MVLA Voter Guide, May 2024

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Magic Valley Legislative Districts 24, 25 & 26

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2024 GOP


RESEARCH THE CANDIDATES: Find out if your legislator votes like a Democrat by checking out their Voting Record on pages 10 and 11.

FOLLOW THE MONEY: Is the candidate beholden to corporate donors? Most are. Large national and global corporate donors are ideologically in league with the World Economic Forum’s (WEF) Great Reset and Agenda 2030. See page 4 for how money from these donors are funneled through IACI (Idaho Association of Commerce & Industry) to candidates.


• Select the best candidate for the November General Election by voting in the Primary.

• Once you get to the November General Election, all the choices for candidates have been made.

• Your vote has more impact in the primary due to lower turnout. Take advantage of it!

VOTE IN PERSON: In order to ensure your ballot is counted as cast:

• Vote on May 21st.

• If you must vote early, vote as late as possible.

• Early voting enables fraud.

• Early voting is from April 29-May 17.

• DO NOT mail your ballot.

• DO NOT use a drop box.

IF YOU ARE VOTING AN ABSENTEE BALLOT, DELIVER IT DIRECTLY TO YOUR COUNTY CLERK. Idaho primaries are closed, which means only qualified Republicans pre-registered by April 26 are eligible to vote. Same-day registration is allowed on May 21 with photo ID and proof of residence.

can check on your voter registration status at:

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The average voter turnout in Idaho Primary elections is only 30%. You

The Magic Valley’s RINO Problem

(Republican In Name Only)

That’s because too many voters don’t look past the ‘R’ after the candidate’s name on voting day. Well, we did. Let’s just say their voting record exposes their true colors: Blue

As the candidates’ voting records show, calling themselves Republicans does not make them conservatives.

The solution is simple: Elect liberty-minded Republican candidates on May 21st.

IDAHO’S RINO PROBLEM: To get elected, politicians register Republican. Then they vote Democrat like the RINOs above. They ignore the Republican platform and the U.S. and Idaho Constitutions hoping you won’t notice.

To view all Idaho legislators scorecards, visit Idaho Freedom Foundation’s website:

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Through their

IDAHO PROSPERITY FUND, IACI IACI is Idaho’s largest Corporate Contributor to Idaho RINOS and DEMOCRATS.

When you look at party labels, the split in Idaho’s legislature is 87 to 18 in favor of the Republican Party.

That’s why everyone assumes Idaho is a red state

However, if you consider the 56 candidates who have thus far been endorsed by IACI endorsed by IACI,, the split becomes 56 to 49.

Don’t be fooled by fake Republicans in cowboy hats.

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LGBTQ Ideology Diversity. Equity. Inclusion. The Great Reset Smart Growth Agenda 2030 17 Sustainable Goals ESG Goals Technocracy Mandatory Vaccines Public Private Partnerships WOKE AGENDAS WOKE AGENDAS IACI CORPORATE CONTRIBUTORS Bayer Blue Cross of Idaho Lumens Clearwater Paper Idaho Forest Group Idaho Power Idaho Realtors PAC JR Simplot Micron Technologies Potlach Deltic Regence Blue Shield Idaho Hospital Association Altria AND MANY MORE
Hartgen Nelsen Dixon

Sen. Glenneda Zuiderveld (R) Incumbent for State Senate District 24


• Our First Amendment: Without freedom of religion, speech, press, peaceful assembly, and the right to petition our government, we have nothing.

• Our Second Amendment: "SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED!"

• Our Lands (Wind Turbines are a hard “NO” for me).

• Our Resources: Our Gem State is the wealthiest state in the nation; we must protect it.

• Our Water: If we lose sovereignty over our water, Idaho becomes subservient to the federal government.

• Our Idaho Borders: We must protect them from illegal immigration, drug trafficking, human/sex trafficking, and labor trafficking.

• Our Children: We need to safeguard them from woke indoctrination.

• Our Unborn Children: Abortion isn't a form of birth control.

• Our Health Freedom: Stop mandated vaccines; your body, your choice.

• Our Incomes: Prevent excessive taxation.

• Our Election Integrity is crucial, as our very freedoms and liberties depend on it.

• Our Idaho State Budget: We should reduce dependence on the indebted federal government.

• I will work diligently to be transparent, approachable, humble, and disciplined in order to serve you with courage, boldness, and love.

“Greater love has no one than this, that someone lay down his life for his friends.”

-John 15:13

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Phone: 208-280-0716 Email: Website: Follow me on Facebook Read her interview at Magic Valley Liberty Alliance website 2024 Elections page

Clint Hostetler (R)

• I share the conservative values of our community and will fight for them in the legislature. My opponent campaigns as a "Conservative Republican" at home but votes in favor of the special interests in Boise.

• As a business owner and father, I believe our education system should prepare our children for a successful career and life.

• Liberal, woke ideologies are distractions from the purpose of why we send our kids to school.

• My opponent voted against protecting our children as young as 4 and 5 years old from sexually explicit, pro-LGBTQ material in our schools and libraries. I believe schools and libraries should be safe places for our children to learn, and free from explicit materials.

• Unlike my opponent, I do not support driver's licenses or amnesty for illegals.

• Idaho's state budget has more than doubled in the last 8 years. I support fiscally conservative policies like reducing state spending and lowering taxes. My opponent has consistently voted for more state welfare spending.

• Lower taxes mean more money in the pockets of Idaho citizens, and more money for businesses to invest in innovation and growth. I believe you know how to spend your money better than a bloated government does.

I am Pro 2nd amendment and will support laws that rightfully allow Idaho citizens to protect their families and property. I will fight to preserve the sovereign water rights of Idaho citizens and protect our vital agricultural industry from government overreach.

6 Paid for by MVLA PAC, INC
Candidate for State Representative District 24 Seat A Phone: 208-207-8514 Email: Website:
Read his interview at Magic Valley Liberty Alliance website 2024 Elections page

Defending Constitutional Rights:

David Leavitt (R)

Candidate for State Representative District 25 Seat B

• Upholding the First Amendment, safeguarding free speech, press, religion, and assembly.

• Advocating for Second Amendment rights.

Protecting Privacy and Individual Liberties:

• Championing digital privacy rights against unwarranted surveillance.

• Ensuring robust protections for individual privacy in all spheres.

Prioritizing Child Welfare:

• Defending children’s rights, including access to quality academic education, healthcare, and protection from harm.

• Defending children’s rights, including access to quality academic education, healthcare, and protection from harm.

Ensuring Equal Justice Under The Law:

• Dedication to fair and equal treatment for all citizens.

• Dedication to fair and equal treatment for all citizens.

Fiscal Responsibility and Fair Taxation:

• Advocating for reduced taxes to support working families and economic growth.

• Advocating for reduced taxes to support working families and economic growth.

• Fighting against crony capitalism for fair competition.

• Fighting against crony capitalism for fair competition.

Ensuring Fair and Transparent Elections:

• Advocating for paper ballot and same-day voting, counted by hand in public.

• Advocating for paper ballot and same-day voting, counted by hand in public.

Prioritizing Constituents Over Special Interests:

• Actively listening to and prioritizing constituent’s needs over special interests.

• Actively listening to and prioritizing constituent’s needs over special interests.

Read his interview at Magic Valley Liberty Alliance website 2024 Elections page

Phone: 208-358-0203



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Josh Kohl (R)

Candidate for State Senate District 25

• I share the conservative values of our Twin Falls community, and I will fight for them in the legislature. My opponent campaigns as a “Common Sense Conservative” Republican at home but votes like a Democrat in Boise.

• My opponent voted against protecting our children from gender mutilation surgeries and puberty blocking drugs. I will never support such policies that irreversibly harm our children.

• Joe Biden’s open border crisis is in our valley. Shootings, and drugs like fentanyl, are on the rise endangering our kids. Unlike my opponent, I do not support driver’s licenses or amnesty for illegals.

• Our education system should prepare our children for success. Liberal, woke ideologies are dangerous distractions from learning and have no place in our public schools.

• Unlike my opponent, I support greater educational opportunities so that parents can choose the best options for their children to be successful.

• Idaho’s state budget has grown from 7.9 billion in 2016 to 15.7 billion last year, much of which has gone to welfare. I will fight to reduce spending and lower taxes.

• Lower taxes mean more money in the pockets of Idaho citizens, and more money for businesses to invest in innovation and growth.

• I am pro Second Amendment and will support laws that rightfully allow Idaho citizens to protect their families and property.

• I will fight to preserve the sovereign water rights of Idaho citizens, and protect our Snake River dams.

Our state is at a crossroads: do we want to support Biden’s America, one of lawlessness and open borders; or do we want an Idaho that is a light shining on a hill, a beacon of freedom and opportunity? I believe Idaho can be the flagship state of the Union, leading the way in liberty and excellence.

Phone: 208-610-8086



Follow me on Facebook

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Read his interview at Magic Valley Liberty Alliance website 2024 Elections page
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• Running as a real conservative Republican.

• Will vote in alignment with 'One nation under God.’

• Opposes excessive spending and government overreach.

• Will fight for our unborn babies and the entire next generation.

• Opposes the woke agenda, gender confusion and pornographic material in public schools and libraries.

• Will stand to unite Idaho and keep us armed.

• I want to see Idaho sovereign again.

• Idaho is not for sale.

Read her interview at Magic Valley Liberty Alliance website 2024 Elections page

Phone: 208-539-5313


Follow me on Facebook and Instagram

12 Paid for by MVLA PAC, INC
Kally Schiffler (R) Candidate for State Representative District 26 Seat A

• I am passionate about protecting the children of Idaho.

• I am adamant about defending the water rights of Idaho.

• I will not spend Idahoans’ hard-earned money to grow government.

• I defend the First Amendment which guarantees freedoms.

• I stand strong for the Second Amendment, the right of the people to keep and bear arms.

• I am fearless and will say “NO” to Idaho leadership

• I will not tolerate corruption in Idaho politics.

• Idaho must be weaned from Federal tax dollars.

• We must stop educational wokeism.

• I will work diligently with like-minded, constitutional office holders.

• The Bible is my compass and as such is my standard to rightly serve the people of Idaho.

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Lyle Johnstone (R) Candidate for State Representative District 26 Seat B Read his interview at Magic Valley Liberty Alliance website 2024 Elections page Phone: 208-324-2234 Website: Email: Follow me on Facebook and Instagram

Ernie Cahala (R) Candidate Lincoln County Sheriff

• Putting citizens’ rights first, the 2nd and 4th amendments.

• Deputies need to have continual training.

• Crack down on drug issues and other major crime issues.

• Increase community policing.

• 12 years total law enforcement experience, with two and a half years of proven leadership experience in security.

• Budget reform of taxpayers’ funding of Sheriff's Office to equip deputies with the resources and tools to do their job.

• Reform “good old boy” interview and hiring process.

• Improve communication so deputies have a voice within the administration.

• Improve relationships with surrounding jurisdictions.

• Fair and equal justice for all the citizens in Lincoln County.

Phone: 406-274-2119


To send me a private message, go to Facebook Messenger, type in Ernie Cahala Jr.

14 Paid for by MVLA PAC, INC
Read his interview at Magic Valley Liberty Alliance website 2024 Elections page

• A career Law Enforcement Officer with the Filer Police Department.

• Will be a Constitutional sheriff.

• Will put citizens’ rights first.

• Will work for the people.

• Proposes – Bring back Traffic Team and K9 program to stop illegal drugs that are flowing along Hwy 93. The increase in drug trafficking has made our communities less safe.

• Proposes - Greater enforcement of speed limits and traffic violations to make our roads safer.

• Will better retain and recruit deputies by increasing insurance benefits of deputies who often leave for better benefits in other counties.

Paid for by MVLA PAC, INC 15
Follow me on Facebook Email: Phone: 208-420-8478 Andrew Easterday (R) Candidate Twin Falls County Sheriff Read his interview at Magic Valley Liberty Alliance website 2024 Elections page


The PC is the closest elected official representing We the People.

The PC is the foundation of our Republican form of government. Your Republican PC represents Republicans in your precinct at monthly Republican Central Committee meetings and is your liaison with elected officials.

PCs are extremely important because they can:

• NOMINATE CANDIDATES to fill vacancies (i.e. coroner, legislator, etc.) due to resignation or death.

• HOLD LEGISLATORS ACCOUNTABLE to their oaths of office by censuring them for votes that don’t align with the GOP platform. A twice-censured elected official will no longer have party support or use of Republican Party identifiers on campaign advertising for a period of five years.

• SUPPORT CANDIDATES by participating in vetting and supporting qualified candidates.

• VOTE for and help craft influential resolutions and initiatives.

• INFORM VOTERS of legislative issues, events and developing situations that impact our freedoms.

A liberty-controlled Republican Central Committee will: LIMIT “PROXY VOTING”: a common practice where RINO PCs who don’t attend meetings give their vote to another PC.

BE TRANSPARENT: Votes will be recorded and published - no more anonymous voice votes.

BE FAITHFUL REPRESENTATIVES: Attendance will be taken and published. Minutes will be posted.

PRE-MEETING AGENDAS WILL BE PUBLISHED in time for PCs to research and ask informed questions versus accepting the predetermined opinions of leadership.

Help flip your RINO-controlled Republican Central Committee: Vote May 21st .

The MAY PRIMARY is your ONLY opportunity to vote for your Precinct Committeeman.

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DISTRICT 24 - Rural Twin Falls County

Buhl1- Kathy Thomsen (

Buhl3- Sandy Gleason (

Buhl5- Menno deRijk (

DeepCreek- Gregory Hill (

Filer2- Mike Jensen (

Hansen- Roxann Campos (


Kimberly3- Sarah Bacon (

TF23- Rebecca Smith (

TF25- Tom Zuiderveld (

Buhl2- Joan Hurlock (

Buhl4- Cory Santos (

Castleford- Billee Dinges (

Filer1- Adrian Arp

Filer3- Creighton Knight (

Hollister- Ryan Christopherson (

Kimberly2- Lisa Gauger (

Kimberly4Moroa- Murtaugh-

TF24- Linda Venable (

TF26- Gloria Mayoh ( All candidates have been vetted and trained by Magic Valley Liberty Alliance.

DISTRICT 24 - Gooding County


WendellCity- Tyler Tvrdy (

GoodingRural- JT Reed (

WendellRural- Gene Wisniewski ( Bliss- Johnny Smith (

Hagerman- Anthony Driever (

DISTRICT 25 - City of Twin Falls

TF1- Connie Smith (

TF3- Linda Gooden (


TF7- Shane Klaas (

TF9- Regina Smith (

TF11- Jacque Brown (

TF13- Redgie Bigham (

TF15- Paul Thompson (


TF19- Nathan Sherwood (

TF21- Jim Stevens (

DISTRICT 26 - Jerome County

BishopCourt- Toni McNeill (

NE- Mike Dahmer (

NW- Brian Smith (

Canyonside- Cathy Roemer (

RimRock- Bella Schliffler (

Eden- Lyle Johnstone (

DISTRICT 26 - Lincoln County

Richfield- Carl Legg (

TF2- Hunter Rowland (



TF8- Josh Kohl (

TF10- Kristin Arrington (

TF12- Oma Deon Lane (

TF14- Leslie Wolff (

TF16- Benjamin Bodsford (

TF18- Bobbi Mani (

TF20- Billy Burleigh (


Each precinct in each county is represented by one precinct committeeman. You will find their name on the bottom of the back side of your ballot. Ballots are customized by district and precinct - only your precinct will appear on your ballot.

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What is RANKED CHOICE Voting?

How Reclaim Idaho’s ‘RIGGED CHOICE’ Voting will turn Idaho Blue

Reclaim Idaho’s Open Primary Initiative (OPI) will:

• ABOLISH Idaho’s closed Party Primaries - ALL candidates and ALL parties will be on One ballot.

• ABOLISH the need for Party Platforms and candidates that adhere to them.

• CREATE A “JUNGLE” primary where ALL voters vote on ALL candidates and the TOP FOUR (regardless of party) will advance to the November General election. This is known as an Instant Runoff Election.

Reclaim Idaho’s OPI also includes Ranked Choice Voting where:

• Voters don’t select a candidate; they rank ALL candidates in order of preference from best to worst.

• Voters must research ALL FOUR candidates and vote for ones they don’t support.

• Ballots of losing candidates determine the winner.

• Votes are no longer equal. Like parties and platforms, “One Person, One Vote” is a relic of the past.

• RCV makes elections unauditable.

Do you have signer’s remorse? Perhaps you signed the Initiative not realizing it included RCV.

Go to your county elections clerk (before April 30) and ask for your name to be taken off the initiative. By law they must remove it.

To view a short video illustrating the RCV tabulation process, click on the QR code.

“ RCV will destroy our state.”
- Dorothy Moon

Watch IDGOP Chairwoman Dorothy Moon expose RCV on Capitol Clarity:

18 Paid for by MVLA PAC, INC
will appear on the November ballot: VOTE NO.
/ RCV Initiative



We believe it is the responsibility of We the People to restore and keep our Constitutional form of government that respects individual liberties and God-given inalienable rights. We educate the public, expose corruption, build strategic relationships both in the community and with elected officials, and promote peaceful and effective political activism.

MVLA was founded in April of 2021 for the express purpose of impacting our local area, educating our community, and restoring our liberties.

Paid for by MVLA PAC, INC 19



U.S. Congress 2nd C.D.: Scott Cleveland

District 24 Senate: Glenneda Zuiderveld

District 24 House Seat A: Clint Hostetler

District 25 Senate: Josh Kohl

District 25 House Seat B: David Leavitt

District 26 House Seat A: Kally Schiffler

District 26 House Seat B: Lyle Johnstone

Twin Falls County Sheriff: Andrew Easterday

Lincoln County Sheriff: Ernie Cahala

Precinct Committeemen: Page 17

DISTRICT 24: Rural Twin Falls, Gooding & Camas counties

DISTRICT 25: City of Twin Falls

DISTRICT 26: Jerome, Blaine and Lincoln Counties


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Printed by Community Business Center (208) 536-0094
Paid for by MVLA PAC, Inc

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