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《看穿!》 “一个在‘市中心’的艺术家驻留项目” 一场前所未有的展览即将在这里直播,外滩十八 号提供了一个自由的空间来迎接世界各地的涂鸦 艺术家的到来。从10月20日到12月1日,为期一 个月的时间,12位著名的艺术家将被邀请到此 处,轮番在外滩十八号的沿街店铺进行涂鸦艺术 的创作。为了这场独特的项目,外滩十八号内将 聚集来自纽约、旧金山以及巴黎的传奇人物,他 们包括ANDRE, FUTURA(涂鸦艺术的创始人之一) 、JONONE、 L’ATLAS、THOMAS CANTO、 LUDO、KATRE、NASTY、POESIA、POPIL, PSY、SETH、TANC、CHEN YANFEI, YZ。 “见证创作的过程” 在11月18日正式向公众开放之前,大众将有机会 观看艺术家的创作过程,无论是“看穿”外滩十 八号的橱窗,亦或是现场内部工作的视频,外滩 十八号与MD画廊将提供一场独特的经历,这场演 出在11月18日到12月1日正式开幕之前就因这几 位艺术家的驻留而令人印象深刻。 “一幅涂鸦艺术的全景图” 涂鸦艺术是21世纪最重要的艺术运动,此次展览 聚集了来自不同国家和不同时代的涂鸦艺术家, 展示了多种多样的涂鸦艺术形式。从涂鸦艺术的 先锋 – FUTURA、世界知名的JonOne及Poesia, 到最有前途的新锐艺术家 – LUDO, YZ及Seth。“ 看穿”不只是一系列漂亮的作品集,更是外滩十 八号带来的十周年献礼。

LOOK THROUGH ! An artists’ residency in the heart of the city Never before in Shanghai a show has been aimed at being shared live and allow to witness the work in progress. The iconic Bund18 building has given its main space to artists coming from the international street art scene. During one month 15 famous artists invited by the Magda Danysz Gallery took over Bund18’s front ground floor space. For this exclusive project, real legends came together from New York, San Franciso or Paris, such as ANDRE, FUTURA (one of the street art founder), JONONE, L’ATLAS, THOMAS CANTO, LUDO, KATRE, NASTY, POESIA, POPIL, PSY, SETH, TANC, CHEN YANFEI, YZ. Witness the work in progress Before the opening to the public everyone has been invited to see the works being done by looking through the windows of Bund18. Bund18 and the Magda Danysz Gallery offer here a unique experience which made this work in progress experience really impressive. A street art panorama The LOOK THROUGH exhibition is showing together artists for different countries, different generations and using as many media and technics as it is possible to imagine. Curator Magda Danysz wanted to share the amazing and often underestimated variety that lays in the urban art movement. The show aimed at showing how rich Street Art is and why it can be considered as one of the most important artistic movement of the 21st century. From the pioneers of street-art such as Futura, international figures as JonOne and Poesia to the most promising young generation as Ludo, YZ, and Seth, LOOK THROUGH is a condensed anthology of the movement.

ANDRE 1971年出生于瑞典,现在巴黎工作和生活。 ANDRE十三岁时便开始在斯德哥尔摩街头创作街 头艺术,当时他正和父母住在一起。几年后,他 在巴黎设计创造了著名的A先生,一个用黑色钢 笔创作出来的长腿人物形象,它拥有一个超大的 微笑和一对不对称的眼睛。A先生迅速成为一个 知名人物形象,人们也称它“爱涂鸦”。ANDRE 的作品展览从巴黎到纽约,再到东京和柏林。他 在巴黎甚至拥有自己的艺术馆“东京宫”。多才 多艺的ANDRE于2005年在巴黎开了一家名为“Le Baron”的著名俱乐部。通过将街头艺术引入夜 店,他向人们展示了街头艺术发展的新方向。富 有诗意和愉悦的画风以及他对粉色的偏爱,使得 他的街头艺术作品呈现出一种新的视觉形象。 André was born in Sweden in 1971. He works and lives in Paris. André started street-art at the age of thirteen in the streets of Stockholm, where he lived with his parents. A few years later, in Paris, he creates his famous Mister A, the long black character with a large smile and his asymmetric eyes, drawn with a black pen. Mister A quickly becomes an international icon. Also known for his ‘Love graffiti’, André exhibits from Paris to New-York, Tokyo or Berlin. He even has his own space in the Parisian art museum Palais de Tokyo, the “BlackBlock”. Extremely versatile, André opens the famous club “Le Baron” in Paris in 2005. He gives a new direction to street-art by introducing it in night clubs. His poetic and joyfull style, his recurrent use of pink also contribute to this new vision of street art.

FUTURA 1955年出生于布鲁克林,现居纽约 在大多数人都沉迷于文字创作的时代,FUTURA是 少数专注于抽象作品的第一代的艺术家。身为抽 象涂鸦艺术的先驱,他独特的笔触立即受到各界 的关注。身为抽象主义的继承人,他的绘图风格 与Jackson Pollock相同。 Born in 1955 in Brooklyn, lives in New York. FUTURA is one of the most famous artists of the Street Art movement. He began painting at the age of 15 and has been involved in a great number of exhibitions since the 80s. As a heir of Abstract Expressionism, his painting has the same energy as Jackson Pollock.

Thomas CANTO 出生于1979年,现居里昂 Thomas Canto将他的愿景转化到环境之中,身 处混乱的城市,他利用抽象3D建筑线条来对抗科 技。Thomas Canto的创作是精密的工作,重点在 于图像的组成及对工具的掌控。

Born in 1979, lives and works in Lyon. Thomas Canto translated into painting his vision of his environment. To the mess of urban life, he opposes a technical and abstract vision of his 3D constructions. Thomas Canto produces a precise job, sharp, with an emphasis on the mastery of composition and working tool.

JONONE 1963年出生于美国纽约,现居巴黎 JonOne出生和成长在充满新兴涂鸦的纽约。80 年代他移居到了法国, John Andrew Perello 又称 JonOne,他的作品在欧洲巡回展出,成为巴黎的 涂鸦文化的核心人物。尽管如此,他一直植根于 纽约,丰富和促进了欧洲涂鸦文化的发展。追溯本 源,他仍继续创作更多的作品,并传播这种城市文 化。JonOne的抽象风格不同与其他的涂鸦艺术家, 他独特的书写方式也是他作为艺术家的天赋。他 的艺术风格独树一帜。2009年,出身于街头涂鸦的 他参加了巴黎卡地亚基金会展览。JohnOne的作 品已经遍布了米兰、上海、博洛尼亚、洛杉矶、 东京和纽约等城市。

Born in 1963 in NYC, lives in Paris. JonOne was born and raised in the burgeoning graffiti New York scene. When he moved to France in the 80s, John Andrew Perello, a.k.a JonOne, has shown all around Europe, becoming a key figure of the Parisian graffiti scene. Nonetheless, he kept strong roots in New York, enriched by this culture he has contributed to import to Europe. True to its origins, he continues to produce powerful works and spread this urban culture. JonOne differs with other graffiti artist in his abstract style, his unique calligraphy but also his talent as a colorist. He stands out with his style. In 2009, he was part of the Born in the Streets show at the Fondation Cartier in Paris. His works are shown from Milan to Shanghai via Paris, Bologna, Los Angeles, Tokyo or New York.

KATRE 出生于1977年,现居巴黎 1993年,当KATRE在巴黎学习艺术时就开始了他 的涂鸦创作。他非常热衷于在荒地和废弃空间创 作,他用自己的艺术硕士学位向巴黎莫利托游泳池 致敬,他继续有废弃地方的照片和爆炸性的文字图 片组合中创作。 Born in 1977, lives and works in Paris KATRE starts graffiti in Paris in 1993 while he studies Arts. Fan of wasteland and abandoned spaces, his master degrees in Art is dedicated to the Molitor swimming pool in Paris and then he continues to work on the mix of pictures of disused places and explosive letterings.

L ATLAS 1978年出生于法国,现居法国巴黎。 L ATLAS在90年代早期开始涂鸦创作。他非常热衷 于书法,曾在中东学习并很快形成了属于自己的艺 术风格。擅长运用对称和直线的特点,使他的作 品成为反射镜面光学效果的几何抽象艺术。

Born in 1978 in France lives and works in Paris, France. L ATLAS began to paint in the streets in the early 90s. He is passionate about calligraphy that he studied in Middle East and rapidly created his own writing. Symmetry and straight characteristic of the lines pushed him towards a reflection on geometric abstraction that is close to the optical art.

LUDO 出生于巴黎的郊区,现居巴黎 Ludo的作品(常被称为自然的复仇),连接着 由动植物构成的世界与现实世界中的的科技宇宙 及“追求现代主义”的思想。他的作品讲述了我 们周围的事物、影响我们的因素,并试图强调谦 卑的理念。插画中融入了对植物精细的描绘,艺 术家将杂交生物的概念融入他的创作,使其作品 优雅而有力。

Born in the suburbs of Paris, lives and works in Paris The work of Ludo, often called Nature’s Revenge, connects the world of plants and animals with our technological universe, which is often called the “quest for modernism”. It speaks about what surrounds us, what affects us and tries to highlight some kind of humility. Drawn with the precision of botanical illustrations, Ludo’s new order of hybrid organisms is elegant and fierce at the same time.

NASTY 1974年出生于巴黎,现居巴黎 Nasty于1988年开始进行涂鸦艺术创作,他在巴黎 地铁站的作品使他很快的就脱颖而出。从2000年 起,他一直都在巴黎地铁站创作,作品也成为城 市景观的重要部分。Nasty对于涂鸦艺术在巴黎推 动有很大的贡献。

Born in Paris in 1974, lives and works in Paris. Nasty begins graffiti in 1988 and quickly stands out with his impressive pieces on the Parisian metro. From 2000, he has been painting on the panels of the Parisian Metro, an essential element of urban landscape. Nasty contributes to the recognition of the movement in Paris in its early hours.

POESIA 1975年出生于旧金山,现居于旧金山 Poesia是自学成才的涂鸦艺术家,主要是90年代 早期在旧金山湾一代的作品而出名。他自称未来 派涂鸦艺术家,早期主要是粗矿的风格,渐渐的 演化成更抽象、更具概念性的涂鸦艺术。同时为 Transcend集团及未来涂鸦全球集团的成员。 Born in San Francisco 1975, lives and works in San Francisco Poesia is a self taught San Francisco Bay Area Artist predominantly known for his early 90>s graffiti murals throughout the San Francisco bay area. A self Proclaimed Graffuturist, recognized most for his early wild style pieces and later evolution into a more abstract and conceptual based Graffiti style. A member of the Transcend Collective, and Graffuturism global collective.

POPIL 1985年出生于广州, 现居上海。 POPIL是一位横跨多个领域的独立插画艺术家。她 处于中国年轻一代艺术家颠覆传统图案创作规范 的时代。作为一名艺术家,她拥有丰富全面的技 能,从素描到绘画数字设计、3 d绘图等等。掌握 这些技巧使她的作品逐渐影响到其他人,并且在 中国北部地区成为插画艺术的新标杆。她折衷的 艺术风格包含了各种各样的技巧,利用充满活力 的颜色来创建引人注目的设计和人物,包括她标 志性的女孩形象“莎莎”。 Born in 1985 Guangzhou, Popil lives in Shanghai. Popil is an independent cross-media illustrator. She belongs to this young generation of Chinese artists of which the graphic universe upsets the traditional codes of art in China. Her eclectic style encompasses a variety of techniques, utilizing vibrant colours to create eye-catching designs and characters including her iconic girl «Sha sha.” She has been entrusted with major projects from brands.

PSY 出生于1969年,现居巴黎。 自1984年以来,PSY就成为了涂鸦文化的骨干人 物。25年来,无论是在巴黎的地下墓穴还是在世 界各地城市的城墙,他都留下了充满力量和激情的 作品。从纽约到波多黎各到东京,他的作品足迹遍 布了世界各地。 Born in 1969, lives and works in Paris. Since 1984, PSY is a backbone of the graffiti culture in France. In the catacombs of Paris or on the walls of cities all around the world, he has been leaving his signature for 25 years with the same desire and an intact energy. From New York to Puerto Rico to Tokyo, he painted around the world.

SETH 1972年出生于巴黎,生活和创作的轨迹遍布全世 界 Julien <Seth> Malland是个多才多艺的旅行家, 他的作品总是反映了在他的经历和他热爱的流行 文化。他走过世界的各个角落,并与当地最有才华 的艺术家们分享他的艺术实验作品。 Born in Paris in 1972, lives and works worldwide. Julien <Seth> Malland is a multifaceted traveler whose work thrives on his experiences and his love for popular culture. He crosses the world and shares his artistic experiments with the most talented local artists.

SIU Born and raised in Nottingham, UK, in 1977 Siu has spent most of his adult life in Asia. Siu draws his inspiration from the city he resides focusing on the constant change between old Shanghai steeped in its traditions and heritage and the new Shanghai: aspirational and dynamic an ever-changing urban sprawl. His most recent work "rabbit holes" draws attention to the walls around shanghai but rather than create vast scenic views this time he invites the viewer to use their imagination of where these rabbit holes might lead.

TANC 1979年出生于法国巴黎,现居巴黎。 TANC关注于线条和遵循传统抽象的研究。他的作 品创作灵感最早来源于音乐的强度、音乐性和振 动。利用动作、力量和艺术家情绪等方式让观众 立即产生感性而直观的共鸣。

Born in 1979 in Paris, lives and works in Paris. TANC focuses his work on line and follows a formal abstract research. In the beginning, his work striked by their intensity, their musicality and by the vibration matters. The action, the energy, and the artist emotion touched the spectator in the most sensual way, intimate and immediate.

CHEN YANFEI 1978年出生。陈燕飞深受中国传统艺术的影响, 尤其是先秦和汉魏时期的艺术风格(公园前221年) 。通过临摹书法大师王羲之、王献之、米芾和蔡 襄的作品,他将自己先前所学的日式书法进行艺 术演变,最终形成了自己的书法风格。自此,他 将自我完全从传统的束缚中解脱出来。对于陈燕 飞而言,书法是点和线的完美融合,更是他对生 命本质的阐述。 Born in 1978. Chen Yanfei was immersed in this traditionnal art’s universe and studied the expressions of XianQin, Han and Wei’s times (until 221 before Christ). Through the works of great masters as Wang Xizhi, Wang Xianzhi, Mi Fu and Cai Xiang, he improved his knowledges before opening himself on the work of Japapnese calligraphers and finally finding his spiritual breath. Starting this moment he was able to free himself from the prestigious “tutelage” of his inspirations and from the classicism. For Chen Yanfei, calligraphy is a choreography of points and lines thanks to which he crystallizes the essence of life.

YZ 1975年出生于沙托鲁市,现居法国蒙特勒伊。 YZ因为她2003年的“张开双眼”系列作品而成 名。纸、木材、锌、中国水墨画是她作品核心内 容。YZ擅于抓住空间的构建和并与其建立关系。 在她的作品中,人物形象是她主要的创作风格。 Born in 1975 in Châteauroux, lives and works in Montreuil, France YZ («eyes») becomes famous in 2003, thanks to the «open your eyes» series. Paper, wood, zinc, chinese ink are at the hearth of her work. YZ seizes the space she builts and with which she forges a personal relation. Unquestionably, YZ’s work follows thematics whose human is the guiding line.



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