue Christmas 6:00 PM Downtown Weslaco; Texas Blvd (between Pike & 6th St); Weslaco, TX. Join us as we celebrate Christmas American style! Enjoy lighted floats, marching bands, dance teams and more. Call 968-2102 for more information. Saturday, December 10 Safari Express Gladys Porter Zoo, Brownsville, TX The train runs each Sunday, approximately every hour from 1:30 p.m. - 3:30 p.m., weather permitting. The fee to ride is $2.00 for adults and $1.00 for children (2-13). Bird Walk Estero Llano Grande State Park 8:30am – 10:30am Southeast Hidalgo, Texas. Let our knowledgeable park naturalist guide you on a birding adventure to identify some of the 250 plus birds that have been sighted at Estero Llano Grande State Park. Call for more information 956-565-3919 McAllen Main Public Library Grand Opening 10:00 AM Contact:(956) 688-3300. Make plans to attend the grand opening of the McAllen Main Public Library, at 23rd & Nolana, Saturday, December 10, 2011 at 10AM. The formal opening ceremony begins at 10 AM outside, near the grand entrance, after which the doors will be opened to the public around 10:30AM. Look forward to giveaways, tours, and activities for kids, teens, and adults. Book signing - The Art of Decoration 1:00 PM - 3:00 PM 956433-5057 Meet the Author Series at Paragraphs Books, 5505 Padre Boulevard, South Padre Island, TX. Amahl and the Night Visitors by South Texas Lyric Opera, South Texas College; Cooper Center (north side of Pecan); 3201 West Pecan Blvd; McAllen, TX. South Texas Lyric Opera annual performance of “Amahl and the Night Visitors” South Texas Lyric Opera, the Rio Grande Valley’s premier opera company and sponsored in part by South Texas College, celebrates the holiday season with its sixth annual performance of “Amahl and the Night Visitors.” Fully staged with a live orchestra. General admission tickets are $25 and tickets for students and senior

Edinburg Market Days 8:00 AM - 2:00 PM The Edinburg Chamber of Commerce and the Edinburg Convention and Visitors Bureau will hold “Edinburg Market Days” the 2nd Saturday of each month from September-May. Market Days will be held at the Town Square across from the Courthouse in Edinburg. Please call 956-383-4974 for further information or to register for a vendor space. Edinburg Town Square across from Courthouse; 100 N. Closner; Edinburg, TX Mercedes Fire Department BBQ Rio Grande Valley Livestock Show Grounds 1000 N Texas / mailing: P. O. Box 867 Mercedes, TX 78570 Saturday, December 17 McAllen History Tour 8:30 AM - 11:00 AM Quinta Mazatlan, 600 Sunset; McAllen, Tx. The City of McAllen is offering tours of its unique historic and natural treasures from November through March. Explore the unique habitat of the McAllen Botanical Gardens on a guided nature tour witnessing the variety of plant and wildlife thriving in the largest and oldest tract of native forest remaining in the McAllen metropolitan area. Discover McAllen’s rich heritage on a tour of historic sites and landmarks. Enjoy a guided tour of the McAllen Heritage Center located in Downtown’s La Placita. Learn about other McAllen landmarks including Casa de Palmas Hotel, Las Palmas Historic District, Cine El Rey and many more sites on a guided driving tour throughout the city. For more information contact the City of McAllen Parks and Recreation Department at (956) 681-3333 or visit Monday, December 19 “Zumba Beats” for Cancer Survivors, Thrivers and Those Who Support Them 6pm – 7pm Cancer Center at Renaissance. 2717 Michael Angelo Drive, Edinburg, Texas. Description: The Cancer Center at Renaissance is pleased to announce that they will host a FREE monthly “Zumba Beats” class for cancer survivors, patients and those who support them. Gabby Gutierrez, former cancer survivor and licensed instructor, will lead the monthly “Zumba Beats” class. “For more information call the Cancer Center at Renaissance at (956) 217-7050. Visit our website at Thursday, December 22 Cancer Support Group Meeting 6pm – 7pm Cancer Center at Renaissance. 2717 Michael Angelo Drive in Edinburg, Texas.

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The Cancer Center at Renaissance is pleased to announce their free support group meeting for cancer survivors, cancer patients and those who support them. The free monthly support group will provide participants with the resources needed to feel empowered about this devastating disease. Please join our monthly support group, which takes place the 4th Thursday of every month. For more information, call the Cancer Center at Renaissance at (956) 217-7050. Visit our website at www. Nature Speaker Series The McAllen Great Outdoors Nature Speaker Series is designed to be both education and inspirational. A wide range of speakers and programs are featured from October 2011 to April 2012. Subjects will range from organic cooking, painting in nature, designing a wildscape in your backyard, attracting hummingbirds and butterflies, book signings and so much more! Friday, December 23 Butterfly Walks 1:30pm – 3:30pm Estero Llano Grande State Parks and World Birding Center 3301 S. International Blvd. Join a park naturalist and observe the vast numbers of colorful butterflies that are attracted to the park’s gardens. Many species that can be seen in South Texas occur nowhere else in the US. Call for more information 956-565-3919 Dragonfly Walks 3:30pm – 4:30pm Estero Llano Grande State Parks and World Birding Center 3301 S. International Blvd.Description: Join a park naturalist and observe the amazing dragonflies and damselflies that are attracted to the park’s wetlands. Some species that can be seen in South Texas occur nowhere else in the US. Call for more information 956-565-3919 Sunday, December 25 Nature Tram Tour 2pm – 4pm Estero Llano Grande State Parks and World Birding Center 3301 S. International Blvd. If you have every wanted to join in on a Nature Walk at Estero, but limited mobility held you back we have the tour for you. Animals, plants, insects and some natural history will make this a tour you won’t forget. Our new Electric Trams seating is limited for a journey around the diverse habitat of our park so call ahead to reserve your spot. Call for more information call 956565-3919 or visit Wednesday, December 28 Edinburg Bird Walk 8:30am – 9:30am Edinburg Scenic Wetlands and World Birding Center. 714 Raul Longoria Rd., Edinburg TX 78540 Description: Join the EWBC naturalist for our scheduled wildlife observations. Each activity offers amazing looks at animals that inhabit our gardens and wetlands! Thursday, December 29 Tree Walk 4:30pm – 5:30pm Arriving early for the McAllen Great Outdoors Nature Speaker Series. Join our park naturalist for a brief educational talk about our native trees! We will feature a different tree species from our native Thornforest. Fascinating facts will be discussed, along with planting tips for each tree. Friday, December 30

Stroll Through History Tour 10am – 11am Enjoy a guided tour of the 1930s estate exploring the unique history of one of the largest remaining adobe homes in the state of Texas. www.

Events & Concerts Monday, December 5 The Bayou Grill Presents theFunKeys Dueling Piano Players With over 21 years of combined experience in Dueling Pianos singalong, The Funkeys 8:00p The Bayou Grill Cajun Style Cuisine, McAllen TX Thursday, December 8 THE LEIGH HOLLES BAND featuring George Keen Papa Joe’s Burgers & Stuff 422 North L St. Harlingen, TX (956) 364-3422 9:00 PM to 12:00 AM The New Variety Band 9:30p to 1:30a Tropicana Club - Echo Hotel, Edinburg TX Saturday, December 10 The Metropolitan Opera: Faust - Live Gounod’s classic retelling of the Faust legend. 11:55a Cinemark Harlingen, Harlingen TX NBHA - Rodeo Arena Rio Grande Valley Livestock Show Grounds 1000 N Texas / mailing: P. O. Box 867 Mercedes, TX 78570 Eddie Griffin 7:00p Pharr Entertainment Center, Pharr 12 String Tim & Sharon (Music & Show) DON-WES FLEA MARKET, Donna TX 11:00a to 3:00p Rio Grande Valley Ballet presents The Nutcracker 7:00p McAllen Civic Center Auditorium, McAllen Tuesday, December 13 NYC Ballet Presents George Balanchine’s The Nutcracker Live A valiant nutcracker saves a little girl from the evil Mouse King.12/13/2011 Tuesday 5:00p Cinemark Harlingen, Harlingen TX Thursday, Decenber 15 Randy Rogers 7:30p Pharr Entertainment Center, Pharr Friday, December 16 Switchfoot 6:00p Pharr Entertainment Center, Pharr McAllen Sleeping Beauty Ballet McAllen Ballet Company presents thier professional production Sleeping Beauty Ballet 7:00p to 9:00p Edinburg Conference Center at Renaissance, Edinburg TX Sunday, December 18 UTPA’s award-winning Mariachi Aztlán 2:00 PM UTPA Department of Music and Dance (956) 665-3471. The University of Texas - Pan American; Fine Arts Auditorium; 1201 University Dr;

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Edinburg, TX Thursday, December 22 Rio Grande Valley Vipers vs. Bakersfield Jam 7:00p State Farm Arena, Hidalgo TX Anastasia 7:30p McAllen Civic Center Auditorium, McAllen TX Friday, December 23 Jimmy Gonzales y Grupo Mazz 6:00p Pharr Entertainment Center, Pharr TX Monday, December 26 WInter Wonderland Feat. Dj Chuckie 7:00p at Pharr Entertainment Center, Pharr Thursday, December 29 Disney’s Phineas and Ferb Live! On Tour 4:30p State Farm Arena, Hidalgo TX Alfresco Weslaco - Jazz on the Street 7:00p Texas Blvd - Weslaco Downtown, Weslaco Friday, December 30 Mannheim Steamroller Friday, Dec 30 8:00p State Farm Arena, Hidalgo Thursday January 12 Valley Symphony Orchestra 8:00 Pm (956) 661-1615 Orchestra Series IV: Music by Dukas, Loewe, Lennon/McCartney McAllen Civic Center Auditorium; 1300 S 10th St; McAllen, TX Wednesday, January 4 The Metropolitan Opera: Rodelinda Encore Grimoaldo gives up everything to be with Eduige. 6:30p Cinemark Harlingen, Harlingen TX

Tx 78501 956-630-BOOM. Join the MAGIC UNDERGROUND as they go head to head to see who is the ultimate Magic The gathering Master. Fully sanctioned events with prize support plus Store Credit for 1st & 2nd Place. FOrmat: Standard and Extended. EVERY SATURDAY Saturday Magic: Legacy. Every Saturday at 2pm Kaboom Comics & Collectibles • 801 Pecan Suite A • McAllen Tx 78501 956-630-BOOM. Join the MAGIC UNDERGROUND as they go head to head to see who has the ultimate Magic The gathering Legacy Deck. Rack up plainswalker points for these sanctioned but casual events. Store Credit for 1st Place. FREE MAGIC: THE GATHERING TRAINING available w/ free deck of cards @ 1pm before the Tournaments for new players. Saturday YU-GI-OH Tournaments. Every Saturday 5pm - 8pm. Kaboom Comics & Collectibles • 801 Pecan Suite A • McAllen Tx 78501 956-630-BOOM Join the MAGIC UNDERGROUND as they go head to head to see who has the ultimate Magic The gathering Legacy Deck. Rack up plainswalker points for these sanctioned but casual events. Store Credit for 1st Place. EVERY SUNDAY THE HEROCLIX WAR. Every Sunday AT 2:30 pm Kaboom Comics & Collectibles • 801 Pecan Suite A • McAllen Tx 78501 956-630-BOOM Join the Rio Grande Valley Heroclix community every sunday for HEROCLIX WAR. A knock out, drag out, beat down battle for Limited Edition HEROCLIX figures and store credit. BATTLE as your favorite heroes and villains from DC, MARVEL, GEARS OF WAR, STREET FIGHTER, HALO and more. FREE HERO CLIX TRAINING available w/ free heroclix figures @ 2pm before the Tournaments for new players.

Friday, January 13 Aaron Lewis 7:00p Pharr Entertainment Center, Pharr

Monday, December 12 Hidalgo Coin Club Meetings 7:30pm – 8:00pm Where: St. Mark United Methodist Church. Corner of Pecan and 4th St, McAllen, Tx. The Hidalgo Coin club is an organization devoted to serving the numismatic (coin collecting) community of the Rio Grande Valley. Every 2nd Monday at 7:30pm New members and guests are welcome. $2 annual membership fee. For more information, please visit us at www.hidalgocoinclub. com or call 956-566-3112

Saturday, January 21 Monster Jam Trucks 7:30p State Farm Arena, Hidalgo TX John Leguizamo Tuesday, Feb 21 8:00p McAllen Civic Center Auditorium, McAllen

Saturday, February 4 Winter Coin and Collectibles Show 9:00a to 4:00p Coin show to buy, sell or trade coins and paper money. $2 admission, free parking Nomad Shrine Hall, Pharr TX

Sunday, February 12 Gabriel Iglesias 6:00p McAllen Civic Center Auditorium McAllen TX

Fairs & Festivals

Thursday, January 5 Richard Marx 8:00p Pharr Entertainment Center, Pharr

Thursday, December 8 Christmas Carnival 4-day carnival with games, rides, and refreshments for a thrilling time for the young and young at heart from 6pm-10 pm at the Plaza de San Benito at 210 E. Heywood. Plaza de San Benito; 210 E Heywood; San Benito, TX

GAMES, COLLECTIBLES & TOURNAMENTS EVERY FRIDAY Friday Night Magic: The Gathering. Every Friday AT 7:30pm - ? Kaboom Comics & Collectibles • 801 Pecan Suite A • McAllen

Saturday, December 17 San Benito Market Day Market Day in downtown San Benito

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(100 Block of Batts Street and Sam Houston Blvd) 9 a.m.-3 p.m. The event isan open-air bazaar where live music, arts and crafts, and people, come together for fun and profit. It includes festive activities including live entertainment and performances from our many talented student choirs, bands and other musical groups, taste-tempting treats at food booths and selling handmade and one-of-a-kind items at bargain prices. San Benito Downtown, 100 Block of Batts & Sam Houston; San Benito, TX Sunday, January 8 Rio Grande Valley Wedding Fair12:00p to 5:00p McAllen Convention Center, McAllen TX Friday, January 27 McAllen Carfest 2012 McAllen International Carfest- Date: January 27,28,29, 2012. McAllen Convention Center, McAllen TX Saturday, January 28 Texas Citrus Fiesta 10,000 attendees expected. *Estimated start time -- Please confirm* 10:00a City of Mission, Mission TX Sunday, February 19 Charro Days Fiesta - Opening Day 10:00a City of Brownsville, TX Friday, March 9 - 18 RIO GRANDE VALLEY LIVESTOCK SHOW Rio Grande Valley Livestock Show Grounds 1000 N Texas / mailing: P. O. Box 867 Mercedes, TX 78570

ARTS Friday, December 2 Triple A + JJ: Artworks by Amanda De Hoyos, Amanda Owen, Ashley Sanchez, and JJ Balli December 2, 2011 - Friday December 16, 2011 956) 872-3488 Mid-Valley Fine Arts Student Capstone Exhibit and Reception Exhibit dates: Dec. 2-Dec. 16 Reception Date: Dec. 8, 6:00-8:00 pm STC Mid-Valley Campus Library, Bldg. E -- 400 N. Border, Weslaco Tx 78596 Tuesday, December 6 Narciso Martinez Writers Forum 7:00 PM Narciso Martinez Cultural Arts Center 956-350-3905 Narciso Martinez Writers Forum meets at First Tuesdays at 7 the Narciso Martinez Cultural Arts Center at 225 E. Stenger. Come develop your writing skills and share your talent with a creative group of writers. Free. Sponsored by the Narciso Martinez Cultural Arts Center. For more information call 956-350-3905. Narciso Martinez Cultural Arts Center; 225 E Stenger Ave; San Benito, TX Audititons for ‘The Man Who Came to Dinner’ 7:00 PM - 10:00 PM 956-872-2639 Clear the plate for auditions for STC production of ‘The Man Who Came to Dinner’ South Texas College’s Theatre Program announces auditions for its comedic February 2012 production of Moss Hart and George S. Kaufman’s “The Man Who Came to Dinner.” Auditions take

place Dec. 6 to 7, 2011 from 7 to 10 p.m. at South Texas College’s Cooper Center for Communication Arts Black Box Theatre located at 3201 W. Pecan Blvd. in McAllen. South Texas College; Cooper Center; Black Box Theatre; 3201 West Pecan Blvd; McAllen, TX Thursday December 8 James and the Giant Peach 7:00 PM Contact: University Theatre Box Office 956-665-3581 UTPA Children’s Theatre presents James and the Giant Peach, the tale of a young, orphaned boy and his many adventures. It will run December 8, 9 at 7:00 p.m., December 10 at 2:00 and 7:00 p.m. and December 11 at 2:00 p.m. at the Albert L. Jeffers Theatre in the Communication Arts and Sciences Building on the corner of University Drive and Sugar Road. General admission is $3.00 regardless of age. The box office opens one hour prior to each performance. For more information you may call the University Theatre Box Office at 956-665-3581. Location: The University of Texas - Pan American; Jeffers Theatre; COAS Building; Edinburg, TX 10 In A Gallery, BFA Exhibit at UTPA 7:00 PM - 9:00 PM UTPA Fine Arts Gallery next to the Art Dept Office 956-9293483 10 In A Gallery, BFA Exhibit We the “10 In A Gallery” invite you to our BFA Exhibition! Art, music and food! Friday, December 9 Jardein Del Arte City Hall Courtyard. 415 W. University, Edinburg Texas. 7pm – 10pm Join us for an evening of Art, Music and Entertainment at Edinburg’s Jardin Del Arte and Edinburg Culture Fest! Showcasing local and regional artist, the monthly event celebrates Edinburg’s diverse richness in art, culture and its people! For more information, please visit: http://www.edinburgarts. com. Monday, December 12 Auditions for ‘This River is Gold’ 6:00 PM - 8:00 PM The Pharr Literacy Project (956) 783-7746 Auditions for the Senior Theater Company located at Pharr Literacy Project & Cultural Arts Center will be December 12 and 13 from 6:00 to 8:00 pm at 203 W. Newcombe Ave (formerly Park Ave), Pharr, TX.“This River is Gold,” by Alvin H. Reiss is a comedy about a north and south retirement home trying to build a new activity center, but budget shortages have caused a rift in the happy community. The production will have performances every Friday evening in February.Persons interested in being understudies are encourage to audition.For more information call 956-783-7746 or 956-460-5473. Pharr Literacy Project and Cultural Arts Center; 203 W Quentin Newcombe Ave; Pharr TX Friday, December 16 Jingle Bell Rock Historical Happy Hour 5:00 PM - 7:00 PM 956-541-5560 Get yourself into the holiday spirit with the BHA! Adults 21 years old and older can enjoy refreshments provided by Feldman’s Market Center while touring the Heritage Complex. The Stillman House and the Heritage Museum will be dressed in

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their holiday best. As our gift to our friends and members, this month’s happy hour is on us! Brownsville Heritage Complex; 1325 E. Washington; Brownsville, TX Friday, January 6 McAllen Art Walk 6pm – 10pm Where: Nuevo Santander. 717 North Main Street, Mcallen, Texas. The McAllen ArtWalk is a self-guided tour of art galleries and art hosts in one of the oldest areas of McAllen. Guests can start their tour at any location and proceed at their own pace. The McAllen ArtWalk begins the first Friday of each month starting September through May. The evening exhibits begin at 6 p.m. and last until 10 p.m. This is all free and open to the public in attempt to highlight the culture of our community. It is a wonderful opportunity to mingle, meet a variety of different people and create new neighbors who might share in your passion for art. For more information, please visit: Want info on getting listed in our monthly event section? Email us at


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ALAMO Wal-Mart

ALTON Advanced Auto Parts Auto Zone Juniors Supermarket O’Rielly’s


America Athletix & JSK8 Shop Barnes & Noble Bennigan’s Ben’s Liquor Store Big Daddy’s Boss Club Brownsville Coffee Buffalo Wild Wings C & C Wings C & C Wings Chapa’s Circuit Plus Audio Cobblehead Coyote Canyon Restaurant Cricket Dark Secrets DarkSide O/T Moon Devil’s Playground Feldman’s Liqour(all) Galaxy Bowl Green Dragon H & H Liquors Harbor Liqour Store Irish Pub Jone’s Liquors Koi Restaurant La Botana Grill Los Comperos Molcojetes New York Deli 2 Ol’ School Tattoo Philly’s America Cheesesteaks Pokey’s Planet Pro Auto Detail Rack Daddy’s Red’s Bar & Grill Rudy’s Bar-B-Q Shenabigans Stickman’s Taco Bell The Bar The New Workout U.T. Brownsville Valley Honda Wing Stop (All)

DONNA Texxx Adult Video Valley Girls


1st Class Tattoos 600 Plus Gym Arturo’s Mexican Restaurant Bab’s Deli Buffalo Wings & Rings County Court House Danny’s Sports Bar & Grill Delia’s Devine Tattoo Echo El Patio Restaurant El Vaquero El Zarape Fast Eddies Flaming Heart Foxy’s Flo Fruit & Salad Good Times Good Times Hamburger King Harry’s Oil Can Hippies Holiday Liquor Hungry Howie’s Pizza Hunts Brother Pizza Ink Addictions Jc Restaurant La Finca Restaurant La Paloma Bakery La Parilla Maki Sushi Bar Max Fitness Mega Chicken Monster Car Wash Moonlight Café National Lube Pan American Library Papa John’s Pizza Pueblo Tires Quick Wok Resturante Colima Ristretto Café Taco Bell Taco Ole The Cubby Hole Trevino’s U.S. Liqour Store

Willie’s B Bar B Q Wing Stop Woodreauxs


Baloos Big John Bar B Q Booter’s Bar Butt Wild Bar Cherijons Music Chuck Ice House Comic Unlimited Copz Lounge Cossey Creations El Loco Tattoos El Rancho Restaurant Feldman’s (All) Frank Record Shop Gotham Comics Great China Henry’s Party House Holiday Liquor Hot Topic (In The Mall) Jaguar Club Java Café Las Brisas Long John Silver Los Asados Los Cazuales Mr. Music (In the Mall) Old’s Soda Shop Pancake House Party Time Liqour Pokey’s Planet Pro Hand Car Wash Pueblo Tires Rack Daddy’s Rent A Tire Sam Goody (In the Mall) Sound Advise Street Sound Taco Bell (All) Taqueria La Mexicana The Corner Deli Uchi Restaurant Whispers Wing Stop (All)


A Cut Above Adam & Eve Alhambra Americas Best Mixed Martial Arts

Bad Bob’s Bar B Q Bar 201 Bar B Cutie Bicycle World Billy’s Bar B Q Blue Island Body Builders Powerhouse Gym Boxing Academy Breadsmith Brewski’s Buffalo Wild Wings Burgeusa Burgers BV Tronix Casa Petrides Chicago East Chill Yogurt Bar Cold Stone Copy Zone Cycle Stuff D Troncis Home Entertainment Dat Tung Deli Salads Dirtry Bottle Doggie’s Double Dave’s Pizza Dyramic Fittness El PastorEl Rey Cine Extreme Flavors Fall Back Records Fast Eddies Feldman’s Flamingo Bowl Frederick’s Boutique Free Spirits Game Stop Golds’ Gym Good Times Goodtimes Green Beret Guitar Center Havanna Club Hayashi Hermes Music Hillbilly’s Hobby’s & Heros Holiday Liquor Hooters Hungry Howie Pizza Iguana’s Ranas Irish Pub Jack in the Box JJ’s Party House Just A Cut Kai

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Kato Sushi Bar Krave L & F Distributor La Casa Del Taco La Paletera La Pamp Restaurant Last Pocket Pool Le Peep Restaurant Le Rouge Lean Nutrition Little Ceasars Logan’s Restaurant London Grill & Tavern Lone Star Bar-B-Q Lucky 13 Lumen M & M Customs Mac’s Newsstand McAllen Motor Sports McAllen’s Cigar Bar Melhart Music Mezzanine Misty’s Moonbeans Coffee Myth Adventures National Lube Express New York Deli Newman’s OctuposTattoos Orlie’s Accessories Parlays Sports Bar Pepper’s Pick A Salad Poncho’s Restaurant Pow Wow Puff-N-Stuff R.G.V. Video Ramos Bar-B-Q Rios Tires Rocky Mountain Chocolate Factory Roof Top Patio Russo’s New York Pizzeria Shogun Restaurant Simon Sez Skunky’s Skyn Lingerie Smoke Shop Smokies / Skin Deep Tattoo Shop Smoothie King Soundwaves Sport Clips Sports Authority

Starbucks Starbucks Starlight Burger Subway Sun Palace Restaurnt Sunny Bunz Switchfoot Skate Shop Taco Rico Texas Road House Thai Red Chilis The Gallery The Gym Of Uptown The Ice House The Office The Patio The Peace Pipe The Smoke Shop The Vitamin Shoppe Thirsty Monkey Tinder Box Tino’s Seafood Toucan Lounge Town & Country Tropic Tan & Massage Underworld Boutique Valley Vinyls Vice Videomatic Vintage Room Volta Disco Western Beverage Whispers White Buffalo Wing Stop Wireless Express Yoko’s


Brisket Haus Cardenas Asscesories Chopstix Restaurant Casa Del Taco Church’s Danny’s Restaurant Fanatics Sport Bar & Grill Hippies Smoke Shop Holiday Liquor Ink Spot Jitter Café King’s Restaurant

K.F.C. Lone Star Bar-B-Q Mission Fitness Center MCM Sporting Goods Pollito Grilled Chicken Quick Wash Quick Wok Quiznos’s Skean Dhu Pub Smokin’ Aces Bar & Grill Soleria Wine & Liqour Taco Rico The Car Spa The Peace Pipe Tequila Jacks The Bean Cuisine The Car Spa Valley Bowl West Side Liquor Store


Texxx Adult Video


Buena Suerta Tattoo Free Spirits Good Times Glick Twins KFC La Mexicana Red Robin Smokey’s Bar-B-Q Stilettos Cabaret Subway Tex-Mex The Music Center Yamaha

SAN BENITO Aces High Tattoo Gillman Lounge Harley Davidson Smoking Accessories The Gas Station Sport Bar


Dairy Queen Juniors Supermarket Powerhouse Gym Smokey’s Bar-B-Q

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