The Global Africa Project: Teacher Resource Packet

Page 53


Transforming Traditions

• Take some time to examine this image. What colors do you notice? • What shapes do you see? • What patterns do you recognize? • What type of object is it? • What could it be used for? • What is it made of? • How do you think the artist/s made this object? • Take a look at some of the individual fabric pieces and imagine what type of garment they might come from. Who might have been wearing it? This quilt was made by members of the Siddi community in Southern India, descendants of early immigrants from Africa and African slaves brought to India by the Portuguese as early as the 16th Century. While they have assimilated into Indian culture in many ways, Siddis have also retained and transformed African traditions, most notably the patchwork quilts known as kawandi. Used as mattresses and blankets, they are made by women for their children and grandchildren from used fabric gathered from friends and family. • Describe the overall design, the composition of different colors, etc. Do you notice any particular pattern or type of fabric appearing in more than one place? • Why do you think the artist/s chose this overall design? The individual patches are sewn on top of a cotton sari, which serves as backing for the quilt. “Starting at one corner of the sari, they begin to work their way around, fixing the patches with a running back stitch that eventually covers the entire quilt, both patchwork top and sari bottom. The stitches exhibit a distinctive rhythm that is part of the ‘visual signature’ of the artist along with the colors, sizes, shapes, and designs of the cloth patches. Some women incorporate parts of garments such as the neckline of a child’s blouse or the part of a shirt with buttons still attached.” Art historian Henry John Drewal notes that “Siddi quilts are highly individualistic, yet quilters share many clear and precise opinions about quality, beauty, and the need to “finish properly” the corners with triangular patches called phulas, or flowers.”53 • Why do you think Siddi quilters use materials from worn-out, used clothing for the quilts? • Is this quilt in any way like something you own? Please explain.


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