Mabuhay Magazine, July 2012

Page 30

IN THE NEWS Best of the Best


Most Summer Olympic Medals


Greatest Olympic Stadium

Olympic Athletes with the Most Gold Medals

tOp 10 nAtiOns with mOst sUmmeR Olympic medAls

Olympic Athletes with the mOst GOld medAls

the wORld’s GReAtest Olympic stAdiUms

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

1. 2.


UsA United kinGdOm FRAnce itAly sweden hUnGARy GeRmAny AUstRAliA JApAn FinlAnd


michAel phelps (swimminG) – UsA RAymOnd ewRy (tRAck And Field) – UsA 3. mARk spitz (swimminG) – UsA 4. cARl lewis (tRAck And Field) – UsA 5. pAAvO nURmi (tRAck And Field) – FinlAnd 6. lARissA lAtyninA (GymnAstics) – sOviet UniOn 7. Jenny thOmpsOn (swimminG) – UsA 8. BJORn dAehlie (cROss-cOUntRy skiinG) – nORwAy 9. mAtt BiOndi (swimminG) – UsA 10. BiRGit FischeR (kAyAkinG) – GeRmAny


BeiJinG nAtiOnAl stAdiUm, BeiJinG, chinA 2. wemBley stAdiUm, lOndOn, United kinGdOm 3. BeRlin OlympiAstAdiOn, BeRlin, GeRmAny 4. Olympic stAdiUm, “spiROs lOUis,” Athens, GReece 5. OlympiAstAdiOn, mUnich, GeRmAny 6. estAdiO OlimpicO UniveRsitARiO, mexicO city, mexicO 7. estAdi Olimpic de mOntJUic, BARcelOnA, spAin 8. stAdiUm AUstRAliA, sydney, AUstRAliA 9. lUzhniki stAdiUm, mOscOw, RUssiA 10. lOs AnGeles memORiAl cOliseUm, lOs AnGeles, UsA


out there that know and revere him.” No actor has yet been cast for the role of Steve Jobs, but Sorkin said that whoever plays Jobs “is going to have to be a very good actor.”

plAstic-eAtinG FUnGUs The notoriously non-biodegradable plastic waste may have met its match. A group of students and professors from Yale University discovered a strain of fungus in the Amazon Forest that feasts on polyurethane, the polymer that makes up the common plastic. The fungus can survive on polyurethane alone and even without oxygen.

it’s A BiRd, it’s A plAne, it’s…A cAR? The first fully integrated flying car with retractable wings was unveiled in the recent New York International Auto Show. The vehicle, which is the first to have met both the standards of the Federal Aviation Administration and the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, will sell for approximately US$279,000 (£176,300).

28 I Mabuhay Magazine I July 2012

steve JOBs the mOvie? Screenwriter Aaron Sorkin, who wrote the Oscar-winning film The Social Network, is planning to write Steve Job’s biopic. “It’s a little like writing about The Beatles,” Sorkin said. “There are so many people

nOt QUite the end OF the wORld Popular belief has it that as the Mayan calendar ends this year, so does the world. However, a recent excavation in Guatemala led by Mayanist scholar William Saturno discovered that the world is not ending in December 2012 after all. Glyphs on cave walls show Mayan calendars that go way beyond 2012.

zUckeRBeRG RicheR thAn eveR Facebook’s initial public offering has made 28-year-old billionaire Mark Zuckerberg the 29th richest person on earth. The social networking giant sold 421.2 million shares for $38 each. At that price, the 503.6 million shares and options Zuckerberg owns are valued at $19.1 billion, making him richer than the Google Inc. founders.

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